
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest62342
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BluesKajHey folks11:10
haroon_Hi everyone, I just installed Ubuntu on a Fujitsu U772 and I'm havin trouble with the battery life it only 2-3 hours and it was about 5 in windows. I wanted to use the eco-mode button, but it doesn't seem to work on ubuntu and I couldn't find a fix for it. Does anyone have a suggestion for me?11:43
Zendayahi motoaz14:39
krobzaur Howdy all, any kde users here? I have a minor issue that I'm irrationally pissed off about. The KWin Task Switcher only allows you to use the arrow keys to scroll through windows for a few of the effects, not all of them. Can I fix this at all?14:48
EtuaHello, I'd like to install Kubuntu but patitioning my hard drive cannot be done either by partman nor gparted. Could you help me with that?14:53
BluesKajlive media or gparted on your system OS14:54
BluesKajEtua, can explain in more detail what you've treid and the resulting errors ?15:04
EtuaBluesKaj, partman included in installer exits with 141 code and GParted does not see partition table even after requested to make up one, it also marks the disk as "unrecognised disk label"15:06
BluesKajok what does df -h show ?15:07
BluesKajpastebin the result please15:07
EtuaBluesKaj, Apparently webbrowser does not work in GParted Live, I have to boot into Kubuntu Live again15:10
BluesKajin the terminal15:11
BluesKajok paste it here if there aren't too many lines15:11
BluesKajsuppose an empty drive won't show too much anyway15:12
EtuaBluesKaj, I have my usb key ready, I'll paste it here in short time.15:13
BluesKajEtua, df -h /dv/sda  for exampale15:13
BluesKajooped /dev/sda15:14
EtuaBluesKaj, pastebin.com/7DZrfC7M15:19
EtuaBluesKaj, It's a result of df -h15:23
BluesKajEtua, do you have important data on the drive that needs saving? If not the I suggest trying to create a new partition table15:24
BluesKajZendaya, if you need halp, just ask here, PMing is frowned upon in support chats15:25
BluesKaj!pm | Zendaya15:27
ubottuZendaya: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.15:27
EtuaBluesKaj, I tried to create a new partition table by GParted but after that it still acts like GPT/MBR/anything is not there.15:29
BluesKajEtua, you could use legacy mode and a msdos table instead, but that's your call15:35
EtuaBluesKaj, It does not work either.15:37
BluesKajEtua, did you change to legacy mode in the uefi/bios ?15:38
EtuaBluesKaj, I have to double-check that15:39
EtuaBluesKaj, Is booting in non-UEFI mode enough or I have to change something else?15:42
BluesKajdon't think there is any other t6han UEFI or non-UEFI15:44
EtuaBluesKay, Kubuntu Live does not boot in non-UEFI mode15:47
BluesKajlegacy and non-uefi are the same thing, just depends how the uefi/bios system names it mode settings15:48
BluesKajEtua, kubuntu live on usb or dvd?15:49
jens_!search hola15:52
EtuaBluesKaj, USB15:53
BluesKajok Etua, make sure you have usb boot enabled in the uefi/bios, and make it boot before the hdd/ssd15:55
BluesKajEtua, and which method/app did you use to create the bootable iso on the usb stick?15:57
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EtuaBluesKaj, Sorry for the late response. I use dd16:07
BluesKajEtua, ok, can you paste the dd command that you used here16:11
EtuaBluesKaj, sudo dd bs=4M if=kubuntu-17.10-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb1 status=progress && sync16:32
BluesKajEtua, the reaon kubuntu won't boot is you nstalled it to /dev/sdb1 instead of /dev/sdb as shown here, https://askubuntu.com/questions/372607/how-to-create-a-bootable-ubuntu-usb-flash-drive-from-terminal ...this is a very common mistake16:36
BluesKajalso make sure the usb is not mounted when using dd16:40
EtuaBluesKaj, I have my USB key listed as /dev/sdb1, will /dev/sdeb work?16:49
OrchardroadI can see polish Play domain!17:00
OrchardroadInnymi slowy: Siema Bracie:)17:02
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EtuaBluesKaj, Are you still there?17:16
emmaI have one torrent in ktorrent that no matter how many times I remove it, it keeps coming back when I restaart ktorrent.17:31
alexsywindowsесть русские?17:40
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Etuaalexsywindows, I suggest asking that question in language-specific room, that way you'll get your anwser quicker.17:51
EtuaCould you help me with ubi-partman? It exits with code 141 and I can't install Kubuntu.18:00
EtuaHello, During Kubuntu installation my progress bar has been frozen. Is that an incorrect behaviour?18:47
clivejoanyone know about ripping DVD's in Kubuntu18:57
mparilloNo, but MakeMKV is recommended here: https://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread.php/70253-Linux-Program-like-Pavtube-for-DVD-to-mkv-rip?p=388401&viewfull=1#post38840119:24
madmouser1or handbrake19:42
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mparilloGood recommendation, madmouser1. I used to use that one myself on Windows. It is a GTK app, right?20:02
_Wens_Hi!  I have problem with akregator in artful. Corrupts the opml file and crashes.20:12
_Wens_Bug #172834720:13
ubottubug 1728347 in akregator (Ubuntu) "Akregator corrupts the opml file and crashes, always." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172834720:13
acheronuk_Wens_: thanks for the report. will investigate in a fix can be done on current package20:52
clivejocan't get handbreak to work :(21:53
clivejogrrr so stupid22:00
clivejodidn't have the DVD in the drive duhhh22:00
* clivejo pokes acheronuk in his big judging eye22:05

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