
elachecheo/ nizarus :)09:58
nizarusahla elacheche10:09
elachecheHow are you?10:16
elachechesomone called jihbed was looking for you here last night10:17
nizarusoui elacheche10:28
nizarusc'est un ami libriste algérien10:29
nizarusje l'ai invité à venir discuter ici10:29
DroHello, does the command apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop delete all users too ?20:00
elachecheDro: Nop20:13
elachecheIt just reinstall the DE (Unity or Gnome if you already upgraded to 17.10)20:14
Droelacheche: haha u're here :D20:16
Droelacheche: how to reset ubuntu to 0 then ?20:16
elachecheWhat do you mean by reset!20:27
elachecheIf your /home is on it's own partition then you can just format / and reinstall Ubuntu :)20:28

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