
=== shardy_afk is now known as shardy
smoserpowersj, rharper, blackboxsw18:04
smoserthat is updated with a reasoable commit message.18:04
smoseri successfuilly ran on diglet18:04
smoser rm -Rf results.lxd.d/; time tox-venv citest python3 -m tests.cloud_tests run --platform=lxd --os-name=xenial --preserve-data --data-dir=results.lxd.d --verbose 2>&1 | tee results.lxd.log18:04
powersjlet me go play with it in a bit18:04
smoserand am trying nocloud now18:04
smoser(i had run  most of it but ctrl-c'd for some little things)18:04
rharpersmoser: reading18:06
smoserpowersj: at this point i think the nocloud-kvm still dumps disks into the results.d/18:07
smoseryeah. need to have it clean those up. other wise more disk full18:08
smoserrharper: thanks!19:07
smoserand one push just now ithink that covers it.19:16
dmsimardsmoser, harlowja: is there a changelog for cirros versions ? Just noticed we had been using 0.3.4 and noticed 0.3.5 was a thing19:17
smoseritw was used.19:18
smoserdmsimard: and 0.4.0 is a thing19:18
dmsimardsmoser: looks "pre" in http://download.cirros-cloud.net/19:18
dmsimardso I'll stick to non-pre for now :p19:18
smoserwell, 0.4.0 is good .19:18
dmsimardsmoser: that changelog is good but also missing 0.3.5 :)19:18
smoserit jsut requires re-build and sign19:19
smoserhmn.. it sure is missing 0.3.519:20
smoserdmsimard: ^19:20
smoserrharper: bah. description and rcs are used in some places.. not sure what i shoudl do .19:22
dmsimardsmoser: would be cool to have a changelog file in, say, http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.5/19:22
dmsimardjust a suggestion :)19:22
dmsimardthanks for your help19:22
dmsimardjust didn't want to blindly update :D19:22
smoserwell, yeah. i guess so.19:24
smoserdmsimard: ii'd really be appreciative of feedback youo had on 0.4.019:24
smoseri really do expect to just release taht with a re-build19:24
smoserjust when i get around to it.19:24
smoserthe one gotcha there is password change19:25
smosercubswin:) -> gocubsgo19:25
rharpersmoser: when do you expect cirros to support systemd19:26
smoserit  might jsut skip it.19:28
smoserdmsimard: fyi, there is '#cirros'19:28
smoserits where the coolest kids hang out19:28
dmsimardsmoser: didn't know, I just come here when I need to talk about cirros or cloud-init :p19:28
rharperof course I was already in #cirros19:29
smoserdangit rharper why'd you have to catch the issue with execute and rcs= and description19:36
smoseri thought nothing was using that.19:36
rharperheh, what about the property !?!  I updated my query there;  do you always want it to start each time?19:37
smoserwell, there was / is code that tries to only start once19:39
smoserin tests/cloud_tests/instances/lxd.py 's start19:40
smoserbut that ocde is kind of buggy, and it explains something i had seen.19:42
smoseri think i'll add description back in and drop the 'rcs='19:43

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