
knomeflocculant, hmm? :)09:24
flocculantknome: also not sure why b-qa is not showing on tracker ...09:30
knomewhen did you link it to the main blueprint?09:34
flocculantbefore bugs :D09:35
knomethen i don't know09:35
flocculantmmk - I'll check tomorrow again09:36
knomeping me again if it doesn't show up...09:36
flocculantpossibly I'm wrong about the when, but if it was after - it's was 30 seconds later 09:37
flocculantanyway - yup :)09:37
flocculantbluesabre ochosi - re the double network icon issue - not just network icons ... currently have transmission starting auto to seed us - been seeing 2 of those icons too10:14
flocculantsame deal - 1 in notification area other in indicators10:15
ochosihmpf, we really need to get rid of the indicator plugin then and hope that with sn-plugin things will get better12:26
knomeochosi, did you get my mail re: launchpad icon/logo?12:27
ochosireceived certainly12:28
ochosiread, certainly not12:28
flocculantha ha 12:28
knomestart reading... it's a 2 minute task for a good cause :P12:29
knomeall the stuff you need is attached12:30
knomeor bbabl12:30
ochosiknome: yeah, i have several mails that are like that. i'm already working on shortening my backlog (was travelling for work last week)12:38
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r531 Draw top border in Thunar's sidebar (Gtk+3)... (by Simon Steinbeiß)16:26
Unit193...Can I just say there's been a few Xfce uploads to Debian?19:12
Unit193We're inbetween releases, so figured we'd come to them as we needed.19:16
Unit193xfce4-session 4.12.1-6 to unstable, xfconf 4.13.4-1 to experimental as well as libxfce4util 4.13.1-1.19:18
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r532 Make use of the newly added thunar class... (by Simon Steinbeiß)23:08

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