
MortyTSuh after updating plasma through backports my system doesnt boot anymore, i see the kubuntu splash screen but then it goes to black with a blinking _... what can i do?00:00
DarinMillerMortyTS: are you may need to back out of backport by using ppa-purge00:28
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IrcsomeBot<DGUERRERO> Good day everyone!02:03
IrcsomeBot<DGUERRERO> i'm having a weird issue with Konsole, when I clic on the terminal window, it sends weird characters to the input02:04
IrcsomeBot<Silenoz> Have you ever checked the language file whether these have been fully loaded? I had a similar problem and could fix this by post-installing the language file.02:15
franciskHow do I update linux intel drivers, I used to have 1280x1024, but now my res. is 1024x76802:28
valoriefrancisk: if you do alt+space and type driver02:55
valoriethen select Driver Manager, it will suggest any changes needed02:55
valorietakes a few seconds for it to detect your system02:56
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inspectorFirst time in IRC09:02
inspectorDo people talk here is it just a meme?09:02
jimtendoinspector: it's real.09:04
jimtendoinspector: but most discussion is probably development oriented. I think orgs with money are migrating to things like Slack.09:05
inspectorI really like the idea of IRC but nobody I talk to uses it09:15
inspectorI guess I just have to be pushy09:15
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jimtendoinspector: I actually suspect it'll get displaced, even among the tech crowd, by protocols like Matrix.09:41
jimtendoIf you're using Konversation, pretty sure that'll be getting Matrix support in a few months. Unless your friends are tech-minded, I don't think you'll have much luck getting them to use IRC.09:42
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BluesKajHowdy folks12:09
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PapamattiHello, I need help with Kubuntu 17.10 and Kaffeine. After a system upgrade I get a error message "kaffeine.dvb: tuning failed" and "core stream error: cannot pre fill buffer". Works with 17.04. Technisat SkyStar214:24
BluesKajPapamatti, try mpv or the real vlc which kaffeine is based on14:30
D0U91Emorning folks14:36
BluesKaj'Morning D0U91E, what's up ?14:42
D0U91EMorning BluesKaj - just puttering with 17.10... I have a nagging issue mounting my network shares :(14:44
D0U91EBluesKaj, readyshare on netgear router has 4 usb drives connected to the router via usb hub = is that nas (I think so?)14:46
D0U91Eon 17.04 the mount was //192.168.x.x/USB_Storage /media/networkstorage cifs sec=ntlm,rw,guest 0 0 in fstab14:49
D0U91Ethat entry in fstab gives me error...mount error(112): Host is down14:50
PapamattiVLC says "core stream error: cannot pre fill buffer"14:51
jay75this is a disaster. 17.10. cant install anything. no dependencies met14:52
PapamattiThink I will try neon...14:52
BluesKajcifs ok, then it should work with samba14:53
D0U91Ethe package cifs-utils is ok so it should work with the router you mean?14:54
D0U91Eor is samba a different mount that should work?14:54
BluesKajPapamatti, did you upgrade your existiong packages on 17.04 before upgrading to 17.10 ?14:55
D0U91EI never do-release-upgrade I did a completely fresh install14:55
D0U91EI wanted to test the upgrade installer button - that never worked since beta 2 if I recall14:56
BluesKajyes to yo the first question D0U91E, afaik samaba can work with cifs, but  cifs appears to be a router app that runs on both windows and linux ..not sure what the problem is14:57
PapamattiBluesKaj: Yes I did.14:58
D0U91ELOL - I got mixed up there :)15:03
BluesKajD0U91E, personally I just have the my media server connected to my pc and I share the /media/user  with the network devices via dolphin/network/add network folder using ssh or microsoft  protocol whichever applies to the particular device ...very basic setup15:04
acheronukPapamatti: the version in Kaffiene in Kubuntu is the latest upstream release with their scanfile.dvb updates. If those updates are braking something for you, might be worth reporting a bug against not just our package, but also on bugs.kde.org15:05
* acheronuk calls the grammar and spelling police for that ^^^^15:06
BluesKajbreaking :-)15:06
Papamattiacheronuk: I have the same settings as in 17.04, and the channels already in kaffeine, it simple does not tune in the channel, it seems it is something with vlc wrong or the tv card sends no stream...15:07
PapamattiI will try to use a live system and test it in it...hopefully it works.15:08
BluesKajPapamatti, is mythtv in the mix here?15:10
MortyTSis it possible to break a system by installing/updating too many things simultaneously and without rebooting after important updates?15:10
PapamattiHmm no but Kodi is installed15:10
BluesKajkodi seems to play much better then some video players on my system as long as you have it setup properly in kodi/system settings15:12
BluesKajbut I don't use a tv capture card for live television15:13
CoderEuropeQuick question - I have installed audio recordr https://imgur.com/a/WXOY215:21
CoderEuropehow do I know if it actually recording~ - can I look at the cache, if so how do I do that ?15:21
BluesKajMortyTS, yes15:35
D0U91EBluesKaj, if anyone needs to know the error mounting samba shares is fixed using the right option when mounting...15:37
D0U91E/192.168.x.x/share /media/mountpoint cifs vers=1.0,sec=ntlm,rw,guest 0 015:38
D0U91Ethat is from my fstab15:39
D0U91Eerr // not /15:39
CoderEuropearbenina: howdy-hiyas-kubuntu-here o/16:14
CoderEuropeBluesKaj: you got the time for a kubuntu forum question ?16:33
kfanUEFI compatibility16:42
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MrokiiHello. I wanted to try out Catana (never used it before). On the config-screen there's a note that it will group tracks into albums by using the "album/artist" tag. Does that mean that it will automatically change my existing music-library structure (which I do not want it to do)?17:46
MrokiiSorry, I meant "Cantata".18:01
rohanhi. after upgrading to kubuntu 17.10, small fonts in konsole are rendered really badly: font that used to show up white now shows very thin and in rainbow colours18:05
rohanincreasing the font size or changing to a "bigger" looking font is a workaround18:06
rohanbut I can't get "Anonymous Pro" size 11 to look good18:06
rohanany particular settings I can look into to try and fix this? :)18:13
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MortyTSi'm unable to install amdgpu-pro driver.. any idea what to do about these errors? https://pastebin.com/NhKfPJaG21:17
valorieMortyTS: how are you installing?21:34
valoriethe best way is using driver manager21:34
valoriejust alt+space and type driver21:34
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valorieand let it scan your system and suggest the best fit21:35
MortyTSdriver manager didn't suggest anything21:43
MortyTSi have a radeon hd7870 and i read the amdgpu-pro is the recommended driver21:44
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MortyTSis this outdated advice?21:50
vrmuppallahow to disable all the extra ttys except one ( I just need the first & seventh). During init days, I edited /etc/inittab getty lines.22:11
vrmuppallaIt saves a few secs off boot time22:11
valorieMortyTS: looks pretty up-to-date if you read all the way to the bottom22:21
valorieare you having some problem?22:21
valorielooks like https://launchpad.net/~oibaf/+archive/ubuntu/graphics-drivers is updated for artful22:22
daxamdgpu-pro is only necessary in specific circumstances (if I recall correctly, OpenCL is the big one) and does not offer notable performance improvements over amdgpu.22:22
valorieif you add a PPA like this however, be sure you also have installed ppapurge and know how to use it22:23
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html22:23
dax(i.e., if amdgpu does everything you need it to, there is zero reason to use amdgpu-pro. "everything you need it to" would not include "go faster")22:23
valoriedax: ++22:24
valoriemessing with graphics drivers is powerful dark magick22:24
gabrielvpchello guys23:21
kiromaHow do I describe KDE to a friend?23:51

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