
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
iMadper``MangHuoEr: 早.02:31
=== iMadper`` is now known as iMadper
=== sjd_zeus1 is now known as sjd_zeus
=== sjd_zeus1 is now known as sjd_zeus
=== sjd_zeus1 is now known as sjd_zeus
=== _d0048 is now known as d0048
gQuigsWas wondering if there is any feedback between ibus-sunpinyin vs ibus-libpinyin for Ubuntu/Gnome to default too?   re:https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2017-October/005269.html13:59
ubrl⇪ f:  Remove Python2 for 18.04?13:59
gQuigswhich do people actually use and prefer?14:00

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