
jrwrenjuju made the sports news! https://247sports.com/nfl/pittsburgh-steelers/Bolt/Pittsburgh-Steelers-Mike-Tomlin-calls-JuJu-Smith-Schusters-touch-109481453  :)00:50
cmaloneytouchdowns as a service01:09
=== notlikthsoup[GB] is now known as notlikethesoup
=== notlikethesoup is now known as weeble
=== weeble is now known as notlikethesoup
greg-gwhat was that compnay you could buy patent license paid mp3 decoding libraries from back in the day?22:40
greg-gthanks _stink_22:43
greg-gman that was bothering me22:43
_stink_i have no way of knowing why i remember that.22:45

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