
Ngoci need some help03:39
mrinalhello everyone08:34
mrinali am having a problem with my machine... can someone help08:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:36
mrinali was running my laptop on OSGEO which uses lubuntu and i upgraded the kernel and now my wireless does not work. how can i uninstall the latest kernel and put the original in its place08:38
mrinalhow can i do it on the terminal, also, i foolishly deleted the previous kernels (purged)08:39
hateballmrinal: do you know the version number of your last working kernel?08:43
hateballif so, apt install linux-image-x.x.x.x-generic08:43
mrinali'm not sure, i think it was 3.3 something, but i do have the installation disk, is there anyway i can find out using the installation CD-ROM08:44
mrinali' sorry, i'm @ work and i have to leave in 20 min. thanx for your help08:47
hateballmrinal: was it the original kernel?08:49
hateballmrinal: on 16.04 I think that would be linux-image-3.13.0-24-generic08:49
JohnDoe_71Rusas i remember 14.04 has 3.17 and 4.408:50
hateballmrinal: but rather than downgrade, you can try !hwe for an updated kernel and see if that works properly08:50
ikoniamrinal: what is osgeo ?08:50
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack08:50
ikonia"I'm running it on osgeo"08:50
mrinali think 3.13.0-24-generic is right08:50
ikoniait looks like a group08:50
mrinalosgeo is built on lubuntu and has all kinds of FOSS GIS tools on it08:51
JohnDoe_71Rushttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/14.04/ you can see actual kernels08:52
ikoniaso not ubuntu then as a distro08:52
ikoniasomeone else has modified it08:52
mrinali tried updating the kernel and thats when the problem started08:52
ikoniamrinal: this sounds like something the OSGeo group should be supporting in the #osgeo channel on this network08:54
mrinallubuntu is a lightweight version of ubuntu specifically meant for GIS applications08:54
ikoniathe second someone changes the official install, it's their responsibility to support it08:54
mrinalthanx for your advice08:55
ikoniano problem, I'm sure they will be able to support their re-spin08:56
ikoniait's not appropriate to support it here though as we don't know what has been changed/how08:56
mrinalin addition to this i did something really stupid.... in order to speed-up my system i edited the init files and my laptop now does not shut down automatically i have to hard power-off the laptop08:57
JohnDoe_71Rusmrinal: https://live.osgeo.org/archive/6.5/en/index.html this os?08:58
mrinalyou are close... the OS is osgeo8.008:59
ikoniamrinal: ok, so it's not appropriate for this channel08:59
mrinalyes, this is the one09:00
JohnDoe_71Rusfor my 14.04 i use http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ 4.1009:02
mrinalcan someone kindly inform me the channel i should post my problem to09:03
ikoniait's on their website09:03
ikoniaI mentioned it a few lined up09:03
mrinalthanx for your help09:04
mrinalthanx.... gotto go.. bye09:06
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bryanfrommacauI've been having trouble getting vnc to work13:17
bryanfrommacaudoes anyone have a favorite vnc client that I should try?13:17
bryanfrommacauI haven't had luck with tightvnc13:17
bryanfrommacauTrying to control lubuntu from windows13:18
dee_when making live usb disk for lubuntu 17.10: can I make persistence larger than 4 gb, or is it limited to 4?17:10
endbossHi, which one out of lubuntu.net and lubuntu.me is the official website?17:33
krytarikendboss: The .me one17:36
endbosskrytarik: Thanks17:44
krytarikendboss: LP #1608306 is the relevant bug report btw.17:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1608306 in Lubuntu Artwork "Confusing for users with many websites" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/160830617:46
Mastussnd-usb-audio seems to work quite differently than before... (Not necessarily a bug)21:13
MastusI have USB mixer connected to my computer and often I route inputs from mixer to the outputs of internal soundcard21:14
MastusBefore, I could just switch mixer on and everything was peachy21:14
MastusNow, I switch mixer on -> everything is still good, but when switching mixer off it still shows on alsamixer (and no disconnect message in dmesg)21:15
MastusAnd it seems that it has preference over internal soundcard (so no sound output from web pages or videos)21:16
MastusUnplug USB -> we have usb disconnect in dmesg, and everything is as before (sound works)21:17
MastusI don't know if this is normal behaviour because upon upgrading Lubuntu I also upgraded my HW.21:17
MastusBut on my old HW and Lubuntu 14.10 I could just use mixer ON/OFF switch, now I must physically unplug cable.21:18
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