[09:48] morning all [09:56] morning bluesabre [09:56] morning slickymasterWork [16:20] * pleia2 climbs out from under a rock [16:20] knome: shall we release post? [16:49] Guys, what program manages ~/.config/menus/applications-merged/ [16:51] I'm trying to find the bug that causes spaces to be interpretted as new directories https://imgur.com/a/qCpVK [16:52] pleia2: yes [16:52] ish [16:54] o/ flocculant [16:55] no wait. fuck. It's right there in the image I posted [16:56] pleia2: done x.org and facebook [16:56] flocculant https://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/ also [16:57] Managor, please be careful with the language used [16:58] wordpress is hanging on me [16:58] as long as it doesn't hang you :P [16:58] Ummmm... Sorry. It's too commonplace for me to use that sort of language that I don't even think about it [16:58] flocculant: thanks, tweeted [16:59] pleia2, don't forget G+ [16:59] I always forget G+ [16:59] please [16:59] :) [17:00] omg i Hate this ... [17:00] lol [17:02] And don't forget to update https://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/ too then please. :P [17:03] flocculant is fighting it, krytarik [17:04] Good cause. :P [17:04] given up [17:04] hahahaha [17:05] this stuff show be documented [17:05] s/show/should [17:05] * slickymasterWork hides [17:06] they changed G+ since I last logged in, haha, but I finally got it posted ;) [17:06] \o/ [17:06] apparently our wordpress stuff is easier since things got changed ... [17:07] knome can fiddle with the getxubuntu page - and then document it properly :) [17:08] * pleia2 nods [17:08] it's supposed to be mostly automatic, much magic [17:09] mmm [17:09] I think the magic stick's in one head :p [20:10] made a bugreport to desktop-file-utils about the folder bug [21:03] knome: I updated getxubuntu to mostly point to 17.10 - no idea what foo we're supposed to do to get torrents working [21:09] I assume that [torrents release=17-10] isn't set somewhere, cos [mirrors release=17-10] works ok [21:21] knome: currently just got direct torrent links there - needs that [torrents release=17.10] sorting, but at least our people can get them simply [21:43] \o/ happy release day everyone [21:47] :D [21:47] Happy happy release ochosi :) [21:49] knome, pleia2: marketing op... https://twitter.com/BigDaddyLinux/status/921067689069699073 [21:51] bluesabre: nice, are you going to do it? :) [21:51] pleia2: need to think on it [21:52] Pretty sure there's is video format, and I don't have a great track record there :) [21:55] it does seem to be a video podcast ;) [21:56] I'd volunteer, but I've been a bit MIA this release and have no idea what's going on \o/