[12:17] o/ [12:19] Hey nzoueidi o/ [12:19] how are you rhabbachi [12:19] I'm good! [12:19] You nzoueidi? [12:20] Glad! :D I am fine too [12:42] Happy to hear that [12:49] Thanks /D [12:49] :D [12:53] o/ [12:54] elacheche: wassup :D [12:58] good, u? [13:00] Folks! So, as almost everybody is around, I'd like to share with you what I should work on duringthis weekend.. [13:01] 1. Prepare the re-verification for our team.. I'll need your help in this with some ideas I have, I'll share the 1st draft of the re-verification here and on the ml soon, last time LP/SSO/Wiki were down, couldn't do it.. [13:03] 2.subscribe Utn for the SFD as usual, and share the info on the ML, the main goal is to have a RELEASE PARTY workshop, I have a talk in my mind to present, need spare time to work on the draft idea, and see if anyone else is willing to do a workshop/prez as a Ubuntu-tn member [13:05] for #1, I'll share the draft, and call for an irc meeting, that should be preceded by a list of ideas from the ML about future of the team.. [13:05] And to be honest, I think that I am doing a bad job as the loco contact and MC member, and it's time for some fresh blood and fresh minds.. [13:39] Good as well. [13:40] Nope you are doing a really great job. u-tn just need some new ideas and it will shine again :) [13:41] I'm not feeling it.. For real.. But yeah, we need new ideas, but we need engaged people to work on those ideas as well.. [13:42] And that's a worldwide issue in the Ubuntu community.. Ubuntu communities are not Dev communities.. So, people are not that engaged :/ Not like other distos communities [13:42] :/ [13:44] Yes, well I have some several ideas we will discuss them during the IRC meeting, otherwise our main problem is that there is no newcomers here, there is not fresh blood guys/gals wanna involve in.. [13:44] s/not/no [13:44] Yep.. And we're getting older, busier every year :/ [13:45] Yep :/ I really hope I can make it and be there during the SFD [13:47] No! SFD can't be the same if you're not there! :'( [13:50] By coincidence, the same date as the day of SFD, we had an urgent upgrade for a big important client.. He want to do this out of hours of his working. The date was scheduled and fixed the 05 November.. :/ [13:51] Either I do it quickly and go then to Sousse, or I try to fix another date which is basically impossible :( [13:52] Wait, SFD is 19 November!! :D [13:52] aww \o/ [13:53] * nzoueidi is going to be crazy [13:54] :D :D :D [13:54] \o/ [13:54] haha now for almost 3 days, I was convincing myself that the date of SFD and the migration day are the same date x) [13:55] hahaha :D [15:28] :D [15:44] Yo rhabbachi :) [15:44] Sup elacheche o/ [15:45] Good, u? [15:48] Doing good thx, Hopefully we can meet during the SDF and talk more. We are facing those same type of problems in the Tunisian Drupal community as well. [16:03] rhabbachi: Sure! I'll adopt any idea that can work to get rid of that issue [16:06] btw, afaik, all new members of the CC are aware of that issue, and we'll be discussing it with LC.. [19:18] o/