
teejHow does Snappy differ from Flatpak?02:08
mupPR snapd#4134 closed: interfaces/uhid: unconditionally add existing uhid device to the device cgroup (2.29) <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4134>05:46
mupPR snapd#4137 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: fix mount rules for font sharing (2.29) <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4137>05:46
mupPR snapd#4127 closed: interfaces/uhid: unconditionally add existing uhid device to the device cgroup <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4127>05:47
mupPR snapd#4132 closed: interfaces/serial-port: udev tag plugged slots that have just 'path' via KERNEL (2.29) <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4132>05:47
mupPR snapd#4133 closed: interfaces/hidraw: udev tag plugged slots that have just 'path' via KERNEL (2.29) <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4133>05:47
mupPR snapd#4116 closed: interfaces/hidraw: udev tag plugged slots that have just 'path' via KERNEL <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4116>05:48
mupPR snapd#4114 closed: interfaces: don't udev tag devmode or classic snaps <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4114>05:49
mupPR snapd#4123 closed: interfaces: fix incorrect signature of ofono DBusPermanentSlot (2.29) <Critical> <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4123>05:50
mvohey mborzecki, good morning06:25
mupPR snapd#4064 closed: tests: new test for hardware-random-control interface <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4064>06:41
zyga-solusmvo: goodmorning06:43
zyga-solusmvo: man, you're up early06:43
zyga-solusmvo: btw, about tests being slow: http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running06:44
mvozyga-solus: yeah, well, travis is the main issue06:45
mborzeckizyga-solus: morning06:51
zyga-solushey mborzecki06:51
mborzeckiis there a checker in gocheck lib that can verify if something is in a list? something similar to this: https://godoc.org/github.com/stretchr/testify/assert#Assertions.Contains06:52
mborzecki(disclaimer, i've quite heavily used testify/assert and testify/mock packages before)06:53
zyga-solusmborzecki: I wrote one06:54
zyga-solusmborzecki: in testutils/06:54
zyga-solusmborzecki: ironically this was one of my first patches to snapd :D06:55
zyga-solusand my first go code06:55
zyga-solus"where is contains in this language"06:55
mborzeckizyga-solus: you mentioned that account-control is feeding bad information on arch06:56
mborzeckii'm fixing this right now (or at least that's what i think i'm doing)06:57
mupPR snapd#4115 closed: interfaces/serial-port: udev tag plugged slots that have just 'path' via KERNEL <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4115>06:59
zyga-solusmborzecki: excellent, thank you!07:00
mvozyga-solus: 4136 is failing for real it seems07:00
mvozyga-solus: the /run/snapd/ns/snapd.test-snapd-desktop.fstab just contains fontconfig three times ?!07:01
zyga-solusI wrote that one "dry", without running it07:02
zyga-solusautopkgtest.ubuntu.com is very slow for me07:03
mvozyga-solus: this is available in travis (which is also slow) and I have a local shell in qemu open right now, but it looks strange, almost as if we just mount systemfontconfigcachedir three times instead of systemfontsdir, systemlocalfontsdir07:04
mvozyga-solus: aha, no, the fstab file is correct in /var/lib/snapd/mount07:05
zyga-solusmvo: can you paste both fstab files please07:06
zyga-solusthe one in /var/lib/snapd/mount/ and in /run/snapd/ns07:06
zyga-solusI'll try localy but it will take some time07:06
mvozyga-solus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25877947/07:07
zyga-solusthat's very werid07:07
zyga-solusthanks, I'll dig07:07
zyga-solusmvo: if you still have the shell07:08
zyga-solusbefore I get there07:08
zyga-soluscan you please nsenter and look at mountinfo07:08
mvozyga-solus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25877952/07:09
zyga-solusthank you07:09
zyga-solusmounts doesn't show the source correctly07:10
zyga-solusI'll run locally and debug, no worries07:10
mvozyga-solus: mountinfo looks correct, no? so its just the outside that looks fishy?07:10
mborzeckido you amend/fixup/rebase/reshuffle commits in a PR or just add new ones on top?07:10
zyga-solusno, mounts doesn't show this at all07:10
zyga-solusmborzecki: we usually add and squash07:11
zyga-solus(when merging)07:11
mborzeckiworking around github's mess? :)07:11
zyga-solusmborzecki: optimizing for review flow07:11
zyga-solusmvo: if you hold the release for 30 minutes until we get a better picture I can help analyze this07:12
mupPR snapd#4138 opened: release: 2.29.1 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4138>07:14
mvozyga-solus: too late for 2.29.1, if its something grave we need a 2.29.207:14
mvozyga-solus: inside the ns I have /usr/share/fonts from the outside afaict ?07:15
zyga-solusmvo: yes,07:15
mvozyga-solus: so what is missing :) ?07:16
zyga-solusmvo: but please tail mountinfo (not mounts)07:16
zyga-solusmvo: because the earlier pastebin was inconclusive07:16
zyga-solus(mounts doesn't show the relevant stuff)07:16
zyga-solusI worry about why that thing was listed three times, that's very fishy07:16
mvozyga-solus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25877985/07:17
zyga-solusthis is correct07:17
zyga-solusif this is correct, why was the other file wrong :D ?07:17
zyga-solusdid you just ran the test?07:18
zyga-solusor experiment in some other way?07:18
mvozyga-solus: I did nothing to the system, just ran the spread test in qemu. the output looks consistent with what linode outputs07:18
mborzeckii probably don't know what i'm doing, but I've updated https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/413507:18
mupPR #4135: Workaround unit test failures on Arch <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4135>07:18
zyga-solusthank you, I'll look now07:19
zyga-solusmborzecki: that looks very good to me07:21
mborzeckibtw. has anyne seen something like https://paste.ubuntu.com/25878010/ ?07:23
mborzeckisnapSeccompSuite.TestRestrictionsWorkingArgsUidGid failing with 'setuid u:daemon'07:24
zyga-solusmvo: reproduced now07:25
mvomborzecki: not this particular error, this is the seccomp confinement test, it runs on the real (running) kernel07:25
zyga-solusmborzecki: hmmm07:25
zyga-solusmborzecki: just checking, you do have an user called daemon on your system, right?07:25
mvomborzecki: I assume this is the arch kernel?07:25
mborzeckisuprisingly, i did not see this yday, then ran pacman -Syu in the evening, and rebooted to a new kernel today :)07:25
mborzeckimvo: yes, it's an arch kernel07:26
mvomborzecki: what version is that?07:26
zyga-solusit's curious btw, it seccomp is so well established that this should not fail07:26
mvomborzecki, zyga-solus maybe its argument filtering and something with daemon is different on arch?07:27
mborzeckii'll poke around07:27
zyga-solusmvo: perhaps07:27
mvomborzecki: whats the uid of your daemon user?07:29
mvomborzecki: there you go :/ the test assumes "1"07:29
mvomborzecki: {"setuid u:daemon", "setuid;native;1", main.SeccompRetAllow},07:29
mvomborzecki: i.e. it sends the setuid (native arch) syscall with arg 1 which does not work on arch. silly test !07:30
mborzeckiheh, i can fix that07:30
mvomborzecki: thanks07:30
mborzeckibtw. uid 1 is 'bin', interesting07:31
zyga-solusmborzecki: it's all broken07:31
zyga-solusdistros don't agree on any uid other than root07:32
mborzeckitrying to remember what it was in yocto07:32
zyga-ubuntumvo: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25878071/07:41
zyga-ubuntuthis is the failure07:41
zyga-ubuntusomething is clearly wrong07:42
zyga-ubuntuman :/07:42
zyga-solusmvo: I _think_ I know07:43
mvozyga-solus: what are the implications of this bug?07:43
zyga-solusbad stuff is in the current profile07:43
zyga-solusbut namespace is correct07:43
zyga-solusit shows up when > 1 entry is present07:43
zyga-solusbut I'm a bit DOH07:43
mvozyga-solus: what is the implication of bad stuff in the current profile?07:44
zyga-solusgolang feature07:44
zyga-solusmvo: we'll undo stuff that's not done07:44
zyga-solusmvo: it will all fall apart as we try to "mend" it07:44
mvozyga-solus: when do we do that? on refresh?07:44
zyga-soluswhen we setup security07:44
mvozyga-solus: so things will explode when snapd is restarted?07:45
zyga-solusnot really explode07:45
zyga-solusit will not return a failure code07:45
zyga-solusmvo: testing a small fix07:47
mvozyga-solus: hm, maybe I need to ask differently. this freeze/thaw is something new added, its not in 2.29 iirc. so does this affect 2.29 and if so what are the implications for the users, i.e. is it just internal or are there visialbe regressions?07:47
zyga-solusmvo: unless I'm mistaken golang does something I didn't expect07:47
mvozyga-solus: looking forward to see the diff :)07:48
zyga-solusmvo: this should not affect freeze/thaw07:48
mvozyga-solus: so this affects 2.29?07:48
zyga-solusmvo: taking the address of a variable on iteration seems to return the same thing over and over07:48
zyga-solusmvo: as if this was a loop local temporary07:48
zyga-solusmvo: so :/07:48
zyga-solusmvo: it's scaryt07:49
zyga-soluswe had this since forever07:49
mvozyga-solus: could you paste the diff? just so that I can get an idea07:49
mvozyga-solus: thanks07:49
zyga-ubuntuwhere else are we doing something like this?07:50
mborzeckizyga-solus: can you point me to the code with this iteration?07:50
zyga-ubuntuwhy doesn't golang warn / error on this07:50
zyga-ubuntumborzecki: please look at main.go in cmd/snap-update-ns07:50
zyga-ubuntu        changesMade = append(changesMade, change)07:51
zyga-ubuntua variant of this line07:51
zyga-ubuntunear line 16407:51
zyga-ubuntu(I applied a helper patch so there may be an offset)07:51
mvozyga-ubuntu: if we had this forever and nothing bad happens, is it critical for 2.29.1?07:52
zyga-solusmvo: nobody noticed / tested >1 mount entry07:52
zyga-solusmvo: I think .2 is in order now that we know really07:52
mborzeckizyga-solus: it's always taking the same &change?07:52
zyga-solusmvo: especially since this will really mess up all the desktop interface snaps over time07:52
zyga-solusmborzecki: that's what it looks like07:53
zyga-solustesting a fix now07:53
mvozyga-solus: well, maybe. I want to understand what happens if we don't fix it07:53
zyga-solusmvo: I can tell you in 20 minutes after another test where I undo this07:53
mborzeckican you drop _, change := range ... and use for i := range changesNeeded ... { change := changesNeeded[i] .. } ?07:53
zyga-solusmvo: ok, with the patch it works07:53
zyga-solusmborzecki: right, I understand that now, I just found it unexpected07:54
mborzeckihit this myself a couple of times, enough to make me doubt range07:54
mborzeckitypical scenarios is the code inside is calling goroutines or doing syscalls (which are rescheduling points)07:56
zyga-solusmvo: patch pushed07:57
mvozyga-solus: I think I would slightly prefer the minmal diff that mborzecki suggests (using an for i := ... loop). anyway, sorry for being difficult07:57
zyga-solusmvo: no, please look at the patch07:57
zyga-solusmvo: the patch is minimal and simpler semantically07:58
mvozyga-solus: just trying to understand the implications of this07:58
mvozyga-solus: ok, checking07:58
zyga-solusmvo: 14 lines changed07:58
zyga-solusone character each07:58
zyga-solusand thank $DIETY for spread tests!07:59
mborzeckipushed another patch to https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4135 cmd/snap-seccomp tests are all passing now08:01
mupPR #4135: Workaround unit test failures on Arch <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4135>08:01
zyga-solusmvo: will you take that patch?08:04
mvozyga-solus: tbh, I'm still on the fence, if its not a regression and it has not yet caused problems yet I'm not sure. but lets prepare a 2.29 PR so that we have it08:08
zyga-solusmvo: ok08:09
zyga-solusmvo: if you can take it I'd suggest so08:09
zyga-solusmvo: it's a clear bug08:09
zyga-solusmvo: and the more we use content interface the more harm it will cause08:09
zyga-solusmvo: I'll make a 2.29 PR for you08:09
mvozyga-solus: thank you08:10
zyga-solusdone, 413908:11
mupPR snapd#4139 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: fix collection of changes made <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4139>08:11
mvozyga-solus: thank you08:21
mborzeckiFYI 'nogroup' is replaced with 'nobody' in arch08:35
zyga-solusmborzecki: yeah, I'm afraid some of those tests will look like Swiss cheese08:35
mborzeckizyga-solus: is 'nogroup' used in other placed in the code?08:36
zyga-solusmborzecki: I don't think so, we only used it for tests08:37
zyga-solus(AFAIK I made that change)08:37
zyga-solusmborzecki: to work around other things that weren't common between ubuntu and solus08:37
mborzeckigood, this is the last unit test that fails here08:37
mborzeckibtw. is there a not-empty checker?08:37
zyga-solusHasLen, 0 is useful08:38
kalikianagood morning, snappy08:38
mvomborzecki: depends on what you need, there is "HasLen"08:38
zyga-solushey kalikiana :)08:38
mborzeckiNot(HasLen), 0 ?08:38
mupPR snapd#4140 opened: interfaces: add an interface for gnome-online-accounts D-Bus service <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4140>08:39
zyga-solusmborzecki: yes08:44
zyga-solusmborzecki: note that we can add IsEmpty or similar08:45
zyga-solusmborzecki: it's not hard to add a new checker08:45
zyga-solusmborzecki: and especially when the error messages are nicer, this could be useful08:45
pedronispstolowski: hi,  looking at #4108 again,   do we need Hooks/Apps on ConnectedSlot ?  you didn't implement Hooks08:56
mupPR #4108: repo: ConnectedPlug and ConnectedSlot types <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4108>08:56
pstolowskipedronis, hi, we don't have Hooks on slots, per comment and implementation in snap/info.go in the existing code08:59
pedronispstolowski: but we have apps?  do we use them?09:01
pstolowskipedronis, we do, they affect SecurityTags()09:03
mborzeckican this https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4119 be merged, or should i rebase on top of master?09:05
mupPR #4119: tests/test-snapd-service: fix shellcheck issues <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4119>09:05
=== slvn is now known as slvn_
zyga-solusmborzecki: yeah, or merge master09:07
mupPR snapd#4141 opened: snap-update-ns: add missing unit test for desired/current profile handling <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4141>09:08
mborzeckirebased and pushed09:09
pedronispstolowski: thanks09:14
pedronispstolowski: zyga-solus:  shouldn't places  in  interaces  doing   range plug.Apps  ?  also consider plug.Hooks ?09:16
zyga-soluspedronis: yes, do you know of one that does not?09:16
pedronisthey all don't09:17
pedronisI'm not even sure the interface is the best given the issue09:17
zyga-soluspedronis: hmm09:17
pedroniszyga-solus: there's a bunch of plug.Apps in interfaces/builtin but not plug.Hooks09:17
pedronisI suppose we didn't notice because the interfaces that need that are not typical hook plugs09:18
pedronisbut I suppose there is an issue09:18
zyga-solusI see this in common09:18
zyga-solusand in other places09:18
pstolowskiinfo.go // NOTE: hooks cannot have slots09:18
pstolowskiah, sorry, you're asking about plugs09:19
zyga-soluspedronis: it's isolated to udev handling, it seems09:20
zyga-soluspstolowski: do you want to fix it or shall I?09:20
zyga-soluspedronis: thank you for spotting!09:20
pstolowskizyga-solus, i'm currently working on cookies issue from yesterday09:21
zyga-solusI'll do it09:21
pedronispstolowski: also related, I notice that plugJSON has no hooks either09:25
pstolowskipedronis, thanks, will fix09:25
pedronisI don't know if it's important, are we still using plugJSON ?09:26
mvozyga-solus: 4139 has unit tests failures, fix is trivial http://paste.ubuntu.com/25878484/ - could you please update?09:27
* zyga-solus wonders how that happened, I go tested this09:28
=== __chip__ is now known as Chipaca
zyga-solusmvo: ah, the backport, I must have not tested that one09:31
Chipacaaw, you can't make an alias into a namespace :-(09:40
Chipaca- Setup manual alias "xbill-xaw.xbill-xaw" => "xbill-xaw" for snap "xbill-xaw" (cannot enable alias "xbill-xaw.run" for "xbill-xaw", it conflicts with the command namespace of installed snap "xbill-xaw")09:41
Chipacagah, mis-paste09:41
Chipaca- Setup manual alias "xbill-xaw.run" => "xbill-xaw" for snap "xbill-xaw" (cannot enable alias "xbill-xaw.run" for "xbill-xaw", it conflicts with the command namespace of installed snap "xbill-xaw")09:41
Chipaca(yes that is kinda backwards)09:41
mupPR snapd#4138 closed: release: 2.29.1 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4138>09:50
Chipacahow're you doing, mborzecki ?09:52
mvooSoMoN: fwiw, I can reproduce the chromium nvidia black screen issue here09:52
mvooSoMoN: I get mknod denials for seccomp09:53
mborzeckiChipaca: good, fixed all unit tests that were failing on arch, lookign into updating arch package now09:55
mvooSoMoN: and manually adding "mknod" to the seccomp profile works09:55
Chipacamborzecki: neat09:55
mvooSoMoN: well, works in the sense that when i do that, recompile the profile and start chromium it works09:55
mborzeckiChipaca: there's a PR open https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4135 in case you want to sake a second look09:56
mupPR #4135: Workaround unit test failures on Arch <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4135>09:56
oSoMoNmvo, thanks for the feedback! do the denials indicate which node chromium is trying (and failing) to create?10:02
mvooSoMoN: I try to figure this out right now, it does not give me this data currently10:06
oSoMoNmvo, you'll probably need to strace it to get that info10:06
mvooSoMoN: yes10:06
zyga-solusor run it and look at /tmp10:06
mvozyga-solus: /tmp ?10:06
zyga-soluswell, it has to keep the node somewhere10:06
zyga-solusso /tmp or /run10:07
zyga-solusor $HOME10:07
pedronismborzecki:   we tend to title our PRs   with:  comma-separated relevant packages or dirs or "many"   ":"  lowercase summary10:15
mborzeckipedronis: noted, thanks10:16
pedronismborzecki:   like "cmd/snap,client,daemon: show ignore-validation if set in snap info"10:16
mborzeckipedronis: I can rename it now, but I'm afraid it might restart the builds10:19
zyga-solusmborzecki: no need10:19
zyga-solusmborzecki: just hit edit on GH10:19
pedronisyes, this is about the PR title and the merge commit, not the commits inside10:21
pedroniswe are not very strict, but this is the idea10:21
Chipacamborzecki: git log --oneline --no-merges <- we try to make this readable (it's a struggle)10:23
Chipacazyga has a link with more rationale10:23
zyga-solusme? I don't recall10:23
zyga-solusnow that you said that I do recall10:23
zyga-solusbut I don't recall what it was :)10:23
zyga-solusI recall _something_ :D10:24
mborzeckiaah, yeah, i'm used to rebasing a lot :) this usually kept the history linear10:24
pedronisit's a struggle because we aren't as rebase happy as other projects,10:24
pedronismborzecki: yea,  general rule we don't rebase after a PR got some comments, we tend not to squash commit either unless the PR is messy, then we do10:25
pedronisthe results are mixed10:25
pedronisalso we have rules how the merge commit should look like but it's a struggle to remember to apply them when clicking in GH10:25
mborzeckinoted :) sorry cause i've rebased both PRs already10:26
mborzeckisome project do merges outside of github just to keep the history linear, iirc zephyr does that10:27
Chipacathat's ok, we won't burn you alive for the first one10:27
zyga-solusmborzecki: github has an option to rebase nowadays10:27
Chipaca(but really, these are our intentions; then things are on fire and it all goes out the window)10:28
mborzeckithough it's still not particularly review friendly with rebase/fixup workflow :(10:28
mborzeckismall things like ordering commits chronologically rather than using the order from git10:28
pedronismmh, I don't this stuff in written in the form or the readmes ?10:42
mborzeckiany idea why libseccomp is linked statically into snap-seccomp?10:44
zyga-solusmborzecki: because of re-exec woes10:44
zyga-solusmborzecki: snapd needs to operate on systems where libseccomp is old/unpatched10:44
pedronisChipaca: are you working on aliases? or the private refresh bug?10:45
Chipacapedronis: aliases; AIUI refresh needs gustavo (and it's just one more day)10:50
Chipacapedronis: if you want to start in it feel free :-) my plate has plenty on it10:51
pedronisno,  mostly asking if you had time for some reviews10:52
Chipaca1. not always10:54
zyga-solus1. conditions apply10:54
pedronisChipaca: interested in your feedback on #411210:56
mupPR #4112: cmd/snap,client,daemon: show ignore-validation if set in snap info <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4112>10:56
Chipacapedronis: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4112/files?w=110:57
Chipaca(ignore whitespace for the github diff)10:58
Chipacapedronis: hm, i would've put it in notes10:58
Chipacapedronis: then you also get it (for free) in snap list10:58
pedroniswell I asked for feedback,10:59
pedronisotoh you get notes only with  --verbose10:59
Chipacapedronis: no, you get the expanded notes with --verbose10:59
Chipacapedronis: without it you get them a la list10:59
pedronisah, so seems the right thing to do11:00
pedronislet me close this11:01
* Chipaca will allow it11:01
mupPR snapd#4112 closed: cmd/snap,client,daemon: show ignore-validation if set in snap info <Created by pedronis> <Closed by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4112>11:01
pedronisChipaca: ah, it's a cmd/snap concept, not a rest api concept11:03
Chipacayes, the client side is fine11:03
pedronisChipaca: is ignore-validation too long for notes?11:05
Chipacapedronis: do you have something better?11:08
mupPR snapcraft#1652 closed: tests: fork skip into snaps_tests <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1652>11:08
Chipacapedronis: 's fine11:08
pedronisah, I still need my code for the verbose case11:10
pedronisthat's a little odd11:10
sergiusenssnappy-m-o autopkgtest 1650 xenial:amd64 xenial:armhf xenial:arm64 zesty:amd64 zesty:armhf zesty:arm64 artful:amd64 artful:armhf artful:arm64 bionic:amd64 bionic:armhf bionic:arm6411:12
snappy-m-osergiusens: I've just triggered your test.11:12
zyga-solustests are not with me today11:20
mupPR snapd#4142 opened: cmd/snapd,client,daemon: display ignore-validation flag through the notes mechanism <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4142>11:24
pedronisChipaca: ^11:25
Chipacapedronis: lovely11:32
mborzeckizyga-solus: you introduce packaging for arch, can you take a look at this patch: https://github.com/bboozzoo/snapd/commit/1ac38e2614cef8e30d17b8800bc18c1abeac940911:36
mborzeckionce arch related PRs get merged, i'd like to publish this to AUR as snapd-git11:38
zyga-solusmborzecki: I merged snap-confine into one package now11:38
zyga-solusmborzecki: btw, did you see the packaging that was added to 2.27.x releases?11:38
zyga-solus(on GH release pages)11:39
zyga-solusah, I was confused by depends on snap-confine11:39
mborzeckiyes, but the community package is still split into snapd and snap-confine, unless it's listed in conflicts pacman will not try to remove it11:39
zyga-solusmborzecki: I see11:39
zyga-solusthat's unfortunate11:39
zyga-soluscan we do anything about that?11:40
mborzeckizyga-solus: it's there, snap-confine is listed in conflicts in my patch, this should do the trick11:41
zyga-solusah, I see11:41
zyga-solus+1 then11:41
zyga-solusnot sure if other things are done11:42
* zyga-solus looks11:42
zyga-soluslook at 2.27.x releases for updated packaging11:42
zyga-solusthings like snap-exec etc are missing11:42
mvooSoMoN: I added some info into the forum post, chromium acts a bit strange, maybe its something specific to their code but it tries to create /dev/nvidiactl which is already avialable in the namespace and which the same pid stat()s successfully a couple of times before11:45
oSoMoNmvo, thanks, that's very useful, I'll dig in chromium code to try and understand why they would do that11:48
mborzeckizyga-solus: hmm looks like arch packaging was never updated to include snap-exec :/11:49
zyga-solusmborzecki: not the one in the repo (as it was never upstreamed)11:49
mvooSoMoN: thanks, might be an issue on our side too, but from the strace it looks like something strange is happening in the code11:49
zyga-solusmborzecki: sorry about that, arch situation is a bit unoptimal11:49
mborzeckican you point me to the code?11:51
zyga-solusthere's a source package for arch attached11:51
zyga-solusa bit crude but :/11:51
pedronismvo: did you see my question about default tests for the configure-snapd code?11:51
mvopedronis: yes thank you! I started to write one and then $stuff happend :/ (the mount profile chnage bug that zyga-ubuntu found/fixed and an nvidia error)11:54
pedronisit's ok, just wondered because there was no answer in the PR11:55
pedronismvo: on my side a 2nd review of #4106 would be appreciated,  and thansk for reviewing the snap  info/list change11:56
mupPR #4106: many: lookup and use the URL from a store assertion if one is set for use <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4106>11:56
mvopedronis: ok, I do that next (probably after lunch though)11:57
mborzeckizyga-solus: got it, by the looks of it, it's a bit outdated and the build process is so-so (CGO_*FLAGS are not set properly)11:58
zyga-solusmborzecki: that's the most recent we have, we didn't do arch releases since11:58
mborzeckiwhat's the plan then? so far there's an outdated version in snapd tree, another one on gh release page (outdated as well) and one in community repo (more outdated than both previous)11:58
zyga-solusmborzecki: if you merge it with your improvements and merge back to master it should be fairly ok11:58
zyga-solusideally, update the community repo but ENOLUCK11:59
zyga-solusmborzecki: we can update the packaging in master for reference11:59
zyga-solusmborzecki: but we still don't have arch tests that run on PRs so it's likely to go out of date eventually11:59
zyga-solusmborzecki: little by little, since you run arch daily it will help a lot in making the package healthy12:00
mborzeckiok, hmm let's do this, first merge and update all pkgbuilds into master tree, make it a -git package (this should make it easy to test it directly from git)12:01
mborzeckithen maybe add snapd-git to aur, so that the users are not blocked and  update archwiki page (if there's one)12:01
mborzeckiguess the last step would be getting an image for spread and adding arch to the test suite12:01
oSoMoNmvo, it might be https://cs.chromium.org/chromium/src/content/gpu/gpu_sandbox_hook_linux.cc?type=cs&sq=package:chromium&l=223 , but I'm still trying to figure out where that call to mknod is issued12:02
mborzeckizyga-solus: first 2 i can take care of, will need help with the last one :), how does that sound?12:02
zyga-solusmborzecki: arch is supported on linode already12:03
zyga-solusmborzecki: but it all sounds like a good plan12:03
* kalikiana coffee vreak12:07
mupPR snapcraft#1655 opened: lxd: distinguish argless clean from clean -s pull <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1655>12:08
zyga-solusmvo: can you do a 2nd review of 413612:08
zyga-solusthis will let us merge 4141 next12:10
mupPR snapd#4119 closed: tests/test-snapd-service: fix shellcheck issues <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4119>12:22
mupPR snapcraft#1646 closed: sources: enforce default language in subversion info <Created by clobrano> <Closed by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1646>12:29
pedronisseen this:  + tar czf /home/gopath/src/github.com/snapcore/snapd/snapd-state.tar.gz /var/lib/snapd /snap /etc/systemd/system/snap-core-3386.mount /etc/environment /etc/systemd/system/snapd.service.d /etc/systemd/system/snapd.socket.d12:30
pedronistar: Removing leading `/' from member names12:30
pedronistar: /var/lib/snapd: file changed as we read it12:30
pedronisare we not stopping enough stuff?12:30
pedroniswas on 14.0412:30
zyga-solusmaybe refresh timer (unlikely but maybe?)12:30
zyga-solusthe udev tagging situation is more complex than other backends but I think I have something that will allow us to fix it in a generic way12:39
zyga-solushey cachio, how are you feeling?12:41
cachiozyga-solus, I am in a 35%12:41
zyga-soluscachio: go away and recharge then12:42
zyga-soluscachio: take a break, rest, it's friday12:42
cachiozyga-solus, it is ok, if I feel bad I'll go to bed12:42
cachiozyga-solus, mvo, the #3378 is the one to validate?12:44
mupPR #3378: tests: fixes for executions using the staging store <Created by fgimenez> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3378>12:44
cachiocore snap rev 337812:44
* Chipaca looks at cachio 12:45
Chipacacachio: this is not how you get better12:45
Chipacamvo: i need to go to the school it seems; i'll be missing the standup12:46
Chipacamvo: report from me would be: still hating aliases (but still hopeful to finish before eow), and, need to look at how to handle refresh of private (and bought) snaps next week with niemeyer12:47
Chipaca(via people having trouble with this in the forum)12:48
mvoChipaca: thank you12:57
mvooSoMoN: indeed, this looks like the right track12:58
mvozyga-solus: looking at 4136 in a wee bit, last I looked tests were still running but looks like that is finished now12:59
zyga-solusthank you12:59
* sergiusens starts making his way to the bank13:00
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|Store
zyga-solusmvo: I'll push my PR in a moment13:28
mvozyga-solus: ta13:31
mupPR snapd#4136 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: fix mount rules for font sharing <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4136>13:32
pedronispstolowski: for the 2nd part of the issue, I think will need something like   Change.LaneTasks(lanes []int) []*Tasks that gives all the tasks in the change in the given lanes, or all of the them if one of the lanes is 0 (the default lane)13:34
pedronisheh, sorry, the last bit is wrong13:35
pedronisabout 013:35
pstolowskipedronis, will look at snapctl issue next. thanks13:38
pedronispstolowski: np13:38
pstolowskiwhat's the quickest/recommended way of disabling a spread test entirely?13:39
pstolowskivia systems: ?13:39
mvopstolowski: manual: true is one way and a comment13:39
pstolowskimvo, great, thanks13:40
mvopstolowski: or exit 0 in execute with an echo with the details why its disabled13:40
pstolowskimvo, i'm going to propose this only against 2.29, since MR will receive a fix in next few days; makes sense?13:43
mvopstolowski: yes13:43
mvopstolowski: we will still pull it into master to minimize the delta but if you target 2.29 thats great that means we can move faster13:44
mupPR snapcraft#1412 opened: lxd: snapcraft refresh in containers <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1412>13:44
zyga-solusofftopic, HasLen checker is particularly unhelpful about saying what the real length was13:46
mupPR snapd#4106 closed: many: lookup and use the URL from a store assertion if one is set for use <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4106>13:48
mupPR snapd#4110 closed: many:  have a timestamp on store assertions <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4110>13:51
mupPR snapd#4139 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: fix collection of changes made <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4139>13:51
=== mborzeck1 is now known as mborzecki
mupPR snapd#4143 opened: snapctl: Disable stop/start/restart (2.29) <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4143>13:58
pstolowskimvo, ^ this should do it13:59
pstolowskikyrofa, ^ bad news :(14:00
zyga-solusmvo: now doing common14:03
zyga-solusmvo: behind one innocent line in common.go there are lots of interfaces that need small tweaks to consts14:05
mborzeckizyga-solus: there was a template based refactoring tool for go14:08
zyga-ubuntumborzecki: uh, not worth it in this case14:08
zyga-ubuntuI need to tweak a few constants14:08
zyga-ubuntuand change type14:08
mborzeckihm change type can be done with gorename14:09
mborzeckiit'll update all packages that use that type14:09
zyga-ubuntumborzecki: I need to do that to about a dozen variables spread around dozen files14:09
zyga-ubuntumborzecki: I'll show you the patch and I can learn abou the tool when you see it14:10
mvopstolowski: thank you14:10
mvomborzecki: anything that needs to go to 2.29?14:11
mborzeckimvo: don't think that arch fixes are a priority, so nothing from my side14:12
mvomborzecki: ta14:12
mvozyga-ubuntu: your renames are master, right? or also 2.29?14:12
zyga-solusmvo: master unless you think it's 2.29 material14:13
zyga-solusmvo: "renames" are not real renames, just a mental shortcut14:13
mvozyga-solus: I will wait for the PR but probably not 2.29 then14:18
mvozyga-solus: just trying to avoid a .3 by gathering all potential further changes14:18
zyga-solusmvo: ok ready14:23
zyga-solusmvo: 414414:27
zyga-solusI'll self-review for typos now14:27
mupPR snapd#4144 opened: interfaces: fix udev tagging for hooks <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4144>14:28
roadmrjdstrand: hi! hey question. You approved classic confinement for goby yesterday. Did you by chance also trigger an automated review after doing that?14:31
zyga-solusmvo: read it, pushed and squashed one trivial unused variable removal14:32
zyga-solusmvo: I'll check if this applies to 2.2914:32
zyga-solusmvo: yep, I can propose a 2.29 variant too14:33
zyga-solusclose it if you don't want to take that risk14:33
mvozyga-solus: I ponder over it14:34
mvoroadmr: jdstrand is not around today14:34
mupPR snapd#4145 opened: Backport/udev hooks 2.29 <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4145>14:35
roadmrmvo: darn! mystery will need to wait to be solved :)14:35
zyga-soluspedronis: can you have a look at 414414:35
zyga-soluspedronis: that should fix the issue you found today14:35
mvoroadmr: yeah :)14:36
roadmrthanks though mvo14:36
mupPR snapd#4145 closed:  interfaces: fix udev tagging for hooks (2.29) <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4145>14:37
mupPR snapd#4146 opened:  interfaces: fix udev tagging for hooks (2.29) <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4146>14:38
mborzeckizyga-solus: you're right, does not look like this could be done with go's refactoring tools14:42
zyga-solusmvo: I'll make some tea, let me know if I can help you somehow14:44
* sergiusens is back14:59
sergiusenskyrofa might want to start looking into this https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25880037/15:00
sergiusensthat is all I have from the error as the log has not been generated/exposed yet15:00
sergiusensthat extract is from running on bionic, which I thought would be a skip for these15:01
mvozyga-solus: quick brainstorm, can you check https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/compare/master...mvo5:refactor-ifstate?expand=1 and tell me what names you prefer? do you think overlord/ifacestate/repo is a good name for the package?15:03
mvozyga-solus: fwiw, tests for 4143 have not started yet :( so no 2.29.2 until those have run15:03
mborzeckii'm done for today, gotta go pick up my kids, have a nice weekend guys15:05
elopioGood morning!15:06
kalikianasergiusens: You might like to have a look at snapcraft#1655 this is to avoid `snapcraft -s pull` killing your container15:07
mupPR snapcraft#1655: lxd: distinguish argless clean from clean -s pull <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1655>15:07
diddledanbuild.snapcraft.io isn't letting me sign-into launchpad oauth: Invalid association handle15:07
* kalikiana waves at elopio 15:07
diddledanor rather it redirects back to build.snapcraft.io but reports error15:08
kyrofapstolowski, uh oh15:09
kyrofapstolowski, what's the background there?15:09
pstolowskikyrofa, it breaks with an error if run from configure hook as part of snap install/refresh. will also error out in install/refresh hooks.15:11
pstolowskikyrofa, my spread test was only testing one case15:12
kyrofapstolowski, is this a case of the fix being known, just more work than can be done right before a release15:12
pstolowskikyrofa, more work, but not on time for this .point release15:13
kyrofapstolowski, that's fair, I appreciate the heads up. Something you anticipate happening soon, though?15:13
zyga-solusmvo: sorry, had IRL interrupt15:13
zyga-solusmvo: checking your branch15:13
pstolowskikyrofa, yeah, should be fixed soon and in the 2.30 release15:14
kyrofapstolowski, alright, thank you :)15:15
om26erWho is responsible for transfer of snap ownership ?15:15
zyga-solusmvo: hmm15:16
zyga-solusmvo: please add repo.go :)15:16
zyga-solusmvo: and push :)15:16
zyga-solusmvo: I'll check after I really make that tea15:16
noise][om26er: there are a few of us here that can do it15:16
kyrofasergiusens, huh, that one's not skipped. Maybe it's something we lost as part of the migration into snapd tests, or maybe it's something that used to work, but I'm adding a skip now15:16
noise][and i'm aware we are a bit behind on the forum requests this week15:16
om26ernoise][: kindly transfer android-studio and sublime-text-3 from my name(om26er) to snapcrafters15:16
kyrofaOh, that's not part of the snapd suite, haha15:17
* zyga-solus cannot wait to snap install sublime-text-315:17
om26erThe packaging was already moved under snapcrafters but the ownership didn't.15:17
ogra_pfft ... vim rules ...15:17
zyga-solusogra_: yeah, but fira code font is amazing15:18
zyga-solusogra_: do you know that font?15:18
noise][om26er: ok, we can get to those today, sorry for the delay15:18
zyga-solusmvo: travis is starving us so badly I wonder why this is so15:18
mvozyga-solus: autsch, sorry, added repo.go now15:19
kyrofaIt must have passed at some point, that test has been there for a while15:19
ogra_zyga-solus, is that the one with weird arrows and such ?15:19
zyga-solusogra_: yes15:20
zyga-soluswell, "weird"15:20
zyga-solusnormal actually15:20
om26ernoise][: thanks :)15:20
zyga-solusmvo: so, first of repo is not a great name since it clashes with interfaces/repo.go and that Repository, something non-clashing would be better15:21
zyga-solusmvo: what is the cycle this breaks?15:21
zyga-solusmvo: I expected that we'd have something outside of ifacestate, not a nested package actually15:21
mvozyga-solus: see explaination in the preview, it allows creating a "interfaces.Repository" based on the current state from snapstate15:23
mvozyga-solus: which allows to e.g. answer the question if a content interface is already connected15:23
mvozyga-solus: that is important to know if the default-provider needs to be downloaded or not15:23
kyrofasergiusens, wait... that's a duplicate test!15:23
mupPR snapcraft#1656 opened: integration tests: skip shared ROS test on non-xenial <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1656>15:23
zyga-solusI'm a little lsot about how this makes it work (I totally believe it does, just not grok it yet)15:24
kyrofaIgnore that PR for a sec, it looks like that test became a snapd test, but then was never removed15:24
mvozyga-solus: I'm open for other ideas, I'm not super happy about "repo"15:24
zyga-solussnapstate->ifacestate->snapstate is the cycle that we are breaking?15:24
kyrofaMan, that's gonna speed travis up so much15:24
zyga-solusmvo: let me branch and see15:24
zyga-solusmvo: +1 on the idea, this is just nitpick territory now15:24
mvozyga-solus: yes, snapstate imports ifacestate/repo and ifacestate imports ifacestate/repo too15:25
mvozyga-solus: we do something similar in configstate/config15:25
kyrofasergiusens, wait I lied. It's not, it's closely related15:25
mvozyga-solus: yeah, no worries, happy to bikesheed about the name, naming is hard15:25
mvozyga-solus: the three most difficult problems in cs:  naming and off-by-one errors15:26
kyrofaAnd it's a faster one anyway15:27
zyga-solusmvo: iterating15:28
=== JoshStrobl|Store is now known as JoshStrobl
kyrofamvo, very clever :P15:30
zyga-solusmvo: and indentation15:30
mvozyga-solus: so once we have a name i can add some tests and cleanup around this and then use it in the default provider PR15:32
zyga-solusI'm tweaking locally, one more moment please15:32
pedronismy internet connection is flaky15:35
kyrofasergiusens, shall I queue up a non-xenial run on snapcraft#1656 ? Perhaps not bionic though as it seems the biggest queue15:41
mupPR snapcraft#1656: integration tests: skip shared ROS test on non-xenial <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1656>15:41
zyga-solusmvo: pushed to my branch of the same name15:41
kyrofaOh bionic is looking pretty decent for upstream actually15:42
zyga-soluskyrofa: forever people googling for "bionic libc ..." will curse ubuntu15:42
kyrofazyga-solus, I've never once googled "xenial libc" :P15:43
zyga-soluskyrofa: bionic as the android libc15:43
kyrofaOh, the other way around-- I thought you meant they would find android results when they were looking for ubuntu. Gotcha15:43
kyrofaYeah they probably will!15:43
zyga-solusyeah, I think >> android than ubuntu15:43
mvozyga-solus: thank you! Not sure I like "Restore", maybe "Load"?15:44
zyga-solusmvo: sure15:44
zyga-solusmvo: I was thinking that it should live in overlord15:44
zyga-solusbut that is somewhat black-hole logic15:44
zyga-soluseventually everything will be in overlord15:45
zyga-solusso instead I think it makes sense to speak of interfaces and state as interfaces/ifstate15:45
sergiusenskyrofa just do zesty; bionic and artful will fail adt anyways15:45
mvozyga-solus: re overlord> I kept it there mostly because we have all state related things there. beside daemon/ itself all the things that are importing/manipulating state are under overlord afaict15:46
sergiusenselopio kyrofa can we do that meeting one hour later? This is the time I try to avoid meetings15:47
mvozyga-solus: maybe it is one of those - we need gustavo PRs :) - but happy to use your PR as the starting point (except for "Restore" which feels a bit off to me)15:48
kyrofasergiusens, yep15:48
zyga-solusmvo: sure15:48
elopiosergiusens: no problem.15:48
zyga-solusmvo: Load is fine, please use that15:48
mvozyga-solus: thanks15:48
zyga-solusmvo: look at the package imports in ifstate.go, we can . import interfaces to almost unify this with the rest of the cod there15:48
kyrofasnappy-m-o, autopkgtest 1656 zesty:i38615:48
snappy-m-okyrofa: I've just triggered your test.15:49
kyrofaThat queue is non-existent15:49
zyga-solusmvo: some things could move sideways to utils.go (AddImplicitSlot, etc)15:49
zyga-solusmvo: or elsewhere, as appropriate15:50
zyga-solusmvo: it would also help to, at least in my eyes, to connect the interfaces.Repository to state handling, at least it would be "close"15:50
mvozyga-solus: not sure I understand what you have in mind. " . import interfaces" - what does ". import" mean?15:52
zyga-solusimport ( . "github.com/snapcore/snapd/interfaces" )15:52
zyga-solusthen you can say Load(...) (*Repository, error)15:52
zyga-soluswithout having to preprend "interfaces." to most types15:53
mvohm, not sure I like that, maybe just because its unfamiliar (and its friday :)15:55
zyga-solusmvo: we use it to import check.v1 (almost) everywhere15:55
zyga-solusmvo: anyway, just an idea, since this code mostly deals with interface types15:55
zyga-solusmvo: what do you think about 414415:56
mupPR snapd#4147 opened: ifacestate: refactor and extract ifacestate/repo <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4147>15:57
mvozyga-solus: ups, sorry, reading now15:57
roadmrdiddledan: hey you requested a bunch of snap transfers from you to snapcrafters. Did snapcrafters agree to this? :)15:58
pedronismvo: why is New  is in that package,  btw having a New for a type not defined there is strange16:03
zyga-soluspedronis: look at my proposal in the same branch under my account16:03
mvopedronis: yeah, zyga-solus was suggesting "Restore" we also discussed "Load"16:06
zyga-soluspedronis: I also moved it to interfaces/ifstate since it's closely coupled to types there16:06
zyga-soluspedronis: but just more ideas16:06
pedronisifstate is a weird name16:07
roadmrdiddledan: also - is build.snapcraft.io still misbehaving? I just registered and built a snap without any issues16:08
zyga-soluspedronis: I also tried interface/state but then I imported it as ifstate in overlord16:09
pedronisit's doing very different things16:12
pedronisI fear we need to think a bit more16:12
pedronisthere's not a stronge relation between repo stuff and conns stuff for example16:12
mupPR snapd#4143 closed: snapctl: disable stop/start/restart (2.29) <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4143>16:12
zyga-solusno? I think repo is mostly about storing what is connected16:14
mvopedronis: yeah, it seems a bit loose right now, the PR is the first discussion point (the most minimal thing I could do to de-couple it)16:14
pedronismvo: I really need to understand what you need, because the decoupling as such doesn't make sense to me16:15
pedronisit feels very arbitrary16:15
mvopedronis: my use case is that I want to answer the question "is this content interface connected" in snapstate when I decide if I need to download the default-provider16:16
mvopedronis: there is another use case in another branch but that is for later (but also 2.30)16:16
pedronisI don't see how moving ReloadConnections relates to that16:17
zyga-soluspedronis: ReloadConnections is really Repository.Import(state)16:18
pedronissorry, I don't understand16:18
pedronishow do you get to repo?16:19
pedronisdo you build a different one in snapstate?16:19
pedronisI'm probably super confused16:19
zyga-solusno, sorry16:19
zyga-solusoverlord keeps one repository instance around16:19
pedronisand passes it to snapstate?16:20
zyga-solusexposes certain functionality, I didn't look exactly if that passes the whole repo or just one method from it16:20
zyga-solusmy desire to keep the ifstate module closer to interfaces/ was because it's really about how the interface repository is serialized16:20
zyga-solusand "deserialized" from the state16:21
pedronisthis branch doesn't change overload or snapstate16:21
mvopedronis: the new code loads a repo from state16:21
mvopedronis: so it gets a snapshot of the current connection from the state to answer this question (what is connected right now)16:21
zyga-solusI mean there's nothing new in this, just a way to untangle some cyclic imports16:21
pedronismvo: we create repos on teh fly all the time?16:21
pedronisI know how repo is used16:22
pedronisthere was one repo16:22
pedronisinside ifacemanager16:22
zyga-soluspedronis: we don't create repos on the fly (fortunately!) :)16:22
mvopedronis: we don't do that, my idea was to have code in snapstate that creates a repo on the fly in the future. but happy about alternative ideas16:22
pedronismvo: what?16:23
pedronisthat's kind of expensive16:23
pedronisalso remember we are moving to have singletons for connections16:23
pedronisthat's pawel work16:23
pedronisso that will not work16:23
mvopedronis: meh, I was not following that new work, which PR should I look at?16:24
pedronismvo:  is not done yet16:24
pedronismvo: anyway creating repos on the fly is a  bad idea16:24
zyga-solusI agree with pedronis16:24
zyga-solusI wasn't expecting on-the-fly repos16:24
mvopedronis: fair enough. what options do we have?16:24
pedronismvo: have you looked at how assertstate deals with the assertions db ?16:24
pedroniswe stick it in the cache16:25
pedronisand then can accessors  that do  state -> cache -> db   ->  answer questions16:25
mupPR snapd#4147 closed: ifacestate: refactor and extract ifacestate/repo <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4147>16:25
mvopedronis: ok, I check that out, this looks good16:25
mvopedronis: I close the PR and look at the alternative approach later (or Monday). thanks for your input!16:26
zyga-solusI think it's a good idea16:26
pedronismvo: sorry if I was bit harsh,  but refactoring without intended uses  are hard to parse16:27
pedronisit's not about the code as such, it's more how it's going to be used16:27
mvopedronis: no worries, I got the input that I needed :) i.e. the important part to me is how snapstate can get data from the repo and I think you pointed to a good solution which is great16:28
pedronismvo: you'll probably  need anyway  a subpackage of ifacestate because of circularity but it can be focused on querying16:28
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mvopedronis: yeah, I think so too16:29
pedronisspread tests are very flaky again :/16:44
zyga-soluswhat failed?16:46
pedronislots of different things16:46
pedronisall a bit random16:46
zyga-solusworst kind :/16:48
=== anewman|away is now known as anewman
* kalikiana going to wrap up for the day17:04
mthaddonhi folks, I've been able to install this (classic) snap locally. Any idea why the snapstore doesn't like it? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25880784/17:07
zyga-solusmthaddon: no idea, how did you make it?17:08
roadmrmthaddon: can you put that somewhere I can get to it? I'll run the review tools on it and see what the boggle is17:09
mthaddonzyga-solus: I'm not quite sure how to answer that question. Do you want to see the snapcraft.yaml file?17:09
mthaddonroadmr: will do17:09
roadmrmthaddon: that message can appear if you try to upload a random file, which does not appear to be your case17:09
zyga-solusmthaddon: no, just curious if it is hand made17:09
mthaddonI just ran "snapcraft" in a directory containing lp:codetree, fwiw17:10
ogra_mthaddon, file codetree_0.1.6_amd64.snap17:19
ogra_does it talk about being a squashfs file ?17:20
mthaddonyep, there now (retried at roadmr's request)17:20
cachiozyga-solus, I am getting this error: cannot snap-exec: cannot read info for "test-snapd-check-fs-access": stat /var/lib/snapd/snaps/test-snapd-check-fs-access_x2.snap: no such file or directory17:24
cachiozyga-solus, the file snap exists17:24
cachioany idea why it could happening?17:24
zyga-soluscachio: hmmm17:24
zyga-soluscachio: is the snap file mounted?17:25
zyga-solusany denials17:25
zyga-solushow did you experience this?17:25
cachiono denials17:26
cachioI am testing a new test17:26
cachiodo you want access?17:26
zyga-solusno, too tired today17:26
zyga-solusI can look on monday17:27
cachiozyga-solus, sure17:31
cachiozyga-solus, enjoy your weekend17:31
zyga-solusthank you, likewise17:31
kyrofasnappy-m-o, github subscribe 165617:52
snappy-m-okyrofa: I'll send you a message if a test fails in the pull request #1656 (integration tests: skip shared ROS test on non-xenial).17:52
mupPR #1656: snap: do not sort the result of `snap find` <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1656>17:52
kyrofasnappy-m-o, github subscribe 16517:52
snappy-m-okyrofa: I'll send you a message if a test fails in the pull request #165 (Enabling testing with new cli).17:52
mupPR #165: forgot to git add the tests <Created by chipaca> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/165>17:52
kyrofasnappy-m-o, github subscribe 165017:52
snappy-m-okyrofa: I'll send you a message if a test fails in the pull request #1650 (Release changelog for 2.35).17:52
mupPR #1650: Merge master onto #1623 to check tests <Created by niemeyer> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1650>17:52
kyrofaThat's gonna get old17:53
elopiosergiusens: kyrofa the other error on zesty was the git snap taking too long.17:56
diddledanroadmr: does this not count? https://github.com/orgs/snapcrafters/teams/snapcrafters/members17:57
elopiothat's another one to simplify and demote to integration suite.17:57
sergiusenselopio we could probably just remove that test, does it give us anything? Mind double checking?17:57
kyrofaelopio, how do timeouts work on the autopkgtests? Is it like Travis, where it watches stdout?17:57
sergiusensIf it is for classic, then I think we already have that in the integration suite17:57
roadmrdiddledan: I saw that... well if you as a member of snapcrafters tell me you're happy with it, then I'll go ahead with the transfers17:57
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Chipacaniemeyer: can we make mup ignore snappy-m-o?17:57
diddledanI'll move the repos across, too17:57
roadmrdiddledan: I just didn't want to assume, you know what they say about that. As long as you're explicitly OK with it that's fine.17:58
diddledanI just hadn't got that far :-)17:58
sergiusensChipaca or better yet, ignore random numbers like 111117:58
sergiusensor #111117:58
mupPR #1111: timeout,snap: add YAML unmarshal function for timeout.Timeout <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1111>17:58
roadmrdiddledan: right, I do consider a repo under snapcrafters as explicit agrement :) which is why I transferred irccloud17:58
Chipaca#1111 is not a random number though17:58
elopiokyrofa: it depends. One part is a counter, from the start of the test. The other is what we added on pexpect, to fail earlier adjusting the expected timeout of a command ourselves17:59
kyrofaelopio, ah ha. Did pexpect timeout, then?17:59
sergiusensChipaca no I thought about it twice in a row :-)17:59
sergiusensis #1234 random?17:59
mupPR #1234: debian: make snapd get its environ from /etc/environment <Created by chipaca> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1234>17:59
diddledanroadmr: thanks for the prudence :-)17:59
diddledanroadmr: inadyn now in snapcrafters: https://github.com/snapcrafters/inadyn18:00
elopiosergiusens: that's the one that tests classic confinement. We can replace it with a more simple one that reads /tmp, or something.18:00
elopiokyrofa: yes: Expected output 'Snapped .*\\.snap' not found.18:01
roadmrdiddledan: thanks! let me wrap up a call and I'll get on the transfers. Will be done today (EDT) for sure18:01
diddledanI'll note on each topic the new repo location18:01
roadmrdiddledan: much appreciated, that'll help with the bureaucratic side of things.18:02
mvocachio: 2.29.2 is available in beta for everything except amd64, that got corrupted and I'm rebuilding it18:05
* Chipaca vanishes into the night18:06
zyga-solusmvo: corrupted?18:16
mupPR snapd#4148 opened: Release 2.29.2 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4148>18:20
cachiomvo, great18:23
cachiomvo, starting ...18:23
mvocachio: \o/18:28
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kyrofasergiusens, the deprecation notice for `snapcraft pack` is not in place, FYI19:12
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sergiusenskyrofa would be good to get one I'd say.19:22
* sergiusens crafts one up19:22
sergiusenswhich other one is missing?19:22
kyrofasergiusens, that's it19:23
kyrofa(just dn6)19:23
sergiusenskyrofa oh, so the others just didn't make it to the website19:28
kyrofasergiusens, yeah deployment is a different issue19:28
sergiusenskyrofa and I seem to know what it is ;-)19:30
kyrofaHmm. noise][ nessita the store is rejecting all my daily uploads with "__all__: The upload does not appear to be a valid package."19:33
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zyga-soluskyrofa: upload valid packages then19:34
zyga-soluswhat is this >> thing you are uploading19:34
kyrofazyga-solus, yeah either the store is borked or LP is messing up every single build :P19:35
zyga-soluskyrofa: __all__ your base are belong to us19:36
noise][kyrofa: weird, can you grab the snap and try to install it locally?19:37
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zyga-soluskyrofa: but one thing is good19:38
zyga-soluskyrofa: at least the store is not implemented in perl19:38
kyrofanoise][, yeah, works fine. https://launchpad.net/~nextcloud-snappy-dev/+snap/nextcloud-daily-master/+build/10133119:39
noise][can you file a bug and we can get someone to take a look on monday?19:42
sergiusenskyrofa read this one please https://github.com/canonical-docs/snappy-docs/pull/14519:44
mupPR canonical-docs/snappy-docs#145: deprecation notice number 6 <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/canonical-docs/snappy-docs/pull/145>19:44
sergiusenskyrofa refresh if you've opened it, I forgot to `git add` my mods to `index.md`19:47
kyrofasergiusens, oh good catch on the index19:48
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sergiusenskyrofa ok, I have satisfied your demands!20:07
sergiusensif you +1 I'll merge20:07
sergiusenskyrofa oh, my write access has been revoked20:10
kyrofaHaha, bam!20:10
=== anewman is now known as anewman|away
sergiusensdavidcalle ^20:10
davidcallekyrofa: did it? I'm reading the PR20:11
davidcallekyrofa: sergiusens: has it been revoked for both of you?20:12
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
kyrofadavidcalle, I was never cool enough to have it in the first place20:12
davidcallekyrofa: let's fix this20:12
kyrofadavidcalle, well hey! Thanks!20:14
davidcallekyrofa: speaking of PR, how do you feel about these link changes: https://github.com/canonical-docs/snappy-docs/pull/136/files (in language guides: "https://forum.snapcraft.io" -> "https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/process-for-reviewing-aliases-auto-connections-and-track-requests/455 "20:15
mupPR canonical-docs/snappy-docs#136: Point forum links in guides at requests guidelines topic <Created by caldav> <https://github.com/canonical-docs/snappy-docs/pull/136>20:15
=== anewman|away is now known as anewman
kyrofadavidcalle, yeah, +1 from me20:18
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kyrofaOh my gosh the store is so slow today... I'm getting 80k20:27
noise][kyrofa - API, download from CDN, ??20:29
noise]["store" is a pretty broad term20:29
kyrofanoise][, `snap download` whatever that is20:29
noise][kyrofa: host 068ed04f23.site.internapcdn.net, and then check traceroutes to the IPs20:32
mupPR snapd#4104 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: add logging to snap-update-ns <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4104>20:51
mupPR snapcraft#1656 closed: integration tests: skip shared ROS test on non-xenial <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1656>22:34
sergiusenssnappy-m-o autopkgtest 1650 xenial:amd64 xenial:armhf xenial:arm64 zesty:amd64 zesty:armhf zesty:arm64 artful:amd64 artful:armhf artful:arm64 bionic:amd64 bionic:armhf bionic:arm6422:35
snappy-m-osergiusens: I've just triggered your test.22:35
mupPR snapd#4149 opened: tests: new tests for network setup control and observe interfaces <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4149>22:51
kyrofaHuh, the bot didn't tell me that the test failed23:31
kyrofasnappy-m-o, github subscribe 165023:31
snappy-m-okyrofa: I'll send you a message if a test fails in the pull request #1650 (Release changelog for 2.35).23:32
mupPR #1650: Merge master onto #1623 to check tests <Created by niemeyer> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1650>23:32
kyrofaOh man, totally missed that circle CI can do periodic jobs, now!23:38
kyrofaelopio, FYI ^^23:38
kyrofaelopio, did you also know you could run a job with SSH enabled for debugging?23:39
elopioI didn't know.23:50

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