
sarnoldbdmurray: hello! 1726297 hasn't retraced yet (CoreDump.gz is still attached), but was filed ~16 hours ago -- are the retracers happy?00:54
bdmurraysarnold: I just had something retraced00:55
bdmurraysarnold: Is it your bug?00:55
sarnoldbdmurray: no, someone else's, but it's currently private security, and I don't want to open it with a coredump still attached, but it'd be nice to get usable data out of it first if we can00:56
bdmurraysarnold: do you know what arch the crash is?00:56
sarnoldbdmurray: x86_6400:56
bdmurraysarnold: Hmm, well they tried! I'll dig into it tomorrow.00:58
sarnoldbdmurray: thanks! :)00:58
sarnoldbdmurray: a second similar case, x86_64, 17.10, 1726388 -- it also had the 'need-amd64-retrace' tag removed ~11 hours ago, but the CoreDump.gz is still attached and no new retraces01:01
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fabbionedoko: do you still maintain toolchain in ubuntu?06:37
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TJ-sil2100: ping? re your comments on upstream dbus bug 95263: unix fd in-flight counting broken12:10
ubottubug 95263 in linux-source-2.6.20 (Ubuntu) "no sound kernel 11 and 12" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9526312:10
TJ-ubottu: you're not that intelligent you know!12:11
ubottuTJ-: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:11
* TJ- nods12:11
sil2100TJ-: hey! It's been a while since I last heard about that bug IIRC ;)13:47
TJ-sil2100: do you have 5 minutes to talk about what you recall?13:48
sil2100TJ-: hard to say, I wasn't directly encountering this issue, I was only a middle-man working on getting fixes released, not sure if I remember much of any importance13:48
sil2100What do you need to know?13:48
TJ-sil2100: Well, we have a user, maszlo, that both nacc and myself have been working with to debug an obscure issue. Lenovo T450, latest firmware, 17.10 upgrade from 17.04, acpi_osi="Windows 2015", etc. *only* when it starts on battery it fails to start. main reason is services fail because the rootfs is read-only. fsck in initrd succeeds, no issues.  *However* systemd-remount does remount rootfs13:51
TJ-read-write but *something* causes it to be put back into read-only mode...13:51
TJ-sil2100: ... we suspected laptop-mode-tools but having disabled that completely (.service and .timer and the polling) the issue still occurs. Then I noticed with "systemd.log_level=debug" that systemd starts reporting " Transport endpoint is not connected" and that eventually led me via systemd issue 2925 to dbus bug 9526313:52
ubottubug 95263 in linux-source-2.6.20 (Ubuntu) "no sound kernel 11 and 12" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9526313:52
TJ-sil2100: I checked 17.10 and saw we don't see to be carrying the fix from that dbus issue and wondered if you knew anything more13:53
sil2100TJ-: give me a moment to look at the original bug again13:59
TJ-sil2100: thanks.14:00
sil2100TJ-: you said we're not carrying the dbus fix in 17.10?14:04
TJ-sil2100: as far as I could tell from the changelog/version number, but the commit history looks a bit messed up since an accidental commit of the 1.11 branch into the 1.1014:05
TJ-sil2100: plus it was 4am when I was looking, after 12 hours chasing this!14:06
sil2100TJ-: ok, so from what I see we are carrying a fix for LP:#14:06
sil2100eh, rogue enter14:06
sil2100TJ-: ok, so from what I see we are carrying a fix for LP: #1591411 since zesty+ in dbus, but it's not the final fix that Simon proposed in the 95263 bug14:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1591411 in dbus (Ubuntu Xenial) "systemd-logind must be restarted every ~1000 SSH logins to prevent a ~25 second delay" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159141114:07
sil2100I guess dbus has the workaround that Simon proposed a bit earlier in the discussion14:07
sil2100i.e. we have this:14:08
sil2100Do you think it's necessary to have the real fix, i.e. all the things mentioned in https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=95263#c4314:09
ubottuFreedesktop bug 95263 in core "unix fd in-flight counting broken" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]14:10
TJ-sil2100: hmmm, the follow-on dbus bug was only commited for 1.11.6 in July this year... https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=95619#c1014:10
ubottuFreedesktop bug 95619 in core "_dbus_timeout_set_enabled doesn't reset timeout ticking" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]14:10
TJ-sil2100: I'm not even sure if this is the cause of the issue as yet, but the fact we're seeing Transport endpoints missing and connection errors makes me think it is related to these at least.14:11
sil2100TJ-: hmmm, maybe you could test that on a PPA-built dbus with all those fixes cherry-picked?14:13
sil2100Sorry I can't be of much help, I didn't have this issue so I was only working on what people were reporting back to me14:13
TJ-sil2100: I'll try to get the user to do that. After yesterday's marathon it'll be a few days before he's ready for that again. I'll talk to nacc too we can probably coordinate on it.14:13
sil2100TJ-: ok, if you need any help in that just give me a sign14:14
TJ-sil2100: same here, can't reproduce. this is the relevant dmesg, search for "Transport endpoint is not connected" to see where it seems to start the problems. http://paste.ubuntu.com/2580473714:14
TJ-My problem is, how the heck does the root file-system get returned to read-only mode!?14:15
smoserxnox: i'd really appreciate review of https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+git/initramfs-tools/+merge/33004314:41
smoserif i dont get some, or a suggestion that there is another planned way to do this comming "really soon", then i think i'll just upload it.14:41
xnoxsmoser, hm. I still want to review that =/ and i wanted to check how feasable it is to run systemd-networkd + netplan in the initramfs.14:43
xnoxsmoser, plus some of your concerns are odd. For example, if there is netplan in the root filesystems, surely the current initramfs is specific to said root filesystem, and thus initramfs should have same networking configs, no?14:43
xnoxsmoser, if initramfs is generic, the host is generic too, and not yet provisioned / configured, thus initramfs setup networking is fine for the target too.14:44
xnoxsmoser, cause imho writting match any, dhcp in netplan and simply running netplan apply is better than ipconfig, dhclient, etc.....14:44
smoser"the initramfs is generic" is basically never able to be determined.14:45
smoserand if someone gave kernel command line options, then they probably wanted those to be taken.14:45
smoserxnox: i guess just please review that... you are welcome to review the implementation, but the description of what happens is in the commit message. i think its fairly complete.14:47
smoserand you can see the rendered tests. they do not handle writing the14:48
smoser'match', (see line 113.. that is not excercised in test cases)14:48
fabbionedoko: thanks for taking care of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/valgrind/+bug/172671116:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1726711 in valgrind (Ubuntu) "valgrind reports invalid memory access on epoll_pwait call when invoked via epoll_wait" [Undecided,In progress]16:37
smoseris bionic "open" ?17:26
smosercan i upload?17:26
smoseri'm sure nacc or rbasak know ^17:27
tumbleweedlaunchpad doesn't even know about it yet https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+series17:27
tumbleweedand the topic tracks such things17:27
smosertumbleweed: gracias.17:28
TJ-How should package A that 'knows' it'll break package B, and declares a "Breaks: B", handle removal of B during a do-release-upgrade ?17:30
tumbleweedTJ- https://wiki.debian.org/PackageTransition17:31
naccsmoser: per /topic, not open (and no ubuntu-anounce email yet)17:31
nacctumbleweed: there is a bb-series placeholder, which i believe will get renamed17:31
tumbleweedyes, which means if you do an upload for bionic...17:31
TJ-tumbleweed: 17.10 systemd declares "Breaks: laptop-mode-tools" but after a 17.04>17.10 d-r-u l.m.t remained. should that 'Breaks' be a "Conflicts" then?17:34
tumbleweedBreaks should be fine, but that doesn't guarantee that systemd will win the fight17:35
tumbleweedI presume it does for priority reasons, though? Not actually sure how safe that is17:35
naccTJ-: it's a versioend breaks17:37
naccTJ-: and the version in artful is new enough17:37
naccperhaps the version is wrong?17:37
bdmurrayIf I want to report a bug about the desktop search feature in 17.10 is that gnome-shell too?17:37
TJ-nacc: where do you see the version for the Breaks? I don't see it with apt-cache depends17:37
naccTJ-: apt show systemd17:38
naccTJ-: laptop-mode-tools (<< 1.68~17:38
naccadded in systemd 229-617:38
TJ-nacc: that's a pain! apt-cache depends ought to show that!17:38
naccfrom debian bug #76201817:38
ubottuDebian bug 762018 in systemd "systemd: v215 - rootfs left in read-only - not everytime" [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/76201817:38
naccTJ-: --^ lol17:39
naccTJ-: that might be the same bug??17:39
TJ-which is what we have with bug 172693017:39
ubottubug 1726930 in systemd (Ubuntu) "System fails to start (boot) on battery due to read-only root file-system" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172693017:39
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naccTJ-: i wonder if l-m-t broke itself17:41
naccTJ-: would take some archaeology as to what was the 'fix' in 1.68 and wehther it's still there17:41
naccTJ-: I can do that in a bit17:41
TJ-nacc: right. it looks like it re-broke doesn't it?17:41
TJ-nacc: i've still not figured out how the rootfs returns to read-only mode even though systemd-remount returns success17:42
elbrusLaney: can you confirm that https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/+git/britney2-ubuntu/commit/?id=fe627aa was indeed only to catch NEW packages that FTBFS?18:50
mdeslaurkees: TB?19:04
guest2239any OP's in here?19:17
dax(note for others: i just answered in another channel)19:18
powersjnacc: Looks like `apt-cache showsrc src_package` and look for Section is one way of determining what component (universe vs main) a package is from?20:23
powersjis there an easier/faster way to determine if something is in main vs universe vs multiverse?20:23
jbichaa slower way is to use rmadison, you can also use a web browser https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/madison.cgi21:01
xnoxpowersj, seeded-in-ubuntu22:00
powersjxnox, is it correct to say: if it returns any images a package is seeded in therefore it must be in main?22:04
xnoxpowersj, no.22:04
xnoxpowersj, ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-server and supported are in main.22:05
xnoxpowersj, what is your actual quection? I find $ reverse-depends -r artful -c main -b src:foo -> what i use the most22:05
xnoxwhich tells me all the reverese depends of something, that are in main =)22:05
powersjxnox: give a package or src package, is the package currently in main22:05
xnoxpowersj, .... because, what?22:06
powersjI think looking at the package-team-mapping at those 3 teams you point out and checking if the src package is present would be fastest in my case22:06
xnoxpowersj, there is supported field on the package, for LTS, which is 5yrs for things in main.22:06
xnoxpowersj, what do you actually care about, if it's in main or not? to check upload rights?22:07
xnoxthere is ubuntu-upload-permission for that?22:07
xnoxthere is ubuntu-upload-permission for that.22:07
xnoxpowersj, what do you intend to do with the information that something is in main or not.22:07
xnoxpowersj, also you usually need to include restricted too.22:07
bdmurraysarnold: FYI I sorted out what was wrong and I'm gonna mark a bunch of failures for retracing23:34
sarnoldbdmurray: excellent, thanks!23:34
sarnoldbdmurray: that reminds me that some ofthe stacktraces I've seen in private bugs had far more memory contents in them than I've expected. I've deleted a handful of them before opening bugs up to the public, and that feels pretty new too23:35
bdmurraysarnold: zip it23:36
bdmurraysarnold: don't be bringing me more issues23:36
sarnoldbdmurray: hehe :)23:37
sarnoldbdmurray: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dnscrypt-proxy/+bug/1703186/+activity23:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1703186 in dnscrypt-proxy (Ubuntu) "dnscrypt-proxy crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Confirmed]23:37

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