
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
* el pokes phunyguy22:33
elare excess floods over with?22:33
phunyguysorry, I am trying to space them out22:33
phunyguyunfortunately the only problem I am having is with IRC, which I am trying to fix.22:33
phunyguylast one was 22 minutes ago, to be fair.22:34
elwell so long as you're actually there22:34
daxare you using znc22:34
dax@comment 77368 decided that pasting the entire EULA of msttcorefonts in #ubuntu would be a good idea22:37
ubottuComment added.22:37
phunyguydax ^22:37
daxare you using at least v1.2 and is MaxJoins set to something sane?22:38
phunyguy1.6 iirc22:38
dax'cause assuming that, znc really shouldn't be flooding off these days :\22:38
phunyguyI am messing with pfsense/failover22:38
phunyguyprobably that22:38
phunyguyit's literally the only thing that this breaks.22:38

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