
=== anonymous is now known as Guest2629
Guest2629kubuntu sucks04:47
lordievaderGood morning07:15
=== jayhunold is now known as jhunold
zztoplessevening folks... does anyone know if it's possible to resize the application launcher (would like to make it taller, as I have to scroll to see all my favourites).  I'm running Linux Mint KDE 18.5, KDE version 5.8.710:21
zztoplessI have asked in #kde and the mint-linux channel, just thought I'd ask here, as I suspect it's a kde and or ubuntu issue10:21
acheronukzztopless: I see you found http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2017/09/05/howto-here-is-how-to-resize-kde-plasma-application-launcher-main-menu/10:34
zztoplessyeah, thanks for the effort though :-)10:36
acheronukthat is handy tip to know :)10:37
zztoplessstrange that a version change would make something I imagine is reasonably commonly used and and access to it only available through an obscure key combo, unless right-click + mouse2 is a universal action now?10:38
zztoplessacheronuk: indeed :)10:38
=== Tomato95 is now known as Phloxx
robertjuliusi know this is offtopic but.. Where do i go to learn javascript properly? inside an IDE rather than a webpage?11:02
robertjulius(or know a IRC channel where this question will find a host of good answers?)11:02
hateball!alis | robertjulius11:11
ubotturobertjulius: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"11:11
=== h3ct0r is now known as lkkkjdi
BluesKajHowdy folks12:35
BluesKajhi parveen13:05
parveenhey i have installed kget from terminal. but when i try to open it from application launcher it is doing nothing. but it running in the process table13:11
clivejojust tried that13:25
clivejo~$ kget13:25
clivejokget: error while loading shared libraries: libgpgme-pthread.so.11: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory13:25
acheronukopens ok in artful13:26
clivejohummm got a neon package installed13:28
acheronukit also starts in the system tray here, not it's full window. maybe that is why they didn't see it13:29
clivejook, opens fine with Ubuntu archive version13:30
* clivejo shrugs13:30
clivejolibgpgme11 (1.8.0-3ubuntu5)13:31
TomTomwhat could be the cause that i always have to run "dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf" after each start to get working name resolution? it seems networkmanager creates a resolvconf(link) with as dns and after running resolvconf-reconfigure there is a resolvconf with in it.13:55
lordievaderTomTom: Do you have dnsmasq installed?14:09
TomTomlordievader: yes, its installed14:11
lordievaderThat is why NetworkManager sets the nameserver to 127.0.0.x, since it expects dnsmasq to resolve your queries.14:12
lordievaderIs dnsmasq running.14:12
TomTomyes its runnin... normally i dont need it, i guess.14:13
lordievaderDoes it resolve queries correctly?14:14
TomTomi removed dnsmasq and restarted the system. after restart resolv.conf is again just a file (no symlink) with as DNS, after reconfigure its a symlink and contains
TomTomso its otherway round as i wrote above14:20
lordievaderHmm, usually you do want NM to add nameservers to resolv.conf, however to turn it off: https://askubuntu.com/questions/623940/network-manager-how-to-stop-nm-updating-etc-resolv-conf14:22
TomTomi want that NM does the setup. the question is why it writes and should use somehow
TomTomthis seems to be the issue https://askubuntu.com/questions/966870/dns-not-working-after-upgrade-17-04-to-17-1014:38
lordievaderAh, good to know. The fix proposed works?14:40
forelleI have kubuntu 17 running on an acer switch alpha 12 tablet and the stylus works, but the right mouse button middle clicks14:54
forelleany way to rebind stylus buttons?14:54
TomTomlordievader: of course not B-) but i found another issue after checking the journal again... ubuntu-fan failed during restart... enough for today with system maintenance, thanks for the help/ideas15:04
lordievaderNo problem15:04
forelleoh wow kde connect is lit15:06
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest30370
user|21489does any body know when 17.04 will update16:02
jipang_menjeritejat: ping17:22
=== Smoothiie is now known as Smirnoff
=== Smirnoff is now known as Smoothiie
=== Smoothiie is now known as Smirnoff
=== Smirnoff is now known as Smirnoffy
SmirnoffyHi i just installed Kubuntu and noticed that I can't run executable files. I didn't have this problem in Ubuntu.18:08
SmirnoffyCould anyone please help?18:08
krytarikSmirnoffy: I take it you mean via the file manager?18:13
SmirnoffyHome/Template I have a game folder with several executable files like, sdl, glx and dedicated.18:15
krytarikI take this as a yes. :P18:16
krytarikNo idea how Dolphin handles this by default.18:17
SmirnoffyIt shows a red line above but if i click on it it becomes a green cross. But it doesn't change anything.18:18
SmirnoffyAll files are marked to be run as executable so I don't know why it doesn't work.18:19
krytarikAh that, I was tricked by it earlier too - it's a 'favorites' feature or somesuch.  But if you double-click the file properly or go through the context menu, you should be able to execute it still.18:23
SmirnoffyI hate spammed both my mouse and the enter button and even tried to run it in the terminal18:25
SmirnoffyNothgin I do seem to work :(18:25
Smirnoffyhave* but feel hate I guess, lol18:25
SmirnoffyWhat you mean with context menu?18:26
krytarikRight-clicking the file.18:27
Smirnoffy1. Double clicked the file with mouse18:30
Smirnoffy2. Tried to open it with enter (both Enter buttons)18:31
Smirnoffy3. Tried to open it via the konsol/terminal18:31
Smirnoffy4. Made sure it has permission for executable files18:32
krytarikDo you get an error message when you try it through the terminal?18:32
SmirnoffyThis is what I have tried. Have even moved the entire folder out onto the desktop but same result there.18:33
SmirnoffyYes, it says there is no such directory18:33
krytarikWell, that's nothing to do with the used desktop environment then anyway.18:34
SmirnoffyQuake Error: session lock /home/username/.xonotic/lock could not be acquired. Please run with -sessionid and an unique session name.18:34
SmirnoffyThis is one of the errors I get, to be more specific18:35
krytarikIs this the only executable you have issues with?18:38
SmirnoffyI have tried sdl, glx and dedicated18:39
Smirnoffynone of responding18:39
krytarikAnything else than that game?18:40
SmirnoffyAs I mentioned earlier have just installed it so haven't got that far yet18:42
SmirnoffyIsn't there anyone using Kubuntu in here who can help? i mean, it's a Kubuntu channel after all =/18:42
krytarikBut it's no Quake one. :P18:43
Smirnoffyreading on the internet just gives me several years old threads with no solution18:43
SmirnoffyTrue, but as i mentioned earlier this wasn't a problem in Ubuntu18:45
SmirnoffyIt was activated by default but now I'm totaly locked out =/18:45
SmirnoffyI don't understand what that red line or green/white + sign in left corner of the icon is for either. Since changing it doesn't make any difference.18:48
=== luc4_ is now known as luc4
schnoodlesAnyone know what this actually is ? "apt-get -qq -y -d dist-upgrade" it is the main reason that 80% of the time when I start my machine I cannot update my system. Because apt has a lock file created because of that lingering command.23:14
krytarikschnoodles: It's about what was discussed here: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2017/10/25/%23ubuntu-devel.html23:29

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