
stavrakisI get "can't find command 'geometry'".00:00
tomreynhmm okay, maybe that's been removed since00:00
tomreynstavrakis: but this really means that your system wont be able to boot directly off the sdcard and you need to load the initrd with all sdcard modules from emmc, then the kernel can be loaded from sdcard.00:01
stavrakistomreyn, so just put the kernel on the emmc?00:03
tomreynstavrakis: initrd yes, the kernel can be on the sdcard (or on the emmc)00:04
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k_szeI get gmon.out files in some of my directories for some reason.00:12
stavrakistomreyn, since I don't really know what is put into the initrd for it to be ~50MB, is it possible to reduce the size by removing unnecessary modules and maybe using lzma instead of gzip?00:15
JFox762I just installed weechat... testing out the IRC client00:20
JFox762I like this00:21
coresBashing-om: thanks!00:26
Bashing-omcores: Hope that helps :)00:26
coresi think it will00:27
coresit does seem kind of... magical00:27
coresbut i have faith00:27
Bashing-omcores: Anything sufficiently technologically advanced ... is magic .00:30
energizerIs it ok if I put "apt autoremove" in root cron?00:47
energizeror, "can you think of any disasters that will result from this?"00:49
Bashing-omenergizer: Why ? as autoremove is available as a function of unattended-upgrades; Unattended-updates is triggered by a daily cronjob: /etc/cron.daily/apt-compat .00:51
energizerBashing-om: oh perfect, thanks00:52
Bashing-omenergizer: :) . See: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2343732 ; https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2339387  <- setting up unattended-upgrades .00:54
firef1yHey, so I just built my newest PC.00:57
firef1yUbuntu is detecting my GPU (NVidia), but not any of the displays attached to it.00:58
firef1yAny idea what the heck is going on here?00:59
firef1yI go to "displays", but only the built-in VGA port shows up.00:59
firef1ybut the card is clearly detected when I "lspci".00:59
firef1y(Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) for reference.01:00
srulii have triple boot, lubuntu ubuntu and win, just made an dist-upgrade on the lubuntu and in grub i only get lubuntu, os-prober shows all 3, update-grub does not, what do i do?01:05
skiboyfiref1y: what's your setup?01:21
firef1yskiboy: NVIDIA 1060 6GB, Supermicro X9DRI-LN4F+, dual Xeon E5-2670.01:24
skiboyfiref1y: what have you done so far, what drivers do you have installed, and are there any relevant logs that you can show us?01:25
firef1yskiboy: nouveau drivers for now. (I'm operating on liveCD for now)  What logs would you like to see.01:25
skiboyfiref1y: nouveau won't work01:26
firef1ylspci shows the card as being there, xrandr shows nothing.01:26
firef1yskiboy: why not?01:26
skiboyfiref1y: You need the closed-source drivers.  Nouveau doesn't play nicely with the new cards that require signed firmware01:27
skiboyfiref1y: Nvidia is the only thing that has ever messed up my system.  Nvidia problems are the least fun to deal with.  I actually came into this channel 2 days ago for a login loop triggered by an Nvidia update01:29
firef1yskiboy: okay, switching to binary drivers...01:30
skiboyfiref1y: I don't like it either, but we have to use their drivers if we want to use any of the new cards and get any functionality01:31
skiboyfiref1y: You're lucky you don't have to deal with Optimus01:32
firef1yI'm surprised that it wouldn't even work on at least a VESA-level without the drivers...01:37
skiboyfiref1y: all I know is that nouveau has been having serious problems with the new cards01:40
kLOsHi, can someone point me in the right direction? I have an LVM volume mounted at / and it's space is full. on the same harddrive i still have 40g unpartitioned space. how do i add this unpartitioned space onto the lvm volume via command line?01:42
kLOs /dev/mapper/xserver--vg-root  5.8G  5.5G   29M 100% /01:42
kLOscurrently looks like this01:42
gogetagreetings plebs01:44
gogeta.join #archlinux01:44
gogetalol forgot the /01:44
tomreynkLOs: since it's /, you'll need to do it while it's not mounted, so from recovery or live media01:49
kLOsjust foudn this01:49
kLOslooks good01:49
kLOsthanks tomreyn01:49
tomreynkLOs: is the encryption layer on top or below the lvm?01:50
kLOsgood question01:50
tomreyni.e. do you have a single encrypted LV or are all LVs encrypted as a whole?01:50
kLOsall done01:52
kLOsthe tutorial above worked01:53
tomreynso dmcrypt-luks is below lvm01:54
firef1yskiboy: I'm now fixing the 20 other issues that I found in the course of fixing the first one.01:54
firef1yhopefully I'll get the drivers installed soon.01:54
kLOsseems so tomeryn01:55
kLOsjust rebooted and all good01:55
kLOsso i guess i'm good01:55
kLOsthanks tho!01:55
tomreynfiref1y, skyboy: you could buy that other companies' hardware instead, who develop an open source driver for linux and whom torvalds has not had reason to raise his special finger for, yet.01:59
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skiboytomreyn: They aren't commonly used in laptops02:05
skiboytomreyn: besides, I need CUDA for Blender02:06
firef1ytomreyn: One word: CUDA.02:12
dunpealHi. In Ubuntu 16.04, is there any "default" firewall running on vanilla installs?02:33
firef1ydunpeal: not to my knowledge.02:34
EleanorEllisdunpeal: The default firewall is iptables but it's not configured to do anything out of the box. You need to setup rules for it using something like ufw02:36
EleanorEllisHas anyone managed to get ad blocking using dbab and dnsmasq working on a standalone laptop? https://github.com/suntong/dbab02:39
MarkB2Hello.  I've attached a Velleman K8055 USB I/O device to a Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64-bit system.. and it works with libusb and libk8055 installed.03:36
MarkB2But using the k8055 utility puts an error message into syslog:  usb 5-2: usbfs: interface 0 claimed by usbfs while 'k8055' sets config #103:37
MarkB2Could someone offer a ..clue.. as to how to get rid of that message?03:38
enavhello, my wireless mouse freezes for half second every 2 seconds more or less after systems recovers from sleep. I suspect from TLP maybe not sure03:47
enavcable is plugged03:47
enavah sorry03:47
enavit got new batteries even rechargable batteries03:48
enavi wonder what i can do debug this03:48
enavany idea?04:03
enavi just noticed that is i disconnect the mouse transmitter put the laptop to sleep, wake it up and connect the mouse it works fine again04:04
Jordan_Uenav: Any relevant looking messages in dmesg?04:10
enavi have no idea what dmesg is04:11
Jordan_Uenav: "dmesg" prints the messages from the kernel's ring buffer, which gives you verbose information about events happening in the kernel and often has useful information when debugging hardware problems.04:13
enavshall i run that command on CLI ?04:13
Jordan_Uenav: Please run "dmesg" in a terminal and post the output it produces to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com then post the link to the output here.04:14
enavmouse is working fine right now04:14
enavlet me put the laptop to sleep and wake it up to recreate the issue04:14
enavi copied the bits with red text that seems to be errors04:18
enavnow im supper sure it is TLP04:20
enavstarted TLP, put the laptop to sleep and then wakeup, now the mouse works at interval04:21
enavintervals *04:21
Jordan_Uenav: TLP?04:22
enavyah TLP this popular battery saving utility04:22
Jordan_Uenav: Do you have this problem when TLP is not running?04:23
enavim not04:23
enavseems like TLP turn off the USB ports at short interval04:23
enavbut happens only after wakeup04:24
enavif i pkill tlp and wake the laptop the issue goes away04:24
enavjust removed tlp and problem is solved04:32
enavthanks for the help anyways04:32
rhctHello everyone.04:45
rhctQuestion : I am using ubuntu 14.04 as kvm guest, The interface is having static ipv4/ipv6 and works very well with virtio support, The problem is i am using ipv6 tunnel as well, when i make my tunnel up, the native ipv6 which is configured on eth0, stops working, ipv4 on eth0 is working fine, and if i make the other tunnel down, the native again start working. I have checked routes, which cannot04:50
rhctbe the reason, as both the native ipv6 and tunnel ipv6 have different interfaces.04:50
TheDabMasterWhy not add more versions of VirtualBox besides 5.0 into the Ubuntu repo such as 4.0 5.1 and 5.2?06:08
rhctQuestion : I am using ubuntu 14.04 as kvm guest, The interface is having static ipv4/ipv6 and works very well with virtio support, The problem is i am using ipv6 tunnel as well, when i make my tunnel up, the native ipv6 which is configured on eth0, stops working, ipv4 on eth0 is working fine, and if i make the other tunnel down, the native again start working. I have checked routes, which06:14
rhctcannot be the reason, as both the native ipv6 and tunnel ipv6 have different interfaces.06:14
geek0584hi everyone... kinda simple question i hope.... i am trying to setup email on my server for my domain... i did the whole setup from digital ocean.com to install postfix... its working however i am looking for something that can be pop3 and accessed from my phone and other devices06:20
geek0584hrmm no one around?06:21
geek0584anyone lurking around06:47
geek0584hi everyone... kinda simple question i hope.... i am trying to setup email on my server for my domain... i did the whole setup from digital ocean.com to install postfix... its working however i am looking for something that can be pop3 and accessed from my phone and other devices06:50
cool_dudehi how to limit cpu usage for c++ program07:32
cool_dudeany info will be helpful07:32
SwedeMikecool_dude: limit it in what way?07:34
cool_dude% of cpu07:34
cool_dudelike i have folder call program07:34
cool_dudein that folder i have c++ program so want that program to use equal to or less then % of cpu07:35
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cool_dudenot working07:49
cool_dudehow to kill all process07:55
ikoniacool_dude: you don't kill all processes07:55
ikoniacool_dude: what are you actually trying to achieve here07:55
cool_dudei have pid07:55
ikoniawhat ?07:55
cool_dudeprocess id07:55
ikoniahow do you want to kill it,07:55
ikoniathe kill command responds to PID07:55
opencwMy system get an Kernel panic - not syncing: Out of memory and no killable processes after few hours. It's Lubuntu 17.10 with 2 GB ram and 8 GB swap file. Any solutions?08:00
ikoniasounds like you're just out of ram08:00
ikoniaI suspect something is eating it up quickly and swap is trying to keep it alive until there is nothing left08:01
opencwdo i need a bigger swap?08:01
SwedeMikeopencw: use "top" or similar program to track what programs are using memory. You can also use "free" to check memory usage over time.08:01
ikoniaopencw: no08:01
SwedeMikeopencw: if you run out of 8GB swap with 2GB RAM then something is seriously wrong.08:01
SwedeMikeopencw: find out what's using that memory and if that is normal for that process.08:02
Ben642GB is just too low for most things08:02
opencwit has only a emmc flash as drive08:03
SwedeMikeBen64: well, sure, but we should figure out what the probem is before he goes out and buys more RAM (if his platform is even expandable)08:03
opencwno can't upgrade :-)08:04
SwedeMikeopencw: if you run things on it that means you use swap a lot, then you're most likely going to kill that emmc flash drive in short time.08:04
opencwit's an ultrabook08:04
opencwoh, ok08:04
cool_dudewhen use cpulimit command it stucks at like Process 25928 detected08:11
cool_dudedoes it take time to cpu limit08:12
ikoniacool_dude: what exactly are you trying to do ?08:12
cool_dudei want to limit process08:12
udzguruhello all. my mysql server won't start anymore. all i get is some mysterious apparmor denied messages. can anyone help?08:12
ikoniacool_dude: why ?08:12
cool_dudebecause it uses 100% cpu08:13
ikoniacool_dude: what is the process ?08:13
cool_dudemd5sum /dev/zero &08:13
ikoniacool_dude: grow up08:13
ikoniacool_dude: what do you think that is going to do08:13
cool_dudei didn’t understand08:14
ikoniawhy are you running a checksum of /dev/zero and backgrounding it08:14
cool_dudethat is example process08:14
skiboycool_dude: Please stop trolling.  This is a support channel08:14
ikoniawhat is the REAL problem08:14
ikoniacool_dude: give us the real problem, not an exmple08:14
skiboycool_dude: if you want to limit processes, use cgroups08:15
cool_dudecgroups not working on ubuntu08:15
cool_dudecgroups is what i most like08:15
ikoniacool_dude: what is the process you are trying to limit08:15
ikoniaactually, forget it, I'm not interested08:16
cool_dudejust giving command will help you08:16
cool_dudeto understand08:16
ikoniayou gave an incorrect example08:16
ikoniaI asked for the real problem08:16
ikoniaor real context08:16
ikoniaI'm not intersted08:16
cool_dudeuse 100% of cpu08:16
cool_dudei want to limit it to use 50%08:17
cool_dudethis is the real problem08:17
cool_dudewhen try cpulimit it stopped at Process 25928 detected08:17
cool_dudenice also didn’t work08:18
cool_dudeand when i tried to install cgroups using apt-get install it says no packages08:18
cool_dudethat’s all now who can help me ?08:19
udzgurucan someone explain to me why apparmor suddenly denies to start the mysql server?08:22
ikoniasuddenly ?08:22
udzguruyeah ... yesterday everything was running smoothly08:23
ikoniaso what have you done to the system since it was last started ?08:24
udzgurui have done nothing. that's why i call it mysterious!08:24
ikoniawhat seems unlikely08:25
udzgurui can't find any problems in the logs08:25
ikoniawhy does apparmor say it's blocking it08:25
udzguruok i changed the fstab for some smb-mounts .. i remember ... but that has nothing to do with the mysql server08:25
udzguruwait ... i will paste the error message08:26
ikoniaso you have changed things08:26
ikoniawhat else08:26
udzguruthat is everything. really08:27
ikoniamysql community server08:28
ikoniais that the version that ships with ubuntu ? or from an external repo08:28
udzguruit is the package you get when installing mysql-server08:28
udzguruso it is from the repo08:29
ikonianever seen it referenced as community08:29
udzguruthere are no third party repos active08:29
ikoniawhere is your mysql data stored ?08:29
udzgurui did not change any storage locations on the mysql server08:30
ikoniawhere is your mysql data stored ?08:30
udzguruso probably the default location /var/lib/mysql/ i guess08:30
udzguruyeah ... just checked08:31
ikoniarun the apparmor error explain plan against the mysql profile08:31
udzguruhow do i do this?08:31
ikonianot got apparmor here, hang on, I'll have to check the docs08:32
ikonia(have you checked the apparmor docs)08:32
udzgurui tried understanding apparmor ... but it is a little cryptic to me to be honest08:32
ikoniawhy are you using it then ?08:33
ikoniajust disable it08:33
udzguruit's there by default ... and probably with a good reason i guess08:33
ikonianot if you don't know how to use / interact with it08:33
udzguruwell you might be right08:33
ikoniamysql looks like it's trying to access proc08:34
ikonialook in the apparmor profile in /etc/apparmor.d and see if the mysql policy allows that08:34
udzguruthe file usr.sbin.mysqld does not contain anything with /proc as far as i can see08:37
ikoniaudzguru: so that may explain why it's being a problem08:38
ikoniaudzguru: have you had any updates applied to the host ?08:38
udzguruthe system is up-to-date08:38
udzguruand i did not change anything regarding the apparmor profile manually.08:39
udzgurui looked at the file for the first time today08:39
ikoniaudzguru: it's up to date....when did you apply updates08:40
udzgurui do that everyday. so yesterday afternoon.08:40
ikoniaso when I asked "what's changed" and you said "nothing"08:40
udzguruthere were no updates available08:41
ikoniayou've a.) changed fstab b.) applied updates08:41
udzguruso ... no changes since then08:41
ikoniawhen did you APPLY updates08:41
ikoniathat means updates happened08:41
udzgurui think thursday ... there was an update for systemd if i remember correctly08:41
udzgurui just run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade daily08:42
cool_dudeikonia thanks for so called help08:42
udzguruyesterday in the evening the server was running just fine.08:42
cool_dudebut that really worked08:42
skiboycool_dude: cgroups is a kernel feature, not a package08:46
skiboycool_dude: apt search cgroups08:46
cool_dudebut i have to dl cgroups-tools08:46
skiboycool_dude: yes08:46
skiboycool_dude: and the cgroups daemon08:47
cool_dudei haven’t did that08:47
cool_dudenecessary ?08:48
ikoniacool_dude: I told you I wasn't interested, dont be sarcastic08:48
rhctQuestion : I am using ubuntu 14.04 as kvm guest, The interface is having static ipv4/ipv6 and works very well with virtio support, The problem is i am using ipv6 tunnel as well, when i make my tunnel up, the native ipv6 which is configured on eth0, stops working, ipv4 on eth0 is working fine, and if i make the other tunnel down, the native again start working. I have checked routes, which08:48
rhctcannot be the reason, as both the native ipv6 and tunnel ipv6 have different interfaces.08:48
rhcthere is the pastepin link08:48
skiboysudo apt-get install cgroup-bin cgroup-lite cgroup-tools cgroupfs-mount libcgroup108:49
ikoniaudzguru: the server was running ( I suspect ) because between the last time you started it and the time now an apparmor change / mysql change has happened08:49
ikoniaudzguru: apparmor doesn't randomly start to block things - so something must have changed the policy08:49
skiboycool_dude: follow this https://askubuntu.com/questions/836469/install-cgconfig-in-ubuntu-16-0408:49
ikoniaor you've changed the config to make the policy not comply08:49
udzguruyeah the server was running. i did definitvely no changes to apparmor or mysql config.08:50
cool_dudethanks skiboy08:50
ikoniaudzguru: thats why I asked about updates08:51
udzgurulet me think ... is there a way to see which updates have been installed lately?08:51
ikoniathere is a apt history command08:52
udzguruthese were the last updates that were installed on 2017-10-27: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25842908/08:56
udzguruso i was right there was an update to systemd08:57
ikoniasomething has changed then08:57
ikoniabut either way you have a choice of updating the profile or disabling apparmor08:58
udzguruok ... is there any guided way to update such a profile? i already googled for reprofile or reconfigure08:59
ikoniaso you need to add "read" permissoins to /proc looking at your output08:59
ikoniaso you need something like r /proc/ in the mysql profile08:59
udzguruand i also found out that there is a enforced mode (which mysql seems to be in) and a complain mode08:59
ikoniathats pretty much what it says on the tin, enforce it, or warn about it09:00
udzgurui will try to add read to /proc ... gimme a sec09:02
unimatrix9hi there09:13
unimatrix9is there a way to slowdown networkmanager at startup ?09:16
udzguruikonia, i reprofiled now ... there are no more apparmor errors. but mysql still does not want to come up :(09:17
EriC^^unimatrix9: why?09:18
unimatrix9booting from ssd is so fast that it alway's struggles with wifi09:20
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unimatrix9then i have to reset network manager to get it running09:21
EriC^^unimatrix9: struggles how?09:21
unimatrix9cant get it up and fails , sometime, not alway's09:21
EriC^^unimatrix9: put a reset network manager that runs later09:21
unimatrix9hmm, reset script in sessions , something like that ?09:22
unimatrix9would be nicer to just slow the startup of the networkmanager a bit..09:23
EriC^^unimatrix9: i'm not sure how that'd affect other stuff, try first "sudo crontab -e" and add the line @reboot systemctl restart networkmanager09:24
EriC^^unimatrix9: which ubuntu version is it?09:24
ikoniaudzguru: what does the error state now09:24
ikoniaudzguru: (nice job updating the profile too)09:24
unimatrix91604.3 lts09:25
EriC^^unimatrix9: ok use that command09:25
udzguruikonia, https://paste.ubuntu.com/25843022/09:26
udzguruthat's in the syslog09:26
unimatrix9ok thanks09:27
udzgurui am currently checking the systemd mysql service file09:27
EriC^^unimatrix9: no problem09:27
* unimatrix9 afk09:27
udzgurueverything there seems to be fine as far as i can tell09:28
ikoniaudzguru: it seems someone has changed your system09:29
ikoniaudzguru: as the startup argument AND apparmor dont just get changed on their own09:29
ikoniaudzguru: get the systemd startup output too09:30
udzguruthat would be journalctl?09:30
udzgurunothing obvious i would say09:32
udzguruthe INVALIDARGUMENT part irritates me09:33
ikoniaudzguru: always try starting it manually09:34
unimatrix9 i will be back ;)09:40
udzguruikonia, i was just disconnected. sorry.09:40
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EriC^^unimatrix9: ok09:41
demophobiaCan I splitscreen applications in lubuntu?09:43
demophobiain ubuntu 16.04?09:43
* demophobia reads https://askubuntu.com/questions/586424/how-do-i-display-two-windows-as-split-screen09:43
demophobiaon a laptop, can't get suggested shortcut to work ...09:45
demophobiafound it: super left and super right -- but they overlap!09:46
demophobiathey don't align :(09:46
Svetait may help to upload a screenshot of the problem09:46
demophobiaI'm low on cellphone bandwidth for a few days ... I suppose this is good enough for now. Thank you.09:46
udzgurumanually starting the mysql server just brings the same results09:50
udzguruand systemd seems to be continually trying to start mysql and fails.09:51
doug16ksince upgrade, I can't use windows key for copy/paste/etc when I am remote controlling clients (super-C super-V  D:). is there a way to turn off the gnome desktop keybinds when a specific program has focus?10:01
doug16kit worked in unity10:01
doug16kI could have sworn there was something in ccsm but I can't find it anymore10:01
doug16krules or something10:02
doug16koh, I meant mac clients, and their ridiculous option key which is super on my end10:03
doug16kgnome seems to entirely take over the super key, not passing it through to the program if it doesn't recognize the combination, which is ridiculous10:05
bazhangdoug16k, are you on 17.1010:06
bazhangdoug16k, have you added extensions from the gnome extensions site10:07
doug16kno, it is all defaults10:07
bazhangdoug16k, you might wish to check there for something more suitable to you10:07
billythekidohello gius10:12
udzgurusystemd sometimes frustrates me ...10:12
billythekidoIf I update ubuntu 16.04 to 17.10, my understanding is that I have to update first to 17.04. Will this install unity 8 to my system?10:13
billythekidoI don't really want to put unity 8 in my system, I would like to avoid it. any thoughts? Thanks a lot in advance :)10:14
alkisgbillythekido: you need 16.10, then 17.04, then 17.1010:14
alkisgAnd 2 of them are unsupported10:15
alkisgUnity 8...? Do you mean gnome, that 17.10 uses?10:15
billythekido@alkig kalimera10:16
alkisgkalimera :)10:16
billythekidoI want to move to gnome. The intermediate version had unity 8.10:16
alkisgNo Ubuntu shipped with unity 810:16
alkisgUnity 7?10:16
alkisgWhat's the output of `ls /usr/share/xsessions` on your system?10:16
billythekidoI'm defintitely on unity 710:17
billythekidoI thought one of the intermediate versions had 810:17
billythekidoso I guess I got my answer :)10:17
alkisgNo, 8 was never production quality10:17
alkisgOnly alpha10:17
billythekidohehehe. thanks a lot mate :)10:17
billythekidodid u upgrade by any chance?10:17
alkisgI'm using MATE10:17
billythekidooh ok :)10:18
alkisgI tested Gnomein 17.10 though10:18
billythekidome too10:18
billythekidoon a VM10:18
billythekidoit's reasonably stable10:18
billythekidoI'm off to upgrade the system. euxaristo poli!10:19
* alkisg wonders if do-release-upgrade actually works for unsupported releases like 16.04 => 16.10 => 17.04 => 17.10... 10:22
alkisgUpgrading _from_ an unsupported release sounds fine, pointing to archives, but _to_ an unsupported release...10:22
udzgurumy mysql server won't start. anyone willing to take a look into this with me?10:28
ikoniaudzguru: not getting anywhere ?10:28
eb0twhat issue are you getting udzguru and how are you trying to start it10:29
udzgurui'm trying to start it with systemd10:29
eb0thave you checked the unit file exists10:29
ikoniaeb0t: what ??10:29
udzgurujeah it exits10:29
eb0tah ok...what error is it throwing10:30
ikoniaudzguru: share where you're up to and the current issue10:30
eb0tikonia what do you want to know10:30
ikoniaeb0t: the problem10:30
eb0twell i dont know it yet ..10:30
ikoniaeb0t: right, so telling him to randomly check files seems foolish10:31
ikoniauntil you actually know the problem10:31
eb0tnothing random about anything i have said10:31
udzgurui haven't made any progress ... still trying to start the mysql server via sudo service mysql start gets me this https://paste.ubuntu.com/25843049/10:31
eb0ti approach every issue from the beginning10:31
eb0tfrom start to finish10:31
eb0tnothing random10:31
ikoniait is random10:31
ikoniachecking if files exist10:31
eb0trandom to someone who hasnt got a clue what is going on maybe10:31
udzguruand systemd seems to be continually trying to start the server (when i tail syslog i see the same errors all the time)10:32
ikoniawhen you have no details of the problem10:32
ikoniaeb0t: why didn't you check what user he was trying to start it as, check if his shell was valid, they are equally as valid and random10:32
doug16kkeyboard shortcuts in qt programs don't work either in gnome. if the OK button has the O underlined, alt+o won't trigger the button. worked in unity :(10:33
eb0tmysqld --help10:33
eb0trun that udzguru and see what error it throws10:33
ikoniaeb0t: that won't show you the error10:33
ikoniathat will show you the help output10:33
udzgurueb0t, that just gives me a generic information about mysql10:34
doug16kalso broke fullscreen applications. tf2 will have a weird blank area where the taskbar/panel are and everything is shifted, if you alt-tab out and back10:34
doug16kalso broke alt-space x to maximize windows. there are no shortcuts on the alt-space window10:35
eb0tCheck logs in /var/log/mysql10:35
doug16kalt-space menu*10:35
doug16kgnome appears to be optimized for grandma, not developers10:36
ikoniadoug16k: enough please10:36
eb0tyour approach is random ikonia10:38
eb0tmine isnt10:38
eb0tlike you just sadi mysqld --help is basically useless10:39
ikoniaeb0t: I've not suggested anything yet10:39
eb0tyet i know it will lead to the solution10:39
ikoniaeb0t: I didn't say it was useless, I said it displays the help output10:39
eb0tso basically when you dont understand you should just sit quietly and learn10:39
eb0trather than spouting sillyness10:39
ikoniaeb0t: I understand just fine10:39
eb0tno you dont otherwise you wouldint have said such a comical response10:40
ikoniaeb0t: please explain what is comical ?10:40
eb0t ikonia | eb0t: right, so telling him to randomly check files seems foolish10:40
ikoniaeb0t: it is10:40
eb0tikonia | it is random10:40
cool_dudehey i have too process in ubuntu i want to link them10:40
udzgurueb0t, the logfile is cryptic to me ...10:41
ikoniaeb0t: it is random10:41
ikoniaeb0t: you have no reason to think systemd is a problem yet, you've got no error output to suggest systemd is succeeding/failing10:41
cool_dudelink them in sensewhen 1 starts others start automatically10:41
ikoniaeb0t: yet you tell him to check the unit file10:41
eb0tyes well print out the bottom part of the log file or antying you think may be relevant udzguru10:41
eb0tall i know is it doesnt start10:41
eb0tso i dont know the situation so my first issue is to ensure he has the correct unit files10:42
cool_dudeedit : link them in sense when 1 starts others start automatically and ont stops or kills other is kill or stops automatically10:42
eb0tfrom there which he does10:42
eb0tmy second is to get the output of the start error10:42
eb0tthen from there i get him to start the daemon and analsye the log file10:42
eb0tthen from there i check the errors in the file and trace them down10:42
eb0tnothing random at all10:43
eb0ttotally structured...totally clear approach10:43
ikoniaeb0t: randomly check files, randomly print --help output, then told to check logs10:43
ikoniano structure there at all10:43
eb0tnothing random abotu it10:43
ikoniafocus on fixing his problem then10:43
eb0tbut ilike i said ..to someone a bit thick ..i expect it to seem random10:43
udzguruheres the bottom part https://paste.ubuntu.com/25843308/10:44
ikoniaudzguru: lets have a look now the noise is gone10:44
ikoniaudzguru: what is that the output from10:45
udzguruthe mysql log file is cryptic. but there are several "alarming" buzzwords in it10:45
ikoniait contains part of a stack trace10:45
ikoniasuggesting it's crashing10:45
ikoniaudzguru: something must have happened to your machine, you're getting mysql crashing now and the apparmor profile was wrong10:46
cool_dudecan i do that on ubuntu10:46
udzguruat first i suspected harddrive issues ...10:46
ikoniaudzguru: it's possible, but seems unlikley10:46
udzgurui checked its smart values they seem fine10:46
ikoniaudzguru: as that wouldn't explain the apparmor change10:47
ikoniaone moment to read through this properly, as it's quite a few longer lines in it10:47
ikoniaudzguru: so there is an interesting comment about corruption of the database page, which is noramlly dumped out of ram10:49
ikoniaudzguru: you then see it try to create a memory trap10:49
ikoniaudzguru: you then see it try to back trace, so it's not that it can't start, it's starting and crashing10:49
ikoniaudzguru: %100 something has happened to your machine that you're not aware of10:50
udzgurujeah ... i saw that there were "errors" and some other worrysome words in the log .. but I cannot understand everything10:50
wrksxhey guys10:51
ikoniaudzguru: there is a recover option for the database - we can try setting that see if it fails to recover10:51
ikoniaI can't remember the otion off the top of my head so I'll need to look it up10:51
ikoniaudzguru: if it fails to recover it may give an idea of why though10:51
udzguruprobably makes sense to backup the databases first i guess?10:52
ikoniaudzguru: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/forcing-innodb-recovery.html10:52
ikoniaudzguru: %101 backup the database first10:52
ikoniaudzguru: there is an intersting comment on this page (lucky find as I was looking for the recovery option it shows)10:53
ikoniaudzguru: dumping the corrupted tables and restarting and it fixed it10:53
ikoniaudzguru: I'd say backup and reboot before doing this though10:53
ikonia(clean ram, clean system, clear the logs)10:53
ikoniaudzguru: so that innodb_forece_recovery option seems to be the correct recovery mode for innodb10:54
ikoniaudzguru: does it make sense to you what's being suggested ?10:55
gambl0reubuntu is running slowing side my vm windows....it has 2cpu 4gb. anything else to do?10:55
doug16kgambl0re, what OS is the guest?10:58
EriC^^gambl0re: which vm program?10:58
gambl0replease dont tell me to go to #vbox because that channel is dead10:58
EriC^^gambl0re: did you give it maximum graphics memory?10:58
gambl0relike walking dead10:58
doug16kyou will probably get great performance if you use RDP to remote control it10:58
gambl0reEriC^^, yes10:59
doug16kit runs like bare hardware for me with RDP10:59
gambl0rei dont know what is rdp10:59
gambl0reim looking for the easiest solution10:59
doug16kthe windows remote control. something like remmina (there are several remote control clients to choose from)10:59
gambl0rei dont want to install a new lightweight linux os10:59
doug16kRDP = Remote Desktop Protocol11:00
EriC^^gambl0re: how much memory did you give ubuntu?11:00
gambl0redoug16k, i dont know what is remmina!11:00
gambl0re4gb, should i give more11:01
EriC^^gambl0re: no that's enough11:01
EriC^^gambl0re: did you install the guest-additions-iso in ubuntu?11:03
gambl0rei did all this about 1+ year ago...only now am i trying to fix this11:03
EriC^^gambl0re: how is it slow?11:03
gambl0rei've been suffering for 1 year now with slow performance11:04
gambl0rehow is it slow? because doing anything feels like molasses11:04
RobTheBuilderHallo-hallo. I'm looking at Xubuntu since it's free and lightweight. Up until about 5 minutes ago I was told that the harddrive on this laptop was completely shot. Now I learned that it is potentially working and just empty. How would I be able to tell (I haven't clicked 'install' yet) if the built-in harddrive is working?11:05
doug16kgambl0re, is hardware virtualization enabled in your BIOS?11:05
gambl0reopening apps, typing lags, moving the cursor around is unresponsive11:05
gambl0reyes i did that hyper-v-terminalization setting in bios11:05
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX    (get the hdd from sudo parted -l and replace sdX)11:06
udzguruikonia, i put the line into the mysql.cnf file and now the server starts ...11:06
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: pastebin the results in paste.ubuntu.com and share here11:06
ikoniaudzguru: so it actually recovered ?11:06
udzguruseems so11:06
wrksxafter update I got this message: the array /dev/md1 [...] is currently active, but it is not listed in mdadm.conf. [...] if it is needed for boot, then YOUR SYSTEM IS NOW UNBOOTABLE!11:06
ikoniaudzguru: ok - so set that parameter back to 0 and see if it's actually recovered (restarting it)11:07
wrksxand the same one on /dev/md311:07
ikoniaudzguru: if it's recoverd, it will start, if it's not, it will fail and that command just bypassed the problem as it couldn't actually recover it11:07
doug16kgambl0re, what cpu do you have? amd or intel?11:07
wrksxbut I checked /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf and both are listed11:07
wrksxI don't get it.11:07
RobTheBuilderIt's installing s-nail EriC^^11:07
gambl0reintel i311:07
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: s-nail?11:08
udzguruit still fails to start after removing the recoverything11:08
gambl0reEriC^^, yes erik, moves like a snail11:09
RobTheBuilderhttps://pastebin.com/3PLVtTZJ EriC^^11:09
EriC^^gambl0re: i was talking to RobTheBuilder :)11:09
doug16kgambl0re, run this command: sudo apt-get install cpu-checker    then run this command: kvm-ok    does it say "KVM acceleration can be used"?11:09
EriC^^gambl0re: sorry, i've no idea of your problem, hopefully doug16k can help you out or someone else who knows about it11:10
gambl0rewill this fix the issue?11:10
udzgurustill with the INALIDARGUMENT error in the journalctl11:10
BluesKajHey folks11:10
ikoniaudzguru: ok - so put the parameter back to "1" and we'll need to look at dumping the problem tables11:10
doug16kgambl0re, this will tell you if it is one issue that will cause horrible performance, yes. if it says "KVM acceleration can be used" then it is something else11:10
gambl0reif you can fix this, i will send you money. im serious11:11
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: get the hdd from sudo parted -l and replace sdX11:12
RobTheBuilderEriC^^: I don't understand11:12
gambl0rewhy do i need to install more packages?11:12
alkisgRobTheBuilder: instead of sdX, you need to put sda or sdb11:12
alkisgTo find out the exact letter, run: sudo parted -l11:12
RobTheBuilderOH derp lol okay11:12
gambl0redoug16k, why do i need to install more packaes11:13
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"11:13
udzguruok the server is running in recovery mode again11:13
doug16kgambl0re, you probably already have the package installed, I only said that command to be thorough11:13
gambl0redoug16k, you there?11:13
gambl0reINFO: Your CPU does not support KVM extensions11:13
gambl0reINFO: For more detailed results, you should run this as root11:13
gambl0reHINT:   sudo /usr/sbin/kvm-ok11:13
gambl0rethats the result11:14
alkisgdoug16k, gambl0re: note that gambl0re is using windows, so he can't install cpu-checker in the host. And if he install it in the guest, of course it'll say it can't use kvm.11:14
RobTheBuilderEriC^^: https://pastebin.com/nYdBJkdw11:14
RobTheBuilderso it looks like there's only the thumbdrive11:14
ikoniaudzguru: have a look at that link and the user comments on them11:14
doug16kalkisg, what? his guest is windows. he's in the #ubuntu room11:14
ikoniaudzguru: they look quite useful11:14
gambl0rehi alkisg, hows going?11:14
alkisgdoug16k: he was here yesterday too :)11:14
alkisgHi gambl0re11:14
doug16kgambl0re, the problem is you don't have hardware virtualization capability in your cpu11:14
alkisgdoug16k: his host is windows, his guest is ubuntu11:14
gambl0redoug16k, i said im using windows host suing ubuntun vm11:14
doug16kalkisg, that's funny because he just posted the output of kvm-ok11:14
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: pastebin the output of "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda"11:14
alkisgdoug16k: right, from the guest11:15
doug16khe said the guest is windows earlier11:15
gambl0redoug16k, yes i do. i enabled hyper-v terminalization in bios, i remember.11:15
alkisgdoug16k: where? :)11:15
alkisgJust trying to save you some time, is all :D11:15
doug16k<doug16k> gambl0re, what OS is the guest?11:15
doug16k<gambl0re> windows11:15
alkisg(01:14:53 μμ) gambl0re: doug16k, i said im using windows host suing ubuntun vm11:15
alkisgYou can ask him again if you have doubts11:16
gambl0remy computer is windows using ubuntu11:16
doug16koh I don't have doubts. I'm going on what he said when I asked the guest11:16
doug16knevermind then, good luck gambl0re11:17
RobTheBuilderhttps://pastebin.com/E5T48CHg EriC^^11:17
alkisgOK, that's the extend of my tries to clear up the misunderstanding there :)11:17
doug16kalkisg, thanks11:17
alkisgnp :)11:17
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: looks like a perfectly healthy hdd11:18
doug16kgambl0re, sorry I don't use virtualbox and I havent used windows as host for years11:18
alkisggambl0re: do you have an ubuntu live cd to boot your host with? You can check then if your VM works fast or not from there.11:18
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: can you pastebin the output of "dmesg | grep sda" just to see if it has any info?11:18
RobTheBuilderEriC^^: the only drive i saw it recognize was the 8gig one?11:18
gambl0rei feel like i'm in a call centre. yesterday somebody in this channel told me to ask my question in #windows. then someone in #windows told me to ask in #vbox. then a person in told me in #vbox to ask in #ubuntu11:18
alkisgSo if it's an issue with windows, you'll know where to search for a solution11:18
gambl0rei'm going around in circles11:19
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: ok11:19
RobTheBuilderEriC^^: or are you seeing something i'm not?11:19
EriC^^gambl0re: can you please hold11:19
doug16kgambl0re, for future reference, the "guest" is the OS running inside the VM. the "host" is the machine running the vm software11:19
gambl0renobody wants to help11:19
mpmcgambl0re: I know the feeling!11:19
gambl0rethats cool though....11:19
RobTheBuilderI would if I knew more than 2 things about ubuntu11:20
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: no, it looks fine, pastebin the command above, and we'll try to zero out the start of the disk and make a fresh partition table and you can try installing again11:20
=== albech2 is now known as albech
alkisggambl0re: do you have an ubuntu live cd to boot your pc with that one instead of windows, so that we check if the VM goes fast from there?11:21
gambl0realkisg, no11:21
Jkgeneralhello, I need a package that says that need python greater than the one I have updated. I installed a ppa with that python but the program says the same is like the program didnt notice the new version11:22
alkisgOK, if you ever want to download and test one, I can help you with that11:22
RobTheBuilderhttps://pastebin.com/5mWnWxKW EriC^^11:22
ikoniawhy would running a vm from a livecd already in ram be a good idea11:22
gambl0rei dont have a cd player11:22
gambl0reor dvd burner11:22
alkisggambl0re: use a usb stick then11:22
alkisgLive usb stick11:22
Jkgeneralhow I can do all the EXPORT PATH thing needed?11:22
ikoniagambl0re: let me get this clear, you're running Windows, you are then running an ubuntu VM via virtual box ?11:22
gambl0reikonia, affirmative11:22
alkisgikonia: because he claims he has enabled vt-x and I don't believe him :)11:22
gambl0realkisg, it's true.11:23
gambl0rewhy dont you believe me.11:23
ikoniaalkisg: a livecd won't prove/disprove that11:23
alkisgSo with ubuntu live stick we could easily check, and also run kvm to see if it goes fast or not11:23
ikoniagambl0re: and your ubuntu machine is running slow ?11:23
doug16khe said he has it set to some hyper-v option. so I have doubts about the config11:23
alkisgikonia: how come? just check /proc/cpuinfo11:23
gambl0reikonia, affirmative11:23
Jkgeneralalso, I have another computer with Ubuntu 14.0411:23
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: type "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda count=10000 && sync"11:23
ikoniaalkisg: ahhh, I see what you wanted, I thought you where saying run the vm from a livecd11:23
Jkgeneraland I did an update and the new nvidia drive was collapsed, so the session wont start11:23
ikoniagambl0re: are you running the ubuntu VM with a gui ?11:23
alkisgikonia: that too; apt install kvm && kvm path/to/vm. I've done it a lot of times11:24
gambl0reyea im using ubuntu 1411:24
ikoniagambl0re: eg: it's an ubuntu desktop11:24
alkisggambl0re: say "gnome-fallback", not "metacity", for people here to understand you11:24
RobTheBuilderhttps://pastebin.com/8k33NmQN EriC^^11:24
ikoniagambl0re: so if it's going to fallback that suggests the video card (virtual) is not up to the job11:24
Jkgeneralhow I can reinstall from terminal the previous nvidia??  I know there is a option in synaptic for history but I don't now how to do that without any graphics11:24
ikoniagambl0re: is the actual VM slow, or just the desktop interaction11:25
gambl0reikonia, i chose metacity by default11:25
alkisgikonia: gnome-fallback with metacity-no-effects doesn't use 3d or compositing, so it's fast11:25
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: type "sudo fdisk /dev/sda" press "o" then "w"11:25
gambl0realkisg, it's not fast11:25
ikoniaalkisg: depends on his videocard, it will suck with vesa for example11:25
ikoniagambl0re: is the vm slow - or the desktop slow11:25
udzguruikonia, this doesn't seem to help11:26
ikoniaudzguru: what's up, what are you doing11:26
Jkgeneralsomeone knows how to export variables of python to get detected by programs?*11:26
gambl0rethe desktop11:26
ikoniaJkgeneral: what is the exact problem11:26
udzgurui dumped all databases. removed the recovery. startet over the server11:26
RobTheBuilderhttps://pastebin.com/qLU8PRvq EriC^^11:26
udzguruagain same issue11:26
ikoniagambl0re: how did you verify it's the desktop and not the vm11:27
ikoniaudzguru: ok - so you have the backups via the dumps ?11:27
JkgeneralI have a package that need a version of python higher than my version. I installed a higher version than the required and says the same11:27
udzgurui dumped everything in one file11:27
RobTheBuilderEriC^^: i'm going to be afk for a quick second. Grabbing some coffee/soda11:27
ikoniaJkgeneral: what is the command you are running that is failing11:27
ikoniaudzguru: but you have backups yes ?11:27
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: just 2 more commands11:27
gambl0rebecaues the desktop moves at the speed of molasses. slow as fu....11:27
ikoniaudzguru: ok - start the database with the bypass, drop all the databases and remove the files11:27
JkgeneralI try to install a program, a deb, is failing the dependence11:27
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: sudo partprobe && sudo fixparts /dev/sda11:28
ikoniagambl0re: how do you know thats the desktop and not the vm11:28
ikoniagambl0re: and you don't need to swear11:28
gambl0reikonia, sorry11:28
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: if it mentions "stray gpt" data say yes to zapping them, and you're free to try reinstalling11:28
gambl0reikonia, ok maybe it's the vm. i dont know to tell11:28
ikoniagambl0re: ok - so "I don't know" is the answer, and thats fine11:28
gambl0reikonia, sorry11:29
ikoniagambl0re: are you able to connect to the ubuntu VM via ssh from your host ?11:29
gambl0rei never tried11:29
ikoniagambl0re: not a problem - always say "I don't know" if you don't know, rather than guess, it's fine to now know11:29
ikoniagambl0re: try11:29
RobTheBuilderEriC^^: it's asking for an MBR command11:29
gambl0rewell how do i do that11:29
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: ok, press "q"11:29
Jkgeneralikonia, so, it is like the new version is not "percieved" by the system, so I believe that as is installed in /usr/bin/local it should be EXPORT a variable or something like that11:29
RobTheBuilderAlright it quit, now what? EriC^^11:30
ikoniaJkgeneral: I asked exactly what command you where running11:30
wrksxhey guys, can you have a look at that? this is worrying me https://paste.ubuntu.com/25843514/11:30
ikoniaJkgeneral: and what is failing11:30
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: try reinstalling =11:30
ikoniaJkgeneral: please provide the exact command and failure in a pastebin11:30
RobTheBuilderWill be back to post results!11:30
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: alright11:30
JkgeneralI am not running any command, I am trying to install a package11:30
ikoniagambl0re: does your ubuntu VM have an IP address on your virtual network11:31
ikoniaJkgeneral: installing a package is a command11:31
ikoniagambl0re: so if you install an ssh client on your windows machine, you should be able to connect to it11:32
Jkgeneralok, the other problem in the other computer is that I need to know if there is a way to have a history of uninstalled packages through terminal11:32
gambl0reis there anything else i can try first11:33
ikoniagambl0re: why do you not want to do that11:33
alkisgikonia: why not just press right_ctrl+f1 to login to vt1 and check from there?11:33
ikoniaalkisg: want to make sure no redraw lag, but sure11:33
gambl0realkisg, what do i do?11:33
ikoniaJkgeneral: get the info I asked for first, address one problem at a time11:34
alkisggambl0re: listen to ikonia; I was just suggesting a faster check to him, in case he preferred it11:34
Jkgeneralis a different problem, not related11:34
ikoniaalkisg: its a sane test11:34
ikoniaJkgeneral: right, focus on one problem11:34
alkisggambl0re: if you want to listen to me, I would start with https://www.technorms.com/8208/check-if-processor-supports-virtualization11:35
Jkgeneralok, just scrap the other problem then11:35
ikoniaalkisg: I was just a little worried about redraw on the virtual terminal11:35
alkisgThere are tools for windows to check if vt-x is enabled11:35
alkisgikonia: in general, flashback on i3 with vesa is extremely fast11:35
ikoniaalkisg: I suspect he has no virtual video card capability assigned11:35
alkisgYou can even watch youtube11:35
ikoniaalkisg: so it will suck11:35
ikoniaeven with VT enabled11:35
ikoniaJkgeneral: then you've wasted my time and I won't assist with other problems11:35
alkisgI'm using vbox on i3 and flashback, with vesa. It's quite fast.11:35
Jkgeneralikonia, thanks for being sooo helpful11:36
udzgurui don't get it -.- to be able to  drop all db and reimport everything the recovery option needs to be deactivated. and when it's deactivated mysql doesn't start11:37
gambl0rehold on one sec, im going to reboot my pc and take a screenshot of bios to show you that hyper-v terminalization is enabled.11:37
ikoniaudzguru: interesting, so you can't drop the databses with the inodb recover option set11:37
alkisggambl0re: no11:37
alkisggambl0re: I don't care about the bios setting, I want to see the result from within the OS11:37
alkisgIf you want to convince me, follow the link above ^11:38
udzgurui think i did a mistake11:38
ikoniaudzguru: no big deal, mistakes happen11:38
gambl0realkisg, https://ark.intel.com/products/52220/Intel-Core-i3-2310M-Processor-3M-Cache-2_10-GHz11:39
gambl0reAdvanced Technologies11:39
gambl0reIntel® Turbo Boost Technology ‡11:39
gambl0reIntel® vPro™ Technology ‡11:39
gambl0reIntel® Hyper-Threading Technology ‡11:39
alkisggambl0re: that doesn't help at all. Follow the link I gave.11:39
alkisgAlso I think you got muted because of flooding11:40
gambl0reok i willdownload it11:41
gambl0reone se11:41
JK22the first problem was solved by itself, so I am asking another problem11:41
ikoniaJK22: yes, and you wasted my time on the first problem11:42
ikoniaJK22: it doesn't "solve itself"11:42
ikoniaJK22: then you made a sarcastic comment, parted and come back as another nickname11:42
ikoniait's not really inspiring to invest time to help you11:42
JK22I installed a previous version of the software that don't need that dependency11:43
ikoniaJK22: you can't change the dependencies of a deb package11:43
ikoniaJK22: so it won't just "stop asking" for that dependency11:43
JK22is a previous version, the requirements are lesser11:43
ikoniaso it didn't solve itself, you just gave up using the version you where trying to use11:44
udzguruikonia, now this looks promising!11:44
JK22the change of nick is because I can't log in the previous nick, I don't quite understod the nickserv thing11:44
udzguruserver running ... all db present11:44
udzgurulets try a reboot?11:44
ikoniaudzguru: nice nice nice11:44
JK22well, anyone else could help me?11:44
gambl0realkisg, ok i checked11:45
gambl0remy pc says i have virtualization11:45
gambl0realkisg, you there?11:46
udzguruserver starts after reboot.11:46
ikoniaudzguru: well done11:46
udzguruthank you ikonia for the help11:46
udzguruthank you!!!!11:46
ikoniaudzguru: you're welcome, structured help over random guessess normally gets there11:46
udzgurujeah indeed11:47
ikoniaudzguru: you removed the option from my.cnf ?11:47
ikonia(don't forget to - it's bad to run with it)11:47
JK22so, this ignore/ban thing will endure for ever or is just for today?11:47
ikoniaudzguru: well done to you then, nice recovery11:47
ikoniaJK22: no-one has banned you11:47
ikoniaJK22: you're in the channel talking, everyone can see you11:47
udzgurui think of myself as an advanced user ... but sometimes linux shows me my limits ... but i take it as a challenge11:48
ikoniaudzguru: well done11:48
JK22ok, because other times this chat saved me a lot. nobody told me that I couldn't ask two things at the same time and go just for one then. anyway, have a nice time all you. I suppose I will ask later.11:50
demophobiaIs there a way to turn off my laptop's LEDs in ubuntu?11:54
demophobiai don't really want to see the 'wifi' LED -- i know if i'm connected to the internet ...11:55
ikoniaI suspect not11:55
ikoniathats an unusual requirement11:55
demophobia:( a different OS? i thought linux was about "giving you control over your computer"11:55
demophobiathere surely is a way, since ubuntu is responsible for the LED being lit, right?11:55
demophobiaunless it's physically hardwired in response to this switch11:55
ikoniademophobia: no, it's not11:56
ikoniademophobia: it's a hardware call11:56
demophobia... you don't mean a physical mechanism?11:56
ikoniaI mean it's a software interaction with a hardware controller11:56
ikoniaif the hardware controller doesn't expose a "turn LED off" api - the software can't do it11:57
brainwashdemophobia: check what options the driver for your wifi device supports11:58
demophobia... is it normal for my SODIMM to be at 50 C according to psensor?12:00
ikoniadepends on your hardware12:02
ikoniamanual will tell you expected operating temperatures12:02
kk4ewtdemophobia,  what does your motherboard manual say about the temps you may see12:02
demophobiakk4ewt, bought this 10 year old computer used, owner's manual from dell is lacking in detail12:03
demophobiai could search for other info though12:03
demophobiai need to go to bed now though12:03
brainwashdemophobia: in my case it's an intel chip and I can see all available options via "modinfo iwlwifi"12:03
demophobiai suppose a piece of tape will solve the problem ...12:03
alkisggambl0re: in your virtualbox settings, do you have virtualization enabled?12:03
mindblasthello, is there an ultimate fix for bluetooth bug in ubuntu 16.04?12:03
kk4ewtmindblast which bluetooth bug12:04
ikoniamindblast: what bug12:04
mindblastbluetooth speakers keep disconnecting after a while in ubuntu 16.04.12:04
mindblastthere are plenty of posts about it on the net.12:04
demophobia'modinfo iw'+tab froze my temirnal for a moment ...12:05
ikoniamindblast: where is the bug report12:05
kk4ewtmindblast,  and you are using wifi as well ?12:05
mindblastkk4ewt, yes I use wifi.12:05
demophobiawhat is 'swcrypto'? ... hm ...12:05
kk4ewtand you realize that bluetooth and wireless can use the same freqs12:06
brainwashdemophobia: sw is probably sofware12:06
kk4ewtand therefore conflict12:06
brainwashdemophobia: meaning that it's done by the cpu and not the wifi chip12:06
mindblastkk4ewt, why is that conflict not happening in windows 10 then?12:07
brainwashmindblast: is there an actual bug report?12:08
brainwashmindblast: on launchpad12:08
rcombsanyone know how to get gdm to keep my session running when the display is disconnected/turned off12:08
mindblastI don't know what you mean with actual bug report. there are posts on askubuntu.com if they count? :s12:09
brainwashthose are not bug reports12:09
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.12:09
gambl0realkisg, i have it enabled12:09
rcombsalso, if I have an issue where gnome-shell fails to start when libegl is installed due to what appears to be a mumble error, where should I report that?12:10
alkisggambl0re: ok. Restart the VM, and don't open any applications. Open only gnome-terminal, and type: ls -R /12:10
alkisggambl0re: does that go fast?12:10
skinuxIs libdvdread and libdvdcss the only packages needed to play DVDs?12:10
brainwashrcombs: I would run "ubuntu-bug gnome-shell"12:10
gambl0reim rebooting12:10
brainwashrcombs: and let it create a bug report12:11
gambl0reyou want me to open up the terminal and type that command?12:11
alkisggambl0re: yes12:11
alkisgIt will just scroll a few things, to see if it goes fast or not12:11
gambl0realkisg, i havent done anything different.12:11
rcombsbrainwash: I can't reproduce the issue on a live process, is that okay?12:11
alkisggambl0re: yes, but the last time you said that it goes slow when you "open all your stuff", so I want to see if it goes fast "before you open your stuff"12:12
rcombs(since it exits immediately during startup when this happens, disables Wayland, and falls back on X)12:12
mindblastwow. that's a lot of work for a total beginner :D12:12
gambl0reok i opened up my terminal12:12
rcombs(well, gdm does that)12:12
brainwashrcombs: could it be related to the type of session? wayland vs. x1112:12
rcombsit's specific to wayland sessions12:12
gambl0rels -R is doing something12:12
rcombsremoving libegl allows wayland sessions to work properly12:13
gambl0reterminal is acting nuts12:13
alkisggambl0re: yes, it's listing all the files in the disk. Is that fast or slow?12:13
rcombshere's the error: Oct 28 08:41:58 rcombs-NUC org.gnome.Shell.desktop[875]: Window manager warning: Failed to create renderer: Failed to initialize renderer: Missing extension for GBM renderer: EGL_KHR_platform_gbm, Missing EGL extensions required for EGLDevice renderer: EGL_EXT_device_base12:13
alkisggambl0re: you can stop it with ctrl+c when you want12:13
gambl0rei stopped it12:13
rcombsalso while it's in that state, X sessions end up pretty broken and don't allow graphics acceleration12:13
rcombsI haven't tried using an X session without libegl installed12:13
alkisggambl0re: nice, now open only a browser and go visit a youtube video. Nothing else. Does it display good enough?12:13
gambl0reterminal opens up quickly but it doesnt feel smooth12:14
gambl0reif you know what i mean12:14
alkisggambl0re: no, I'm not sure I do12:14
brainwashrcombs: mmh. running the ubuntu-bug command will gather all needed log files and open a bug report12:14
gambl0reits not smooth like butter12:14
brainwashrcombs: that's what you should do12:14
alkisggambl0re: VMs are not smooth like butter, yes12:14
alkisgBecause they have multiple layers of graphics12:14
rcombsalright, so, reinstall it, reboot, ssh in, run that command, then I'm done?12:14
akikgambl0re: not sure if it's about the amount of video ram but you can go from 128 megs to 256 megs with a VBoxManage command. it's not available in the gui12:14
gambl0reits like spreading crunch peanut butter12:14
rcombsor do I have to have a desktop session running12:15
gambl0reits smooth but theres still bumps12:15
alkisgI don't think that description helps  :)12:15
alkisgGo visit a youtube video12:15
brainwashrcombs: you could try to ask in #ubuntu-desktop also (but it's sunday and devs may be not around)12:15
akikgambl0re: VBoxManage modifyvm "Name of VM" --vram 25612:15
alkisgYou can also check the fps there12:15
gambl0reits like when you spread crunchy peanut butter on bread. the peanut butter is smooth but you can still feel the peanuts underneath12:15
gambl0reso its not completely smooth12:15
alkisg(02:14:43 μμ) alkisg: Because they have multiple layers of graphics12:15
brainwashrcombs: ideally go through https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bugs?orderby=-id&start=012:16
gambl0rei already gave my vm max mb for video graphics12:16
brainwashrcombs: maybe it's a known issue12:16
rcombsoh sure12:16
akikgambl0re: the 256 setting is not available in the gui12:17
rcombshmm, I don't see anything that looks relevant12:17
gambl0remy pc doesnt have 256mb12:17
gambl0rei can only give 125mb12:17
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
akikgambl0re: also, did you enable 3d acceleration for the vm?12:20
rcombsany ideas on how to prevent the session from exiting when the display's disconnected?12:20
gambl0reakik, yea i tried both on and off. made no difference12:23
akikgambl0re: for the 3d acceleration you also need the guest vm tools12:23
gambl0rewell how do i check if i have all guest vm tools. i remember when i first had my vm setup which was like 1+ years ago i did all this stuff12:23
akikgambl0re: i'm not sure how you do it with the version of virtualbox in the ubuntu repositories. i've only used the virtualbox.org version12:25
gambl0reok i give up.12:25
gambl0rei guess there is  no fix. thanks guys12:26
gambl0rei'll just buy a mac12:26
akikoh wow12:26
BluesKajgambl0re, remember running in a VM is not the same as the real thing so expect problems , the real OS is always better IME12:28
akikthere's a fix, but you need to work for it12:28
gambl0realkisg, i remember doing that like a year ago12:29
alkisggambl0re: again. I AM NOT AKIK12:29
BluesKajbut buy a nmac if you must, and pay for support12:29
gambl0reBluesKaj, yea ive used vm's on other machines and it worked a lot better12:30
gambl0reBluesKaj, it felt like host os isnisde vm12:30
BluesKajbetter than what tho?12:30
gambl0rebetter than my laptop12:30
BluesKajsure ....12:30
gambl0renot sure what to do12:31
JacobVhow can I find out what version of open-vm-tools I'm running on ubuntu12:33
JacobVOn guest Virtual Machine, via Vmware Workstation12:33
akikgambl0re: use the vboxmanage command to raise the video ram to 256 megs, then enable 3d acceleration for the vm and then install the guest additions in the vm12:34
gambl0realkisg, my laptop only has 128mb,12:35
alkisggambl0re: I AM NOT AKIK12:35
gambl0reand i already have guest additions12:35
gambl0realkisg, ??12:35
alkisggambl0re: see who is talking to you12:35
gambl0reand i tried 3d accel option on/off and didnt make any difference12:35
alkisgI am alkisg, and I am not talking to you in the last 20 mins12:36
alkisgakik is talking to you12:36
alkisgHe is another person12:36
gambl0realkisg, yea you're helping me12:36
alkisgI think you have reading issues...12:36
akikgambl0re: the video ram is internal to virtualbox12:37
akikgambl0re: it's not related to your laptop hardware12:37
gambl0rewhat was the command for that again?12:37
akikgambl0re: VBoxManage modifyvm "Name of VM" --vram 25612:37
gambl0redo i just type this in the terminal?12:37
alkisgakik: 3d doesn't work in linux guests, btw12:37
alkisgIt says so in the vbox interface12:37
akikgambl0re: you probably need to shutdown the vm first12:37
akikalkisg: really? it has worked in previous releases12:38
gambl0realkisg, do i typoe that command in windows host or ubuntu?12:38
mindblastit's funny that the bluetooth problem I'm having atm is known for years (can get to that information with a 1 hour google search) but still your response is "what bluetooth bug?". I've read the "how to report a bug" page and it says I should ask my questions on askubuntu.com and such forums first. And what I see on askubuntu.com is there are plenty of posts about bluetooth problems.12:38
akikgambl0re: in windows host12:38
alkisgakik: ah sorry it's 2d acceleration which isn't working12:38
skinuxWhat packages other than libdvdread4 and libdvdcss do I need to play DVD movies?12:39
akikgambl0re: in your case it's probably VBoxManage.exe and not in path12:39
gambl0reone sec12:41
gambl0realkisg, when i open vboxmanage.exe it opens then closes real quick12:42
gambl0rehow do i do it in command prompt12:42
akikgambl0re: i pasted the command to you, replace VBoxManage with VBoxManage.exe12:43
gambl0reVBoxManage.exe modifyvm "ubuntu" --vram 25612:45
gambl0reis not working12:45
alkisgakik: so, when gambl0re says "alkisg" assume that he talks to you :)12:45
akikgambl0re: how is it not working?12:46
gambl0rei dont know....it same VBoxManage command not found12:46
gambl0reit says12:46
akikgambl0re: although i have to write at this time that i just tested enabling 3d acceleration for a 17.10 vm and it is really sluggish12:47
gambl0reim using 1412:47
akikoh good :)12:47
gambl0redo i need to be in /virtualbox directory?12:48
akikgambl0re: you need to be in the virtualbox installation directory which has VBoxManage.exe12:49
gambl0reok i ran the command12:49
gambl0reit worked i think12:49
gambl0recause it didnt give me any errors12:49
akikgambl0re: ok then open virtualbox and go to the settings of your vm12:49
gambl0reenable 3e?12:50
akikgambl0re: yes12:50
gambl0renow what12:50
gambl0reoh wow, i can see 256mb now in settings12:50
gambl0reshould i enable 2d accel12:51
akikgambl0re: then start it up and login. there'll be a menu item in devices "insert guest additions cd"12:51
akikgambl0re: no12:51
gambl0rei dont have guest additions cd12:51
akikgambl0re: it's built-in to the virtualbox software12:51
gambl0reits booting up12:52
gambl0reit didnt ask for any login12:52
akikgambl0re: have you installed build-essential in your vm? i think it'd be good to install it now12:52
gambl0rei didnt think the slowness has anything to do with graphics....12:53
gambl0rehow can i check if i have build-essential12:54
akikgambl0re: dpkg -l build-essential12:55
BluesKajapt-cache policy build-essential12:55
gambl0rei pasted you in pm12:56
akiki think virtualbox + 3d + wayland doesn't work12:56
gambl0retoo big for channel12:56
gambl0redid you read it?12:56
akikgambl0re: no you didn't :)12:56
akiksomebody else got the paste12:56
synthorhi. i installed xubuntu with the 17.10 mini.iso. i fully encrypted the disk of the laptop of course. i selected german keyboard layout during install and entered the passphrase with it. everything installs fine but on booting the fresh system the keyboard layout is set to US when I have to enter the passphrase. how to change the layout?12:56
gambl0re| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend12:57
gambl0re|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)12:57
gambl0re||/ Name           Version      Architecture Description12:57
gambl0reii  build-essentia 11.6ubuntu6  amd64        Informational list of build-essen12:57
synthori noticed this bug in the graphical installer of ubuntu in beta2 and release aswell12:57
akiksee, it's installed (ii) :)12:57
brainwashsynthor: link to the bug report?12:57
synthori haven't opened up one12:58
brainwashwhy not? you've noticed it in beta212:58
gambl0realkisg, so now what?12:58
akikgambl0re: my nick is akik12:58
synthori reported other bugs and reported them. aren't fixed in release. psensor refresh bug eg12:58
akikgambl0re: then select that menu item devices/insert guest additions cd12:59
synthori would report one now, but first i want to know the fix12:59
synthorglad i know the us layout ;)12:59
gambl0rei get an error12:59
gambl0recannot mount ....12:59
brainwashsynthor: that is not how it works13:00
akikgambl0re: it could be that your vm configuration doesn't have a cd drive?13:00
brainwashsynthor: btw did you read the release notes?13:00
brainwashsynthor: https://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-17-10-release/13:00
gambl0reit does13:00
gambl0recould we do this in pm?13:00
gambl0reim getting confused who im tlaking to13:00
synthornope i just researched with duckduckgo and havent found it13:01
synthorthx brain13:01
gambl0reyo you there?13:02
akikgambl0re: this is still the channel13:02
gambl0reyea i pm'd you13:02
akiki don't think so13:02
gambl0rei did..check again13:02
gambl0resomething is acting strange with my mirc13:03
akikgambl0re: unmount what?13:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047384 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Bionic) "System Encryption Password set before setting keyboard locale" [Critical,Triaged]13:08
lotuspsychjeim looking for a real easy package to import new pictures from a digital photocamera to nautilus, for an older customer that gets confused alot any hints?13:25
RobTheBuilderHoii again13:28
RobTheBuilderEriC^^: just wanted to let you know install went without a hitch.13:28
RobTheBuilderThough now my software installing program thingy (pardon my vagueness) doesn't seem to want to work.13:29
RobTheBuilderhttps://snag.gy/ZFpK7U.jpg -- screenshot13:30
iorialotuspsychje,  give a look at   rapid-photo-downloader maybe13:34
iorialotuspsychje,  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/04/rapid-photo-downloader-linux-0-913:34
lotuspsychjeioria: tnx mate and hi, lemme have a look13:35
lotuspsychjeioria: looks interesting, worth a try13:37
iorialotuspsychje,  yeah13:37
lotuspsychjeioria: ill try a few from these: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/7-picasa-alternatives-made-linux/13:41
synthorsetting KEYMAP=Y in initramfs.conf didn't help. but that solved the crypt keyboard layout bug on boot https://blog.hartwork.org/?p=176513:42
synthori saw the correct phassphrase during setup so I'm glad i don't have to install again13:43
EriC^^RobTheBuilder: cool, good to hear13:43
iorialotuspsychje,  has your customer a specific need ?13:44
lotuspsychjeioria: yes, no hassle to determine the new from the old(already moved) pictures from the digital camera13:45
lotuspsychjeioria: and automatic move to pc13:45
iorialotuspsychje,  ah13:45
RobTheBuilderEriC^^: I can't get it to install anything, though. I'm going to try updating everything and maybe that'll fix it.13:46
lotuspsychjeioria: for older users, its confusing to just drag n drop all pics, then delete from camera lol13:46
iorialotuspsychje,  i see :þ13:47
lotuspsychjeioria: seems like digikam can do alot of stuff also13:50
iorialotuspsychje,  yep, don't know about automatic move13:50
lotuspsychjeioria: gonan try it in a bit, tnx for the think-along ; )13:51
iorialotuspsychje,  np13:51
rcombsanyone know a way to programmatically change the display refresh rate in a gdm wayland session13:56
RobTheBuilderokay I think I got everything working13:58
alkisgrcombs: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/6b2vl1/changing_resolution_from_cli_on_gnome_wayland/?st=j9ctmrfm&sh=549a326013:59
RobTheBuilderThanks for all your help EriC^^ !13:59
alkisgrcombs: or you can just initially pass the desired edid...13:59
alkisg(in the kernel)13:59
lotuspsychje!cookie | EriC^^13:59
ubottuEriC^^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!13:59
rcombsso "talk to mutter over dbus"? makes sense13:59
rcombsalkisg: this is for a media player application; it needs to pick the optimal rate for the content being played14:00
alkisgrcombs: I'm not sure how full-screen media players are supposed to "automatically select the optimal rate"...14:00
alkisgKernel defaults, edid info, user settings... all those already exist, what does the "optimal" do?14:01
rcombs1. know rate of content; 2. get list of rates the display supports; 3. set rate to the rate that best matches the content14:01
rcombse.g. for 24/1.001 content, set it to 24/1.001; for 25fps content, set it to 50 (assuming a 25Hz mode doesn't exist), etc14:02
alkisgAh, based on rate of content... hmm, yeah for those fancy newer displays that support variable refresh rates...14:02
rcombsplenty of display support _multiple_ refresh rates14:02
rcombsTVs in particular14:02
alkisgUsually the edid info is just "xxx@60 fps" and that's all14:02
srulii have triple boot, lubuntu ubuntu and win, just made an dist-upgrade on the lubuntu and in grub i only get lubuntu, os-prober shows all 3, update-grub does not, what do i do?14:02
alkisgSo playing around with new modes that aren't provided in edid isn't normal14:02
rcombsTVs and projects' EDID generally return a sizable selection of modes14:02
alkisgThose in the output of xrandr14:03
RobTheBuilderHmm... I'm having trouble installing Discord onto ubuntu.14:03
rcombsusually several common resolutions, and a variety of refresh rates at each one14:03
alkisgE.g. http://termbin.com/p2os14:03
alkisgSo, 1920x1080 at 50 or 60...14:03
alkisgYou could match 25/30 fps there14:03
rcombsyeah, that display doesn't have a 24fps mode, interesting14:04
alkisgrcombs: which media player is that? Sounds too good to be true :D14:04
rcombsit's not entirely uncommon for displays to actually work fine at rates below their maximum that EDID doesn't advertise, but I wouldn't try to force that by default14:04
rcombsmight do a setting for it, though14:04
rcombsthis is for Plex Media Player14:04
rcombsit already does this for X sessions14:05
alkisgYeah I've tried cvt/custom modes and they work fine, but I don't do it on displays were I actually care about :D14:05
rcombsand on e.g. Raspberry Pi, via a direct interface with the video hardware14:05
maziarI have some /dev/mapper on my /dev/sdc1 from my previous installation, how can I remove it ?14:05
rcombsbut afaik Wayland itself doesn't have an API for this like X does?14:05
alkisgrcombs: should I assume that you also take care of "flicker free" in most common setups?14:05
rcombsthat's the idea14:06
rcombsthe underlying player is mpv14:06
gambl0recan i delete the one with the x ?14:06
alkisgrcombs: true, the initial protocol is the one pointed by the article, https://wiki.gnome.org/Initiatives/Wayland/Gaps/DisplayConfig, and it's very limited14:06
rcombsPMP is a Qt/C++ wrapper around that which provides a (JS-based) GUI and some more complex OS interactions (like modesetting)14:06
gambl0realkisg, hey14:07
alkisgHi again gambl0re14:08
rcombswhat's it mean when it refers to the "GnomeRR API"?14:08
gambl0realkisg, https://imgur.com/a/tg3be14:09
alkisgrcombs: rotate and resize, https://developer.gnome.org/gnome-desktop3/stable/gnome-desktop3-gnome-rr.html14:09
alkisgI haven't used that one14:09
gambl0rewhich one14:09
alkisggambl0re: again. I AM NOT akik.14:10
gambl0rewhat are you talking about?14:10
alkisgI don't know what you have been discussing with akik14:10
alkisgThere are 2 persons here, alkisg and akik14:10
alkisgWe were talking 3 hours ago14:10
alkisgThen you were talking with akik, and you though you were talking with me14:10
gambl0rei was talking to you14:10
alkisgAnd you were saying, "alkisg, this and that", and you were talking with akik14:10
alkisgNo. See the channel logs.14:10
alkisggambl0re: use another irc client, you're getting very confused with the one you're usijng14:11
gambl0re[12:10:24] <alkisg> gambl0re: ok. Restart the VM, and don't open any applications. Open only gnome-terminal, and type: ls -R /14:11
alkisgThat's 4 hours ago14:11
gambl0renot 4hrs14:11
alkisgNow it's 16:1114:11
gambl0renot where i live14:12
alkisg(02:14:49 μμ) akik: gambl0re: not sure if it's about the amount of video ram but you can go from 128 megs to 256 megs with a VBoxManage command. it's not available in the gui14:12
gambl0rethe point is, you were helping me14:12
alkisgFrom that time and on, you've been talking with akik14:12
gambl0reso not sure what you were talking about14:12
alkisgWell the last things we talked about is that terminals were going fast, and I was waiting to hear about youtube14:13
alkisgI haven't asked you anything else since, you were talking with akik in the last hours14:13
alkisgHe asked you to increase the vram, and I don't know what else14:13
akikalkisg: we enabled the 3d acceleration and reinstall the guest additions in his vm14:14
alkisgakik: I don't think there's anything wrong with his vm...14:15
alkisgHe said gnome-terminal was scrolling fast14:15
alkisgThen he said that things didn't go smooth as butter, and I lost him :)14:16
=== Chinesium is now known as HexChat
RobTheBuilderWhere would I be able to find the directory of an install? Ex: pidgin.14:17
akik13:25 < ikonia> gambl0re: is the vm slow - or the desktop slow14:17
akik13:26 < gambl0re> the desktop14:17
akikmaybe there was a misunderstanding on my part14:18
alkisgI asked him to watch a youtube video, he hasn't done so yet14:18
ducasseRobTheBuilder: applications aren't installed in a single directory, normally14:18
akikwell virtualbox and video is not a good combination14:18
auronandace!fsh | RobTheBuilder14:19
RobTheBuilderducasse: I'm supposed to find a file for plugins for pidgin which is directed in .purple, though i don't know where that is.14:19
ubottuRobTheBuilder: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier14:19
ducasseRobTheBuilder: .purple sounds like it would be in your homedir14:19
alkisgakik: youtube has a "statistics" function, and it's an easy way to see if he has e.g. 5 fps and complains for a valid reason, or 25 fps and there's no reason to complain14:20
alkisgSome lag between vm draw and host draw is to be expected14:20
akikalkisg: have you had a good experience with any video in virtualbox?14:20
alkisgYes, videos in vbox play with no dropped frames14:20
alkisgOf course there's tearing, but that's expected14:21
akikalkisg: which resolution?14:21
alkisgNo full screen, usual youtube window size14:21
akikit's never worked for me good so i stopoped trying14:21
alkisgOn an i3?14:21
akikalkisg: this was a couple of years ago. i don't remember any more14:22
RobTheBuilderIt was, thanks. :) it also says to "Make sure that your distribution's package for json-glib is installed." how do I double-check this ducasse?14:22
rcombsalkisg: I see a lot of information in that API's docs about how to get information about display modes, but not on how to change them?14:22
alkisgakik: just tested again in vbox/16.04/mate, watching e.g. "moonlight shadow" in youtube non-full screen, dropped frames: 0/150014:23
ducasseRobTheBuilder: i'm guessing here, but try 'apt policy json-glib-tools'14:24
alkisgrcombs: afaik that's a kernel thing, not a userland thing. Pass a custom edid to the kernel?14:24
alkisgakik: in full screen as well, dropped frames: 0/250014:24
alkisg(with no guest additions, plain vesa, core i5)14:25
RobTheBuilderWell I think it worked because it said 'installed: (none)' and some other lines.14:25
rcombswell it's clearly available via dbus14:25
rcombsI just don't see it in that C API14:25
alkisgrcombs: I think you'd want something like #gnome-devel now... :)14:26
Mentoldhcpd is not sending the gateway (to dhclient) for a sub-net. How to fix it?14:26
rcombsheh, fair point14:26
akikalkisg: ok i tried now again and seems to work14:26
MentolI've "option rfc3442-classless-static-routes 24, 192,168,10, 192,168,10,1;" innner of a "subnet" statement14:26
MentolAnd the client is getting that variable (seen in '/var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.enp0s8.lease')14:26
Mentolbut it is not setting the gateway14:26
ducasseRobTheBuilder: 'installed: (none)' means it's not installed. if it was there would be a version number instead of (none)14:26
akikalkisg: even audio works without glitches14:27
RobTheBuilderducasse: Okay... So I've honestly never heard of json glib tools before but how would I go about installing it? I doubt it's just sitting in the software center14:28
alkisgakik: and cpu is only 10% slower than the real thing, so yeah it's pretty nice for non-gaming VMs14:28
ducasseRobTheBuilder: sudo apt install json-glib-tools14:28
maziarplease help me14:28
maziarI have some /dev/mapper/XX on my /dev/sdc1 from my previous installation, how can I remove it ? and add a new partition on sdc1 ?14:28
RobTheBuilderducasse: would that command work for anything so long as I get the name right? Like sudo apt install discord?14:29
ducasseRobTheBuilder: only software that is in the repositories14:30
ducasse(or a ppa you add)14:30
RobTheBuilderducasse: so after that do i need to do anything further or is it installed?14:30
ducasseRobTheBuilder: that should be it14:31
RobTheBuilderThe location of pidgin plugins must have changed then... it's not popping up in the plugin area.14:32
ducasseRobTheBuilder: i know nothing about pidgin or libpurple, sorry.14:36
RobTheBuilderHmm. Well how do I make sure a program is closed fully? ducasse14:36
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)14:37
oerhekssudo snap install discord # it is available as snap14:38
RobTheBuilderOoh! so do i include the #?14:38
matteeyahthat's a commend14:38
RobTheBuilder"error: snap "discord" not found" - I have their installer but I can't get it to work either.14:39
oerheksyou can, all behind the # does not harm14:39
ducasseRobTheBuilder: which ubuntu version is this?14:40
RobTheBuilderUhhh how do I check really quick? Lol I didn't download it.14:40
ducasseRobTheBuilder: 'lsb_release -sd'14:41
RobTheBuilder16.04.3 LTS14:41
srulii have triple boot, lubuntu ubuntu and win, just made an dist-upgrade on the lubuntu and in grub i only get lubuntu, os-prober shows all 3, update-grub does not, how do i make update-grub add it?14:42
kostkonRobTheBuilder, snap find discord14:42
matteeyahdid you try --recheck?14:42
RobTheBuilderreturned 0 snaps kostkon14:43
srulimatteeyah: update-grub --recheck?14:43
matteeyahRobTheBuilder try clicking install from https://uappexplorer.com/snap/ubuntu/discord14:43
matteeyahsruli grub-install --recheck14:44
matteeyahbasically just reinstall grub to /dev/sda14:44
RobTheBuilderIt doesn't look like I have gnome software installer instaled14:44
RobTheBuilderFirefox didn't know what to do with the snap\\ link14:45
RobTheBuildersnap://discord, I mean.14:46
matteeyahsudo snap install Discord14:46
matteeyahtry a capital D14:46
srulimatteeyah: grub-install --recheck did not add it14:46
krobzaur Howdy all, any kde users here? I have a minor issue that I'm irrationally pissed off about. The KWin Task Switcher only allows you to use the arrow keys to scroll through windows for a few of the effects, not all of them. Can I fix this at all?14:46
krobzaurUsing Kubuntu 16.04 for the record14:46
RobTheBuilderSame as last time matteeyah, Discord was not found.14:46
matteeyahsruli, grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg?14:48
RobTheBuilderDownloading it directly from the website made the installer not want to install as well matteeyah14:48
ducassekrobzaur: try #kubuntu14:48
krobzaurducasse: thanks14:48
matteeyahRobTheBuilder it could be that something's wrong with your install :P14:48
ducassekrobzaur: plus, please don't crosspost14:49
RobTheBuilderIt's awfully biased against Discord lol14:49
krobzaurducasse: What do you mean by crosspost?14:49
srulimatteeyah: still not adding the other boots14:50
ducassekrobzaur: asking the same question in multiple channels at the same time - it's considered rude14:50
kostkonRobTheBuilder, just for a test,  snap find blender14:50
RobTheBuilderkostkon: 0 snaps14:50
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matteeyahyup, snaps seems to be broken on your install14:51
RobTheBuilderOkay how do I fix?14:52
krobzaurducasse: Why is that? It seems an effective way to reach multiple people who might not be present in all the channels I ask the question in14:52
RobTheBuilderAlso would xubuntu make any difference? as far as I'm aware it's the same but has a few ui changes.14:52
matteeyahsudo apt show snapd?14:53
EtuaHello, I'd like to install Kubuntu but patitioning my hard drive cannot be done either by partman nor gparted. Could you help me with that?14:53
RobTheBuilderhttps://pastebin.com/QRFLcy63 matteeyah14:54
krobzaurducasse: Also people will often instruct me to ask my question in another channel. I don't mean to bother anyone but I don't see specifically how it is rude14:54
ducassekrobzaur: because you end up with multiple people wasting their time answering your question in several channels since they might not be in all of them. it's also against policy here, so just don't do it, please.14:54
ducassekrobzaur: if you're asked to go somewhere specific that is quite different14:55
cerveiraI have one of this http://icecat.us/en/p/toshiba/pslj3e-00x01g03/notebooks-Satellite+L500-13W-3782766.html . I had Kubuntu but I seems slow. What flavor do you recommend?14:55
krobzaurducasse: Here as in freenode? Also I feel like if people choose to answer my question they don't perceive it as a waste of time. You are all free to ignore me, in which case I will go elsewhere to ask my question. But if its a policy thing, I'll gladly oblige. I suppose it just confuses me14:56
matteeyahcerveira lubuntu or xubuntu14:56
cerveiramatteeyah, lubuntu is lighter than xubuntu ?14:57
matteeyahalmost doesn't make a difference14:57
RobTheBuilderI use xubuntu because of the mouse14:58
RobTheBuilderI like mousen.14:58
ducassekrobzaur: if someone is answering your question in ##linux at the same time someone is writing the exact same answer in #ubuntu, then one of them is wasting his time. you already got the answer elsewhere. but this is very offtopic, i was just informing you.14:58
krobzaurducasse: Yeah I suppose thats true, I'll try to be more patient in the future14:59
srulimatteeyah: any other ideas for my grub problem?15:02
matteeyahare they an efi or bios installs?15:02
srulimatteeyah: efi15:03
cerveiramatteeyah, in that case is just a matter of how it looks?15:03
matteeyahcerveira yes15:03
matteeyahsruli could you mount your efi partition and list the contents?15:03
matteeyahmost likely mount /dev/sda1 /mnt && tree /mnt15:03
RobTheBuildermatteeyah: any idea on my snap problem?15:05
matteeyahdid you install ubuntu recently?15:05
srulimatteeyah: /EFI/ has Boot, Microsoft & ubuntu15:05
RobTheBuildermatteeyah: about 6 or 5 hours ago15:06
ducasseRobTheBuilder: try 'sudo systemctl restart snapd.refresh.service'15:06
srulimatteeyah: seems like its missing lubuntu, i guess when it updated grub last time it removed efi, how do i reconfigure grub to use efi?15:06
matteeyahRobTheBuilder well if all fails you can reinstall then15:06
RobTheBuilderducasse: nothing printed.15:06
matteeyahthat's okay15:07
kostkonRobTheBuilder, try again now, sudo snap install discord15:07
ducasseRobTheBuilder: no, it won't, just give it a minute to finish then try installing again.15:07
bcowanSruli probably using the grub.cfg from ubuntu15:07
matteeyahsruli: hmm, you get the grub screen when booting right?15:07
matteeyahit doesn't boot straight to lubuntu?15:07
srulimatteeyah: yes i get the grub screen15:08
kostkonRobTheBuilder, ps -A | grep snapd   what's the timestamp15:08
RobTheBuilder00:00:01 snapd15:09
srulimatteeyah: but the grub scrren only shows lubuntu15:09
matteeyahsruli: I remember facing something similar some time ago, I had to pop into command line in grub to see which config it's using15:09
srulimatteeyah: what cmd to i use to see the config?15:10
kostkonRobTheBuilder, probably it's not the timestamp but the cpu time my wrong15:11
billythekidohi guys. I just updated to ubuntu 17.10 from 16.04. The Wayland option is missing. Any idea how I can install it?15:11
matteeyahi'm not sure, you can try googling15:11
RobTheBuilderkostkon: it also says 721 ? before it15:11
matteeyahbillythekido: you probably have an nvidia gpu15:11
billythekidoi do15:12
billythekidook incompatible?15:12
matteeyahyeah :P15:12
billythekidothat was quick :)15:12
ioriabillythekido, the driver not the card :)15:12
billythekidoI assume when I tested it on VM it was virtualizing it right?15:12
RobTheBuilderStill returning 0 snaps on everything15:13
matteeyahbillythekido: it probably didn't use any gpu15:14
billythekidomakes sense15:14
HerculesAre there some locales missing I see boxes just below the 'Search' button? I'm new to Ubuntu Desktop https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/TClJgA5J/Screenshot%20from%202017-10-29%2020-43-32.png15:15
craigbass76Did something happen to the MAP stack in 11.10? I upgraded and all the wordpress and custom php stuff I've written is just printing out the actual code.15:15
craigbass76LAMP stack, not MAP. Duh...15:15
billythekidoalkisg: after all Unity 8 was installed and I had to remove it15:16
billythekidonot much of a hassle though. :)15:16
craigbass76And, I'm numbing it on version number too. Not 11.10, 17.1015:17
billythekidoHas anybody managed to automate snap installation via ansible?15:18
RobTheBuilderI'm having trouble with snap.15:18
billythekidoI read that's how I remember it15:18
kostkonRobTheBuilder, it's a fresh install you say? Try rebooting15:18
HerculesAnyone see me?15:18
billythekidowe see u Hercules15:19
HerculesAh great.15:19
HerculesI have a question, if anyone interested in answering can scroll up.15:19
craigbass76Hercules, Google.co.in offered in blahblahblah?15:21
RobTheBuilder_Restarted, still finding 0 snaps15:22
HerculesI see boxes instead of characters.15:22
HerculesWhich I don't used to see on Windows15:22
HerculesYea in 'Offer in' ;x15:22
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srulimatteeyah: in /etc/default/grub i had GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true ... for the life of me i cant figure out why i did that, and cant understand how that didnt trip me up on previous kernel updates15:25
matteeyahwow, haha, so obscure15:25
RobTheBuilder_Meh. if i'm reinstalling the OS then I might as well swap back to Windows. I like it more and thought I was only going to be working with 8gigs of space.15:26
linux_user Good morning all! I am interested in learning a little bit about UEFI and booting in secure vice insecure mode. I installed 17.10 and encryption password entry notwithstanding, I try to boot in secure mode and keeps forcing Ubuntu to boot insecure, what did I do wrong?15:26
kostkonRobTheBuilder_, what about  sudo apt-get update  see if that works as it should15:26
linux_userI also see two ubuntu entries in the menu 3 actually15:26
linux_usertwo say "ubuntu" one says "UEFI: ubuntu" or the like15:27
srulimatteeyah: thanks for ur help15:27
RobTheBuilder_It seems to be working15:27
linux_userone of the "ubuntu" entries does not work15:27
craigbass76Hercules, I don't use Unity or GNOME3, but that srtikes me as a browser setting15:28
kostkonRobTheBuilder_, you could try reinstalling it.  sudo apt-get clean   and then sudo apt-get install snapd --reinstall15:30
Mentoldhcpd is not sending the gateway (to dhclient) for a sub-net. How to fix it?15:30
MentolI've "option rfc3442-classless-static-routes 24, 192,168,10, 192,168,10,1;" innner of a "subnet" statement15:30
MentolAnd the client is getting that variable (seen in '/var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.enp0s8.lease')15:30
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Mentolbut it is not setting the gateway15:30
RobTheBuilder_kostkon: installed no problem, no snaps found.15:31
RobTheBuilder_Would the fact that i can't manually install packages be connected?15:32
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RobTheBuilder_as in if I were to go to discord.gg and get the linux package they have, it won't install onto my computer.15:33
kostkonRobTheBuilder_, if i understand what you're saying, no connection whatsoever15:34
RobTheBuilder_Like I can open it and the software center opens up, but pressing install only puts it into an 'installing' phase for a brief moment before telling me to click to install again.15:35
Xardhmm, seems like on ubuntu 16.04 lts vulkan with nvidia 384.90 drivers is not working15:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1726809 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-384 (Ubuntu) "Vulkan does not work on nvidia-384 due to incorrect nvidia_icd.json" [High,In progress]15:38
Xardioria: thanks15:40
ioriaXard, no prob15:40
Xardediting the icd.d file fixed it15:41
Xardso again, thank you :)15:41
ioriaXard, ok15:42
RobTheBuilder_So i probably have to reinstall Ubuntu?15:43
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alkisgRobTheBuilder_: your problem is that you don't find any snaps? Is this a 32bit or 64bit installation?15:59
RobTheBuilder_Gooood question... How do I check?16:00
alkisgdpkg --print-architecture16:00
compdocnext system I build, I want to try the libreoffice snap16:01
alkisgRobTheBuilder_: I'm not using snaps and I don't know much about it, but last time I tried something related, no snaps were shown in i386, and I had to reinstall in amd64 to see them16:03
alkisgDo mention that you're using i386 when asking about snaps here, I think it makes a big difference16:04
RobTheBuilder_!cookie | alkisg16:09
ubottualkisg: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!16:09
RobTheBuilder_Wow that sounds sarcastic.16:09
* alkisg nevertheless eats the virtual cookie16:10
mmkurdi have screen tearing while watching videos on chromium16:12
mmkurdi've a radeon hd 7750 card16:12
mmkurdi'm on i3-wm, i've tried 'Option "TearFree" "on"' with my driver and compton with vsync16:13
mmkurdneither worked16:13
mmkurdany suggestions?16:13
scatterphi i have installed gnome-session-fallback and have successfully got to windows when i go to the menu but when i click on the links terminal or system etc nothing happens i think i failed to install something important ...16:14
mmkurdi've tried more than one compton configuration including this one: https://askubuntu.com/questions/751149/screen-tearing-when-using-i3-none-when-using-unity16:14
RobTheBuilder_So wait I noticed something... My ubuntu software center isn't the same as the one before... This is like a simple, possible outdated version.16:14
BluesKajmmkurd, what about videos played on your hdd/ssd?16:15
mmkurdi've no videos to test, let me download a sample video16:15
RobTheBuilder_the software center I'm used to isn't installed o3o16:17
RobTheBuilder_I'm not entirey sure what I've been using.16:17
mmkurdBluesKaj, i tested the same video i watched on chromium and i didn't have any tearing while i played it with mpv16:21
RobTheBuilder_Oh so I figured out why Discord isn't installing. "Wrong arcitecture 'amd64'"16:24
mmkurdok BluesKaj, thanks for pointing me the right direction, this fixed it: http://www.theironsamurai.com/chrome-screen-tearing-on-linux-enable-override-software-rendering-list/16:24
RobTheBuilder_Anyone know a work-around for this?16:24
RobTheBuilder_OOOOOHHHH it's because everything is 32-bit and not 64 bit.16:29
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rajivmarshi all. i have installed ubuntu 17.10 in my hp laptop. the issue i m facing is  whenever my laptop boots first time after shutdown the brightness  has increased to full when i disconnect the laptop from the power source. after i set it again it works good. but it happens again when i turn the laptop off and turn on again and do the same things for the first time.16:44
rajivmarsany body help me.16:44
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Dreamanwhy google chrom flick flash17:00
skinuxI just had my system shutdown on it's own, in the process it had a bunch of CPU[0] soft lock problems. Here is a log of all system failures today, can anyone give me an idea of what happened? https://gist.github.com/skinuxgeek/29721917b1584e609876db11cab68f0117:03
texlaUbuntu 16.04..How to print from wifi to usb printer remotely!!17:09
scatterpwell whats the usb printer pluged in to windows ?17:11
scatterpskinux i am no expert but it looks like your graphics card got over hot and is about to die you should take it for reballing if what i say is correct17:13
scatterpskinux is it a laptop thats getting very hot ?17:14
texlascatterp, as stated operating system is Ubuntu 16.04 printer works when directly hooked up17:16
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pavlostexla: does this help? ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu#Ubuntu_print_server17:20
texlapavios good starting place thanks for the info17:24
scatterphi i have installed gnome-session-fallback and have successfully got to windows when i go to the menu but when i click on the links terminal or system etc nothing happens i think i failed to install something important ...17:24
JFox762Anyone know if there is a way to display a secondary timezone time on the title bar with 17.10?17:28
Neo1who know how to restar mysql server?17:28
scatterpsudo service mysql stop17:30
scatterpsudo service mysql start17:31
Neo1scatterp: thanks, everything works17:33
codepython777is there a way to install java 9 from oracle automatically using a shell script without keystrokes - http://tipsonubuntu.com/2016/07/31/install-oracle-java-8-9-ubuntu-16-04-linux-mint-18/17:36
codepython777Seems like oracle pops up a license box to press enter on - perhaps someone knows how to automate this?17:37
codepython777These two lines are asking for user input---> apt-get -y install oracle-java9-installer ,  update-alternatives --config java17:40
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ioriacodepython777, https://askubuntu.com/questions/929932/automate-keystroke-enter-in-curses-with-command-from-bash/93069717:42
ioriacodepython777, but never tried17:42
Neo1how to off safe mode for mysql permanently?17:43
Neo1I tired in mysql> sql_mode = 0; and after restart server safe mod was on again17:44
Neo1or in ISPmanager17:44
codepython777ioria: thanks17:44
codepython777I am not sure if that will work with java 917:44
ioriacodepython777,  no prob17:45
ioriacodepython777,  echo oracle-java9-installer shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true | sudo /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections17:46
ioriacodepython777,  or this : echo oracle-java8-installer shared/accepted-oracle-licence-v1-1 boolean true | sudo /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections17:47
codepython777ioria: apt-get -y --force-yes install oracle-java9-installer -- i think this is the one that asks for a license yes, when installed the first time17:47
codepython777remember this is java917:47
ioriacodepython777,  right17:47
codepython777so that echo is for the installer?17:48
ioriacodepython777,  yep17:48
ioriait's a pipe17:48
codepython777echo oracle-java9-installer shared/accepted-oracle-licence-v1-1 boolean true | sudo /usr/bin/debconf-set-selections -- need a way to uninstall cleanly - since it now does not ask for the licese agreement17:49
ioriacodepython777,  yes, better a clean install to test17:50
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Neo1who know where mysql my.ini file?17:54
EriC^^Neo1: "locate filename"17:54
Neo1for mysql17:54
EriC^^Neo1: type "locate my.ini"17:54
Neo1EriC^^: http://prntscr.com/h3jwrv17:55
Neo1comand not found17:55
EriC^^Neo1: try "find /etc -name my.ini"17:57
Neo1can't ok17:58
oerhekssome do search for that, or /etc/mysql/my.cnf18:03
oerheksand  /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf18:04
scragglezHey, I recently noticed that my navigation shortcuts stopped working. Especially the switching between desktops (ctrl+alt+right/left/up/down). I've tried restarting but it's not helping. Also have trying to start "gnome-settings-daemon" but unsure how18:07
pavlosNeo1: re the locate command, sudo apt install mlocate, then sudo updatedb, then locate my.cnf18:29
Neo1I've found my.ini file18:30
ikonialocate will only find things in certain paths18:30
scatterpwhy so quiet here18:30
ikoniaISPmanager will probably have moved things around18:31
ikoniaanother shoddy tool18:31
EriC^^ikonia: does it really? i think you're thinking whereis18:33
ikoniaEriC^^: locate still has the locatedb I believe18:34
EriC^^ikonia: oh you mean before running updatedb it wouldn't find everything?18:34
ikoniait only knows about what's in it's db18:35
ikoniaI can't remember if that DB contains the full file system by default of if you have to define the path it will search18:35
EriC^^alright, thanks anyways18:36
Sven_vB_recently I noticed I have huge directories "linux-headers-*" in /usr/src, are they required by default or did I accidentially opt in to something like kernel development?18:38
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ikoniaSven_vB: do you use an nvidia card ?18:40
Sven_vBikonia, nope, at least "lscpi | grep VGA" can only find an "Intel … Integrated …"18:41
ikoniaSven_vB: did you install the build-essential package ?18:41
ikoniasomething like that18:41
Bashing-omSven_vB: Headers are required to complile new softwares (think for instance graphic's drivers ) . Only the current and a backup is needed . In the process of removing old kernel images these files too will be removed .18:41
winadminguyI have an amazon lightsail ubuntu server, by default amazon gives ssh keys to connect to the server under the user ubuntu. I would like to create a new user and create keys that will allow him to connect to the server via putty on another  computer. How can I accomplish this.  Can you direct me to documentation i've tried a few times it didn't work.18:41
Sven_vBikonia, yes, I think I have. I'll ask apt why18:41
ikoniaas the kernel sources normally only get intsalled if you're building a module (like the nvidia one) or as a dependency for generic build tools18:41
ikoniaSven_vB: thats why it's there18:41
Sven_vBikonia, thanks!18:42
Sven_vBBashing-om, can deleting them interfere with anything other than compiling new stuff? e.g. stuff that I already compiled with them?18:43
akikwinadminguy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys18:44
scatterp<scatterp> hi i have installed gnome-session-fallback and have successfully got to windows when i go to the menu but when i click on the links terminal or system etc nothing happens i think i failed to install something important ...18:44
Bashing-omWell, My take .. as these hearers are a part of the kernel : BAd bad idea to go behind the package manager's back and 'rm' them . Best to 'apt remove'remove the associated kernels .18:45
malkaunswhere do i find a list of keycodes used by xdotool?18:46
malkaunsfor example what is the # key called?18:46
akikmalkauns: xmodmap -pke gives you something to start with18:47
Bashing-ommalkauns: The tool 'xev' will provide that info .18:47
malkaunsok thx18:47
scragglezHey, my navigation shortcuts(control+alt+ up arrow/down arrow/etc) to switch workspaces recently stopped same with trying to maximize a window. Is this a known issue with a fix?18:48
scragglezI've tried restarting unity and looking in gconf-editor but that's not helped18:48
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Sven_vBis there a way to configure the linux-headers-* directories to be stored somewhere else than in /usr/src, or at least in a common subdirectory thereof?18:56
ioriaEriC^^, /etc/updatedb.conf18:57
akikSven_vB: you could sym link them from elsewher18:58
Sven_vBakik, yes, but that's only for directory names that I can foretell18:58
akikSven_vB: but the installed packages expect that path18:58
ioriaEriC^^,   by default, it cannot search in /proc, /sys  etc.18:58
akikSven_vB: you asked for directory options?18:58
Sven_vBakik, yeah. my main problem is that apt-get sometimes creates new /usr/src/linux-headers-* directories and puts lots of files in them but the /usr partition wasn't planned big enough for that, so I'd like to relocate (via symlink) the headers to something like /mnt/…/app-data/build-essentials19:03
akikSven_vB: you could move your whole /usr elsewhere if you're having that kind of problem19:03
bcowanSven_vB: you really shouldn’t have more than one or two sets of headers, apt will remove them for you19:04
rxdeathhey all, i am losing it, does anyone know a good way to fix the copy bug problem19:04
akikSven_vB: i'm not sure what happens if /usr/src/directory is a sym link and not a directory apt expects to find19:04
Sven_vBakik, I consider the other stuff in /usr perfectly fine there, and even some small other stuff that might go in /usr/src if some future package needs that. I'd prefer to just relocate the giants.19:04
rxdeathwhenver i try and copy a large file to usb it takes forever, locks up my mouse, cpu wait starts showing up and disk hits to roof19:04
rxdeathits super annoying and i've done some thread searching, the few things i've tried have no effect19:05
Sven_vBbcowan, it seems to only do that for kernels older than the one currently active.19:05
EriC^^ioria: aha, thanks :)19:05
rxdeathits maddening my computer is pretty nice so theres no hardware problems19:05
ioriaEriC^^,   np19:05
kostkonSven_vB, there isn't enough space for even 1 kernel?19:05
Sven_vBkostkon, now that I removed 2 old ones, there's enough space. I just don't like the idea of having to keep track of it and add another cleanup chore.19:06
kostkonSven_vB, create a cron job that will frequently run apt-get autoremove maybe?19:07
rxdeathanyone?  copy locks up mouse so it can't be used?19:07
Sven_vBkostkon, yeah, that's my fallback plan if I can't find a way to housebreak apt :)19:07
rxdeathlike this, but i've tried to soltions to no avil19:07
kostkonSven_vB, ok19:08
Bashing-omSven_vB: One can configure unattended-upgrades to run autoremove periodically .19:08
rxdeathi have a nvme drive, but i've been using it for almost a year, and it doesn't happen on the exact samke drive a windows installation on it19:08
Sven_vBBashing-om, thanks!19:08
ioriamalkauns, xdotool key U002319:08
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rxdeathis there a better place to go to get any sort of answer than this channel?19:10
madmouser1rxdeath: try rsync (grsync if you want a GUI)19:11
neurrei had installed ubuntu 17.10 alongside windows 1019:11
neurreit worked fine for couple of days19:11
rxdeathi'm sure there's ways around it, but its not how it should work, i want to fix the problem not use something else19:12
neurrebut now suddenly grub menu does not show up and i boot straight to windows19:12
neurrei disabled fast boot from bios and windows, that did not make any difference19:12
neurrei also disabled secure boot19:12
neurreany suggestions19:12
kostkon!restoregrub | neurre, you could start from here19:13
ubottuneurre, you could start from here: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub19:13
Bashing-omnullsen: Windows update ?? broke the boot loader ?19:13
rxdeathi see the disk go hit the ceiling and i see cpu wait show up when its happening19:13
rxdeaththe mouse won't move19:13
neurreyes i think it seems plausible some windows update somehow disabled grub19:14
rxdeathgiven my 64gb of ram and  12 core i7 a 4 gb file shouldn't lock my ssytem for 4 minutes19:14
JFox762Anyone know if there is a way to display a secondary timezone time on the title bar with 17.10?19:14
neurreok i will try boot repair19:14
neurre17.10 installer has boot repair?19:14
rxdeathi'm 16.0419:15
rxdeathis there a room specific to 16.0419:17
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:18
madmouser1rxdeath: only way is to do a step by step diag, i would start with making sure the USB mounted properly without errors, enough cache on the system, figuring out what process is monopolizing the CPU (that would be reason for unresponsive GUI) , check I/O performance to USB disk etcetc19:22
JFox762Anyone know if there is a way to display a secondary timezone time on the title bar with 17.10?19:23
madmouser1rxdeath: oh and even before that check file system used on USB.19:24
rxdeathmadmouser1: i have, thanks for the input, but to my extreme rage it works perfectly on my windows laptop19:26
rxdeath2 gigs in 30 seconds, no lock19:26
alkisgrxdeath: I haven't read all the discussion, but if the problem is "copying to usb slows everything", did you try enabling another disk scheduler?19:31
rxdeathwell everything isn't quite right i can still alt-tab change windows, but hte mouse is dead, no i haven't ever done that i can look it up19:32
rxdeathit's just not a new installation, it was ok for quite a while19:32
alkisgrxdeath: something like this, to get you going: http://www.hecticgeek.com/2014/10/change-disk-i-0-scheduler-cfq-ubuntu-14-10/19:33
rxdeathits on a nvme samsung 950 m2 drive19:33
alkisgAlso, try `sudo -i; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches` when this happens, to see if it helps19:33
rxdeathdo i have to do it after it finishes the copy, or in the middle when its draggin ass19:34
alkisgThe first is on boot19:34
alkisgThe second is in the middle of the copy19:34
rxdeathi know some people says the m.2 or ssds have problems19:34
malkaunsioria: thx19:35
alkisgAlso check `dmesg` for errors when that happens19:35
rxdeathbut i'm a solar astrophotographer so i was moving hundreds of gigs of a data a day no problem, then all the sudden it starts being a jerk19:35
rxdeaththe old dmesg19:36
malkaunsioria: also xdotool key numbersign19:36
ioriamalkauns, yes,  or :   xdotool key 108+48   ( these are the numbs you got from xev)19:36
rxdeath[584729.886404] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev sdd, sector 2064    i feel like this is important lol19:36
alkisgThis means bad disk, bad sectors etc19:36
madmouser1rxdeath: i get your frustration but things do go wrong on all systems (even your beloved Windows ) so there is the quick "use somethhing else and get the job done approach" and the "will calm down and have patience and figure out what is going on approach"19:36
ioriamalkauns,  the names and the unicodes here : https://unicode-table.com/en/#002319:37
EleanorEllisI've been an idiot and stored some critical data on a FAT formatted usb stick and corrupted it. Can anyone help me recover it please? I have done the following https://pastebin.com/vMwx3k9Z19:38
EriC^^rxdeath: try installing smartmontools and run sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX and pastebin the results19:38
EriC^^rxdeath: * /dev/sdd19:39
rxdeathmadmouser1: i rarely use windows, just my work laptop, actually i run gentoo on my system19:39
rxdeaththereis no emergency, so now is the time to get it fixed not bypass it, but thanks for trying19:39
madmouser1rxdeath: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/120899319:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1208993 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu slows down and hangs while copying file from/to USB" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:39
madmouser1there is some reading and suggestoions19:40
malkaunsioria: thx19:40
rxdeathmadmouser1: i was on that before icame here and changing those values didn't help19:40
rxdeathits surprising that this is still a problem when tehre's a 3 year old bug report19:41
ioriamalkauns,  you're welcome19:41
madmouser1rxdeath: yup19:41
cortexmanhow do I enable /dev/udp/* ? bash 4.3.48 ubuntu xenial19:45
rxdeathEriC^^: i get  https://pastebin.com/DR2jFvRq19:45
rxdeathi had to use scsi as device type though19:45
rxdeathits just a usb3 survivor by corsair19:45
EriC^^rxdeath: oh, the smart test doesn't say much19:46
alkisgcortexman: open two terminals. In the first, run `nc -u -l 1234`. In the second, run `echo hi > /dev/udp/localhost/1234`19:47
alkisgcortexman: in other words, it's already "enabled", and that was one example on how to use it19:48
scatterp<scatterp> hi i have installed gnome-session-fallback and have successfully got to windows when i go to the menu but when i click on the links terminal or system etc nothing happens i think i failed to install something important ...19:51
scatterpi did have this working previously before i reinstalled19:51
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rxdeathi almost want to do a quick install on another old hdd and see if it does the same thing19:58
rxdeathi just reformatted the drive and tried again, no change19:59
bcowanDrive or controller sound like they are starting to fail, have you tried badblocks or checking with smartmontools20:01
rxdeathbcowan: i just tried smart tools and it says almost nothing20:06
bcowanNeed to run with the right switch/test20:08
rxdeathlol, its doing it right now20:08
rxdeathbecuase of the badblocks test, mouse is dead, cpuwait is up, disk is maxed, but i can type no problem20:09
rxdeathbcowan: what switches/flags do you recommend for a t3est whenever i get my mouse back20:11
rxdeathfor smart tols20:11
rxdeathsigh  -- Pass completed, 0 bad blocks found. (0/0/0 errors)20:14
bcowanHmm that makes it more interesting20:14
bcowanDmesg doesn’t throw any errors20:15
rxdeath[12:36] <rxdeath> [584729.886404] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev sdd, sector 2064    i feel like this is important lol20:15
rxdeathoh weird20:16
rxdeathi think its unmounting and mounting again20:17
rxdeathi just tailed dmesg last ime here's the full deal20:17
rxdeathbcowan: https://pastebin.com/GADUpcRM20:18
rxdeaththanks for your attention20:18
rxdeaththat might be me unmoutning it to try it somewhere else, but i hope there's somethinhg in there that makes the problem obvious20:20
rxdeathits such a pita when i'm getting ready to do something and i'll just 'copy this real quick' and i'm down and out for hour because of this20:20
bcowanMaybe a cable is loose, that would be the lucky thing20:20
rxdeatha cable on my usb flash drive?  or my m.2 drive that the os is on?  :)20:20
bcowanEither a bad connection or controller is going bad20:25
rxdeathmotherboard is like a year old20:25
=== Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB
Jordan_Urxdeath: Still working on fixing problems with long copies slowing the rest of the system down?20:26
Sven_vBis it an indication of a broken system when apt cannot find a reason why package linux-generic should be installed, and thus suggests to remove it?20:27
Jordan_Urxdeath: https://lwn.net/Articles/682582/ I don't know which upstream kernel release this change was first available in, but I don't think it's in the kernel that comes with Ubuntu 16.04.20:31
Sven_vBnevermind, linux-generic seems to conflict with openoffice. that's good enough a sign something's gone brown.20:32
rxdeathstill no love20:32
rxdeathtried rebooting to check if bios was ahci and it is20:32
rxdeathseems like copying to usb without locking up the os would be a basic requirement for the os20:32
Jordan_Urxdeath: https://lwn.net/Articles/682582/ I don't know which upstream kernel release this change was first available in, but I don't think it's in the kernel that comes with Ubuntu 16.04.20:32
bcowanAll those dropped usb connections and remounts are a sign something else is going on20:33
bcowanAnd I/o errors20:34
Bashing-omSven_vB: What does the package manager think ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt -f install ; sudo dpkg -C ' ?20:34
cristian_cHow could I enable/switch to evdev once installed?20:35
cristian_cAny ideas?20:35
Sven_vBBashing-om, answer will take a few minutes, machine is rebooting20:35
ikoniaSven_vB: out of interest did you remove the kernel source packages ?20:35
rxdeathbcowan: i think that might have been me just unmoutning and mounting it after trying other things20:35
cristian_cBashing-om: I'm dping a tsst, todsy I've removed motherboard from the case, and I've connected power supply, hdd, and display, using mobo out of the case20:36
bcowanSwitching schedulers may help, idk. Could ask people’s opinions on that20:37
cristian_c(I've turned it on touching pwr pins by a screwdriver ( ^_^ 920:37
Sven_vBikonia, I'm not sure. I deleted some old-looking /usr/src/linux-headers-* directories and then ran puppet to test my new symlink rules for /usr/src . it might have changed package selections.20:38
rxdeathmaybe i should just upgrade, but it seems unrealistic that ubuntu just had garbage copy to usb for whatever reason, someone has to have cared enough to fixed whatever was overlooked20:40
rxdeathi cna't believe a LTS has this problem20:40
ikoniaSven_vB: you didn't remove the packages !!!!20:42
ikoniaSven_vB: you where directly advised against removing the directories20:42
ikoniayour dependencies will be screwed now20:42
pavlosrxdeath: what the filesystem on the usb?20:42
Sven_vBikonia, oh. looks like I missed that advice.20:43
Jordan_Urxdeath: It's not an Ubuntu specific problem. The linux kernel has had terrible problems with background writeback forever, and it was only fixed relatively recently.20:43
bcowanrxdeath: like Jordan_U said, maybe try a newer kernel see if the problem is still there20:45
rxdeathyea i think i'm stuck doing that, i've tried a few flash drives and on some its better, but still there20:45
rxdeathpavlos: ext4, exfat, fat32   i've tried sticks with all of them20:45
Sven_vBBashing-om, apt-get --fix-broken install suggests to install linux-headers-4.4.0-98, and it no longer thinks it conflicts with libreoffice (openoffice was my mistake earlier). sounds good to me so I'll try that.20:47
Sven_vBBashing-om, dpkg --audit finished quickly with no output.20:48
rxdeathyea it all gets into the buffer really fast20:48
rxdeathbut then i see the cpu io wait color in my sys monitor and the mouse starts to die, its a wireless mouse, the keyboard is fine, but that's i/o errors of some sort20:48
rxdeathi guess i'll try the new kernel, not much else left to try20:49
rxdeathrarely does linux disappoint me, but this is one of those times20:49
Sven_vBBashing-om, thanks for reminding me of the -f option to apt, seems like everything is back to normal now.20:55
royal_screwup21Say you write the word "abc" in  a 100 .txt files. I want to replace "abc" with "xyz" in all of those text files. What would be the easiest way to do that?21:04
bcowanroyal_screwup21: sed21:10
rxdeathbcowan: should i just make al ive disk of 16043 and try booting from that?21:12
bcowanrxdeath: sure or 17.10 or an hwe kernel from the repos or Ukuu and test the latest mainline...whichever u prefer21:17
Toadisattvarunning lubuntu 16.04 lts on an ancient p4 machine (2.6 ghz single core p4 processor, 2 gb ram) trying to install drivers for nvidia geforce 2 400/mx card, can anyone point me the right direction? I keep ended up black screening the system21:25
akikToadisattva: i used the nvidia-304-updates for an older card21:26
Toadisattvagraphics-drivers ppa then just apt-get nvidia-304-updates?21:26
akikToadisattva: check with apt-cache policy nvidia-304-updates21:27
akikToadisattva: i think it should be in the standard repos21:27
Toadisattvahmm I'm even getting the black screen trying to boot into grub now21:29
Toadisattvaokay got grub booting recovery mode enable networking and dropping to root21:29
Toadisattvaapt cache policy tells me installed none and showes me a candidate version table and such21:30
Toadisattvaso is it as simple as apt-get install nvidia-304-updates?21:31
akikToadisattva: not sure if you need to remove the current one first21:31
akikToadisattva: otherwise yes that'll do21:31
Toadisattvaapt-get remove --purge nvidia* should take of that if so?21:31
Toadisattvaseems to be letting me install it okay without yelling at me21:32
Toadisattvayeah it's removing the one I had previously on it's own21:33
Toadisattvayay hope hope hope21:34
* Toadisattva crosses fingers21:34
Toadisattvathanks for the help btw :)21:34
akikToadisattva: yea well i have two of older machines that i that with :)21:37
akikuse with21:37
Toadisattvainstalled and rebooting we'll see what happens21:38
riotzthere is some crappy icon resizing problem on my terminal window when i'm using the nvidia drivers on ubuntu 17.10.. see https://ibb.co/gGsfO621:38
riotzanyone got a clue how to fix this?21:38
Toadisattvanope still got the black screen21:42
akikToadisattva: try adding nomodeset kernel parameter21:43
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter21:43
ToadisattvaI got grub hit e to bring up the boot line, just add !nomodeset to the end?21:44
akikToadisattva: without the !21:44
Toadisattvaerror can't find command nomodeset21:44
Toadisattvaoh it's doing something now21:45
Toadisattvabrought me to recovery mode21:45
akikToadisattva: it needs to go to the line starting with linux21:45
Toadisattvaah okay21:45
GumaI have 24 inch monitor that I rotated 90deg and I can rotate desktop 90 deg after logging in. But before I login I see logon prompt Not rotated. Is there a way to rotate screen on boot so my login prompt is also rotated?21:47
ToadisattvaI got a lubuntu splash screen that was blue and had it written very poorly kinda choppy/flashy now I just have a black screen with a blinking cursor21:48
Toadisattvacntrl alt f1 gets me the login for just a second then it goes back to the cursor21:49
akikToadisattva: if you can, open /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see if it has pointers to what might be wrong21:50
Toadisattvactrl alt del brought me back to the blue spashscreen21:50
Toadisattvak lets see here21:50
Toadisattvatried with gedit but got an error "failed to connec to mir: failed to connect to server socket: no such file or directory"21:53
akikToadisattva: did you check at nvidia website which driver would be the correct one?21:53
ntdi've asked before but never really gotten a straight answer: are there plans to include 17.10/4.13 kernel into xenial main repos before q1/2 2018?21:54
ToadisattvaI had downloaded the correct .run from their website but ran into issues with that too21:54
akikToadisattva: which version was it?21:54
akiklol i get 404 errors from geforce downloads21:55
Toadisattvait tells me my kernel header file doesn't exist21:56
Toadisattvawhen I try running it21:56
akikToadisattva: linux-headers package maybe missing21:56
Toadisattvaspecific version is 4.10.0-28-generic21:57
akikToadisattva: you can install it with sudo apt-get install linux-headers-4.10.0-28-generic21:58
akikToadisattva: i'm wondering what task asks for the headers?21:58
Toadisattvasays already the newest version21:59
Toadisattvathen tells me I can autremove unnecessary files21:59
ToadisattvaI can't get the log up with gedit is there another alternative text editor I can use to read the log?21:59
akikToadisattva: do you have xorg running?22:00
akikToadisattva: nano is for text mode22:00
Toadisattvalets see22:00
Toadisattvaah nano! forgot about that22:00
BraybautToadisattva, to read logs you can use less or tail22:00
ToadisattvaI tried sudo lightdm stop and it gave me all kinda funky messages and I'm back to the bliking cursor22:01
akikToadisattva: could be that even v304 is too new for your card22:02
Toadisattvafailed to get system bus faild to get d-bus connection and stuff was the messages I got back to the root command line22:02
ToadisattvaI suspect that may be the case this thing is ancient22:02
akikToadisattva: there's also the open source nouveau module. did you test with it?22:02
akikToadisattva: geforce 2 is listed there22:04
Toadisattvathat's the default right? everything worked fine before I tried fiddling with nvidia drivers22:04
Toadisattvabut I was getting graphical errors with emulation station in particular22:04
JFox762hey, can someone help me figure out this error message?22:04
Toadisattvaso I though maybe installing the proprietary drivers might sort it22:04
akikToadisattva: yes it's the default22:04
JFox762'Viber.deb' is not a Debian package.22:05
akikToadisattva: i think it's your best bet now22:05
JFox762The Mime type of hti sfile is 'application/x-debian-package' and can not be installed on this system22:05
akikToadisattva: what kind of graphical errors?22:05
auronandaceJFox762: where did you get it from?22:06
Toadisattvalike the images in ES for the systems weren't coming up and stuff22:06
JFox762Viber's website22:06
Toadisattvaappears to be open gl errors, got the same thing with the internal graphics not using the card as well22:06
auronandaceJFox762: what versions of ubuntu does it list as supported?22:07
JFox762website doesn't specify22:07
JFox762But it says tested on Ubuntu and Fedora22:07
JFox762But I have 17.1022:08
akikToadisattva: do you think it's limited to that one application? what is ES, btw?22:08
Toadisattvaemulation station22:08
Toadisattvait could very well be that program compatibility22:08
auronandaceJFox762: my guess would be they made it work with a lts release. perhaps it worked on 14.04 or 16.0422:09
ToadisattvaI guess my question now is how do I get back to nouveau at this point?22:09
JFox762When is the next LTS?22:09
akikToadisattva: i removed the nvidia drivers and it went back to nouveau22:09
auronandaceJFox762: 18.0422:09
auronandaceJFox762: just because it ran on a previous lts release is not a guarantee it will work on later ones22:10
akikToadisattva: maybe you need a newer card :)22:10
auronandaceJFox762: you'll need to browse their forums for support22:10
Toadisattvahaha yeah I was just trying to repurpose this old one if I could22:10
Toadisattvathe program worked fine with a newer card in this same machine previously22:10
Toadisattvamaybe I'll just have to use a different frontend to play my old games22:12
akikToadisattva: your machine is about 15 years old?22:12
JFox762hmm ok22:13
ToadisattvaI think around 10 ish years22:13
Toadisattvaiirc got this one new around 2007 or so22:13
Bashing-omToadisattva: I run an old 2007 system ( AMD dual core ) upgraded grahic's crd .. no issues with xubuntu as the OS .22:15
akikToadisattva: geforce 2 mx was released in 2000 :)22:15
Toadisattvayeah that came out of another machine22:16
Toadisattvamaybe I should just go with the integrated graphics on this machine22:16
Toadisattvaoh well, thanks for all the assistance22:24
akikToadisattva: was it just the ES that didn't work right?22:25
Toadisattvayeah pretty sure that was just an open gl support issue, it gave me display under nouveau22:25
Toadisattvajust didn't work with that proggy22:26
coffeeguyhey hey anyone running ubu with a vega rx?23:20
coffeeguywanted to here some first hand experiences ?23:20
HaroonThere's a bash completion script that I want to enable for all users without having to go through adding it as source to each individual user's .bash_profile23:27
HaroonHow do I go about doing that? I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.23:27
nullsenBashing-om: No, I'm /dev/nullsen :D23:29
nchambersPut it in /etc/bash_profile?23:30
Haroonnchambers: Oh OK...lemme try that. Thanks. :)23:30
nchambersBut why not let everyone use what they want?23:31
Bashing-omnullsen: And I be guilty of not paying attention to my tab completes :(23:31
Haroonnchambers: It's for a server specifically to be used to serve WordPress websites, and the script in question is autocompletion for the wp-cli commandline, and hence will be useful for every user account on the server.23:32
HaroonAlso, I'll be the primary person using each of those individual accounts, so it'll be easier for me.23:33
HaroonI'm using a separate account for each website on the server for security purposes. :)23:33
HaroonPS: Just checked.../etc/bash_profile doesn't exist. Should I simply create a directory by that name?23:34
HaroonI see /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/bash_completion, both of which are files rather than directories.23:35
p1l0tSo I installed nvidia drivers for my gtx 1060 from the website and no my computer freezes on the login screen but I can't even do ctrl-alt-f123:41
p1l0tdropping to the root prompt has no networking though even when I enable networking23:42
arvin_Haroon: should be /etc/profile23:42
HaroonThanks arvin_.23:43
p1l0tDo I have to wipe everything and reinstall?23:44
Bashing-om!nomodeset | p1l0t Try this and advise :23:45
ubottup1l0t Try this and advise :: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:45
Haroonarvin_: /etc/profile isn't a directory either :(23:46
arvin_it should be a file23:47
arvin_you can source it in there23:47
HaroonOh OK. I do see /etc/profile.d as well. Would placing it in there work?23:49
arvin_yeah, better idea23:52
p1l0tBashing-om: I'm confused where to add these lines. I pressed E with Ubuntu highlighted but do I just add them anywhere under setparams? Do I add them all at once or try one at a time?23:53
arvin_p1l0t: you can also use a live cd, then use the chroot method to mount your ubuntu partition and uninstall the drivers23:56
Bashing-omp1l0t: With a kernel highlighted, press 'e' key -> boot parameters screen, Here arrow down to the line starting with linux, and arrow over to "quiet splash" replace these terms with nomodeset . key combo ctl+x to contunue the boot proces . IF you can boot to a terminal we can work to get the system cleaned up and a driver installed .23:57

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