
fukawi2hi all... has anyone had trouble changing their homepage in Firefox on 17.10? I change it and it 'works', until I restart Firefox and it's set back to https://start.ubuntu-mate.org01:55
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sunil_i want win 10 alongside ubuntu mate07:28
VarthAre there currently any plans for full window title bar and menu bar integration into the top panel under the Mutiny layout in Ubuntu MATE? I'm a Unity user looking for new options due to mainline's switch to GNOME Shell. I spun up Ubuntu MATE 17.10 in a VM and am really liking the Mutiny layout so far, but I miss the screen space that's saved by having maximized windows fully integrate into the top bar like they currently do in07:32
alkisgsunil_: well, install win10 then :)07:34
sunil_give guideline07:35
alkisgsunil_: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=install+windows07:36
jfk_hi, i am new to linux...i tried ubuntu 17.10 and found it not so good...things did not work, now this mate seems much better.11:38
jfk_I used to use dos years ago, and would like to learn linux....it seems there is too much out there, where to start?11:40
sixwheeledbeastUbuntu mate is based on Ubuntu, so I am not sure about "did not work"11:41
sixwheeledbeastWhere would you like to start is the question. Modern distros are easy to use, but if you would like to learn about command line look at some guides online, understanding FHS and how to use the shell for example11:45
jfk_so instead of a welcome or advise in where to start, you attempt to say my findings with ubuntu is not accurate...you know I say I found it was not smooth....and mate seems to be...that is how it is.11:46
ouroumovdon't take it personally sixwheeledbeast12:50
drdogAnyone know how to get a list of all packages installed by default in the 17.10 release?13:39
ouroumovhello drdog13:42
ouroumovdrdog, in my freshly installed VM, it gives this: http://termbin.com/i20s13:46
mate|24823Just installed 17.10....looks really cool but my VMWorkstation 12 won't run after installation...no screen13:52
ouroumovhello mate|2482314:04
ouroumovmate|24823, are you referring to a VMWare product?14:04
ouroumovmate|24823, then if there is a bug you should raise it with VMWare support14:05
ouroumovI see they're advertising VMWare Workstation for Ubuntu 16.04+14:06
ouroumovEven 14.04 and above, actually14:06
mate|24823Yes, but its so late here in South Africa, I'll do it on Monday..I need VMWorkstation as have many vm's on it..thanks14:06
mate|24823I'll check that out..don't know if my license will allow that..14:07
mate|24823enjoy weekend14:07
ouroumovThanks, you too14:08
segaboy81Hello - I'm having a hard time finding resources on how to enable HiDPI support.14:16
drdogThanks ouroumov. I see that libreoffice-java-common is not in the list. Its  a dependency for libreoffice-nlpsolver but the .deb for that doesn't list it as a dependency. Any idea how/where to report this?14:17
segaboy81I assume I can't do this with ny Gnome tools, as they probably only work with Mutter?14:20
segaboy81I read that there is experimental HiDPI support. How can I enable it?14:25
sixwheeledbeastouroumov: don't worry I'm not. I just don't get peoples attitude sometimes.14:27
FaultsAny idea why Steam icon is super large in top panel? :)15:10
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sixwheeledbeastFaults: how large is super large, what version Ubuntu-MATE?17:25
Faultssixwheeledbeast: I just installed 17.10 and updated. So latest. I mean large icon is like... oversized. Maybe I take a Screenshit17:26
Faults*shot :)17:26
sixwheeledbeastStill on 17.04 here, icons fine.17:29
Faultssixwheeledbeast: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6l94un1c4slqcj9/steam.png17:30
sixwheeledbeastSame after a reboot?17:31
FaultsJust a thought... I have 4K display which I use as 1080p as Mate support for HiDPI ain't that good17:33
abhisheki want to delete ubuntu18:43
abhishekhow can i delete ubuntu and install windows18:44
diogenes_abhishek, I guess it's obvious18:46
nemoheh trolly troll troll18:46
mate|11083I installed Ubuntu Mate 17.10 freshly and I am facing two major problems:20:47
mate|110831. thunderbird is starting extremely slowly (45 s)20:48
NezchanHi, just curious if anyone knows how I can re-install the preset panel layouts. All except Traditional seem to be missing after upgrading to 17.1020:48
mate|110832. shutdown takes extremely long (minutes)20:48
NezchanOkay, this is odd. I looked in /usr/share/mate-panel/layouts and they're all there. But none of them are appearing in MATE Tweak. What on earth could be wrong with that?20:54
NezchanShould I re-install Tweak and see if they load?20:55
ouroumov_Nezchan, maybe permission issue?20:56
ouroumov_Nezchan, I think you're the second person to report this20:56
NezchanHm. Everything in the folder seems to have the same permissions20:58
NezchanRead-write for Root, read only for everyone else20:58
ouroumov_Nezchan, did you have an important layout saved?20:58
NezchanNo, the layout I was using is still there. But I was thinking of trying a couple of the others to see if I liked them.21:00
NezchanBut the only options it gives are Traditional (my current) and Gnome221:01
alkisgNezchan: strace -e trace=file mate-tweak | grep layouts21:01
alkisg...to see where it's looking for...21:01
alkisgstrace -e trace=file mate-tweak 2>&1 | grep layouts21:01
NezchanWoah, it gave me quite a lot of output. Anything specific I should be looking for?21:03
alkisgThe second command should give limited output21:04
alkisgIt's where it's looking for files21:04
alkisgIf you see it's looking at the wrong place, or not finding things etc... that's what you should keep an eye for21:05
NezchanSecond command?21:05
NezchanWell, there's a bunch of (no such file or directory) coming up21:05
alkisgYou can also upload it to pastebin for others to see21:05
NezchanBut for the main layouts, like redmond and mutiny, it seems to be looking in the right spot21:05
alkisgAnd yet you don't see them in the selection box?21:06
NezchanMostly there's a lot of variants like "netbook-no-indicators" that it's not finding.21:06
NezchanNope, don't see any of 'em except Traditional and GNOME221:06
NezchanAlso the output scrolled right past my terminal's buffer, so I can't copy the whole thing to pastebin21:08
NezchanWeird though. I'm not seeing any reason it shouldn't work.21:13
ouroumov_Purge and reinstall?21:17
NezchanPurge which package? MATE-Tweak?21:18
NezchanI can do that.21:18
ouroumov_sudo apt remove --purge mate-tweak21:18
NezchanHm, no luck.21:20
NezchanStill the same functionality21:20
NezchanI actually have to go for a bit. I'll try back again later. Thanks for the attempts, I appreciate it.21:21
ArchaicLordis it safe to do sudo do-release-upgrade to upgrade from 17.04 to 17.10? or should I do a usb instal from full download?21:31
MenzadorRun it without sudo, but yes21:32
MenzadorThe upgrade path works (although not on WSL)21:32
ArchaicLordcool thanks. whast WSL?21:32
MenzadorWindows Subsystem for Linux21:35
Paddy_NIHi I have Ubuntu Mate (latest version with updates) installed on my Raspberry Pi 3 and have entered my licenses for the two codecs. I have also enabled the hardware acceleration option within VLC "OpenMax IL".  However when I try and play any video file I get a letterboxed video playing over the top of my desktop with my DE still in view above and below the letterbox boundaries.21:39
Paddy_NIIt is also almost impossible to control the video, I have to ssh in and kill the process21:39
Paddy_NIIs this normal?21:39
Paddy_NIOh and just to be sure, I also installed the "ubuntu-restricted-extras" meta package21:41
Paddy_NII have also observed this same behaviour in Raspbian21:42
Paddy_NILibreELEC seems to be the most trouble free with regards video playback so far21:42
ArchaicLordlol upgrading to 7.10 was a little under welming21:55
sixwheeledbeastI believe only LTS is supported for RPi but I don't think that's related to your issue.22:51
y0shhope one day i will get the option to upgrade running the beta and still says no upgrade22:54
sameeeSo my install took a huge turd in the upgrade between 17.04 and 17.1022:54
sameeesome parts seem to be 17.10, but missing quite a few features22:55
sameeeAny idea how to fix that?22:55
mate|78064hi all23:52
mate|78064i installed ubuntu mate 16.04 and lost all desktop icons and installed software???23:53
mate|78064can anyone help23:53
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