
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:26
lotuspsychjehow was the night Bashing-om03:30
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Started off frightful at the end of ducasse's shift - now quiet . just a couple of wayland issues outstanding .03:32
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: tnx for the headsup, good we have the xorg session as backup03:32
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Yes, But wayland should work , Xorg for the times that some apps are not ported to wayland .03:35
lotuspsychjeunless on nvidia?03:36
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Have not seen nearly as many nvidia/wayland issues as I had anticipated :)03:37
lotuspsychjegood news then?03:38
Bashing-omwell,, I still think optimus will not work as is .03:40
Bashing-omSeems likely " Nvidia doesn't support VDPAU on Wayland. If you need video acceleration -> Xorg  "03:50
lotuspsychjeah so the basics work03:53
lotuspsychjethats gonna b waiting for the vdpau support then03:54
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: :) Got 9 months to work out the kinks .03:55
lotuspsychjehey luxio04:13
lotuspsychjeso you tried artful?04:13
lotuspsychjeluxio: can we know wich graphics card you have?04:17
luxiolotuspsychje: NVIDIA GTX 750Ti04:18
luxioyes I'm running 17.1004:18
lotuspsychjeluxio: did you test gaming on it?04:19
luxiowell I'm playing Minesweeper right now LOL04:19
luxionothing graphically intensive though04:19
lotuspsychjeluxio: no graphic glitches on wayland?04:20
luxioanything in specific I should try out?04:20
luxioand no04:20
lotuspsychjeluxio: sure a more graphic game04:24
luxioany game in specific? not sure what to try04:31
lotuspsychjeany shooter in software center04:32
lotuspsychjeluxio: can you try vdpauinfo dfrom a terminal also?04:32
luxiolotuspsychje: https://i.imgur.com/am6uXA5.png04:34
lotuspsychjeluxio: ok tnx mate04:35
lotuspsychjeluxio: what does show behind driver= when you sudo lshw -C video?04:35
lotuspsychjedont need the screenshot, just the driver= loaded04:36
luxioThere's no line that says driver=04:37
luxiooh, nouveau04:37
lotuspsychjetnx for feedback luxio04:38
luxiolotuspsychje: as for games, OpenArena crashes when I start a match04:39
lotuspsychjeluxio: perhaps try that from a terminal to catch errors?04:39
luxiolotuspsychje: already done. https://paste.ubuntu.com/25791129/04:40
luxiofull logs: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25791136/04:42
lotuspsychjeluxio: might check another game as a test also04:44
luxio^ That link came up when it asked me to send a crash report04:45
lotuspsychjeluxio: paste the bug # number plz?04:46
luxionot sure how to get it04:47
luxiotried another game, here are logs: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25791156/04:48
lotuspsychjeluxio: after you get in that bug launchpad it will create a bug number in link04:49
luxioI can't get the bug report to open again04:51
lotuspsychjehmm weird04:58
lotuspsychjecant find new bugs on ioquake3 neither04:58
lotuspsychjeluxio: how about you try some 1080p trailers or mkv samples, to see quality?05:02
luxioStreamed, or downloaded M05:02
lotuspsychjecan choose05:02
lotuspsychjejust to see how it would perform on wayland & your card05:03
luxiolotuspsychje: HD video playbacks works fine05:09
lotuspsychjeluxio: now another test, try that game from the xorg session?05:11
luxiohow do I go to an xorg session?05:12
lotuspsychjeluxio: logout, and click the gear icon to choose xorg05:16
lotuspsychjeset back to wayland if you wanna go back again05:16
luxiolotuspsychje: Things are a lot faster in xorg05:18
luxiolotuspsychje: It also crashes on xorg05:19
lotuspsychjemight be not wyland related then05:20
lotuspsychjehi bordy05:36
lotuspsychjemorning ducasse :p06:28
lotuspsychjemorning sirru5h06:32
sirru5hHey there lotuspsychje how are you doing06:33
sirru5hIt's 2333 here still night time06:33
lotuspsychjelate night visit?06:34
sirru5hWell I I work nights most of the time as not to interfere with a clients customers/employees06:35
sirru5hSo night time usually is a good time06:35
sirru5hI'm guessing that you are from asia perhaps maybe Australia?06:36
sirru5hooks like ubuntu 17.10 has been released06:39
sirru5hI may just upgrade right now how is it? stable?06:40
sirru5hTell ya what wish me luck I'm gonna upgrade brb06:41
sirru5hHowdy everyone08:18
Thunder_TwAhh! Gaming on Ubuntu and Linux in general is so much better than i could've hoped for 5 years ago <311:25
BluesKajHowdy folks12:09
lotuspsychjegood evening to all16:08
lotuspsychjeluxio: did you get any wiser on your bug?16:09
luxioNot yet, I pretty much went to sleep after that and just woke up16:09
lotuspsychjeoh cool, good morning :p16:10
ducassehi lotuspsychje \o16:10
lotuspsychjeluxio: at least your system works with nvidia & wayland16:10
lotuspsychjehey ducasse had a nice mate?16:11
lotuspsychjehi immu16:11
immuhi lotuspsychje16:12
immui think i am in16:12
lotuspsychjeimmu: your on artful?16:12
lotuspsychjeevening TJ-16:12
immuno Solus16:12
immuwhy? what happ16:12
lotuspsychjejust curious16:12
immulotuspsychje, you?16:14
lotuspsychjeimmu: xenial & artful16:15
immu17.04 & 17.1016:15
lotuspsychjeTJ-: luxio here tested artful on nvidia both xorg & wayland working on it16:18
TJ-lotuspsychje: not for very much longer :) well, at least once we move to kernel v4.14 anyhow16:19
lotuspsychjeTJ-: what will happen then?16:19
TJ-the proprietary driver will no longer build.16:20
immuwho is TJ- did we meet earlier?16:20
lotuspsychjetj is the legend16:20
immunever met him or saw him here lotuspsychje tj16:21
TJ-AMD introduced Secure Memory Encryption API in this 4.14 cycle, and it's enabled by default (to support AMD devices that use it). It adds a GPL-only kernel symbol sme_me_mask. This is part of the kernel's core memory-management sub-system. It caused a failure to build any non-GPL modules - e.g. nvidia. I reported it  at the rc2 stage. now at the rc5 stage and the kernel sub-system maintainer decided16:22
TJ-the GPL symbol will remain.16:22
immu4.14 hmmm16:23
TJ-That means, if we're using genericly built kernels that support both AMD and Intel CPUs this has to be enabled, which means non-GPL modules cannot be linked in. The memory-management sub-system is so core to everything I cannot see a way it can be worked around.16:23
immuaah 4.14 :)16:23
TJ-I doubt anything serious will be done about this (by nvidia) until after 4.14 is released and lots of users start to be affected16:23
immui was thinking on 4.4 line16:24
lotuspsychjeTJ-: so good we still have xorg as backup?16:24
TJ-when this GPL-symbol issue has hit previously there's been some change and it's been fixable, but for this one I don't see how it'll be possible when SME is enabled16:24
TJ-lotuspsychje: nothing to do with Xorg - this means the nvidia kernel driver cannot be built/linked in16:25
TJ-nouveau will be fine obviously16:25
lotuspsychjeTJ-: kk16:25
lotuspsychjeits a kernel thing then16:25
TJ-I think some other out-of-tree non-GPL modules will be affected too. I can't think of any module that doesn't need to use the memory-management sub-system16:25
lotuspsychjeevening sirru5h16:26
sirru5hlotuspsychje, I got 17.10 installed16:27
lotuspsychjeartful succes?16:27
sirru5hYeah I had an odd issue with trying to run a gui program from terminal16:27
lotuspsychjedidnt they block that by default?16:27
sirru5hI would get Protocol not Specified16:27
lotuspsychjethink i saw oerheks mention that16:28
sirru5hmm not sure I did a little work around16:28
lotuspsychjesneaky lol16:28
ducassesirru5h: won't work under wayland16:28
lotuspsychjesirru5h: wich graphics card your on, just for feedback?16:28
sirru5hgood question let me check16:29
* lotuspsychje crosses fingers its not atari16:29
lotuspsychjeevening kostkon16:29
kostkonlotuspsychje, hey16:31
TJ-Here's the mailing-list discussion about the GPL symbol: https://marc.info/?t=150681105200001&r=1&w=216:31
lotuspsychjelets c16:31
lotuspsychjeimmu: https://www.deviantart.com/customization/screenshots/nix/newest/?q=solus not bad16:35
sirru5hlotuspsychje,  product: Richland [Radeon HD 8550G]16:36
sirru5hand ducasse my work around does work for wayland btw ;)16:36
lotuspsychjesirru5h: no graphic glitches on wayland?16:36
lotuspsychjeim having issues on my older ati X80016:37
lotuspsychjelagging overall launching apps, mouse lags16:37
sirru5hmmm nothing too crazy but yes laggy very laggy16:37
lotuspsychjexorg performing better for that machine16:37
lotuspsychjesirru5h: what cpu/ram?16:37
ducassesirru5h: sorry, i misread what you wrote. just ignore me, i'm not really focusing :)16:38
lotuspsychjedax: alive mate?16:38
sirru5hit used to take about 6/7 seconds in unity on 17.04 now it's like 12 seconds from when I hit grub to login16:38
lotuspsychjesirru5h: how about the gnome desktop itself lag?16:39
sirru5h8gb DDR3 product: AMD A8-5550M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics16:39
sirru5hmmm it really isn't too bad and it's not new or anything16:40
sirru5hI got a bit nervous to be honest on that first boot when I saw that it was taking nearly 2x the normal amount on boot16:41
sirru5hI was just expecting kernel panic at any moment and perhaps my dog might nuke this machine as well16:42
sirru5hlotuspsychje, on my netbook a 1.3 ghz celeron (no internal hd (external only)) it takes maybe 20 seconds16:45
lotuspsychjedog lol16:47
ubot5Xubuntu is Ubuntu with !Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://xubuntu.org/ - To install the Xubuntu environment from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop^ » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !xubuntu-channels16:47
sirru5hlotuspsychje, I had my dog who is a bit skittish jump onto the coffee table while I was trying to fix a VMware issue next thing I know coffee table to couch juice on the computer16:51
sirru5hlotuspsychje, I actually am using mate on that netbook now16:52
immuubuntu mate is also good16:52
sirru5hI actually had left ubuntu for a few years used zenwalk16:54
immui never resolved my self after unity was killed16:54
sirru5hWell I used ubuntu back in like 2003/200416:58
sirru5hAnd I switched to zenwalk in about 2008/2009 and came back to ubuntu less than a year ago but I saw other distro's become much more easy and friendly for users to use and ubuntu did that17:00
lotuspsychjeoerheks: the flavors url's have http and redirect to https, think ops need to change that?17:14
ubot5Xubuntu is Ubuntu with !Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://xubuntu.org/ - To install the Xubuntu environment from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop^ » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !xubuntu-channels17:15
lotuspsychjehi Bashing-om17:52
Bashing-omo/ Ready to do this again :) Hey lotuspsychje - still same as I left it ?17:53
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: was bit crowdy :p18:05
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Well, then - I best get caught up and get with it --- Huh ?18:12
lotuspsychjeyeah jump in mate18:12
lotuspsychjeim off for movie :p18:12
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: K, I do what I can :P18:13
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
TJ-Bashing-om: I think we're going to have to let mist go, it sounds like the thing is hosed and he's not being particularly clear or helpful22:49
daftykinsuser down!22:52
Bashing-omTJ-: `mist Went above my skill set some time back . I be struggling now to understand .22:53

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