
AkshayHi All, can someone tell me the cloud archive uri for openstack PIKE release06:17
Akshayadd-apt-repository cloud-archive:pike doesn't identify pike as a valid archive name06:18
jamespageanyone around who can push the 2.2.3 release of charm-tools to pypi?  2.2.2 breaks our gates for all reactive charms atm and we use via tox virtualenv, not from snap09:30
EdSHi Juju people :)11:03
EdSI have managed to back myself into a corner! Does anyone know how to get rid of a MAAS cloud controller that's already been destroyed by releasing all the machines in a MAAS setup?11:04
EdSI'm sure I've done this before (oops!)11:04
rick_hEdS:  juju unregister xxxxx11:27
cory_fujamespage, beisner: I'm getting charm-tools released ASAP this morning14:25
jamespagecory_fu: ya14:25
jamespageta rather14:25
cory_fujamespage: PyPI is updated14:36
jamespagecory_fu: \o/14:40
* jamespage goes to type recheck alot14:41
=== TikTok is now known as michealb
beisnertyvm cory_fu18:30
beisnercory_fu - https://github.com/juju/charm-tools/issues/37019:02
beisnercharm-tools 2.2.3 pip install is broken19:03
cory_fubeisner: charm-tools doesn't work with Python 3 yet19:03
[Kid]is there a way to enable HA between containers for juju controllers?20:34
[Kid]i am getting this in the debug "machine-1: 20:33:33 ERROR juju.mongo could not set the value of "/proc/sys/net/core/netdev_max_backlog" to "1000" because of: "/proc/sys/net/core/netdev_max_backlog" does not exist, will not set "1000"20:34
[Kid]and a couple of other sysctl parameters20:34
[Kid]also, is there a way to tell why a controller is in ha-pending mode?20:42
rick_h[Kid]: so show-controller should show it's ha-ness including working on it20:44
rick_has for the container bits...I'm not sure. that might require a bug with a bit more detail on what you're trying to get worked and how you get to that point20:44
dannfany idea what's wrong here?23:20
dannf$ ls23:20
dannfbundle.yaml  neutron-ext-net  neutron-tenant-net  novarc  README.md23:20
dannf$ charm push . cs:~ce-hyperscale/openstack-base-d0523:20
dannfERROR open /var/lib/snapd/void/bundle.yaml: no such file or directory23:20

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