
=== mup_ is now known as mup
mupPR snapcraft#1480 closed: beta <Created by snappy-m-o> <Closed by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1480>02:56
mupPR snapcraft#1497 closed: ci: release snap to a branch for every PR <Created by sergiusens> <Closed by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1497>02:59
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mupBug #1687079 changed: cannot change profile for the next exec call: No such file or directory <Snappy:Expired> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1687079>04:19
mupPR snapd#4071 opened: release: merge 2.29~rc1 changelog <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4071>06:26
mvoogra_: thanks for your suggestion from yesterday, with -^ the changelogs in edge should be sensible again06:27
kiraHello need to install ubuntu core 16 on dell edge gateway06:34
=== kira is now known as Guest79466
Guest79466Using the below link which suggest  15.0406:35
Guest79466Hello need to install ubuntu core 16 on dell edge gateway06:41
elopio1snappy-m-o autopkgtest 1630 xenial:amd64:integration06:58
snappy-m-oelopio1: I've just triggered your test.06:58
mupPR snapd#4072 opened: daemon: use newChange() in changeAliases for consistency <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4072>07:04
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|zzz
Chipacacore 16-2.28.5+ppa9 3304 canonical core09:21
mwhudsonmvo: thanks for the golang fixery, sorry for being slack09:22
Chipacamvo: is this a new 'make edge version better'?09:23
Chipacamwhudson: hey09:23
mwhudsonChipaca: hello09:23
zyga-ubuntumvo: hey, I assume you know about listing/main, is the version change intended and we should change the test or should we put a new RC build with different version string?09:24
mvomwhudson: no worries09:25
Chipacamvo: i think zyga-ubuntu's quesiton and mine are the same09:25
mvomwhudson: you did the hard work by pointing me to the right fix :)09:25
mvoChipaca, zyga-ubuntu sorry, let me quickly rebuild hte core and see if that fixes things. there was a leftover package in the edge ppa which is fixed since09:26
zyga-ubuntuaha, thanks! :)09:27
mvoChipaca, zyga-ubuntu please give it ~30min or so that is hopefully enough, if not we need to whitelist "~" in the listing version09:27
Chipacamvo: should we do that anyway? or is it good as a safety net?09:28
mvoChipaca: in this case it was a good safety net, it choked on the "+" in there, right?09:28
zyga-ubuntu+ MATCH '^core .* [0-9]{2}-[0-9.]+(~[a-z0-9]+)?(\+git[0-9]+\.[0-9a-f]+)? +[0-9]+ +canonical +core *$'09:29
zyga-ubuntucore              16-2.28.5+ppa9  3301  canonical  core09:29
zyga-ubuntuyep, looks like it09:29
mvoyeah, I think that is ok, it should die on that, thats wrong content in our ppa09:29
Chipaca“Your server, "finley", has been scheduled to be upgraded to the newest version of Ubuntu! You will receive an email notification when the process begins. Please see the Knowledge Base article below for any possible changes that may affect you”09:30
Chipaca… except it's upgrading to 14.0409:30
Chipaca(from 12.04, so yay i guess?)09:30
=== morphis__ is now known as morphis
* zyga-ubuntu works on overlayfs-free variant of layout 10:16
* ogra_ hugs zyga-ubuntu 10:16
* Chipaca -> physio10:18
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: is that because we can't go ahead with the overlayfs one? traversal issues?10:19
Chipacaor is it a fallback?10:19
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: as a fallback10:19
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: I want to at least have a plan B that works10:19
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: overlay is much nicer and easier to work with but if we cannot do it (see the forum discussion) or it's unsafe, I need a fallback10:19
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: people on the dusty long tail say thank you10:20
zyga-ubuntufallback is also easy but undo is tricky10:20
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: that's what we're here for :)10:20
* Chipaca -> really, physio10:20
zyga-ubuntumvo: do you know if spread-cron PR 49 python code is for python3 or python2?10:27
mupPR #49: allow (optional) snappy update $pkgname <Created by mvo5> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/49>10:27
mvozyga-ubuntu: I don't know I would assume py310:29
mvozyga-ubuntu: actually looking at this its probably pretty old10:30
mvozyga-ubuntu: so might be written for py2, but we can/could moderinize it10:30
zyga-ubuntumvo: yeah, I'm a bit of a junkie for statically typed python10:31
zyga-ubuntumvo: I could ... you know, ... improve it :)10:31
mupPR snapd#4073 opened: snap: add io.snapcraft.Settings to proxy to xdg-settings <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4073>10:32
MuffinPimp[m]I asked this in #ubuntu but I figure I'll ask in here too: Is there an easy way to install an Ubuntu Core image from PXE?10:44
zyga-ubuntuMuffinPimp[m]: I don't think we support that yet but technically if you have a working image you can use any PXE bootable automated installer that will simply copy it and reboot10:46
zyga-ubuntuMuffinPimp[m]: but note that the first-boot on ubuntu core is special and requires interaction10:46
zyga-ubuntuMuffinPimp[m]: or special assertion that will complete the setup10:47
MuffinPimp[m]Yeah I was thinking of something like that but I don't know of such a tool.10:47
MuffinPimp[m]And yeah, I have access to a console so that wouldn't be a problem.10:48
mupPR core#62 opened: create xdg-settings inside the core snap <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/62>10:50
MuffinPimp[m]I'm considering just caving and running Ubuntu Server instead since googling hasn't led me anywhere, but I figured I would ask first.10:51
ChipacaMuffinPimp[m]: I forget how PXE worked, does it work to boot an image, or does it need something bootable with a size limit?10:53
Chipacalast time i played with pxe was to boot some hppa box10:53
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: it's a pice of code that boots over LAN, then cna pull in (you are in control) other stuff10:53
Chipacai mean, you can boot iso images with pxe, so you should be able to boot a core image10:55
MuffinPimp[m]Yeah, but I want to install it.10:56
zyga-ubuntuI agree with Chipaca, it's possible and once someone glues all the bits together, should be a generic solution10:56
vadiHello - my snaps are broken, and reinstalling like answers suggest isn't helping: https://hastebin.com/aqewojiseh.sql10:57
vadiWhat can I do?10:57
zyga-ubuntuvadi: hello10:57
zyga-ubuntuvadi: can you run "snap version" pleaes?10:58
ChipacaMuffinPimp[m]: clonezilla?10:59
vadiSure, here is the output: https://hastebin.com/oxomogivil.rb10:59
ChipacaMuffinPimp[m]: AIUI that lets you PXE boot and then image a local drive with a network image10:59
zyga-ubuntuvadi: I see11:00
Chipacavadi: what's that kernel?11:00
zyga-ubuntuvadi: you are running a mainline kernel,11:00
Chipacaah :-)11:00
zyga-ubuntuvadi: your kernel has probably caused us not to load apparmor support code for snap-confine11:01
vadiI have to use the mainline kernel because the Ubuntu kernel does not let me unlock the encryption on the laptop anymore11:01
MuffinPimp[m]Chipaca: Lol I can't believe I didn't think of clonezilla before, thanks!11:01
zyga-ubuntuvadi: unfortunately those kernels are not supported yet, I think 2.29 should be better in that regard but you need to wait for a nightly build in the edge channel11:01
Chipacavadi: what encryption is that? sounds like a regression we'd want to know about?11:02
Chipacawe == ubuntu people, not just snapd11:02
vadihttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1724564, I can't type the password in for the crypt setup. Either nothing appears or my password starts getting printed top-left of the screen...11:03
mupBug #1724564: Cannot enter password to unlock encryption in 4.10 <apport-collected> <kernel-da-key> <zesty> <linux (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1724564>11:03
Chipacavadi: gah11:03
vadiLuckily I had a mainline kernel installed for something else that still lets me use my work laptop11:03
Chipacavadi: try booting without the splash screen11:03
vadiHow can I do that?11:03
Chipacavadi: that is, change "splash" to "nosplash" in grub11:03
Chipacavadi: or, boot in rescue mode and then continue the normal boot11:03
vadiI'll try the rescue and normal.11:04
vadiIt took my password but it got stuck on this: https://photos.app.goo.gl/5QcAeGxOKj3RwTzQ211:12
skjensenHi guys, anyone who can help me with this? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/issue-with-ubuntu-image-panic-runtime-error-slice-bounds-out-of-range/257111:14
skjensenIssue with ubuntu-image: panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range11:15
Chipacavadi: it said your password was ok?11:19
zyga-ubuntuskjensen: hey11:19
zyga-ubuntuskjensen: hmmm, no idea11:20
vadiYeah, I think it took it in and it went further. At least it scrolled off the screen rather quick.11:20
Chipacaskjensen: zyga-ubuntu: that's a bug, no matter what it is11:20
Chipacai'll look into it11:20
skjensenGreat thanks.. :) If you need any help to replicate or see the files I used please let me know.11:20
Chipacaskjensen: to be clear: the bug is that instead of returning an error, it panics11:21
Chipacaskjensen: the distinction probably doesn't make much difference to you unfortunately11:21
skjensenOkay.. Hopefully the new error message will help me get my problem fixed..11:22
vadiGives you hope that it's not a blocker!11:23
Chipacaskjensen: the error is because it looks for two zero bytes in a boot file, and doesn't find it11:24
Chipacain the header11:24
skjensenChipaca: what does that mean?11:24
Chipacamvo: you remember ubootenv?11:25
Chipacaskjensen: i'm not familiar with this bit of the code to give you the proper context, but mvo might remember (but it's lunchtime for him)11:25
Chipacaskjensen: what i see in the code is that we get a 'payload': payload := contentWithHeader[headerSize:]11:26
Chipacaskjensen: then we check the CRC on it, and that passes11:26
Chipacaskjensen: then we look for two null bytes in the header, and that fails, but we don't check it before using it as an index11:26
Chipacaand that panics11:26
Chipaca"in the header" -> in the payload i mean11:27
Chipaca*not* the header11:27
Chipacathat is, we skip the header, d'oh :-)11:27
Chipaca_which_ file it is, is what i hope mvo can tell me (because the panic doesn't)11:27
Chipacaogra_: is the uboot env file a binary file?11:28
ogra_Chipaca, yes, it gets created by mkenvimage from the uboot tree, out of uboot.env.in11:29
ogra_it has to have a fixed size and format11:29
pstolowskiguys, i'm not feeling well today, got flu or something, gonna call it a day11:29
Chipacaogra_: and it uses two null bytes as an EOF marker or something?11:29
skjensenI'm using this device-tree: tegra124-apalis but no extra uboot.env.in file in my gadget.. Can that be the reason?11:30
ogra_Chipaca, not sure, mvo played with hexedit on it ... but we have a fixed commend that needs to be used to create it, if you use that as required it will be the correct format11:31
ogra_mkenvimage -r -s 131072 -o uboot.env uboot.env.in11:31
Chipacaskjensen: if the file were missing you would've seen an explicit error about that11:32
ogra_this is what you have to use (and what all our reference snapcraft.yaml's have)11:32
Chipacathis is: the file exists, the payload CRC is alright, but it's missing an end-of-payload marker11:32
ogra_skjensen, yes, thats definitely the reason11:32
ogra_you need to have a uboot.env.in as input for mkenvimage11:33
ChipacaI shall write a PR to make this a nice error instead of a panic11:33
skjensenOkay thanks ogra_11:33
ogra_skjensen, there needs to also be the uboot.conf link pointing to uboot.env in yur gadget source11:34
skjensenBut following your blog post about uboot I can't really figure out what to put into the uboot.env.in file?11:34
ogra_ubuntu-image reads the link, it does not directly use uboot.env11:34
ogra_skjensen, boot with the created uboot once (by manually setting up an SD as your board docs require) ... then run "printenv" in an attached serial terminal from the uboot commend prompt ...11:35
ogra_copy/paste the output into a text file you call uboot.env.in ...11:35
ogra_thats your base for it11:36
ogra_then you add the snap and snappy vars to it11:36
* zyga-ubuntu -> Lunch11:36
skjensenThanks ogra_ I will give that a go... :)11:37
Chipacaogra_: missing the \0\0, would it be better to error out, or to consume the rest of the file?11:39
ogra_Chipaca, well, it smells like the file is missing completely there ...11:40
Chipacayes, here yes11:40
Chipacait's not missing, otherwise it wouldn't've panic'ed11:40
Chipacait exists, has the right header, but is missing the eof marker11:41
Chipacaend-of-payload marker11:41
Chipacawhich might actually just be "fill with nul bytes until the given size"11:41
Chipacai'll wait for mvo's advice, i think11:41
ogra_so yes ... then it should print a proper error ... but we should also make sure that mkenvimage doesnt even create such a file if no uboot.env.in exists11:41
ogra_i wonder why it didnt error during build for the gadget11:42
* Chipaca afk for a bit11:42
ogra_ogra@styx:~$ mkenvimage -r -s 131072 -o uboot.foo uboot.foo.in11:44
ogra_Can't open "uboot.foo.in": No such file or directory11:44
ogra_hmm, it should definitely have errored without input file11:44
MuffinPimp[m]Another couple of questions, how do I prevent Ubuntu Core from rebooting automatically? If I wanted to use ZFS would installing TH"classic"11:47
ogra_(and even if the build moved on, the uboot.conf link would point nowhere, so i wonder how it got into that state)11:47
ogra_MuffinPimp[m], you cant currently ... (prevent the reboot) ... and there is no ZFS suppport for core11:47
ogra_ZFS for / that is11:47
ogra_for attached removable devices it might perhaps work (depends on the kernel)11:48
ogra_no worries, we'll all just plug our ears while you talk :P11:50
skjensenI might have completely skipped the mkenvimage part of the process.. and that's why ubuntu-image is throwing a panic.. Just in case you want to look into improving the error messages..11:50
MuffinPimp[m]LET ME TRY RESTARTING :/11:50
ogra_MuffinPimp[m], well, that then depends on the kernel (i'm not super familiar with ZFS, do you also need a userspace part ? thats probably missing as well)11:51
ogra_ogra@dragonboard:~$ grep ZFS /snap/dragonboard-kernel/current/config-4.4.0-1078-snapdragon11:51
ogra_i definitely dont see it in an arm64 kernel of our supported set11:52
MuffinPimp[m]That was annoying11:52
MuffinPimp[m]Yeah, the userspace tools aren't installed so I'm thinking the best way to install them would be "classic mode" idk if that has any gotchas though.11:55
MuffinPimp[m]that or just repackage the deb as a snap11:56
ogra_classic mode cant run any daemons11:56
ogra_it is really just for building stuff on the device11:57
ogra_so if your userspace tools require any service or systemd units it cant work in classic11:57
ogra_i guess a snap would be best though it would likely have to be unconfined / devmode or some such, i doubt there is an interface that could provide such a deep system level access11:58
ogra_(i could be wrong though)11:58
oSoMoNmvo, can you advise on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/call-for-testing-chromium-62-0-3202-62/2569/6 ? Looks like snapd is being overly strict11:59
mvooSoMoN: sure, let me check12:03
mvooSoMoN: meh, yeah, snapd got stricter and now you are bitten by this :/ let me check in more detail12:05
oSoMoNmvo, I've fixed the incorrect entries in the desktop file and pushed a new revision out to the candidate channel, but the problem is that snapd refuses to upgrade from the revision currently installed because of the incorrect entries12:07
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
Chipacamvo: is that a change in 2.29?12:14
mupPR snapd#4065 closed: servicestate: use taskset <Created by stolowski> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4065>12:14
ogra_oSoMoN, it is funny that snapcraft didnt error the same way, afaik it checks all executables and binaries that get called from the apps section and from shipped .desktop files12:17
oSoMoNogra_, I didn't check the snapcraft output, maybe it simply issues a warning instead of erroring out?12:21
ogra_that might be ...12:24
cachioogra_, hey12:26
ogra_(morning ... i guess :) )12:26
cachioogra_, tx, good afternoon for you, I got disconnected, did you see what I wrote?12:27
cachio yesterday I was diving in all the building infrastructure :)12:27
cachiowhy the core snap is not automatically built by launchpad?12:27
ogra_it is12:27
ogra_lp-build-core is just the trigger script, see my last comments on the forum thread12:28
cachiobut it is possible to setup in launchpad to do what the python script is doing, right?12:28
ogra_there is no cron support in LP itself12:29
ogra_so you need something that "clicks" the request builds button12:29
ogra_(and feeds the info requred by the form this button brings up)12:29
cachioogra_, ah, ok, so the reason is to be able to schedule the builds and not do it with any change in the repo, right?12:30
ogra_(arches, archives and such)12:30
ogra_the reason we use cron is because that was enough back when i implemented it ... but when this setup was designed it was designed with the ability in mind to be able to use other PPAs or other triggers12:31
ogra_there are just none yet :)12:31
cachioogra_, I am trying to understand :)12:33
ogra_(we were still running 15.04-snappy when i did the original implementation and had not even switched to github )12:33
ogra_(so the setup was similar to how we roll isos ... simply once a day by cron ... )12:33
cachioogra_, could we on here https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+snap/core/+edit to set "Automatically build when branch changes" and point it to the edge ppa?12:33
ogra_cachio, the "branch" is not snapd but the build scripts ...12:34
ogra_cachio, so yes, you could do that but that would only re-build when the build env changes, as i understand you want a rebuild when snapd changes though12:35
cachioogra_, but if in the "Source archive for automatic builds:" we add the snappy-edge ppa12:36
ogra_cachio, so what i'd do is to create a "watcher" tool that monitors the edge PPA ... (which as i understand has been set up by elopio1 and federico to always build a new deb when the snapd tree changes)12:36
ogra_and simply replace the cron part with that12:36
ogra_*and* point to the edge PPA12:36
cachioogra_, but launchpad is offering to watch a ppa12:36
ogra_as additional build source12:37
ogra_well, if thats possible, tnen do that12:37
ogra_i didnt know that ...12:37
ogra_you need to make sure the PPA is also used alongside with the image PPA and xenial-updates though12:38
ogra_not sure how you can do that without using lp-lib ... since there is no such feature in the snap form of LP12:38
cachioogra_, I would use this ppa https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+archive/ubuntu/edge12:38
niemeyerackk: Reviewed #3916 again12:39
mupPR #3916: snap,wrappers: add support for socket activation <Created by albertodonato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3916>12:39
niemeyerackk: A few more notes, probably the last ones12:40
ackkniemeyer, thanks!12:40
niemeyerackk: If you can go through these quickly, I'm happy to re-review before I'm off12:40
* ackk takes a look12:40
cachioogra_, I sent you an email with the configuration that we could try12:41
ogra_cachio, what i dont see is how you define a PPA as trigger on https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+snap/core or on https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+snap/core/+request-builds12:41
ogra_and there is no way to set up two PPAs as build source on the second page12:42
ogra_this is why i use that lp-build-core script, because lp-lib is the only way to do this12:42
ogra_(or has been, if there are other ways then i simply dont know about them)12:42
cachioogra_, you mean, to trigger when there is a change in the core project itself?12:43
ogra_cachio, ah, i see what you mean .. you should read the text under "Automatically build when branch changes"12:44
cachioogra_, yes12:44
ogra_that does not refer to the PPA, it refers only to the git branch12:44
ogra_and the git branch is not snapd but https://github.com/snapcore/core (which contains the whole build env)12:45
ogra_so it would only auto-build if the build tools change, not if snapd changes12:45
cachioogra_, ah, ok, and we don't have snapcraft.yaml in the edge ppa12:45
ogra_a PPA is a package archive for debs12:46
ogra_no, there is no snapcraft.yaml in the PPA12:46
cachioogra_, I know, but I would use it just as the trigger12:47
ogra_cachio, what we have (what federico and elopio1 did set up once) is an auto-build of the snapd deb in the edge PPA ... the core build scripts use debs to create the core snap ... so what you actually want to watch is when the snapd deb in the edge PPA is getting refreshed ...12:47
ogra_then you want to trigger a new build of core and actually use that deb (by adding the additional edge PPA to the snap build)12:48
ogra_you can use it as trigger but you cant do that without some lp-lib coding12:48
ogra_there is no way to use a PPA as trigger for a snap build automatically12:48
cachioogra_, agree12:49
ogra_the way i described in my last forum post on that topic should work with the existing setup ... which doesnt mean there isnt perhaps a better way i dont know about though12:50
cachioogra_, I already updated the python code12:50
mupPR snapd#4074 opened: partition/ubootenv: don't panic when uboot.env is missing the eof marker <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4074>12:51
ogra_cachio, the trickiest part here is to hide the credentials from the rest of the world ... since they give 100% access to all team stuff, which is why i'd recommend to do it all from your home people.canonical.com or from some other machine in the datacenter that outsiders can not browse12:54
ogra_(people.c.c is the easiest though ... )12:55
cachioogra_, well, so far I just have access to that machine12:55
cachioogra_, I just have the certs needed12:56
cachioogra_, the launchpad credentials saved are just for that machine, right?12:56
ogra_i think so12:57
ogra_yeah, looking at the credentials file in my home on lillipilly i see:12:58
ogra_consumer_key = System-wide: Ubuntu (lillypilly)12:58
ogra_as the first line12:58
ogra_so it creates a system token when you run it for the first time12:58
cachioogra_, yes12:58
cachioogra_, and in launchpad you can define how to use it, just once, until you disable it, etc12:59
ogra_you dont want the access_secret public from that file though13:00
ogra_(not sure if thats any valuable without the token but i wouldnt want to try it either :) )13:01
ogra_cachio, oh, and note that lillipilly is a 12.04 machine ... the default python is 2 ...  (i just noticed zyga-ubuntu's complaint on your PR for lp-build-core)13:03
mvooSoMoN: I put it on my list to investigate today13:05
* kalikiana going for lunch13:20
ackkniemeyer, so, to confirm, we only want to accept $SNAP_DATA and $SNAP_COMMON as path prefixes for listen-stream, no absolute paths13:22
oSoMoNmvo, thanks!13:32
mvoChipaca: will you mention your PR in https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/issue-with-ubuntu-image-panic-runtime-error-slice-bounds-out-of-range/2571 ?13:32
Chipacamvo: done13:33
ackkniemeyer, addressed all your comments, but I have a question on the last one (on the PR)13:43
JonelethIrenicushow can i add to a path variable of a snappy package I have installed13:45
ChipacaJonelethIrenicus: what do you mean?13:46
JonelethIrenicusi want to add a directory to the path13:47
mupPR snapd#4066 closed: overlord/snapstate: support completion for command aliases <Created by chipaca> <Closed by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4066>13:50
ChipacaJonelethIrenicus: what for?13:50
JonelethIrenicusChipaca: because I want to13:51
ChipacaJonelethIrenicus: is this a regular binary app in the snap, or a service?13:52
JonelethIrenicusits pycharm13:53
* ogra_ hugs sabdfl 14:03
ogra_thanks for giving the child a name :)14:04
kalikianawoot. bionic beaver is a name I did not expect. I love it :-D14:07
niemeyerackk: Shoot14:07
niemeyermvo: Updated the core opts doc to include the proxy.* options14:08
ackkniemeyer, see my last comment on the PR14:08
ackkniemeyer, I'm not sure what you're referring to wrt systemd creating paths14:08
mvoniemeyer: thank you14:08
niemeyerackk: I see, it's fine to keep the MkdirAll14:10
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: hey14:10
niemeyerackk: I don't quite recall whether we remap into /etc or whether we're using /etc/systemd elsewhere in core devices14:10
ackkniemeyer, I think I had it there because the older implamentation had it14:10
ackkniemeyer, but as said, /etc/systemd/system should always be there14:10
niemeyerackk: Yeah, and that might be the reason.. it's fine to keep it14:10
niemeyerackk: Thanks for the changes.. I'll re-review after lunch14:10
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: hey. actively looking at 400814:10
niemeyermvo: np!14:10
ackkniemeyer, ok, then the branch should be good14:11
ackkniemeyer, ty for looking at it14:11
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: not sure how your commitments look like14:11
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: aha, thank you! :)14:11
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: then I'll get out of your way :)14:11
cachiomvo, about the user assertion, any update on that?14:14
mvocachio: meh, not yet14:16
cachiomvo, can I help?14:17
mvocachio: yes, you could create it via a json input file or by looking how we do those nowdays in the other tests. but I need to dig into that myself a bit to be more helpful :/14:17
mvooSoMoN: if chromium has access to xdg-settings, will that be used to make itself the default browser?14:20
pedronisdavidcalle: I see people still referring to https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/01/28/ubuntu-core-how-to-enable-aliases-for-your-snaps-commands/ , it probably needs updating to reflect the changes happened to how aliases work14:36
gokrAnyone used the content interface?14:42
zyga-ubuntugokr: hey, what do you need?14:43
gokrI have been battling this but... I think I now may know what the problem is.14:43
gokrWe are making a proof of concept - with one snap being a kind of web server, that serves other snaps. And those others are exposed via content interface.14:44
gokrUnfortunately... I am not sure its a viable approach - since... I don't know if they will autoconnect unless both are from the same publisher. And... that feels like a restriction in this case.14:47
davidcallepedronis: hmm, thanks, you are right14:47
gokrzyga-ubuntu: I make the connection, but I am having a hard time knowing where the content is supposed to be mounted.14:49
gokrIt would be nice if I somehow could use some snap command or something that shows the actual mounts.14:50
kyrofaelopio1, the ruby autopkgtest doesn't seem to work on armhf either14:52
sborovkovHi. Can someone point me to some documentation on launchpad build farm for snaps?14:52
gokrWoa, it worked. So... ok, the mount point must exist.14:53
ogra_sborovkov, hmm, i dont think there is much actual documentation, if you have a branch in LP you get a "create snap package" button, that takes you a form which is pretty self explaining ... not sure if cjwatson can point to something more detailed14:53
sborovkovOk understood14:53
kyrofasborovkov, ogra_ this is still mostly up-to-date: https://kyrofa.com/posts/building-your-snap-on-device-there-s-a-better-way14:54
ogra_ah, perfect !14:54
kyrofaSome of the UI has changed since I took the screenshots, but it'll get you there14:54
ogra_yeah, it is really self explaining after all ...14:55
zyga-ubuntugokr: re14:55
ogra_(i personally found it harder to set up the git tree import from GH to LP than to create the snap package from it afterwards)14:55
pedronisdavidcalle: yes, I had this in mind and forgot a couple of times to ping you, let me know if I can help somehow14:55
zyga-ubuntugokr: yes, that's a limitation in 2.28.5, in 2.29 or 2.30 the target won't have to exist14:55
pedronisdavidcalle: thanks14:55
zyga-ubuntugokr: you can see the actual mounts using a little trick but I agree it's not easy to find14:56
gokrzyga-ubuntu: Ok, followup question. I want to mount into $SNAP_DATA/apps - but... oh? Hmmm, what version do I have...14:56
zyga-ubuntugokr: you can run "sudo nsenter -m/run/snapd/ns/nameofthesnap.mnt"14:56
gokr2.28.5, right14:56
zyga-ubuntugokr: then you can run mount or look at /proc/self/mountinfo14:56
gokrgreat, thanks.14:57
zyga-ubuntugokr: in 2.29.2 (perhaps) or 2.03 you will have the benefit of this pull request:14:57
mupPR #4008: cmd/snap-update-ns: create missing mount points automatically <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4008>14:57
zyga-ubuntugokr: you can look at the tests to get an idea, look here: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4008/files#diff-3112a3d1998c61825cfbcd270e9ecf1514:57
zyga-ubuntugokr: as you can see there's a pair of snaps, for plugs and for slots14:58
zyga-ubuntugokr: and they share data and code by using the content interface14:58
zyga-ubuntugokr: (actually, I spoke too soon, code is shared in a follow-up PR)14:58
zyga-ubuntugokr: look at what is being done14:58
zyga-ubuntugokr: I'll gladly answer questions or take your suggestions14:58
cjwatsonogra_: *cough* been meaning to write something up on help.launchpad.net for about two years now14:59
ogra_cjwatson, just link to kyrofa's blog ;)15:00
cjwatsonblogs aren't docs :)15:01
kyrofacjwatson, happy to clean up what I've got there if you want some help with that15:01
mupPR snapd#4075 opened: many: reorg things in preparation to make handling of the base url in store dynamic  <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4075>15:01
cjwatsonif you aren't already in ~launchpad-doc I would not object if you emailed me a chunk of wiki markup to drop somewhere :)15:01
kyrofaI'm not in launchpad-doc, but I will apply15:02
gokrzyga-ubuntu: So... either I make an install hook (evidently) to create the $SNAP_DATA/apps dir (but still not sure that's done before the content connections are made?) - or I get a newer snap. How do I get a newer snap?15:04
zyga-ubuntugokr: no, you cannot use an install hook15:07
zyga-ubuntugokr: install hook runs in the execution environment for the snap15:08
zyga-ubuntugokr: and that already has the mount namespace prepared15:08
gokrright, as I suspected15:08
zyga-ubuntugokr: long story short, you need to wait for 2.29.2 or 2.30 and then it will not be a problem anymore15:08
oSoMoNmvo, re xdg-settings, yes: https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/chrome/browser/shell_integration_linux.cc?type=cs&sq=package:chromium&l=8615:09
gokrSo currently I can only mount to $SNAP_DATA/ ?15:09
zyga-ubuntugokr: yes, I'm afraid so :/15:09
gokrOr to $SNAP/whatever - if readonly?15:09
zyga-ubuntubut $SNAP/whatever must be in the snap already (it must be an empty directory)15:10
gokrRight, but that may be doable.15:10
gokrok, cool15:10
zyga-ubuntuwell, those things are getting improvements15:10
zyga-ubuntugokr: please look at this thread, where we discuss how to improve the content interface15:10
cachiomvo, is it any reason why we sync github and snapd-vendor in launchapd for any green in master?15:11
* kalikiana waves at kyrofa 15:11
cachiomvo, we could do it nightly based on the last green on master too15:11
kyrofaGood afternoon kalikiana15:11
kalikianakyrofa: Can you merge snapcraft#1627 ?15:12
mupPR snapcraft#1627: lxd: split container classes into different files <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1627>15:12
gokrzyga-ubuntu: So... I am presenting tomorrow around this idea - and hopefully with a small demo. It would be nice to verify it with you.15:14
=== cachio is now known as cachio_lunch
mvocachio_lunch: we are mostly doing it because this way we get quicker test cycles. we could do it nightly only too15:16
kyrofakalikiana, looks like it's out of date15:17
kyrofakalikiana, it's behind master. Sometimes that's okay, but since the PR is not small, I'd like to run tests against an updated branch15:18
kyrofaSo I just updated it15:18
kyrofaIf it's still green, I'll merge it15:19
kalikianaOh. D'uh :-D Sounds sensible15:19
* ogra_ sees the most recent forum post and thinks someone runs in circles ... 15:19
ikeythe dollahz one?15:26
ikeyoh christ15:26
ikeyif people could get over recreating the android success story that'd be swell15:26
zyga-ubuntuogra_: ?15:28
zyga-ubuntuI see15:28
ogra_yeah,, Chipaca bit the bullet already15:28
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: thank you: )15:29
zyga-ubuntuI'm off to my parents, but I'm working on snapd on the way :)15:29
zyga-ubuntuman, I wish irssi knew my network status and could do the right thing15:29
zyga-ubuntuI'm so lazy not to script it15:30
zyga-ubuntuanyway, ttyl15:30
kyrofaChipaca, you're our hero15:38
* Chipaca actually LOLs15:43
* zyga-ubuntu got a USB thumb drive that is 67GB big15:45
Pharaoh_Atemhey ikey15:45
zyga-ubuntushould I trust that?15:45
zyga-ubuntulooks very ... odd15:45
ikeyPharaoh_Atem, rawr15:45
Chipacaniemeyer: augh. joining those threads makes things worse imho :-(15:47
* Chipaca gives up and takes a break15:47
niemeyerChipaca: I've literally answered that very question already15:47
niemeyerChipaca: IN that topic15:47
* kalikiana waves at Pharaoh_Atem 15:48
* Pharaoh_Atem waves back at kalikiana15:48
niemeyerChipaca: It sounds worse to have N topics repeating the same questions and then copy & paste responses15:48
ogra_niemeyer, it feels like you answered that question at least 20 times ...15:58
ogra_(just that it was differently phrased each time)15:59
zyga-ubuntumaybe it's one of those questions that need to be a video16:00
zyga-ubuntuwait, I found one16:01
ogra_well, helloween isnt far out ... could be a funny video ... :)16:01
* zyga-ubuntu gets back to writing tests16:01
ogra_yeah, that fits16:01
=== cachio_lunch is now known as cachio
kyrofasnappy-m-o, autopkgtests 1583 xenial:amd6416:08
snappy-m-oCommand "," / ", autopkgtests" not found.16:08
snappy-m-o Did you mean "/snappy-m-o autopkgtest" ?16:08
kyrofasnappy-m-o, autopkgtest 1583 xenial:amd6416:09
snappy-m-okyrofa: I've just triggered your test.16:09
kyrofasnappy-m-o, I only ever use you for one thing. You should know what I want16:09
snappy-m-oCommand "," / ", I" not found.16:09
kyrofaikey, :P16:09
ogra_ikey, lol16:10
zyga-ubuntujamesh: hey16:12
zyga-ubuntujamesh: it's a bit early but maybe you're around now16:12
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: o/16:13
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: \o16:23
pedronisChipaca: are you off tomorrow? or only Thu?16:23
Chipacapedronis: thu an' fri16:24
Chipacai can also take tomorrow off if you want :-D16:24
pedronisChipaca: I need a review :)16:24
pedronisthat's why16:24
Chipacapedronis: i'll be here tomorrow16:24
pedronisok, thank you16:25
Chipacai'll make sure i mark the pr as 'changes requested' over some typo in a comment, just before i EOW16:26
pedronisI should also try to do some reviews tomorrow, it seems our queue is growing again16:30
Chipacaogra_: http://www.webtender.com/db/drink/419716:37
Chipacadunno why it's for you, but it's clearly for you16:38
ogra_cheers !16:38
* kalikiana going to find something for dinner16:39
=== JoshStrobl|zzz is now known as JoshStrobl
cachiomvo, sorry, which tests are triggered when we sync with snapd-vendor?16:50
elopio1kyrofa: are you going to join the new ubuntu on air thing? https://community.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-hour-friday-october-27th/1019 :D17:03
kyrofaelopio1, I saw the post but hadn't read it yet, let me do so17:03
cachiomvo, If we sync once a day, we will almost make sure the core we have in snapd-vendor repo is the code used to build the core snap17:03
cachioSo, I can detect a new core snap in edge and run the tests using snapd-vendor and it should work17:04
cachiomvo, is it ok if I propose a PR with that change?17:04
cachiothen the commits information won't be longer needed17:05
kyrofaelopio1, I'll be there!17:07
kyrofasnappy-m-o, autopkgtest 1636 xenial:amd6417:10
snappy-m-okyrofa: I've just triggered your test.17:10
elopio1kyrofa: great! Please reply on the topic, to start moving it and so I know who to send the link on friday.17:16
elopio1what about you zyga-ubuntu ? We have a new testing-day like show ^17:17
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: sorry for bothering you at this time17:19
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: are you still working, can I trick you into a tiny review? (really small)17:20
pedronismvo: niemeyer: I just remembered we also need to do something about firstboot and core config, atm we apply optionally default config for core from the gadget  at first boot but that depends on configstate and the configure hook17:23
pedronismvo: it suggests, one option would be to hook/redirect just below/behind configstate.Configure17:25
zyga-ubuntuhttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4068 if anyone wants17:40
mupPR #4068: interfaces/builtin: add support for content "source" section <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4068>17:40
=== elopio1 is now known as elopio
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: thank you for the review18:28
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: I'm making comments and I'll tweak the comments in the code shortly18:28
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: I'm eating supper but if you can re-review this after ~45 min it should be all ready18:31
cachiozyga-ubuntu, if you have 2 minutes could you please take a look to PR18:32
cachiojust to confirm if it is an issue or not18:32
kalikianakyrofa: snapcraft#1627 seems to be green18:35
mupPR snapcraft#1627: lxd: split container classes into different files <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1627>18:35
kyrofakalikiana, done18:37
kalikianakyrofa: Thank you so much, sir!18:37
mupPR snapcraft#1627 closed: lxd: split container classes into different files <Created by kalikiana> <Merged by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1627>18:37
zyga-ubuntucachio: ah, I bet you that the interface actually relies on apparmor alone and thus won't have any effect on fedora, debian and likely, opensuse18:38
zyga-ubuntucachio: check for partial confinement in the test and then skip that other half of the test that would fail if it were disconnected18:39
cachiozyga-ubuntu, ok, but in debian the files don0t exist, so I suppose it is not supported by the kernel18:40
cachiozyga-ubuntu, is it true?18:40
kyrofasnappy-m-o, autopkgtest 1636 xenial:amd6418:46
snappy-m-okyrofa: I've just triggered your test.18:46
cachiozyga-ubuntu, in debian it is failing when we execute the snap18:48
zyga-ubuntucachio: interesting, I wasn't aware of that18:52
zyga-ubuntucachio: I'll check and get back to you but that will be tomorrow18:52
cachiozyga-ubuntu, sure18:52
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: I'm going to go for a walk and when I come back, I'll take a look at the PR again19:21
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: done :)19:21
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: thank you :)19:21
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: assuming tests are happy this will be a major improvement to content interface19:22
zyga-ubuntuenjoy your walk :)19:22
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|Store
=== JoshStrobl|Store is now known as JoshStrobl
kyrofasnappy-m-o, autopkgtest 1583 xenial:amd6422:35
snappy-m-okyrofa: I've just triggered your test.22:35

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