=== elky is now known as el [06:37] @Wolfenprey, Panel is a bit too small, but it looks good! [06:37] @Schyken, Yeah, maybe with some more tweaks can do the work [06:38] I like it :D DamaDamas icons? [06:38] @Schyken, Idk really, all it's from a "win10 transformation pack" [06:39] i like to show it to windowed friends XD [06:39] Ah, looks great. It definitely does the trick, hah [06:40] http://b00merang.weebly.com/windows-10.html it's from that web, no spam intended === JasonO- is now known as JasonO [16:39] hi agaida, I'm tring to fix the daily builds on the PPA, but I should be able build the packages directly from debian git [16:40] should work [16:40] agaida: but, currently lxqt-build-tools fail because there is no HEAD ref [16:40] and launchpad doesn't like it :-) [16:41] @gilir, Hey there, get my ping from the other day? :) [16:41] grr - wait a second [16:41] tsimonq2: yes, it's second in my TODO list, after the daily build stuff :-) [16:42] gilir: but there will be a problem [16:42] rigth now it will not work [16:43] aka you would need the head debian/experimental [16:43] @gilir, OK excellent :) [16:43] for 0.12.0 [16:43] agaida: well I planned to build from experimental-snapshots/latest branch [16:44] ok - that would work - in that case we should kill the symbol files there [16:44] it seems to be the easiest way [16:45] because i suspect that slightly different versions of anything in ubuntu and sid would create a symbols mess [16:45] gilir: I wrote up some hacky tooling to do daily builds but the code is super ugly and hacky... I look forward to a better solution ;) [16:45] ok, back to lxqt-build-tools [16:46] possible :-) symbols files are not really nice for automated builds :-) [16:47] tsimonq2: I hope to use launchpad git support to do all the work for us, hopefully with 0 work for the builds / PPA / launchpad part :-) [16:48] gilir: is debian/sid ok for you [16:48] @gilir, Speaking of that, now that Artful is done with, I think we have a long overdue lubuntu-default-settings rework to do. ;) [16:48] as head? [16:48] agaida: yes, as long as HEAD ref exist, it's ok for me [16:48] @gilir, And if at all possible I'd like to move away from Bazaar... Thoughts? [16:48] Oh and hi agaida ;) [16:48] hi tsimonq2 [16:49] tsimonq2: +1 for a git migration :-) [16:49] @gilir, Awesome :) so what's the plan for Lubuntu-default-settings reorganization then? [16:51] tsimonq2: is Qt finally support the custom directories for config files ? [16:52] Qt: better, LXQt - we will see :D [16:53] https://pb.5id.eu/d-KY [16:53] tsimonq2: you are added to the lubuntu-dev team, don't mess with it please ;-) [16:54] @gilir, Oh thanks! [16:54] agaida: thanks :-) let's see if it's working now [16:54] gilir: i talked also with tsimonq2 about the configs - Qt should handle them better, in case something is missed we should solve it "the right way"™ upstream [16:54] gilir: no problem, yw [16:54] @gilir, And yes, I did some playing and I have a patch that loads our default settings by default [16:55] I'll work with upstream As Much As Possible [16:56] agaida: yes, we should keep only branding and ubuntu specific stuff in default settings [16:56] I'm at school but tonight I'll submit anything relevant to upstream and get a patch to look at for Lubuntu-default-settings [16:56] long standing bug [16:58] @agaida, True. [16:58] And gilir, LXQt 0.12 is the best release yet [16:59] In my honest opinion it's ready for a little more than a test image once we get this settings bug worked out ;) [16:59] I think we should get the LTS out of the way and go from there with discussions. What do you think gilir? [17:01] tsimonq2: step by step :-) first daily build, second 0.12 in bionic, third list the missing parts between the LXDE and the LXQt [17:01] Yep [17:02] My point is that seems to be doable in this cycle [17:02] agaida: How's LXQt 0.12 stability in Experimental? [17:02] well, like always, it depends on the available time of everyone [17:02] @gilir, True. [17:03] tsimonq2: you are joking, right? :P [17:03] @agaida, Kinda :P [17:03] but to be true - i run the finished parts on my production machine [17:03] (yes I know Debian NEW is slow :P) [17:03] And so do I. [17:04] faked lxqt-themes [17:05] What did you fake? [17:05] and there is no difference to any other release - the only thing about experimental is: we need a place to gather the packages and prepare the transition to sid [17:05] Yeah [17:05] lxqt-theme - try to install something if a dependency can't fulfilled [17:07] but now to something completely different - i guess it would be cool to kill the symbols right now in snapshots [17:07] agaida: is there something not-safe on https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-lxqt, or I can grap all of them for the PPA ? [17:08] what do you mean with not safe? [17:09] the packaging is one day before the official release, so i should sync to experimental - thats all [17:10] agaida: I mean something which is a work-in-progress, and should not be shipped yet on the PPA [17:14] pkg-lxqt/featherpad Lightweight Qt5 Plain-Text Editor for Linux - not yet in debian [17:14] pkg-lxqt/sddm-config-editor SDDM config editor [17:14] pkg-lxqt/trojita trojita packaging [17:14] dito [17:15] but planned [17:15] pkg-lxqt/lxqt-themes-extra LXQt Themes for debian and derivatives -- not implemented yet [17:16] pkg-lxqt - standard repo - empty [17:18] agaida: ok thanks :-) [17:18] trojita, sddm-config-edior and featherpad will go in step by step, featherpad first, then sddm-config-editor and trojita if upstream improve the stability somewhen [17:19] general annoucement: I'll probably break the daily PPA for lxqt components in a few minutes / hours :-p [17:21] * agaida think - and whats the difference to the current state? [17:21] * agaida duck, crawls away and hidew [17:22] the current state is not-updated-for-too-long, not broken (I think) :-) [17:23] also it may break lxqt install from official repo, for people who have the daily PPA [17:23] right [17:24] the adventage will be that we could break and replace old things and make the ppa compatible to the current packaging [18:04] agaida: missing HEAD ref also on lxqt-l10n [18:05] and yes, symbol files break some of the builds on missing symbols :-) [18:05] the symbols should be gone [18:07] lxqt-l10n HEAD done#