
mupBug #1727551 opened: [2.3] Commissioning shows incorrect results <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1727551>00:02
mupBug #1727551 changed: [2.3] Commissioning shows results from script that no longer exists <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1727551>00:17
mupBug #1727551 opened: [2.3] Commissioning shows incorrect results <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1727551>00:20
mupBug #1727561 opened: [2.3, HA] Machines fails commissioning and testing and MAAS shows no errors <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1727561>01:03
mupBug #1727568 opened: [2.3, HWTv2, regression] Hardware Tests tab does not show what tests are running <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1727568>01:06
mupBug #1727568 changed: [2.3, HWTv2, regression] Hardware Tests tab does not show what tests are running <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1727568>01:15
mupBug #1727568 opened: [2.3, HWTv2, regression] Hardware Tests tab does not show what tests are running <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1727568>01:30
mupBug #1727575 opened: [2.3, HWTv2, regression] Hardware Test tab doesn't show latest results of newer runs and only show an older aborted run <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1727575>02:12
mupBug #1727576 opened: [2.3, HWTv2] When test timesout there's no log <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1727576>02:12
mupBug #1727577 opened: [2.3, HWTv2] Hardware Test tab updates UI when tests selected but not running <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1727577>02:12
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
mupBug #1727721 opened: Show errors when adding a chassis <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1727721>12:46
mupBug #1727754 opened: [2.3, API] Creating a bridge doesn't use the parent's mac address by default <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1727754>15:07
ybaumyroaksoax: thanks for bumping this. its like forever now15:30
roaksoaxybaumy: which one?15:39
ybaumyroaksoax: the resolv.conf15:39
ybaumyroaksoax: that was you bumping right?15:39
roaksoaxybaumy: yup, i've been waiting forever to get that one through15:41
ybaumyroaksoax: its ridiculous how long we have to wait. do they even know that name resolution is not a small thing when using cloud init and stuff ;) i mean common15:42
roaksoaxwell to be fair this only affeects 2.3 :)15:42
ybaumyroaksoax: thats what im using.. currently15:43
roaksoaxybaumy: we put a work around in it15:44
ybaumyroaksoax: really i missed and havent even tried in weeks15:44
roaksoaxybaumy: but you need to uyse internal proxy15:45
ybaumyroaksoax: well i have a squid running i can try that15:45
ybaumyroaksoax: how to do? just set the proxy in settings page?15:45
roaksoaxybaumy: maas, by defualt runs internal proxy15:46
roaksoaxybaumy: so if it is using that no changes needed15:46
roaksoaxthen upgrade to the latest 2.315:47
ybaumyroaksoax: will try tonight when im home thanks15:47
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
shadoxxHas anyone in here ever experienced an issue where the interface you use for pxe provisioning, which has a static ip, occasionally loses its ip and needs to be manually reset after a bit16:43
shadoxxFrom what I can tell, it's trying to renew a dhcp lease, when it doesn't have one16:43
shadoxxa quick `ifdown eno1; ifup eno1` fixes the problem until the next time it happens16:43
shadoxxBut I hate having to loging to the ilo every 2 or 3 hours16:43
roaksoaxshadoxx: hold on, you have a machine that has a static ip in /e/n/i, but then it loses its ip ?16:55
shadoxxroaksoax: correct16:55
shadoxxThere's no other DHCP server on the network. In fact, that interface is hosting the DHCP server16:55
shadoxxAnd I can't get this freaking node to commission in the first place and I'm about to tear my hair out16:56
shadoxxroaksoax: it only has the address and netmask defined in /e/n/i. there's no gateway since it's all just on the same switch port group/vlan17:00
roaksoaxshadoxx: that's strange... something muyst be restarting networking for that to happen ?17:08
shadoxxroaksoax: not entirely sure...i'm going to keep an eye on it. like I said, at least I have iLO so I can remote in a fix it that way17:15
shadoxxJust, it's getting annoying.17:16
shadoxxOk, next question. Does anyone know how to load kernel drivers in rescue mode? Having an issue where I'm trying to boot the node so I can upgrade the iLO firmware, but the hpilo module is nowhere to be found17:21
shadoxxIn regular mode it works fine17:22
fabi_hi @ll17:32
fabi_I installed a lxd container with MAAS, running the region-controller and rack-controller in it.17:35
fabi_The other day I ran out of disk space which caused me to increase my default zfs.img from 15G to 50G. That issue is fixed for now, however, while having the maas container down I noticed that all nodes that are managed by this container and its controllers were down.17:37
fabi_I couldn't reach them via network. connecting via IPMI revealed that the interfaces (they get the ip via dhcp from the controller) suddenly were down.17:38
fabi_the moment my maas container was working again, the interfaces came back up.17:39
fabi_I can't seem to find in the documentation this behavior and googling the issue shows me the opposite saying if I loose maas I do not loose any services.17:40
fabi_does anyone know more about this?17:40
shadoxxfabi: sounds like the nodes tried to renew the lease and couldn't find the dhcp server, so they go of the lease, even though that's not really supposed to happen17:46
shadoxxit sounds like you're running into a similar issue I am17:46
shadoxxI have a static IP set for an interface, but it loses it for some reason. This is on the MaaS controller itself though17:47
fabi_do your nodes loose connectivity then as well?17:47
shadoxxfabi_: i haven't, as of yet, been able to commission any nodes. i'm definitely still in the "discovery" phase of my deployment17:48
fabi_using lxd?17:48
shadoxxHaven't even gotten that far. :]17:48
shadoxxI have a MaaS controller, some VLANS, and a lot of green around the gills17:48
shadoxxI'm a week into trying to bootstrap the cluster.17:49
fabi_let me know if you need help, but I find this one here excellent: https://docs.ubuntu.com/maas/2.1/en/installconfig-lxd-install17:49
shadoxxThanks! I was actually planning on doing ESXi 6.5 and then installing MaaS on that. But lxd seems like a good alternative too. I'm running HP DL385p Gen8s who don't like to take an OS or boot17:50
shadoxxGetting Ubuntu on it required me to factory reset everything. It reassigned all of its SCSI ids and suddenly booted off the network17:50
fabi_shouldn't be big of an issue using ESXi and just install it straight from the package https://docs.ubuntu.com/maas/2.2/en/installconfig-package-install (its essentially what you would do in the LXD container anyways). However, the tipping point is the configuration of your interface in the hypervisor to make sure it is in the right vlan(s).17:51
shadoxxI'm handling VLANs at Layer 2 on the switch, so luckily I don't have to worry about that. :]17:52
shadoxxAny issues to look out for you've encountered? This MAAS cluster is completely segregated with no WAN access. I'm running a full apt mirror internally and that's what I'm bootstrapping everything off of17:53
fabi_never had an airgapped maas cluster running but a starting point would probably be ntp and a mismatch of time in the hypervisor/vm and nodes?17:54
shadoxxGot NTP all settled17:55
fabi_error messages in journalctl -f ?17:55
shadoxxas soon as this node fails to comission, i'll be able to see what's going on17:55
shadoxxIf I had to guess, it's probably related to how crappy these machines are to configure. I bet it's an HP issue and not an MaaS/Environment issue17:55
shadoxxThe one thing I wish I could do is install the ilo kernel module in rescue mode so I can flash the iLOs to the latest verion in the nodes17:56
shadoxxWhen I load into rescue mode, it's barebones17:56
fabi_I just had failure of commissioning because of mismatching times of the controller and the node itself, so the api which serves the node was throwing authentication errors17:57
shadoxxThe node I was trying to do that with just failed, so I'll check the times now17:57
fabi_https://docs.ubuntu.com/maas/2.2/en/troubleshoot-faq Nodes hang on "Commissioning" Timing issues17:57
shadoxxSo, once a node has failed, is it possible to login via ssh to figure out what went wrong? Or does it have to be in rescue mode?17:59
fabi_when he failed during commissioning or while deploying?18:00
shadoxxDuring commissioning18:00
fabi_cloud-init reports logs to the controller which can be viewed in the UI under the node's tab commissioning/events or on the controller in the corresponding rsyslog folder in /var/log/maas/rsyslog/<hostname>18:02
shadoxxSo, the controller doesn't provide ntp by default?18:12
fabi_ By default, the MAAS region controller uses ntp.ubuntu.com. As you use an air-gapped cluster that won't work18:20
fabi_you can reconfigure it to the ntp of your air-gapped network: https://docs.ubuntu.com/maas/2.2/en/installconfig-network-ntp18:21
shadoxxYeah, I figured that part out. I have a bastion host that lets me access it from the wider network. Just threw an NTP server on there and went wild18:24
shadoxxIt's commissioning right now. We'll see if that was the silver bullet I needed18:25
fabi_I cross the fingers :)18:26
roaksoaxfabi_: if you have set static networking, which is default then there should be no networking issue18:29
roaksoaxunless your maas in the gateway18:29
roaksoaxwhich would prevent you from accessing them18:29
fabi_roaksoax: my maas is not the gateway. my subnet is managed so all aspects of IP address allocation should be handled by maas, including the dhcp-leases and assigned static addresses.18:36
fabi_roaksoax: when you say static networking you mean unmanaged using just reserved IP ranges? I have nothing in my static routes18:40
fabi_roaksoax: so adding my gateway and dns to the static route should fix the problem if my maas controller goes down the interfaces on each node are down too?18:41
fabi_roaksoax: my IP mode for this interface is also Static assign and I just tested to see what happens if I take down the maas-controller - in particular if the dhcp server is not responding. looks like every 260 seconds the /usr/sbin/dhclient-script is running and if it does not receive any leases it just sets everything down, making the dhcp-server a single point of failure for all deployed nodes using dhcp...19:28
shadoxxthat seems like the issue that i'm running into as well19:28
fabi_I dont find documentation of that or how to change it19:28
shadoxxI think that might be an Ubuntu vs MaaS thing19:28
shadoxxok, i have an error now19:31
shadoxxNode commissioning failure - 'cloudinit' running modules for config19:31
roaksoaxfabi_: i mean statically configured in e/n/i, if you are using dhcp to configure interfaces, and the dhcp service goes away, then the machine will definitely lose its lease19:34
fabi_roaksoax: is there a way to have it keep the lease until it gains connection back to dhcp server?\19:36
roaksoaxfabi_: you can increase the lease time19:36
roaksoaxbut other than that, no19:36
fabi_roaksoax: lease time increase as a custom dhcp snippet or where?19:37
roaksoaxfabi_: yes, per subnet on 2.2, 2.3 you will be able to do that globally19:37
fabi_roaksoax: okay, and the only other workaround I can think of would be to Static assign an IP, however is that supported for non-ubuntu e.g. Centos installations or does it throw an error like "Custom network configuration only supported on Ubuntu. Using OS default configuration." ?19:41
roaksoaxfabi_: it is supported, starting from maas 2.319:54
shadoxxLooks like my error is related to MaaS not being able to find the required packages in my repo mirror20:25
shadoxxI guess the folders in my mirror aren't setup properly or something20:25
shadoxxIs there a way to supply a custom sources.list to my Nodes when commissioning?20:26
roaksoaxshadoxx: go to settings > package repositories, you can only change mirror/add repositories to use20:29
shadoxxroaksoax: that's what I did. it doesn't like the way my mirror is setup for some reason20:32
shadoxxOther machines running the same OS update from it fine. This requires more investigationg, but at least I have a path forward now20:35
fabi_cant wait for maas 2.3 to be released ;)20:52
shadoxxi added the source repositories to my apt mirror and that seems have to fixed the missing package errors at least22:07
shadoxxGot my nodes commissioned and ready22:37
shadoxxWhat a journey it's been22:37
shadoxxNow to figure out exactly what to do with them...22:37
roaksoaxshadoxx: uhmmm can you file a bug for that plz ?23:21
shadoxxroaksoax: if the deb-src repos are missing the machine fails to provision?23:21
roaksoaxshadoxx: yeah, although I thought we dont set those anymore23:23
roaksoaxshadoxx: what version of MAAS ?23:24
mupBug #1727884 opened: [2.3] Discoveries added as devices with dynamic IPs should display their last-seen IP in the device listing/details pages <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1727884>23:44
mupBug #1727884 changed: [2.3] Discoveries added as devices with dynamic IPs should display their last-seen IP in the device listing/details pages <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1727884>23:50
shadoxxHow do I troubleshoot a failed deployment?23:53
shadoxxIt's in the FAQ. Let me read that firat...23:54
mupBug #1727884 opened: [2.3] Discoveries added as devices with dynamic IPs should display their last-seen IP in the device listing/details pages <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1727884>23:56

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