
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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mvohey zyga-ubuntu! good morning08:00
zyga-ubuntuhey mvo08:07
zyga-ubuntusorry, a bit stiff08:07
zyga-ubuntuI decided to move back to the office08:08
mvozyga-ubuntu: no worries - reviews for the 2.29 targeted PRs would be great08:11
zyga-ubuntumvo: ack08:13
mupPR snapd#4098 closed: snap-confine: allow reading uevents from any where in /sys <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4098>08:14
zyga-ubuntumvo: btw, I think we can close the 2.28 milestone now08:14
zyga-ubuntumvo: about https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/409508:15
mupPR #4095: debian: make packaging/ubuntu-14.04/copyright a real file again <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4095>08:15
zyga-ubuntumvo: I think Pharaoh_Atem is 100% spot on here08:15
zyga-ubuntumvo: shall I spend a while to make the copyright file non-fake today/08:16
zyga-ubuntumvo: I feel bad about this because debian/copyright is one of the most important parts of debian and ubuntu08:16
mvozyga-ubuntu: ok, but lets not block 2.29 on this as its not a regression08:16
zyga-ubuntumvo: tongue-in-cheek it is a regression since we started vendoring, we just get a free pass to ignore that in ubuntu, it seems08:17
zyga-ubuntumvo: I'll get to work :)08:17
mvozyga-ubuntu: not a regression comapred to 2.2808:17
mvozyga-ubuntu: but yeah, I think we are in agreemeent08:17
mupPR snapd#4095 closed: debian: make packaging/ubuntu-14.04/copyright a real file again <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4095>08:18
zyga-ubuntusanity timeout expired: Interrupted system call08:19
zyga-ubuntumvo: 6 seconds not enough?08:19
mvozyga-ubuntu: I don't know what is going on :(08:20
zyga-ubuntumvo: maybe we should not hold that lock on this long08:20
mvozyga-ubuntu: makes me unhappy because it may mean we will run into autopkgtest issue on the distro08:20
zyga-ubuntumvo: I wish I could reproduce this08:20
mupPR snapd#4096 closed: spread: welcome bionic beaver <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4096>08:20
mvozyga-ubuntu: thanks for your merges. I cherry pick in parallel to 2.2908:21
zyga-ubuntuah, wait08:21
zyga-ubuntu2.29~rc2 had the 6 second timeout change08:21
mupPR snapd#4099 closed: merge 2.29~rc2 release back into master <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4099>08:21
zyga-ubuntuso maybe that was still on the 3 second one08:21
* mvo nods08:22
mupPR snapd#4097 closed: interfaces/many: miscellaneous updates based on feedback from the field <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4097>08:29
zyga-ubuntumvo: about https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/407808:30
mupPR #4078: tests: new test to check interfaces after reboot the system <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4078>08:30
mvozyga-ubuntu: I thin for this one we need a 2.29 PR - 11 commits08:30
zyga-ubuntumvo: we need the code to update mount units in the field, right?08:30
zyga-ubuntumvo: yes, I was thinking the same thing after not squash merging it08:30
zyga-ubuntumvo: I'll make one08:30
mvozyga-ubuntu: is that the right PR number? but yeah we need this code to update the mount units in the fields but I think it should not block 2.29, no regression and 2.30 can have it08:30
zyga-ubuntumvo: hmm, not sure, it's a serious bug that can stop people from operating servers08:31
mvozyga-ubuntu: if we have a fix ready quickly it can be considered, in the meantime the workaround is to reinstall snapd 2.29 and things will work08:36
mupPR snapd#4101 opened:  interfaces/many: miscellaneous updates based on feedback from the field (2.29) <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4101>08:36
zyga-ubuntumvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4101 is the backport08:36
mupPR #4101:  interfaces/many: miscellaneous updates based on feedback from the field (2.29) <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4101>08:36
zyga-ubuntumvo: I don't have a fix handy, let me see if there's a simple way to make that08:36
mvozyga-ubuntu: :( good luck08:37
mvozyga-ubuntu: don't get me wrong, we want to fix that. but we also need to release and there is a reasonable workaround (dpkg --purge snapd ; apt install snapd) that we can release-note08:38
zyga-ubuntumvo: purging sytem state08:39
zyga-ubuntuthat's not a reasonable solution IMO08:39
zyga-ubuntu(disrupts production)08:39
mvozyga-ubuntu: well, for people who are affected by the bug there is no system state because snapd did not work08:40
mvozyga-ubuntu: and for the people who are not affected there is nothing to do08:40
mvozyga-ubuntu: alternatively we could do something trivial in the trusty postinst?08:41
mvozyga-ubuntu: like "sed s/[Unit]\n.../fix/"08:41
mupPR snapcraft#1646 opened: sources: enforce default language in subversion info <Created by clobrano> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1646>08:43
zyga-ubuntumvo: not really, it's something that is broken but not each time08:44
zyga-ubuntumvo: yeah08:44
zyga-ubuntumvo: the postinst idea is not too shabby :)08:45
mvozyga-ubuntu: unrelated question, if I have a snapName and a plugName, is there an easy way to check if that is connected (ie what api should I use for this)?08:53
zyga-ubuntulet me see08:54
zyga-ubuntumvo: yes08:55
zyga-ubuntumvo: you can use repo.Plug(snapName, plugName).Connections08:55
zyga-ubuntumvo: what are you making? :)08:56
zyga-ubuntumvo: on that note: http://turnoff.us/geek/what-your-code-looks-like/08:57
mvozyga-ubuntu: thank you! I work on snapd-control attributes, things get a bit messy because snapd control cannot import ifacestate nor does it have access to ifacemanager. I guess I think to think a bit how to cleanly untangle this08:59
zyga-ubuntusnapd-control attributes?08:59
mvozyga-ubuntu: repo is initialized from the state?08:59
mvozyga-ubuntu: could I use it outside of ifacemanager?08:59
zyga-ubuntuthe repository?09:00
mvozyga-ubuntu: like what we did with configstate09:00
mvozyga-ubuntu: yes09:00
zyga-ubuntuI think so09:00
mvozyga-ubuntu: cool09:00
zyga-ubuntuthough locking09:00
mvozyga-ubuntu: thats ok, the state lock should do it for us, no?09:00
zyga-ubuntuthe ifacestate has an API that returns the repo09:00
zyga-ubuntuyes, the repo also has its own locking09:00
mvozyga-ubuntu: so I guess I could move the repo/state code into ifacestate/repo and import that from both ifacestate and snapstate?09:01
mvozyga-ubuntu: I imagine we will have more cases where a certain decision in snapstate is based on an interface connection09:01
zyga-ubuntumove the interfaces/repo code to ifacestate?09:02
zyga-ubuntuunless that's really necessary I'd rather not move it, it's a huge change that would just be painful to do (unless we must)09:03
mvozyga-ubuntu: there are bits that initialize repo from state, no?that live in ifstate right now?09:03
zyga-ubuntuyes, those live in ifacestate09:03
mvozyga-ubuntu: I am thinking about just moving that small part into something that I can import from snapstate09:03
zyga-ubuntucan you import ifacestate from snapstate?09:03
zyga-ubuntuI guess no, recursive09:04
mvozyga-ubuntu: no, circular09:04
zyga-ubuntuwell, have a look09:04
mvozyga-ubuntu: thats why I'm thinking about this split09:04
mvozyga-ubuntu: it worked very well in configstate09:04
zyga-ubuntuI think the overlord split is bogus09:04
zyga-ubuntubecause of go rules09:04
zyga-ubuntuthey should all be able to access each other09:04
zyga-ubuntubut golang09:04
mvozyga-ubuntu: yeah, its a bit annoying09:04
pedronismvo: well the usual approach is  snapstate needs a predicate from othe *state, is for *state to set a hook on snapstate09:18
pedronismvo: that's how we do some of the install checks09:19
pedronisand hi09:19
mvopedronis: good morning09:19
mvopedronis: yeah, I think it makes sense. especially now that I looked a bit closer it seems there is nothing that can easily be extracted09:20
mvozyga-ubuntu: -^09:20
zyga-ubuntumvo: that's a good way to solve it, thank you for the insight pedronis!09:21
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pedronismvo: you might to anyway stick the repo in the state cache (as we do for store and assertion db), I think it's only on the manager so far09:26
pedronis*might need09:27
pedronismvo: unrelated, not super urgent question, what's the state of the work to support default-provider to install things like for base? I remember we discussed this at the really, but didn't any relevant PRs or merges, did I miss something09:28
mvopedronis: the default-provider should be in, let me double check, I worked on this during the sprint09:31
mvopedronis: yeah, the repo in the manager is a bit problematic with the callback approach we are using. the callback works, I did a prototype but it shows the problem (NewInterfaceManager sets the snapstate.PlugConnected() which feels wrong)09:33
pedroniswe set  callbacks that way for isolation between tests09:34
zyga-ubuntu mvo: maybe just expose the repository instead of one methof?09:34
pedronisbut I see it also "solves" the repo in manager issue09:35
pedronismvo: I'm very confused I don't see any mentions of default-provider in the code?  am I looking at the wrong places?09:36
mvopedronis: let me check09:37
zyga-ubuntumvo: I think that didn't land as well09:37
zyga-ubuntumvo: I saw PRs but I don't think we merged it09:37
pedronismvo: for context, I'm interested in that because of the discussion about what the new install/refresh API should support returning09:39
pedronismvo: at the rally we discussed always getting snap_yaml_raw for this?09:39
mvopedronis: yeah https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/compare/master...mvo5:default-plugin-provider?expand=1 is what I have09:39
mvopedronis: and indeed it looks like its not merged not even proposed :(09:40
mupPR snapd#4090 closed: interfaces/mount: exspose mount.{Escape,Unescape} <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4090>09:42
mupPR snapd#4091 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: allow fault injection to provide dynamic result <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4091>09:42
pedronismvo: ah, ok,  are you planning to work on more that? or did you it  a blocker? or just shifted priorities?09:45
pedronis*hit a blocker09:45
mupPR snapd#4074 closed: partition/ubootenv: don't panic when uboot.env is missing the eof marker <Created by chipaca> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4074>09:46
pedronismvo: either it's an important datapoint for the new api if we always need the full yaml in advance09:48
mupPR core#62 closed: create xdg-settings inside the core snap <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/core/pull/62>09:54
mvopedronis: I will pick it up again, it just go lost in $stuff :(09:57
pedronisok, thank you09:57
zyga-ubuntumvo: I can now help smoke testing releases with a nvidia GPU10:04
ackkChipaca, hi, any chance you could take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3916 ?10:24
mupPR #3916: snap,wrappers: add support for socket activation <Created by albertodonato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3916>10:24
Chipacaackk: yes! thank you for reminding me10:25
ackkChipaca, np, thanks for looking into it :)10:25
zyga-ubuntuackk: small feedback from me10:54
zyga-ubuntuwhee, we are at 19PRs10:54
mupPR snapd#3976 closed: snap-confine: Support biarch Linux distribution confinement <Created by ikeydoherty> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3976>10:55
pedronisChipaca: hi, did you see the invitation from Facu to discuss about the new APIs later today?10:58
Chipacapedronis: hiya10:58
Chipacapedronis: yes10:58
Chipacaat my half three10:58
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: I'm adding questions to 401311:12
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, yep, thanks, looking/answering11:18
zyga-ubuntuogra_: can we have some tests for snapcore/pi3-gadget11:20
zyga-ubuntuogra_: enough to see that in "snapcraft" builds11:20
zyga-ubuntuogra_: and that yaml is valid11:21
ackkzyga-ubuntu, thanks, how do I add a spread test?11:33
zyga-ubuntuackk: look at tests/main/11:34
zyga-ubuntuackk: add a snap to tests/lib/snaps that shows this feature11:34
ackkah cool, thanks11:34
zyga-ubuntuackk: and add a directory to tests/main/ with task.yaml11:34
zyga-ubuntulook around for ideas, there are plenty of things there11:34
zyga-ubuntuif you need help just ask please11:34
ackkok, thanks11:34
Chipacaanybody remember the limit on snap name length?11:44
ackkzyga-ubuntu, how can I run a single spread test locally?11:45
Chipacaooh, pr updated mid-review11:46
zyga-ubuntuackk: you need a qemu image11:46
zyga-ubuntuackk: put it in .spread/qemu11:46
zyga-ubuntuackk: you can get some from https://spread.zygoon.pl/11:46
zyga-ubuntuthen you can run spread -debug -v -reuse qemu:ubuntu-16.04-64:tests/main/mynewtest11:47
ackkand where do I get spread ? :)11:47
zyga-ubuntuackk: go install snapcore/spread/cmd/spread11:47
zyga-ubuntu(you may need deps)11:47
zyga-ubuntuackk: go install github.com/snapcore/spread/cmd/spread11:48
zyga-ubuntuonce you actually run spread locally do this:11:48
zyga-ubuntuSPREAD_DEBUG_EACH=0 spread -debug -v -reuse qemu:ubuntu-16.04-64:tests/main/mynewtest11:48
zyga-ubuntuthis is more friendly11:48
Chipacaackk: alternatively "curl https://niemeyer.s3.amazonaws.com/spread-amd64.tar.gz  | tar xzv" if you trust that guy11:48
zyga-ubuntuoh, nice Chipaca ! :)11:48
Chipacaackk: also: read the HACKING.md11:48
ackkzyga-ubuntu, Chipaca thanks11:48
zyga-ubuntuackk: run something else, just run all of main tests to ensure things work11:49
Chipacaackk: zyga's spread.zygoon.pl images save you the adt step which can be slow11:49
zyga-ubuntuI need to refresh those :)11:49
Chipacaackk: half a review up11:51
ackkChipaca, thanks11:52
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: can you please look at 409211:53
zyga-ubuntuit's small and it's my last blocker11:53
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: i'll take a look11:53
zyga-ubuntuThank you :)11:54
Chipacai need to go out for a bit real soon otherwise i won't be back in time for the standup11:54
ogra_zyga-ubuntu, well, buildign in snapcraft tests the yaml automatically ... i'll see what i can do, a simple travis test should surely be easy12:06
zyga-ubuntuogra_: yeah, that's what I was thinking about12:08
zyga-ubuntuogra_: thank you! :)12:08
* zyga-ubuntu break, back hurts too much today12:12
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: can you do a 2nd trivial review on 401312:12
zyga-ubuntunot on 401312:12
zyga-ubuntuon 409212:13
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, sure, will do when back from lunch12:21
ackkzyga-ubuntu, the command line you gave me seems to be executing a whole bunch of tests, not just mine12:22
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: thank you12:22
zyga-ubuntuackk: can you paste your command?12:22
ackkoh, wait12:22
ackkI think my task.yaml is wrong12:22
zyga-ubuntumvo, Chipaca, pstolowski, pedronis: heads up, standup is one hour earlier now12:43
ogra_zyga-ubuntu, https://travis-ci.org/ogra1/pi3-gadget12:47
ogra_(i have other branches i want to land first, before merging this in)12:48
zyga-ubuntuogra_: whee, nice!12:53
zyga-ubuntuogra_: maybe make apt installs less verbose12:53
zyga-ubuntuor use some trick to fold-hide it12:53
zyga-ubuntubut very nice indeed :)12:53
ogra_well, if it doesnt fail, does anyone actually read the logs ?12:54
ogra_(and if it fails you probably want to see all of it anyway)12:54
ogra_i have a template ;) that makes it quick12:54
zyga-ubuntuogra_: the fold makes it both available and out of one's way12:55
ogra_(clicking around in webforms to enable travis for that tree took longer than adjusting the travis.yml)12:55
zyga-ubuntuogra_: do you know of the travis CLI?12:56
ogra_CLI ? nah, never needed it12:56
ogra_but i'll look inot the folding ... and land the branch once i have all the splash branches in (i dont want to have to re-merge them with master)12:57
zyga-ubuntuthank you :)12:57
ogra_will take a bit though ... i have meetings the next few hours12:58
zyga-ubuntumvo, pstolowski: standup13:02
zyga-ubuntuon the unpacking-my-backup-tarball side, gnome-boxes has terrible habit of naming each new VM "unknown"13:18
zyga-ubuntuI need to jump into those images and see what's what13:18
zyga-ubuntusilly silly gnome boxes13:18
zyga-ubuntuespecially since you can name them in the UI already but that is just ignored13:19
mvozyga-ubuntu: sorry, missed it due to lunch,13:20
mvozyga-ubuntu: did it happen? DST change got me13:20
Chipacamvo: yes13:20
Chipacamvo: done and dusted13:20
Chipacamvo: you get to do all the things now \o/13:20
mvo /o\13:21
Chipacaackk: i hope my review didn't come across as overly harsh. Overall it's good! and thank you for doing that.13:21
cachiomvo, hi13:22
cachiothere were some changes introduced in 2.2913:22
cachiomvo, is it ready for a new run or I should wait?13:23
mvocachio: I was waiting if the CE test turns out anything unexpected. but if that is green I will push 2.29-final I think13:24
mvocachio: with the changes in 2.29, all very small and targeted13:24
cachiomvo, ok13:24
zyga-ubuntumvo: yes, it happened13:25
zyga-ubuntumvo: no worries, it was bound to affect someone13:25
zyga-ubuntumvo: what about https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/410113:26
mupPR #4101:  interfaces/many: miscellaneous updates based on feedback from the field (2.29) <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4101>13:26
mvocachio: do we have results from the automated testing yet?13:26
cachiomvo, for the last changes?13:26
mvozyga-ubuntu: \o/13:26
mvocachio: for the beta core from friday13:27
mvozyga-ubuntu: thank you13:27
cachiomvo, it is completed13:27
cachiomvo, my part13:27
mvocachio: right, I mean, did we get feedback from the CE team about their automated testing yet?13:27
mupPR snapd#4101 closed:  interfaces/many: miscellaneous updates based on feedback from the field (2.29) <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4101>13:27
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: did we ever do thing so apps could use /run/ ?13:28
cachiomvo, no yet, their jobs are testing the last changes13:28
cachiomvo, I'll ask again13:28
zyga-ubuntumvo: thanks13:28
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: can you be more specific? see /run? write anything to /run?13:29
cachiomvo, the automated test should be executed but they didn't report that because there were some extra chnages after13:29
mvocachio: hm, hm, would be nice to know if there was an issue or not. do you think you could find this out?13:30
mvocachio: once we know that I will do a new 2.2913:30
cachiomvo, I just sent an email13:30
mupPR snapd#4102 opened: tests: refactor and expand content interface test <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4102>13:30
cachiospineau, hey13:31
cachiospineau, do you have the results for the build that was pushed on Friday?13:32
spineaucachio: in a meeting, wil lcheck13:32
cachiospineau, sure, tx13:32
ackkChipaca, no worries. haven't had time to go through all your feedback, but thanks for looking into it13:32
ackkChipaca, wrt allowing other paths for unix sockets, I think the idea is to have an initial implementation than can be later expanded. but you might want to check with niemeyer about what paths we need to support13:34
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: create a file in /run/ (say /run/snap.<snapname>.blah)13:41
Chipacaackk: niemeyer is away this week13:41
ackkChipaca, i see13:41
Chipacaackk: my problem with SNAP_DATA and SNAP_COMMON is that people have already come into issues with that13:41
Chipaca(it's too easy to hit the length limit)13:42
ackkI see13:42
pedronisChipaca: I agree that having people to have to repeat the snap name is problematic, otoh I don't see getting a decision/discussion without niemeyer around13:42
Chipacato make things worse, systemd just ignores the entry if it's too long13:42
pedronisotoh other snaps need to know the name too13:43
pedronisso that's  a problem either way13:43
pedroniss/other snaps/consuming side software/13:43
pedronisI suppose one question is how does this mesh with the content interface from a offering/consuming pov13:45
Chipacapedronis: agreed about decision/discussion needing gustavo13:45
Chipacapedronis: and i wouldn't block this work on this point13:46
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: hmmm, not sure, I'll check and get back to you13:48
cachiomvo, so far for the Friday release there are not issues from Cert13:55
cachiojust missing some results from one device13:55
kyrofasnappy-m-o, autopkgtest 1642 xenial:amd6414:03
snappy-m-okyrofa: I've just triggered your test.14:03
kyrofasergiusens, elopio kalikiana I have another meeting this morning, I may be late. Please start without me if I'm not there14:27
cachiozyga-ubuntu, any idea why it could happened? "cannot perform readlinkat() on the mount namespace file descriptor of the init process: Permission denied"14:42
cachioI am running with sudo14:42
pedronisChipaca: fun, seems one of the test helpers in store_test was doing the wrong check since a while14:42
zyga-ubuntucachio: 3.14?14:43
zyga-ubuntucachio: if this is a 14.04 VM14:43
cachiozyga-ubuntu, yes14:47
cachioa jenkins one14:47
zyga-ubuntucachio: it's runnin the trusty kernel still, you need to reboot it to get a xenial kernel14:47
cachiozyga-ubuntu,  I'll try that, tx14:48
* zyga-ubuntu -> lunch14:48
Chipacapedronis: wrong how?15:00
elopiokalikiana: sergiusens: I'm alone. Are you coming?15:05
=== cachio is now known as cachio_lunch
pedronisChipaca: didn't check what it was supposed to check, seems no test was affected after fixing but a bit worrying15:13
mupPR snapcraft#1587 closed: lifecycle: clean after deleting container <bug> <Created by kalikiana> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1587>15:22
* Pharaoh_Atem blinks15:35
Pharaoh_Atemapparently I was mentioned over the weekend?15:35
Pharaoh_Atemor at least earlier today15:35
Pharaoh_Atemzyga-ubuntu: oh, you mentioned me over debian/copyright15:37
Pharaoh_Atemthe only reason no one has *cared* thus far is because it's unbundled in Debian15:37
Pharaoh_Atemotherwise it'd be rejected all the time15:37
zyga-ubuntuPharaoh_Atem: I'll fix this soon, this is now bugging me too15:39
zyga-ubuntuhow are you doing?15:39
* Pharaoh_Atem sighs15:39
Pharaoh_AtemI'm so busy and tired15:39
Pharaoh_AtemI have had no time lately to evaluate what to fix in snapd selinux policy15:40
Pharaoh_Atemand adding the dnf backend to snapcraft is still on my todo15:40
zyga-ubuntuPharaoh_Atem: little by litte, I'm sick since yesterday, limping along slowly15:45
mupPR snapd#4103 opened: snapstate: auto install default-providers for content snaps <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4103>15:53
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mupPR snapd#4092 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: allow Change.Perform to return changes <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4092>15:55
zyga-ubuntutrivial logging PR ^15:58
mupPR snapd#4104 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: add logging to snap-update-ns <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4104>15:59
zyga-ubuntuactually ^15:59
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, i had your 4092 opened and was adding a comment, but it landed in the meantime and github rejected me :/16:23
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, i was wondering if the code you removed of Keep case shouldn't be moved into Perform() to make it explicit what happens on Keep - in case new code gets added there16:24
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: ah, sorry, I'm trying to push things forward16:26
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: I think you can still comment on the specific code16:26
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: as for Keep, you mean moving the return nil to Perfomr?16:26
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, yes, `if action == Keep ... ` would make the intention readable16:27
zyga-ubuntupstolowski: I can squeeze that into the logging PR (4104)16:28
cachiomvo, confirmed that Cert team did not find any issue in the Friday's build.16:32
mupPR snapd#4105 opened: snap-seccomp: skip in-kernel bpf tests for socket() in trusty/i386 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4105>16:33
mvocachio: great, I just found one last issue on trusty/i386 and pushed a PR, once that is in we are good16:33
mvojdstrand: if you have a moment, a look at 4105 would be great.16:33
cachiomvo, great16:34
mvojdstrand: last piece for the 2.29 release16:34
zyga-ubuntumvo: so are we getting a beta today?16:37
jdstrandmvo: ack, done16:37
zyga-ubuntuhey jdstrand, good day16:38
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: hello :)16:39
mvozyga-ubuntu: yeah, 2.29-final to beta and hopefully all the way to stable16:39
mvozyga-ubuntu: well, not today to stable :)16:39
zyga-ubuntumvo: fingers crossed16:39
zyga-ubuntulet's hope this one is not another .816:39
mvozyga-ubuntu: yes!16:39
mvozyga-ubuntu: and yes!16:39
mupPR snapd#4106 opened: many: lookup and use the url from a store assertion if one is set for use <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4106>16:51
pstolowskizyga-ubuntu, can you take another look at #4013?17:00
mupPR #4013: repo, daemon: use PlugInfo, SlotInfo <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4013>17:00
kyrofaelopio, how to I subscribe to autopkgtests again?17:07
elopiosnappy-m-o github subscribe 164317:08
snappy-m-oelopio: I'll send you a message if a test fails in the pull request #1643 ([WIP] tests: run daily autopkgtest in travis).17:08
mupPR #1643: many: support interactive payments in snapd, filter from command line <Created by pete-woods> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1643>17:08
elopiokyrofa ^17:08
kyrofasnappy-m-o, github subscribe 164217:11
snappy-m-okyrofa: I'll send you a message if a test fails in the pull request #1642 (tests: move the plainbox test to the integration suite).17:11
mupPR #1642: many: pass device to store <Created by matiasb> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1642>17:11
kyrofaOh that was confusing17:12
kyrofaGot it, thanks elopio :)17:12
zyga-ubuntusnappy-m-o: make me a coffee17:16
snappy-m-oCommand ":" / ": make" not found.17:16
zyga-ubuntudo I need to use sudo?17:16
ogra_nah, fakeroot17:17
ogra_(it is helloween ... you use costumes, not sudo)17:20
diddledanhaha. I like that17:24
ogra_oh, this is lovely https://www.konsulko.com/yaml-and-device-tree/17:36
om26erflexiondotorg: Hello! mind throwing some views on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/classic-confinement-for-android-studio/2634 ?17:45
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
zyga-ubuntuogra_: that would give me a decaff coffee :D18:11
mupPR snapd#4105 closed: snap-seccomp: skip in-kernel bpf tests for socket() in trusty/i386 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4105>18:12
zyga-ubuntuogra_: hell-o-ween?18:12
zyga-ubuntuspeaking about coffee18:14
zyga-ubuntuI really want one now18:14
zyga-ubuntudarn you18:14
mupPR snapd#4107 opened: release: snapd 2.29 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4107>18:17
* Chipaca EODs18:27
sergiusensis the forum down just for me?18:39
kyrofasergiusens, working for me18:41
kyrofasergiusens, no no, I lied18:41
kyrofaIt was working like three minutes ago when I visited this page though18:41
sergiusensok, I'll ask is18:41
sergiusenskyrofa btw, have you seen what got moved to 2.35? :-)18:43
kyrofasergiusens, ah! I had not18:43
kyrofasergiusens, that's kind of a big change, you sure?18:43
* sergiusens relocates as he started that thinking internet had died and it was only the forum18:43
sergiusenskyrofa sort of needed to be able to properly release a no "patched" version which would work on pypi18:44
kyrofaAh ha18:44
sergiusenskyrofa the big change is patchelf ;-)18:44
sergiusensthis is minor in comparison18:44
kyrofaOh man, that's 2.35? No kidding, let's land everything18:44
* sergiusens looks to the side at his time machine and wonders why it ain't working18:45
sergiusensI just need time18:45
sergiusenskyrofa well we cannot succesfully SRU if not18:45
sergiusensunless we make it a snap only release, then let's do that now ;-)18:45
kyrofaOh, autopkgtests?18:45
ogra_hmm, is the forum down or is it me ?18:58
mvoogra_: hm, looks down indeed18:59
zyga-ubuntuforum is down19:13
sergiusenszyga-ubuntu yeah, look above19:18
sergiusenszyga-ubuntu also asked is19:18
sergiusenszyga-ubuntu but I have a suspicion it is not under their supervision19:19
cmarsis forum.snapcraft.io down?19:21
ikeyerror: unknown command "oi-you-there", see "snap --help"19:21
* ikey tried19:21
cmarsduh, just read scrollback. ok, not just me :)19:21
zyga-ubuntuikey: hey, quick question, is there any delta you have left?19:22
* jdstrand also notices forum seems down19:22
ikeyzyga-ubuntu, erm i think all my PRs went in19:23
ikeybut ima need to rebase19:23
ikey2.28.5 i spose19:23
ikeyand see how things be19:23
ikeyim guessing 2.28.x wont have any of my PRs in it19:23
=== JoshStrobl|Away is now known as JoshStrobl
zyga-ubuntuikey: 2.28.x is stable now so would be good to have19:26
ikeyplus i want solus 4 to support snapd in the SC19:27
ikeyi.e. land my branch19:27
sergiusenselopio kyrofa so you think patch the world and pip as package should go to 2.36? If so, let's get this process started19:28
kyrofasergiusens, your call, but it's already a pretty good-sized release19:29
kyrofaWe're still battling autopkgtest anyway19:29
sergiusenskyrofa let's do it then, we can navigate the SRU, it won't be more broken than before19:29
sergiusenskyrofa only for artful+19:29
kyrofasergiusens, good deal19:29
elopioyes, please release :)19:30
sergiusenskyrofa still, focus on that PR, if we need a small 2.36 with only the elf and this stuff so be it19:30
kyrofasergiusens, alrighty19:31
sergiusenskyrofa for which, dig deep into it ;-) Maybe just enable the failing tests on travis if that is the problem and see if it all works when ran on itself19:33
kyrofasergiusens, I'm assuming we're talking about the BlockingIOError issues? Yeah I'm launching into subprocess19:34
kyrofaLaunching myself, I mean. I guess that was ambiguous :P19:34
kyrofaGiving preference to autopkgtests though, we have a few PRs in flight that hopefully greenify them19:35
kyrofaWork should be done though19:36
sergiusenskyrofa yes, exactly that19:37
sergiusenskyrofa which PRs?19:37
mupPR snapcraft#1642: tests: move the plainbox test to the integration suite <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1642>19:37
kyrofaand snapcraft#1644 I think (right elopio?)19:38
mupPR snapcraft#1644: lxd: fix the push in container builds <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1644>19:38
kyrofaDefinitely the first though19:38
sergiusenskyrofa oh, those two, yeah19:38
sergiusensbeen waiting on those to be green for most of the day today19:39
sergiusensforum is back everyone19:40
sergiusenskyrofa this seems to down your alley https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/encountering-problems-when-packaging-rviz/265919:40
kyrofasergiusens, yeah he emailed me first, I asked him to post on the forum-- I'm all over it19:41
kyrofaUnfortunately the forum went down moments afterward, so of course our conversation continued over email :P19:41
sergiusensseems simple enough to solve, but getting an idea of why it didn't feel like the tool to solve the problem could be taken back in as feedback19:42
kyrofaCouldn't agree more19:43
kyrofaPerfect timing too, as we're revamping errors19:44
sergiusenskyrofa also for you LP: #172848119:50
mupBug #1728481: CXX_Flags not generated properly for catkin plugin <catkin-plugin> <snapcraft> <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1728481>19:50
kyrofaYeah I saw that, I'll look into it after this19:50
mupPR snapd#4107 closed: release: snapd 2.29 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4107>20:06
jdstrandstgraber: hey, not sure you saw but if you plugs system-observe with the lxc command, this denial will go away (in 2.29+): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.lxd.lxc" name="/var/lib/snapd/hostfs/usr/lib/os-release" pid=16717 comm="snap-exec" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=020:56
stgraberjdstrand: I saw your earlier ping, but that doesn't make any sense20:59
stgraberjdstrand: the only thing that snap.lxd.lxc does is call aa-exec -p unconfined20:59
stgraberjdstrand: after that we don't have any apparmor confinement, so I'm confused as to why we'd trigger that denial in the first place20:59
stgraberjdstrand: also, that denial is listed under "snap-exec", not "lxc"20:59
mwhudsonjdstrand: (or anyone else) hey, does this look familiar at all? https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=88017421:05
mwhudson"libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found" / "libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast" on debian with nvidia21:05
mwhudsonah it's also here https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/debian-and-nvidia-issue/258321:06
mupPR snapcraft#1642 closed: tests: move the plainbox test to the integration suite <bug> <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1642>21:26

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