
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> so we have 1 year with linode to figure about what we want to do after it ends:21:03
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> (Photo, 971x385) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/9jvwPxwL/file_3534.jpg21:03
clivejowhat is owed to yofel and is it being sorted?21:31
valorieI've not seen a bill from him, which is what the KC needs21:39
yofelthat's what I wanted to sum up this weekend, had little time for it lately21:41
valorieok, as long as it's not hurting you21:42
yofelnope, don't worry about that. I would've nagged a bit more loudly if that had been the case21:45
valoriethanks for backstopping it then21:48
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> I'm getting the emails about it22:53
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> @Valoriez22:53
valorieyay, washed my back windows23:09
valorieI'll be happy about that when the dark days hit23:09
clivejosurely when its dark you can't see the dirt?23:10
valorietrue, but I want as much light as possible23:12
valoriewe're north of the 45th parallel and have a lot of dark gray days23:13
valorieand we have a somewhat shady lot, with some very large doug firs23:14
valoriemy front window faces a dogwood which will soon lose its leaves23:14
valoriethat will help23:14

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