
mybalzitchwhy are virtio network drivers under 4.10.0-37 seemingly so unstable02:29
mybalzitchI run into issues with heavy nfs/tcp traffic and the interface seems to hang/become unusable02:32
cpaelzergood morning05:42
Thumpxrmorning. as far as i know, 17.10 should be online now, but why cant i seem to get the update ?06:14
andolThumpxr: Why would you expect it to be fully online now? I haven't seen any announcements.06:15
lordievaderGood morning06:16
Thumpxrandol oh lol, i somehow went to 16.10 dir and didnt realized it ._.06:18
andolAh :)06:22
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dduvnjakUsed this to fix a long boot time on Ubuntu Xenial (on AWS): https://askubuntu.com/a/89743212:21
dduvnjakIt worked for a few days, but now apt-daily.service started getting executed at boot again. Here's the `systemd-analyze blame` output: https://pastebin.com/zLBQZSm912:22
dduvnjakNot sure how that's possible with `OnBootSec=15min` in the timer config. Could it be that a dependent service is kicking it off?12:23
TJ-dduvnjak: what does the critical-chain report show ?13:05
dduvnjakTJ-: https://pastebin.com/wGqv8Bjj13:11
kirklandjbicha: hi, I'm just seeing your message about f6 killing byobu/irc13:13
TJ-dduvnjak: from that the apt.daily isn't holding things up, so it'll be running in parallel as I thought. It shows cloud-init-local.service taking 7.8 secs13:14
dduvnjakTJ-: It's not slowing anything up, but it's causing issues with provisioning scripts which run at boot since it's locking /var/lib/dpkg/lock (which is another issue). It should be running 15 mins after boot, but somehow it's not. Is it possible that apt-daily-upgrade.service is launching it?13:16
TJ-dduvnjak: oh, I see! sorry, from you showing timings I thought that was your issue13:16
TJ-dduvnjak: there's away to check what causes a service to start... now what the heck is it!?!13:17
dduvnjakthere were two issues actually :) boot time and dpkg lock13:17
dduvnjakIs that a trick question? :D13:19
TJ-I was hoping someone would tell us and save me hurting my brain trying to find it!13:19
dduvnjak`journalctl -u apt-daily-upgrade.service` doesn't say anything useful13:25
TJ-indeed. I've seen something like the critical-chain output but showing what caused a service to start.13:26
dduvnjakI'll try to analyze the SVG plot output13:27
dduvnjakLooks like it was launched by cloud-init: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bifyio036ia208t/Screenshot%202017-10-19%2015.30.55.png?dl=013:31
joeliocloud-init will do an apt-get update which will lock dpkg?13:38
joelioI've had to add sleeps before for that13:38
kirklandjbicha: I can't reproduce;  I just used F6 to detach, and reattach, 30x times, no problem13:39
TJ-dduvnjak: does "systemctl list-dependencies [--before | --after ] apt-daily.service" help (try both options)13:41
jbichakirkland: thanks. If I get annoyed enough, I'll try to reproduce with a more pristine environment13:42
joelioboottime might be that update process (could also be waiting for entropy for keys, but pollinate usually speeds that up)13:42
dduvnjakTJ-: Thanks. It looks like it might be a dependency of apt-daily-upgrade.service: https://pastebin.com/RQ2veAR9 Will try to set a timer on that one also to see what happens.14:18
TJ-dduvnjak: according to the systemd folks there isn't a way to identify what actually triggered the tart of the specific instance, only to show the dependencies as written in the unit/target/wants14:19
dduvnjakah ok14:20
dduvnjakThanks for your help. I have a feeling cloud-init kicked it off, even though user-data is specifically set to disable running upgrades on boot. I must have missed something.14:21
TJ-it does get mind-boggling doesn't it?14:22
dduvnjakto say the least :D14:26
joeliothere's some default stuff in /var/lib/cloud... iirc14:28
maxagazwhat is the dpkg-reconfigure command to reconfigure my messy network ?15:37
maxagazI thought it was dpkg-reconfigure network-manager but it's not installed15:38
maxagazdpkg-reconfigure --all doesn't work either anymore15:38
Jenshaeapt-offline supported by Ubuntu-server?15:39
JenshaeOne trick I had with network problems was to boot a live USB, download the packages I needed on the same machine then move those packages to the local drive, boot the drive and install them there.15:40
naccJenshae: not sure why server matters to apt-offline?15:45
naccJenshae: it's available inn ubuntu15:45
Jenshaenacc: Thinking that if maxagaz has lost net with broken network-manager that he can use apt-offline to pull across the packages that he needs from another machine to fix it.15:47
naccmaxagaz: "messy network"?15:48
maxagazmy server is in a vbox15:48
JenshaeLaters o715:57
Aisonhello, what is the root password of the mysql server after installation?!? There is no prompt on apt-get install mysql-server17:08
naccAison: what version of ubuntu?17:12
Aisonnacc, zesty17:14
naccAison: just tested it and it definitely prompted me17:21
naccAison: do you perhaps have some settings that are making it noninteractive?17:21
AisonI don't think so. eg. phpmyadmin installation is interactive17:22
AisonI completely remove now and try again...17:24
naccAison: dunno, perhaps you already had it insntalled?17:25
Aisonnow it works, really strange, hmmm17:25
AisonI guess there was already a database installed17:27
Aisonnot mysql itself, but the databases (maybe because of a previous unclean removal)17:28
nacccould be17:29
* Olanzapin is away -( bbl )- at 12:56a -( P:On / L:On )-22:56

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