Unte36 | Hello all. I have some questions about certificates for my apache server. anyone please? | 01:05 |
sarnold | where are you stuck? | 01:07 |
Unte36 | Hello Sarnold. I just finished install of webmin and apache. Is certbot the app I need to install for my servers cert? | 01:12 |
Unte36 | Iḿ all new to Ubuntu | 01:14 |
sarnold | Unte36: please be careful with webmin -- I strongly recommend firewalling it off to just IP address ranges that you want to have complete control of the computer.. web-based management consoles are usually pretty poor | 01:17 |
sarnold | Unte36: if you want to use letsencrypt there's at least one client under that name, there's more clients availab,e but I don't know how many are packaged with ubuntu already | 01:18 |
Unte36 | :S I was not aware of this vulnerability. Would it be wiser then to remove it all an do it from command line? | 01:19 |
sarnold | that's my very strong preference | 01:20 |
Unte36 | Just need to make a simple server to share some files online | 01:20 |
Unte36 | I will follow your advise Sarnold. Thank you very much. Is there a way to remove it all and the software that it has been isntalled within??? Any suggestions on a good option to achieve this? | 01:21 |
sarnold | Unte36: how did you install webmin in the first place? | 01:23 |
Unte36 | SARNOLD. I did install it from terminal. Checked on software and it is not being displayed in the list. apt-get remove webmin / apt-get purge webmin?? | 01:25 |
sarnold | Unte36: it depends on how you installed it. if you installed it with apt-get install webmin, then yes, apt-get purge webmin should work. | 01:26 |
Unte36 | Yes Sarnold. it was sudo apt install webmin | 01:27 |
Unte36 | trying it now | 01:27 |
Unte36 | Sarnold. dpkg: warning: while removing webmin, directory '/usr/share/webmin/ajaxterm/ajaxterm' not empty so not removed | 01:31 |
sarnold | Unte36: okay, that's a little odd, but a 'sudo rm -rf /usr/share/webmin/' once you're done will take care of that | 01:31 |
Unte36 | command run | 01:34 |
Unte36 | anything else to totally purge webmin installation? | 01:34 |
sarnold | I don't know what it might have done to your apache configs, or other configs, during install. depending upon how much you fiddled with it, it might be worth apt-get purging any applications that it configured | 01:35 |
Unte36 | I just installed webmin + updates + apache | 01:36 |
Unte36 | do I need to reinstall my pc to get ride of it all? | 01:36 |
sarnold | hopefully not | 01:37 |
Unte36 | :) heheh fingers crossed then. So how can I purge apache ? since it was all installed within the app? | 01:38 |
sarnold | oh? hrm. try apt-get purge apache2 apache2-bin | 01:39 |
Unte36 | heheh :) it worked. Seems to be going down with files now | 01:40 |
Unte36 | Thank you. So what would it be your advise to achieve the a simple werver to share files ? | 01:40 |
Unte36 | and just like webmin dpkg: warning: while removing apache2, directory '/var/www/html' not empty so not removed | 01:41 |
sarnold | did you put anything in that directory yourself? | 01:42 |
Unte36 | nop | 01:42 |
sarnold | if not, rm -rf /var/www/html is fine | 01:42 |
Unte36 | what is that -rf command for? | 01:43 |
sarnold | -r means recursive, -f means force | 01:43 |
Unte36 | rm: cannot remove '/var/www/html/index.html': Permission denied | 01:43 |
Unte36 | :S | 01:43 |
sarnold | the rm command likes to ask you silly questions like "you can't read this file, are you sure you want to delete it?" kind of thing | 01:43 |
sarnold | ah sorry, 'sudo rm -rf /var/www/html' | 01:43 |
Unte36 | heheh my fault sorry | 01:44 |
Unte36 | somthing funny with webmin | 01:46 |
Unte36 | apt-get install webmin | 01:46 |
Unte36 | sudo apt-get install webmin / Reading package lists... Done / Building dependency tree / Reading state information... Done | 01:47 |
Unte36 | E: Unable to locate package webmin / lluix@lupa:~$ sudo apt install webmin | 01:47 |
Unte36 | Reading package lists... Done | 01:47 |
Unte36 | Building dependency tree | 01:47 |
Unte36 | Reading state information... Done | 01:47 |
Unte36 | E: Unable to locate package webmin | 01:47 |
sarnold | hrm. Did you add a PPA or other apt repository to get webmin packages? I don't see any webmin packages in our archives | 01:53 |
Unte36 | nop I only did the install webmin | 01:55 |
Unte36 | from terminal | 01:55 |
Unte36 | :S | 01:55 |
Unte36 | Sarnold. I had added the ppp and reinstall it | 02:22 |
sarnold | Unte36: wow,that takes me back :) I haven't done ppp in ages.. | 02:23 |
Unte36 | hehehe why is that ? | 02:28 |
Unte36 | I will try this time sudo apt-get remove webmin | 02:28 |
Unte36 | sarnold | 02:28 |
sarnold | Unte36: I've been lucky enough to have ethernet network connections for a while ;) | 02:29 |
sarnold | Unte36: can you pastebin the output of apt-cache policy webmin ? | 02:29 |
Unte36 | Sure ; ) bare with me one sec, still finishing with the install | 02:30 |
Unte36 | Installed: 1.860 | 02:31 |
Unte36 | Candidate: 1.860 | 02:31 |
Unte36 | Version table: | 02:31 |
Unte36 | *** 1.860 500 | 02:31 |
Unte36 | 500 http://download.webmin.com/download/repository sarge/contrib amd64 Packages | 02:31 |
Unte36 | 500 http://download.webmin.com/download/repository sarge/contrib i386 Packages | 02:31 |
Unte36 | 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status | 02:31 |
sarnold | aha. crazy, I'm surprised that installed. | 02:35 |
sarnold | do note that this means whoever controls that repository essentially has root on your computer. | 02:35 |
Unte36 | yes I added this http://download.webmin.com/download/repository | 02:46 |
Unte36 | in software & upd / other software | 02:46 |
Unte36 | Sarnold. I see, so I need to remove this and purge it all for good | 02:47 |
Unte36 | : @ | 02:47 |
sarnold | Unte36: that's my recommendation, yes | 02:48 |
Unte36 | which command to use? I dont know the difference % purge and remove | 02:49 |
Unte36 | the previous install didnt work purge. Shall I do the remove this time? | 02:49 |
Unte36 | Sarnold | 02:49 |
Unte36 | sudo apt-get remove webmin | 02:50 |
sarnold | sudo apt-get purge webmin should do the job | 02:51 |
Unte36 | but last time I got the error :s | 02:51 |
sarnold | what error? | 02:51 |
Unte36 | Running uninstall scripts .. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | readdir() attempted on invalid dirhandle $DIR at /usr/share/webmin/at/linux-lib.pl line 10. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | closedir() attempted on invalid dirhandle $DIR at /usr/share/webmin/at/linux-lib.pl line 29. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | Subroutine list_servers redefined at /usr/share/webmin/servers/servers-lib.pl line 92. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | Subroutine list_servers_sorted redefined at /usr/share/webmin/servers/servers-lib.pl line 111. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | Subroutine get_server redefined at /usr/share/webmin/servers/servers-lib.pl line 143. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | Subroutine save_server redefined at /usr/share/webmin/servers/servers-lib.pl line 158. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | Subroutine delete_server redefined at /usr/share/webmin/servers/servers-lib.pl line 175. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | Subroutine can_use_server redefined at /usr/share/webmin/servers/servers-lib.pl line 188. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | Subroutine list_all_groups redefined at /usr/share/webmin/servers/servers-lib.pl line 208. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | Subroutine logged_in redefined at /usr/share/webmin/servers/servers-lib.pl line 278. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | Subroutine get_server_types redefined at /usr/share/webmin/servers/servers-lib.pl line 303. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | Subroutine this_server redefined at /usr/share/webmin/servers/servers-lib.pl line 313. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | Subroutine get_my_address redefined at /usr/share/webmin/servers/servers-lib.pl line 332. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | Subroutine address_to_broadcast redefined at /usr/share/webmin/servers/servers-lib.pl line 361. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | Subroutine test_server redefined at /usr/share/webmin/servers/servers-lib.pl line 375. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | Subroutine find_cron_job redefined at /usr/share/webmin/servers/servers-lib.pl line 394. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | Subroutine find_servers redefined at /usr/share/webmin/servers/servers-lib.pl line 407. | 02:54 |
Unte36 | Purging configuration files for webmin (1.860) ... | 02:54 |
Unte36 | dpkg: warning: while removing webmin, directory '/usr/share/webmin/ajaxterm/ajaxterm' not empty so not removed | 02:54 |
sarnold | btw a pastebin would be better for anything that's more than two lines of output | 02:54 |
sarnold | but all that looks like it mostly worked to remove the thing. a simple sudo rm -rf /usr/share/webmin/ afterwards should clean up what dpkg couldn't delete | 02:55 |
Unte36 | alright brb | 02:56 |
Unte36 | Sarnold . BTW how can I make a paste bin for the next time ? sarnold | 02:59 |
Unte36 | ;) | 02:59 |
sarnold | Unte36: the easiest way is to install the pastebinit package; then you can run a command like apt-cache policy webmin | pastebinit | 03:00 |
sarnold | then you just copy-and-paste the url that it returns | 03:00 |
Unte36 | ahhh, let me install it now for next time | 03:02 |
Unte36 | sudo apt-get install pastebinit??? | 03:03 |
sarnold | yes | 03:04 |
Unte36 | Weird. The purge went somewhat too fast this time :S ..... | 03:07 |
sarnold | most terminals let you scroll up with shift+pageup | 03:07 |
Unte36 | With apt-cache policy webmin | pastebinit can we check if it has completly purged?? | 03:09 |
Unte36 | The issue is not scrolling but the last time I saw more removing lines | 03:10 |
sarnold | Unte36: well, "completely" is difficult to measure | 03:11 |
sarnold | you can run the debsums program to try to get an idea of what might be changed; it's .. kind of verbose though. still, it's a useful tool to know about. try running debsums -ac | 03:12 |
Unte36 | what command do you suggest for controlling this? | 03:12 |
Unte36 | sudo debsums -ac | pastebinit | 03:13 |
Unte36 | ??? | 03:13 |
sarnold | well, depends; if you want feedback on specific files that are reported as changed, maybe | 03:14 |
sarnold | but debsums takes forever to run | 03:14 |
Unte36 | then with apt-cache policy webmin | pastebini? | 03:15 |
Unte36 | Sarnold here is the result from sudo apt-get purge webmin | pastebinit | 03:17 |
Unte36 | sudo apt-get purge webmin | pastebinit | 03:17 |
Unte36 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/25877126/ | 03:18 |
sarnold | holy moly look at all those i386 packages | 03:23 |
sarnold | Unte36: definitely do the 'sudo apt autoremove' command next :) | 03:23 |
Unte36 | Sarnlod. I know... reason why I wanted to let you look at it | 03:26 |
Unte36 | sudo apt autoremove webmin | pastebinit ???? | 03:26 |
sarnold | just sudo apt autoremove | 03:27 |
Unte36 | BTW what is the logic when installing a program in ubuntu? in win you have Program files where you can review the software isntalled on your pc but in here. I have no idea of how does this work | 03:27 |
sarnold | Unte36: you can use dpkg -L to show the files that package installs; check out 'dpkg -L bash' to see a simple example | 03:29 |
Unte36 | sudo apt autoremove webmin | pastebinit | 03:30 |
sarnold | no 'webmin' on that command | 03:31 |
Unte36 | ok | 03:31 |
Unte36 | WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts. | 03:32 |
sarnold | ha | 03:32 |
sarnold | apt is a friendly interface over apt-get and apt-cache and maybe some other tools. those other tools have stabilized interfaces, so it'd be worth using those directly in scripts | 03:33 |
Unte36 | so which command shall I use? | 03:34 |
sarnold | sudo apt autoremove | 03:36 |
Unte36 | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) | 03:37 |
Unte36 | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 03:37 |
Unte36 | lluix@lupa:~$ sudo apt autoremove | 03:37 |
Unte36 | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) | 03:37 |
Unte36 | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 03:37 |
sarnold | I wonder if unattended-upgrades is running? | 03:37 |
Unte36 | Reading package lists... Done | 03:38 |
Unte36 | Building dependency tree | 03:38 |
Unte36 | Reading state information... Done | 03:38 |
Unte36 | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 03:38 |
Unte36 | what for is autoremove? | 03:38 |
sarnold | apt keeps track of packages that were installed solely because something else installed needed them; and when that something else is removed, it can suggest to remove the other packages too | 03:40 |
sarnold | it's not perfect, but it's pretty good | 03:40 |
Unte36 | Sounds like it. So it does clean all the extra software in depedency with main apps previously installed? | 03:41 |
sarnold | I think you've got the right idea :) it's difficult to convey exactly what it does.. | 03:43 |
Unte36 | Loving linux just the logic of it. Remains in some areas rather blur | 03:45 |
Unte36 | Sarnold for the simple file server is apache a good option ??? or what do you suugest me??? | 03:49 |
sarnold | Unte36: different people need different things from "fileserver". Some people want samba shares they can use with windows or mac os x desktop clients; some people just need a place to scp to and from. Other people want to scp files to a machine and then use http to get them back.. and other people want a web interface to upload and download | 03:51 |
sarnold | Unte36: apache can fill the role for some of those requirements, but not all, and it'll even require applications in apache to do anything beyond basic .. | 03:51 |
Unte36 | I understand it. My requisite is to have a server to share video files stored in my local HD to share with my mother that has a broken leg so that she can access it from a remote location | 03:54 |
Unte36 | via browser | 03:55 |
Unte36 | Sarnold | 03:58 |
sarnold | Unte36: will she want a friendly javascript player and so on? or just a pile of files? | 04:02 |
Unte36 | I want to keep it as simple as possible since I dont know yet my way around Ubuntu. A normal interface that she may be able to open the files from | 04:05 |
sarnold | I don't think this qualifies for "simple", but I've heard good things about it https://nextcloud.com/ | 04:08 |
Unte36 | hehee fair point ;) | 04:10 |
sarnold | Unte36: time for me to bail, have fun :) | 04:11 |
Unte36 | thank you, ;) apreciated | 04:13 |
Unte36 | take care | 04:13 |
lordievader | Good morning | 07:02 |
mybalzitch | hello | 07:07 |
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dnegreira | what is the best way to do a server installation with a vlan interface on ubuntu? Im booting via usb stick and now I need to setup an interface with a vlan but by default that is not possible via the gui, and the iso does not provide 8021q module or vlan package. any ideas/gudes? google is not helping me atm | 12:24 |
dnegreira | guides* | 12:24 |
* dnegreira giving a try on expert mode | 12:38 | |
dnegreira | just saw that you can select the vlan component | 12:38 |
tomreyn | yes, it should work that way. | 13:16 |
tomreyn | another option is to setup a server without vlan initially and set up the vlan later. | 13:16 |
dnegreira | not an option for me, dont have the possibility to automate it | 13:30 |
dnegreira | would love to load the vlan component related things on the 'normal installer' without expert mode | 13:31 |
dnegreira | just to have the vlan option available when configuring the devices | 13:31 |
dnegreira | but expert mode works for me for now | 13:32 |
joelio | dnegreira: you can in preseed afaik? | 13:40 |
joelio | #d-i netcfg/use_vlan boolean true | 13:40 |
joelio | #d-i netcfg/vlan_id string {VLAN} | 13:40 |
tomreyn | but that would be automation | 13:53 |
joelio | well yes and no | 13:55 |
joelio | you can pass those as kernel params when booting | 13:55 |
joelio | but why not automate? D: | 13:55 |
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly | ||
dnegreira | I do not "manage" the switches | 14:25 |
dnegreira | which I hate | 14:25 |
dnegreira | that is why I said that I cannot automate that part and hence need to boot up in expert mode and choose the vlan stuff. But now I understand better how to load that on boot and automate it | 14:27 |
burningatrocity | morning | 14:44 |
burningatrocity | anyone have experience setting up hylafax server? | 14:44 |
burningatrocity | or with modems? | 14:48 |
rbasak | cpaelzer: could you glance at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1729854 please? Is this a case of needing the right template? | 15:27 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1729854 in linux (Ubuntu) "Failed to create kvm guest with uvt-kvm on Zesty s390x zVM" [Undecided,Incomplete] | 15:27 |
cpaelzer | reading | 15:28 |
cpaelzer | Yeah that is a dup to my bug&fix | 15:28 |
cpaelzer | rbasak: are you marking it as such? | 15:28 |
rbasak | I can do | 15:28 |
rbasak | cpaelzer: duping to bug 1452016 or a different one? | 15:30 |
ubottu | bug 1452016 in uvtool (Ubuntu) "uvtool-libvirt needs arch specific templates" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1452016 | 15:30 |
cpaelzer | that is the right one rbasak | 15:31 |
cpaelzer | rbasak: and if you'd merge my MP you could say Fix Committed :-P | 15:31 |
andreas | nacc: hey, I have a git (github?) question | 15:54 |
andreas | nacc: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25880349/ | 15:54 |
andreas | nacc: I want the diff for that merge (f3b6bfac5911f248499c79a42a0d18f12ca9065a) | 15:54 |
andreas | but git show f3b6bfac5911f248499c79a42a0d18f12ca9065a only shows me the commit message | 15:54 |
andreas | what's the right way to get the diff? Let's say I don't have the branch anymore. Can I get the diff with just the hash of that merge commit? | 15:55 |
nacc | andreas: a diff relative to what? | 15:55 |
andreas | master | 15:55 |
nacc | andreas: git diff master..<hash> | 15:55 |
nacc | (or without .. actually) | 15:55 |
andreas | that branch panlinux/enable-tests-package-build was merged, and I was expecting that that merge hash would show the diff | 15:55 |
nacc | that will just diff the trees | 15:55 |
andreas | yeah, but relative to amster at that time | 15:56 |
nacc | andreas: that's not quite how merges work :) | 15:56 |
andreas | not master now | 15:56 |
nacc | andreas: git reflog master to see the old hash? | 15:56 |
andreas | https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/ubuntu-advantage-script/commit/f3b6bfac5911f248499c79a42a0d18f12ca9065a shows the diff | 15:57 |
andreas | but git show that same hash doesn't | 15:57 |
nacc | andreas: i believe that's a github thig | 15:58 |
andreas | nacc: ah, when I download the .patch version of that url | 15:58 |
andreas | the From has a different hash | 15:58 |
nacc | andreas: it understands merges and can contentfully show you what they have added (based upon what they were merged into) | 15:58 |
andreas | hm, the .patch version actually is a sequence of commits | 15:59 |
andreas | all commits from the branch | 15:59 |
andreas | I see | 15:59 |
nacc | which makes sesne, it's showing you, i think, the differences between the old master and the result of the merge, by commit | 15:59 |
andreas | I'll probably do a diff between first commit and last one | 16:00 |
nacc | andreas: i think there also relevant options to git-diff for dealing with merges | 16:00 |
andreas | oh, wait | 16:02 |
andreas | a merge commit has an extra header in git log | 16:02 |
andreas | commit f3b6bfac5911f248499c79a42a0d18f12ca9065a | 16:02 |
andreas | Merge: 4f6740e 05c8944 | 16:02 |
* andreas checks if that is correct | 16:03 | |
nacc | andreas: right, those are the 'parents' | 16:04 |
nacc | andreas: a merge is a commit with multiple parents | 16:04 |
andreas | yep, that helps | 16:04 |
nacc | andreas: and the diff is technically different from each | 16:04 |
nacc | rbasak: are you around? | 16:09 |
SmokinGrunts | if I've received a SERVERNAME.ca-bundle file, a SERVERNAME.crt file, and have my SERVERNAME.key private key, and postfix expects all intermediate CAs into a bundle, does this mean I need to 'cat' the .crt and .ca-bundle into a new file, or should the .ca-bundle already have this? | 19:48 |
sdeziel | SmokinGrunts: typically yes, you need to cat the .crt and the ca | 19:52 |
sdeziel | SmokinGrunts: some CAs have the bad habit of including their root CA in their bundle so you might want to remote it to optimize the TLS handshake | 19:53 |
SmokinGrunts | okay, and the SERVERNAME.crt would come first, then the .ca-bundle? | 19:53 |
sdeziel | SmokinGrunts: yes | 19:53 |
sdeziel | http://www.postfix.org/TLS_README.html: cat server_cert.pem intermediate_CA.pem > server.pem | 19:54 |
SmokinGrunts | aye, thank ye | 19:55 |
sdeziel | np | 19:56 |
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
=== Jynxie_ is now known as Jynxie | ||
|\n | hello | 20:22 |
|\n | on a hoster's vps with 16.04 i see linux-image-4.4.0-100-generic which is the latest provided by linux-image generic, however i'm unable to see it on this list https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/allpackages?format=txt.gz | 20:23 |
|\n | what could i check? | 20:24 |
nacc | |\n: it's in xenial-proposed | 20:25 |
|\n | ah, thank you so much nacc | 20:25 |
nacc | |\n: yw | 20:26 |
nacc | |\n: rmadison helped me figure that out (rmadison linux-image-generic) | 20:26 |
|\n | neat! thanks, nacc | 20:27 |
sdeziel | funny how "\n" breaks tab completion of the user name here :) | 20:30 |
nacc | sdeziel: works fine in irssi :) | 20:31 |
sdeziel | nacc: yeah, I never made the switch from pidgin to irssi | 20:32 |
|\n | last time i heard of issues regarding it it was some notification output from os in relation to highlighting the user on a mobile device | 20:32 |
nacc | sdeziel: :) | 20:33 |
sarnold | |\n: hah, love it :) | 21:18 |
|\n | me too, me too, thanks for the hints guys, every single step after leaving job place is hard and you've just made it a lot easier, thanks again nacc, i was just looking at the package maintainer like a retard for 2-5 minutes or so | 21:27 |
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nacc | |\n: np | 22:21 |
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