
cmaloney https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/159147/13:41
cmaloneySad thing is I've had enough Python Excel experience that I'd consider it. :-/13:49
cmaloneybut the "two people who are investing and running their whole company on Python and Excel and now need someoone to do all of that technical nonsense" just sounds like a recipe for a bad time13:50
brouschJUST MAKE IT WORK14:49
cmaloneyI think that would be the overarching demand14:49
jrwrenanyone do android dev, looking for a job? capable of using RX and Kotlin as well as java?15:16
_stink_jrwren: local to MI?15:24
jrwrenremote based out of SLC15:24
jrwrenyou'd need to go to SLC at least a few times a year15:25
cmaloneySadly 0 android experience ATM16:05
jrwrentime for a boot camp! :p16:08
brouschjrwren: Is that a full time job? Those seem really rare for mobile programmers - they're always contracts20:11
greg-gwe hire full time devs for our apps20:20
cmaloneyProbably depends on the company and how much control they want over the app20:24
cmaloneyIf you're a tech company it likely makes sense not to contract that out20:24
cmaloneybut if you're a game company then it makes perfect sense20:24
jrwrenbrousch: FULL TIME!21:53
jrwrenmaybe its rare in brousch's region. :)21:54

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