
erle-Mate keeps resetting the Firefox default page.09:15
erle-What the ...?09:15
gordonjcperle-: packaging bug09:15
erle-How is that even possible that it is altering existing profiles?09:16
gordonjcperle-: it loads a set of defaults when it starts up09:16
gordonjcpsudo apt remove ubuntu-mate-default-settings09:16
erle-better fix that damn package09:28
erle-otherwise other things will be missing09:28
gordonjcperle-: did it try and remove other packages when you took that out?09:35
erle-I did not remove anything, I do not want defaults to disappear just because one single default is wrong09:43
erle-Also this has been this way for a long time, it is not a new sudden bug09:43
erle-it seems intentional09:43
gordonjcpand it doesn't seem to be a particularly high priority either09:43
erle-this is a killer that will disgust people who might be interested in trying Mate09:44
gordonjcp^ that shows you two files that you can delete to stop it doing it09:44
gordonjcpdoes anyone actually change their default starting page these days?09:44
erle-the problem is not the default page09:44
erle-nobody cares09:44
erle-the problem is that it changes your /profile/ at all09:44
erle-Firefox profile09:45
erle-which is completely independent from your installed system09:45
erle-people keep that for years09:45
erle-and sync it with other machines09:45
gordonjcpthen remove the MATE firefox package and install it from Mozilla's site09:45
gordonjcpit's a local modification in the way it's packaged09:46
gordonjcpI think it's wrong, and I think it's a bug that needs addressed, but it's really not a big deal09:46
erle-why is there a Mate Firefox package? it is the generic Ubuntu Firefox package09:46
erle-why is Mate interfering with that in the first place?09:46
gordonjcpyou'd have to ask the package maintainers that09:46
gordonjcppresumably so the home page starts up with MATE branding rather than generic Ubuntu branding09:46
erle-I did not ask you personally, this is the Ubuntu Mate channel, isn't it?09:47
gordonjcpyeah, but at 10am on a Sunday morning we appear to be the only people awake here :-D09:47
erle-"ubuntu-mate-default-settings" does not even sound like that it has anything to do with Firefox09:48
erle-gordonjcp, I am not expecting instant response09:48
gordonjcpif you do "dpkg -L ubuntu-mate-default-settings" you'll see what's in it09:48
gordonjcpI'm not on MATE at the moment and I can't be bothered getting my laptop from the car09:48
gordonjcpto be honest I only noticed the problem a week or so ago when I went to set the default home page on my mum's PC09:51
jrjMorning guys10:00
jrjCan i do a surevey by yoiu guys ?10:36
jrjPlacement of filesm Are you guys:  1. Working on files locally on $HOME and then take backup on a schedule to e.g. Your NAS/Cloud/Whatnot. 2. Work with your files directly off you NAS storage 3: Both ?10:38
gordonjcpusually I work with stuff on the local filesystem10:39
jrjgordonjcp: and then backup on a schedule ?10:39
gordonjcpdepends what it is10:40
jrjLet say your private files10:40
gordonjcpif it's source code for stuff, it's usually in a repository somewhere anyway, either on github or one of my servers10:40
gordonjcpif it's audio stuff I copy it across to a server locally10:41
gordonjcpor video for that matter10:41
jrjSo you have that on a "manually remebering to copy it to your server" sertup ?10:41
jrjIm not pointing fingers - im fighting myself to find a good system10:42
jrjThere is an obvious perfomance gain in having files locally. But then it would have to automatically backup on some scheme - however my machines is not ON 24/710:44
gordonjcpI don't really care much about files locally10:47
gordonjcpI don't back stuff up10:47
gordonjcpnot stuff like source code or config files10:50
gordonjcpall of that is available from some repository or another10:50
jrjSourcecode i guess that you "backup" via GitHub10:56
gordonjcpwell, not github, but a git repository10:56
jrjbut how about your $HOME/.config files10:56
gordonjcpsource code repositories aren't a backup, for much the same reason that RAID isn't10:57
gordonjcpI don't back any config files up10:57
gordonjcpwhat would there be to back up10:57
jrjI know its not backup - but i would imagine the person running you Git does back it up proper10:57
jrjOr at least proper in the sense that me having an NAS (that is then backed up)10:58
gordonjcpthe git repo is replicated across a couple of sites as zfs snapshots, which I guess counts as a backup11:00
jrjit would11:02
jrjmy NAS is running ZFS for the same reason11:02
jrjBut i have files im working on - non-code11:02
jrjEx my list if IP's for all my servers ect11:03
jrjand a WishList and stuff like that11:03
jrjbut obviously those are relative small files/project - so i could just work on the directly from the NAS11:04
jrjVM images was obviously a problem for some time, simply due to their sice. I had them on my local machine for obvious reasons, but backup was VERY much a seldom act.11:04
gordonjcpwhy would you even back them up?11:05
jrjBut now i have moved my VM's to "the cloud" as either VM's or containers - so that is no longer an issue11:05
jrjbecause of the time i spend setting them up11:05
jrji used them on a regular basis - one of them was 3 yo11:06
gordonjcpso, just recreate them when you need them11:06
jrjThat would take alot of time11:06
gordonjcpnot at all11:06
gordonjcpone command and it's done11:06
Channel48So why so quiet inhere?11:37
Channel48ok i,m out this is ghost town11:37
gordonjcpbecause it's Sunday lunchtime, dimwit11:40
EazyG84hello world11:48
EazyG84i just set up so no talking because working11:49
EazyG84not so eazy i think but im heare11:54
EazyG84ok im end now so to the nex time nice day everyone11:55
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laoqijunCan your form china?14:44
SnivyDroidtheres a chat15:30
jrjgordonjcp: Year - the VM in itself will only be 1 command, but all the setup/config i have done within them will take all the time.16:15
jrjBut as said - that have now been moved to the_Clouds16:16
gordonjcpjrj: I don't understand16:31
gordonjcpjrj: are you setting all that stuff up by hand, or something?16:31
gordonjcpwhy aren't you using some configuration management tools?16:32
jrjgordonjcp: well - that would be a balance thing16:36
jrjIf i had a setup where i needed to rebuild stuff over and over again - i would set that up (i do that as my day-job)16:36
gordonjcpif you ever need to set it up once, script it16:37
gordonjcpbecause you're *going to* need to do it again16:37
jrjHowever - since i had backup of my image (that didnt change that much) - hence no need to rebuild it ever16:37
jrjgordonjcp: may i direct you to my statement, that the most central VM have been alive for 3-4 years16:38
gordonjcpuntil it gets 0wned16:38
jrjIt be running within my home network - not exposed any service to internet16:38
jrjBut it did get updates !16:38
jrjI just didnt change the configuration or application installed much16:39
gordonjcpfair enough16:40
jrjgordonjcp: but that is all a mute point now. As i no longer have any local VM's of any importance16:42
jrjI do create one from time to time - for testing stuff/distros - but if i loose that - no one cares16:43
jrjIm going through a totalt Cleanse/setup cycle16:45
jrjEssentially killing alot+++ of old data. Alot of old stuff/projects ect that have been accumulating through the years as i have been thoug several jobs, and hence alot of different tech/interest. Stuff and gear have kept stacking up - to a point of being an unholy mess of stuff, with things spread around different machines, internal/external disks/nas/CloudStorage. So whenever i wanter to do something it was a search for data and finding the right gear for a n16:48
jrjSo i went through alot of cleansin - aka throwing out ALOT of gear. Less choises make it easier to get startet, and not get bogged down on unrekevant "crap"16:49
jrjSo aside for my work-laptop. I have only 1xNAS & 1 main computer now.16:50
jrjThis have been very much a freeing experience16:50
jrj...so now going through the steps of making new choices for setting myself up "from scratch" instead of just repeating what i have done for manymany years16:51
mate|33200Im sick and tired of win 1017:17
mate|33200unstopable update17:17
mate|3557too bad theres no unitz17:22
mate|16618How can I burn an image to flash drive?18:12
mate|16618how can I burn image to flash drive?18:19
Astro7467@mate|16618: gnome disks or install etcher from Software Boutique (easier to use than gDisks)18:32
daleIs it possible to install the newest compiz with emerald theme manager19:41
dalein Ubuntu Mate 17.1019:43
padgalandWhat would be the best tweak GUI for mate?20:36
padgalandor place to get the best tweaks20:36
mate|29764let me join through riot22:25

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