
mate|42194Ubuntu Mate is perfect and beautiful! Congratulations people!02:24
thachI've got rid of Windows and tried to install: Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu GNOME 16.04, and Ubuntu Mate 16.04 . Would you please tell me Which one is the best ? To me,all 0f them look Ok ?12:00
FaquniHey folks, I am connected to my wifi with laptop en cellphone. But KDE Connect can't find its counterpart12:53
FaquniDoes anyone have the same problem or is it likely a network setting12:55
Managorthumbs up guys, possibly the best new user experience out of all ubuntu distros so far17:23
dkarthikhi guys17:43
dkarthiki am new to linux17:43
dkarthikcsn somebody help me in learning command line17:43
dkarthikwhere to start17:43
Menzadordkarthik: Welcome :)17:43
MenzadorYou're not a famous cricketer are you?17:43
dkarthiki am not :p17:43
MenzadorHaha, I might have mistaken you for Dinesh Karthik :)17:44
Menzadordkarthik: Start here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:44
dkarthiki would have almost got in touch with him actually but missed it17:44
MenzadorGenerally when you're starting out with the terminal you only use it for certain functions17:45
MenzadorOh neat :)17:45
dkarthiki am a system admin myself but from windows side17:45
dkarthiki would like to learn from admin perpspective like carrying out day to day tasks17:46
MenzadorWell, beginners to the command line probably saw stuff about how to install software17:46
MenzadorI see17:47
dkarthiknext time if i want to chat in this group, then how to find this group?17:47
MenzadorWell the link I gave you will give you a general overview of the terminal and how to use it17:47
MenzadorAre you on a client?17:47
Menzadoror using the webchat?17:47
dkarthiki am on a client17:48
MenzadorWhich one? HexChat, Quassel, Polari?17:49
dkarthikubuntu mate 16.04.317:49
MenzadorSo connect to the Freenode IRC network and then type:17:50
MenzadorThis: /join #ubuntu-mate17:50
MenzadorOr, if you want to auto-join the channel, right click the name on the list to your left and select "Auto-join"17:50
MenzadorThen you'll join the channel automatically upon connecting to the Freenode network.17:51
dkarthikyes i did autojoin17:51
dkarthikbut basically how does this thing works17:51
dkarthikis it like a messenger?17:51
MenzadorOh, haha! You'll best find your questions answered over in #hexchat17:52
dkarthikgot it mate. thanks17:54
fran60a ver si alguien me puede ayudar19:17
fran60soy novato en ubuntu y he instalado la version 17.1o pero no me funciona el sonido19:17
fran60tengo un portatil muy antiguo sony vaio19:18
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:19
carlosHola, tengo un problema con una sd que instale berryboot para raspberry y no me deja formatearla en ningun modo.19:44
carlosNi en windows ni linux19:44
carlosalguien puede darme una idea19:44
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Adam5isAliveHey hey!22:45
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Adam5isAliveHas anyone had an issue with running Skype on 17.10?23:15

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