
pavlushkaHey walrider ! whassup?16:10
walriderha bhai valo apni valo asen ? pavlushka 16:13
pavlushkahmm, অনেকদিন পর!16:14
pavlushkawalrider: কী অবস্থা?16:14
walriderp2p chat client khujtesi akta 16:14
pavlushkawalrider: লিনাক্সে না উইন্ডোজে?16:17
walriderbujhi nai 16:17
walriderblank text ?16:17
pavlushkawalrider: লিনাক্সে না উইন্ডোজে?16:18
pavlushkawalrider: for which platform?16:18
walriderbetter to be a cross platform 16:19
walriderjeishob platform gula ase shob LAN p2p 16:22
walriderthere is no way to expose those client to the web 16:22
pavlushkawalrider: in that case you have to use high end chatting softwares because there may be many machines behind one ip, so if you are not on that lan/wan behind that ip, then you have no way but to use a high end chatting software16:25
pavlushkawalrider: because not every machine has a unique ip for itself16:25
walriderhmm 16:26
pavlushkato communicate with the machine individually behind some ip16:26
u-la-lapavlushka meant to say: to communicate with the machines individually behind some ip16:26
walriderhmm ok im installing skype for now 16:27
pavlushkawalrider: you can use google hangouts also16:28
pavlushkafor that purpose16:28
walriderhangout dosnt have any executable app16:28
walriderfor pc 16:29
walriderits bassed on chrome 16:29
walriderand im not including chrome in my work 16:29
walriderwill ruin everything16:29
pavlushkawalrider: এটা firefox এও চলে16:29
walriderexecutable app lagbo bhai 16:30
pavlushkawalrider: you have pidgin also, its crossplatform16:31
walrideroh yes pidgin 16:31
walriderakdom went forgotten :D XD16:32
walriderty for mone koraia dawar jonno bru :d16:33
pavlushkaha ha ha16:34
walriderbtw dinner korsen brother ? pavlushka 16:36
pavlushkawalrider: অামি জানি অাপনি করেন নি :পি16:36
walriderblanck text 16:37
pavlushkawalrider: ami jani apni dinner korenni16:37
walriderkorsi bhai :P 16:38
pavlushkaha ha ha16:38
pavlushkawalrider: apni onek mojar, so do your FB profile16:38
walriderXD 16:39
pavlushkawalrider: you should be more like that on everywhere (including here and our FB group)16:40
walrideratm im out of web laptop is dying and android already dead16:40
pavlushkawalrider: taile eikhane kemne?16:41
walriderxchat.exe 16:41
walriderwidnow app 16:41
walrideri mean windows 16:41
pavlushkawalrider: .exe tei bujchi16:41
walriderat tasara clint na thakleo shomossha nai 16:41
walriderwebchat,freenode to asei 16:42
walriderbrowser e kaj chole 16:42
pavlushkawalrider: ar shob kemon choltese? web admin?16:42
walriderkono kisui chole na bhai X(16:43
pavlushkawalrider: ken ki hoise?16:43
walrideraktu dour er upor asi 16:44
walriderjob tob nai 16:44
walrideratm ak friender kaj e help kortesi 16:44
walriderei arki 16:44
walriderno earning 16:44
walrideronly destroying foods16:44
pavlushkawalrider: somossha nai, sociel work o dorkar16:45
pavlushkawalrider: apni kisu kortesen, boshe nai, friend er help hochche, adds up to the national economy in a way :p16:46
pavlushkawalrider: ebhave friend er productivity barbe, will add to the GDP :p16:47
walriderand ill have to run some of pentesting OS for some projects like bypasing traces so need a good machine which i dont have atm 16:47
pavlushkawalrider: yaa man, me too16:47
walriderbypasing for earn more for $$ from USA not any iligel way ofcourse16:48
pavlushkawalrider: try to use your pi, that's a computer, just without storage :)16:48
walriderPI kinteo almost 40-50$ lage bro dont have that much atm 16:49
pavlushkawalrider: sorry pi is atleast not a high end machine16:49
pavlushkawalrider: but I have figured a way to use my android to use as a pi display using vnc, I can go mobile with my pi in taht way16:50
walriderpower IC of my android is dead 16:51
pavlushka android as a pi display using vnc16:51
pavlushkawalrider: that's good, replace the power ic :)16:52
walrideralmost 2k needed to do that its better to get a new phone by adding 3k more 16:52
pavlushkashould cost less than replacing a damaged display16:52
walriderbad den button phone chalai edai valo :D16:52
walridernew tai nibo 16:55
walriderar pc nibo akta 16:55
walridersoon 16:55
walridergrub e tripple OS diye use korbo 16:55
pavlushkawalrider: eyeing on AMD ryzen 716:55
walriderxubuntu my old love kali and windows 7 16:55
walriderryzen is expensive for now 16:56
walriderfocusing on intel 16:56
pavlushkawalrider: gaming + graphics, woooooo16:57
walriderhmm gaming to ofcourse 16:58
pavlushkawalrider: I am fixing someone else's pi atm, 17:00
pavlushkaI can use my scanner on that pi as well17:02
pavlushkasetup an android system on that pi few days ago17:03
pavlushkatrying to add gapp to that android pi system but so far not so good17:03
u-la-la[ rpvzp - Ghostbin ] - https://ghostbin.com17:06
pavlushkalol, read it a year back17:09
pavlushkawalrider: I try to be here for almost everyone who is not here.17:15
pavlushkawalrider: say Hi often, will be nice and will make me happy :p17:16
walriderdadu bhai koi 17:16
pavlushka4 din dhore nai17:16
walriderok shemessha nai bhai xchat jotodin ashe amio asi np 17:16
walriderbusy naki dadu 17:16
pavlushkawalrider: no clue17:16
walrideraway from keyboard 17:22
walrider< afk17:22
absoluteDoes dhakacom.com have plans for setting up mirror for debian packages?17:52
pavlushkatata walrider 20:27

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