
=== studentloans is now known as dax
=== HeadlessHorseman is now known as Unit193
rghow secure is lubuntu as compare to Ubuntu ?04:32
=== dax is now known as rokosbasilisk
=== rokosbasilisk is now known as dax
=== strawfeminist is now known as el
LValue_Requiredhi!!! how do i grep the contents of the sentences?08:36
LValue_Requiredfor example, i'm trying to grep the output from openssl and i'm trying to grep the rest of the contents but i'm just getting the grepped string??08:36
LValue_RequiredAny idea anyone?? Please help08:37
=== deadk is now known as e
hateballLValue_Required: I dont really understand08:56
hateballLValue_Required: so you want grep to display the content from the match and onwards, regardless of linebreaks etc?08:56
cameleon_78Hi there09:12
cameleon_78I want to ask if any of you can run steam using lubuntu09:12
hateballLValue_Required: you can do grep -A10 to display ten lines after the match, for instance09:17
hateballLValue_Required: man grep, is helpful :)09:17
antislub: Sorry, I don't exactly get what you are trying to do. Sounds like you want to set up your laptop as a wifi hotspot. (laptop is connected to a router or something??)09:50
deanwe_67I hav a question10:06
deanwe_67well, can I ask 'em10:06
antisdeanwe_67: only one? :)10:07
LValue_Requiredthanks hateball10:36
zztoplesshi lubuntuers... just wondering if anyone can help me get the samba share on my mint-kde vm mounted on my new lubuntu 17.10 vm11:33
zztoplesssudo mount -a returns: mount error(22): Invalid argument11:35
zztoplessRefer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)11:35
hateballSo you have an incorrect entry in /etc/fstab11:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:36
hateballAlso NFS is way less pain imo, if you are sharing between linux machines11:36
zztopless/ /mnt/Full-Backup cifs credentials=/home/user/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm 0 011:37
zztoplesssorry, didn't see the request to use past.ubuntu.com before the second text bomb11:38
zztoplessok, will try NFS11:38
zztoplessWhat is NFS?11:39
zztoplessIs it required to export, or is that more for just when one wants to consolidate several shared folders into one for the share?11:47
antiszztopless: NFS -> "Network File System" (The Unix pendant to Samba) ^^12:08
antisto try stuff you can usually mount via `mount -t cifs //path/to/shared/folder /mnt/local_mount_point` - if it's a windows share you might also have to give credentials via options `-o user=WhoAmI,pw=password`.12:14
antis(the local_mount_point must be an existing folder)12:14
antisNFS is a lot faster (and more secure) though :)12:15
zztoplessthanks anti, just got done reading a bunch of tutorials, no success13:08
zztoplessit it makes a difference, I need to share a mounted veracrypt folder on /media/veracrypt1 on the server13:09
zztoplessActually, I ideally would prefer to only share /media/veracrypt1/working (have just changed it)13:12
zztoplessso, on the server I have:  in /etc/fstab: "/media/veracrypt1/Freenetnonebind  0  0"   in /etc/idmapd: "Domain=MyRealNameHome" (uncommented and the same thing in the same file on the client). And in /etc/exports: "/media/veracrypt1/Freenet,no_root_squash,async,insecure)"13:19
antiszztopless: sorry i'm not an FS expert. so chances i can help you are bad. anyway, prbly have a look at the https://linux.die.net/man/5/exports man page (crossmnt option??)16:32
zztoplessantis: thanks16:35
antiszztopless: btw. apparently you can reload the configuration typing `sudo exportfs -ra`16:36
zztoplessIf there is a ubuntu verison of Googles new backup and sync, I'm tempted to even use that16:36
zztoplesslol I meant the opposite16:37
zztoplessthe new file stream16:37
zztoplessthat finally gives you the option to use Google drive as a remote drive16:37
zztoplesswhile still runnign their other backup and sync up for folders you want that for16:38
antisif you are planning doing backups i can recommend "back-in-time"; relies on pure rsync commands and can be bound to an NFS share (samba on the other hand will destroy file permissions!)16:41
zztoplesshttps://support.google.com/a/answer/7491144?hl=en --> it's only for G-Suite customers, however the entry level plan for that is a dollar or two less per month for 1TB on drive, whereas with GSuite you get 1TB, file stream (last I checked, regular drive customers don't have access to it)  plus some really good business tools for a bit less16:41
zztoplesslol NFS share - thought that was about to work for my FS issue.  But I'll have a look for sure16:42
zztoplessI've always had a bit of concern with cloud storage used by individuals or very small businesses without IT support, that if they did get hit by a ransom-ware attack, how many complete backups are google, apple drop-box etc keeping of everyone's accounts? and or how well can their AI pick up when a whoel bunch of encrypted files are syncing into someone's cloud storage16:45
RoliyoHello. Today i installed lubuntu 17.10 (i386) on my laptop. I have a button to turn on my wireless networking (now is off). How can i enable wireless functions?17:19
antisRoliyo: By button you mean a hardware button (like a switch)? Well… turn that on first. I don't know if Lubuntu can fully automagically detect that. So maybe you should go and run `nm-connection-editor` (settings -> network-connections) and add your wireless interface (wlan0 usually). This should work pretty much out-of-box…17:29
RoliyoI cannot turn on that button ( by clicking) so i thought there is a command or something to turn it on. I added wifi connection and still doesn't work (used:never). I'm new linux user.17:36
zztoplessCheck your bios to see if there is an option to disable the toggle, some do18:02
wxlRoliyo: is your wifi device hard blocked and/or soft blocked when you execute the `rfkill list` command in terminal?18:04
zztoplesshard to imagine it being hard locked and behaving differently when presented with a different OS.  That said, there would likel ybe a thin cable running from the button is to either it's own small ribbon.18:08
antisRoliyo: Especially for new Linux user's I recommend installing the 16.04 LTS (=> Long Time Support) versions. What you are probably looking for (it's hard to guess…) is the `nm-applet` plugin, which is showing as an icon in the control pannel (the "task bar" on screen bottom)18:40
RoliyoDone everything what u said, no soft or hard blocked. in bios is everything ok ( previous works on windows as well)19:56
RoliyoI probably understand. i need to download wireless drivers to make to works. problem is i dont have internet connection ;x. and on my laptop page there are only drivers for windows ( tell me if im wrong).19:56
WindowsI have a hp with an x86 Intel atom processor and 1gb ram. Do I meet the requirements? It's currently running Windows 7 starter.20:14
wxlWindows: yep20:15
WindowsHow, xwl?20:15
wxlWindows: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows?backURL=%2F#020:16
WindowsIt's got a whopping 250GB HDD.20:16
WindowsIs it sufficient? Would I need to drop it on a usb?20:17
wxlWindows: that will work fine. just follow those instructions20:18
WindowsOk. If it helps, there's literally nothing other than Windows and the cool custom bios on the machine.20:19
WindowsSorry if I'm bothering you, xwl.20:20
wxlyou're not. just you're good to go. make it happen :)20:20
WindowsSorry if I sound rude, but can we chat on hangouts? I'll need your email, please.20:21
WindowsAny use for Windows on the machine?20:23
WindowsIt's ***SLOW***.20:23
WindowsShould I tell mum? I'll need her consent.20:26
WindowsI told her. She's fine with it. Roughly how long will it take?20:27
wxldunno. maybe an hour or so. depends.20:28

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