
elopio1snappy-m-o autopkgtest 1630 ubuntu:xenial:integration00:30
snappy-m-oComputer says nooo. See logs for details:00:30
snappy-m-o Command '['/tmp/tmp5u8uatg8/retry_autopkgtest.sh', '1630', 'ubuntu:xenial:integration']' returned non-zero exit status 100:30
elopio1snappy-m-o autopkgtest 1630 xenial:amd64:integration00:30
snappy-m-oelopio1: I've just triggered your test.00:30
=== CodeMouse92 is now known as CodeMouse92__
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|zzz
zyga-ubuntugood morning07:06
=== JanC is now known as Guest77018
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
mupPR snapd#4060 opened: interfaces: clean system apparmor cache on core device <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4060>07:24
mvoChipaca: hey, good morning. how are you? a quick question, currently if you ddo "snap install foo; snap refresh --edge foo; snap revert foo" afterwards you have foo from stable but you still track edge. I was wondering if that is something that users expect, i.e. if we violate the principle of least surprise here07:25
Chipacamvo: I don't know. Maybe?07:28
Chipacamvo: but mostly, no07:35
Chipacamvo: "snap refresh --channel foo bar" is two operations: "snap switch --channel foo bar && snap refresh bar"07:36
Chipacamvo: snap revert just blacklists current and goes back to the previous revision, it does nothing around switch07:36
Chipacamvo: if you're on stable and "snap refresh --beta bar" and beta has the same revision as stable, you're saying a user would expect snap revert to .... what?07:38
Chipacamvo: mostly, if their mental model is wrong, we need to see why and address that; i think revert's behaviour is relatively well defined07:39
Chipaca(relatively being about flags that should be per revision but aren't)07:39
mvoChipaca: thanks, thats fine, was mostly wondering07:45
Chipacawrt how to fix that, we could make revert comment07:45
Chipacanot sure we currently have enough info to do so, but we could07:46
Chipacasomething like “reverted ‘foo’ to rev 232 (in channel stable), but still tracking beta”07:47
Chipacanot sure that wording in particular helps, but something like that?07:47
mvoChipaca: aha, nice, I think that that would be a nice improvement07:47
ChipacaI suddenly have polkit-enabled snapd and it's magic07:50
* Chipaca hugs jamesh 07:50
jameshChipaca: there's still more work to do, but the parts landed in 2.28 are probably most noticeable07:52
Chipacamvo: we _do_ have the info to output that message07:53
Chipacajamesh: is there / should there be a way for it to cache my password though?07:54
Chipacaah, it is07:54
Chipacajust per op07:54
mvoChipaca: we show we reverted to what version but we don't show any channel info afaict07:54
Chipacaah no it isn't07:55
Chipacathe flow for login is weird07:55
Chipacait asks for the passwords in the reverse order than before07:55
Chipacamvo: correct07:55
Chipacamvo: but we do store the channel from which we got each revision07:55
jameshChipaca: the policy is controlled by /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/io.snapcraft.snapd.policy plus and pkla files that modify the policy07:55
jameshChipaca: the policy should be auth_admin_keep for active users, so I'm not sure why that isn't happening07:56
Chipacajamesh: “Operator of unix-session:c4 successfully authenticated as unix-user:john to gain TEMPORARY authorization for action io.snapcraft.snapd.login for unix-process:31007:75416645 [snap login jlenton@gmail.com] (owned by unix-user:john)” says the log07:57
jameshChipaca: the intent of the policy is to let an active user (i.e. logged in locally and without the screen locked) retain authorization, and require others to enter password every time07:59
jameshI'm not sure why that isn't working07:59
Chipacajamesh: is that just not working for me, or do you also see it?07:59
jameshChipaca: it seems to ask every time for me too.08:00
jameshsomething to investigate, sure.08:00
mupPR snapd#4061 opened: daemon, store: forward SSO invalid credentials errors as 401 Unauthorized responses <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4061>08:30
=== morphis_ is now known as morphis
* kalikiana coffee break09:07
cjwatsonsergiusens: can you elaborate on your comment that it can still be a stretch goal?  I don't see how we can do this without 2/3 bilingual parser code, and making all of snapcraft 2/3 bilingual sounds like considerably more work than splitting out the parser bits ...09:26
cjwatson(I don't want to dictate exactly how you do it, just making our reqs clear)09:27
mupBug #1725208 opened: missing interface to exec cc <snapd-interface> <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1725208>09:36
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== LarreaMikel1 is now known as LarreaMikel
mupPR snapd#4062 opened: cmd/snap: warn when a snap is not from the tracking channel <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4062>10:06
Chipacamvo: ^10:06
jjohansenmvo: sorry, for the delay I was looking for the patch I had started years ago to do the profile hashing for cache consistency, it wasn't were I thought it was so it took me a while to find it10:11
jjohansenIt looks like its 80-90% done but doesn't apply cleanly against the current tree10:11
mvoChipaca: nice!10:12
mvojjohansen: can I help in some way?10:13
* zyga-ubuntu -> afk, need a coffee10:13
mvojjohansen: thanks for getting back to me :)10:13
jjohansenI'll refresh it, and poke at it a little more, at a minimum I'll kick it over to you, but I might play with it this weekend10:13
mvozyga-ubuntu: for when you are back, is it just me or are the gnome-shell extension not really working? I tried to add a clock with times from different timezones and nothing works and its all dubious :/10:14
mvojjohansen: great, thanks!10:14
jjohansenmvo: so basically, yeah fast hashes are good enough, just hashing the timestamp would be a little faster, and might be sufficient10:15
mvojjohansen: great! there is no real rush, so I'm happy to wait until after the weekend. but I would really like to get this upstream fixed to avoid that we run into this again in 1-2y when we change something structual again :)10:16
mvojjohansen: and I'm happy to help, just to be clear.10:16
jjohansenI like help :)10:16
zyga-ubuntumvo: could be just lost in transition, I switched to my phone for stuff like that10:18
mvozyga-ubuntu: aha, ok. yeah, the whole extensions story feels very weak, none of the ones I tried worked10:20
zyga-ubuntumvo: I tried one that did work just now but it was ugly10:20
mvozyga-ubuntu: and its super obscure how to add/manage them, apparently via the browser and a local service10:20
mvozyga-ubuntu: which one was it?10:20
zyga-ubuntuhttps://extensions.gnome.org/extension/605/multiclock/ this one10:21
zyga-ubuntubut now that I try again I get an error10:21
mvozyga-ubuntu: aha, this works indeed10:22
mvozyga-ubuntu: anyway, not important10:24
mvozyga-ubuntu: just annoying, I really liked my unity clock that told me what time .br .us etc have10:25
zyga-ubuntumvo: yeah, I was using it too10:25
zyga-ubuntumvo: as I said I switched to my phone for that, more consistency in features and more longevity10:25
* mvo nods10:26
* mvo nods sadly10:26
Chipaca"oh boo hoo i cut myself on the bleeding edge with the big warning and the flashing lights"10:29
* Chipaca grins evily10:29
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: and the sign said "fewer features, come right in"10:30
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: did the spinning blades around the entrance not give you a hint?10:32
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: the conveyor belt was fused in the "fast forward" mode so like everyone else, I flew right in10:38
ogra_zyga-ubuntu, you get that wrong, the "fewer features" thing is a new feature ;)10:40
Chipacaubunteros have been complaining about losing features since 6.06 at least10:42
* Chipaca included10:42
* zyga-ubuntu is sorry about this and gets back to work10:44
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: sounds about right10:45
=== morphis__ is now known as morphis
zyga-ubuntumvo: niemeyer suggested I work with sergio on centralied package installation, do you know where that lives?11:29
mvozyga-ubuntu: I get lunch now, but we can talk about this afterwards. its in prepare.sh I would assume11:31
zyga-ubuntumvo: thank you, enjoy your lunch :)11:32
zyga-ubuntucachio: hey :)11:35
zyga-ubuntucachio: I just asked about something :)11:35
zyga-ubuntu13:29 < zyga-ubuntu> mvo: niemeyer suggested I work with sergio on centralied package installation, do you know where that lives?11:35
cachiozyga-ubuntu, hey11:35
cachiozyga-ubuntu, yes, on minute11:35
* ogra_ notes that #3958 starts to have more traffic than most mailing lists he is subscribed to :P11:36
mupPR #3958: many: add support for /home on NFS <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3958>11:36
cachiozyga-ubuntu, https://github.com/snapcore/spread-images/pull/911:36
mupPR spread-images#9: Install dependencies on the images <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/spread-images/pull/9>11:36
zyga-ubuntucachio: so this will take over the regular installation logic?11:37
Chipacado we have the 'debug build' feature enabled in our travis?11:37
zyga-ubuntucachio: can you please add nfs-kernel-server there11:37
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: what does that feature do, out of curiosity?11:37
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: lets us ssh into it11:38
cachiozyga-ubuntu, sure11:38
zyga-ubuntucachio: thank you :-)11:38
cachiozyga-ubuntu, we are not currently installing nfs-kernel-server11:45
cachioshould I install it just in ubuntu?11:47
zyga-ubuntucachio: yes, that will be fine, thank you11:59
zyga-ubuntuogra_: indeed, that PR has exactly 100 comments now :)11:59
ogra_so crazy12:00
zyga-ubuntuogra_: review it, you will get 101th comment12:00
cachiozyga-ubuntu, the test on linode failed, I am rexecuting12:29
cachioonce it passes I'll push the change12:29
zyga-ubuntucachio: thank you12:39
cachiozyga-ubuntu, change added12:56
* kalikiana break13:01
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
sergiusensgood morning!13:21
sergiusenscjwatson let me rephrase privately13:22
zyga-ubuntuhey sergiusens13:22
sergiusenszyga-ubuntu how is it going?13:49
* sergiusens is procrastinating on presentations he needs to get done13:49
zyga-ubuntusergiusens: working on layous and new mount features13:50
zyga-ubuntusergiusens: sleepy morning, dind't sleep well but now it's good (feels like 10AM now :)13:50
sergiusenszyga-ubuntu and yet you are almost EOD :-P13:51
zyga-ubuntuno no, I'll stay now13:51
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: I ran into a issue sometimes, can you have a look at this and tell me if it rings any bells13:51
zyga-ubuntuI'll debug, just want to see if you've seen it13:51
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, wow, i've never seen this kind of issue13:52
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: thanks, maybe it's an impact of my work :/13:54
zyga-ubuntuqemu:ubuntu-16.04-64 .../tests/main/interfaces-hooks# cat /var/lib/snapd/mount/snap.basic-iface-hooks-consumer.fstab13:58
zyga-ubuntu/snap/basic-iface-hooks-producer/x1/etc /snap/basic-iface-hooks-consumer/x1/initialtarget none bind,ro 0 013:58
mupIssue snapcraft#1437 closed: cross-compile i386 kernel <designed> <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1437>13:59
mupPR snapcraft#1613 closed: cross compilation: enable cross compilation of i386 kernel on x86-64 … <Created by piso77> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1613>13:59
zyga-ubuntuqemu:ubuntu-16.04-64 .../tests/main/interfaces-hooks# ls -ld /snap/basic-iface-hooks-producer/x1/etc13:59
zyga-ubuntuls: cannot access '/snap/basic-iface-hooks-producer/x1/etc': No such file or directory13:59
zyga-ubuntuqemu:ubuntu-16.04-64 .../tests/main/interfaces-hooks# ls -ld /snap/basic-iface-hooks-consumer/x1/initialtarget13:59
zyga-ubuntuls: cannot access '/snap/basic-iface-hooks-consumer/x1/initialtarget': No such file or directory13:59
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: so now those get created13:59
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: did you mean for basic-iface-hooks-producer/ to have an $SNAP/etc directory?14:00
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, let me check, i need to refresh my memory14:01
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: it's specified in snap.yaml but not in the tree14:01
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: maybe it needed a fake file to keep the directory around?14:01
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, ok. the test doesn't are about what's in the filesystem. it just cares about reading the attributes of interface14:05
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: ok, I'll probably tweak the test to contain more realistic content interface use14:06
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, can be any other interface if you can find one that has attributes and can be used instead in the test, although afair i had some issues with that and found out that content interface could be "abused" for this test14:06
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: well, you could use the network interface14:08
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: and then add any set of attributes inside14:08
zyga-ubuntu(or any other simple interface)14:09
zyga-ubuntuah wait, you need the pair14:09
=== JoshStrobl|zzz is now known as JoshStrobl
elopio1sergiusens: kyrofa kalikiana here is my task breakdown: http://pad.ubuntu.com/snapcraft-18-04-elopio14:30
* zyga-ubuntu -> lunch14:35
mupPR snapd#4063 opened: tests: add new kernel refresh/revert test for spread-cron <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4063>14:39
mupPR snapd#4058 closed: interfaces: reduce duplicated code in interface tests mocks <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4058>14:43
zyga-ubuntumvo: hey, can you look at https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-xenial-snappy-dev-image/xenial/amd64/s/snapd/20171020_131659_7c6aa@/log.gz14:59
zyga-ubuntumvo: one test failed there14:59
mvozyga-ubuntu: sanity timeout expired: Interrupted system call15:00
zyga-ubuntumvo: this says that snap-confine held a lock for more than 3 seconds15:00
zyga-ubuntumvo: (we have a sigalrm being sent to us)15:00
mvozyga-ubuntu: is it just a very slow vm? can we try 12s?15:00
zyga-ubuntumvo: I'd rather not change that amount yet, I just want to raise this in case there's something funny going on and we break in some D state in the kernel15:00
zyga-ubuntumvo: I'll monitor tests for this15:01
mvozyga-ubuntu: fair enough15:01
zyga-ubuntumvo: it could be a slow VM but we usually grab this lock for tiny fractions of a second15:01
mvozyga-ubuntu: is it in all tests? i have seen it before I think but not consistently15:03
zyga-ubuntumvo: no, I just saw it now for the first time15:12
* zyga-ubuntu -> fetch water15:16
zyga-ubuntuI go to fetch some water into canisters15:36
zyga-ubuntujust to find they finished repairs and it's back on :)15:36
* zyga-ubuntu breaks, I'll ran into one problem and I need to think about it15:49
mupPR snapd#4064 opened: tests: new test for hardware-random-control interface <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4064>15:50
niemeyermvo: The container based travis is flowing16:00
niemeyermvo: For awareness, there were two different issues.. using the C language meant the checkout from git was done differently and paths didn't match anymore ($GOPATH semantics was gone).. then, the removal of the install section meant Travis cooked up a default install section for us while trying to help, but that broke things out as well16:02
niemeyermvo: I'll write those notes in the forum so we don't lose it16:02
niemeyerWill just wait for tests to pass16:02
mupPR snapd#3960 closed: travis: switch to container based test runs <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3960>16:19
niemeyermvo: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/ci-on-travis-now-using-containers/254716:19
mvoniemeyer: nice, thanks for handling this17:07
niemeyermvo: My pleasure, let's see if that kills the delays we've been observing17:15
bashfulrobotAre questions better in here, or in rocketchat?17:25
kyrofabashfulrobot, here nowadays17:26
bashfulrobotok, great.17:26
kyrofaMan, I do not know The Twitter. I never remember to make sure NOT to start a non-reply with a @17:27
bashfulrobotsoooo.... for 18.04 I would really like tio use snaps for applets in Ubuntu Budgie. Now with V11 in dev, but no ETA, we are staying open at this point if it will be V10 vs V11. But with V10, applets have to reside in a certain folder location. Do snaps at this point have a mechanism to accomplish this? I know with confimenemtn, etc, this goes COMPLETELY against what snaps are...17:28
popeyogra_: have you attempted to get your nwjs snap working strictly? https://github.com/ogra1/nwjs17:29
kyrofabashfulrobot, well, what ARE applets for budgie?17:35
bashfulrobotEssentially plugins and added features for teh Budgie Desktop.17:36
kyrofabashfulrobot, so, like, .so ?17:36
bashfulrobotusually added to the panels, etc.17:36
bashfulrobotThey can be written (currently) in vala, pythin and c++17:36
naccare they themselves applications?17:37
nacc(things that run)17:37
bashfulrobotThey do not17:37
bashfulrobotrun on their own.17:37
kyrofabashfulrobot, i.e. you wouldn't declare any `apps` for them?17:38
bashfulrobotkyrofa - they have to be run and written in a certain way to be consumed by the desktop17:38
kyrofaIn that case, they aren't technically confined at all17:38
nacckyrofa is probably a better expert here, then, but why is a snap a good idea for that?17:39
bashfulrobotnacc The idea is to make it easier for 3rd party people to package. Auto update. Solus in theory could take advantage of them too. We also try to push our core applets into Debian, so that requirement is moot in snaps.17:40
naccbashfulrobot: i understand all that, but it does't sound like what you are packaging is actually a snap :)17:41
nacc(or at leasta  confined application in a snap)17:41
bashfulrobotNow you could be compeltely correct and maybe a snap is not the proper mechanism for this. But for the above reasons it "seemed" like it could be a good option (unless there is a reason technically to not do this).17:42
bashfulrobotnacc - this is true17:42
bashfulrobotIt is kind of an odd edge case17:42
bashfulrobotI guess more so trying to use it as a delivery mechanism.17:42
naccbashfulrobot: i'm curious what kyrofa things -- i have wondered how 'glue' fits into snaps myself. Things that are consumed by other applications. Perhaps what you want is to be a part?17:42
kyrofaConfinement is really only one aspect of snaps. There are a lot more, too17:43
bashfulrobotAnd as mentioned - I very well may be barking up the wrong tree where.17:43
kyrofaBundling, updates, kind of the generic delivery method17:43
bashfulrobotBut wanted to validate and see what the snap ecosystem thought of this.17:44
kyrofabashfulrobot, nah, I hear where you're coming from, but I'll admit it's a bit unconventional17:44
kyrofabashfulrobot, let's think this through17:44
bashfulrobotkryofa for sure. Has this type of thing come up before in discussion/17:44
kyrofaNot in my experience, but I'm hardly the only snap dev17:45
bashfulrobotah ha for sure17:45
kyrofaSo: you have a specific directory where "things" need to be. What are those things? How are they called into?17:45
kyrofae.g. does each applet have a single entry point?17:45
bashfulrobotdisclosure... I am more of the packager, and not so much a developer of these applets. so I have to be cautious of what I say here so as to not stick my foot up my arse.17:46
kyrofabashfulrobot, haha, everyone is an expert relative to their colleagues. In this room, I suspect you're the expert ;)17:47
bashfulrobotwell a foot up the arse is uncomfortable either way. :-p17:47
kyrofaYeah that sorta sucks17:47
kyrofabashfulrobot, we can start on the other end of the discussion, and I can list possibilities17:48
bashfulrobotawesome. I'm just reviewing a few applets here to be clear on myanswer for your question.17:49
kyrofaSo: snaps are a single squashfs image, as you know. They get mounted into e.g. /snap/snapname/version17:49
kyrofaA snap containing an applet would contain the applet itself as well as any of its dependencies17:50
kyrofaFirst question: would budgie itself be one of those dependencies?17:51
kyrofaIgnoring that question, I'll continue17:51
kyrofaHaving applets in /snap isn't useful. You need some way to get the applets into the "applet dir" what is that, in /var somewhere?17:52
bashfulrobotWell budgie itself is needed, but is not a snap.17:52
kyrofaWhat if you made a symlink back to the applet in the snap?17:52
bashfulrobotThat was a thought I had. But was concerned that it was a bit of tom folery and hacky.17:53
kyrofaSince you'd be using the snap solely as a delivery method, it's really just a lump of libs and assets17:53
bashfulrobotexactly that17:53
kyrofaYou'd need to set up the LD_LIBRARY_PATH such that those things are found17:53
kyrofaIt could also use the budgie on the system if you strip it out of the applet snaps17:54
bashfulrobotthat is hte way it would need ot be today.17:54
kyrofaYeah, I think you could make this happen. It does sound a bit hacky17:55
bashfulrobotkyrofa - also to loop back to an earlier question...17:55
bashfulrobotThat you had17:56
bashfulrobotEach applet is a typical libpeas based applet - i.e. a .plugin file and and a module file. Both live in /usr/lib/budgie-desktop/plugins/applet-name/applet.plugin & applet_module17:56
bashfulrobotEach applet can have multiple instances - UUID for each applet.17:56
kyrofaSo you'd need to symlink both of those out of the snap?17:56
xan_IThi, can i ask noob question about snap packages inside ubuntu here?17:57
kyrofaxan_IT, always :)17:57
bashfulrobotkyrofa - yeah that is my concern (hacky). I don't want to do this "just to do it", but rather if it makes sense. And if it was a situation that the team had either looked at, or considered (glue code of sorts).17:57
kyrofabashfulrobot, are they found recursively? e.g. could you symlink a dir?17:57
kyrofabashfulrobot, I think it's interesting, snaps solve some of the problems you'd need to solve yourself otherwise17:58
kyrofabashfulrobot, it's probably going to come down to weighting the pros and cons there17:58
xan_IT1) snap packages are in sandbox area, true? so if i install same packages throught deb and snap, second will not overwrite first. true?17:58
kyrofabashfulrobot, might be worth a prototype17:58
bashfulrobotyeah for sure.17:59
bashfulrobotI could work towards one.17:59
xan_IT2) there is like https://packages.ubuntu.com/ for snap??17:59
kyrofaxan_IT, you're mixing terminology a bit, but yeah: when you install a snap, it typically doesn't mess with any debs17:59
xan_ITkyrofa what i mixing ? i want hunderstands :D18:00
kyrofabashfulrobot, you know where to find us if you run into interesting issues there18:00
bashfulrobotxan_IT sandboxed yes, but if you use classic confinement, way more access (almost no confinement if I understand correctly)18:00
roadmrxan_IT: https://uappexplorer.com/snaps has a list of available snaps18:00
bashfulrobotxan_IT deb will not overwrite snap. snap is in a differnt location and a squashfs18:00
kyrofaxan_IT, when you say "sandbox" you're mostly talking about confinement, but what you seem to be asking is: "will installing a snap interfere with a deb of the same thing"18:01
xan_ITthz, so snap packages can access to all file system ?18:02
naccxan_IT: it depends on the confinement of the snap18:02
bashfulrobotkyrofa - I just remembered. We did do sonme testing with symlinks....18:02
bashfulrobot I know if you symlink /usr/lib/budgie-desktop/plugins/applet-name to somewhere else, then yes budgie-desktop is happy18:02
xan_ITnacc ?18:02
bashfulrobotupdates broke because the link is tied to the version number18:03
kyrofabashfulrobot, did you try symlinking through /snap/snapname/current ?18:03
bashfulrobotso I guess the snap YAML would need logic to recreate on each update18:03
naccxan_IT: https://docs.snapcraft.io/reference/confinement18:03
kyrofabashfulrobot, another symlink18:03
kyrofasnapd maintains that one18:04
bashfulrobotahh - did not18:04
bashfulrobotWill ahve to try that18:04
kyrofabashfulrobot, that could work really nicely actually. Snaps can be disabled as well, which removes that symlink (but leaves the snaps in place)18:05
kyrofabashfulrobot, which would break the symlinks, thus ensuring those applets aren't loaded18:05
nacc(another use-case for current is that, e.g., you can find the core snap always at /snap/core/current)18:05
naccthat has some use for me, at least18:05
xan_ITso there is only 1 repository for snaps for all distributions?18:05
kyrofaxan_IT, indeed. Since snaps are designed to work on multiple distributions, there's not really a need for a store for each18:06
bashfulrobotkyrofa well you have given me something to think about. And that the path I was looking at is the way to do it today. I would be interested if more of this type of discussion pops up and what the overall community thinks of this methind and delivering something like a plugin via snap.18:08
kyrofabashfulrobot, well, there are multiple facets to that18:08
bashfulrobotxan_IT just the store. Global to all distros that use snaps18:08
kyrofabashfulrobot, I think we definitely want to support shipping plugins as snaps, the question is how they're consumed18:08
kyrofabashfulrobot, we have a bug for a new interface for this18:08
xan_ITlast question: who update snap packages?18:08
kyrofabashfulrobot, but that requires the consumer to be a snap18:08
naccyeah, it's itneresting. a pluginn is like between a part and app18:09
naccxan_IT: the snap owner18:09
kyrofabashfulrobot, having the consumer be not snapped is a different ballgame18:09
kyrofaBecause interfaces don't help us18:09
xan_ITkyrofa, author of app, or a official mantainer for all packages?18:09
bashfulrobotright meaning the deps (like budgie desktop in this case)?18:09
kyrofabashfulrobot, yep18:10
bashfulrobotright - yeah - somethign to consider for sure.18:10
kyrofabashfulrobot, so yeah. Go snap that. You'll be done tomorrow, I expect18:10
xan_ITkyrofa, simply like debian repository or like play store/appstore ??18:10
kyrofabashfulrobot, (kidding)18:11
bashfulrobotkyrofa - it's already done!18:11
kyrofakyrofa, more like the play store18:11
bashfulrobotHA HA18:11
kyrofaWow, sorry, that was for you xan_IT18:11
kyrofaxan_IT, there is no central packaging authority in the snap world18:11
kyrofaxan_IT, which means it's very easy to get YOUR app to YOUR users. Just release your update18:12
kyrofaxan_IT, in a more traditional packaging world this can be dangerous because you can break dependents, or your dependencies can break you18:12
kyrofaxan_IT, but since snaps bundle dependencies, we can skirt a lot of those issues18:12
kyrofaxan_IT, I don't mean to say that's a silver bullet, there are obviously tradeoffs there18:13
bashfulrobotxan_IT another perk, can hook up your github repo to build on push, etc too. See https://build.snapcraft.io/ and  https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/ci-integration18:14
bashfulrobotkyrofa - thanks a ton for all of your help and time! Excellent info as always!18:16
kyrofabashfulrobot, yeah man, any time18:16
bashfulrobotI'll work on this and post back if I have success!18:16
xan_ITthz to all, so is like a store inside linux18:16
xan_ITor like npm18:17
kyrofabashfulrobot, would also like to hear about utter and compete failure18:17
bashfulrobotok, donlt you worry, my sorry arse will likely be back with questions!18:18
kyrofaxan_IT, yeah, kinda. Although what happens if you're distributing an npm package that has a system dependency?18:18
bashfulrobotkyrofa ^^18:18
kyrofabashfulrobot, good18:18
xan_ITkyrofa i think npm not manage system dependency18:19
kyrofaxan_IT, right. So even with npm, you have to tell your users "install these dependencies... now install npm... now install my package"18:20
kyrofaxan_IT, with a snap, it's `snap install my-package` which contains npm, those dependencies, and your package18:20
xan_ITkyrofa i understands, is like npm++ :)18:21
kyrofaHahaha, sure18:22
xan_ITi need to go out, thz to all, i love all of you  :)18:23
kyrofaxan_IT, thanks for stopping by!18:25
kyrofasnappy-m-o, autopkgtest 1583 xenial:amd6418:25
snappy-m-okyrofa: I've just triggered your test.18:25
kyrofaelopio1, I need your python and testing expertise18:31
kyrofaelopio1, help me brainstorm bug #171792118:31
mupBug #1717921: CI: BlockingIOError about 50% of the time <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1717921>18:31
kyrofaIt's killing me18:31
* Pharaoh_Atem sighs18:32
cyphermoxogra_: can you help verifying 1712224 ?18:33
cyphermoxbug 171222418:34
mupBug #1712224: netplan should not try to unbind brcmfmac (like brcmfmac-sdio) <patch> <verification-needed> <verification-needed-xenial> <verification-needed-zesty> <nplan18:34
mup(Ubuntu):Fix Released by cyphermox> <nplan (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Committed by cyphermox> <nplan (Ubuntu Zesty):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1712224>18:34
kyrofaelopio1, unrelated question spawned by niemeyer's forum post: are we not using docker pretty much exclusively for our tests, now? Does that make getting off the VM system a possibility for us as well?18:45
kyrofaOr wait... maybe we only use docker to build the snap18:46
bashfulrobotrefresh my memory $SNAPCRAFT_PART_INSTALL is reltive to what? teh snap dir?18:48
kyrofabashfulrobot, I believe it's absolute18:49
kyrofabashfulrobot, it's only used when building in snapcraft, and it points to that specific part's installdir18:49
kyrofabashfulrobot, put files in there, and they'll be migrated into stage, prime, and finally the snap18:50
kyrofabashfulrobot, that variable is not defined at runtime18:50
bashfulrobotkyrofa - thanks again!18:52
* bashfulrobot starting to refresh to finially finish mumble snap 18:52
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|Food
sergiusensbashfulrobot \o/19:54
sergiusenskyrofa moving to docker won't help us as we need snapd; well we could move to docker with some hacks to have something running (snapd), but I don't really want to rely on that19:59
sergiusensthe path to success elopio1 has layed out sounds better (dispatching though webhooks), but then we are at ground zero again with supporting our own infra19:59
* sergiusens heads to the train station19:59
kyrofasergiusens, bin/snapcraft-classic still sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH20:57
kyrofasergiusens, which I believe leaks into its calling environment, making cmake look there for libs as well20:58
kyrofasergiusens, which on trusty results in cmake: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: version `CXXABI_1.3.8' not found (required by /snap/snapcraft/x1/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libicuuc.so.55)20:58
kyrofaDoes that sound accurate?20:58
kyrofaI didn't think LD_LIBRARY_PATH was needed20:59
kyrofaI'll try blowing it away and see what happens20:59
=== JoshStrobl|Food is now known as JoshStrobl
kyrofasergiusens, yes, that fixes things. Are you sure that LD_LIBRARY_PATH is still needed? I'm not seeing problems removing it in my limited tests21:06
kyrofasergiusens, now I'm running into the issue that I think your PR fixes21:07
kyrofaThings are looking up in the world21:07
kyrofasergiusens, yep, your PR officially works great21:13
kyrofasergiusens, just built the ROS indigo snap, works great21:31
kyrofaI'm gonna propose removing the LD_LIBRARY_PATH21:31
mupPR snapcraft#1635 opened: snap: remove leaking LD_LIBRARY_PATH <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1635>21:48
bashfulrobotsergiusens 0/21:48
kyrofasnappy-m-o, autopkgtest 1583 xenial:amd64 zesty:amd64 xenial:armhf22:01
snappy-m-okyrofa: I've just triggered your test.22:01
* nacc wonders why steam isn't a snap yet22:24
naccseems like the perfect target22:24
naccand given that there is both an ubuntu and a valve repository, would allow some consolidation, and hopefully avoid all the breakage that ensues from people using the wrong .deb on the wrong system22:25
mupPR snapcraft#1636 opened: internal: more gracefully determine host OS <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1636>23:18
kyrofasnappy-m-o, autopkgtest 1635 xenial:amd6423:21
snappy-m-okyrofa: I've just triggered your test.23:21
mupPR snapcraft#1637 opened: repo: add elementaryOS (no spaces) to deb distros <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1637>23:33

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