
flocculantochosi: that - or there's a delay in gtk2 we don't need :)06:15
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 17.10 - i386 - i386 built.08:20
=== xpkill25 is now known as xpkill24
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
flocculantknome: small change to release announcement 18:48
flocculantlogging out is hanging though - better than not being able to login though :)18:48
knomeflocculant, did you get to do it?20:41
knomeok, good20:42
flocculantnot doing anything to either now - unless something appears to put on release note20:47
=== Justanick1 is now known as Justanick
=== elky is now known as el
bluesabreevening all21:50
knomehello bluesabre 22:01
bluesabrehello knome22:01
bluesabrehow's it going?22:01

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