
clivejoI just remembered what I wanted to ask yofel - about the Linode charges on his credit card00:43
clivejoI'm so dizzy00:44
valorieclivejo: if I closed your PM it was by mistake, but no reason to talk privately I think?00:47
valorietbh I find PMs too easy to overlook00:50
valorieand not necessary for anything but personal stuff00:50
yofelclivejo: I forgot to sum that up this weekend, but probably makes most sense when we know their reply to the ticket. If you're curious about numbers: It's 160$ per month (~135€)11:33
clivejowow, that's steep to be charged directly to you11:43
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @ahoneybun anything back on that? ⬆️14:10
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/hmHqqGqd/file_3467.jpg14:13
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> ummmmmmmm........14:15
clivejofull working week, doesn't look hopeful14:16
acheronukwe know any on the higher ups?14:16
acheronukany of14:16
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> We might have to take it down14:19
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> take what down?14:20
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> The VPS14:21
acheronukI won't be uploading anything for 18.04 then14:22
acheronukmy upload can't handle it14:22
clivejoI spoke to Robie and that auto dput feature is a long way off too :(14:23
acheronukcan we make packaging containers on bytemark?14:23
clivejoI doubt we use 1/4 of the resources we have on it though?14:23
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> I have a VPS that I use that I'd be willing to give logins for to anyone in ~kubuntu-dev14:24
clivejocould probably scale it down I reckon14:24
yofelacheronuk: technically we can, though the setup will have to be a bit different14:24
yofelthere is some unpartitioned space left14:24
acheronukthat's 2 options then14:25
clivejokci update script is on one of those containers too14:25
yofelnote that linode keeps the kci backup right now, so we will need something other than bytemark as a replacement for that14:26
acheronukwell, I have no clue on VPS shopping :/14:27
clivejoriver is still up14:29
yofelI personally use scaleway for cheap stuff, but that comes with tradeoff on CPU speed, disk I/O and not very convenient backups14:30
yofelIf you don't go the cloud route you can also find nice things.14:30
yofelDoesn't change that someone would end up having to pay for it14:31
clivejomaybe have a word with BS about using that?14:31
clivejosurely that is why people donate to Kubuntu14:31
clivejo£10.7k in Kubuntu bank account14:33
yofelas a backup server river might do the job. For anything else... rather not14:33
clivejowow £19.18 for a .co.uk, thats rip off :/14:34
clivejoah two years14:35
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> http://markshuttleworth.com/archives/151814:35
* yofel throws broomsticks at Mark14:36
clivejono way14:36
clivejothats too many characters14:36
yofelthat's what I thought. Read the end :D14:36
* clivejo huffs14:37
clivejoI never read to the end14:37
clivejodid you have some kind of change script running to detect that?14:39
clivejovalorie won't like that14:40
clivejodirty dirty mind she has14:41
acheronukclivejo: no, just say it mentioned elsewhere14:41
acheronukso we will have 'bionic' branches14:41
acheronukanyone near? https://twitter.com/linode/status/92280705595783987214:45
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> *pokes the Bionic Beaver*16:33
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Looks very realistic16:33
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> 3.5 years of those jokes!16:34
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> :D16:34
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> I might tire by then16:46
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> But until the big bionic beaver reveal, no way16:47
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> I hope I'm still around when Bionic Beaver EOLs16:48
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Y'know, if Snaps haven't eliminated my job yet...16:48
IrcsomeBot* acheronuk wonders if we can snap Simon16:50
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @acheronuk, No :P16:50
clivejoI dunno17:03
clivejoall that sugar and caffeine he might snap himself17:03
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> I'd rather be in an AppImage, so I can run everywhere without issue... :P17:06
* clivejo wonders could we hold a release party for 18.04 in Muff, Co Donegal17:15
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> (Photo, 717x536) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/jncRP0NN/file_3474.jpg18:27
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/kvy0UpKf/file_3476.jpg18:52
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> \o/ 12 months18:54
clivejoThat's a considerable donation, maybe we should blog about it and write a bit about what we use it for?19:00
clivejowho are https://cms2cms.com/ ?19:01
acheronukwe should definitely give them some bang for those bucks!19:02
valorie**I** have a dirty mind?19:39
valorieevidence suggests it's CLIVE with the dirty mind19:39
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @valorie, *RIK19:39
valoriebionic beaver release party in Muff19:39
valoriegood lord19:39
valorieahoneybun: that is awesome!19:40
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Ours will be LFNW weekend valorie :D19:40
valorieomg I can see the smirks now19:41
valoriedamn that Mark19:41
ahoneybunI might know a program call Muff19:41
ahoneybunvalorie: I know right!19:42
ahoneybunmake a blog post clivejo19:42
valorie"finally a release for all you lesbian Linuxers"19:42
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Lol19:45
valorieoregon will love it19:49
valoriewxl: ^^^19:49
wxlheck yes :)19:53
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Hehehehehehe19:53
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> valorie: Washington is beautiful, I'm longing to go back19:57
valoriesunshine today!19:58
valorieafter well over a week and inches of rain19:58
valorierain again tomorrow, but sun today!19:58
acheronukthat will either be amazing or make you sick!20:47
valorieprobably one is amazing20:53
valorietwo makes ya barf20:53
valorieBusch beer20:54
valoriethat part made me laugh20:54
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @ahoneybun is that 12 months from now, so we have to arrange to pay yofel for what he has paid already?21:08
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> or is it backdated, and they will refunf him?21:08
ahoneybunnot sure about the refund21:09
ahoneybunjust take from the fund21:09
ahoneybunI'd like him to get paid back21:09
acheronukyeah, he will. just which way21:09
valoriewe should think about the future -- it's an amazing offer, but do we need such an expensive service?21:15
clivejoleave that decision for next years council21:18
* clivejo is glad his finger is returning to normal21:20
yofelnot something that expensive, but yeah, lets talk about that next year21:40
valorieperhaps by then we'll have our toolchain more stable and more of an idea what we want21:45
valoriewould be cool to have santa working on our pre-upload testing on our own servers21:46
valorieso that more people can contribute to that effort21:46
valoriewhat didja do to your finger, clivejo?21:47
clivejohammered it21:47
* valorie makes clivejo a pitcher of bionic beaver21:47
* clivejo licks lips21:47
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Just got my temps :D :D :D21:47
valorieomg, everybody stay off the road!!!!!21:48
clivejowhat are temps?21:48
valorie@tsimonq2 -- your temporary driver's license?21:49
clivejoI find that so strange21:50
clivejoyou can drive so young, but can't drink or vote :/21:50
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @valorie, Yes21:52
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @valorie, Lol21:52
valorieyou can legally carry a gun much earlier than that!21:53
valoriethe US is sorta backwards21:53
valorie"can't" legally drink21:53
valorie18-year-olds can vote21:54
clivejobut Simon is 15?21:54
valoriesome states have a learner's permit21:54
clivejoI could drive a tractor at 1621:54
valorienot a license as such, since you must have a licensed driver in the car with you21:54
valorieI don't think tractor driving even needs a license in this state21:55
clivejotook it to town one day, took me an hour!21:55
valorieeven on the public roads21:55
valoriewhich -- a tractor can be dangerous21:55
valoriea bit crazy21:55
clivejoindeed they can21:56
valorieof course so are cars, so there ya go21:56
clivejoI knocked my grandfathers shed down :/21:56
valorietime to learn how to build a shed I guess21:56
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @valorie, Yep learners permit :D21:57
clivejobut thanks to the EU, I can no longer pull a cattle trailer or drive a tractor over certain limits22:06
clivejocan only legally drive one out of seven of my cousins tractors22:10
valorieit's sunny, so I'll go out and hunt dandelions one last time22:10
valorienow that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule has been updated, I've also updated our Kubuntu calendar23:41
clivejowhich calendar?23:43
clivejoyour Google one?23:43
clivejodo you know how to update https://kubuntu.org/calendar ?23:45
valorieI don't23:45
valoriecan it import a gcalendar?23:45
clivejoit could if it gets the correct URL23:46
clivejobut I couldn't get it to work with the one you gave me23:46
valorieoh, I found how to export it23:47
clivejogot a url?23:47
valorieI think I'll share it with the council, not just aaron23:49
valorieoh, export gives me a zip file23:50
valorieI'll send it to you, but it looks like it zipped my cal and my husband's in there too23:52
valorieI assume you can just get the kubuntu one out23:52
clivejothere should be a feed url23:52
valoriesent to your gmail23:54
valorieCalendar ID: h6tbvu3gk2g1r36rfrd0hjclp0@group.calendar.google.com23:55
valorieI think23:55
clivejoGetting a Calendar Link23:56
clivejoand the Green ICAL button23:56

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