
Drunkhawk91TJ-: Yes there are several issues with these asus T100* transformerbooks00:01
Drunkhawk91TJ-: but X server, wifi and sound worked almost out the box for me00:02
TJ-Drunkhawk91: I think I know a fix for your problem. If I'm correct, it's a very common problem with ACPI DSDTs being customised only for Windows by the manufacturers. It's so comon I've written an article about it which contains some shell commands to apply a workaround. Read  http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html00:03
dax23:41 < TJ-> can we preemptively protect #ubuntu-discuss, if it hasn't been already?00:05
daxyes, if y'all consider it necessary, but he's not hitting enough of the namespace that i'd assume he's gonna hit here00:06
daxif it does start up, anyone with an ubuntu/member/* cloak can do: /msg chanserv op #ubuntu-discuss, then /mode #ubuntu-discuss +rq $~a00:06
daxto do the same thing me and Unit193 have been doing00:06
TJ-dax: it looked like the spammer might be cycling through all the channels. When they do that the generally hit all channels eventually :)00:08
daxwe'll see. he's stopped for a bit, either out of boredom or because he's getting a fresh batch ready, who knows00:09
SvetaTJ-: clearly the solution is for you to apply to ubuntu membership :)00:09
dax+r probably wouldn't be a terrible idea since y'all are pretty much all identified with nickserv, but i'd rather not set it unilaterally just yet00:10
Drunkhawk91TJ-: I also read somewhere about acpi_osi, I'll try your script to see if there are any changes (microSD, suspend, jack detection, auto brightness, etc ..)00:11
TJ-Sveta: I've avoided that for 12 years; I'm not going to start now00:14
daftykinshe's a maverick! he doesn't always do things the conventional way, but boy does he get the job done ;)00:17
SvetaTJ-: what are the drawbacks from your perspective?00:17
Svetadaftykins: :)00:18
TJ-I prefer being indepedent00:18
Svetamembership involves a cabal of some sort? or you prefer to not be affiliated with a particular entity, even if these entities do not limit you?00:18
TJ-I prefer being indepedent00:21
Drunkhawk91TJ-: no improvement with acpi_osi=Windows 2015, but got few more to try :)00:23
TJ-Drunkhawk91: you have got double-quotes surrounding that option haven't you? check with "cat /proc/cmdline"00:25
TJ-Drunkhawk91: without them the option is not correct00:25
TJ-Drunkhawk91: I'd generally stick with the latest version the DSDT OSI claims. It'll enable the most functionality. Have you thought of testing a mainline 4.14 release candidate kernel incase there are improvements there?00:26
Drunkhawk91TJ-: Nope I didnt try 4.14 and indeed the option is not passed00:27
TJ-Drunkhawk91: OK, let's get acpi_osi fixed first. It fixes so many things00:29
TJ-Drunkhawk91: "pastebinit /etc/default/grub"00:29
Drunkhawk91TJ-: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="fbcon=rotate:3 acpi_osi=! \"acpi_osi=Windows 2015\""00:30
TJ-Drunkhawk91: well that is correct! You say it isn't shown by "cat /proc/cmdline"00:31
TJ-Drunkhawk91: did you do "sudo update-grub" before rebooting?00:31
Drunkhawk91TJ-: the script did yes00:31
TJ-hmm, check it added it to the grub config with "grep acpi_osi= /boot/grub/grub.cfg"00:32
TJ-Drunkhawk91: looks like the grub.cfg doesn't have it.00:33
Drunkhawk91nope indeed it did not00:33
TJ-do "sudo update-grub"00:33
TJ-then "pastebinit <( grep acpi_osi /boot/grub/grub.cfg )"00:34
Drunkhawk91empty document for pastebinit, no output from grep00:34
Drunkhawk91he doesn't want to pass the option00:34
TJ-Drunkhawk91: find /boot -type f -name grub.cfg"00:35
TJ-I'm wondering if yours is in the EFI SP under /boot/efi/00:36
TJ-Hmmm, so, "grep -n acpi_osi /boot/grub/grub.cfg /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg"00:36
TJ-when you run update-grub do you see it list a bunch of kernel versions etc it's adding?00:38
TJ-In your fiddling about to get the initrd to include the DSDT is it possible you've broken the generating scripts in /etc/grub.d/ ?00:39
Drunkhawk91he found /boot/vmlinuz-4.13.0-16-generic boot/initrd.img-4.13.0-16-generic and added two boot menu entry for EFI firmware conf00:40
TJ-I think I recall seeing mention of /etc/grub.d/05_acpi or some-such.00:40
TJ-oh, hang on. Is this Secure Boot?00:40
Drunkhawk91I remove xx_acpi from grub.d00:40
Drunkhawk91I got secure boot disabled in BIOS00:41
TJ-but you're using the -signed files. I *think* the problem could be that grub.cfg has to also be signed to be used00:42
TJ-I'm not sure if GRUB drops that requirement if SB is disabled but you're using the signed version00:43
Drunkhawk91it's strange because i add the option fbcon=rotate:3 and it appears in cat /proc/cmdline00:43
Drunkhawk91I added it manually in /etc/default/grub00:44
TJ-yes, that is very strange00:44
TJ-right, let's be silly. Edit /etc/default/grub yourself, add "debug" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX  *after* the acpi_osi settings, do "sudo update-grub", and then see if that was added with "grep -n debug /boot/grub/grub.cfg /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grub.cfg"00:46
Drunkhawk91GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="fbcon=rotate:3 acpi_osi=! \"acpi_osi=Windows 2015\" debug"00:49
Drunkhawk91no debug either00:49
Drunkhawk91this line must be wrong00:50
TJ-there must be something in the /etc/grub.d/ scripts failing to copy the value correctly for some reason. I've never come across this before00:51
Drunkhawk91I don't remember having modify any script except adding xx_acpi (removed now)00:52
Drunkhawk91I'll try remove my fbcon=rotate:3 and update to see00:53
TJ-Drunkhawk91: before you do that... show us "pastebinit <( grep GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX /etc/grub.d/* )"00:54
TJ-Drunkhawk91: I want to check if there's any code referring to that variable that shouldn't be there00:54
Drunkhawk91Even if I comment the whole line it doesn't update correctly00:54
TJ-the scripts in /etc/grub.d - 10_linux specifically, use that00:55
TJ-errr... you're missing 10_linux!00:55
Drunkhawk91i got 10_linux_proxy00:56
TJ-is this ubuntu 17.10 ?00:56
TJ-Not sure where that came from but I cannot find it in any package in 17.1000:57
TJ-Drunkhawk91: what does "apt list grub-common" report00:58
Drunkhawk91grub-common/artful,now 2.02~beta3-4ubuntu7 amd64  [installé]00:58
TJ-this is the list of files in that package: note 10_linux, and no 10_linux_proxy. You've changed something on there at some point, which means grub can no longer generate its config.  https://packages.ubuntu.com/artful/amd64/grub-common/filelist01:01
TJ-hmmm, does "grub_customizer" ring any bells?01:02
TJ-do you see anything like this (bug report for customizer) https://bugs.launchpad.net/grub-customizer/+bug/151849501:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1518495 in Grub Customizer "fails saving grub configuration" [Undecided,New]01:05
Drunkhawk91I will ban this kind of package, I knew it could be a bad idea01:05
TJ-:) please do, it makes our job 10x harder01:05
Drunkhawk91TJ-: nope no errors01:10
TJ-Drunkhawk91: well, you need to figure out where installing grub_customizer moved your 10_linux too, and get it back. Try removing grub_customizer and if 10_linux doesn't reappear do "sudo apt-get --reinstall install grub-common"01:12
Drunkhawk91TJ-:had a backup folder in /etc/grub.d/ with all grub.d/ scripts, /boot/grub/ and /etc/default/grub01:27
TJ-Drunkhawk91: aha!01:27
Drunkhawk91TJ-: should i manually remove all the _proxy scripts?01:27
TJ-If grub_customizer was installed using apt I'd use that to *purge* it too01:28
TJ-else you'll get the system in a mess01:28
Drunkhawk91TJ-: it didn't clean /etc/grub.d/01:31
TJ-Drunkhawk91: crap package!01:32
TJ-you'll have to remove all those weird bits, then to be sure "sudo apt-get --reinstall install grub-common"01:32
Drunkhawk91TJ-: it was a mess, it didn't want to update-grub but I reinstalled grub properly01:52
Drunkhawk91TJ-: I have acpi passed to /boot/grub/grub.cfg01:52
Drunkhawk91TJ-: rebooting01:52
Drunkhawk91TJ-: still no improvements ACPI Error: 3 table load failures, 8 successful (20170531/tbxfload-246)01:59
TJ-is acpi_osi showing up in /proc/cmdline now02:00
Drunkhawk91TJ-: but my dumb grub mistakes are solved, thank you for that :)02:00
TJ-how's the SD card reader?02:00
Drunkhawk91no detection02:00
Drunkhawk91mmc2: card never left busy state02:01
Drunkhawk91had these errors before using modified DSDT too02:01
TJ-sounds more likely the linux driver for that chip isn't complete then02:02
TJ-show us another "pastebinit <( dmesg )"02:02
TJ-does the card work in other devices?02:04
TJ-it looks, from my searches, that this could be a kernel regression sometime in the last 5 months or so, judging by other reports02:05
Drunkhawk91hmm i have a doubt now, it worked on my phone but never worked on this computer (in windows 10)02:05
TJ-The commit description in this seems to offer an explanation of what might be happening https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/fa.linux.kernel/7MsrntjpRnM02:07
Drunkhawk91TJ-:maybe that's why some users use patched kernels for all this laptop issues https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1700679#p170067902:12
Drunkhawk91TJ-: but far too hard for me, I'll learn more about kernels and patches before doing anything stupid02:14
TJ-have you tested suspend/resume now you have acpi_osi set? that is one of many things that setting should fix02:15
Drunkhawk91yes, it can suspend but wifi disabled (no more wlan0) when resume02:16
TJ-check /var/log/syslog for clues on that02:17
TJ-Volker mentioning CONFIG_PMIC_OPREGION in the last post in that thread rather confirms what I thought from that patch I referenced - PMIC is Power Management Integrated Circuit.02:19
TJ-so it looks like the IC maker hasn't published the datasheet for that IC and the driver writers are having to guess02:20
Drunkhawk91best option seems to wait calmly so02:21
Drunkhawk91at least I got wifi, touchpad, touchscreen, audio (speakers only) and X working02:22
Drunkhawk91TJ-: Anyway, thanks a lot for your time and help! Learn many things today :)02:27
TJ-hang on!02:28
TJ-I'm reading the DSDT and I just spotted a possible reason02:28
TJ-line 8989... the behaviour of  SDHC depends on the value of OSID. I suspect that is set based on the OSI02:29
Drunkhawk91can we know the expected OSI value or we have to try them all?02:30
TJ-line 16086 has the INIt() function, there you'll see how the OSI name affects the value it sets in OSYS, and you'll see how the highest value is set for the latest version of Windows02:32
TJ-if we can correlate whether OSID gets set based on an OSYS value we can figure out which path that code will be taking, and possibly change the OSI to make it take the other path02:32
TJ-Can't see anything setting that value, only testing it.02:38
TJ-must be set from somewhere else02:38
TJ-OSID looks like it could be a bit flag because I only see tests for values 1 2 4 802:39
TJ-I'm convinced that's it. If you read the SDHC's ABUF and WBUF resources you'll see they are quite different02:45
TJ-different GPIO pin lists02:46
TJ-and _CRS() returns one or the other based on OSID02:46
Drunkhawk91other T100* users are using acpi_osi command line option02:48
Drunkhawk91with Windows2012 as osi name02:48
Drunkhawk91but it might not be the same exact model02:49
TJ-right. you could try it, but if they've coded Windows 2015 in it and we can see it sets the highest value of OSYS that will almost always means the most functions are enabled02:54
TJ-And I've read hundreds of DSDTs; I used to specialise on the ACPI code in the kernel about 10 years ago02:54
TJ-From my brief reading of the DSDT it looks to me like the wrong PMIC setup is being run, and possibly the wrong GPIO settings (via the ABUF/WBUF configs)03:01
TJ-I have to go now, it's past 4am!03:01
TJ-I've got a T300CHI here but not had any problems with it03:01
Drunkhawk91TJ-: Have a good night and thank you again for everything!03:03
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:21
lotuspsychjehows the night been Bashing-om04:24
lotuspsychjeartful rush already over?04:24
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: :) .. been slow over all . a couple of interesting posts though . Yaeh the initial shock is wearing off on artful :)04:45
lordievaderGood morning06:06
ducassemorning all06:14
Bashing-omducasse: WB :)06:16
lordievaderHey ducasse , Bashing-om06:17
lordievaderHow are you guys?06:18
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: As I am on irc .. can not be too bad :) You got a big day planned ?06:19
lordievaderSome meetings, not much more ;)06:20
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Personal interaction .. can be a good thing - make a good day .06:22
ducassehiya lordievader, Bashing-om - how are you guys today?06:23
lordievaderDoing good here, ducasse :)06:23
ducasseincredibly foggy here, the world outside is just a grey blur06:25
lordievaderGood reason to keep the curtains closed ;)06:26
Bashing-omducasse: All the more reason to irc :)06:26
ducasseBashing-om: yep, i'm certainly staying inside, at least :)06:34
Bashing-omducasse: Fur Baby does not want to get the paws wet anyway .06:36
ducasseBashing-om: mine neither. just as well, being grey she would just disappear in the fog, worrisome if she wanders onto the road06:38
Bashing-omducasse: Perish the thought !06:45
lotuspsychjehey ducasse & lordievader06:52
lotuspsychjelordievader: cool :p https://akademy.kde.org/sites/akademy.kde.org/files/2016/akademy2016-tshirt.png06:52
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje06:53
jink'sup, kids? :)06:53
lotuspsychjeyow daddy06:53
ducassegood morning lotuspsychje06:53
ducasse\o jink06:53
jinko/ ducasse06:53
ubot5Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+106:56
EriC^^morning all06:56
lotuspsychjehey EriC^^06:56
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje06:56
EriC^^how's it going?06:56
lotuspsychjethe next LTS to bug out06:56
lotuspsychjegreat here mate bout you EriC^^ ?06:57
daxhey look we got a release schedule06:57
EriC^^doing good, just woke up06:57
lotuspsychjedax: where?06:57
EriC^^bionic beaver, nice :D06:57
daxhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule (and #u+1 topic)06:58
lotuspsychjeah tnx mate06:58
lotuspsychjelets autojoin again06:58
lotuspsychjedax: at wich step, daily images will be available?06:59
daxwhen the toolchain gets uploaded they'll start generating and getting put in pending. if it's like last cycle, we'll then be waiting a few days for all the autotest failures to get fixed, and then it'll get moved to current and linked in +107:00
dax(pending and current referring to the subfolders of http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/ )07:01
ducasselotuspsychje: is the build-essential stuff also on the iso?07:08
lotuspsychjeducasse: i think all is there, to make a working broadcom with the restricted-extras07:08
ducassesounds reasonable07:09
lotuspsychje!info build-essential07:09
ubot5build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 12.1ubuntu2 (xenial), package size 4 kB, installed size 20 kB07:09
lotuspsychjeoptional hmm07:09
daxthe package list for the livecds is at e.g. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/artful-desktop-amd64.manifest07:09
ducasseah, brilliant - thanks07:10
ducassenah, no build stuff07:11
daxgcc's in there. build-essential isn't.07:12
daxi assume there's some other place to get that list, i don't see it in the folder for the final release isos07:12
ducassei only looked for build-essential and make07:12
daxi think someone pointed me at it once but no idea where it was :)07:12
lotuspsychjenite nite Bashing-om07:27
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Good nite lotuspsychje and all .. take care see yall on the flip :)07:29
lotuspsychjeducasse: https://www.deviantart.com/art/i3-on-Manjaro-Oct-2017-71158983907:29
daxoh, there are .manifests in the final release folders, i must have scrolled past them :\07:32
ducasselotuspsychje: not to my taste, but... :)07:35
lotuspsychjebbl work guys :p07:42
ducassedax: the manifest should include all packages on the iso, right? i'm a bit confused here...07:43
=== el is now known as elky
=== elky is now known as el
BluesKajHowdy folks10:13
EriC^^heya BluesKaj10:17
BluesKajHey EriC^^    \o10:18
BluesKajok Bionic Beaver chainloader is in the repos11:59
=== Thunder_Tw is now known as thunder_tw
=== thunder_tw is now known as thunder_Tw
nicomachusI'm really not a fan of gnome requiring me to go to a website to update my extensions.15:36
nicomachusAnd the popups that say "This extension is out of date" or whatever won't open the link in Firefox. It has to be in done in Chromium AFAICT15:37
oerhekshuh? i usually ignore those messages ..15:38
nicomachusthen your gnome extensions are out of date. lol15:39
oerheks"your flash is out of date, jaba jaba"15:39
nicomachusno, not flash. gnome extensions.15:39
naccnicomachus: i *think* it's hard to do anything else though15:40
naccnicomachus: i guess they could be snaps15:40
oerheksoh.. is this new in 17.10?15:40
naccbut that's still an open feature15:40
naccoerheks: it's a gnome thing15:40
naccthe distro ships some extensions (iirc)15:40
nicomachusoh, now I see why it didn't work with firefox. I forgot you have to have a stupid BROWSER EXTENSION to do it. which I installed in Chromium but not Firefox.15:40
naccbut the SRU process gates those packages getting updated15:40
nicomachusnacc: there *has* to be a better way.15:40
naccand the upstream updates are usually not bugfixes15:40
naccthey are new versions15:40
naccnicomachus: don't run gnome?15:40
naccmuch like ... everything .. gnome wants their own flow to all distros15:41
naccjust like go and go-get15:41
nicomachusnacc: ha, I guess that's a solution15:41
naccor python and pypi15:41
nacceverybody does this meta-distribution stuff these days15:41
naccwhich makes being a distro *really* hard15:41
nicomachusI've gotten to like gnome though. as much as my rice/unixporn friends talk crap all day.15:41
naccnicomachus: yeah, the UX is overall pretty nice15:42
nicomachusafter I spent some time on it. haha15:43
nicomachusstock gnome isn't so great. gnome with a few key extensions and tweaks is excellent.15:43
naccnicomachus: yep15:45
naccnicomachus: but that you can have a tweakable stock everywhere is good, imo15:45
naccnicomachus: ship a good base, let users do stuff to do it locally15:45
nicomachusnacc: I can agree with that.15:54
naccnicomachus: esp. for 17.1015:55
naccnicomachus: i expect we'll see, hopefully, a bit more of a default tweaked experience in 18.0415:55
naccthe big thing for 17.10 was just gettig folks migrated successfully, i think15:55
nicomachusI'm still on 16.0416:09
naccnicomachus: ah gnome ubuntu?16:09
oerheks17.04 here .. my unity16:09
nicomachusbut switched over to Gnome about 6 months ago16:09
naccoerheks: when do you plan to upgrade?16:10
nicomachusbecause I knew it was coming, so figured I might as well jump in.16:10
naccnicomachus: tbh, i saw this coming a while ago and jus tinstalled gnome ubuntu from the get go :)16:10
oerheksnacc, not, i will prepare an other machine to get known to gnome316:10
naccoerheks: ah ok :)16:10
oerhekssomehow i refuse to upgrade16:10
nicomachusI just installed the gnome-desktop package or whatever it was.16:10
naccnicomachus: yeah16:10
oerhekswhen i read about systemd hardening ...16:11
oerheksexample: https://github.com/konstruktoid/hardening/blob/master/systemd.adoc16:12
oerhekshighly interesting16:12
nicomachusmy new moto x4 has some cool gesture controls. You can just wave your hand over the locked phone to have it show the lock screen and any notifications. I can't figure out how to get more gesture controls, though.16:20
nicomachusthere must be a way to add more functionality to that...16:20
TJ-The implication being the camera is always watching you?16:21
naccTJ-: :)16:22
naccthe anthem of an older and newer generation (the latter just don't know it)16:24
TJ-what's that?16:24
naccPrivate Eyes by Hall & Oates16:25
nacc"Private Eyes ... are watching you"16:25
nacc"they see your every move"16:25
TJ-Ahhh. I don't touch youtube and I find videos very wasteful of bandwidth and low on information content :)16:26
TJ-To me, a few words speak a thousand pictures :)16:26
naccTJ-: :)16:26
naccif i had a better way to make a song play on your system, i'd use it :)16:26
TJ-You managed it ina few words :)16:27
TJ-Trouble is, they're not private eyes in the threat sense... they're potential passing the data over the network to some entity where you have no control of what happens to it.16:28
naccand they presumably are also storing it16:28
naccwhich means there is biometric-esque data somewher in the cloud16:29
TJ-You have to assume that16:29
TJ-slightly off-topic, but on my Android-based (LineageOS) PDAs (I refuse to call them 'smart' or 'phones'!) I have AFWall+, Android Firewall installed. I only allow applications I know require network access. I also have it pop-up 'toast' notications whenever it blocks access. That is *very* revealing the extent of un-necessary network access by so many applications.16:31
naccTJ-: interesting!16:31
TJ-We have open-source, we need the same for open-data - as in, we, the user/owner, are in control of it16:31
TJ-Back in the late '90s I proposed one of my inventions/devlopments to the UK government - a nationwide federated identity scheme which had the subject in total control of who could access which aspects of the data stored on them (using cryptography, timed/count based access, and so forth). Unfortunately it never got anywhere because there was no foresight. The last few years we've finally got something16:34
TJ-like it with federated ID checks, but it's opaque to the subjects and they have no control over the data held on them16:35
TJ-I had written the entire thing so it was a real/live demonstration. The techies could see the benefits but the bearuacrats stymied the whole thing. I had the feeling then it was partially due to those in power not wanting to give control to the citizens. Since then that feeling has become reality in almost every country. Sleepwalking into the scenario in Orwell's '1984'16:37
nicomachusdaftykins: this makes it all worth it: https://i.imgur.com/ZEIf3Y3.png17:19
daftykinsnicomachus: heh, i don't see it the same way17:23
MYounisHello everyone!17:24
MYounisIs greig and Fallen here? I treid making the Live Pendrive with Ubuntu as per the turorial on Ubuntu's site. Also tried setting nomodeset in boot. and also in grub file in live pendrive.17:24
MYounisStill the laptop stucks at the black screen after grub.17:24
daftykinsas you can see the topic states this is not a support channel, so queries in #ubuntu please17:25
MYounisdaftykins I think something is messed up there too.17:26
MYounisI don't see any users there17:26
nicomachusMYounis: there's over 1000 people there.17:27
nicomachusMYounis: /join #ubuntu17:27
daxthey're not identified to nickserv and #ubuntu is +r17:27
ubot5For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.17:28
daxor see the multiple messages in the -unregged channel you ended up in.17:28
* nicomachus wonders why this channel isn't +r tbh17:28
daxnicomachus: because it isn't getting spam attacks and nobody with access to it (which is all cloaked ubuntu members plus some people) is sufficiently convinced/motivated to do it pre-emptively17:29
MYounisOk thanks.17:30
daxMYounis: (you can also ask in #freenode (or probably also in here)) if you have questions, I'm about to wander off so -unregged probably won't be much help17:34
MYounisthanks dax17:38
nicomachusI've been using this phone pretty much ALL day and it's at 48% battery. :D19:42
nicomachus3h 0m 12s of screen time19:42
nicomachus1h 6m 8s of Pokemon GO (high battery usage), which includes 31m 43s of GPS usage19:43
oerheksi am seriously afraid of pokemon .. Poke-Phobia19:46
oerheksno, i suffer Chrometophobia19:46
nicomachusit's a good time19:47
oerheksThere is always someone who helps me with that, thanks.19:48
=== el is now known as elky
=== elky is now known as el

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