
=== el is now known as hel
=== hel is now known as el
studio-user471Hi there08:38
studio-user471I notice that there is no "rosegarden" in the ubuntu studio distribution (LTS 16.03)08:38
studio-user471is there a reason? I learned that as my midi sequencer. Tried ardor and other, found those difficult08:39
sirriffsalotlenHaving recorded a live show with three mics in the back of the room, and also recorded the mixer's line outs directly as well, there naturally is some delay between the two recordings... Any way of making them go together or is it a hopeless endeavour?12:08
OvenWerkssirriffsalotlen: that should be fixable so long as they are recorded as separate tracks. not so much if you have recorded the whole thing into a stereo mix already :) Alsmot all DAWs and audio editors allow nudging individual tracks to match other tracks.15:54
OvenWerkssirriffsalotlen: It is also possible to fix before recording by adding a delay to the line outs being recorded and in fact FOH systems use this when placing speakers under balconies to match the satilite speakes sync to the mains15:56
sirriffsalotlenOvenWerks: yeah, figured it out.. but the solution sounded too simple initially. For once an easy fix in this world of ours :D16:07
* OvenWerks spent 3 days fixing some crashing code last week...16:08

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