
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, critters and everything else09:52
waltmanDo I want to upgrade to artful today?13:17
waltmanI'm a bit concerned about the printer issue in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark/ReleaseNotes13:34
pleia2oh yuck13:38
waltmanI'm not sure if that will affect me13:43
waltmanAnd waiting for the systemd folks to decide whose fault it is could take awhile.13:44
* waltman decides to go for it.13:51
jedijfreport back with pencil and paper13:51
waltmanjedijf: It's a shame I don't have my ham license!14:04
pleia2waltman: ugh, yeah, got to the end of that printer bug where I see them forward it upstream to systemd /o\14:14
pleia2I do find them to be responsive to bug reports, just don't always have the answer I want to hear14:14
Pennthwaltman: https://tcf.pages.tcnj.edu/ should have a ham cram again14:14
Pennthre Artful, there's apparently an Nvidia issue so I don't plan to upgrade the desktop until 18.04. Laptop booted back into Unity :}14:16
waltmanoh, that would be bad.14:17
waltmaneven if I'm using the closed-source driver?14:19
PennthNot sure, I haven't gone looking for the details, just repeating omgubuntu14:19
Pennthhad a migraine yesterday afternoon, so once I got home all I did was take naprosyn and benadryl and collapse14:21
waltmannever mind, just found it.14:25
waltmanSeems like a cool site14:27
Pennthyeah, they and webupd8.org are good sources for ubuntu news14:29
Pennthor webupd8 was, because they haven't had any new posts since August :/14:29
waltmanStill unpacking packages.14:34
waltmanI haven't even rebooted yet, but someone the install unmapped my capslock->ctrl setting.14:44
waltmanOK, time to reboot. Wish me luck!14:53
Pennths/lick/luck/ <face color="red" />14:54
waltmanPrinting works. Nvidia driver works. New window manger: will take some getting used to.15:12
Pennthok good.15:27
PennthI'm actually used to gnome from having it at work on the Fedora boxen. Had to add some Unity shortcuts (Ctrl-Alt-T) to make it worth using. Did Ubuntu include those by default?15:28
waltmanI somehow had the old desktop setup in a 2x2 grid. Doesn't seem possible now without an extension.15:31
PennthOh, the vertical workspace thing. Yeah, I miss that15:32
waltmanYou get 3 desktops in a vertical setup. You can't add a 4th without running gnome-tweak-tool.15:32
waltmanHaving 3 desktops without any obvious way to add a 4th seems like a terrible design decision to me.15:33
PennthNo, you get additional ones automatically by having a window open on the bottom-most. It adds a blank, cf andriod panels15:33
waltmanWait, every time you add one on the nth screen, it adds an n+1st?15:33
PennthBut having to scroll vertically is a stupid pita and bad design decision for a desktop15:33
waltmanI liked my grid!15:34
waltmanI was really confused where that 3rd window came from.15:34
PennthYeah, I mean there are four arrow keys for a good reason!15:34
waltmanon macOS I can use ctrl-1, ctrl-2, ctrl-3, etc to switch between desktops.15:35
Pennthoh, I've always used ctrl-alt-arrow15:35
waltmantor is also broken, but I don't feel like trying to fix that atm.15:35
waltmanAnother odd thing. Sometimes when I start an application from the command line, the window appears partially behind my terminal. Is there a setting to have them always appear on top?15:46
waltmanApparently the only way is to drill down 6 levels in dconf-editor. Is this a joke?15:57
waltmanSay what you want about Unity, but at least for me it mostly stayed out of my way. Gnome seems to actively have it out for me.16:06
jedijflol opposite world17:38
jedijfi want UNITY back says waltman17:38
jedijflet's see, we have mate, cinnamon.....time for oregano? legacy_unity17:40
waltmanI had no strong opinions on unity18:21
waltmanI basically just use my window manager to manage a few terminal windows and chrome.18:21
waltmanI save all my GUI stuff for the mac. On Linux I'm all about the command line.18:22
waltmanI just installed ubuntu a few years ago when Unity was already standard. I'd experimented with gnome and kde a little years ago, but for a long time I'd just used windowmaker debian.19:22
waltmanMy only real issue with unity was fonts, but I finally found a solution that worked ok for me.19:23
waltman18.04 should be bashful bear19:24
waltmanI posted my issue to the forums, but so far no response.19:25
waltmanSpeaking of updates, Apple still hasn't provided one for KRACK on any of its platforms.19:46
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=== jedijf[p] is now known as jedijf
waltmanTurns out it's a *feature*! https://major.io/2015/07/06/allow-new-windows-to-steal-focus-in-gnome-3/21:32
waltmanMore fun -- I don't have a kvm, so when I wanted to work on my mac this afternoon on the big monitor, I swapped over the keyboard and monitor connection. When I came back just now, it had killed my entire X session!21:42
jthanwaltman: You could use synergy22:11
waltmanHmm, maybe. Or maybe Gnome could just not kill my entire session.22:16
waltmanThat tweak didn't work for me btw, and it's not clear to me how I'm supposed to install third-party extensions.22:16
waltmanAlso unclear to me is how much of this mess is stock gnome vs changes ubuntu's made.22:17
jthanI can verify that on my stock gnome3 if I launch something from the terminal it jumps to front.22:17
jthanthat's on Arch22:18
waltmanfor everything?22:18
jthanI only tried a few things, but I couldn't find an exception22:18
jthanI tried gedit (a gnome application), spotify, and the qt interface for pass to see if qt vs. gtk made a difference22:18
waltmanwhat does it say when you run "gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences focus-new-windows"?22:20
jthanjonathan@demasi:~$ gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences focus-new-windows22:21
waltmanMaybe someone in arch fixed it?22:21
waltmanI changed it from 'smart' to 'strict' at the recommendation of that page, but it didn't help.22:22
jthandid you log out and back in?22:22
jthanMight be a cached setting set at login22:22
waltmanthat page said it would take effect immediately.22:22
waltmanalso with systemd, logging out has a tendency to kill things22:22
waltmanlike my tmux session22:23
waltmanbut who knows? it seems like I was logged out when I disconnected my monitor.22:23
jthanseems like people are reporting issues with more than one display22:23
jthando you have just one monitor?22:24
waltmanunder unity it never cared if I unplugged my monitor22:24
waltmanYes. And sometimes I've got 0 monitors plugged in.22:24
waltmanlike this afternoon.22:24
waltmanI may very well be switching to a different wm, because I really hate this.22:25
r00t^2gnome3's working for me fine when i add/remove an additional display, power on/off add'l display, etc. i'm willing to bet this is an ubuntu thing; one of the reasons i didn't stick with it very long is they tend to overpatch22:25
jthani3wm is the way to go22:25
waltmanI don't want tiles. I just want the windows I create to stay where they are, and to be on top and with focus when I create them.22:26
waltmanlike every other wm I've ever used in 25+ years of using gui operating systems.22:27
waltmanI mean, I'm sure I could eventually tweak it to a state when I'm ok with it, but the default settings just seem idiotic.22:28
waltmanAnyhow, I need to run out. Sorry for all my whining.22:28

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