
[Kid]if i run a juju bootstrap manual/ubuntu@ test-model01:41
[Kid]which SSH key does it use?01:41
[Kid]my understanding was the juju-client-key01:41
[Kid]which is in the /home/user/.local/share/ssh/ directory01:41
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
=== freyes__ is now known as freyes
=== Makyo is now known as Guest26189
xiletjuju v2.0.2, it looks like the controller isn't coming up,  any juju commands come back with ERROR unable to connect to API: websocket.Dial wss://IP:17070/model/<UUID>/api. And nothing is listening on 17070, is there a way to manually start that service?15:51
bdxelasticsearch-peeps: making headway - http://paste.ubuntu.com/25831054/, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25831045/, https://github.com/jamesbeedy/layer-elasticsearch-base/blob/refactor_for_network_get_juju_2_3/reactive/elasticsearch_base.py15:57
=== Guest26189 is now known as Makyo
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
jamesbensonquick question:  For those who have maas and juju: If you raid all of your disk into one large volume, is there a way to get an openstack deploy to split up that one disk vs use sdb?17:10
bdxjamesbenson: yea, you have to create the partitions in maas, then specify the partitions in the charm config17:12
jamesbensonbdx!!  Awesome! Can you tell me how to specify that in the charm?  I've looked and not sure where/what to modify17:12
bdxjamesbenson: are you using the ceph-osd charm?17:13
jamesbensonyou are awesome!  Thank you bdx17:16
jamesbensonbdx, do those directories need to exist prior or will juju make them?18:41
bdxjamesbenson: which?18:41
jamesbenson"For ceph >= 0.56.6 these can also be directories instead of devices - the charm assumes anything not starting with /dev is a directory instead."18:41
bdxah, my bad18:43
bdxjamesbenson: https://imgur.com/a/nEqeR18:43
bdx^ for that setup, I would specify /dev/md018:43
bdxI see what you are saying18:43
bdxyou want to raid all of your disks in maas, and install ubuntu on to that raid, and then use a directory in the filesystem for ceph osd-device?18:44
bdxjamesbenson: are trying to make the most of your drive bays here?18:45
jamesbensonSo maas only picks up 1 HD because we raided them all in our controller, not in maas.  But I don't want to go into all of our server to change the raid controller...18:45
bdxjamesbenson: I see, thats unfortunate18:45
bdxjamesbenson: for openstack with ceph ......18:46
bdxits going to be optimal if you feed ceph physical devices18:46
bdxinstead of doing what you are trying to do18:46
bdxjamesbenson: moreover, if you want to use all of the disks connected to your controller as ceph osd|journal devices, just get a satadom to plug into your mobo, and configure that to be your / partition in maas18:47
jamesbensonSo my 6 HDD's read as 10TB.18:47
bdxso you don't want to waste any of those by installing the host os on it18:49
jamesbensonAgreed with the physical disks... just we have OLD hard drives and well... things fail a lot, so RAID is easier so we have less babying...18:49
bdxjamesbenson: right18:49
bdxso like, you can get a POC openstack going with that18:50
jamesbensonI don't mind repartitioning the servers through maas, just don't want to go into the raid controller if necessary....18:50
bdxbut if you are actually wanting ceph to support any type of workload18:50
bdxI just don't think the filesystem backend is really supported18:50
jamesbensonare you familiar with fuel?18:51
bdxjamesbenson: yeah18:51
bdxits what initially turned me onto using juju to deploy openstack years ago18:51
[Kid]guys, i am trying to enable HA on my controllers and I am getting ERROR failed to create new controller machines:18:52
[Kid]i have 1 controller and 2 machines added18:52
jamesbensonI'm not sure how fuel did it, but they were able to deploy openstack over our raid'ed systems....  but trying to migrate off since it's not supported with mirantis anymore.18:52
jamesbensonyeah, we are using kolla now, but also trying to test juju to see how that stability is and also for deployments of other systems...18:52
bdxyeah ... I have done that with fuel too18:53
bdxjamesbenson: I think its arbitrary filesystem path18:53
bdxtry using /srv/osd18:53
jamesbensonshould I deploy juju with lxd then?18:53
bdxjamesbenson: there are a number of ways to go, it all depends on the use case18:54
jamesbensonlol, simple!  we're not fancy here.... ;-)18:54
bdxjamesbenson: first things first, the filesystem backend is going to kill you18:55
bdxI have to be honest18:55
[Kid]jamesbenson, you can only deploy juju to lxd on a single localhost18:55
[Kid]using the localhost provider18:55
jamesbensonwell we want it production potentially so more than devstack env...18:55
bdxjamesbenson: yeah, latest ceph doesn't even work with filesystem backend I don't think (with bluestore and all) ... possibly it does18:56
bdxlast time I tried, I encountered issues18:58
jamesbensonCeph L has xfs as a backend...18:58
bdxI mean do what you want to do18:59
jamesbensonI did this for another rack with Luminous...18:59
jamesbensonusing ceph deploy and manually modified the raid controllers18:59
bdxI see18:59
skayI got a stack trace out of hookenv.log because of inadvertently trying to log too much info, https://paste.ubuntu.com/25831914/19:00
bdxjamesbenson: https://jujucharms.com/ceph-osd/#charm-config-bluestore19:00
skay(I had django.db logging turned to DEBUG)19:00
bdxjamesbenson: you are going to want bluestore, and direct-io19:01
bdxyou just won't be able to take advantage of the goodies with the directory based osd devices19:01
jamesbensonyeah, I was a bit confused as to why bluestore wasn't being used by default...19:01
jamesbensonbut that's how ceph-deploy did it... so I didn't argue.19:02
bdxright, well, ceph-deploy should be how you learn ceph, before professionally deploying with juju19:02
jamesbensoncompletely agree... unfortunately time is my enemy.... and too frequently hope/assume defaults are "good enough" options for us here and dig into it further as necessary.19:07
dvaviliCan Juju be used to deploy P3 instances on AWS that was announced a couple of days back?23:19
shadoxxCan I run Juju on my Maas controller?23:42
bdxdvavili: submit a bug on that and it will get added23:53
bdxshadoxx: you can run the juju client from wherever you install it at23:53
shadoxxbdx: i mean, can i run juju on the same machine as my maas region/rack controller?23:54
bdxshadoxx: run juju(very ambiguous), you mean the juju client?23:55
shadoxxIs there a Juju server?23:56
bdxshadoxx: yes, there are a few different components for aure23:57
bdxThe juju client is what you use to communicate with a juju controller23:57
shadoxxOk, so. Can I install the Juju Controller on the same machine as my MaaS Region/Rack Controller23:58
bdxYou *can*23:58
shadoxxBut not recommended lol23:58
shadoxxI figured that it's not recommended. Just not sure if it was technically possible or not.23:59
bdxIt is definitely possible23:59

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