
valorietalk about spam -- I'm one of the admins for the ubuntu-community list and so far I have over 1000 asian spams that google didn't catch!01:48
valoriemust have totally overwhelmed their filters01:49
clivejogetting extra subs to YouTube channel21:13
clivejo500% viewer increase in past week21:14
clivejoacheronuk: are you going to put the release video on front page of kubuntu.org21:15
acheronukI was pondering it21:15
acheronukIf you want to, I don't oject21:16
clivejoKC need to mull it over?21:16
acheronukRick mentioned he would like to see it there21:17
clivejoI deffo +1 it21:17
valoriefine with me21:17
valoriedunno why KC would need to weigh in though21:17
valorieit's great so let's push it21:18
clivejovalorie: do you use clementine?21:18
valorietried it out a few year ago and nah21:19
clivejonot a fan either21:19
valoriestill amarok for me21:19
clivejobut built the qt5 port in my PPA21:19
clivejostill not impressed21:20
valorieof clemintine, or amarok?21:20
valorieit's OK and some like it21:20
clivejosomeone arguing it on kubuntuforums21:21
acheronukit's KDE4 at the moment, so not an option21:22
clivejoyeah, but I was wondering what all the fuss was about21:22
clivejoand built clementine-qt5 branch21:23
valorieit's not KDE software21:25
valorieso I don't care about it21:25
valoriewe didn't choose it for the ISO either, so ....21:26
valorieI'm just hoping Marky stays awake and gets Amarok ported soon enough to test21:27
valoriefor the LTS21:27
clivejovlc isn't KDE21:31
clivejoneither is firefox21:32
tsimonq2Just passed the course to get my (driving) temps! Tomorrow I get to go to the DMV! \o/ :D :D :D21:33
acheronukfi it gets a Qt release, maybe something to consider along with other music players. until then, nope21:33
acheronuk*if it21:33
acheronukQt5 I mean.... grrr21:33
clivejonot impressed21:35
valorieclivejo: looking forward to being able to provide a KDE browser again, too21:36
valoriedunno about VLC, which is as close to KDE as a sibling21:36
acheronukclivejo: not impressed with Qt5 clementine?21:36
valorieJB is pretty much a KDE devel21:36
clivejoacheronuk: yeah21:36
acheronukclivejo: well, I wouldn't get wound up about someone throwing a fit about cantata on the forums21:37
acheronuksome people love amarok, some don't21:38
acheronuksuch is life21:38
valoriesome KDE devels love cantata, I couldn't get it to work21:38

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