
sponixNew Ubuntu 17.10 Mate is very nice01:35
mate|46906Hola Gente01:54
Lengsdorfersponix, is it very different from 16.04?01:58
sponixLengsdorfer: Can't say I did a whole lot with 16.04  .. New software center, a lot better 3rd party app support (OBS, steam, skype, etc)02:01
LengsdorferWell, i think that after 'sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-mate-dev/xenial-mate' and update etc. the 16.04 should have an 'up to date' Mate Version too. Or is this wrong? (sorry for speech, i'm no native english speaker):))02:06
=== strawfeminist is now known as el
sixwheeledbeastI would also agree the boutique just needed upgrading08:14
sixwheeledbeastPretty sure you can do that in the boutique too, without installing the ppa manually.08:15
PungentHi there08:18
PungentA quick dumb question, does anyone knows how to turn off the countdown to automatically reboot-shutdown system?08:19
Astro7467@Lengsdorfer: note that MATE in 16.04.x is a GTK2 (or is it written GTK+2) app, and MATE in 17.10 is GTK3 - so there is a limit to what will get into 16.04 (eg no Brisk Menu) - think the change happened in UM 17.0408:31
LengsdorferAstro7467, thx. I Didn't know.11:12
Lengsdorferbut i think i will wait till 18.04 :)11:13
gintskaa i ko14:40
arturskas ir ficuk?14:40
artis_hacker chat14:40
gintsspotted hacker14:40
artursHexChat= Sexchat14:40
arturshello spoonix14:40
profPI am running MATE 17.10 on one desktop with two monitors. my main monitor is the right one. so all my desktop icons are placed on this one right one).15:00
profPmy problem: after very log-on ALL the icons are moved to the left monitor.15:00
profPit was working well with MATE 17.04. (just recently did the distr-upgrade).15:00
profPAny ideas on how to fix this?15:00
profPany ideas?15:29
alkisgprofP: the icons go to the "primary monitor"15:29
alkisgYou can select the primary monitor with the displays dialog, with xrandr, or with xorg.conf15:29
alkisgJust go to the displays dialog and select your primary monitor15:29
alkisgAh sorry misread15:30
profPalkisg: thank you, but already did that.15:30
alkisgWhat's the output of `xrandr` now?15:30
profPat least did this with the displays dialog.15:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:30
profPand AFAICS it is stored correctly.15:31
alkisg(05:30:34 μμ) alkisg: What's the output of `xrandr` now?15:31
profPcurrently I am not on the MATE machine. can u please tell me whole syntax so I will try later at home.15:31
alkisgThe syntax is "xrandr"15:31
alkisgThis displays what you have, so that we can continue with other advice15:32
profPAlirght, thans15:32
gonzalezHello everybody, i'm looking for a terminal command to put my unbuntu mate on hibernate mode ?18:26
marosggonzales, not sure how valid it is, first gogole hit   https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-command-to-suspend-hibernate-laptop-netbook-pc/18:53
* MastaAce waves.19:02
=== MastaAce is now known as _ProfP
_ProfPhej alksig19:09
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:09
_ProfPRunning MATE 17.10 on one desktop with two monitors. my main monitor is the right one. so all my desktop icons are placed here.19:12
_ProfP0 Antworten 0 Retweets 0 Gefällt mir19:12
_ProfPMy problem: after very log-on ALL the icons are moved to the left monitor.19:13
_ProfPAny ideas on how to overcome this?19:13
_ProfPthis is what XRANDR says: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25867236/19:13
lucienghello mates19:33
luciengi need you19:33
luciengi just migrate from ubuntu(unity?) to ubuntu-mate-desktop with apt19:34
luciengbut my old profile can't log in mate-desktop19:34
alkisgtry moving aside the .config or .local folders19:36
alkisgOne of them might be to blame19:36
scootergrisenflexiondotorg: hi are you able to change translation codes on transifex if needed?21:27
scootergrisenflexiondotorg: I was thinking about only using "da" for danish. Instead of now where the translation is in "da_DK" but there is also the empty "da".21:28
scootergrisenflexiondotorg: i have asked the other members in the team to se if they mind the change and is waiting the their answer.21:28
cjibook where did the launcher settings go in 17.10? They used to be under MATE Tweaks but don't seem to be there.21:32
cjiboNot showing up under Panel Features.21:33
yugo_hello !21:36

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