
Bashing-omdaftykins: You still with a presence ?02:11
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:37
ubot5Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol, !eolupgrade and https://ubottu.com/y/wily05:47
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje06:46
lotuspsychjemorning EriC^^ !06:47
lordievaderGood morning07:02
lotuspsychjehey lordievader07:05
lotuspsychjealmost weekend!07:05
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje07:05
lordievaderIndeed 😄07:06
jinkHelemaal niet, morgenochtend release, dus moet gewoon werken... -__-07:06
jinkAnyway, what's up? :D07:06
lotuspsychjehey kid07:07
jinkI'm someone's kid, obviously, but I'm oooooooooooold. :P07:08
lotuspsychjeim also the sun of my father07:09
lotuspsychjewhat a coinsidince07:09
lordievaderThe sun!? Wow O.o07:10
jinkThat, too!07:10
jinkThe sun in his life!07:10
ducassegood morning, everyone07:35
lotuspsychjemorning ducasse07:57
ducassehi lotuspsychje - how's life? :)07:59
lotuspsychjegreat on this side08:00
lotuspsychjechilling in my holiday :p08:00
lotuspsychje!info lynis | EriC^^ try this?08:31
ubot5EriC^^ try this?: lynis (source: lynis): security auditing tool for Unix based systems. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0-1 (artful), package size 174 kB, installed size 1323 kB08:31
EriC^^thanks trying08:31
lotuspsychjegives you full overview of system08:31
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: this can do alot also: https://www.phoronix-test-suite.com/?k=downloads08:33
lordievaderHmm, interesting. Lets run it :)08:34
lotuspsychjepretty organized package :p08:35
ducassethat last one is also in the repos, in case you didn't know08:37
lotuspsychjeducasse: you know package name?08:38
lotuspsychjecool tnx08:39
ducasselotuspsychje: hopefully going to buy new phone today, my old one died :-/08:44
lordievaderInteresting sugestions lynsis makes.08:44
lotuspsychjeducasse: cool mate, decided wich one yet?08:45
lotuspsychjelordievader: nice lil package isnt it :p08:46
lordievaderToo bad the newest is not yet in the portage tree -.-08:47
lotuspsychjeby the way, anyone knows howto change color of android 7 call background?08:47
ducasselotuspsychje: looking at a cheap moto right now08:47
lotuspsychjeit changed to brown background after update to 708:47
lotuspsychjemoto g5+ and moto e4 sounds like best deals on coolblue08:50
ducassethe one i'm looking at is just listed as 'motorola moto e (iron grey)'08:53
ducasseandroid 7.1, 8mp camera - trying to find out if it has microsd slot08:54
ducasseok, good, it has one08:56
EriC^^dang, phoronix needs php509:02
EriC^^!info php5-cli trusty09:03
ubot5php5-cli (source: php5): command-line interpreter for the php5 scripting language. In component main, is optional. Version 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.22 (trusty), package size 2093 kB, installed size 8881 kB09:03
EriC^^oh, there's a repo version of it09:04
lotuspsychje!info phoronix-test-suite09:06
ubot5phoronix-test-suite (source: phoronix-test-suite): comprehensive testing and benchmarking platform. In component universe, is extra. Version 5.2.1-1ubuntu2 (artful), package size 381 kB, installed size 2634 kB09:06
lotuspsychjewebversion is 7.409:06
EriC^^hmm it's just hanging after selecting "run a test"09:07
EriC^^im trying the "complex system test" now, it's installing stuff from the web, letting it run :D09:09
lotuspsychjeshould give you numbers for testing right09:09
lotuspsychjetrue story, looks cool09:39
EriC^^i made some mexican food the other day09:56
EriC^^it turned out really well, got some "refried beans" from the supermarket and they had already made tortilla and burrito bread09:57
BluesKajHi folks10:49
EriC^^hey BluesKaj10:51
BluesKajHi EriC^^10:54
pauljwHi everyone14:12
nicomachusnacc TJ-: this is the script. literally could not be simpler: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25880072/15:06
nicomachusjust an exercise in scripting because I need more practtice. working on ways to expand and complicate it.15:06
nicomachusprobably going to add a while loop for the update.15:07
TJ-nicomachus: you might want to conside "xdg-open <URL>" instead of hard-coding 'firefox' - assuming firefox will be the default web-browser15:13
nicomachusTJ-: what kind of difference does that make?15:13
nicomachususing 'firefox' will guarantee me a fresh window with those URLs. wouldn't xdg-open just add to the current session if there is one?15:14
TJ-it'll behave the same way; unless you use "firefox --new-instance" or "firefox --no-remote" just "firefox" will open in an existing firefox process15:16
nicomachusdefault for firefox is a new session, unless you specify --new-tab or something like that15:17
nicomachuserrr... maybe not.15:17
TJ-I've never experienced that behaviour; it always re-uses an existing process unless those flags are use. That's archive firefox, firefox-dev and firefox-nightly15:18
naccit doesn't seem smart to rely o 'default' behavior15:18
naccif you can specify flags15:18
nicomachusI see.15:19
naccdefaults change and also probably can be controlled by the user's config15:20
nicomachuswell, idk how I did it, but I did not do this while loop correctly.15:29
nicomachuswhile [ sudo apt -qq update ]; do echo "Good Morning! Checking for updates...."; done15:30
nicomachusshould be it, right?15:30
naccnicomachus: you should re-read how bash while loops work15:31
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EriC^^evening all22:09
oerhekshi eric, going to watch "Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome" .. not firefox22:10
EriC^^hi oerheks22:11
Bashing-omEriC^^: \o22:11
EriC^^hey Bashing-om o/22:11
Bashing-omEriC^^: Slow Friday ... all over :)22:12
oerheks..and .. back22:18
oerheksterrible movie, bad camerawork, stupid conversations22:18
Bashing-omoerheks: and back here to the real world :)22:19
=== WiWoWas is now known as hggdh
=== hggdh is now known as WiWoWasWozu
ChileStuffAnyone alive22:52
naccChileStuff: yes, although it's a bit late on a Friday22:52
ChileStuffDepends on yer time zone  :P22:52
ChileStuffjac76 go to -discuss22:53
ChileStuffGreetings old fart  :)22:55
jac76greetings to a fellow old stinking bag of wind.22:56
ChileStuffLOL ... that's cuz my parts are rotten22:56
ChileStuffI remember working on the old telex machines ... power supply caps the size of 2 paint cans stacked22:57
jac76I recently took my grand daughter to a playground and got carried away and fell on my face, I don't bounce up as quickly as I use to.  Some other child there, about 8, shouted to another to "look out for the old guy".  :-(22:58
ChileStuffback even before 1.44 floppys  :)22:58
jac76The original "floppies" were 8 inches in diameter and were actually floppy.22:59
=== WiWoWasWozu is now known as WieWoWasWozu
ChileStuffWell at least I didn't use punch cards ... seen em, but didn't use em23:00
TJ-made great brims for a fedora23:00
jac76I worked on card punch sorters.  and fixed a couple of teletypes in my day.23:01
ChileStuffI still have a stack of old ST-225s ... open em up and make clocks out of em23:01
ChileStuffHad to get out when tech advanced faster than I aged23:02
jac76though I'll have to say that the card sorter was the last of it's kind and not the big monsters that IBM made famous.23:02
jac76I left the hardware side of the house when the "mechanical" part of it disappeared and I began to feel like the maytag repairman.  I went to the software side of things then and supported an unix os based on BSD.23:04
ChileStuffSo anyone here got any advice for a linux newbie? (I mean so new, I don't even know what Gnome is)23:05
ChileStuffI got out of hardware and started making hot sauce for a living  :P23:05
naccChileStuff: nice!23:05
naccChileStuff: anything i'd recognize?23:05
ChileStuffI was never any good at software23:06
naccChileStuff: what kind of advice are you looking for?23:06
ChileStuffAny ... I have never ised anything but winblows23:06
ChileStuffBut I'm ready to try23:06
jac76I fairly new to the Linux side of things myself but have been playing at it for a while.  What's your question?23:07
ChileStuffprovided it's not command line .. my typing is not good  :P23:07
TJ-ChileStuff: the first thing to realise is that "Linux" is the kernel. But we also use it as a shorthand for GNU/Linux (the combination of kernel and userspace services and tools) and that it is a terminal (command-line)  based system. On top we have GUI's which usually combine a 'display manager' (DM) - display the log-in greeter - and a Desktop Environment (DE) - the GUI you work with. Gnome is one23:07
TJ-such DE23:07
ChileStuffThank you23:08
ChileStuffMy first new thing today  :)23:08
TJ-Another major DE is KDE (using the Qt toolkit) - Gnome uses the Gnome Toolkit - GTK23:08
naccChileStuff: nice! I'll take a look -- always on the lookout for new sauces :)23:08
TJ-But we have lots of other DEs, some look more like Apple Mac, others look more like Windows XP or earlier23:08
ChileStuffI was told that the latest distro of Ubuntu was very user friendly23:08
ubot5A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), !LXDE (lubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors23:09
jac76I like the the clean display of xfce in xubuntu.23:09
ChileStuffYeah, XP is what I'm used to ... windows 7 is bleh and 10 blows chunks23:09
jac76xfce is a gnome thing.23:09
ChileStuffTMI too fast  :)23:10
MenzadorCorrection: XFCE is a GTK+ thing23:10
jac76each version has it on little nitch23:10
ChileStuffI downloaded 17 and palyed with it some, and it looks usable, just need an idea of what programs are best and so on23:11
ChileStuffWill it run windows programs, or do I need a OS specific version?23:12
jac76Ah,  that depends on what your trying to do.  If you want to write letters, try LibreOffice suite.23:12
ChileStuffLike Quickbooks for one23:12
ChileStuffOr at least something I can import my QB data to23:13
ChileStuffAnd even more important, my games  :)23:13
TJ-ChileStuff: there's a Windows Is Not an Emulator (WINE) layer that can run many Windows programs, but it can be patchy. The alternative is to create a Virtual Machine and install Windows in it, with the programs that absolutely need Windows23:13
ChileStuffNeverwinter Nights, Icewind Dale, etc23:13
ubot5WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:13
jac76the LibreOffice suite has a spreadsheet thing, but I've never used it.23:14
ChileStuffYou guys are full of info23:14
ChileStuffOr something  :P23:14
jac76I don't remember things as well as I use to so I like taking short notes on what I do and keep track of all that in a program call "baskets"23:15
jac76"baskets" is roughly equivalent to MicroSoft  "onenote"23:16
kostkonChileStuff, Icewind Dale is on steam and it has a linux version23:16
ChileStuffWell, I need to slag my HD and reload everything, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to make the switch23:16
jac76ubuntu/linux has a nice tool called "rsync" that I use to keep a sort of running backup of my work disk.23:18
jac76so I put 2 disks into my system and "rsync" my user data to the second disk once a day.23:19
jac76if I accidently delete something I can go to the backup disk and retrieve it if the "rsync" hasn't occured yet.23:20
jac76but the "rsync" process tries to keep the two disks "matched" so if I don't catch the "deleation" before the "rsync" happens, the file is gone.23:21
jac76as I said it a "sort of" backup.23:21
jac76but if one disk fails I will have my information preserved on the other.23:22
daftykinshah yeah you are not gonna find a quickbooks import prog :P23:27
ChileStuffYeah well I didn't really expect to  :)23:42
ChileStuffMy bookeeper is gonna love me23:43
daftykinsyou know they moved the service online though, so you can get at it via browsers?23:43
ChileStuffYeah never gonna happen23:44
daftykinsmy clients complained it was a joke in the early days, but by now it has probably settled down - does mean adopting a subscription model though23:44
ChileStuffI don't "cloud anything23:44
daftykinsi present the options, is all23:44
ChileStuffI appreciate that, I just can't get my head around putting private info on a public server23:45
* ChileStuff envisions a troll like creature saying "I'll hold your money. Trust me"23:46
daftykinsah so you've never used email, i take it?23:46
daftykinsare you honestly still running XP, btw?23:46
ChileStuffI never transmit anything sensitive23:46
ChileStuffNo, I have 7 on one and 10 on another23:47
ChileStuffWhich is why I want to switch  :)23:47
daftykinsyeah i saw the dim opinions you have of them, puzzling23:47
ChileStuffBut I may install xp on Ubuntu for games23:47
ChileStuffI have a dim opinion of all things MS23:48
daftykinsthat's unwise23:48
daftykinsnot to mention nonsensical :)23:48
daftykinsVMing a Windows box to keep QuickBooks going might be the best option though23:49
* ChileStuff has fond memories of the big BSOD reveal23:49
ChileStuffWas that vista or 823:49
daftykins95 if you're talking about the original press event demo, not sure how historic events apply to computing choices of today, however23:50
jac76I remember MS coming out with Windows NT and all the problems they ran into trying to scale up their 16-bit OS to a 32-bit one and all the problems and mistakes they made, like the "ping of death" they created.23:50
ChileStuffIt doesn't, but I loved the look on Gates' face23:50
daftykinsping of death was a dial-up modem buffer concept o023:51
jac76no.... "ping of death" was MS failing to put a limit to the size of a "ping" packet.  Which had the effect of letting a "ping" overwrite important parts of th OS, thus crashing that OS.23:52
ChileStuffWell, life beacons23:52
ChileStuffThanks for the advice, I will return23:53
daftykinsi'd prefer not, but ok23:53
jac76You could send an over sized "ping" packet to anything, even a network attached printer, and crash it.23:54
daftykinswhatever you say23:55

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