
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:27
lotuspsychjemorning Sveta :p05:43
Svetamorning lotuspsychje :) i am eyeballing http://www.glump.net/howto/desktop/create-global-shortcut-keys-for-rhythmbox-music-player-in-any-desktop and hoping that ubottu's unity advice you gave is going to work05:46
Svetathen i find https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/950743, it may be relevant05:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 950743 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "rhytmbox-client commands are not working" [Low,Fix released]05:48
lotuspsychjeSveta: such an old bug on artful?05:49
Svetait's 5 years old and makara faces similar symptom05:50
Svetaat least it tells me that they need a dbus plugin enabled in their rhytmbox05:50
lotuspsychjeyeah sympton is same as bug indeed05:51
lotuspsychjebut i presume later rythmbox version on all this years should have fixxed it no?05:51
Svetathey probably has a missing package05:52
Svetathis silence is disturbing05:54
Svetai don't want to give them 'ppa is unsupported' advice, i need to get info from them first05:54
Svetaget info, like output of apt install05:54
Svetathen they go silent05:54
lotuspsychjeSveta: 2 things are a kill for systems, upgrades & ppa's add05:55
lotuspsychjeseen alot of them in the past05:55
daxi wish ubuntu had a https://wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian05:56
lotuspsychjewhat does that do dax?05:57
daxit's a page you throw at people doing stupid things05:57
daxlike mixing repository versions and installing crap off nvidia's website05:57
dax(and presumably, in our case, thoughtless adding of PPAs)05:58
Svetai'm trying to figure out whether it's from a ppa or not by asking for policy output05:58
lotuspsychjehmm good idea for ubuntu factoid?05:58
daxif there were a wikipage, a link to it from ubottu would be a good idea05:58
daxthe wikis and i do not get along well at all, i gave up a few years ago05:59
lotuspsychjei see05:59
Svetaok that is not a ppa05:59
Sveta!info rhythmbox-plugins06:00
ubot5rhythmbox-plugins (source: rhythmbox): plugins for rhythmbox music player. In component main, is optional. Version 3.3-1ubuntu7 (xenial), package size 251 kB, installed size 1541 kB06:00
Svetawhat about artful06:00
Sveta!info rhythmbox-plugins/artful06:00
ubot5Package rhythmbox-pluginsartful does not exist in xenial06:00
Sveta!info rhythmbox-plugins artful06:00
daxspace, not /06:00
ubot5rhythmbox-plugins (source: rhythmbox): plugins for rhythmbox music player. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.1-2ubuntu5 (artful), package size 345 kB, installed size 1582 kB06:00
* dax checks on his request to get that fixed06:01
daxoh, only a couple of days ago. will poke next time he's around06:01
Svetai'm confused... where'd they get librhythmbox-core10 3.4.2 from..06:02
Sveta<chalcedony> hubby's computer is having a bad time. the monitor is full of weird colors and lines (ubuntu 16.04)06:04
Svetai read that as 'computer is having a bed time'06:04
daxversion number google would suggest https://launchpad.net/~ubuntuhandbook1/+archive/ubuntu/apps?field.series_filter=zesty06:04
Svetaso they need to 1) remove the ppa 2) purge everything they've got from that ppa 3) install rhythmbox and rhythmbox-plugins from the official repo06:05
Sveta(1) i can google, (2) i have no idea, (3) is easy06:05
daxyes. ppa-purge will handle at least the first 2 of those, i forget whether it also handles the third06:05
Svetai think it does06:06
Svetaso it would be `sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/apps`06:06
lotuspsychjedependecy errors mostly scrambled system theirselfs..06:06
Svetaif this is the case, they need to be told to read the output carefully in case they're using another useful package from that ppa06:07
Svetayes, i'm waiting on output of `apt-cache policy librhythmbox-core10` to determine whether they're using a ppa06:07
Svetai need to head out06:14
lotuspsychjelaterz mate06:15
ubot5Unity is a graphical shell for the GNOME desktop environment. Ubuntu used it by default from 11.04 to 17.04. For more information, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity06:15
ubot5Wayland is a display server protocol that is intended to replace X. More information can be found at http://wayland.freedesktop.org/ . Ubuntu is instead focusing on development of !Mir; see its factoid for more information.06:15
lotuspsychjedax: another one to fix :p06:15
dax!search mir06:15
ubot5Found: mirrors@download, slow, xmir, gobuntu*, wayland, mirspec, repomirror-#kubuntu*, mirrorstatus, ops-#ubuntu-mozillateam, repomirror06:15
daxoh right, *mir*ror, bleh06:16
lotuspsychjemorning EriC^^06:20
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje06:20
daxwe have any wikipages for wayland issues yet?06:20
daxwiki.ubuntu.com's Wayland page is not very helpful06:20
lotuspsychjedax: lemme look for that06:21
daxk. so far I'm thinking !wayland is <reply> Wayland is a display server protocol that can be used instead of X. Ubuntu 17.10 onwards use Wayland by default on systems that support it.06:22
daxwith an extra sentence if we have somewhere to point to06:22
ubot5Mir is a display server developed by Canonical and Ubuntu. From Ubuntu 17.04 ( Zesty Zapus ) onward, emphasis has shifted to embedded devices and applications, notably UBports as stated by Mark Shuttleworth ( https://plus.google.com/+MarkShuttleworthCanonical/posts/7LYubpaHUHH ). Regular Ubuntu LTS 18.04 onwards will use GNOME.06:22
daxlooks fine already, i just fixed the version to 17.1006:22
daxthe second version that is06:22
lotuspsychjecant find any decent wayland06:23
lotuspsychjejust that older wiki06:23
daxwill just use the FDO homepage i guess, meh06:23
daxi forget if this is instant06:24
ubot5Wayland is a display server protocol that can be used instead of X. Ubuntu 17.10 onwards use Wayland by default on systems that support it. For more info, see https://wayland.freedesktop.org/06:24
daxguess so06:24
lotuspsychjenice one06:24
lotuspsychjeuntil new wiki thats perfect06:24
lotuspsychjealot of questions arising at main lately, like xrandr replacement,..etc06:26
daxk, gonna go see if i can get sqlite to cooperate and give me a list of http factoids06:28
daxsqlite> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM facts f WHERE value LIKE '%http:%';06:31
dax386 after i ignore the <deleted> ones. this is gonna be tedious.06:33
daxyeah. i'm gonna go by domain i think06:36
lotuspsychjedax: this usefull? https://wiki.gnome.org/Initiatives/Wayland06:36
daxthankfully ubottu supports !foo =~ s/bar/baz/ to replace "bar" with "baz" in factoid "foo", so it won't be absolutely awful06:37
dax(e.g. i just got all the factoids containing http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ and can now use that on each of them without needing to know the contents of the factoid, so i can mock up the commands in a text editor)06:37
dax06:39 < ubottu> You've given me 10 invalid commands within the last minute; I'm now ignoring you for 2 minutes.06:40
daxapparently "invalid commands" includes valid Encyclopedia commands. great.06:40
daxoh excellent, the copy of the factoid database on the website is from 201506:48
daxdown to 308, will poke at it more tomorrow07:08
lordievaderGood morning07:15
ducassegood morning07:38
ikoniawin 808:14
lordievaderHey ducasse08:24
ducassehiya lordievader, how's your morning?08:24
lordievaderOkay, bit tired.08:26
lordievaderHow are you?08:26
ducasseabout the same, fighting to wake up :)08:27
lordievaderGood luck08:30
ducasseyou too - have some coffee, it usually does the trick :)08:34
=== EriC^^ is now known as explosive
lordievaderJust did, it goes a little better now :)09:01
BluesKajHowdy folks12:35
Ben64apport is spying on you!13:10
BluesKajoh lord13:11
BluesKajsomeone has put a bug in his ear ...that's where the bug is :-013:12
Ben64how does this guy get through life13:19
Ben64ah, it's a troll13:30
Ben64had me fooled till the sigyn name drop13:31
BluesKajhe thinks the chat has become his personal blog ...we need room for real issues that others have13:32
Ben64just filling the channel with nonsense13:35
ducasse"sending memory dumps behind my back" - lol13:44
Ben64i tried for a bit and realized it was hopeless13:48
Bashing-omHello Monday support . We can do this :)18:47
daxhrm, no daily ISOs for bionic yet19:33
Sveta<demophobia> My computer froze, I hard-shutoff, and now my trackpad is malfunctioning. How do I restore it to its original functionality?23:14
Sveta<big sigh>23:14
Sveta<Sveta> demophobia: what are the symptoms?23:15
Sveta<demophobia> Sveta, frequently click-dragging (highlighting?) when i'm trying only to move the cursor with my finger23:15
SvetaTempting to send them off to #ubuntu-touch so have someone assist them with calibrating screen sensitivity settings.23:16
SvetaAh, crap.23:16
daftykinsscreens aren't touchpads23:17
TJ-Here's something I think is of interest - a replacement for bloated UEFI using the Linux kernel: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1557959223:33
daftykinsyep, everything is broken23:42

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