
binarydepthI want to set this in MATE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpe7lCQmwNA00:57
binarydepthas a different session00:57
m4tbinarydepth: different session with some homedir i'm assuming?01:22
davidiusHi Folks, when I hit super + D my desktop is not shown. What is the right action/commad to use for this when ading it to keyboard shortcuts01:22
davidiusAlso is there one for show all windows on my desktop (I have a custom panel layout with Compiz)01:23
m4tsystem->preferences->hardware->keyboard shortcuts "hide all windows and set focus to the desktop"01:24
m4ti have mine set to win+d as well. tho i don't use compiz...01:24
mate|16456I want to build a new session with cairo dock and compiz01:30
mate|16456like when you install a different DE you get an option to switch to it01:30
mate|16456well not build it myself. I just don't know how to configure it01:32
davidius@m4t - That option isn't in keyboard shortcuts list to edit so this is what I type into the command?02:31
davidiusm4t - That option isn't in keyboard shortcuts list to edit so this is what I type into the command?02:34
ComptonBugHey, I have a small issue in my new 17.10 install with Compton. Certain pop-ups have this drop shadow square around them. The ones I've noticed so far are volume, brightness, and the "show cursor" effect04:25
ComptonBugthere's just this square around them that has a shadow, but they're not on the actual pop-up itself04:25
ComptonBuganyone know what I need to put in the config to fix that?04:25
ComptonBugI already added this: https://thepasteb.in/p/lOhONZV15QJFB04:26
ComptonBugFixed it! I had the file named compton.conf, not marco-compton.conf :P04:33
m4tdavidius: marco-common might have the .xml you're after...whether they work with compiz or not, that's another story07:17
m4te.g. /usr/share/mate-control-center/keybindings/50-marco-desktop-key.xml07:18
m4tthe compizconfig-settings-manager lets you configure most compiz stuff as well. could be hiding there.07:18
mate|36417maté charge des fonts impossible, orientales, asiatiques, bref inutiles pour le français. d'autre part sous libreoffice la font bitsreamCharter est absente alors qu'elle est présente sous abiword07:53
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.07:53
cristoI need some help09:06
cristoì can t fix the problem with firtefox09:06
mate|69273I have installed mate 17.10 but Intel sst audio wdm id not recongnized. Where i found it.09:31
FaultsHmm hmm... how VirtualBox suppose to work in Ubuntu MATE 17.10? I installed it, but it can't be found from menus!12:06
FaultsI can only launch it from Terminal12:06
mildačau, instaloval tu někdy někdo ovladače na grafiku nvidiu?12:58
sixwheeledbeastVbox is in Accessories for me.13:24
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.13:25
sixwheeledbeastIf not in Accessories check your Edit menus option13:27
Faultssixwheeledbeast: After reboot its showing in the menu / search :)13:43
Faultssixwheeledbeast: For me its under "System Tools" menu13:43
sixwheeledbeastit can be changed in Edit Menus13:44
sixwheeledbeastaka Main Menus13:44
FaultsYeah, noticed. I was bit worried, when it didn't appear in the menus at all13:45
FaultsIs there way to disable Global Menu or is it deeply built in to MATE? Example in VirtualBox the Global Menu is not working.13:46
FaultsYeah... it seems so that Global Menu crashing with VirtualBox15:31
mandjesince using Umate the irc client (hexchat) after each hour..19:39
mandjenext disco to be expected in 40 minutes. is it a feature or a bug?19:41
gordonjcpmandje: can you narrow it down to that particular client?19:50
gordonjcpmandje: is anything else happening that might cause your connection to drop?19:50
mandjegordonjcp, i´ll look into those 2 things.19:51
mandjedoes it give system logs in a standard install?19:54
mandjeyes it does. system tools -> log file viewer.19:56
mandjecould this be something?  Oct 22 21:19:02 uMATE avahi-daemon[987]: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface wlp9s0.IPv6 with address 2001:985:8762:1:f4eb:7e10:df20:e09f.20:00
mandjeand joining same time.20:01
mandjean hour before that same thing.20:01
gordonjcpcould be20:02
gordonjcpthat sounds like it's dropping and reconnecting its wifi every hour20:02
gordonjcpyou *are* connected over IPv620:02
mandjewhich means? (i know IPv6 / IPv4)20:04
gordonjcpmandje: well I just whoised you and I can see your username and IP address20:05
gordonjcpit's an IPv6 address20:05
gordonjcpit is however different from the one in the log entry20:05
gordonjcp21:02 [freenode] -!- mandje [~mandje@2001:985:8762:1:b016:5c67:1246:241]20:05
gordonjcpso whatever's happened, it's punted you off that address and onto a new one20:06
mandjeok.  the adress changed with the join says the log. -> address 2001:985:8762:1:b016:5c67:1246:241.20:07
gordonjcpokay, so something is giving you a new ip address every time20:09
mandjea leave and a join in same moment. changing IP adress.20:09
mandjei could dualboot into old linuxmint install. i never had this there. see what gives now.20:11
mandjei use uMATE for a month now. the problem occured since then.20:12
mandjeit is i, mandje.  see what gives in linuxmint install. irc client also hexchat.20:22
gordonjcpand your IPv6 address has changed again :-)20:22
mandjeis that an odd thing?  is it like my public IPv4 adress would change all the time?20:25
gordonjcpwell it kind of depends20:26
gordonjcpso your external IPv4 address is assigned by your ISP, and then your router will use NAT to marry up traffic to and from your computer with stuff from outside20:27
gordonjcpDHCP will hand your PC an address like
gordonjcpand your PC will hand off stuff to the router and say "your job, you sort that out"20:27
gordonjcpwith IPv6 your desktop PC behind the router has a routable address to the outside world20:28
mandjeso it doesnt need NAT to communicate?20:29
sixwheeledbeastYou can still have DHCP and NAT with v6, so it could be unrelated20:31
mandjemaybe i could have hexchat not use v6?20:32
gordonjcpsixwheeledbeast: true20:33
mandjedidnt find a tick box in settings yet.20:33
gordonjcpmandje: anyway yeah if you said for example "ping6 2001:8b0:cbbb:5b8c:6c80:31ff:6763:26f4"20:33
sixwheeledbeastIs it just HexChat? because it seems to be dropping your connection completely20:33
gordonjcpmandje: I'd see traffic from your machine, right here on my desktop20:33
gordonjcpsixwheeledbeast: yeah20:33
gordonjcpsixwheeledbeast: like it's readvertising the route out and giving them a new address20:34
m4thas anyone here using compton+marco noticed an occasional second cursor that just stays put and flashes? it seems to mostly (always?) happen over the panel area. moving my mouse over the phantom cursor makes it go away.20:34
mandjefood for thought sixwheeledbeast & gordonjcp. i ll check stuff.20:36
sixwheeledbeastHave a look in the logs, grep "network"?20:37
agoodmis it possible to enable kinetic scrolling in ubuntu mate? similar to what ubuntu had since about 2011?20:53
agoodmreally enjoying the new mate mutiny theme thing (thumbsup)20:54
m4term oh, i somehow switched hwcursor=true in my xorg.conf. that's probably it :(20:54
agoodmm4t: is that aimed at me?20:55
m4tsorry no20:55
claude_I'm glad to join this chat20:59
naturallyhave mobile+desktop versions of my game out!  http://www.dontbe.ca20:59
naturallydeveloped with Ubuntu MADE distro!20:59
claude_I'm a new ububtu mate user. I'm very happy with this OS21:00
gordonjcpnaturally: what's your game about?21:00
gordonjcpclaude_: hello21:00
naturallygordonjcp, its an indie action/adventure where u rescue the sheeple21:01
claude_Hi gordonjcp. :)21:01
agoodmnatural scrolling gives me kinetic scrolling back, but the scroll direction is backwards...21:01
chrys_i want to install agisoft photoscan and i can not...help!22:52
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