
_28kbrevelation has 7 seals.. ubuntu 700000000:14
ubottuError: Ubuntu bug 7000000 could not be found00:14
crippledmonk17.10 works well on older rugged GD8000 laptop.00:17
Sveta_28kb you could check your logs. look for `ls -latr ~`, look at the files listed at the end, they were modified last. ~/xsession or something named similarly whose name I forgot00:17
Svetacrippledmonk sounds good00:17
crippledmonkEven the internal gps works, woOT00:18
Svetait's a great one, is it heavy?00:19
crippledmonka little but with the carry handle not biggie00:19
crippledmonkI even have a vehicle dock in my pickup for it00:19
crippledmonkI use GMapCather, FoxtrotGPS and viking for my mapping stuff00:20
=== ViSi0n is now known as UsQUE
flask-Hi quick question: I'm running 17.10, gnome shell. when I click on a launcher icon in which the application is running and has multiple windows spawned, the click raises a selector in which mini live-previews of each window are presented and I have to click the one I want. screenshot: http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_from_2017-10-24_21-06-10-V3ANDxQL.png  -- I'd prefer if clicking the launcher icon just raised the most recently act01:11
flask-ive window. This was the behavior in Unity and I know I had this going under vanilla gnome shell + Dash To Dock. Any idea how to make it happen here?01:11
duckx0rI'm having a weird problem here, and I'm assuming it's with something in the latest Ubuntu since every other device I have connected to the network behaves differently, so if someone could point me where I should file a bug report that would be much appreciated, or if it's not actually a bug let me know. I have a domain and I have set up a local.example.com A record and seafile.example.com as a CNAME pointing to local.example.com. However on my LAN I want01:12
duckx0rlocal.example.com and seafile.example.com to point to and respectively (different IPs), and since editing the /etc/hosts file for every device connected, I overrided my router's DNS server to return these IP addresses. It works fine except on the latest Ubuntu, if I go to seafile.example.com it first goes to (correctly) and if I try 1 second later it goes to What I believe is happening is that the computer looks up01:12
duckx0rthe domain name and the DNS server responds with the IP address and also says that seafile is an alias of local. It returns the address but then does a subsequent check of local.example.com and caches the IP returned from that check. If I clear the DNS cache it works again (for one single request).01:12
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mountainhighmy ubuntu screen is going to sleep after a few seconds of inactivity and the settings seem fine01:32
platzhirschSveta: I think I found it, probably it's in zeitgeist01:36
Svetathanks, please keep me updated (maybe purging should be modified to include that component)01:37
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
daxAssuming you mean apt, purge is for system-wide config files. The package manager does not touch anything under ~/.01:53
daxThis is a deliberate design decision.01:53
oerheksBionic Beaver01:55
mountainhighmy screen is sleeping after a few secs of inactivity02:04
Svetadid it work before?02:05
mountainhighwhat work before?02:05
Svetadid it fail to sleep this quickly before?02:07
mountainhighthat recently02:12
mountainhighnot recently02:12
hata_phhi, i cannot boot to live usb 64bit on my lenovo ideapad Z485...anyone can help?02:13
hata_phhi, i cannot boot to live usb 64bit on my lenovo ideapad Z485...anyone can help?02:15
Svetait could help to describe what it does when you try to boot02:16
hata_phhi Sveta, it freeze when booting 64bit iso...no problem on 32bit iso02:16
hata_phit freeze at "freeing alternatives memory"02:17
hata_phi try set kernel option like nomodeset, radeon.modeset=0 still the same02:17
hata_phi try 12.04, 14.04, 16.04...all 64bit cannot :(02:18
hata_phcan boot and install only using 32bit iso02:19
hata_phi have already disable UEFI secure boot02:19
mountainhighanyone know anything about screen going to sleep after a few seconds?02:20
hata_phSveta, it just give me a binging cursor after "freeing SMP alternatives memory"02:21
hata_phsame happen to Fedora and arch02:21
AramortiHello everyone. New to ubuntu and trying to get xRDP up and running on the new 17.10 Desktop. anyone have a minute to assist with troubleshooting?02:21
hata_phanyone any idea?02:26
hata_phSveta, any idea?02:29
Svetathanks for describing the problem, are you sure you have 64bit cpu?02:30
Svetasometimes your bios or efi are 32bit, so even if cpu is ok, they are unable to boot a 64bit os02:30
hata_phSveta, yes...I can install windows 7 64bit on it02:30
Svetaoh, hmm02:31
hata_phSveta, already disable secure boot02:31
Svetaok. so you have issue with inabiilty to boot to 64bit on 12.04, 14.04, 16.04. it freezes on "freeing alternatives memory". (32bit is ok). already disabled UEFI secure boot. this is lenovo ideapad Z485.02:32
Svetai should leave for a few mins, i hope someone is able to assist you soon, otherwise i'll look at it when i come back02:33
hata_phSveta, thanks02:33
mountainhighno one here knows how to stop a screen from going to sleep after like 5 to 10 seconds?02:33
mountainhighits set for 30 mins02:34
hata_phmountainhigh, ur machine is PC or laptop?02:35
hata_phusing what OS and DE?02:36
mountainhighwhat you mean its ubuntu 16.0402:36
hata_phdo the bios have any power management option?02:36
hata_phu are using ubuntu 16.04...using unity?02:36
mountainhighdont know i have been setting it fine if the settings02:37
mountainhighturn screen off if inactive for 30 mins is set02:37
hata_phmean u have configue 30mins inactive in your system? or u want to set 30 mins?02:38
mountainhighi said it was set meaning the setting is already there02:39
mountainhighthats what im talking about i have already set that for 30 mins02:41
nwintersettings, brightness and lock02:41
hata_phdoes it work?02:41
mountainhighbrightness works02:43
hata_phwhat not work?02:44
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mountainhighi just told you the screen is going to sleep after a few seconds..02:44
hata_phdid ur bios have power management settings?02:45
mountainhighi dont know02:45
mountainhighits worked fine before02:46
hata_phcan u check? is your laptop...02:46
mountainhighhow do i check that02:46
hata_phaccess to bios and check02:46
hata_phare u using unity?02:46
mountainhighthis will probably fix after a reboot02:47
hata_phhaving issue with inability to boot 64bit live usb on 12.04, 14.04, 16.04. it freezes on "freeing SMP alternatives memory". (32bit is ok). already disabled UEFI secure boot. this is lenovo ideapad Z485.02:50
hata_phhaving issue with inability to boot 64bit live usb on 12.04, 14.04, 16.04. it freezes on "freeing SMP alternatives memory". (32bit is ok). already disabled UEFI secure boot. this is lenovo ideapad Z485.03:01
mountainhighreboot worked03:01
mountainhighlinux people need to stop lying to people to say reboot is not the linux way lol03:01
mountainhighi could have been in here an hour to try to figure it out or just reboot lol03:02
mountainhighi guess the linux way would be to spend hours trying to troubleshoot03:03
hata_phmountainhigh, some time when you configure some settings that related to X server, you need to restart your x server or reboot to take effect03:03
mountainhighit was fine before03:03
mountainhighthere was no setting change with taht03:03
Toadisattvalol the linux way is def spending hours troubleshooting03:06
Toadisattvaand I still love it :)03:07
hata_phhaving issue with inability to boot 64bit live usb on 12.04, 14.04, 16.04. it freezes on "freeing SMP alternatives memory". (32bit is ok). already disabled UEFI secure boot. this is lenovo ideapad Z485.03:11
bazhanghata_ph, how was the usb stick written03:12
hata_phbazhang, i am using rufus03:14
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ddhkcan anyone recommend a good first timer noob install video or tutorial page03:15
bazhang!manual | ddhk03:15
ubottuddhk: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:15
hata_phsearch in youtube03:16
bazhanghata_ph, thats not very helpful03:16
bazhanghata_ph, how was your usb stick written03:16
hata_phbazhang, download the iso and use rufus to write it to usb in windows 703:17
bazhanghata_ph, sounds like a bad write03:17
bazhanghata_ph, either that, or a corrupted iso03:17
oerheksor that ideapad Z485 got 32 bit uefi only03:18
hata_phbazhang, i try ubuntu 12.04, 14.04, 16.04, 17.04, 17.10 and arch...all having the same problem03:18
hata_phoerheks, already disable secure boot in bios03:18
bazhanghata_ph, that does not either what I said nor what oerheks just said03:18
hata_phi can install windows 7 64bit03:19
hata_phdo ubuntu support 32bit uefi?03:19
bazhanghata_ph, you are just repeating without responding to what we are saying to you03:19
hata_phi try to get the bootia32.efi...still the same03:19
bazhanghata_ph, first check the hashsum on the iso, second, re-burn it03:20
bcowanI think it has 32bit efi, told him that the other night03:21
hata_phbazhang, the same usb with the same iso can boot on another laptop03:21
hata_phthat why i dun believe there is something wrong with the iso or the usb or the burn process03:22
hata_phbcowan, try include the bootia32.efi in the usb...still cannot03:22
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bazhanghata_ph, try to reburn after checking the hashsum just to be sure, and did you really reburn all those different versions and check the iso on all of them03:23
bcowanJust because u add bootia32.efi doesn’t mean it’s gonna boot correctly03:24
hata_phi did not check the hashsum...but the usb that i am using now can boot on another machine...just not on ideapad Z48503:24
ddhkubottu thanks. But i'm looking for a tutorial on how to install it. There's so many on YT and most of them take FOREVER to get to the details or the audio is so bad I can't listen.03:24
ubottuddhk: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:24
hata_phbcowan, is there way to boot from 32bit uefi?03:25
ddhkI was just hoping to see if anyone knew of an excellent how to install tutorial for noobs.03:25
bazhangddhk, did you download and look at the manual I linked you03:25
bazhangddhk, its a pdf03:26
ddhkbazhang i'm downloading it right now03:26
bcowanI don’t think Ubuntu supports 32-bit efi and 64-bit userland with their install media...have to do some work around a03:27
ddhkthanks hata_ph03:28
hata_phbcowan, any workaround that u know of?03:32
bcowanhata_ph: i would research on bay trail systems, they have 32 bit efi and 64 bit userland...I have an old MacBook I use like that and it’s a pain in the ass03:34
davido_I noticed since upgrading to Ubuntu 17.10 that lscpu reports incorrect CPU MHz.  It stays pegged at the CPU's design max -- doesn't show down-stepping.03:39
hata_phbcowan, i have disable secure boot...it should not use efi anymore...right?03:42
adrian_1908davido_: same here, also since 17.1003:43
davido_Mine would normally display somewhere in the 1600MHz range at idle, and due to OC, would jump up to 4600MHz under full load.  But instead it stays steadily at 3499.996MHz which is the CPU's design value.03:44
bcowanhata_ph: it will still boot efi03:45
hata_phbcowan, but then i can install windows 7 64bit on the Z485...03:47
hata_phif the laptop is 32bit efi...it should not be able to install any 64bit OS, right?03:48
bcowanhata_ph: it can, just have to get the right bootloader03:50
alive876__ hi, i am running a server on port 80 of an Ubuntu 16.04 vps  and  trying to use ssh tunneling to have  it listen on port 5111 of a remote linux , but doesn't seem to work, I have it documented here -> https://pastebin.com/pjYWr72u     thanks!03:52
alive876__i've also updated the local /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to allow port 8003:53
bcowanhata_ph: http://www.linuxium.com.au/how-tos/runningubuntuontheintelcomputestick03:54
bcowanTry reading that for ideas03:54
hata_phbcowan, thanks...but my laptop is using AMD chipset if not mistaken...but will have a read on it03:54
PhilBalive876__: Did you set GatewayPorts yes in the remote machine sshd_config?04:00
PhilBOr maybe it's the local machine? Either way, see:  http://blog.trackets.com/2014/05/17/ssh-tunnel-local-and-remote-port-forwarding-explained-with-examples.html04:01
alive876__ok i'll take a look, thanks04:01
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PhilBOr you can forward local, with something like ssh -L 80:localhost:5111 user@brw314@www.insomnia247.nl    (I think)04:05
PhilBSSH tunnelling is one of those things I have to Google every time I go to use it, for some reason!04:05
davido_Well, not sure iif I submitted it correctly, but: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/172715804:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1727158 in util-linux (Ubuntu) "lscpu shows incorrect instantaneous CPU MHz value" [Undecided,New]04:06
PhilBalive876__: You'll probably also want to add a -N at the end so SSH doesn't actually execute a command.04:06
=== BenH is now known as Guest73599
oerheksdavido_, what do you see whith:  watch grep \"cpu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo  # lscpu gives static info04:10
davido_Shows all eight hyperthreads pegged at 3499.996.04:11
davido_Doubt that's correct; cpu temp is close to idle level.04:11
oerheksbase speed of 3.5 GHz http://cpuboss.com/cpu/Intel-Core-i7-2700K04:12
davido_yes.  But at idle it should drop to 1600, and did exhibit that behavior when watching lscpu prior to upgrading to 17.1004:13
davido_In fact, hardinfo shows a correct "current" value in the frequency scaling section of the processor field.04:17
davido_ah, no, actually hardinfo has it wrong too, but differently wrong.  Shows "current" at 1599995khz even if stress -c 8 is running, so lscpu shows design base speed as current, and hardinfo shows down-scale minimum as current, both at idle, and at full stress.04:20
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freakyyquestion: ubuntu or kubuntu? :D04:41
davido_Not answerable in the absence of a lot of other information.04:41
freakyyok ;D04:41
freakyyi guess ills tick to kubuntu04:42
freakyyit has more functions04:42
freakyybut well, if gnome just had a better screenshot integration04:42
freakyylike if i press print, it should make it possible to edit the screenshot - upload somewhere etc.04:42
davido_Install a couple VM's. Experiment. Decide what works best for you.  You might find that Shutter does what you need.04:43
lalhey guys im trying to install ubuntu 17.10 on my laptop but the screen would freeze during the installation, is this a known problem?05:02
laleven in try without installation the screen freezes and displays radom colors in random positions05:03
davido_Don't see that here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark/ReleaseNotes#Known_issues05:03
davido_Are you using a discreet graphics card?05:04
lalthe thing is I can use the same usb bootable with my old pc but not my laptop05:04
theory4000LIST -max05:04
lalno i dont have a dgpu05:04
davido_has the laptop previously been running an earlier version of Ubuntu?05:05
lali have been using this laptop with windows 10 for some time05:05
lalnot ubuntu tho05:05
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MYounisHey everyone06:27
EleanorEllisIs it better to block ads and malware with privoxy, dnsmasq or a local host file? And why? Which uses least resources?06:38
alkisgublock origin :)06:39
MYounisHello anybody here?06:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:40
mabuchihello .-.06:40
EleanorEllisI don't want a browser extension because then that uses more resources06:40
alkisgEleanorEllis: ok; although maybe you don't want to block full domains but http subdirectories, and host-based ad filtering can't do that06:41
EleanorEllisalkisg: Why would I want to do that?06:41
alkisgEleanorEllis: because http://mysite/mycontent might be a fine site, and http://mysite/ads might have ads06:42
_fimoud[17.10] Does the name of any file or directory look dark on your desktop guys? I don't know if I'm the only one with this problem (screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/Y3moutX.png )06:42
alkisgYou can't blacklist those ads by blacklisting mysite, because you'd lose the normal content06:42
MYounisOkay. I've been trying to install Linux on my computer. I'm stuck with windows. I tried intalling it about 2 years ago. It gets to grub. Where it gives option to Run from Live USB intall and couple of other options.06:42
MYounisBut it always gets stuck at Blackscreen06:42
EleanorEllisalkisg: Unlikely. Most ads come from networks like ads.doubleclick blah blah blah06:42
MYounisjust after grub06:42
alkisgEleanorEllis: check one of the online lists, no, it's not just domains06:43
EleanorEllisSo my question is whether to use dnsmasq or privoxy06:43
alkisgEleanorEllis: maintaining a hosts file, in any program, shouldn't make much of a difference in efficiency06:44
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EleanorEllisalkisg: Privoxy is a proxy server that detects ads whereas dnsmasq blocks at the domain name level06:45
alkisgEleanorEllis: and can it proxy https traffic, which all the web is nowadays?06:45
alkisgObviously rewritting http headers takes more cpu than a hosts file06:46
EleanorEllisNot obvious to me. That's why I'm asking the question. The local hosts file could be quite big06:47
alkisgIt doesn't matter, a binary search in a billion entries takes less than a msec06:48
_fimoudCan anyone with Ubuntu 17.10 check if the name of their directories or files on the desktop are in black or white? I just want to know if I'm the only one with this aesthetic "bug".06:50
alkisgMYounis: which program did you use to create the usb stick? E.g. Rufus? Unetbootin? Yumi?06:52
EleanorEllisalkisg: My mistake dnsmasq is a caching dns resolver so it is supposed to speed up dns lookup by caching. It can also use a hosts file and it can also use adblocking files06:52
MYounisRufus and LiLi06:52
MYounisalkisg I tried Rufus and LiLi06:53
alkisgEleanorEllis: yup, I'm using dnsmasq in many machines here, but not for ad blocking. It's fine, fast etc, and it was even preinstalled in previous ubuntu versions.06:53
alkisgMYounis: can you try nomodeset?06:54
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:54
EleanorEllisalkisg: https://github.com/suntong/dbab06:54
alkisgEleanorEllis: I haven't tried dns-based blocking, but I'm afraid it'll ruin the browsing experience in some sites06:55
alkisgThere are reasons why in-browser adblockers rewrite ads, instead of just blocking them06:56
MYounisalkisg yes, I followed many tutorials. this one too.06:56
MYounisThat was when I was trying to intsall linuxmint06:56
alkisgAnd why they use regexes instead of just a very fast domain list06:56
alkisgMYounis: so no live cd boots in your pc?06:57
EleanorEllisalkisg: Such as?06:57
EleanorEllisalkisg: I found ad block plus slowed down the browser enormously and they are paid to let through certain ads06:58
MYounisalkisg I've just tried linux ive cds. And it' gets to grub then stucks at black screen. On running live as welll as intallation option06:58
alkisgEleanorEllis: I already mentioned one reason, i.e. one domain might have both ads and valid content. Another is when they don't allow you to see the content if they think you block ads (and there rewritting helps).06:58
alkisgMYounis: what graphics card do you have?06:58
MYounisalkisg Intell HD 550006:59
alkisgMYounis: try with this tutorial: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows, it uses rufus. If it still causes black screen, tell us.07:00
EleanorEllisalkisg: "they don't allow you to see the content if they think you block ads" Pardon? What does that sentence mean?07:00
alkisgEleanorEllis: e.g. you go to "watch-some-online-movie.com" and they detect that the ad from "some-online-ad.com" didn't load, so they refuse to show you the movie07:01
MYounisalkisg this is the configuration of my laptop07:01
alkisgMYounis: people report that ubuntu works fine there, e.g. https://askubuntu.com/questions/600528/is-ubuntu-compatible-with-the-hp-spectre-x36007:02
MYounisalkisg mine is HP Envy. Plus one of my friends also has different version of HP Envy, and he has used linux on his computer.07:04
alkisgMYounis: envy works fine too, e.g. https://askubuntu.com/questions/871987/wifi-is-not-working-in-hp-envy-x360-with-ubuntu07:05
alkisgSo it sounds like you didn't create the stick properly07:05
MYounisalkisg Oh. Ok. I'll try it again. Though I tried multiple tutorials and different applications with different options.07:07
MYounisI'll follow the link you shared again07:07
EleanorEllisalkisg: Also I want to block malware07:08
TLEHi. I have a serious problem with 17.10. I loose my session at the lock screen. I.e. when I want to unlock, it isn't an unlock screen but normal login and when I do log in, it is a new session so all my open programs was lost07:12
TLEDoes anyone have any input on how to troubleshoot this. The problem is, that I find it difficult to search for, since I don't know where the fault is, lock-screen/loginmanager, gnome-shell, wayland etc.07:13
ikoniaTLE: I suspect what's happening is the unlock is crashing the X session, and it's resetting, so you get the standard login prompt because the X session has reset07:14
ikoniaTLE: have a look in the X logs and your X session logs to see if there is any suggestion it's resetting07:14
ikoniaTLE: the symptoms you describe are common with a X session resetting07:15
TLEikonia: yes, well, it was wayland sessions, but the same thing seem to happen even if I change to an x session. I will try and have a look at the X and wayland logs07:16
TLEikonia: thanks for the suggestion07:16
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alwynHi, during unattended upgrades on one of our machines, apt/dpkg wants to setup python-six, however, it cannot import the python module ConfigParser... Is this a known issue?07:48
alwynI would assume the dependencies would first install that python module07:49
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auronandace!info python-six07:50
ubottupython-six (source: six): Python 2 and 3 compatibility library (Python 2 interface). In component main, is optional. Version 1.10.0-4 (artful), package size 10 kB, installed size 53 kB07:50
alwynhttps://stackoverflow.com/a/14087705/7647292 it seems it has been renamed to configparser (lowercase)07:50
auronandacealwyn: nice catch, you can check out launchpad to see if anyone has reported it07:51
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/07:51
Seveasalwyn: ConfigParser is part of the python package itself. Not being able to import that, means something is Seriously Wrong™07:54
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alwynI think it's more of an issue with which python version it loads07:57
alkisgI've seen it when someone tried to manually install some newer python... yeah that ^07:57
alkisgalwyn:  ls -lha /usr/bin/python*07:58
alwynalkisg: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25815012/07:59
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alwynpycompile loads /usr/bin/python, tries to import various functions from debpython, which loads ConfigParser08:01
alwynAnd /usr/bin/python points to python308:01
alwynSo I would say the issue lies in debpython08:01
Seveas/usr/bin/python doesn't point to python3 on any ubuntu version I know08:03
alwynOkay... let's see then08:04
alwynThis is 16.04 fyi08:04
Seveasthat one definitely didn't have /usr/bin/python pointing to python308:04
Seveasyou must have broken that yourself :)08:04
alwynUghhh sounds like a colleague set that somewhere08:05
Seveasthat colleague needs a spanking08:05
akshay  ] [ Krenair         ] [ Nik05           ] [ SkyRocknRoll    ] [ xmrpooler_iphone]08:07
akshay13:36 [ cebor           ] [ Gallomimia     ] [ krisd           ] [ nikow           ] [ SkyRocknRoll_   ] [ xtreamwayz      ]08:07
alwynIs Is python 3 going to be the default in 18.10/04? :D08:08
=== andyhuzhill1 is now known as andyhuzhill
Odd_So, uhm. I just ran sudo cp -r, but accidentally managed to copy the destination to the source. Which had some files of the same name that wrote over everything. Any way to recover those files, or can I just call 'em rip and recreate?08:28
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
alkisgIn Ubuntu MATE 16.04, I have never seen the automatic updates prompt, which was there in previous versions. Is it a MATE problem, or it affects other flavours too?08:42
alkisgE.g. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/software-updater.jpg08:42
alkisgI.e. has anyone seen that dialog in 16.04?08:50
kalcsoHow can I upgrade artful to bionic?!08:55
alexaswhat is virtual terminal and why my GUI desktop apps start to switch off when am using it?08:56
Thunder_Twkalcso: check  # do-release-upgrade08:56
kalcsoThunder_Tw: No new release found.08:58
Ben6417.10 just came out, 18.04 doesn't exist yet08:59
Thunder_Twkalcso: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule09:02
Thunder_Twkalcso: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases09:02
ideasman42Hi. Silly Q - does latest ubuntu w/ Wayland have WAYLAND_DISPLAY env var set?09:08
ideasman42Am not on ubuntu but would like my app to detect XWayland09:09
ideasman42Aparently WAYLAND_DISPLAY isn't required09:09
robW_HKAnyone running Ubuntu inside a Chromebook enviro via crouton?09:09
robW_HKHeard talk that ChromeOS would soon allow native installation and discontinue need for chroots. Any knowledge of that here?09:10
LTCDGuys I have a pretty serious problem. I tried to format a USB memory stick with gparted earlier, but I think I formated my HDD instead :/. HELP!09:10
robW_HKLTCD: Ouch. Not sure about that one, sorry. Have a backup you can reimage to?09:11
alkisg!testdisk | LTCD:09:12
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alkisgLTCD: try testdisk, it's a tool that tries to save partitions etc09:13
LTCDrobW_HK Sadly we aren't allowed to make backups of it.09:13
LTCDHow do I do testdisk?09:13
lngHi! After upgrading to 17.10 from 16.04, no keyboard nor mouse working. I tried Recovery mode and was able to run terminal and found out there are some packages need to be fixed, but there is another issue - because I use external wifi adapter connected via USB, I have no Intenet connection. How to enable wifi?09:16
lngI think modules are not loaded09:17
LTCDAnyone please help?09:19
gnomethrowerI need some help compiling pound2.7 on Ubuntu 16.0409:20
gnomethrowerKeep getting Missing OpenSSL (-lcrypto) - aborted09:21
gnomethrowerdespite making sure openssl is installed, and using ./configure --with-ssl=/usr/lib/ssl/ to direct it appropriately09:21
gnomethrowerInstalling libssl-dev fixed it09:22
LTCDGuys how do I install testdisk?! Why is there not an iso file or something.09:22
Ben64an iso? it's a program, not an os09:23
LTCDBen64 How can I run testdisk when I can't boot the OS?!09:23
LTCDGuys I've just format a work laptop I need help now PLEASE09:24
Ben64boot from a live usb or something09:24
gnomethrowerfirst step, calm down and relax09:24
LTCDOh jesus christ this just gets beter09:24
gnomethroweryou don't want to rush this09:24
gnomethrowerusing a DIFFERENT computer, download a Ubuntu desktop ISO and use that to boot from on the victim computer09:24
gnomethrowerboot that, then install testdisk, then use testdisk.09:25
LTCDgnomethrower yeah doing it now, luckily I have a USB with ubuntu09:25
gnomethroweras Ben64 said, live USB09:25
gnomethrowerbut I am serious about calming down09:25
LTCDit did not let me touch the /boot partition, but the other partition I changed to ext4 and I think I even tried to format it or something09:26
gnomethroweryou may be lucky, if you haven't actually written too much data09:26
gnomethrowerusually formatting blows away the partition data, but that can be rebuilt using the right tools09:26
gnomethrowerif you did a "full" reformat, where it zeroes everything, then you're in trouble09:27
ukernyanz_Hi everyone, I have a problem since I've upgrade from 17.04 to 17.10. My system make about 30 minutes to boot. And I don't know why. This is my syslog after a boot : http://paste.ubuntu.com/25815421/09:27
gnomethrowerbut it doesn't sound like that's what you did09:27
LTCDgnomethrower Thank God I am downloaidng teskdisk now. Would you please walk me through privately what to do? I can pay some BTC09:28
gnomethrowerLTCD: I'm a bit busy but I'm happy to try to help.09:28
gnomethrowerI'll PM you. No BTC necessary09:29
illuminatedthat's kinda a bummer.  I'd like to see this discussion as well09:29
Ben64yeah, this channel is for support :)09:29
youngHey can some one teach me how to write a script to kill all my windows?09:33
Ben64sudo poweroff?09:33
youngI did it09:36
estanhi folks. in https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/07/21/dustin-kirkland-ubuntu-18-04-lts-desktop-default-application-survey/ it was mentioned that EXT4 encryption with fscrypt would be in place for 17.10, but i can't find anything about it in the release notes (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark/ReleaseNotes). anyone know if it was postponed?09:37
youngI didn't but thx for telling me a command :D09:37
youngdoes -kill all  work?09:38
Ben64estan: " and we hope to get there in Ubuntu over the next two releases. "09:38
youngAsking a question to close all windows that I have opened09:39
estanBen64: ah. thanks. where was that quote from?09:39
Ben64estan: the links you posted lol09:39
EriC^^young: https://askubuntu.com/questions/166279/how-can-i-close-all-opening-windows-with-a-script09:40
estanBen64: huh? maybe my browser is broken, but i searched for "the next two" and couldn't find anything :/09:41
EriC^^young: kind of related, might be useful https://askubuntu.com/questions/753033/how-can-i-make-a-shortcut-to-close-all-the-windows-of-the-same-application  , np09:41
youngDoes pinging out, also mean lagging out? :( first irc chat09:45
gnomethrowerilluminated: Ben64: I'll ask LTCD if I can post the conversation later09:49
gnomethrowerbasically we're just running through testdisk. he couldn't install it initially as LiveCD has Universe disabled by default09:49
gnomethrowerother than that it's all just tutorials you can easily find on Google09:49
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aaaaguys how can I check if all packages are installed after upgrade on ubuntu10:03
aaaafor example if i install clean ubuntu there has about 2000-2100 packages but i want to check if some of them are not installed or it is come from somewhere else10:05
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gnomethrowerHey, is anyone here good with Testdisk, especially in the context of lost/overwritten partition table?10:27
gnomethrowerI've been trying to help LTCD out with their issues and am at the limits of my knowledge10:28
gnomethrowerFWIW the machine in question is/was using Full-Disk Encryption, which complicates matters10:28
cwhiiUpon upgrade of lubuntu 17.10 from 17.04 display messed up on an eeepc 900a10:31
TLEHi. I have a problem where, leaving the PC for some time, will kill my session and leave me at the login screen of a new session. I have collected logs from the incident and am wondering if anyone can help me parse them, so I know what to search google for or bug report10:51
TLEPaste is at: https://github.com/KennethNielsen/pastes/blob/master/all_program_crash_pastebin (which had to be a github due to the size)10:51
TLEI made a terminal program record the time it was shut down, and that timestamp is at the top, followed by the journal and syslog around that time stamp10:52
newbsduserhello, I am on windows trying to run rdpy-rdpclient.py  with:  python rdpy-rdpclient.py -> gives:  No module named sip... Actually I installed PyQt4, twisted and all dependicies successfuly. How can I solve it?  OR do you know another rdp client python library?10:54
ducasse!ubuwin | newbsduser10:55
ubottunewbsduser: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide10:55
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newbsduseromg let me check :) ducasse10:56
newbsduserdoes it work on Windows Server 2012 R2? :D10:57
ducassenewbsduser: i don't think so, i thought you were already using it. why are you asking here if you are on windows?10:58
untorehnetworkmanager keeps putting in my resolv.conf and keeps ignoring additional dns entries11:00
LTCDGuys I tried to log into my computer with full disk encryption. When I enter password it says Requested offset is beyond real size of redice dev/disk/by-valid/by-uuid/ .......11:03
Scoop7is it okay  to make /var/www/html to chmod 777 in order I could deploy a website, because currently I have permissions issues ?11:04
Scoop7What is the right path  ?11:04
hateballScoop7: Your computer, your choice. But no, don't chmod 777, fix the problem instead.11:05
Scoop7it's an aws ubuntu 16.04 instance (remote)11:06
Scoop7idk other way would be to deploy as a root user11:06
ducasseScoop7: you can put your user in the group that owns /var/www/html11:06
Scoop7good idea11:06
Scoop7sudo chown -R $USER /var/www/html ? ducasse11:08
ducasseScoop7: no, that's changing the group owner - not what i said11:09
Scoop7um a bit confused ducasse anyleads ?11:10
campitorhi everyone11:11
ducasseScoop7: first, who owns /var/www/html?11:11
littleypythoni am creating a folder,it says no space,but if i do df -h it tells that space exists.what can i check or troubleshoot11:12
Scoop7root ducasse11:12
ducasseScoop7: and the group?11:12
campitorI have installed ubuntu on my usb flash stick, but when i was installing it, i treated the usb as a hd, meaning i did not use tools like flashinstaller, now i mostly use this usb on my laptop, and never used it anywhere else, but today when i tried booting it on my pc desktop it said os not found11:12
campitoris there a way to fix this?11:12
campitorps i have spent a LOT of time configuraing this usb ubuntu, for speed and security11:13
campitori can't dd it11:13
Scoop7https://thepasteb.in/p/r0hwlgEZkX5tK  ducasse.. um also root ?11:14
ducasseScoop7: i thought it was www-data or something by default11:16
ducasseScoop7: does that group exist on your system?11:16
akikcampitor: if you connect the usb stick to some other computer, can you still access it?11:17
akikcampitor: it's not uncommon that those devices fail11:17
ChunkzZanyone know how to fix that? ^11:17
ukernyanz_Hi everyone, I have a problem since I've upgrade from 17.04 to 17.10. My system make about 30 minutes to boot. And I don't know why. This is my syslog after a boot : http://paste.ubuntu.com/25815421/11:17
campitorakik: ofcourse, it is working on my laptop, and i can access it from my ubuntu desktop, it is working11:17
campitorbut doesnt boot on its own11:18
royal_screwup21I'm trying to find a file with a specific word in it. I tried grep -Ril "my_word" -- and this works but the output is visually unclear. What's the easiest command line way to change the color of the grep output?11:18
akikcampitor: you might be able to chroot into the usb stick storage if you have another installation of linux, then re-run grub-install11:18
campitorakik: you see the problem is that the boot loader got installed on my laptop when i was installing it, and nw i can only boot it on my laptop, now i need a way to install the boot loader on the usb stick11:19
ChunkzZanyone?? -.-11:19
akikcampitor: ah ok you should've written it on the usb stick too11:19
campitorEXACTLY. :(11:19
campitorakik: is it fixable?11:19
akikcampitor: do you have another linux install?11:20
campitorwithout damaging anything?11:20
campitorakik: yes i have a lot of linux installations,11:20
Scoop7ducasse ubuntu adm dialout cdrom floppy sudo audio dip video plugdev netdev lxd  <-- this is what "groups" outputed11:20
campitorright now i am on ubuntu on my dektop11:20
akikcampitor: did you have a gpt partition table on it?11:20
ducasseScoop7: 'grep www /etc/group'11:20
campitorakik: on the desktop?11:21
campitor[or the usb?11:21
akikcampitor: on the usb stick11:21
campitorakik: i think, let me check11:21
campitorakik: yeap, a gpt is on the usb stick, one filesystem partition ext4, and one 1GB swap space.11:22
ducasseScoop7: then set www-data as the group owner for /var/www/html, and add your user to that group with usermod11:22
akikcampitor: first mount the ext4 partition to /mnt11:23
campitorok done11:23
Scoop7ducasse can you give me the code11:23
akikcampitor: then run: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done11:24
akikcampitor: or if you use the root account, skip the sudo11:24
Scoop7chown -R www-data /var/www/html   ?11:24
ducasseScoop7: not 'code', it's a 'command' :) 'sudo chgrp -R www-data /var/www/html'11:25
campitorakik: why are you mounting every device?11:25
Scoop7yes, sorry for that - command :) And the second one ?11:25
akikcampitor: they are special directories needed for this procedure11:25
akikcampitor: only those 5 dirs11:26
akikcampitor: they are mounted from your host into the chroot dir11:26
ducasseScoop7: chown changes the owner, you want to change the group. for the second, 'sudo usermod -a -G www-data $USER'11:26
EriC^^campitor: when you chroot the system can't access behind "/mnt" so you need to mount bind those dirs to be able to see the devices and whatnot from within the chroot11:27
akikcampitor: then: sudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash11:28
Scoop7ducasse commands seemed to works without errors, but still I get permission denied11:29
Scoop7do I need to reload smth, maybe ?11:29
ducasseScoop7: log out, log in.11:29
akikcampitor: then check if you see files in /boot/efi (you will be inside the chroot which is now actually the /mnt dir)11:30
Scoop7ducasse doesn't works11:30
Scoop7https://thepasteb.in/p/NxhVm4yrmo2hN  ducasse <-- simple test11:30
campitorakik: wait a second, do I need to make a directory for /mnt? or is "mount -r -t msdos /dev/sdd /mnt" enough?11:31
Scoop7https://thepasteb.in/p/k5hYzxGO4yNiE  ducasse11:31
Scoop7maybe I need to set the lower level directories to www-data as well ?11:31
akikcampitor: /mnt should be an empty directory before this procedure11:31
akikcampitor: you need to mount the ext4 partition to /mnt11:32
campitormnt is empty11:32
akikcampitor: not the whole /dev/sdd but the partition which has an ext4 file system11:32
campitorso simply: "sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt" right?11:33
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akikcampitor: yes11:33
campitorok done11:33
akikcampitor: then the for loop that mounts those 5 dirs11:33
Scoop7ok so var and www are both have the owners as root only11:33
Scoop7sudo chgrp -R www-data /var maybe needed ?11:34
akiksomebody needs to add this recovery procedure to the installation11:35
ducasseScoop7: has the group got write perms?11:35
Scoop7good q, not sure11:35
campitorok, I ran that loop command, but it seems to be stuck at >11:35
campitorI get a ">" and I can type in more commands is that alright?11:35
ducasseScoop7: not according to the paste from earlier11:35
Scoop7so how to fix this ?11:36
akikcampitor: for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done11:36
akikcampitor: it's probably missing some char11:36
campitorok now I am "root@ubuntu:/#"11:36
ducasseScoop7: chmod it, 'chmod g+w /var/www/html'11:36
akikcampitor: you ran the chroot?11:36
campitorakik: about to11:36
BluesKajHey folks11:37
Scoop7ducasse permission denied should I execute this with sudo ?11:38
campitorakik : "sudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash" ==> sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu: connection refused chroot: failed to run command 'bin/bash': no such file or directory11:39
akikcampitor: maybe missing / in front of bin/bash11:39
ducasseScoop7: yes, of course, since you don't have permissions yourself11:39
akikcampitor: sudo chroot /mnt should also work11:40
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campitorakik: ok, sudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash worked,11:51
campitori had to restart the system and follow these: https://ghostbin.com/paste/remsf again11:51
campitorI probably did somethihng wrong the first time11:52
akikcampitor: ok can you now see files in /boot/efi11:52
Cooleris there a search in nautilus?11:53
Coolersearch feature11:53
campitorakik: inside "/mnt/boot" you mean? or my pc's '/boot'.11:53
akikcampitor: inside the chroot in /boot/efi11:53
EriC^^Cooler: the search icon in the top right corner11:53
campitorakik: yes11:54
campitorls -a, cd boot, ls -a > files11:54
akikcampitor: ok here comes the command that should install grub on that device: grub-install --efi-directory=/boot/efi --boot-directory=/boot --target=x86_64-efi11:54
EriC^^Cooler: also there's ctrl+s which is pretty sick, it lets you use stuff like "*something*" to select stuff11:54
akikcampitor: run that inside the chroot11:54
campitori hope i don't mess this up11:55
akikcampitor: make a dd copy first11:55
akikcampitor: if it's important11:55
Scoop7ducasse btw it worked11:55
Scoop7!! Thanks a ton11:55
ubottuScoop7: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:55
ducasseScoop7: good, have fun :)11:55
Scoop7ubottu non taken11:56
akikcampitor: sudo dd if=/dev/sdd of=backup_file_on_your_disk.img bs=1024k11:56
campitorakik: https://ghostbin.com/paste/bup9f11:57
Bear10Hey there, does anyone by any chance know what I need to be looking at to enable port connections? I've setup rules (so I thought) in iptables for tcp port 3000 but when i netcat to it, it's always rejecting (all from the same machine too)11:57
akikcampitor: what's inside /boot/efi ?11:58
akikcampitor: you can use pastebin.com to show it11:59
ikoniaBear10: what is the iptables rule you created11:59
campitorit is empty11:59
Cooleris there a way to make the notifications clickable?11:59
Coolerwhy are they unclickable in the first place?11:59
Bear10ikonia: i went ahead and did this: iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 3000 -j ACCEPT.  for OUTPUT, INPUT and FORWARD11:59
campitorakik: /boot/efi on chroot is totally empty11:59
Scoop7Cooler what do you mean ?11:59
tommasoHi, I have a strange problem, whenever i login to Gnome session (either wayland or xorg), after a boot, the screen blinks to black exactly 3 times. I'm on Ubuntu 17.10, with prop. driver for Intel HD 52011:59
Bear10don't know if i need to restart iptables or flush or something in order for it to take effect though12:00
Scoop7you can make them explosive or anything you like12:00
ikoniaBear10: does iptabled -L list the port as open ?12:00
Scoop7or make them dance tango on click12:00
CoolerScoop7: what12:00
Bear10ikonia: shows up : ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpts:300012:00
ikoniaBear10: ok, so it should be there12:00
ikoniaBear10: is there somethign actually listening on port 3000 ?12:01
akikEriC^^: could you help campitor further? not sure what has happened with his efi partition. maybe it's never been on the usb stick12:01
Bear10oh gosh12:01
Bear10i think i figured it out12:01
Cooleri mean when you move your mouse over the notification, it blurs and becomes translucent12:01
Bear10one second and i'll let you know12:01
EriC^^akik: ok12:01
Cooleryou can't click on it12:01
EriC^^sure thing12:01
Scoop7Cooler oh you mean the default ubuntu notifications12:01
Scoop7Yeah they suck a bit12:01
EriC^^campitor: can you briefly repeat your problem?12:02
campitorso sorry folks, :( I don't know why i did this stupid thing of not installing the bootloader on the usb in the first place.12:02
Coolerhow do i change that?12:02
Bear10ikonia: sorry about that i think it works something was wrong on the server side12:02
ikoniaBear10: not a problem. Pleased you found it12:03
campitorEriC^^: I have a usb stick, that I installed ubuntu on it, but not using usbcreator, or unetbootin, I treated the usb stick just like a hard drive, and installed ubuntu on it, and now it only boots on the laptop that I originally used to install it on, and it doesn't wok on my dektop pc, BIOS says os not found, and doesn't boot ubuntu from usb12:04
EriC^^campitor: ok, you chrooted into the usb install?12:05
Cooleralso where are the logs for the terminal commands?12:05
campitor^ the commands i used12:05
Cooleri mean the history12:05
Coolerfor bash12:06
ducasseCooler: ~/.bash_history12:06
EriC^^campitor: type "(ls /sys/firmware/efi; sudo parted -ls) |& nc termbin.com 9999" and paste the link it gives you here12:06
campitorwhy nc?!12:07
ducasseCooler: you can change it by setting HISTFILE, i think - check bash man page.12:07
EriC^^campitor: it's netcat, it sends the output to a pastebin12:07
campitorEriC^^: would it be ok if I pasted the out put of "(ls /sys/firmware/efi; sudo parted -ls)" myself, I feel more comfortable that way12:08
campitoris it alright?12:08
EriC^^campitor: sure np12:10
Coolerducasse: thank you12:10
Coolerso how do i change the default ubuntu notifications?12:11
Cooleri want them to be clickable12:11
Scoop7hey https://imgur.com/a/drpU5 <--- what to choose here ?12:12
Scoop7poped up after executed of the command, listed below.12:12
melanitengo un problema12:12
melanime puede alguien ayudar12:12
campitorEriC^^: do you need all the information for all my hard disks for this? Cause they don't seem related in this case. I can't boot the usb even if I disable all my hard disks from within the BIOS12:13
ducasse!es | melani12:13
ubottumelani: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:14
CoolerScoop7: how do you change the default notifications?12:14
EriC^^campitor: ok12:14
campitorEriC^^: https://ghostbin.com/paste/krt2r12:14
EriC^^campitor: and ls /sys/firmware/efi ?12:15
laplume333hey any saint around?12:15
EriC^^laplume333: no, they're with the tooth fairy right now12:15
ikoniasaint ?12:15
laplume333i need a helping hand.. got a loggon session problem when i woke up this morning.. 16.04 lts , my logon loop....12:16
campitorEriC^^: right, so sorry, https://ghostbin.com/paste/y9g4d12:16
laplume333yeah , a helper :P12:16
EriC^^campitor: ok, "grep efi /mnt/etc/fstab"12:17
campitorEriC^^: in chroot?12:17
campitorEriC^^: https://ghostbin.com/paste/fqqpy12:20
Coolerhow do i change the default ubuntu notifications?12:20
ducasse!patience | Cooler12:20
ubottuCooler: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:20
campitorEriC^^: I have messed up bad havnt i? :(12:21
EriC^^campitor: ok, so the usb is installed in uefi mode using a gpt table, and it probably used your other hdd's efi partition12:22
campitorthat's what happened12:22
campitorand now I have an unbootable usb12:22
EriC^^campitor: ok, so i'm assuming you want a kind of stand alone usb install where you can plug to any pc and it boots?12:23
campitorall because of a single stupid mistake by me12:23
campitorand I don't have a efi partition on this usb stick :(12:24
EriC^^ok, we'll at this point we need to create a fat32 partition for uefi to work, you can put the efi file in the standard removable device location so it boots like any other live usb12:24
EriC^^campitor: yeah, you can take a little space from the swap partition, you just need like 20mb or so12:25
EriC^^even less12:25
campitordoesn't efi need to be located  like as the first partition for it to work?12:25
campitorok firing up gparted12:25
EriC^^as for booting on legacy, i was thinking you could make a 1mib bios-boot and install grub there so it works with gpt, so in theory (i've never actually tested this) it should boot on both uefi and legacy without a hitch12:26
EriC^^campitor: no, just in the first 2tb of the disk i believe12:26
Chris_maybe someone can help me. is it possible to mask a running service in systemd (like apport an whoospie.service) and does it take effect? is it correct that the service is still running (becuase i haven't stopped it) but no more active on next boot?12:27
campitorthat untested method you talk about that can be bootable both on leacy and uefi, is it dangerous?12:27
EriC^^campitor: no, not at all12:27
campitorok, would you suggest we give it a test?12:27
EriC^^sure why not12:27
campitorok, how can i go about doing it?12:27
EriC^^campitor: create a 10mib efi partition fat32, and a 1mib bios-boot partition12:27
neureshould i use uefi or bios mode when for ubuntu install?12:28
neureany benefits from uefi / bios?12:28
EriC^^campitor: i think it might say for 10mib it'll make a fat16 one instead12:28
campitorswap is the last partion, would it be ok ?12:29
EriC^^neure: uefi is newer, boots 1 sec faster, and you can elegantly manage multiple bootloaders at the same time, also the implementations by ms-friendly manufacturers are horrible12:29
EriC^^campitor: yes12:30
neureEriC^^, my motherboard is from asus, is that considered ms-friendly manufacturer / horrible?12:31
Coolerdoes ubuntu use X11 window system?12:31
Israphelhey. Is it right that lightdm can't display a custom wallpaper with an encrypted /home ?12:32
campitorEriC^^: there is no option to set this partion to efiboot, I can only format to fat1612:32
auronandaceCooler: by default 17.10 uses gnome on wayland but you can choose X at the login screen12:32
EriC^^neure: i don't recall a lot of asus problems here, usually it can be worked around or they just have some option in the bios to make thing work peacefully12:32
Coolerauronandace: not 17, 1612:33
EriC^^campitor: fat16 should work12:33
auronandaceCooler: 16.04 still uses X1112:33
ducasseCooler: 16.* uses x11, yes12:33
Cooleris unity related to x11?12:33
Cooleris unity related to the unity game engine?12:33
neureEriC^^, sounds like I might want to try uefi then.. I do have existing windows 10 with bios but I can convert it to uefi.. before installing ubuntu12:34
EriC^^campitor: we'll set the efi flag using cgdisk12:34
ioriaIsraphel, copy your background image  to /usr/share/background or such12:34
Israphelioria: roger that12:34
ducasseCooler: unity runs on top of x11. nothing to do with the game engine.12:34
Israphelioria: what about the ".face" avatar for each user12:34
campitorEriC^^: it doesn't allow me to creat two fat16 partitions, the last one can only be ext4 or ntfs12:34
neureX11 is still included in 17.10 as well, afaik12:34
ioriaIsraphel, no idea12:35
v0lksmanI'm having problems creating a systemd script:  https://dpaste.de/VU5w12:35
EriC^^campitor: the first one should be 10mib and fat16, the 2nd should be 1mib without any filesystem12:35
Coolerducasse: does gnome run on top of x11?12:35
Cooleror it replaces x11?12:35
EriC^^campitor: close gparted, and launch "sudo cgdisk /dev/sdd"12:36
v0lksmanthe error I get is two fold:  "Service lacks both ExecStart= and ExecStop= setting.  Refusing."12:36
v0lksmanand " unknown lvalue 'description' in section 'Unit'12:36
laplume333hey saint , i cant stay on that system , i have to turn it off , if u have a clue for me and my question/matter , plz query a good direction , or TS problem pointing12:37
laplume333@  <bnicks>12:37
campitorEriC^^: ok, closed gparted without saving actions, and now I am in cgdisk12:37
ducasseCooler: gnome runs on top of x11. in 17.10 it runs as a wayland compositor by default, but you can still run it on x11 as well.12:37
laplume333thx alot , Gl Hf12:38
Coolerwell i need to share my x11 socket so i can run a gui app from a docker container12:38
Coolerhow do i do that?12:38
EriC^^campitor: ok, make sure it's the usb in question, delete the swap partition at the bottom then make a new partition, hit enter for starting sector, for ending sector type +10M , for type put ef0012:39
jackleIt's too luxurious to get a gui in docker!12:42
campitorEriC^^: sorry if it took some time I am new to cgdisk, done.12:42
campitor10.0 Mib EFI System12:43
campitor* 2     10.0 Mib EFI System12:43
EriC^^campitor: great, make another partition, for end sector type +1M and for type put ef0212:44
EriC^^and the 3rd partition hit enter for ending sector and type 820012:45
yellabscan someone say hello to me ( to see if desktop notifacations ware working)12:45
campitorhow do you know all this EriC^^ :) ?12:45
campitorwhy was it not possible with gparted12:46
EriC^^no idea, anyways press "write"12:46
campitori did12:46
EriC^^ok, quit cgdisk then type "sudo partprobe"12:47
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campitorit says "Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk!"12:49
campitor:( idk12:49
EriC^^campitor: what does "sudo parted /dev/sdd unit s print" give?12:49
campitordid i do smth wrong?12:49
campitorEriC^^: https://ghostbin.com/paste/vb2gz12:51
EriC^^i've no idea at this point, let's see what parted says12:51
campitorshould I unmount the usb and reinsert it?12:52
EriC^^campitor: hmm, ok, exit the chroot with "exit" then type "sudo umount -R /mnt" if that goes ok then remove the usb12:53
campitorEriC^^: invalid option -R12:55
EriC^^campitor: hmm, i have it here12:56
EriC^^are you sure you typed "umount" ?12:56
campitorI am on ubuntu 14 though12:56
campitoron my desktop i mean12:56
campitormaybe that's it12:56
EriC^^campitor: ok, type "for i in /dev/pts /dev /proc /sys /run; do sudo umount /mnt$i; done"12:56
EriC^^could be12:56
EriC^^then type sudo umount /mnt12:57
vincenzomlHi there; does anyone knows why kde apps are not showing menus in gnome-shell in ubuntu 17.10? I need to "save as" in kdenlive :)12:58
campitorEriC^^: yeah, they were mounted :) done12:58
campitorshould I reinsert?12:58
EriC^^campitor: cool, yes12:58
EriC^^campitor: ok, try "sudo parted -ls /dev/sdd"12:59
campitorEriC^^: https://ghostbin.com/paste/pa2gu13:01
EriC^^campitor: ok, the types look a little off, type sudo cgdisk /dev/sdd and highlight the 10mb one and select type then ef00 , also the last one and select 820013:02
EriC^^campitor: actually nevermind, i think it's just a 14.04 thing13:02
EriC^^campitor: type "sudo mkfs.fat /dev/sdd2"13:03
campitorEriC^^: yes, https://ghostbin.com/paste/xjvq213:03
blacknred0so, i've been trying to install ubuntu and I think I just realized that maybe I am choosing the wrong version.... i have a celeron intel 64-bit machine with 4 cores.... do i use amd64 or i386 install?13:03
blacknred0been noticing that the amd64 images with artul are really slow13:04
EriC^^campitor: yup, looks good13:05
blacknred0Ben64 and jackle : that's what I thought.... now, why do you think that ubuntu and xubuntu artful would run slow? it takes minutes to move the mouse.  btw - did not have any issues with ubuntu gnome xenial13:05
Coolerhow do i share my x11 socket?13:05
campitorEriC^^: sudo mkfs.fat /dev/sdd2, ==> mkfs.fat 3.0.26 2014-03-0713:06
Ben64blacknred0: not going to guess13:06
EriC^^campitor: ok, type "sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt"13:06
campitorEriC^^:  ok13:06
blacknred0Ben64: :) .... man, this doesn't make any sense to me.  going to try lubuntu and see if it works. wasn't sure if all of the versions of 17.10 were shipped with wayland instead of x1113:07
EriC^^campitor: "sudo blkid; cat /mnt/etc/fstab"13:07
Ben64blacknred0: you can use xorg on artful13:07
Chris_maybe someone can help me. is it possible to mask a running service in systemd (like apport an whoospie.service) and does it take effect? is it correct that the service is still running (becuase i haven't stopped it) but no more active on next boot?13:07
EriC^^campitor: this is a little neater, "sudo blkid /dev/sdd*; cat /mnt/etc/fstab"13:08
blacknred0Ben64: would i need an alternate install to customize? when i initially install it, did not give me the option13:08
Ben64blacknred0: you can choose it at some point during boot, idk i don't run 17.1013:09
aibhow do I prevent a connection's DNS servers from being communicated to systemd-resolved?13:10
jacklemaybe you can try ubuntu 16.0413:11
EriC^^campitor: ?13:11
BluesKajaib, how are the dns servers communicating with /etc/system/resolved.conf unless you have the DNS setings entered there?13:15
BluesKaj /etc/systemd/resolved.conf rather13:16
campitorEriC^^: https://ghostbin.com/paste/8pcs713:17
lambichi, just upgraded to 17.10 and ack has disappeared, apt install ack says 'Package 'ack' has no installation candidate'13:17
Southern_GentlemBluesKaj, dhcp13:18
hateballlambic: in 16.04 the package is called ack-grep, it seems13:18
hateballlambic: so it might be called that in 17.10 as well13:19
lambichateball, apt install ack-grep says "Package ack-grep is a virtual package provided by: ack 2.14-5 [Not candidate version]"13:19
EriC^^campitor: we actually need the uuid's, they aren't anything personal at all13:20
Ben64lambic: what is ack for13:20
lambicBen64, searching code mostly, it's a grep replacement13:21
campitorEriC^^: I really can't pastebin uuids, but i will use them where they are needed13:21
EriC^^campitor: why not?13:21
Ben64lambic: ah ok, was wondering if you typo'd awk13:21
campitorEriC^^: privacy issues13:21
EriC^^campitor: ok13:22
campitorthank you13:22
campitorso should i try booting fro the flash now?13:22
EriC^^campitor: no, there's a few more steps13:22
lambicguess I'll just install from source13:22
BluesKajSouthern_Gentlem, if there's no DNS setiing in resolved dhcp won't use it afaik13:22
campitorEriC^^: ok.13:23
EriC^^campitor: get the efi's uuid and replace it in /mnt/etc/fstab in the /boot/efi line13:23
EriC^^also get the swap's uuid from /mnt/etc/fstab and run sudo mkswap -U <uuid here> /dev/sdd413:23
campitorEriC^^: they are exactly the same13:25
EriC^^campitor: that's impossible13:25
Gnomethrowercampitor: enough exposure to Linux tends to teach you this stuff :)13:28
EriC^^campitor: this is becoming unnecessarily difficult.. i'd rather you pasted the output as requested13:28
campitorEriC^^: you mean I should replace that line in fstab with what sudo blkid /dev/sdd* is giving me for /dev/sdd2: SEC_TYPE="msdos" UUID=TTTTT" TYPE=vfat" ?13:29
EriC^^campitor: yeah13:29
campitorEriC^^:  should uuid be inside <> in sudo mkswap -U <uuid here> /dev/sdd4? or just the uuid alone?13:34
EriC^^campitor: just the uuid13:34
untorehwhy networkmanager adds to resolv.conf? is it because of dnsmasq?13:34
campitorEriC^^: https://ghostbin.com/paste/3w6qg13:35
campitorEriC^^: is that done ok?13:36
brian-ubuntuMorning everyone.  Is there an area to discuss technical problems?13:36
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: this is it13:36
campitorbrian-ubuntu: morning13:36
campitorbrian-ubuntu: you came to the core of technicality in my opinion13:37
brian-ubuntuI've got quite the issue right now. let me explain this mess.13:37
campitorbrian-ubuntu: I mean this is the place13:37
campitorEriC^^: should I try it now? or am I being hasty?13:37
campitorEriC^^: Also we don't seem to have put anything in that bios partition that 1mib thingie13:38
brian-ubuntuI had a headless Ubuntu server sitting in the back room for a long time.  I ssh'd to it and it had 230 updates waiting, so I went ahead and apt-get update'd them.  that ended up failing because /boot was full, and I noticed that I had 14 kernels installed...  I went to give it a restart and now it does not boot outside of one kernel in recovery mode.13:39
brian-ubuntuThat's the high level gist of what I've got going on right now.13:39
brian-ubuntuWhat would be the safest way to proceed? I've dropped into a root shell from recovery mode, in the only kernel that runs13:40
campitorgonna give it a try till EriC^^ returns13:41
EriC^^campitor: not yet13:41
EriC^^campitor: if you're not going to follow instructions i'm not going to help further13:41
campitori have followed exactly as you have told me13:41
EriC^^it's taking way too long and becoming way too complicated over nothing13:41
campitornothing more or less, unless there were some private info being publicized13:42
campitori know13:42
EriC^^stop trying to obscure info every step of the way, uuid is not private nor his hdd model13:42
campitorsorry about that13:42
EriC^^ok, no worries13:42
EriC^^campitor: type "for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done"13:42
EriC^^then type "sudo chroot /mnt"13:43
brian-ubuntuis it safe to manually remove things from /boot?13:44
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: remove some of the kernels manually, then run "sudo dpkg --configure -a"13:44
leftyfbbrian-ubuntu: boot with a live cd/usb, temporarily move some the older kernel files out of /boot. Then do what EriC^^ just posted about to chroot into your drive, including boot. Then sudo reinstall grub to your drive13:44
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: then "apt-get autoremove --purge"13:44
campitorEriC^^: done13:44
brian-ubuntuOkay, i'll see if I can move some older kernels out into a backup location right now and get back to you shortly.13:44
EriC^^campitor: type "mount -a"13:45
brian-ubuntuAh, you can't move stuff in recovery mode?13:45
EriC^^campitor: type "lsblk" you should see the efi partition mounted under /boot/efi and possibly a [swap]13:45
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: mount -o remount,rw /13:46
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: deleting them is fine, no need to move13:46
EriC^^just make sure to remove the linux-image package related to them afterwards13:47
campitorEriC^^: yes: sdd2 8:50 1 10M 0 part /boot/efi13:47
brian-ubuntuThank you very much Eric!13:47
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: no problem13:47
EriC^^campitor: ok, try "swapon -a" to test the swap13:47
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campitorEriC^^: done, no errors13:48
brian-ubuntuLooks like /boot is only showing grub right now in recovery mode.  Are the kernels in a different location? I'm not sure if you responded to that already and I apologize if you did.13:48
EriC^^campitor: ok, type "grub-install --removable"13:49
campitorit installed on the usb, "installating for xx86_64-efi platform. installation finished. No error reported."13:50
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: maybe /boot isn't mounted, try "mount -a"13:50
EriC^^campitor: try "ls -lR /boot/efi" do you see a grubx64.efi there under /boot/efi/efi/boot ?13:51
EriC^^sorry it might be called bootx64.efi13:52
brian-ubuntuI get failed unmount /boot but then later on I get unmounted /boot13:52
campitorEriC^^: https://ghostbin.com/paste/jo32913:52
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: do you have networking enabled in the recovery mode?13:53
brian-ubuntui do not.13:53
brian-ubuntushould I have enabled that?13:53
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: please do13:54
brian-ubuntuokay, started successfully.13:54
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: ok, type "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999"13:54
EriC^^campitor: ok, it looks good, run "update-grub"13:55
campitoron chroot? or my desktop terminal?13:55
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: paste the link it gives you here13:55
EriC^^campitor: in the chroot13:55
campitorEriC^^: done13:56
brian-ubuntuignore the strange filesystem name.13:56
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: ok, type "df -h | nc termbin.com 9999"13:56
campitorEriC^^: https://ghostbin.com/paste/e72nt13:57
EriC^^campitor: ok, the usb should be bootable in uefi mode now, we can try the idea of installing grub legacy to the bios-boot partition now13:57
brian-ubuntuaccording to that, boot is definitely not mounted.13:58
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: yup, try "mount /boot"13:58
campitorEriC^^: Which one you think is best to do now? try uefi or install legacy?13:58
EriC^^campitor: well we're trying both13:58
campitorEriC^^: true13:58
EriC^^if i had to choose one, i'd say legacy for a standalone usb cause it's more common i guess13:58
brian-ubuntuit tells me it successfully unmounted /boot, but then just sits there. It doesn't seem to remount it.13:59
brian-ubuntuI get a timeout13:59
EriC^^campitor: anyways, let's see if we can use grub-install to install to the bios-boot13:59
campitorEriC^^: yes. So if you have time i would be thankful if you could tell me how to install legacy too.13:59
campitorEriC^^:  alright13:59
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: does "mount /dev/sda2 /boot" work?14:00
brian-ubuntuSame deal, just hangs.14:00
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EriC^^campitor: try "grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sdd"14:01
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: do you have a live usb?14:01
brian-ubuntui do not, I'm not sure i have a USB handy14:02
campitorEriC^^: https://ghostbin.com/paste/jnppw14:03
EriC^^campitor: apt-get purge "grub*"14:04
campitorEriC^^: in chroot?14:05
EriC^^campitor: yup14:06
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: maybe try recovery mode again in case it's a fluke?14:06
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: if you have a linux iso on another hdd you could boot it from grub as a live session14:07
EriC^^campitor: apt-get install grub-pc14:07
tokamwhat is this????14:07
tokamPHP and other Web scripts are not allowed14:07
campitorEriC^^: oh the old trick :)14:07
brian-ubuntui'll attempt to boot into recovery again. In the mean time, i'm currently downloading the iso.14:07
EriC^^campitor: :)14:08
brian-ubuntuthank you again for all the help so far.14:08
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: no worries14:08
LightAmazebrian-ubuntu: did you ever find a USB drive you could put live on?14:08
EriC^^campitor: try "grub-install --target=i386-pc /dev/sdd"14:08
brian-ubuntuI found an 8gb usb 1.0 flash drive.14:09
LightAmazethat should do14:09
campitorEriC^^: :) beautifully done no errors reported14:10
EriC^^campitor: nice14:10
freakyyits still had for me to decide - ubuntu or kubuntu ... in ubuntu everything is so neat ... and yeah ...but kde has more features and also looks good. god help ;D14:10
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campitoryou are amazing EriC^^14:10
brian-ubuntuoooh, definitely a fluke.  /boot is loaded14:10
brian-ubuntuand i can see all 14 kernels....14:10
campitorEriC^^: do you have all this memorized?14:11
LightAmazefreakyy: kubuntu is better looking imo :)14:11
EriC^^campitor: just as a confirmation, type "sudo hexdump -C /dev/sdd3"14:11
EriC^^campitor: it should say something eatereggy like "we dont need efi" or something14:11
campitorthank you EriC^^ seriously man14:12
EriC^^campitor: no problem14:13
brian-ubuntuthis is what my boot directory looks like http://termbin.com/5wgbl14:13
freakyyLightAmaze really? hm ... i dont know ... ill switch to ubuntu now use that for a while14:13
EriC^^campitor: ok, now remove grub-pc with apt-get remove grub-pc and reinstall grub-efi with apt-get install grub-efi-amd64-signed14:13
tokamsorry changed and improved it14:14
LightAmazefreakyy: you can modify the themes on either one, so they're both good options14:14
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: remove some of the old initrd14:14
campitorEriC^^: can't i do it after I boot it up?14:15
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: which one still boots? try uname -r14:15
EriC^^campitor: better now, grub is in the bios-boot now it won't get removed14:15
brian-ubuntuEriC^^: 36-generic14:15
Hejkkihello, what is the current tool for configuring gnome? Is it dconf-editor?14:16
Hejkkiin ubuntu 17.1014:16
brian-ubuntustill boots into recovery mode14:16
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: how much space is in /boot now?14:17
brian-ubuntuwhich one should I delete?14:17
faqeerim logging on to my AWS ubuntu server and i get this right after I SSH http://vpaste.net/fiifR14:17
brian-ubuntuthe newer ones?14:17
EriC^^campitor: ok, type exit in the chroot and try reboot and see how it goes14:17
brian-ubuntui'll delete 21, 28, and 3114:18
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: yeah, then run dpkg --configure -a14:18
freakyyok i guess ill stick with ubuntu14:18
freakyylet me change ... plymouth theme, login manager etc.14:18
campitorjust a sec14:18
zarzardoes ubuntu really use dash and no bash?14:18
brian-ubuntuokay running it14:19
zarzarnevermind, surprising though14:19
brian-ubuntuit's generating the new one i see.14:19
LightAmazethat makes me think: how little resources could you get away with running a DE on Xenial?14:20
brian-ubuntuafter all of this, can i remove all the otherkernels?14:20
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: yeah, run apt-get autoremove --purge it should leave you with just 214:21
brian-ubuntuthe dpkg command is still running. it's generating initrd.imgs for all the old kernels14:21
Dreamansudo su14:22
leftyfbzarzar: Ubuntu runs bash by default, not dash14:22
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: damn14:22
Dreamanapt autocleatn14:22
Dreamanapt autoremove14:22
leftyfbfaqeer: check your ~/.bashrc14:22
Dreamanapt-get old versions14:22
brian-ubuntuis it just going to fill up again??14:23
brian-ubuntuit's regenerating the ones i deleted14:23
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: i think so, some other package probably prompted a new initrd14:23
zarzarleftyfb: changed in 16 i think, to dash, my 16LTS is using dash for /bin/sh/14:23
brian-ubuntuyeah it failed again.14:23
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: delete the kernels instead and run dpkg --configure -a14:23
campitorEriC^^: ok oing to restart14:23
EriC^^then apt-get autoremove --purge to get rid of the old ones14:24
leftyfbzarzar: my 16.04.3 on many machines are all using bash, not dash.14:24
brian-ubuntuwhich file is the kernel, i'm sorry14:24
EriC^^campitor: ok! :D14:24
leftyfbzarzar: and older version of ubuntu used dash ... maybe you upgraded from there?14:24
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: the ones with vmlinuz14:24
zarzarleftyfb: strange, not sure why mine is dash14:24
faqeerleftyfb: ah crap could it be because of memory?14:24
faqeerleftyfb: when it try to run scripts, it gives me fork errors14:25
zarzarleftyfb: no idea14:25
campitorAwesome, legacy works great, plasma came up, let's check efi14:25
brian-ubuntuokay removed the vmlinuz ones.14:25
brian-ubunturerunning dpkg14:25
zarzarleftyfb: no worries14:25
leftyfbfaqeer: contact AWS14:25
EriC^^campitor: nice!14:26
faqeerleftyfb: I've used 14859 out of the 16046 I have... so 176 memory left14:26
brian-ubuntuhow in the world did I end up with so many kernels?14:26
faqeeri think clearly that's somehow related14:26
leftyfbfaqeer: ok, so maybe free up some memory to see it if resolves? Maybe reboot?14:27
campitorsweet, legacy and efi both work great. efi is super fast though. like 2 seconds till my plasma-lxqt login comes up.14:27
faqeerleftyfb: yeah good point14:27
EriC^^campitor: awesome14:27
HejkkiHey, how do i install radeon drivers to ubuntu 17.10 / wayland ?14:28
Hejkkithere is no rpm14:28
Hejkkion amd.com14:28
campitorthank you EriC^^ , should check for firmwares for this pc as well? and if for example i install the nvidia drivers, will this usb still work on my laptop as well?14:28
Southern_Gentlemon ubuntu why would you want a rpm?14:28
ghost_hex my men hex14:29
campitoror do i have to remove it for my laptop?14:29
Hejkkioh sorry, deb14:29
brian-ubuntuit still installed some of the previous kernels and failed.14:29
brian-ubuntucan I remove future kernels between my version and the latest?14:29
oerhekswhat makes you think radeon is not loaded by default? or amdgpu14:29
Hejkkithere is no .deb for radeon for 17.10 ubuntu14:29
Hejkkioerheks: seems like videos not working well, and i dont know... how will i see if i have radeon driver?14:30
EriC^^campitor: i think it's fine to install the nvidia drivers and other firmware14:30
oerheksdriver in use >> lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'14:30
EriC^^when it needs the stuff it'll load them up14:30
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: yes14:31
HejkkiKernel driver in use: radeon :OO The nwhy does it work like VESA driver, as badly?14:31
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: try to force remove the packages using dpkg14:31
Hejkkiwhen i watch videos, the frame rate is like low, i can see it with my etes, it is not good14:31
Hejkkiin ubuntu 16.04 worked fine14:32
Hejkkiwith cxorg14:32
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: try sudo dpkg --force-all -P linux-image-4.4.0-22-generic14:32
brian-ubuntuwhat does that do?14:33
brian-ubunturemove it?14:33
Hejkki"Nvidia users are also likely to suffer a degraded experience"  when speaking of wayland instead of xorg14:34
brian-ubunturetry it now?14:35
Hejkkiwith older devices14:35
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: did it work?14:35
brian-ubuntuyeah looks like it14:35
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: lets remove a few others too14:35
brian-ubuntuoh woops okay.14:35
brian-ubuntui was a little too eager.14:35
Hejkkiis radeon HD 7420G that old already...? :(14:36
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: it might be enough you can leave it to run14:36
BluesKajHejkki, nvidia support for wayland is nonexistent at, ,but their devs have been assigned to work on it afaik so we're stuck with nouveau on wayland unless you decide to use X1114:37
Hejkkiso what can i do? Should i remove wayland and use xorg instead?14:37
Southern_GentlemHejkki, you should be able to use gnome on X selecting on the login screen14:38
Hejkkii do not have a login sreen, i have auto login :> Can i select it somewhere else?14:38
brian-ubuntuoh hey! i think it finished!14:39
brian-ubuntushould i reboot?14:39
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: sure give it a shot14:39
BluesKajHejkki,  https://itsfoss.com/switch-xorg-wayland/14:39
freakyyhi all. ive installed kubuntu for testing and nosw switched back to ubuntu, though my owncloud now wants to access the kdewallet . is there any way i can stop that?14:40
Hejkkinice, thanks, BluesKaj14:40
oerheksHejkki, auto login does not matter, you can logout and switch14:40
brian-ubuntuno luck. it booted to 97 without the kernel panic though which is nice. let me try recovery mode on the latest14:41
brian-ubuntuhm i'm just stuck at this black screen. it skips the grub menu right now14:43
brian-ubuntublack screen with the line indicator in the top left14:43
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: try holding shift14:44
EriC^^after the pc turns on14:44
Hejkkihow do i see what xorg graphics[C -driver i am using?14:45
brian-ubuntushift doesn't so anything i don't believe. i'm holding it the entire time it restarts.14:46
brian-ubuntuooh never mind it does.14:47
brian-ubuntumust have held it somehow incorrectly.14:47
nOsKilleXeq meus meninos14:48
newlinuxhi guys i am unable to run a node server in an aws instance through putty gen14:48
newlinuxwhen i close the putty gen, the server gets terminated14:48
brian-ubuntuokay. i'm in recovery mode of 97-generic now. what should I look at?14:49
newlinuxhow will people let that server run forever14:49
brian-ubuntugoing to run that apt-get autoremove --purge14:50
brian-ubuntui get this and it suggests using -f, is that alright? http://termbin.com/ohkqr14:52
BluesKajbrian-ubuntu, run apt or apt-get autoremove  periodically and since 16.04 it should show the option of removing old unusable kernels14:53
brian-ubuntuhey Blues, i'm at this point because I had 14 kernels installed and my /boot was just filled. i'm currently in recovery mode after deleting a ton of the existing kernels14:54
Hejkkii'm trying to do as described here, software&updates... but there is no list that shows anything about nvidia.   https://askubuntu.com/questions/968059/ubuntu-17-10-how-to-install-the-proprietary-nvidia-drivers14:54
brian-ubuntuis it safe to run -f from here?14:54
Toadisattvakinda random question, what really is the difference between apt/aptitude/apt-get?14:54
Toadisattvaall seem to pretty well have the same effect14:55
brian-ubunturunning it with the -f.14:55
definitelynotjqSo my ntp won't stay working. On xenial, is this a known issue14:56
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: try to remove the linux-image-extra packages14:56
EriC^^using dpkg14:56
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brian-ubuntuokay, the autoremove --purge -f is still running right now.14:57
xixiwhere are you14:57
xixiChina ?14:57
brian-ubuntuokay, it finished.14:57
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brian-ubuntumy /boot is still almost filled and most of the kernels are still there.14:58
Hejkkiwhy do you have a separate /boot ?14:58
BluesKajHejkki, scroll down to "14.04 and above" here, https://askubuntu.com/questions/22118/can-i-install-extra-drivers-via-the-command-prompt14:58
HejkkiBluesKaj: thanks14:58
EriC^^brian-ubuntu: try sudo apt-get purge linux-image-extra-4.4.0-22-generic15:00
HejkkiBluesKaj: it only lists amd64-microcode15:01
brian-ubuntui really don't understand this what so ever.15:01
brian-ubuntui ran that and it removed it, and then regenerated 22-generic15:02
brian-ubuntui ran that and it removed it, and then it regenerated 22-generic15:02
brian-ubuntubut boot is a little smaller. we're at 87% used15:03
BluesKajHejkki, ok , go to the nvidia site, find the number for your gpu linux dtiver, install dkms, the run sudo apt install ncidia-3XX , XX being the last 2 numbers for the correct driver15:04
pavlosyou could use "sudo apt autoremove" now that you have some room15:05
BluesKajnvidia-3XX rather15:05
Hejkki:) Thanks again15:05
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BluesKajwish ubuntu had a driver manager like kde/plasma does15:06
brian-ubuntudpkg -list | grep linux-image gives me this http://termbin.com/fhe315:07
john_ramboI am getting this while starting a Vbox machine >>> https://paste2.org/gZkDZVeM ....Any ideas ?15:08
pavlosdefinitelynotjq: can you pastebin the output of timedatectl ?15:08
definitelynotjqpavlos: I decided to check ntpdate -q ntp.ubuntu.com and found "no server suitable for synchronization found"15:08
definitelynotjqI believe NTP was disabled by my datacenter potentially when we were being DDOS'd15:09
definitelynotjqJust contacted them15:09
pavlosjohn_rambo: virtualization flag it turned off at the BIOS15:10
john_rambopavlos: Is my CPU capable ? How to check ?15:11
pavlosjohn_rambo: go to your BIOS to find that flag. cat /proc/cpuinfo will give you the flags of the cpu15:12
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: you could purge those kernels that have rc in the beginning of the line15:13
brian-ubuntupavlos: what does the rc stand for?15:14
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: Remove Config files ... see  https://askubuntu.com/questions/18804/what-do-the-various-dpkg-flags-like-ii-rc-mean15:15
Hejkkiuff, i feel so newbie after using linux for about 20 years :> http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_32667.html my device is not listed, how will i see the 0x____ number of my device?15:16
Hejkkithe Device PCI ID15:17
hentai8can anyone direct me where to get help with samba on ubuntu?15:18
hentai8or help me15:18
brian-ubuntupavlos: apt-get purge <those files> ?15:18
thesebhow PREVENT iphone icons from appearing on desktop when charge phone?15:19
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: yes, one at a time, you may need sudo15:19
Hejkkilspci -nn is showing me something like 1234:1234 not 0x123415:20
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: I use, sudo dpkg --purge linux-image-4.4.0-38-generic15:21
akikHejkki: lspci -vnnk for me shows the device id15:21
geniiHejkki: Yes, the 1234:5678 is Vendor ID: Device ID15:21
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akikHejkki: NVIDIA Corporation G86M [Quadro NVS 135M] [15:22
renergyanybody got google earth running? after clean install of google-chrome-stable, I am stuck at "Loading in progress"15:22
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: then the -extra- as well15:22
renergyafter going to earth.google.com15:22
brian-ubuntupavlos: alright, removed all those rc's. what about the kernels? can I remove a few of those?15:23
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: you could remove the old ones so you have room in /boot15:24
Hejkkiakik: yes, but i need the  0x1234 formeat15:24
Hejkkinot the 1234:123415:24
Hejkkior is it the same :>15:24
brian-ubuntuhow do I remove those?15:25
akikHejkki: yes it's 0x042b for me15:25
brian-ubuntupavlos: is it just purge <those extra kernels> too?15:25
Hejkkiakik: ok thanks15:25
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: same command, sudo dpkg --purge linux-image-4.4.0-22-generic15:26
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: 22 does not have an -extra- module but 24,28 have15:26
Hejkkilol, seems like i need some sleep... i was searching radeon drivers from nvidia.com :>>>>>: :)15:27
Hejkkigeforce is not radeon15:27
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: now that you have room in /boot, sudo apt-get autoremove will handle old kernels15:27
akikHejkki: congrats :)15:28
brian-ubuntuwhen I go to do dpkg --purge linux-image-4.4.0-22-generic it tells me i have unmet dependencies with a package called linux-signed-image-4.4.0-22-generic15:29
brian-ubuntupavlos: should I remove that dependency first?15:29
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: try sudo apt-get autoremove15:29
brian-ubuntupavlos: i think i've tried this one before. it just tells me there's nothing to do15:30
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: ok, remove that linux-signed-image so 22 is gone15:31
brian-ubuntupavlos: with dpkg or with apt-get purge?15:31
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: either15:31
brian-ubuntupavlos: okay removing them 1 and a time worked. no to 2415:32
Hejkkihow to see what display driver is xorg currently using? Vesa / radeon ....?15:33
codepython777I am getting a bunch of errors on my i7:  BUG: Bag rss=counter state mm:xxxxxxxx idx:1 val:-215:33
codepython777Another one: swap_free: Bad swap offset entry15:34
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: what does uname -r say?15:34
BluesKajHejkki, glxinfo | grep OpenGL15:35
nacccodepython777: what kernel?15:35
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: can you paste ls -l /boot15:35
codepython777nacc: not sure - ubuntu 16.04.3 latest15:35
brian-ubuntupavlos: okay, we have 31, 34, 36, 62, and 97 left.15:35
codepython777its not booting up15:35
brian-ubuntupavlos: ssh isn't starting on my server for some reason, so let me make one of those termbins15:36
HejkkiAMD ARUBA (DRM 2.50.0 / 4.13.0-16-generic, LLVM 5.0.015:36
nacccodepython777: those are relatively signnificant kernel errors. Unnlikely to just be happenig all of a sudden except for 1) hardware failure or 2) non-standard kernel15:36
codepython777nacc: it rebooted !15:37
brian-ubuntupavlos: http://termbin.com/17jl15:37
tony1Hejkki: sudo lshw -c video15:37
HejkkiSo why is ubuntu 17.10 a lot slower in wayland or xorg, than ubuntu 16.04 ?15:38
BluesKajHejkki, did you reboot since installing the nvidisc driver15:38
Hejkkitony1: Trinity [Radeon HD 7420G]15:38
Hejkkiit is not nvidia, it is radeon15:38
codepython777nacc: dmesg does not show anything significant this time. I updated BIOS on two machines. One booted up fine, this is the other one15:38
BluesKajerr nvidia15:38
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: you could clean up /boot manually, as you see there are 5 groups of files per kernel15:38
Hejkkisorry :D15:38
codepython777nacc: how does one get back those errors?15:38
Hejkkitoo much work15:38
akikHejkki: blacknred0 was describing the same situation earlier (he had celeron quad core)15:39
tony1Hejkki: sudo lshw -c video|grep driver15:39
tony1that will show the driver15:39
Hejkkiton       configuración: driver=radeon latency=015:41
Hejkkitony1: ^15:41
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: you have some extra initrd images (21,31,51)15:41
nacccodepython777: if it's configured for it, there migth be /var/log/dmesg.1 etc. but if it crashed, it's unlikely to have written the logs15:41
BluesKajHejkki, my mistake , thought you were on nvidia15:41
Hejkkiokay :D15:42
brian-ubuntupavlos: yup just deleted those. i'm down to 3 kernels thankfully. let me restart my ubuntu and see if it boots correctly.15:42
RR_Hello, Can someone help me?15:42
brian-ubuntupavlos: this all started this morning when a apt-get update failed and my machine wouldn't restart.15:42
tony1Hejkki: so the driver you are using is the radeon kernal module15:42
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: it should boot the 97 kernel15:42
jertony1, s/kernal/kernel/15:43
kostkonRR_, no, because we don't know your problem15:43
tony1Hejkki: modinfo radeon15:43
tony1that will give you more info15:43
pavlosRR_: please ask youq question15:43
nacc!ask | RR_15:43
ubottuRR_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:43
codepython777nacc: if it happened once - you think it could be hardware issues? I am not sure I can depend on the machine now...15:43
Hejkkitony1: do i need something else?15:44
Hejkkiokok, a bit lag here.... with irssi15:44
brian-ubuntupavlos: it did once. let me just keep retrying it.15:44
RR_Thanks.  I am really new to this. So please excuse me for my ignorance.15:44
nacccodepython777: seems like most likely its the firmware update you did?15:44
tony1no I was just answering your question about how to see what driver you are using15:44
blacknred0Hejkki: i don't know if this is the solution, but i'm going to attempt this -> https://askubuntu.com/questions/961304/how-do-you-switch-from-wayland-back-to-xorg-in-ubuntu-17-1015:45
codepython777nacc: but that did not create trouble on another machine with same config. Also, it does not occur again on the same machine? - wierd bug?15:45
nacccodepython777: i don't know15:45
RR_I have an old laptop HP, originally had VISTA and now only ubuntu 17.04 version.  It is a 32 bit machine. Can I run ubuntu17.04 on a 32bit machine?15:45
kostkonRR_, you sure can15:46
blacknred0Hejkki: i'm experiencing crazy amount of slowness in every distro in 17.10 (ubuntu, xubuntu, and lubuntu)15:46
Hejkkiblacknred0: i have xorg already15:46
blacknred0Hejkki: k15:46
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: if /boot was full, update could fail ... df -h /boot will give you the use%15:46
Hejkkiswitched to xorg a while ago15:46
blacknred0Hejkki: is it any faster?15:46
Hejkkiblacknred0: not for me :(15:46
brian-ubuntupavlos: that;s exactyl what happened15:47
codepython777nacc: thanks15:47
Hejkkithe mouse is also hanging sometimes for a second15:47
RR_Thanks.  The wireless on the laptop seemed to be not working. So I bought a a new wireless adapter from some brand called abgnac.  It says 5.8GHz+2.4GHz15:47
blacknred0Hejkki: were you migrating from ubuntu-desktop i take it?15:47
blacknred0yep, i am experiencing the same issue.15:47
Hejkkiblacknred0: a fresh install15:47
brian-ubuntupavlos: okay, i'm in maintenance mode again i guess.  what can I check?15:47
blacknred0mine is minutes... even keyboard input15:48
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: so it did not boot clean to 97 ?15:48
Hejkkikeyboard input also here! Sometimes repeats the key i press just once15:48
brian-ubuntui guess not. it literally randomly booted successfully to it before,15:48
RR_It has a small disk and copied all the files for linux into my machine. When I tried to install  the driver, it gives me some error messages.15:48
RR_Not knowing whom to ask, I have come here. Thanks for your help.15:49
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: can you do update/upgrade ?15:49
blacknred0Hejkki: same here... now, I'm glad that I am not the only one :)15:49
Hejkkiblacknred0: same here :DD15:49
blacknred0i got to the point that i thought it was the usb drive halting on me15:49
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: sudo apt update should be clean, if not use the -f flag15:49
brian-ubuntupavlos: apt update says 12 packages cab ne upgraded15:50
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: ok, sudo apt upgrade15:50
brian-ubuntupavlos: looks like some perl and python packages.15:51
brian-ubuntupavlos: updated successfully15:51
tony1Hejkki: i just scrolled up and I don't think wayland is supported with the radeon card. I don't have that option either. org is fine for me.15:52
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: reboot again15:52
brian-ubuntuapt-update shows i'm all up to date15:52
tony1Hejkki: I think wayland gets disabled when it sees that driver.15:52
Hejkkitony1: but xorg is running slow also15:52
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brian-ubuntupavlos: uh hm.... it booted i guess? it booted to unity/gnome. i didn't even know I had that installed15:53
akikHejkki: there was a bug report about mouse lag15:53
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: check df -h /boot, uname -r ... you should be good now15:53
tony1Hejkki: I had trouble doing the upgrade and a fresh install fixed a ton of issues I was having and I now have an error free system.15:54
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: if you install server, there should be no gui15:54
akikHejkki: but this was on wayland only probably https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=74503215:54
ubottuGnome bug 745032 in wayland "Mouse Tracking 'Laggy' on Wayland, and mouse movements cause frame drops in other OpenGL applications" [Normal,New]15:54
Hejkkitony1: i have a fresh install15:54
Hejkkiakik: ok15:54
brian-ubuntupavlos: boot's got much more room now. is it possible to just uninstall unity?15:55
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: not sure, there could be dependencies15:55
Hejkkii'll have to look on this case later... have to do something else now.... see ya!15:55
brian-ubuntupavlos: thank you very much for the help btw. i think i'm getting back to a point where I have some grasp of what's going on16:06
brian-ubuntussh is working again at least lol16:07
pavlosbrian-ubuntu: np16:07
brian-ubuntuEntirely separate question. can I use an ssh key to login auto login as root?16:09
leftyfbbrian-ubuntu: yes. But why?16:11
LiENUSso i just upgraded from 17.04 to 17.10 and i still have a bunch of unity packages, is it safe to go ahead and purge all of those?16:12
brian-ubuntuleftyfb: why is a good question.  i guess i don't have to16:12
blahblah100really new to irc16:13
blahblah100i kind of noticed that the ip addresses are not masked in here.16:13
EriC^^uh huh16:13
leftyfbblahblah100: is there an Ubuntu support question we can help you with?16:13
Inferno_geekbrian-ubuntu: You can, but I would rather NOT TO DO IT due to serious security issues. You should uncomment the line "AllowRootLogin=true" in ssh configuration file.16:14
LiENUSInferno_geek, isnt there an option to allow root certificates but not passwords? that would be preferable to uncommenting allowrootlogin16:15
Southern_GentlemLiENUS, still allowing root login of any form is a huge scurity hole16:15
Inferno_geekRoot login is disallowed.16:15
leftyfbPermitRootLogin prohibit-password16:16
Southern_Gentlemsecurity hole16:16
LiENUSSouthern_Gentlem, i wasnt disputing that, but if you're gonna open it its better to open the smallest hole possible16:16
leftyfbLiENUS: ^16:16
Southern_Gentlembetter to ssh as a user and sudo16:16
codepython777https://paste.ubuntu.com/25817889/ - Everytime my machine boots, I see this  - anyone knows how to fix this?16:18
bcowancodepython777: try maybe sudo apt install —reinstall tracker16:22
codepython777bcowan: thanks16:22
kostkoncodepython777, any long lasting effects?16:22
vanekgood evening16:23
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vanekwhat would be a way to get a driver on linux for Alcor Micro Device 6621 ?16:23
kostkoncodepython777, is it restarting after the crash?  ps -A | grep -i tracker  maybe?16:23
codepython777kostkon: it just puts things in /var/crash/*16:23
codepython777nothing else i can see16:23
codepython777k - reinstalled tracker16:25
codepython777kostkon: 4 proceses on grep16:25
kostkoncodepython777, ok16:25
Hathadarnetstat is not installed by default in ubuntu.  Is there a preferred program to use instead or am I expected to install netstat?16:33
mutanteHathadar: apt-get install net-tools16:35
mutanteHathadar: that package includes several tools, one of them is netstat16:35
HathadarOk, but I am wanting to know if there is a default installed that accomplishes what netstat does.  It seems like netstat should be installed by default as an essential linux program. Because it is not leads me to believe that ubuntu has a default alternative installed.16:36
bcowanHathadar: try ss16:41
campitorEriC^^: are you still here?16:45
campitorEriC^^: do you have a webpage or a link to the stuff we did tonight to make the usb bootable?16:46
JordyI've got an old machine here with 5GB, ubuntu runs pretty slow on it, is there a way to use the server ubuntu to output hdmi for like kodi without having the desktop graphics?16:47
=== de is now known as Guest80749
siracusNIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: Ampelbein etaburst PickledEggs rud0lf irishfromua saitoh183 Csurlee ogra_ wetterfuchs marahin guideline duckydan Village FourDollars acheronuk huglester Guest20218 kevin125 manacit meLon Aginor bhuddah Edgan Adie CatKiller mww113 slipperynick cpaelzer semeion derfoh ShaRose patarr boshhead saba andrei_ opal mpmc davidm jlacroix vook vox Exterminador carif teej scottASL48 mumixam chachasmooth manueld emdashcomma raub16:48
siracusNIKO YOU MAD BRO??: kloeri dserodio Spontex Chappie-san thorre K_K_N ZetFury linuxdaemon m4v Swish devster31 Chaser theory4000 CatKiller patarr whitekidney_ akik Adie Phanes seanBE platicus2 Jordy adamg matthelmke bipul netameta RudyValencia ezra-s karlthane_ NorbinB Mikjaer Attoy Seihava shuo ChunkzZ neuthral iSagitt schmidtm israfel knightwise thebwt jareth_ YuGiOhJCJ pnwise andrei_ desti jacekn OnkelTem AnnaRooks orang16:48
siracusNIKO HOW MANY NICKS DO I HAVE IN HERE BITCH???: evert insecta bcowan mave_ phreck creat de-facto octanium mariuz77 ttmx JackH discopatrick Sicnus Shaan7 eelstrebor mutante mvvvv HarryFlashman plasticboy damian sary zoolook Anja_ CEdWEax-{ erikj v0lksman Jordy Kobaz digilink u0m3__ retoaded Saturn812 Jesin Hobbyboy HerbY_NL2 jareth_ naquad bleepy Squarism dl8bh derfoh wetterfuchs troy SkyPatrol slashd larsi etaburst xar- ghoti martyn_h16:48
nibblNIKOS CLAIM TO FAME WAS PROGRAMMING SIGYN I SEE WHY HE LIVES IN SHAME: Jonii pnwise azizLIGHT Ishaq Piper-Off Alchemical lsv_ graingert userk HerbY_NL2 hentai8 laserbeak4445 Sicnus Croepha sab__ estan gpolitis Mathisen MadAGu Kins oy Sveta samfty b0ddan N3X15 obcecado NyanCat [n0mad] f0rks vern beenhere lborda jackmcbarn codepython7771 thrillgore wouter0100 Taylor ianychoi Curiontice Cust0sLimen Zachary_DuBois Pwnna tmsmith Bad_Dream Ool Wize16:48
CEdWEax-{NIKO HOW MANY NICKS DO I HAVE IN HERE BITCH???: averred Neo ubottu digilink MrGeneral thatgraemeguy codepython7771 Jesin mekhami mkultra d-k Meow-J wedgie bigjazzsound diskin mandje fatalhalt DisplayError isene Taylor hreinnbeck mz` Jordan_U seen_ zonum beggi irv ddstreet coldasfucc scain MrRobot7 aloril harut Csurlee jameswmyself baggar11 evalenti bkuhl baconology cristian_c Awesomecase guideline patarr abbiya FourDollars latz dustinspringman adamg n16:48
CEdWEax-{NIKO YOU MAD BRO??: ek926m Random832 Nefertiti Linlz dave4925 opal pv2b akik utfans05 wook_ OnkelTem Guest19268 Linus drale2k_ kameloso elopio irv IonutVan_ rdz davidm tolecnal dekatch vo Emmanuel_Chanel vincent42 jhutchins bcowan hatiac lionheartActual _ADN_ _systemd_is_evil cores ilmaisin sigsts ddellav Hejkki avelldiroll ReimuHakurei Jordan_U popey WARBIRD199 LiENUS narindergupta kevr Sveta digilink Israphel neechan Zen krisd16:48
Guest80749NIKO MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPEND LESS TIME KLINING AND MORE TIME LEARNING TO PROGRAM ROFL: |ifei5good mar __Trullo willcooke boxrick kode54 freakyy Ceber tgm4883 Nefertiti schmidtm robertj unholymachine e1z0 argulp patarr Aristide arooni octanium pdrakeweb tnwhitwell kvothe compuguy snadge sionronin lapion ph0b0s_ Xard sakhd KennosiS WARBIRD199 borbosha czesmir saba abbiya Skuzzzy_ utfans05 RedPenguin cores cptdoobage nakasd Metacity BOHverkill luckman212 Jguy Wi16:48
vnjbrNIKO YOU MAD BRO??: boffin seen_ DarekDeo DeL nicolasD Joschii hsiktas Taylor bkuhl floown Afrix Elysion_ hj__ DDR n35xdxb0 R scoopex jak snkcld Buffman N3LRX TonyL maxxer b0l3x YuGiOhJCJ mguy TheVacuousTruth caliculk Guest74151 dbclk linuxdaemon knidos acheronuk blazeme8 esteeven ba xtreamwayz rpg digilink brad[] le_pig willcooke sakhd Ancer timeless ramses steenman Jguy Tempesta Bryanstein16:48
cofkNIKO YOU MAD BRO??: Majost rhcp[cloud] riotz rax- PhilB Sicnus Village bildramer steenman thorie tgm4883 Anticimex baumgaro floown MortyTS wedgie phunyguy Mr_H zarzar robgraves txtsd CrazyH Afrix MrRobot7 irwiss gregl andrei_ Linkandzelda pk64 xtreamwayz xMopxShell de-facto jackmcbarn compuguy marahin iViLe rypervenche mariuz varazir tom__ ron9 rory gborg Telex9 Chaser elopio meLon cylon512 kloeri HarryFlashman16:48
ricarNIKO MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPEND LESS TIME KLINING AND MORE TIME LEARNING TO PROGRAM ROFL: inteus orang Tm_T Poster hamsterinacan victorm pumba TiCPU MortyTS Buffman piremi Willis xar- notdaniel WARlrus Ishaq txtsd robotroll macskay om_henners leonarth emdashcomma markus_e92 Jguy baconology lordcirth_work genii strive harmaahylje shuo rax- avelardi huglester zorael labrador harut m0ltar GerbilSoft jswagner rory hj__ antonmpeg elitedev flaguy48 platicus2 n35xdxb0 Ac16:48
ricarNIKOS CLAIM TO FAME WAS PROGRAMMING SIGYN I SEE WHY HE LIVES IN SHAME: skule Emmanuel_Chanel jackmcbarn trajik philroche codepython7771 mandje Hejkki luxio xatr0z justin_jnf Harry_ g2 retoaded frank604 lynxis RestingSmile michael_mbp catalase herb daker krisd x-n2o evony JanC Sebastien Miron natten azizLIGHT ttmx glebihan mutante beenhere poz2k4444 Dracarys lavenders termos irishfromua txtsd ikevin irwiss desnesn cpaelzer laserbeak4445 Omnious fyrril Chew Wize16:48
vnjbrNIKO YOU STUPID GAY QUEEN. DO YOU REALLY TELL PEOPLE YOU PROGRAM SIGYN ROFL: cores thrillgore bradjones Randy laserbeak4445 Ruff_Wizard[m] ibouvousaime ba vivid dpb1 bildramer madmangunr nzoueidi paulmey flyinprogrammer kermyt cfoch-al1 aib finalriposte Kendo_Cocaine vagrant1 mike25 Afrix u0m3__ qassim hackel mandje VikingHoarder shootbird jamespage kamdard_ anderson dxiri limbo_ kudu HerbY_NL2 shoogz avelardi _ADN_ Sleaker platz knidos RedPenguin pebcak_ lostma16:48
siracusNIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: linuxdaemon habith OliPicard samfty uptime shah beefjoe herb hentai8 marlinc eelstrebor DarkMukke dgpratt butteredpopcorn ar|elo theorist DLange tatertots mumixam DeL nicoulaj JimmySteve termos apw vexoon tvw Hobbyboy Hathadar ShaRose insecta hfp sidewalk rypervenche irv seanh jareth_ MrRobot7 isantop_ aloril davidm steenman bitch rud0lf Spec Humbedooh GDiaX yofel derfoh OnkelTem d-k16:48
Guest80749NIKO YOU STUPID GAY QUEEN. DO YOU REALLY TELL PEOPLE YOU PROGRAM SIGYN ROFL: chrmhoffmann antonmpeg Seveas Kitlith harut jraitamaa neure kpease bruce549 zhongfu Cyber_Akuma karstensrage sab__ zergut V7 awestin1 shootbird Zialus DeL Buffman sharksauce mvvvv kchz thorie ktechmidas _ADN_ chamunks dvdmuckle whitekidney_ longsleep dalmata BenderRodriguez jamisnemo Dreaman platicus2 Emmanuel_Chanel med_ mim-matterbridge zChris Pomidora Runawaysheld123 ezra-s thnee16:48
siracusNIKO YOU STUPID GAY QUEEN. DO YOU REALLY TELL PEOPLE YOU PROGRAM SIGYN ROFL: rhcp[cloud] bosma JimmySteve zoolook Nik05 lucasrolff spexi bumbar ezio krashekspress MrRobot7 tolecnal Anticimex a0ssed Schnabeltierchen amosbird swiftkey en7r0py elopio nnyby andyrock narindergupta thnee mgor azizLIGHT untoreh iViLe Southern_Gentlem Xard akkonrad duoi vaishali tobsterius Matthew_ ddstreet dgpratt Rondom pingwindyktator ron9 Piper-Off ramses jak darrenwu iownall516:48
siracusNIKO YOU STUPID GAY QUEEN. DO YOU REALLY TELL PEOPLE YOU PROGRAM SIGYN ROFL: rofltech DarkMukke derfoh Kobaz dragly Callek composer_pro iViLe creat GWM tatertots littlej lewciie MuffinPimp[m] r00ter hfp LucaTM N3LRX Sicnus Miklo en7r0py jonne MonoMonkey Chaser untoreh SPeedY genericuser123 acheronuk AaronMT pijama_boy irv sajoupa nwinter Guest20218 Metacity discopatrick ralph_ Stebanoid amosbird KeithIMyers jvperrin justache Sven_vB_ berit iownall555 Guest16:48
siracusNIKO YOU STUPID GAY QUEEN. DO YOU REALLY TELL PEOPLE YOU PROGRAM SIGYN ROFL: rOss^64 kudu seyeongkim frostschutz evert joeythesaint Pwnna danielhuman bradjones chamunks phreck zymurgy Attoy Metacity skule tsia Muzer brainpro1 rungcc_ Sven_vB_ huglester Darkenvy Zooklubba NotLim hampusw Zialus Jordy GWM KDDLB madmangunr yn VarunAgw TvL2386 SynfulAck ReimuHakurei distantorigin lunagirl ffamousffatman MadPsy jstevewhite stub madsj RomainH_ dino82 butteredpopc16:48
cofkNIKO HOW MANY NICKS DO I HAVE IN HERE BITCH???: tom__ rhcp[cloud] harmaahylje Swish semeion transhuman xtreamwayz Nik05 hachre zorael frostschutz dhanush ddellav prosody riidom gde33 elricsfate Kow LaserAllan lewciie Fuchs musalbas StathisA tfitts saigkill zombs akaWolf natten cooldude fyrril ddpan effectnet zanshin Sleaker dalmata FourDollars madLyfe SCHAPiE netameta ledeni aloril modlin Skuzzzy_ f0rks jamespage narinderg inteus ioria Whisket lg54316:48
nibblNIKO YOU MAD BRO??: yena darrenwu michael_mbp Guest74151 Kobaz nemesit|znc TiCPU jackmcbarn Muzer tolecnal N3LRX prosody iSagitt nymony Adbray latz debsan_ littlejohnny mort X-Rob lionheartActual irv xythobuz Waggie RomainH_ oerheks brad[] akxwi-dave shuo slicepaperwords Xjs|moonshine Pwnna chamunks zergut Jordan_U seanh diskin OliPicard Some_Person jhattara el Kestrel-029 aib MrGeneral LiENUS mariuz77 ralph_ atolani arakash kevank16:48
nibblNIKOS CLAIM TO FAME WAS PROGRAMMING SIGYN I SEE WHY HE LIVES IN SHAME: Sicnus chu GerbilSoft mtl tlyu fginther siracus Ceber dreamcat4 Miron dekatch fooctrl rud0lf doebi zanshin Jonno_FTW YuGiOhJCJ desnesn ndk strive incog zoolook thurin harut Pomidora elopio underyx petris jubes44 alex112 tolecnal mentalita TatoePo Shadowmm onkar vern PhilB czwolf GodFather tokam Stravy yena pebcak_ konrados kunwon1 ddstreet Stebanoid barnito varazir bumbar16:48
vnjbrNIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: kirkland AlexPortable petris nonix4 Furai thorie Fleet konrados narindergupta kspencer hachre g3kk3r amosbird knidos n4n0` cptdoobage beanumsum desnesn VikingHoarder Gallomimia fxfitz coolchris f0rks pavlos xGrind btree_ ukernyanz adamo wonko LambdaComplex beaver bradjones schmidtm iViLe lankanmon mpmc st-gourichon-f jerichowasahoax ghostcube dgpratt akxwi-dave ledeni Kendo_Cocaine poz2k4444 michael_mbp mneptok sigsts aisrael EriC^^ n316:48
vnjbrNIKO MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPEND LESS TIME KLINING AND MORE TIME LEARNING TO PROGRAM ROFL: benonsoftware planigan sphrak g3kk3r saba hentai8 f0rks Sveta rypervenche geirha ubot9 Shaan7 HeN dbclk RudyValencia rohan JStoker tolecnal kloeri ramses Valfor composer_pro Pelle` ba WARlrus jstevewhite mhoney jk0ne bleepy Kitsok xMopxShell Anticimex erry dekatch knoxy Mr_H compuguy bswartz slicepaperwords zergut modlin chu sigsts ffamousffatman Fleet donught Flannel neechan s16:48
hectNIKOS CLAIM TO FAME WAS PROGRAMMING SIGYN I SEE WHY HE LIVES IN SHAME: lapion eHAPPY Squarism Alchemical cliluw Jikan desnesn daker harmaahylje croz ioria cofk namuromus p_l_a_y mpontillo Nothing4You Waggie coolchris icey jer KDDLB flughafen_ Vurtatoo lesshaste pmn unixpro1970 rvgate #ubuntu ianychoi NorbinB tmsmith damian Saviq derf- Gathis thnee archpc akik badet0s akaWolf antilogic wildc4rd CelticFrost mibo lordcirth_work tnwhitwell planigan zamba zululee V716:48
[q__NIKO MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPEND LESS TIME KLINING AND MORE TIME LEARNING TO PROGRAM ROFL: bjorkintosh MadAGu mcs_ aisrael sunrunner20 fooperman rax- Tempesta NDPTAL85 esteeven definitelynotjq DenBeiren ChunkzZ ShaRose nakasd harut f10 tmsmith wildc4rd manueld Guest19268 wonko marshallplace notdaniel stoffepojken Dan_au gorlock sakhd userk vook Seveas adamo Taylor yn AaronMT vishesh jrgifford orang helo Edgan dpb1 purist pdrakeweb Nefertiti Ekho hggdh jer xtreamwayz Sw16:48
vnjbrNIKO MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPEND LESS TIME KLINING AND MORE TIME LEARNING TO PROGRAM ROFL: Kendo_Cocaine Gathis LightAmaze sim642 blipz ikevin [q__ PickledEggs Drone glebihan_ shah soee gborg n4n0` NoCode Piper-Off lucasrolff bleomycin xMopxShell konrados justache knightwise Pomidora TrentP njalk st-gourichon-f CelticFrost inteus kirkland akik utfans05 edwinksl butteredpopcorn lstanley Stinky-Feet freakyy themill theory4000 jstevewhite zendude acheronuk lborda R Hirp16:48
DeLNIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: mpmc kirb Kristine bosma c^ hackel Gathis ktechmidas Paraxial VarunAgw zergut theory4000 cptdoobage urgodfather olmari gborg BGL jink elstellino albech xythobuz Furai bleepy tgm4883 SwedeMike f0rks alphaseg Tzunamii musalbas Csurlee K_K_N pnwise Logan hernil Floflobel karstensrage valkyr1e danielhuman NotLim frank604 coolchris tdn ukernyanz MonoMonkey kevr Triffid_Hunter inteus user_weiss655 lucasrolff icey16:48
kiilNIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: irwiss blingrang hggdh sigsts nicomachus rory NoCode definitelynotjq epipercepi_ gpolitis GJdan lstanley Flannel Keitaro lankanmon jje planigan Afrix mlhess underd0g Myrtti kermyt kchz bray90820_ lvrp16 u0m3__ sp3ck K_K_N lg543 Pomidora victorm freanux madLyfe s Garc Danielss89_ Kow percY- penguinguru catbehemoth epopt tom__ prosody tnwhitwell fractal decoder Zren_ geheimnis` mibo bfernando16:48
cofkNIKO HOW MANY NICKS DO I HAVE IN HERE BITCH???: brainpro1 Xe rysiek|pl herbmillerjr telex le_pig Swant acheronuk big_t Phanes Whiskey Soltis sim642 Devrim Saturn812 Pici dustinspringman ron9 dhil mike25 namuromus mistralol ulkesh IdleOne awestin1 ffamousffatman fission6 xar- dax pacbard dah85 AndrewGazelka TheVacuousTruth baggar11 wouter0100 carlf ShaRose sp3ck lzto mcs_ Furai bumbar Tristam varazir Toadisattva manitu kostkon dlam aloril MonoMonkey16:48
hectNIKOS CLAIM TO FAME WAS PROGRAMMING SIGYN I SEE WHY HE LIVES IN SHAME: pfoo darxun pijama_boy flyinprogrammer Harry_ WizBright pepijndevos neuthral bruce549 n35xdxb0_ Neo VarunAgw butteredpopcorn notdaniel Len AntiSpamMeta jonne digitalfiz riotz zululee caliculk cptdoobage SwedeMike aloril tnwhitwell lstanley vivid Pomidora ztane bladernr boxrick HeN YuGiOhJCJ Frickelpit [q__ med_ CEdWEax-{ Matan[M]_ deadk Calvin` EriC^^ thorie Very_slow Jonno_FTW bazhang TmvC tl16:48
hectNIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: PhilB Skuzzzy_ Whiskey faqeer ShaRose N3LRX aeyesi p0tty saba xGrind bleepy leviyatan elstellino damian mww113 ddellav sphrak physpi teej fginther xar- timwis JStoker wxl knidos johnc4510 flyinprogrammer Adie pdrakeweb lstanley MrC rypervenche tolecnal lori_ andrei_ znull croz rysiek|pl somepoortech gorlock Es0teric TijG Csurlee baumgaro kuchi vaishali snkcld l0rdkermit wliu_ lapion16:48
[q__NIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: eHAPPY FourDollars Randy jose elopio seyeongkim dgtlchlk arakash cmdshftn Jikan aisrael ioria sunrunner20 drale2k_ b0ddan bswartz cereal orang mlhess punto zoolook anna_ bipul Alchemical foddo butteredpopcorn flughafen_ floown ben8472 CodeBlue1776 fractal bladernr debsan_ huglester dave4925 ahnooie mikecmpbll pebcak_ gyre007 Chaser jer ssarah Exagone313 s0lar1s shootbird hernil martyn_h musalbas Telex9 thallada16:48
[q__NIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: atolani daddesio disi iViLe CarlFK knightwise Squarism matthelmke lvrp16 minimec ezra-s cfoch-al1 Guest20218 K_K_N gyre007 wetterfuchs Buffman Floflobel notemerson VladGh croppa arunpyasi jswagner kostkon Nefertiti zymurgy bruce549 jink x-n2o BenderRodriguez nemith DDR [n0mad] diarpi wolsen lapion lori_ blingrang JeffreyGordon[m4 narindergupta Linkandzelda ezio Zen RudyValencia graphitemaster vaishali kevin125 AlexPortable FrostCandy unt16:48
hectNIKO MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPEND LESS TIME KLINING AND MORE TIME LEARNING TO PROGRAM ROFL: WizBright Ruff_Wizard[m] galeido Khaotic m4v fractal definitelynotjq aloo_shu Hirppa mneptok tlaxkit ubuntulog daest8 BGL aib derf- mike25 drkokandy dpb1 shootbird butteredpopcorn DenBeiren Neo creat tokam isantop_ fedorafan oijeeboo ericus lionheartActual mguy DeL karstensrage Sleaker huff3r floown theory4000 nicomachus ledeni jamespage snkcld p_l_a_y hamsterinacan svm_invictvs16:48
hectNIKOS CLAIM TO FAME WAS PROGRAMMING SIGYN I SEE WHY HE LIVES IN SHAME: DLange sigsts ozcanesen Br|aN Very_slow iSagitt btree_ Hawkerz narindergupta robgraves namuromus bildramer mike25 robotroll wodencafe nicolasD baumgaro awestin1 __Trullo dustinspringman hardbot stuart02 ShaRose JStoker zChris sharksauce frostschutz utfans05 unixpro1970 KingPin UsQUE kculpis notdaniel msev- vaishali Guest16627 CatKiller bjorkintosh Dreaman swiftkey urgodfather mfisch jiffe Nosk16:48
inkuNIKO MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPEND LESS TIME KLINING AND MORE TIME LEARNING TO PROGRAM ROFL: hsiktas disi vlad1777d kudu urgodfather ianychoi rosattig_ Pelle` n4n0` CodeBlue1776 matthelmke Drone morphis__ ales1 minimec Shaan7 GodFather ericus Matan[M]_ Metacity lapion doebi Dan_au hoe` beggi unholymachine israfel karlthane_ digilink Ruff_Wizard[m] shoogz planigan Thunder_Tw lucasrolff frostschutz knoxy epopt ek926m IonutVan_ m0j0dj0dj0 kculpis adamg destrudo ToeSnacks q16:48
kiilNIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: leftyfb shannara cores vagrant1 hsiktas crayon tcraxs nwinter rh10 HerbY_NL2 chiluk fedorafan samfty scottASL48 inku andor2007 mircx1 tomreyn Triffid_Hunter jhattara illuminated unholymachine tokam utfans05 tekk Mr_0 Dragnslcr ToAruShiroiNeko berit theShirbiny tabris madmouser1 trajik cebor Adbray m0ltar wxl dah85 cptdoobage ozcanesen SCHAPiE N3LRX ReimuHakurei slipperynick harmaahylje bfernando n35xdxb0 Runawaysheld123 stuart02 atrius16:48
siracusNIKO YOU MAD BRO??: Kestrel-029 m0lt sudhackar ar|elo dbclk aps AnnaRooks doebi adac wtalleghany bumbar tomreyn termos userk kode54 mikecmpbll telex Pomidora edwinksl genp physpi Pwnna huglester eb0t naquad NDPTAL85 vincent42 incog DeL Croepha KDDLB lesshaste Jordan_U tsia Ampelbein cereal Linlz b binary01 Mr_H ahammond ToAruShiroiNeko SimonNL AJ_Z0 OnkelTem xar- neure decoder madmangunr Xard16:48
siracusNIKO YOU STUPID GAY QUEEN. DO YOU REALLY TELL PEOPLE YOU PROGRAM SIGYN ROFL: neechan irishfromua uptime zendude tsia josephz Malinux jameswmyself mpmc eN_Joy craysiii rodsmith Dan_au ezio pumba berit Guest20218 sim642 kloeri akkonrad kirkland f10 Randy dgtlchlk neure NickG365 sysrage fcanela twisted` baumgaro insecta CodeBlue1776 genp drale2k_ jje Westcliff Shaan7 digilink r34lp0w3r[m] aps eb0t rfleming mvvvv martyn_h jwash ioria lordcirth_work mircx1 rory16:48
mol0tNIKOS CLAIM TO FAME WAS PROGRAMMING SIGYN I SEE WHY HE LIVES IN SHAME: Swant Whiskey ralph_ CelticFrost LightAmaze blipz campitor konrados lvrp16 dekatch AlexPortable v0lksman antonmpeg MrCrackPotBuilde elstellino wodencafe jonne Shaan7 Joschii Mia termos blacknred0 gthieleb berit namuromus babilen LaserAllan Richard|Fastly l0rdkermit yokel TonyL mandje punto digitalfiz irv dl8bh bosma roobi desnesn swarfega wolsen mths thiras raj Granis tsia b0l3x Harry_ erry a16:48
guest222NIKO HOW MANY NICKS DO I HAVE IN HERE BITCH???: glebihan_ Casper26 DavidFromBE kamdard_ wouter0100 p0tty sysrage emdashcomma unixpro1970 mgor marcoslater le_pig nakasd Jonii Miklo ubuntulog minimec Ceber Hobbyboy TmvC wxl orang _ADN_ ghoti Awesomecase manacit amirite wgrant natten damian wannabej Seihava boffin sudhackar IdleOne narinderg genericuser123 akik jubes44 Blue phreck rofltech user_weiss655 Richard|Fastly israfel slipperynick pdrakeweb zululee kuc16:48
summerjaNIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: gborg wagle MrC kamdard_ xar- YuGiOhJCJ wodencafe shah mrhubrisje rfleming Church tdn Tzunamii AntiSpamMeta mcphail vox amosbird zululee devster31 dragonrider23 amirite aloo_shu nari anna_ IdleOne bumbar brad[] galeido ShaRose bleomycin ogra_ wgrant naf hfp wolsen freakynl p0tty MJ94 Metacity Curiontice stub drale2k_ telex hggdh willcooke danielhuman oijeeboo hsiktas zeroedout drkokandy16:48
guest222NIKOS CLAIM TO FAME WAS PROGRAMMING SIGYN I SEE WHY HE LIVES IN SHAME: pesari kode54 MadAGu blazeme8 cncr04s Mathisen eelstrebor __Yiota cptdoobage Sicnus lori_ drkokandy alphaseg aisrael vexoon spexi seen_ hatiac hj__ justache Drone aghanmi Village SchrodingersScat robotroll bildramer m4v apw slipperynick pfoo bladernr Toadisattva pepijndevos glebihan jhebden labrador barq dude42 Guest19268 saigkill arakash lostman b0l3x vutral le_pig emdashcomma zoolook a16:48
summerjaNIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: dalmata kode54 trajik MadAGu jameswmyself pnwise devster31 e1z0 deadk Khaotic victorm xar- ozcanesen digilink graphitemaster wagle freakyy snkcld geirha pandaadb cereal amirite BenderRodriguez longs BrainPhreeze eN_Joy p_l_a_y beaky floown l2y Ekho mz` Awesomecase xet7 Hathadar pesari argulp fooperman bswartz KingPin lostman mkultra beuker cptdoobage KeithIMyers Schnabeltier Muzer GodFather StathisA thurstylark16:48
guest385NIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: tmsmith bfernando benonsoftware AEtherC0r3 shadoxx konrados bazhang Guest69069 ozcanesen daker Dreaman semeion darxun zoolook mhall119 ulkesh latz graphitemaster Drone Skuzzzy_ lzto Fleet martyn_h zamba raibutera ogra_ knightwise Whiskey alex112 mircx1 sp3ck fractal riotz sim642 caliculk DarekDeo lborda RaptorJesus skule Jguy dxiri Humbedooh __Trullo Ancer blipz karlthane_ JStoker d-k bruce549 tsurko16:48
mol0tNIKO YOU MAD BRO??: floown boxmein doebi jlacroix limbo_ Cust0sLimen robgraves cryptic0 raj chod Matan[M]_ Rochvellon flyinprogrammer sharksauce madLyfe st-gourichon-f Edgan AlexPortable pjdc jonsson grumble matthelmke Neo erry Hobbyboy diarpi madmangunr akxwi-dave inteus dekatch zzzgeoffb n-st Whisket utfans05 shoogz azah joeythesaint knidos carif percY- ek926m wedgie littlejohnny p0tty ogra_ Willis lg543 rud0lf mcs_ Schnabeltierchen16:48
mol0tNIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: NoCode lapion pingwindyktator utfans05 wedgie estan astrofog petris krisd unixpro1970 benonsoftware bhuddah Linus akik Pelle` Edgan ghostcube kudu Metacity habith CrazyH bfernando riotz vexoon ek926m dkossako Negr0 Inimesekene NorbinB zChris rhcp[cloud] arakash darrenwu Kins fedorafan definitelynotjq JimmySteve codepython7771 KDDLB gorlock ahnooie trajik tcpdump __Yiota ianychoi xMopxShell jamesbee chu Neo zzzgeoffb16:48
mol0tNIKOS CLAIM TO FAME WAS PROGRAMMING SIGYN I SEE WHY HE LIVES IN SHAME: N3LRX dl8bh benonsoftware purist Netham45 Bad_Dream Ancer ptx0 acheronuk antonw Guest74151 AlexPortable tlyu dooglus lynxis Gathis etaburst Pici mike25 lstanley jubes44 Sven_vB_ krisd Toadisattva YuGiOhJCJ Seihava |ifei5good Chaser X-Rob antonmpeg mipesom Pwnna tabris sakhd aghanmi sudhackar willcooke Very_slow saigkill Ekho DDR jstevewhite physpi ducasse Valfor bigjazzsoun neure kcas_ bboles16:48
mol0tNIKO MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPEND LESS TIME KLINING AND MORE TIME LEARNING TO PROGRAM ROFL: LiENUS JimmySteve benonsoftware carif seen_ xGrind tabris punto martyn_h dhanush vox definitelynotjq tro daynaskully pavlushka ph0b0s_ Heath_ Very_slow Furai thebwt n-st jcara knidos dl8bh slicepaperwords chamunks konrados zergut beaky opal shoogz _ADN_ blazeme8 cibs pebcak_ phunyguy Inferno_geek devster31 dalmata vreg frostschutz riotz rosattig_ Gallomimia harrymm michael_mbp 16:48
mol0tNIKO YOU MAD BRO??: Odd_ abra0 mircx1 salomon Pici frank604 cellardoor neunon butteredpopcorn ioria ztane riotz Chaser Matsu jk0ne dragonrider23 madmangunr Zachary_DuBois rt dekatch geirha pesari Jor mkultra limbo_ capella acheronuk SwedeMike deepend pchoo Taylor genericuser123 nightf0x Moscherkobold Linus bswartz arakash shadoxx neechan DenBeiren LaserAllan ibouvousaime NwS blingrang Hirppa jagrutiD boffin ktechmidas hggdh zonum16:48
guest385NIKO MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPEND LESS TIME KLINING AND MORE TIME LEARNING TO PROGRAM ROFL: Jordy sharksauce FrostCandy antilogic Phanes xMopxShell LiENUS semeion aib neure evalenti daest8 scain abbiya damian sab__ cryptic0 tabakhase Olufunmilayo xar- fooperman Thunder_Tw mindlesstux jraitamaa rfleming tabris knightwise theory4000 darrenwu paulmey eHAPPY kbrosnan def_jam pijama_boy Stebanoid iViLe Negr0 Kel daker MrCrackPotBuilde notdaniel Thumpxr Hirppa adamg 16:48
summerjaNIKO MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPEND LESS TIME KLINING AND MORE TIME LEARNING TO PROGRAM ROFL: coldasfucc frostschutz spexi ericus AJ_Z0 danielhuman l2y jrgifford bcowan cfoch-al1 b0ddan vlad1777d codepython7771 Dreaman mrhubrisje twisted` jrolland-home andrei_ Es0teric krisd glebihan_ userk dragonrider23 neure le_pig neuthral mcphail litheum iViLe str unixpro1970 ubuntulog Thumpxr butteredpopcorn ukernyanz sigsts Awesomecase Blueking Afrix Joschii yofel coolchri16:48
guest222NIKOS CLAIM TO FAME WAS PROGRAMMING SIGYN I SEE WHY HE LIVES IN SHAME: _KaszpiR_ Rapture littlejohnny robotroll vox Hathadar AaronMT TiCPU Ferretti coolchris fxfitz cores blanko WizBright harmaahylje foddo damian carif mundus pnwise Devrim ghost_ lucasrolff hampusw shootbird fedorafan Adie diskin rory Compu iSagitt cereal Westcliff CookieM Olufunmilayo big_t hsiktas harut slipperynick jeppech Netham45 max-m robertj thurstylark sysrage jareth_ unixpro1970 WA16:48
guest385NIKOS CLAIM TO FAME WAS PROGRAMMING SIGYN I SEE WHY HE LIVES IN SHAME: papapishu bfernando kermyt lordcirth_work Sven_vB_ Buffman underd0g mol0t jose Len wjtaylor_ tnwhitwell cereal c^ daest8 pmn dragonrider23 yofel Kitsok Mr_Pan donught ledeni Jikan AndrewGazelka modlin Renegade334 wannabej galeido SunTsu philroche RomainH_ trobotham jk0ne johnc4510 luckman212 funabashi kbrosnan edwinksl max-m FrostCandy tsurko Guest69069 rohan Researcher- statusfailed K16:48
guest385NIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: ktechmidas ircabu jlacroix opal wannabej vern Negr0 kbrosnan hachre nickware-idle bitch michael_mbp vreg Ruff_Wizard[m] trajik purist mhoney Es0teric SimonNL argulp Ancer slashd snadge aloril leftyfb BrainPhreeze foddo phunyguy audreeliss Some_Person mvvvv ttmx statusfailed Taylor sphrak Noskcaj knightwise spexi LambdaComplex Cyber_Akuma jemark d-k erry thallada zChris Apachez tsurko elricsfate baumgaro BGL16:48
mol0tNIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: vern ioria flyinprogrammer user_weiss655 le_pig Gallomimia mircx1 Sicnus DarekDeo Omnious stoffepojken tlaxkit azizLIGHT Waggie michael_mbp edwinksl Taylor seen_ rory hggdh gnomethrower_ karlthane_ gborg brainpro1 kirkland __Yiota MadAGu sudhackar devster31 n35xdxb0 theory4000 PityDaFool mpmc Zen octanium Dan_au barq beggi xar- wetterfuchs btree_ esteeven tsurko beaky tabakhase __Trullo kudu danielhuman ezra-s justache16:48
mol0tNIKO YOU MAD BRO??: Odd_ Jordy cereal pesari jubo2 Inimesekene Pelle` RaptorJesus lg543 esteeven Kamuela n-st tsurko ibouvousaime Dragnslcr darxun lionheartActual erikj knightwise kspencer Seveas qassim Rapture SleePy Valfor __Trullo johnc4510 Afrix twisted` WARlrus Dewin jamesbee blazeme8 dgtlchlk Floflobel Curiontice iViLe userk Anja_ tgm4883 Tzunamii stub ukernyanz Danielss89_ daynaskully eelstrebor sakhd zendude Zen edmz16:48
jennifff^NIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: TvL2386 bladernr Kryptron_ zymurgy zChris lionheartActual illuminated pjdc manueld Metacity hreinnbeck victorm daest8 AndrewGazelka Logan dino82 aloo_shu Curiontice emdashcomma lg543 devster31 vox phunyguy |ifei5good antilogic astrofog bjorkintosh HarryFlashman laserbeak4445 zorael pchoo aeyesi dragonrider23 lzto HashNuke pebc ezra-s paulmey brad[] echo1 shannara dave4925 u0m3__ tobsterius nymony Spec urgodfather epipercepi_ 16:48
jennifff^NIKO HOW MANY NICKS DO I HAVE IN HERE BITCH???: Br|aN beuker nemith chod GodFather cooldude scottASL48 amirite DavidFromBE tekk karstensrage effectnet Meow-J caliculk ron9 sylario seanh kode54 sakhd cellardoor f10 rud0lf marahin debsan_ Jordan_U slipperynick genii Acrisor Dracarys vagrant1 inteus roobi wtalleghany razorz Guest19268 mlhess spexi lu_tze papapishu craysiii Keitaro decoder axisys thorre addo Ben64 MortyTS Mr_H nnyby nicomachus16:48
jennifff^NIKO HOW MANY NICKS DO I HAVE IN HERE BITCH???: definitelynotjq isantop_ ghost_ Jonno_FTW teej Nukien GoodMorningBob fxfitz grumble HashNuke skule Chappie-san frostschutz danielhuman nnyby zhongfu platz NDPTAL85 madmangunr cyberzeus med_ Jikan tmsmith MrCrackPotBuilde ubot9 s0lar1s litheum TrentP ozcanesen _KaszpiR_ vexoon TatoePo onkar sphrak [n0mad] edmz evalenti Sveta raj papapishu tokam Logan guest385 zergut seanh WizBright dgtlchlk ilmaisin hampus16:48
jennifff^NIKO YOU STUPID GAY QUEEN. DO YOU REALLY TELL PEOPLE YOU PROGRAM SIGYN ROFL: lynxis zululee Spontex autra azizLIGHT bhuddah nhandler ledeni narindergupta MrCrackPotBuilde alchemistswl Mathisen Chaser huglester bleomycin sajoupa whitekidney_ rodsmith herbmillerjr ales1 dave4925 Curiontice tatertots geheimnis` pa themill Garc desnesn Dracarys michael_mbp jk0ne paulmey DerRaiden scottASL48 Es0teric shoogz mfisch userk untoreh Bad_Dream Kash Kow trajik Jor16:48
jennifff^NIKO HOW MANY NICKS DO I HAVE IN HERE BITCH???: ilmaisin anna_ el zergut Malinux Telex9 Pwnna HashFreedom V7 ulkesh notemerson Ben64 Seven_Six_Two CatKiller theskillwithin in Khisanth ezra-s Wizek_ liguo mhoney vijaikumar aps narinderg azah fatalhalt Triffid_Hunter NDPTAL85 scottASL48 frank604 crayon Nik05 binary01 Voltasalt Village gpolitis Harry_ morphis__ LightAmaze neunon Adbray Adie Whiskey N3X15 Metacity isantop_ laserbeak4445 jrgifford whitekidn16:49
jennifff^NIKOS CLAIM TO FAME WAS PROGRAMMING SIGYN I SEE WHY HE LIVES IN SHAME: decoder kermyt Aginor thurin JeffreyGordon[m4 DerRaiden yokel rax- BenderRodriguez anuja Ahnberg Danielss89_ Rapture pjdc MrBiogene lynxis Xjs|moonshine fxfitz Jguy Pomidora longsleep Compu tolecnal platicus2 drale2k_ znull digitalfiz iarp crayon abra0 g3kk3r Jesin Zialus sary ausbeck Kobaz Mr_H krytarik labrador gerl1ng marlinc etaburst jhattara cooldude sjohnson Drone bkuhl Fuchs 16:49
summerjaNIKOS CLAIM TO FAME WAS PROGRAMMING SIGYN I SEE WHY HE LIVES IN SHAME: Soltis S1GM4 WARlrus rymate1234 epopt vreg untoreh sionronin urgodfather Incepti0n luckman212 ausbeck marshallplace elopio Bryanstein longs neure LiENUS tfitts CookieM rosattig_ lg543 ghostcube harrymm aeyesi pepijndevos grumble d-k digilink maxxer kloeri Malinux vutral Mathisen coolchris kuchi evalenti PickledEggs termos pnwise lucasrolff boxrick wxl digitalfiz Majost manitu nicolasD16:49
summerjaNIKO YOU MAD BRO??: rosattig_ bladernr ddstreet Anticimex Len RomainH_ Dreaman aghanmi Some_Person litheum elysium elopio zamba Apachez DLange akik Ahnberg ash_workz Krenair frac rdz LiENUS johnnyfive C_minus jerichowasahoax Tm_T nyuszika7h l2y esteeven wildc4rd ozcanesen ianychoi mumixam littlejohnny LambdaComplex bruce549 wodencafe carif N3X15 xythobuz mindlesstux nnyby theory4000 tolecnal Myrtti tanimisl lynxis mlw Inferno_geek NDPTAL8516:49
guest385NIKO HOW MANY NICKS DO I HAVE IN HERE BITCH???: FrostCandy kbrosnan igordc sigsts cncr04s Sven_vB_ statusfailed Jordy lostman modlin RaptorJesus Kitsok Netham45 nchambers Edgan archpc daynaskully mipesom Muzer Schnabeltierchen bcowan sab__ gnomethrower_ Random832 hreinnbeck urgodfather Waggie lucasrolff Researcher- trobotham ircabu mpmc abbiya maxxer victorm nnyby StathisA Metacity Skuzzzy_ di TrollingStone IdleOne [q__ DLange fatalhalt cereal tolecnal vo16:49
guest385NIKO HOW MANY NICKS DO I HAVE IN HERE BITCH???: fractal autra mneptok sim642 elricsfate thorre bradjones TheVacuousTruth lg543 sigsts pumba beggi Afrix Flannel _KaszpiR_ Kins ozcanesen vagrant1 phreck jk0ne pdrakeweb carif aloril TrentP Spontex ChunkzZ mibo Frickelpit ircabu Shaan7 Nefertiti znull Loshki mvvvv robertj Whisket inteus distantorigin Jonno_FTW Ekho zeroedout leviyatan jrolland-home Mathisen jameswmyself willcooke kchz fatalhalt mgor ericus16:49
Israphelo what the hell!16:49
dave4925jesus fuck16:49
NwS /clapclap16:49
digitalfizlol this is a thing that still happens?16:49
jerichowasahoaxi'm only here to confirm my humanity16:49
JordyAs I asked before the spam16:49
JordyI've got an old machine here with 5GB, ubuntu runs pretty slow on it, is there a way to use the server ubuntu to output hdmi for like kodi without having the desktop graphics?16:49
tgm4883some people's children16:49
leftyfbthere's always idiots16:49
dpb1what is KLINING16:49
MyrttiThe more you give it attention, the more likely it is to happen again16:49
Israphelwhat did he say about niko16:50
jerichowasahoaxJordy: yeah, start from server, "sudo apt install xorg-server kodi"16:50
tgm4883Jordy: you could run a pretty lightweight install, but IDK what kodi needs16:50
* mpmc hugs Drone 16:50
Israphelkodi needs love and a couch16:50
jerichowasahoaxJordy: you will absolutely need xorg to output anything useful over HDMI, but if kodi doesn't need a window manager or anything, a minimal xorg install should be fine16:50
|Night|I just use pelx16:51
|Night|plex, and emby on headless ubuntu16:51
aloo_shuwell, the same went on yesterday in debian, one of the brighter analysis' was 'bored teen aiming at getting people banned', also this link surfaced: http://05command.wikidot.com/forum/t-239713516:51
* jerichowasahoax runs a madsonic daemon over his VPN as a hand-rolled alternative to Google Music16:51
* blacknred0 interesting16:52
jerichowasahoaxaloo_shu: once in another channel, we banned a user and that user started "advertising" for us in retaliation16:52
ttmxWhy did I get tagged here?16:52
LiENUSttmx, because we love you16:53
jerichowasahoaxaloo_shu: it was difficult to explain to the ops we didn't set him to do that, i think our channel's still juped on a couple servers16:53
jerichowasahoaxttmx: spambots16:53
LiENUSalso that ^16:53
FuraiWhat does q flag do?16:53
jerichowasahoaxFurai: like a ban, except instead of keeping them out, it just keeps them quiet16:53
IsraphelJordy: did you check this? https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=28259316:53
aloo_shujerichowasahoax: this is also my personal take, a circle that never ends..16:53
ttmxReally random16:54
ttmxBut is there any chance anyone here has an NSpire?16:54
jerichowasahoaxttmx: it's generally better to just ask, instead of asking to ask16:55
FuraiSo it's quiet flag, ok. I'm admin on quite few IRC servers (just chanels) but didn't know freenode had quite flag.16:55
JordyI did not yet, thanks!16:55
jerichowasahoaxttmx: e.g. avoid "does anyone have an nspire", just ask "my nspire running ubuntu 17.04 is doing this and i'd like it to stop"16:55
IsraphelJordy: also, maybe offtopic, but the distro Librelec is very very lightweight for kodi.16:55
aloo_shujerichowasahoax: yep, spambot, see the link. opal later showed up in #debian-offtopic with a somewhat weak 'it was somebody impersonating me'-stance, whereas some of the ops went 'we've all been in the chan wars, haven't we'. I am grossly simplifying, though.16:55
=== Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB
kostkonJordy, and 5gb is the max space you can allocate for ubuntu?16:57
jerichowasahoaxkostkon: i dunno if that's RAM or disk space, but 5GB should be enough for "server with minimal xorg" either way16:58
kostkonjerichowasahoax, yep16:58
neurrei just freshly installed 17.1017:00
deadlytacklerdoes anybody else here having problem with freeplane in 17.10?17:00
neurrei try "sudo apt build-dep glfw" but it says "E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list"17:00
deadlytacklerits just refusing to fire up17:01
jerichowasahoaxdeadlytackler: anything interesting in terminal?17:02
neurrehow do i fix this?17:02
naccneurre: and did you put some source URIs in?17:02
jerichowasahoaxneurre: what's your end goal?17:02
alexaswhere to set up power button function in ubuntu 17.10?17:02
ttmxjerichowasahoax its not even running ubuntu :P17:03
jerichowasahoaxttmx: then maybe #ubuntu isn't the best place to ask about it ;-)17:03
neurrejerichowasahoax, install packages that are needed for building glfw17:03
naccneurre: why are you building glfw?17:04
alexasfor me it show menu but sometimes it execute shutdown command, I can't find why is that17:04
jerichowasahoaxneurre: what's wrong with the existing packages17:04
Dreamanhoq to see my 4 plots17:04
neurrenacc, im actually building some my own code which needs glfw17:04
naccneurre: so isntall glfw?17:04
Dreamanthis is not real unity17:04
naccneurre: not sure why you needing glfw means you are bulidig it from source17:04
magic_1hi all17:05
jerichowasahoaxneurre: are you sure what you're looking for isn't some kind of glfw-dev package?17:05
magic_1any one got some advice on using intel amd discrete gpu17:05
naccneurre: jerichowasahoax: looks to be libglfw-dev17:05
naccDreaman: that question doesn't parse and doesn't exactly read like an ubuntu support question in the first place17:06
magic_1i am by far not getting the fps that i should be getting from DRI_PRIME=117:06
jerichowasahoax!info libglfw-dev17:06
ubottuPackage libglfw-dev does not exist in artful17:06
jerichowasahoax!info libglfw-dev 17.1017:06
ubottu'17.10' is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-17:06
naccjerichowasahoax: it only exists in p, t and x17:06
kostkon!info libglfw-dev artful17:06
ubottuPackage libglfw-dev does not exist in artful17:06
jerichowasahoaxnacc: is "artful" 17.10?17:06
naccjerichowasahoax: (well of the current packages)17:06
naccjerichowasahoax: yes17:06
kostkon!find libglfw17:07
ubottuFound: libglfw3, libglfw3-dev, libglfw3-doc, libglfw3-wayland17:07
jerichowasahoax!info libglfw3-dev artful17:07
ubottulibglfw3-dev (source: glfw3): portable library for OpenGL, window and input (development files). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-1 (artful), package size 30 kB, installed size 196 kB17:07
jerichowasahoaxneurre: ^^ is this your card?17:07
naccneurre: so maybe clarify what you're trying to do17:08
jerichowasahoaxneurre: so, your real "end goal" here, as i was asking for earlier, is to get development headers and things so you can build against glfw in your own projects, yes?17:08
ZuninoHow does one create and/or configure launchers in Ubuntu 17.10's dock?17:10
ZuninoAre Unity's .desktop files still operational/valid?17:11
jerichowasahoaxZunino: .desktop files aren't specific to Unity, but the answer to your question is yes17:11
kostkonZunino, same deal yes17:12
Zuninojerichowasahoax, kostkon: thank you.17:12
Zuninojerichowasahoax: I was led to believe .desktop files were associated with Unity because of documentation such as https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles17:14
jerichowasahoaxZunino: but they're not specific to Unity17:15
jerichowasahoaxZunino: they're a standard used by multiple desktop environments17:15
jerichowasahoaxZunino: so yes, Unity uses them, but so does KDE, and GNOME, and Cinnamon, and... and...17:15
Zuninojerichowasahoax: Nice. Thank you.17:16
kostkonZunino, here's the spec https://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/index.html17:18
Zuninokostkon: Great! I'm creating my own .desktop file for Eclipse IDE. Thank you.17:20
bodanglyI want to stop outgoing traffic to anything that isn't in the private IP address ranges. What is the best way to do it from command line? ufw? or with routes?17:26
lotuspsychjebodangly: perhaps a question for #netfilter or ##networking ?17:28
bodanglylotuspsychje: sure, I'll try there thanks17:28
JesinZunino: https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/plain/trunk/eclipse.desktop?h=packages/eclipse17:29
friendzonerhow use vpn ubuntu ?17:29
NEWbie38G day for everyone :) . I need some assistance with Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS Xenial. Would someone mind to assist me with some problems I have?17:30
Thunder_Tw!ask NEWbie3817:31
jerichowasahoax!ask | NEWbie3817:31
ubottuNEWbie38: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:31
naccNEWbie38: also, you should be on 16.04.317:32
nacc16.04.2 is not supported any longer17:32
lotuspsychje!vpn | friendzoner17:32
ubottufriendzoner: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN17:32
NEWbie38Thank you. Question: I made a mess of my repository. When trying to update discover keeps wont go trough with the install, it hangs17:32
lotuspsychjeNEWbie38: added external ppa's of any kind?17:33
NEWbie38Yes I added zillion extras to it  :(17:33
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | NEWbie38 cleanup first :p17:34
ubottuNEWbie38 cleanup first :p: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html17:34
holgerdanskeHas anyone found a workaround for Wayland's refusal to allow graphical application launch via terminal?17:34
lotuspsychjeholgerdanske: perhaps try with gksudo?17:34
jhutchins_wklotuspsychje: That might be difficult if he can't get an install to complete.17:34
holgerdanskeTried that already to no avail. It's apparently intended to be that way17:35
akikholgerdanske: what is being refused?17:35
lotuspsychjejhutchins_wk: we cant support systems with external ppa's here sadly..17:35
friendzonercomand to install first? i need suddo accesss acount first?17:35
hggdhholgerdanske: try, on a command line: xhost +si:localuser:root17:36
holgerdanskeWhen I try to gksudo or sudo a graphical application from the command line X draws a dialogue box to input my administrator password but I am unable to actually access it. Googling the problem, I learned that that is how Wayland works intentionally17:36
hggdhholgerdanske: also, see bug 170614617:36
ubottubug 1706146 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "cannot run GUI application programs with elevated permissions" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170614617:36
holgerdanskeI've tried the workaround that you linked, btw, and it didn't work17:36
jhutchins_wkholgerdanske: There's a reason for that.17:36
akikholgerdanske: sudo -i gnome-terminal worked17:38
satemhaholgerdanske: It's not allowed for security reasons but if you need a workaround, you can use this answer from askubuntu: https://askubuntu.com/a/961975/35211217:38
akikah wayland17:38
holgerdanskeakik: No it didn't17:39
akikholgerdanske: sorry i'm using xorg17:39
holgerdanskeIt's cool. I just wanted to double check17:39
opal✿ i know this is offtopic but what the hell: < aloo_shu> jerichowasahoax: yep, spambot, see the link. opal later showed up in #debian-offtopic with a somewhat weak 'it was somebody impersonating me'-stance, whereas some of the ops went 'we've all been in the chan wars, haven't we'. I am grossly simplifying, though. ❀17:39
akikisn't that a regression how things have worked until now?17:39
opal✿ nobody was impersonating me, i stated that someone is just attacking me and has been doing so for over a year ❀17:40
lotuspsychjeopal: not here please17:40
hggdhopal: please keep on topic17:40
opal✿ lotuspsychje hggdh that would have been all i said on the matter if you guys didnt chime in ❀17:40
kostkonopal, we... don't care?17:41
opal✿ hey, all im saying is im done talking when you are; you're the only people keeping the convo alive ❀17:41
beritopal kitten this is off topic17:41
holgerdanskeSo because we asked you to shut up you're going to keep talking? You realize that's the same line of reasoning that falls into the "I know you are but what am I" defense, right?17:42
naccplease, just stop feeding the trolls, stick to support topics17:42
pavlosbodangly: stop outgoing will make the internal machines not accessing the internet. Is that your goal?17:43
olmarifortunately there is also /ignore :)17:43
opal✿ what is it with the freenode hivemind ❀17:43
opal✿ it's cancerous ❀17:43
friendzonervpn plizz !17:43
naccopal: please stay ontopic of use #ubuntu-offtopic.17:43
friendzonerim waiting no ansar why17:44
damienhello i am trying to install an aver media tv card to linux any help would be gladly welcomed17:44
nacchggdh: thanks17:44
opal✿ hggdh you have to be the fifth person to tell me, i think i already fucking realise ❀17:44
damienlanguage opal17:44
opal✿ oh sorry, i think i already motherfucking realise ❀17:44
auronandacefriendzoner: you were given a link to read17:45
beritopal kitten please calm down17:45
damienhow rude17:45
olmariwhy do we keep allowing him here?17:45
damienyour rudeness17:45
friendzonerbut some1 i talk 2 says ubuntu lynix has native vpn apps. i want that17:46
damienwhat channel is ubuntu help17:46
naccdamien: this is the support chanel17:46
johnnyfivefriendzoner, openvpn17:46
ducassefriendzoner: which one do you want?17:46
damienok just checking17:46
friendzonerfree 117:46
naccfriendzoner: please don't use text speak, write out words so that we are sure we understand what you are sayig17:47
damieni am trying to set up an aver media tv card on my pc17:47
naccdamien: what version of ubuntu?17:47
damienthe latest one17:47
ducassefriendzoner: you still need a provider, ubuntu just provides the software17:47
naccdamien: `lsb_release -sd` please17:48
friendzonerwhat provider. i get to use 1 how?17:48
naccdamien: that's not the output of that command.17:48
auronandacefriendzoner: maybe you should begin with asking yourself why you need a vpn17:48
damiensorry i don't know17:48
olmarifriendzoner: you need a VPN provider... or your own server to connect to... it isn't just some magic tunnel somewhere17:49
naccdamien: you don't know how to run that command and copy & paste the output to this channel?17:49
friendzoneritz for pvt reason ofcoz. lol bad vids lol wont say here17:49
naccdamien: that's what I asked you to do.17:49
damienok well i am unsure how to do that17:49
naccdamien: open a terminal17:49
naccdamien: type "lsb_release -sd" and hit enter17:49
ducassefriendzoner: type full words, not 'itz', 'pvt' and so on17:49
naccdamien: copy ad paste the output here17:49
damienok now what17:50
friendzonerducass are you teacher?17:50
naccfriendzoner: that's not relevant in this channel, as far as I can tell17:50
nacc!tab | friendzoner: also,17:50
ubottufriendzoner: also,: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:50
ducassefriendzoner: that's how things work here17:50
damiensorry i cant do anything17:51
naccdamien: what?17:51
damienyeah thats right17:51
friendzonernt wvry one here is from englsih speeking country. ablities of speech differ. why u rude to me anyway?17:52
friendzonerim just sking to know abt vpn17:52
naccdamien: i'm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying.17:52
ducasse!u | friendzoner17:52
ubottufriendzoner: Shortened English is difficult for some non-native English speakers to read. Please use full words instead. Thanks!17:52
naccfriendzoner: ok, in that last sentence, write "about" instead of "abt".17:52
damienok are you from abroad17:52
naccfriendzoner: you know english perfectly well enough it seems, just follow the channels rules17:52
nacc!who | damien17:52
ubottudamien: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:52
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:53
damienyou nacc17:53
friendzonercono !17:53
Kendo_Cocaine!damien test17:53
Kendo_Cocaineim irc-retarded17:53
naccdamien: I asked you to provide the output of a command in a terminal, you said "sorry i cant do anything", i asked "what?" and you responded with "yeah thats right". Are you trolling the channel?17:53
naccKendo_Cocaine: please stop that.17:54
damienno i am not trolling17:54
Kendo_Cocainestop what17:54
damieni just asked for help with a tv card17:54
naccdamien: ok, then open a terminal, run the command requested and paste the output here.17:54
naccKendo_Cocaine: random offtopic chat17:54
damieni can't find the original command17:55
naccdamien: "lsb_release -sd"17:55
Kendo_Cocainenacc chill out i was trying the commands they are trying17:55
naccKendo_Cocaine: I believe there is a test channel for that17:55
Kendo_Cocaineim not familiar with IRC. if I see someone showing commands, i am going to try them too.17:55
naccKendo_Cocaine: this channel is not for learning how to use IRC. those commands are bot triggers, not IRC commands.17:56
jerichowasahoaxKendo_Cocaine: why? you know what they do?17:56
auronandaceKendo_Cocaine: you can /msg ubottu privately to test anything out without disrupting the channel17:56
friendzonerlel ubuntu sucks tiny girl balls you fucking turd jerkers!! i use gentooooooooooooooooooooOO!! farking turds!!!!17:56
damienubuntu artful aardvark17:56
Kendo_CocaineI''m here to help others and receive help too. i'm not disrupting the channel, you are by acting like a sherriff17:57
=== albech1 is now known as albech
damienthat was the output17:57
naccdamien: that's not the output of `lsb_release -sd` on that release.17:57
nicomachusKendo_Cocaine: because he is a sheriff here. listen to him. don't speak unless you have an Ubuntu support question or can help someone else with theirs.17:57
kostkondamien, paste it verbatim on http://paste.ubuntu.com/17:57
olmariand I'm still wondering why isn't there more strict kickban policy... warn once, kick second, ban 3rd time :)17:57
Kendo_CocaineLOL WOWWWWWWW17:58
damieni cant copy and paste it17:59
damienno mouse17:59
naccKendo_Cocaine: generally, in this channel, the activity is actively helping someone with their question, or asking a question. Please stick to that.17:59
naccdamien: somethinng like "lsb_release -sd | pastebinit"17:59
leftyfbdamien: <command> | pastebinit # if you don't have pastebinit installed, run sudo apt-get install pastebinit17:59
naccleftyfb: thanks for the more detailed response :)17:59
jerichowasahoax!pastebinit | damien17:59
ubottudamien: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit17:59
Kendo_Cocaineignore works pretty well too17:59
damienwhy do you need me to do this17:59
naccdamien: because I want to know what version of Ubuntu you are on, in order to help you.18:00
damieni told you18:00
naccdamien: so far you have given two very different answers, so I don't trust your responses, and want to see the command's output.18:00
damienartful aardvark18:00
naccdamien: then why did you say 16.04 earlier?18:00
kostkondamien, why no mouse, is it server setup?18:00
jerichowasahoaxnacc: likely a typo18:00
naccjerichowasahoax: "16.04\nlts" is a typo?18:01
naccjerichowasahoax: I find that hard to believe18:01
damienin fact i told you twice now the first time i was unsure18:01
ducassedamien: if you are asked for some output, please just provide it if you expect anyone to actually help18:01
jerichowasahoaxnacc: you didn't specify he said "lts", i was not operating with that knowledge18:01
naccdamien: is your card listed at https://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/AVerMedia ?18:01
kostkondamien, is it a headless setup?18:01
lyzeHey! I've just recently installed the newest version of ubuntu and tried to run steam. But whenever I do this the whole wayland session crashes and puts me back to the login screen. http://termbin.com/gdwew   Could somebody help?18:02
lyze( Crash times: 19:59:21, 19:47:16, 19:50:25 )18:03
nacclyze: apt-cache policy steam ?18:03
lyzeI've installed the deb file via the steam store page. http://termbin.com/zo4c18:04
lyzeShould I purge that and install it via apt?18:04
lyzenacc: ^18:04
nacclyze: you don't have a steam .deb installed per that output18:04
nacclyze: 'steam store' meaning not apt or a GUI package manager?18:05
jerichowasahoaxto the best of my knowledge, the steam .deb is just a stub installer anyway18:05
lyzenacc: via here http://store.steampowered.com/about/18:05
nacclyze: such a choice would not be supported here, but by steam. If you want support here, use the version in the archive18:05
jerichowasahoaxthe real steam program is distributed via valve's cdn using valve's code18:05
kostkonlyze, apt-cache policy steam-launcher18:05
nicomachuslyze: best way to install steam is via apt. everything else is going to be questionable compatibility18:06
lyzeAlright, I've reinstalled it via apt. Doesn't crash so far. http://termbin.com/z1fn18:07
kostkonlyze, you have both now. remove steam-launcher18:08
lyzekostkon and everyone else: Thanks, works now fine.c:18:15
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phuQwhy am I attacked tuberculosis test18:22
phuQthen left alone18:22
phuQseems like every other day18:22
ducassephuQ: do you have an ubuntu question?18:25
nug700weird. "an ubuntu" should sound natural but doesn't. "a ubuntu" sounds natural but shouldn't18:26
alkisgIt depends on how you pronounce the "u" :)18:27
tgm4883hence both are correct18:27
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stan_man_canDoes a fresh install of ubuntu server have security updates enabled by default?18:35
oerheksstan_man_can,  it is an option, step 19 https://www.htpcbeginner.com/install-ubuntu-server-16-04/2/18:37
stan_man_canoerheks: thanks18:41
stan_man_canI guess i'll have to check what the VPS provider does during setup then since I'm not physically installing it myself18:41
oerhekssystemctl status apt-daily.timer18:43
phuQI have an idea. why don't you guys completely leave me alone18:43
Thunder_TwWhat the phuQ?18:45
lyzewayland still crashes back to the login screen rather regularly: http://termbin.com/71kq   (E.g. at 20:46:28). Could somebody help?18:48
ezra-slyze: any reason why you need wayland? you may have to revert to Xorg18:49
Thunder_Twlooks like you have found a bug18:50
lyzeezra-s: no reason, want to give it a try.18:50
marshwallowHi guys! I can't make KDE Plasma run alongside Cinnamon. Black boxes instead of various UI elements. Can you help me?18:50
lyzeThat's a fresh install with only my default setup afterwards.18:50
JanCstan_man_can: see '/usr/share/doc/unattended-upgrades/README.md.gz' for documentation of unattended upgrades18:51
marshwallowI know a clean install would run flawlessly, but I ain't got enough disk space for a multiboot, if anything else.18:51
marshwallowA live session does, if anything else.18:51
marshwallowTasksel failed to work, so I just installed kubuntu-desktop.18:52
marshwallowAnd boy does it look broken.18:52
marshwallowI was hoping this is a known issue.18:52
stan_man_canthanks all18:53
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marshwallowHas anyone encountered this issue?18:57
Thunder_Twlyze: Oct 25 20:46:28 ovo gnome-session[8109]: gnome-session-binary[8109]: WARNING: Application 'org.gnome.Shell.desktop' killed by signal 1118:59
Thunder_Twthat's the line that signals your crash i think18:59
Thunder_Twgnome-calendar[10894]: Error reading events from display: Broken pipe >> org.gnome.Shell.desktop[8133]: Fatal server error: gnome-session-binary[8109]: Unrecoverable failure in required component org.gnome.Shell.desktop19:00
ZuninoI seem to recall being able to restrict the application switcher to the current workspace only; at least, I believe there was a setting for that somewhere. Is that the case?19:02
ZuninoWhat I mean is, if there are 3 instances of an application, 2 of them on workspace 1 and another on workspace 2, and considering that the currently-active workspace is 1, I would like to be able to cycle between the 2 instances of the application.19:03
stan_man_canfollow up question -- with unattneded updates enabled, if I have say 5 serers with identical configs (server templates) is there a risk they will all update/reboot at the same time?19:05
auronandaceZunino: have you tried alt+tab vs shift+alt+tab?19:05
stan_man_canunattended* servers*19:05
auronandacestan_man_can: perhaps you could schedule the updates for each server using cron?19:07
uwdstan_man_can: theoretically yes19:07
Thunder_TwZunino: i have ubuntu-Mate 16, also muliple workspaces, if I press alt-tab i only switch between the applications on the workspace i'm already on19:07
stan_man_canauronandace: all the servers are spanwed based on identical configurations for auto-scaling19:07
Zuninoauronandace: What is does is reverse the order of the visited applications.19:07
stan_man_canuwd: how is that typically handled then?19:08
ZuninoThunder_Tw: I was using Mint 18 before installing Ubuntu 17.10 and I also believe I had the desired behavior there.19:08
lordcirth_workI'm trying to setup PAM to lock out accounts after too many failed attempts; using pam_tally2 as guides suggest.  I think I'm doing everything right but 'pam_tally2 -u test' is empty no matter what.19:09
ZuninoThunder_Tw: I've found something: https://askubuntu.com/questions/464946/ubuntu-gnome-force-alt-tab-to-only-switch-on-current-workspace19:09
lordcirth_workOr 0, rather19:09
vegiiHi. I tried to update intel graphics driver then rebooted and now the login screen freezes, pls halp19:09
uwdstan_man_can: if youre running an actual prod environment for a business you shouldnt run unattended updates in the first place19:09
uwda bad practice all in all19:09
stan_man_canuwd: whats preferred?19:10
Thunder_TwZunino:  looks like a good one. lots of settings in dconf19:10
uwdstan_man_can: well usually in a corporate environment you script these things and reboot when you decide to19:11
uwdand dont rely on random factors19:11
Kendo_Cocaineuwd got a point, if it aint broke, why fix it19:11
uwd^ install the updates, if they require a reboot do it during a maintenance break or do it controlled if its fail-over/loadbalanced/whatever setup19:12
stan_man_canuwd: yeah but there's a big gap between small startup with limited resources running a large app and corporate level finances19:12
stan_man_canuwd: fair enough19:12
vegiiplease help..19:13
uwdid say just have your own scripts do the installations of the updates, and if need be make a controlled reboot of the servers stan_man_can19:14
uwdrandom is always bad, business critical or not19:14
stan_man_canyeah i don't disagree19:14
stan_man_canjust looking for good solutions19:14
stan_man_canthanks uwd !!19:14
uwdno probs19:14
vegiiI updated 3 things with apt, of which 2 were dependencies for the intel thing19:14
TJ-vegii: did you update the "intel graphics driver" from the Ubuntu archives or by some manual method?19:15
limbo_I updated from 17.04 to 17.10 today and the colors on my screen look like they've changed. Like, blacks are darker.19:16
ioriafew days ago, someone asked for a Launcher for Unity able to display windows tooltips;  i came up with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25818767/  . would be nice if someone familiar with py  could test it19:16
vegiiTJ-: it was with apt-get and failed to run due to 2 dependencies, so I ran apt install for the things it listed and tried again19:16
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vegiionly sudo apt install was used, with  3things19:17
vegiiI don't remember the commands, it was something like xorg and intel19:18
uwdoh and stan_man_can, you'll likely want to involve restarting of the updated services if the updates dont require a complete reboot19:18
uwdcheck "checkrestart" & "needrestart"19:19
stan_man_canuwd: yeah i have lots to look into, but pointed in the right direction19:19
stan_man_canappreciate it thanks ameigo19:19
ZuninoThunder_Tw: Tweaking the option did it; I now get the desired application-switching behavior.19:19
TJ-vegii: which ubuntu release is that on?19:20
kostkonvegii, you can check in your history,   e.g. give:  'history' to list it all or 'history | grep -i apt', 'history | grep -i intel'. Also check in your logs, e.g. /var/log/dpkg.log, /var/log/apt/history.log, /var/log/apt/term.log19:21
insider_mNIKO YOU MAD BRO??: Randy kuchi wildc4rd mumixam benonsoftware fedorafan KingPin CodeBlue1776 xMopxShell Aristide mneptok dserodio beenhere Zunino pnwise hreinnbeck kirkland colints NoCode robgraves mutante autra jrolland-home Afrix elricsfate glebihan_ kamdard_ claude2 composer_pro beggi digilink galeido FrostCandy etaburst rfleming Metacity Zachary_DuBois linux50 def_jam c^ Inimesekene wodencafe Sicnus zymurgy petris isene Kobaz Buffman Ishaq brainp19:22
insider_mNIKO MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPEND LESS TIME KLINING AND MORE TIME LEARNING TO PROGRAM ROFL: funabashi tabris blacknred0 Awesomecase nemesit|znc qassim archpc wodencafe lordcirth_work ducasse johnc4510 nwinter wildc4rd Zabot illuminated MaekSo Zialus N3X15 krisd edwinksl ericus protocol1hive le_pig cores bodangly nikow saitoh183 devster31 kloeri benonsoftware mike25 karlthane_ skule KingPin jubes44 wyggler2 Kruppt dalmata Buffman namuromus mpmc harrymm linux19:22
emjNIKO MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPEND LESS TIME KLINING AND MORE TIME LEARNING TO PROGRAM ROFL: marahin Stebanoid Nukien irv Kash cptdoobage wodencafe drale2k_ CelticFrost jonne jerichowasahoax eelstrebor isene philroche Ishaq cellardoor peterrooney jiaming stryx` nickware-idle distantorigin sharksauce andrei dt3k elstellino MadPsy Zunino protocol1hive rOss^64 dcmorton S sinduck fginther BenderRodriguez YuGiOhJCJ leonarth fyrril Researcher- Kendo_Cocaine digilink matthelmke19:22
Guest62815NIKO MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPEND LESS TIME KLINING AND MORE TIME LEARNING TO PROGRAM ROFL: semeion vlad1777d ramses Seveas Thumpxr indrora lynxis sandeepkr leviyatan tanuki peterrooney pnwise Miron n-st shredding Chaser mkultra Gallomimia XV8 N3LRX hsiktas Exterminador funtapaz Buffman dserodio colints shakermaker _Trullo BaW Ruff_Wizard[m] mcs_ DerRaiden sdx23 jje Dracarys Furai lionheartActual ddellav DoublePlusGood23 JimmySteve kameloso yesimon Inimesekene alm19:22
f0sNIKO YOU STUPID GAY QUEEN. DO YOU REALLY TELL PEOPLE YOU PROGRAM SIGYN ROFL: vonsyd0w_ swarfega jackmcbarn physpi popey lstanley mtl wolsen h00k drale2k_ riidom trajik mhall119 wumbie Sven_vB raibutera ktechmidas ahnooie sphrak ibouvousaime Guest69069 Exterminador eHAPPY Kins piraye ph0b0s_ nick123 zorael Nukien modlin finalriposte So RedPenguin yn [ND] HashNuke dcmorton Tm_T Marla elstellino percY- wonko digilink hitman1 C_minus wetterfuchs edmz Mia yesimon rymate19:22
f0sNIKO HOW MANY NICKS DO I HAVE IN HERE BITCH???: snadge u0m3__ matthelmke pree sidewalk krobzaur Csurlee energizer dt3k mguy Kins dlam max_m dreamon tabakhase shoogz n3rdly ash_workz nickenchuggets seyeongkim piraye zorael meLon mths roobi TijG jak mister`sm benonsoftware gborg audreeliss xGrind Mathisen Piper-Off flaguy48 DisplayError TrentP pnwise laserbeak4445 _benklop Jordy lvrp16 wonko erikj b1n4ry mibo rungcc_ wannabej Vach0n inspectorcluseau19:22
Guest62815NIKO MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPEND LESS TIME KLINING AND MORE TIME LEARNING TO PROGRAM ROFL: rOss^64 fedorafan Olufunmilayo cliluw wliu_ jhattara yena TJ- lzto penguinguru y0sh anuja Jesin shredding berglh alex112 chod utfans05 mlhess genii arooni gregl cpaelzer designbybeck iownall555 CelticFrost onkar boxrick dave4925 pv2b Drone catalase gvvg_ StathisA kunwon1 jonsson litheum c vijaikumar almostdvs a0ssed AnnaRooks antonw luny whitekidney_ thiras madmangunr_ ar|e19:22
exprNIKO MAYBE YOU SHOULD SPEND LESS TIME KLINING AND MORE TIME LEARNING TO PROGRAM ROFL: wedgie archpc MrRobot7 gborg cmdshftn blipz Robert_Zenz andrei lynxis pepijndevos thatgraemeguy NDPTAL85 dlam zChris aruns NoCode maslo Zen slicepaperwords berglh rosattig_ zululee Swish larsi MrGeneral vaishali leonarth blingrang elitedev czesmir mww113 alkisg TrollingStone leviyatan snkcld boffin MrC Odd_ epopt Furai duoi boxmein Anticimex dreamon sunrunner20 roobi happysat li19:22
exprNIKO YOU MAD BRO??: epipercepi jonsson seanBE seyeongkim twisted` ir foddo sudhackar VolkA theory4000 azizLIGHT wannabej carif meLon jagrutiD rhcp[cloud] shoogz lankanmon shredding aps narindergupta underd0g utfans05 K_K_N Triffid_Hunter dre bonzibuddy Ool DLange urgodfather martyn_h l2y Tm_T herbmille dv_ planigan sharksauce sphrak bosma antonw thatgraemeguy Hawkerz blkadder arakash bboles underyx CodeMouse92__ fyrril RomainH_ swiftkey19:22
mister`smNIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: lapion flughafen_ manitu sphrak znull papapishu Linus Khaotic mguy berglh sharksauce Hobbyboy konrados yofel kermyt neure OnkelTem coldasfucc msev- foddo aruns thurstylark [ND] limbo_ percY- thebwt tobsterius VolkA Mathisen Israphel DIoX|DaZ lionheartActual mhoney lyze thrillgore GoodMorningBob kvothe beuker Majost gborg kpease Schnabeltierchen akaWolf mtl graphitemaster brainpro1 mike25 scain sionronin stub19:22
HolybuNIKO YOU MAD BRO??: habith HerbY_NL2 mgor lavenders jonsson n35xdxb0_ V7 vlad1777d frank604 dvdmuckle jk0ne daddesio Odd_ Blueking coldasfucc blacknred0 distantorigin NyanCat Vurtatoo elitedev diarpi dragly untoreh N3X15 hitman1 robgraves kermyt pmn rvgate johnnyfive nakasd eN_Joy le_pig Drone N3LRX MadAGu vox victorm stan_man_can geirha Schnabeltierchen mpmc jcara xGrind Hathadar Thunder_Tw planigan cpaelzer rohan blipz19:22
HolybuNIKO HOW MANY NICKS DO I HAVE IN HERE BITCH???: timeless Jikan vutral nug700 orang zorael mibo Seveas TmvC zhongfu Sleaker malwar3hun73r boxm coolchris konrados NotLim med_ unholymachine Logan uwd wildc4rd Nukien Nefertiti ahammond AnnaRooks dkossako zChris pavlos vegii patarr lvrp16 compuguy zwamkat cliluw BenderRodriguez Guest74151 iViLe SleePy rdz StevieW jiffe SkyRocknRoll ezio mim-matterbridge Schnabeltierchen elysium n3rdly hggdh Chaser Willis19:22
HolybuNIKO HOW MANY NICKS DO I HAVE IN HERE BITCH???: dv_ ubuntucraze thallada maslo foddo dcmorton geirha DenBeiren chu arakash untoreh eHAPPY K_K_N kloeri ghoti ibouvousaime Kins urgodfather icey chrisml herb DIoX|DaZ LucaTM hfp manacit Granis neure NyanCat cyborg-one robgraves flughafen_ jaelae fearnothing mati fcanela Jantz_ pdrakeweb mipesom komugi lborda fyrril freakynl elopio donofrio bipul mz` rosattig_ sab__ Richard|Fastly genii19:22
HolybuNIKO YOU REALLY MAD BRO??: johnc4510 hitman1 ztane faqeer binary01 sudhackar jer zChris mpontillo gyre007 raibutera Adie Robert_Zenz MrC icey scain raj bradjones dl8bh adamo donofrio gorlock dekatch salomon brainpro1 hoe` rax- shah chalcedony komugi kvothe Mulf jubes44 mhoney rypervenche dpb1 Inimesekene manacit andyrock Odd_ argulp morphis__ xGrind zwamkat boffin Compu darxun snek albech darrenwu19:22
elopiowouldn't that be more effective if there was somebody named NIKO in this channel?19:24
uwdid figure19:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:24
rfleminghee hee19:24
vegiiTJ-: 16.04 LTS   kostkon: probably gonna require liveusb, as it freezes right at logon screen, after providing disk encryption key... the blinking text input cursor slows down, then freezes. No reaction on user input, no disk use, reaction on attaching/removing an external display19:25
rflemingsorry, couldn't resist.  The moment I say something not support related, someone sics ubottu on me.19:25
TJ-vegii: have you tried starting with the Advanced > Recovery mode from the boot menu?19:26
vegiiTJ-: no. how to do this if using disk encryption?19:26
kostkonvegii, does ctrl+alt+f1 work? that will get you into a tty prompt19:26
TJ-rfleming: we generally just ignore such stuff rather than puffing the ego of the spammer by talking about them19:26
TJ-vegii: same way as in other cases but using the console.19:27
vegiikostkon: it doesn't and neither does capslock19:27
kostkonvegii, try the recovery mode19:27
TJ-vegii: My advice is 2-stage. First, test if you can start without the GUI by adding "systemd.unit=multi-user.target" to the kernel command-line by editing the boot entry in the GRUB boot menu19:28
TJ-vegii: if that works you know the issue is just GUI specific. If that fails then reboot using the Advanced > Recovery option and use a root shell to further diagnose/fix it19:28
john_ramboIs there an image for 18.04 available for download ? I want to test it19:28
lordcirth_workjohn_rambo, #ubuntu+119:29
TJ-john_rambo: 18.04 hasn't even opened for development yet! give it 4 months!19:29
john_ramboOkay /Thanks19:29
vegiiI can't get grub menu to open. Do I do it before luks password input or after?19:33
TJ-vegii: press [ESC]ape key just after the system firmware hands over to GRUB, before Linux gets loaded19:35
vegiiI mean, holding shift19:35
vegiiok, thx,19:36
vassennvegii, also look /etc/default/grub to change19:39
vassenndo it visible etc19:39
blacknred0Hejkki: so, i booted linux mint cinnamon with no issues and running smooth.  i think there is something wrong with the 17.10 images.  not sure if is the kernel or not :/19:42
blacknred0further debug will need to be done19:43
vegiiumm, failsafe x fails with fatal error no screens found19:43
TJ-vegii: have you started with multi-user.target ?19:45
vegiiTJ-: I added it at the end to the text that displays after pressing e in grub, no effect19:46
TJ-vegii: ahhh. When you press 'E' to edit a boot entry you need to navigate down to the line starting "linux ..." and add it to the end of that line *and* press Ctrl+X to boot with that change immediately. If you return to the boot menu that change will be lost19:47
TJ-vegii: the "linux ..." line is the one that sets the Linux kernel's command-line options. You'll see many others there too.19:48
vegiialso, I can see my bash history now. It was: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel19:48
IveBeenBitHow do I do this in Bash? I want to all images in a directory. To do it one at a time, I would type $ convert image1.jpg -resize 1200x720\>  image1_web.jpg     What would I do to have that command run on all images in a directory? I know I need to use variables somehow.19:49
TJ-vegii: have you done "sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade" to ensure the system is fully up to date?19:49
vegiiit didn't chooch without the second apt-get doue to dependencies, so I ran xserver-xorg-core xorg-video-abi-2019:49
platzhirschWow, really happy Ubuntu 17.10 is here now, I like the UI shift19:49
akikIveBeenBit: for i in *jpg; do command; done19:49
vegiiand then it installed, so I rebooted...19:50
platzhirschbut damn boy, it is buggy as hell19:50
akikIveBeenBit: you can reference the found jpg with $i19:50
platzhirschbut I guess that was to be expected or I need to do a fresh install19:50
geirhaIveBeenBit: for file in !(*_web).jpg; do convert "$file" -resize 1200x720\> "${file%.jpg}_web.jpg"; done19:50
vegiiTJ-: no, I didn't run apt update && apt upgrade in a while19:50
TJ-IveBeenBit: "find /path/to/dir -type f -name '*.jpg' -execdir convert {} -resize 1200x720 {}.web.jpg \;" then you'd want to run again to do a rename on the files to the style you prefer.19:51
geirhaIveBeenBit: note that the !(...) syntax requires that extended globs are enabled. Check with ''shopt extglob'', enable with ''shopt -s extglob''19:51
vegiiit's quite a fresh install though, like 2 months19:51
TJ-IveBeenBit: oops, you'd also need "-maxdepth 1" after the /path/to/dir else it'd descend into sub-directories too!19:51
TJ-vegii: I'd do that to ensure it is fully updated - it is possible there's a mismatch between some packages19:52
IveBeenBitakik, geirha TJ-  thanks19:53
Unte36Hello all. Question of how to update my ubuntu version.  Which command  ? sudo do-release-upgrade or  install linux-generic-hwe-16.04.    Current version 16.04.03 AND Is this a server version or a desktop version? ????19:53
geirhaIveBeenBit: The !(_web).jpg  glob matches the same as *.jpg, except if they also match *_web.jpg  that way you can run it multiple times without ending up with image_web_web_web_web.jpg19:54
geirhaIveBeenBit: sorry, !(*_web).jpg19:54
TJ-Unte36: do you want to move off the 16.04 LTS, or just use a more recent kernel?19:54
Unte36Install the latest stable kernel19:55
TJ-Unte36: then the latter - the "hwe" package19:55
Unte36Superb. Thank you very much J. BTW how can I tell if I have a server or a desktop install?19:56
TJ-Unte36: FYI the artful 4.13 kernel is in xenial-proposed at the moment, too (called linux-...hwe-16.04-edge)19:56
TJ-Unte36: well, desktop is just GUI and additional user tools on top of a base install which is 'server' really19:57
kostkonUnte36, how did you install it?19:57
TJ-Unte36: you can check /etc/apt/sources.list, it sometimes has the original installer name in a comment such as cdrom:19:57
Unte36so my command should be install linux-generic-hwe-16.03-edge ????19:57
TJ-Unte36: if you have -proposed enabled, yes19:57
TJ-Unte36: 16.04 of course, not 16.03 :)19:58
kostkon!info linux-generic-hwe-16.03-edge19:58
ubottuPackage linux-generic-hwe-16.03-edge does not exist in artful19:58
Unte36sorry :) Iḿ all new to ubuntu19:58
TJ-Unte36: it's the YEAR.MONTH of release19:58
akikgeirha: i find that !(*_web).jpg hard to read but it works. thanks :)19:58
TJ-April and October are the 2 release months19:58
Unte36I see19:59
Unte36J when I type the previous command (install linux-generic-hwe-16.04)  install: missing destination file operand after 'linux-generic-hwe-16.04.' Try 'install --help' for more information.20:00
TJ-Unte36: "sudo apt install <package-name>"20:00
Unte36ahh :)20:00
TJ-Unte36: "apt" is the Debian/Ubuntu Advanced Package Tool20:00
hitman1Hey, How can I create a taskbar icon for my ubuntu ?20:01
hitman1Like the ones for wifi, speaker etc. I used a png Image but it is not looking good.20:01
TJ-hitman1: most are SVG these days I think. You can use inkscape to create SVGs20:02
Unte36Now I will remember thank you. Now I make more sense out of it20:02
Unte36it is installing20:02
hitman1see the CH icon - http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/original/1508961737.png20:02
kostkonhitman1, that's a indicator/tray icon not an icon in the taskbar/launcher20:04
hitman1yes thats what I was about to say. Thanks kostkon for pointing out.20:05
alexasstill can't fix my skype after 17.10 update20:05
OnkelTemHi folks20:05
OnkelTemI wonder how to configure Wacom Tablet? Is there a program for it?20:06
OnkelTemI'm on KDE and I don't see anything useful in the System Settings20:06
OnkelTemAlso, there is no wacomtablet in the repos20:06
acresearchpeople is there a way to delete links from paste.ubuntu.com?20:06
OnkelTemI found this: https://github.com/KDE/wacomtablet20:07
OnkelTemBut I'm not sure that it's really needed20:07
Unte36J you were right out. It points to a cd so I have installed a server or the desktop version?  (/etc/apt/sources.list) # deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 15.04 _Vivid Vervet_ - Release amd64 (20150422)]/ vivid main multiverse restricted universe20:07
hitman1svg icon not working.20:08
kostkonhitman1, which icon are you replacing?20:09
TJ-Unte36: that tells you it was installed from the Kubuntu 15.04 desktop image20:09
hitman1CH icon20:09
kostkonhitman1, i mean which file20:09
hitman1.png file20:09
Unte36Great Thank you very much for all your assistance. Im making notes of all this so I dont have to bother you guys again with the same issues.20:10
geniiacresearch: email rt@ubuntu.com and ask them to remove the paste if it contains personal information20:10
Unte36you have a great night J . Talk to you soon20:11
kostkonhitman1, i mean the full path of the file in the filesystem eg  /usr/share/icons/hicolor/ch.png20:11
kostkonhitman1, and you are copying that file where?20:12
hitman1at the same place20:12
kostkonhitman1, right. Why there? Am I missing something?20:14
hitman1I changed the place but still getting the same error - can't read the file.20:14
kostkonhitman1, what makes you believe that by placing a file named ch.svg will change a specific icon in your tray. Unfortunatelly, it isn't that simple.20:17
kostkonin your download folder*20:17
hitman1kostkon: Then what I need to do to make it work ?20:18
qswzHmm I'm in the shot, I've an assignment that requires a Design.doc file, with google drive I can't even save as .doc20:19
qswzshould I just give them a plain-text? no choice actually20:19
qswzwho still uses .doc.. damn20:19
kostkonqswz, everyone does20:20
qswzhmm so libre-office maybe20:20
vegiiuh, now I don't have dns in the root console to play with apt20:22
qswzhih installing libreoffice requires to create a Snap store account20:23
leftyfbqswz: libreoffice comes with ubuntu20:26
akikqswz: didn't get fixed in time for the release i guess https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software/+bug/158171320:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1581713 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Software always asks for an Ubuntu Single Sign-On account when installing or removing a snap package" [High,Fix released]20:26
vegiiTJ-: thanks, your method worked, I think. I'm in nonroot cli20:27
qswzah right, thanks20:27
qswzthis is recent20:28
TJ-vegii: great. Now all the usual tools are available to you to diagnose it. I'd start by inspecting the recent Xorg server logs "ls -ltr /var/log/Xorg*.log"20:30
jonathan_xHow do you get into the wiki pages from the wiki homepage?20:31
jonathan_xIs there any index or table of contents?20:31
qswzjust crop the url20:35
jonathan_xThere is no entrance or index into technical information.20:36
jonathan_xI know I can find stuff with google, but how do I get there?20:37
qswzpost the link, or am I supposed to read it in your mind?20:37
kalixusso how it is going mates20:38
kalixusif everybody's here. we can start20:38
jonathan_xSorry, crop doesn't mean paste.20:39
jonathan_xWhat's so special about this?20:39
qswzthere's a search20:39
kalixusxrc gonna start tnigt20:39
jonathan_xIf I want to create a new page I cannot search.20:40
ross`Is there some documentation on recommended xen domU configuration for Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS20:41
akikjonathan_x: here's an url but it time outs https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TitleIndex20:43
akikTitleIndex: a list of all pages in the wiki20:44
akikjonathan_x: found it here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FindPage20:44
jonathan_xakik: The sitemap reveals that what you can see on the homepage is really all there is (linked).20:45
jonathan_xI don't get it, most of the technical information you can find via google is grossly outdated.20:45
jonathan_xAnd I wanted to add something new or add information but I don't know how to do it.20:45
akikjonathan_x: in the ubuntu wiki? i've noticed that too20:46
akikjonathan_x: you can join the wiki editors team20:46
akikjonathan_x: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide20:46
jonathan_xakik: Yeah I already submitted request.20:49
jonathan_xOn Launchpad I mean.20:49
jonathan_xakik: Yes in the Ubuntu Wiki. If it's so hard to get there and there is no information leading up to it I can understand why.20:51
rooothi there... any sonic pi enthusiasts?20:52
jonathan_xakik: If you search for something and then browse local site maps sometimes you will find a lot of pages lol20:56
jonathan_xakik: But most are from like 2005-2008 and a lot are development pages.20:57
Ben64jonathan_x: what sort of info is missing?20:57
jonathan_xWait this is the actual technical wiki: https://help.ubuntu.com/community20:58
jonathan_xBen64: There are no links from wiki.ubuntu.com, or not any clear ones, to that other site.20:58
akikwow two separate wikis21:00
twistednogginhi all, qq... the Ubuntu server installer (ncurses) is ethernet only right? or is it capable of connecting via wifi?21:01
jonathan_xactually the search on wiki.ubuntu.com does yield links on the community wiki21:01
ntdare there plans to include the 17.10 (4.13) kernel in xenial main repos?21:01
jonathan_xBut there are no links back to that wiki for the index.21:01
naccntd: 16.04.4 eventually21:01
leftyfbthe server installer should be able to install over wifi as we as ethernet21:01
nacckalixus: please stop that.21:01
nacctwistednoggin: as long as the driver is in the server iso, it should be fie21:02
kalixuswhy you green mate21:02
leftyfbtwistednoggin: ^21:02
nacctwistednoggin: iirc, there are some wifi drivers *not* on the server iso21:02
jonathan_xThere are some vague links back to the category at the bottom but everyone will miss that -- there are no breadcrumbs or anything.21:02
CoolGuywith debian you can install dvds for offline installations21:02
twistednogginleftyfb: thx. just wanted to double check, didnt want to go through the trouble of making the bootable usb and then have no internet.21:02
CoolGuythese dvds comes with all packages21:03
CoolGuy9 dvds21:03
CoolGuyit's the same with ubuntu-mate?21:03
leftyfbtwistednoggin: I have installed the server image over wifi before. Several times. That's not to say it will have all of the necessary drivers for your particular wifi device as nacc mentioned21:03
jonathan_xUbuntu will generally also work with 3G devices (modems) by default.21:04
twistednogginyea im not too worried about the driver, its intel wifi21:04
jonathan_xAlthough I don't know how to reset it so that the sim unlock comes up again.21:04
ntdnacc, any eta as to .4?21:04
naccntd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#Kernel.2FSupport.A16.04.x_Ubuntu_Kernel_Support21:05
Ben64yeah the wiki.ubuntu doesn't seem very useful....21:05
CoolGuyhttps://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/arm64/iso-dvd/ check out21:06
ntdnacc, not very specific re this issue21:06
CoolGuyhttps://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current/amd64/iso-dvd/ check this out21:06
naccntd: did you read the graph?21:07
naccntd: feb. 2018.21:07
naccntd: but not a guarantee21:07
Drunkhawk91Hi, i'm trying to use a custom dsdt, i got a fixed cpio archive but i don't know how to configure grub to override it, any idea or link?21:08
ibttisneed advice on what to install to secure ubuntu21:08
ibttisgot UFW and lynis so far21:08
mini__When trying to insall virtualbox guest additions I am getting this >>> https://paste2.org/F5U0OPjF21:08
leftyfbibttis: secure how? From what?21:10
jonathan_xBen64: It's only organisatorial but the technical wiki is like hidden.21:10
leftyfbibttis: it's in it's best secured state turned off and unplugged. It's in it's 2nd bes secured state disconnected from the internet.21:10
ibttiswhat about it's 3rd state21:10
ibttisgot the firewall and rkhunter is there something else I need to install?21:11
Ben64jonathan_x: all the pages i'm seeing on wiki.ubuntu are not editable either21:11
leftyfbibttis: depends on what you're doing with this, how it's connected to the internet and what it's being used for21:11
Ben64jonathan_x: for instance, compare https://wiki.ubuntu.com/gparted to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GParted21:12
leftyfbI guess the 1st and 3rd questions are the same :)21:12
leftyfbibttis: either way, you might want to try #ubuntu-hardened for this sort of question21:13
jonathan_xBen64: You have to ask for membership on the launchpad wiki team to get edit access because this is how they dealt with spammers.21:14
jonathan_xYay I got accepted to the "team". Can put up my fakeraid info now :p.21:16
george_On nautilus in 17.10, if I connect to sftp://user@example.com/var/www it always end up defaulting to the home directory. How can I fix this?21:19
leftyfbgeorge_: sftp://user@example.com:/var/www21:21
george_thanks, i'll try it leftyfb21:22
R13osePart of my screen is white and I can't see behind this, how do I fix this?21:26
=== bcowan_ is now known as bcowan
Thunder_TwR13ose:  Remove that white sticker? or please tell a bit more about your situation. distro version, DE, how did this start?21:30
R13oseI woke up the computer from the screen turning off then went to Opera and boom the white screen that takes up 3/4 of the screen.  Kububtu, 17.10 that I am upgrading to now.  I don't know what DE is.21:35
TJ-R13ose: try Alt+Ctrl+F1, then if it switches to the console, Alt+F7 to return to the GUI. that should force a redraw21:42
Thunder_TwR13ose: your DE (Desktop Environment) is KDE. And folow TJ-, he's our best man21:42
R13oseTJ-: that didn't work21:42
TJ-hmmm... however, doesn't 17.10 Gnome use tty1 now so it'd be on tty1 already? R13ose try Cltr+Alt+F221:43
TJ-R13ose: when you say it didn't work did it not switch to a text console?21:43
R13oseNope but not in 17.10 yet21:43
R13oseYes I did21:43
TJ-R13ose: or it switched, and switched back, but you still see the white patch?21:43
TJ-R13ose: if the latter I'd guess there's an application stuck and therefore unable to repaint its GUI21:44
TJ-R13ose: do you think the white area is where Opera is supposed to be? if so, you could kill the opera process21:45
R13oseI see the white patch still21:45
R13oseTJ-: will my tabs reopen if I kill opera?21:45
Thunder_Twprolly not21:45
Thunder_Twasume it wont21:45
TJ-R13ose: I'm not sure. In firefox it usually recovers a session if it knows it crashed21:46
TJ-R13ose: is the white patch where Opera should be?21:46
Thunder_TwThat would point in the direction that it's likely Opera that failed to draw its window. restarting Opera might work, if it does not try a different browser?21:49
R13oseHow do I restart Opera from command line?21:56
TJ-R13ose: "pkill opera" if "opera" is the process name21:57
TJ-R13ose: restart it from the usualy GUI menu/shortcut21:57
MilijusHow is it that vagrant is not part of sudo group in the ubuntu vagrant box but can execute sudo?21:58
R13oseNow the screen went black after I opera was killed21:59
Thunder_Twcrtl-alt + F7 ?21:59
R13oseThat was after I did that21:59
TJ-R13ose: the entire GUI went black? or the taskbar/menu remains?22:00
TJ-R13ose: were you running the do-release-upgrade when this occurred?22:00
R13oseNope.  I ran the kill and then went back to gui.  The disto upgrade is working yet as I need more boot space22:01
R13osenot working22:01
TJ-R13ose: it sounds like maybe packages were upgraded that some of the running processes rely on and those process got stuck calling incompatible library versions22:01
SvetaMilijus: use 'visudo' to find whether it has special permissions on its own group22:01
mike_papaHello. Question: PDF to poster. Any advice? poster, posterize didn't make it. Output is corrupted. I need A4 pdf to print on 2 or 4 A4 to make A3 or A2 poster.22:01
TJ-R13ose: did you start the do-release-upgrade and abort it before it started installing new packages?22:02
R13oseTJ-: nope.  It says you need more boot space before it got there.22:02
MilijusSveta: No it does not I checked22:02
R13oseTJ-: should I reboot?22:02
TJ-R13ose: OK, so the system isn't as badly off as it could have been!22:02
Svetamike_papa: pdfposter22:02
TJ-R13ose: Yes, I think it should be safe to reboot if not release-upgrade was started22:03
MilijusSveta: I see only 2 entries: %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL  and %sudo   ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL22:03
SvetaMilijus: `id vagrant` does not show it in the admin group either, correct?22:03
R13oseI will try and upgrade first22:04
TJ-Milijus: "ls -l /etc/sudoers.d/" - maybe it added a file there22:04
JohnTalentWhat is the secret to changing the scrollbar width in 17.04?22:04
MilijusSveta:  sudo:x:27:ubuntu22:04
SvetaMilijus: let's try approaching it from the other end then: how does vagrant use root access?22:06
JohnTalentI seriously am going back to OpenSUSE.22:06
Svetathey have a wonderful package builder which makes packages that work on ubuntu as well, so i don't mind22:06
MilijusSveta: vagant needs sudo to ls -al /root for example22:06
Svetayou sure you can't do this as a non-root user?22:07
MilijusSveta: what do you mean?22:07
Svetamaybe any user have read access to /root22:07
MilijusSveta: No22:08
mike_papaSveta, pdfposter - corrupted22:08
Svetamike_papa: in what way does it corrupt the output?22:08
MilijusSveta:   drwx------   3 root    root     4096 Oct 25 21:30 root22:08
TJ-Milijus: Sveta ACLs maybe?22:08
R13oseTJ-: still says I need more boot space22:08
TJ-R13ose: can you "pastebinit <( df -h )"22:09
MilijusTJ: stab has only this: LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs/ ext4defaults0 022:09
MilijusTJ: fstab*22:10
TJ-Milijus: is this an LXD container?22:10
MilijusTJ: No its vagrant ubuntu box22:10
R13oseTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25819710/22:10
TJ-Milijus: you mean a virtual machine with Ubuntu instaleld via vagrant?22:11
TJ-R13ose: OK, so the cause is a small /boot/ file-system/partition where the kernels and initial ramdisk are put: "/dev/sda1                    236M  139M   85M  63% /boot"22:12
MilijusTJ Correct!22:12
TJ-Milijus: Had to be precise because we have so many different kinds of 'virtual' machine/containers these days22:12
mike_papaSveta, This: https://snag.gy/yeCAn2.jpg becomes this: https://snag.gy/6HrfIn.jpg after pdfposter -m A3 input.pdf output.pdf22:13
MilijusTJ: I hear you!22:13
R13oseTJ-: what do I do to fix this?22:13
oerheksMilijus, so your user name is vagrant too, and can do root?22:13
Svetamike_papa: i guess the original file has too many details and all the poster programs are struggling; having the data as a high-res image could be easier?22:14
Svetamike_papa: as a workaround, convert the original pdf to a high-res png image and then to pdf again, then retry making the poster22:14
mike_papaSveta, I'll try that. Any advice on converting pdf to high-res image?22:15
mike_papaSveta, I could use posterazor with image file22:15
Svetamike_papa: imagemagick's `convert` utility or `pandoc` could convert between pdf and png hopefully22:15
mike_papaSveta, thanks22:15
Milijusoerheks: Yes I do vagrant ssh...then I do for example sudo  ls -al /root and I am able to. I grep vagrant in shudders its not there. I do id vagrant and it has only primary group. Weird.22:16
SvetaMilijus: if you ask #vagrant and get an answer, please, let me know22:17
SvetaMilijus: (perhaps after a bit of asking here, not immediately - in case someone here finds an answer)22:17
oerheksthe answer is to setup your own vagrant box22:18
oerheksstep by step manual, on that url22:18
TJ-R13ose: Sorry, I was away. Let's find out what's in /boot/ first: "pastebinit <( ls -latr /boot/ )"22:19
MilijusStill puzzled about this silly vagrant access rights will need to dig more!22:20
flying_sausageshey guys, anyone got experience with running mergerfs?22:20
LoshkiMilijus: I've just spent the last few minutes reading about how vagrant makes setup so simple...22:21
MilijusLoshki: And does it say how can vagrant user have root access?22:21
LoshkiMilijus: I never got that far, sorry. But #vagrant is quite large.22:22
BandCAnybody here tried installing Ubuntu on an HP Spectre x360?22:23
MilijusLoshki: Yes all are zzzzzzz22:23
Ben64BandC: ask your actual question for best results22:24
BandCBen64: Does it work? If it doesn't work, what doesn't work?22:24
MilijusHuh found the answer to the vagrant issue!!!! Yessssss22:24
Ben64BandC: try it and see22:25
BandCSee I didn't get the laptop yet. I don't wanna spend money on a laptop if it won't work.22:25
Milijussudo cat /etc/sudoers.d/vagrant   %vagrant ALL=NOPASSWD:ALL22:25
TJ-Milijus: did you look in /etc/sudoeros.d/ ?22:26
MilijusVery silly I never looked in there as I am used to doing vimudo in the main file :-(22:26
TJ-Milijus: aha, I said that originally!22:26
MilijusTJ: Oh really missed it!22:26
Milijuslet me scroll back22:26
TJ-Milijus: on Ubuntu/Debian we try not to alter standard config files (it makes package config upgrades difficult) so we use a X.d/ directory and call the run-parts service22:26
MilijusTJ: Cool now I know :-) I use more Centos22:27
MilijusTJ: Thanks!22:27
TJ-Milijus: same with apt /etc/apt/sources.list.d/22:27
TJ-that's a common one22:27
R13oseTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25819792/22:29
[n0mad]BandC: https://certification.ubuntu.com/desktop/ could help22:29
BandCThanks n0mad. I looked there. It's not there but 17.10 being just out I thought I'd ask here.22:29
cu_cucamburHey all22:32
TJ-R13ose: what does "uname -r" tell you ?22:32
cu_cucamburI need to have a second install of ubuntu to test cuda installation, and i need to know absolute min space to install22:33
R13oseTJ-: 4.10.0-30-generic22:33
cu_cucamburTJ it tells the kernel version22:33
cu_cucamburwill be 8gb suffice?22:34
TJ-R13ose: OK, so you should be able to remove orphan initrd images (for 4.10.0-21-generic and 4.10.0-32-generic)22:35
R13oseTJ-: how?22:35
TJ-R13ose: do "sudo rm /boot/initrd.img-4.10.0-{21,32}-generic"22:35
R13oseTJ-: done22:36
TJ-R13ose: then I think you'll need to remove the 4.10.0-24-generic kernel entirely using apt to create sufficient space.  "sudo apt remove linux-{image,headers}-4.10.0-24-generic"22:36
TJ-R13ose: after that you'll have freed up around 80MB22:37
TJ-R13ose: and so you should retry the do-release-upgrade22:37
TJ-BandC: according to this answer Trusty 14.04 almost worked with all hardware so I'd guess by now I'd guess the audio codec was supported too https://askubuntu.com/questions/600528/is-ubuntu-compatible-with-the-hp-spectre-x360#60157722:39
R13oseTJ-: thanks that worked22:40
BandCThanks TJ- I had found that link. I was hoping they ironed out sound issue by now as well.22:43
v0lksmanwhat is the proper way to specify nfs mounts that I want mounted on boot?  fstab doesn't seem to be the right place to do that anymore22:44
ross`Is there some documentation that is recommended for setting up xen domU configuration for Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS22:46
TJ-v0lksman: I use this: " /mnt/cctv nfs _netdev,noauto 0 0"22:46
TJ-v0lksman: if you want automount remove the "noauto" obviously22:47
v0lksmanTJ-: I'll give it a try!22:47
ph88i added this PPA https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/sublime-text-3 but my sublime text is still stuck on 2016 and doesn't update automatically with  apt update && apt upgrade  what should i do to get the latest (2017) version ?22:58
Ben64did you install the package from that repo22:59
TJ-ph88: what ubuntu version is it ?22:59
Sven_vBI'm trying to install Xenial from the LiveCD, but every few minutes the Unity session restarts. any idea how I could find the reason?22:59
Sven_vBI've checked the syslog but can't find errors that seem related22:59
kostkonph88, no, you don't need that ppa for sublime. Remove that ppa. There is an official repo http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/09/sublime-text-3-released23:03
craewhy you ban my nick ubuntucraze23:09
elcrae: because your bots are unwelcome23:10
craewho said those were my bots?23:10
eloh i'm still opped, that makes this quicker23:10
jesrohttp://lvb6wabr3fuv7l2lmmaj33jwh7ntb7uuhmfmluc7hwtf6rm36k6q.b32.i2p/: retoaded Ool rimd2r hehehe le_pig marlinc ericus n35xdxb0 kirkland lblume Swant razorz __Yiota insecta rypervenche h82or8 rhcp[cloud] Miklo tsurko Meow-J oijeeboo ogra_ marcoslater lvrp16 salamanderrake Noskcaj chod Buffman boxmein dgtlchlk lu_tze eelstrebor de-facto bray90820 |Night| BLZbubba convict kevank Peetz0r xythobu lankanmon CarlFK Church samfty TJ- platicus2 adamo BOHverkill Zachar23:12
jesrohttp://lvb6wabr3fuv7l2lmmaj33jwh7ntb7uuhmfmluc7hwtf6rm36k6q.b32.i2p/: Adbray vishesh ZetFury zhongfu masuberu compuguy barnito SchrodingersScat Casper26 tamaros Meow-J funabashi dl8bh jhattara jrolland-work metachr0n jstevewhite davidm wedgie kspencer troy Ruff_Wizard[m] kuchi znull hapos Kamuela svm_invictvs ezio DisplayError kudu elopio sphrak xet7 hard Tzunamii cereal ogra_ DJones shuo cellardoor mfisch Ben64 lucasrolff camfl sakhd georgeowell Miron jhebden23:12
=== giraffe is now known as Guest20101
for_evizhttp://lvb6wabr3fuv7l2lmmaj33jwh7ntb7uuhmfmluc7hwtf6rm36k6q.b32.i2p/: sigsts Afrix Richard_Cavell hatiac justin_jnf vreg ressqr nymony meLon Colti Compu l0rdkermit _ruben notemerson tomreyn Zren Jordy luckman212 TrentP RaptorJesus malkauns rory rvgate waltman stub drkokandy dreamon obZen craysiii svm_invictvs deadk ah-donny MortyTS mim-matterbridge wting peterrooney Gabemo nacc mindlesstux boxrick Nefertiti protocol1hive Skuzzzy_ butteredpopcorn LaserAll23:13
realcossvhttp://lvb6wabr3fuv7l2lmmaj33jwh7ntb7uuhmfmluc7hwtf6rm36k6q.b32.i2p/: RaptorJesus Pomidora MadPsy zwamkat jareth_ hreinn viddy Khaotic dserodio telex baggar11 elysium alxd Nik05 vegii pk64 DavidFromBE boshhead herb pcdummy f0rks satemha Harry_ azah Hathadar |ifei5g00d marlinc y eN_Joy zChris kameloso yokel uwd vern Toadisattva xrandr Colti Bonn333 maszlo discopatrick ibouvousaime beaky allizom the_ant TrollingStone riidom sim642 dcmorton EriC^^ lavende23:13
guest546nmhttp://lvb6wabr3fuv7l2lmmaj33jwh7ntb7uuhmfmluc7hwtf6rm36k6q.b32.i2p/: h82or8 mhall119 zwamkat gde33 exio4 tlyu sary flying_sausages kevr edmz pa Calvin` cristian_c jlacroix labrador liguo wliu_ blingrang avelardi al-damiri LoRez DistroTube nacc n35xdxb0_ teej kenrin Waggie f10 waltman Csurlee mikecmpbll n3rdly Very_slow N3LRX shakermaker nightf0x ddpan seanBE nolsen croppa argusbr Kel badet0s mdroid ihavoc thorie plasticboy mfisch Gabemo damian23:13
guest546nmhttp://lvb6wabr3fuv7l2lmmaj33jwh7ntb7uuhmfmluc7hwtf6rm36k6q.b32.i2p/: Randy gborg cpt-oblivious hfp kloeri masuberu backnforth DistroTube insecta averred jagrutiD nug700 swarfega nhandler Swish h00k Acrisor CarlFK mneptok jje Hathadar energizer chrisml raub Piper-Off satemha colints MaekSo rungcc Church DerRaiden vivid kevin125 dcmorton Nothing4You Tristam Waggie NoCode msi-Dragon_ rdz zzzgeoffb kamdard_ brad[] codepython777 N3X15 yn deepend mundus pj23:13
realcossvhttp://lvb6wabr3fuv7l2lmmaj33jwh7ntb7uuhmfmluc7hwtf6rm36k6q.b32.i2p/: TonyL Granis Tristam blackswan lord4163 Kobaz salamanderrake popey NoCode azah mort rohan pebcak_ PityDaFool fedorafan dv_ Jantz_ kudu marahin pa ah-donny HashNuke isantop_ sionronin litheum mistralol nchambers plasticboy rymate1234 jink snadge Calvin` Whiskey isene hreinn Zooklubba Seven_Six_Two mave_ geheimnis` hampusw theorist Taylor StrangeNoises Hobbyboy vijaikumar BGL bray9082023:13
hufmhttp://lvb6wabr3fuv7l2lmmaj33jwh7ntb7uuhmfmluc7hwtf6rm36k6q.b32.i2p/: Tzunamii Kash arooni thurin TijG czwolf utfans05 prosody Furai KeithIMyers DerRaiden philroche jamespage Flannel pjdc pingwindyktator JanC Danielss89_ maxxer riidom duckydan beuker tim167 r4ulrm Zachary_DuBois tomreyn n4n0` eN_Jo underyx bruce549 cristian_c alexas beaky Milijus ToAruShiroiNeko vexoon AJ_Z0 somepoortech Khaotic epopt raibutera theShirb Hawkerz brainpro1 nick123 unixpro1970 sion23:13
emysmhttp://lvb6wabr3fuv7l2lmmaj33jwh7ntb7uuhmfmluc7hwtf6rm36k6q.b32.i2p/: chu wjtaylor_ dragly CodeMouse92__ ndk JStoker sdx23 Muzer wxl Israphel DerRaiden allizom MJ94 bildramer marcoslater n35xdxb0_ troy chachasmooth the_ant Seveas lsv_ pingwindyktator Miklo eb0t salomon SirCmpwn cptdoobage swarfega ph0b0s_ erry amcsi chamunks Renegade334 BadDream hu bazhang distantorigin Giant81 Cust0sLimen vexoon lblume vlee rOss^64 jhutchins y0sh ubot9 KindOne nyloc elysium s23:13
naccel: dax: thank you23:13
ZrenDid they give up on the PM spam?23:13
ZrenOr are they still doing that too?23:14
N3X15Nah, they're doing that on other servers still.23:14
elother servers or other channels23:14
elnot freenode's problem23:15
N3X15We should take this to #ubuntu-offtopic23:15
ellets get back to talking about ubuntu then23:15
vegiiTJ-: thank you, fix'd it by reinstalling xorg23:16
TJ-vegii: glad you solved it :)23:22
Unte36hello all. After update from my kernel Iḿ having some proxy issues when trying to install anything. So far Ive done this to try to resolve: 1 sudo apt-get update 2 sudo apt-get updgrade23:27
TJ-Unte36: what kind of proxy issues?23:28
Unte36TJ When installing a program comes back with a proxy error. Non the less right now still allows it connect. So not sure if theres anyting else I should do to resolve this proxy update issue23:29
Sven_vBaccording to fdisk, sfdisk and cfdisk, my 232 GB harddisk /dev/sda (vendor claim: 250 GB) holds one single partition which is 2 TB big and seems to have no filesystem. https://gist.github.com/mk-pmb/09de0570716a4250bbafecfafc0f7d00 is this a known phenomenon or does it mean my partition table is broken? is there a way to detect whether it contains any partitions with a windows file system or ext2/3/4?23:44
Thunder_Twwhooops wrong textbox23:45
R13oseThunder_Tw: yes23:46
Thunder_Twnvm I was wondering if you found your solution, seems like you did :)23:47
otsoaunlocohow do I change DNS server in 17.10?23:47
R13oseThunder_Tw: I did TJ- was helpful on upgrading my distro.  Yet the white screen didn't get fixed and I had to reboot23:49
TJ-otsoaunloco: it's controlled by NetworkManager.23:50
TJ-otsoaunloco: so the nmapplet in the taskbar, then Connection Editor23:50
bcowanSven_vB: what’s gfdisk say since it seems to be a gpt disk23:51
Sven_vBbcowan, will test soon; the machine is currently rebooting. I found a similar scenario described here so I'll test various BIOS compat modes. unfortunately I don't have the RAID controller available that might have taken the place of the "enclosure" mentioned in http://web.archive.org/web/20171025234735/https://superuser.com/questions/1203595/gpt-partition-shown-in-fdisk-but-gparted-shows-no-partitions/120362123:53
TJ-Sven_vB: it's a GPT partitioned disk, use "sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda" -- your output looks like an incorrectly formed protective MBR23:53
otsoaunloconmapplet is the "wi-fi settings" in GNOME? I tried using that and set my DNS in the ipv4 tab, then restarted networkmanager with systemctl and it still uses dns servers from router, not the ones I specified23:55
TJ-Sven_vB: with the [f]disk tooling [ee] is the code for a protective partition entry so the *fdisk tooling doesn't corrupt a GPT device23:55
TJ-otsoaunloco: yes, its what provides the taskbar network icon and services. It talks to the Network Manager service23:55
TJ-otsoaunloco: that's expected. Go back into the Connection Editor, choose the connection, goto the IPv4 tab, and in the "Method" drop-down choose "Automatic (Addresses only)" otherwise the DNS will be set using whatever the router's DHCP server provides. Then set that connection down and then up and you should be good23:57
Sven_vBTJ-, thanks! this seems to have found 3 partitions in a corrupted GPT. https://gist.github.com/mk-pmb/09de0570716a4250bbafecfafc0f7d0023:57
Sven_vBTJ-, is there a way to mount the old file systems read-only to try and investigate more?23:58
Sven_vBoh maybe the corruption is due to the BIOS compat mode I just tried. I'll reboot without that.23:59

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