
UbuntuMY<ak47suk1> morning00:09
UbuntuMY<Apogeek> Yo @myfenris00:52
UbuntuMY<myfenris> @Apogeek dah selesai01:04
UbuntuMY<myfenris> irc <-> telegram01:04
ejatbug 171153801:09
lubotu2bug 1711538 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "Tap-to-click does not work on the GDM login screen" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171153801:09
ejatpelik komen kt bugzilla 01:12
UbuntuMY<Sharuzzaman> Last call untuk register, tutup pukul 3 PM malaysia. malam ni start kelas untuk Isnin —- Kursus Linux Essential secara online, siri 2. Jika berminat sila isi borang di https://goo.gl/forms/ceUr2bWO3NGl13JY201:30
ejatsunyi sepi .. pepagi nie monday blues nie .. ramai tgh go through task list for this week :) 02:17
UbuntuMY<nanasklinux> Jom recycle barang lama anda di https://t.co/Z9CbFAi54P percuma untuk semua02:30
UbuntuMYShaqifdaniel was added by: Shaqifdaniel05:51
ejatSunyi channel08:01
ejatXde org guna or layan irc dah ker08:02
ejatEllo any body home08:03
ejatkena cari pelapis webmaster baru nie utk maintain08:49
ejatboleh close a few bugs berkaitan loco 08:49
ejatbug 92786508:50
lubotu2bug 927865 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Planet Ubuntu-my Menu Link" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92786508:50
ejatbug 96810808:50
lubotu2bug 968108 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "ubuntu.com.my, wiki.ubuntu.com.my unavailable" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96810808:50
ejatbug 92355108:50
lubotu2bug 923551 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Laman Web Ubuntu Malaysia www.ubuntu.com.my perlu kemaskini untuk 2012" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92355108:50
ejatbug 92355608:51
lubotu2bug 923556 in Ubuntu Malaysia LoCo Team "Forum Ubuntu Malaysia http://forums.ubuntu.com.my perlu diubahsuai" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92355608:51
UbuntuMY<nicholasngbl> Perlu aktifkan semula web-team 😜08:56
ejatnot only webteam 08:57
ejatsemua skali 08:57
ejatInsya Allah , I will highlight this on the next release party 08:57
UbuntuMY<nicholasngbl> 👍08:58
ejatsince now bot irc <-> telegram connected .. easy to communicate09:04
ejat@nbliang hows everything over there ? 09:09
ejatA GeekNic is, in essence, a Geek-ified Picnic.09:11
ejatInvolving food & drink, sunshine and the community, they can be a great way to get everyone outside and to enjoy the natural surroundings.09:11
ejatOriginally developed by the PDPC, (the organisation that runs freenode), the GeekNic is fairly well known throughout FOSS groups.09:11
ejatThey are designed to bring together a community in the sunshine, to get people talking off IRC and to be have fun!09:11
ejatGeekNics should be "Family Friendly" Events, whereby families can bring children of all ages and relax - Of course, there are always going to be times when they aren't, but it's an idea to make them "for everyone". 09:11
UbuntuMY<nicholasngbl> @ejat, Still bz with work & fam09:14
ejatme too ... 09:15
ejatneed new ubuntu-my members ... do contribution .. either in documentation , bug report n etc09:17
ejatand if their contribution is consistent .. we can pitch them to apply for Ubuntu membership09:17
ejathelp them pitch*09:18
ejatopss .. help them with testimonial .. but they need to go the interview session with the membership board09:18
UbuntuMY<nicholasngbl> Yeah, not sure how many still have ubuntu membership09:23
UbuntuMY<nicholasngbl> Mine no more09:23
ejat  u forgot to renew? 09:24
UbuntuMY<nicholasngbl> Yup, also have not been active lately09:25
UbuntuMY<nicholasngbl> Btw, the bot work both way?09:26
ejatim in irc now 09:26
UbuntuMY<aimanfarhn> cool 👍09:32
UbuntuMY<jipangmenjerit> soalnya, siapa pegang domain? papit kan?11:40
UbuntuMY<myfenris> Tu jgn dipersoal...11:41
UbuntuMY<myfenris> Hehe...11:41
UbuntuMY<myfenris> Kena ade taker dulu11:41
UbuntuMY<jipangmenjerit> hahaha11:54
UbuntuMY<jipangmenjerit> sementara tengah takde keje ni, aku pun boleh11:54
UbuntuMY<myfenris> @jipangmenjerit, okie dookie12:49
ejatchannel dah x sunyi sbb bridge with telegram 12:52
UbuntuMY<ak47suk1> lama tak guna IRC13:00
UbuntuMY<jipangmenjerit> tapi muncul nama bot je banyak13:01
UbuntuMY<jipangmenjerit> hahahaha13:01
UbuntuMY<myfenris> @jipangmenjerit, nama pun dia yang tukang sampai kan14:14
UbuntuMY<jipangmenjerit> memang ada, tapi kalau meeting bot baca ubuntumybot je14:15
UbuntuMY<jipangmenjerit> tu aku maksudkan14:15
UbuntuMY<jipangmenjerit> hahaha14:15
UbuntuMY<myfenris> oooooooo14:15
UbuntuMY<tajulazhar> Sape dh pakai ubuntu baru?14:26
UbuntuMY<tajulazhar> Ok tak?14:27
UbuntuMY<tajulazhar> Mlm ni rasa nk upgrade14:27
ejat@tajulazhar sudah .. 15:29
ejatlama pakai .. nie rase mcm nak upgrade ke bionic plak 15:29
ejatade juga bug yang tgh triaged lepas ubuntu pakai gnome nie 15:32
ejatcth :15:32
ejatbug 171153815:32
lubotu2bug 1711538 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "Tap-to-click does not work on the GDM login screen" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171153815:32
UbuntuMY<tajulazhar> @ejat, Good15:51
ejatgalakkan la pengguna2 report bugs15:53
ejatThe following security upgrades are available:16:34
ejatPackage                        Version              USN16:34
ejatlibpoppler58                   0.41.0-0ubuntu1.5    USN-3467-116:34
ejatpoppler-utils                  0.41.0-0ubuntu1.5    USN-3467-116:34
ejatello .. anybody home .. 17:07
UbuntuMY<jipangmenjerit> hyoo17:21
jipang_menjeritsalah channel17:22
jipang_menjeritejat: ping17:22

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