
ReedK0Why does ubuntu's file browser not allow me to access anything under home?00:03
ReedK0How can I browse to the files beneath home?00:03
geniiReedK0: Everything in /home/yourusername belongs to you. Files and directories which belong to other users are not accessible by design.00:04
ReedK0genii, you click the 'computer' icon00:05
shazbotmcnastylol I figured my thing out. It was caused by a type in the config file ~~ooops~00:06
geniiReedK0: Escalated priveleges are required. The file browser mus be run with gksu to do this, and that also only worksfor users with sudo rights00:07
ReedK0can you tell me where i save a php file if I want to see it using lamp?00:08
donofriohow many amazon cloud service bitcoin miners would you need to get a bitcoin a month?  (or under 20 days)00:12
ReedK0is there a hotkey to open file explorer in ubuntu?00:13
ReedK0and can i open two file explorers simultaneously?00:13
oerheksyou will pay $7500 for services, current rate $7055 ... not worth it, bitcoin00:13
ReedK0so wait...00:14
ReedK0when i try to move a file it says "permission denied"00:14
ReedK0why not just say "insert password"?00:15
oerheksinstall nautilus-actions nautilus-admin, so you can open/save file as administrator00:15
ReedK0and i can move them?00:15
oerheksmaybe you need to make your user member of www-data too, not sure00:16
ReedK0oerheks, i installed them00:17
ReedK0where is www-data, sir?00:17
ReedK0god i should just move it via terminal00:17
ReedK0naut restarted file manager.00:18
donofriooerheks, how many nvidia gpu's would I need for a bitcoin a day? (not trying to be too off topic cause they's be running ubuntu)00:19
Manngunnerlike 100000:21
Manngunnerbitcoin mining is mostly done through ASICs now, CPU and GPU isn't cost/time efficient00:22
donofriooh ok, I've looked up asic's a few years ago...seemed costly ;(00:23
Manngunneraye, but if you wanted to get serious. That's the only way to go I think00:26
ReedK0if anyone is familiar with visual studio code please tell me how to make it --00:34
ReedK0I think visual studio code is supposed to be run as an aadministrator by default00:34
ReedK0 because it doesn't remember the most recent files00:35
de-factoif i were microsoft i would release much more on linux and give much more donations to open software to make them even more dependend ;)00:36
oerheksde-facto, you do .. https://github.com/Microsoft00:38
oerheksrunning VS as root is bad, i guess. https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs00:40
de-factojust saying i wouldnt have a good feeling to become dependend on MS since it had the slogan "Embrace, extend, and extinguish" not too long ago00:40
ReedK0de-facto, that's how I work, too.  Embrace reading, extend its contents, close the tab.00:42
ReedK0So let me ask another important question.  A workspace is a place where you do everything related to one consolidated project, right?00:45
ReedK0So then if I save my workspace, everything related to that project is stored, and when I open the workspace, all of the relevant info is re-opened?00:45
oerheksif this is visual studio related, ask their channel? #visualstudio00:47
glisignoliIn ubuntu, after making a change using dconf, how to I make it take effect? (eg, changing the background)00:50
ReedK0oerheks, it's not00:54
ReedK0i'm wondering about workspaces (ubuntu)00:54
ReedK0probably all linux00:54
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MrSassyPantshow to find/re-enable/reinstall the custom repository stuff after do-release upgrade disables them? (I assume it still disables them)01:18
Bashing-omMrSassyPants: ' tail -v -n +1 /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*' then verify that each and every PPA is still suported in the new release .01:22
Bashing-om!ppa | MrSassyPants01:23
ubottuMrSassyPants: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:23
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
louvetvicenteI need help setting up jitsi (softphone) with freepbx02:03
Fondor1Hi all, I have a logitech G15 keyboard with G keys that worked in Linux with g15daemon and g15macro until last week. Trying to figure out why it doesn't work anymore. g15daemon is running, can see LCD. I run g15macro and can record macros real time, but after a random amount of time g15daemon (and therefore g15macro) stops responding. Restart of both allows it to work again for a short period of time but inevitably fails. How do I s02:18
Fondor1activating g15macro debug doesn't show up anything at all, just stops responding02:19
Fondor1OS: Ubuntu 16.04.1, updated 15 minutes ago.02:20
bcowananyone using xchat on 17.1002:20
ubottuxchat and xchat-gnome have not had stable releases in years. xchat was removed from Ubuntu for 16.04. Consider using hexchat instead, which is actively developed and available in 14.04 onwards.02:20
krytarik!info xchat02:20
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-11 (artful), package size 335 kB, installed size 1044 kB02:21
krytarikStill though, hardly anyone.02:21
bcowansorry i meant hexchat....dang thing beeps every letter i type after an hour or so of idle every time02:22
krytarikbcowan: Do you mean idle time on the system or on IRC?02:28
Prest0oi am trying to make a lubuntu usb live persistent, no lucky... i reboot it and all dissapear... thre is a casper-rw file in the USB, what ai m doing wrong¿?02:29
Fondor1seems it's a ghost town in here.02:33
MrSassyPantsAfter do-release-upgrade and reboot, screen turns black after X should start. Xorg.0.log suggests no nvidia modules found, even when lsmod and dmesg do not report anything out of the ordinary (i.e. nvidia present)02:35
MrSassyPantsCurrently operating with removed nvidia in 640x480 eye cancer resolution.02:36
bazhangMrSassyPants, version upgrade from what to what02:37
MrSassyPantsto 17.10 from 17.0402:37
bazhangMrSassyPants, what videp card and which exact drivers, from where02:38
MrSassyPantsprevious video card drivers were nvidia-384 and worked fine02:38
bazhangthe card?02:38
MrSassyPantsIs this "wayland" ?02:39
bazhangwhere were the drivers from02:39
MrSassyPantsnormal repository02:39
bazhangMrSassyPants, standard repos or PPA02:39
MrSassyPantsat least I think it was a standard02:40
bazhangMrSassyPants, you would have to know if you added a PPA or not02:40
MrSassyPantsnot necessarily if it was years back02:40
bazhangthats not something happens accidentally02:40
MrSassyPantsBut I assume it is the standard repository02:40
MrSassyPantsAs far as I can tell the kernel driver works fine, it's X that screws up02:41
MrSassyPantsAlso: I was recently experimenting with KVM and installed bumblebee amongst other things02:42
MrSassyPants(Bumblebee might be interfering with how X selects drivers? Not sure what bumblebee actually is supposed to do)02:42
Shibeguys suppose I have no grub installed how can I set kernel boot options?02:43
bazhangMrSassyPants, this computer has more than the one video card?02:43
MrSassyPantsDepending on your definition of video card, integrated + discrete02:43
MrSassyPantsHaven't tried disabling either yet02:44
bazhangShibe, whats being used to boot if you dont have grub02:44
MrSassyPantsWorked fine this morning02:44
Shibebazhang: idk I installed it as the only os on my drive02:44
Shibeso idk what magic ubuntu/kubuntu is doing02:44
MrSassyPantsShibe, it's probably grub, but the menu just times out too quickly02:44
bazhangShibe, you may mean you dont see the grub selection screen02:45
zztoplesshiya all... Just curious as to what you guys think would lead to a faster experience in using the OS - a vm installed inside a veracrypt container, loading off a 5400rpm laptop hdd OR a copy of the same vm, on the same host, but with the virtal disk being loaded off a mid-high end ssd over the gigabit lan ?02:45
bazhangzztopless, how is that specific to ubuntu OS02:46
zztoplessI am condsidering those options with Ubuntu as the guest OS - sorry should have made that explicit02:47
bazhangzztopless, it could be any OS there, you are asking about hardware options02:47
MrSassyPantszztopless, only experiment can show, but I'd put money on the networked SSD02:48
bazhangMrSassyPants, so you hjave both bumblebee and the nvidia installed simultaneously02:49
MrSassyPantsI guess.02:49
zztoplessI'm asking about it cause I am still leaning about how resources from a host translte to a guest, and everything else invovled in getting used to vms.  I asked here because it was the first place I thought of that would have experience and a decent sized community02:49
bazhangMrSassyPants, there's really no guesswork involved02:49
MrSassyPantsIs bumblebee supposed to install nvidia drivers?02:49
MrSassyPantswhat changed in 17.10 that I suddenly have this problem?02:50
bazhangMrSassyPants, whats the other card?ntel?02:50
MrSassyPantsso your recommendation is purging bumblebee02:50
bazhang!find nvidia-prime02:50
ubottuFound: nvidia-prime02:50
bazhang!info nvidia-prime02:50
ubottunvidia-prime (source: nvidia-prime): Tools to enable NVIDIA's Prime. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.5 (artful), package size 10 kB, installed size 66 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)02:50
MrSassyPantsis your recommendation purging bumblebee or something else?02:51
bazhangnjot seen bumblebbee be a viable option for years02:51
MrSassyPantsI'm not sure bumblebee is actually doing anything02:52
MrSassyPantsbumblebeed isn't running02:52
MrSassyPantsfor starters02:52
bazhangwhy would you ever install multiple drivers for the single needed card02:53
MrSassyPantsplus it was my understanding that bumblebee was a driver manager, not a driver02:54
MrSassyPantswell, gonna try for a reboot and see what happens.02:56
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MrSassyPantsThat probably was it02:57
Fondor1Maybe I should ask a different question then - is there a good Ubuntu-supported keyboard that has G-keys like the G15 does?03:04
Prest0owhat g keys are?03:04
dah85i thought i was the only person with a g15 in 2017 haha03:04
Prest0oi see03:05
dah85i havent used the gkeys though but i do have the lcd working03:05
Prest0oand those g keys are configurable?03:05
Prest0odamn 18 keys03:05
Fondor1well, they SHOULD be.03:05
Prest0oand it works on linux?03:06
Fondor1dah85, you're using a g15 and it works?03:06
Fondor1Mine used to until last week...?03:06
Fondor1g15daemon crashes on me silently after random periods of time03:06
Prest0owho can add light about why my Lubuntu usb live with persistance is not persistent?03:07
Prest0og15 should be called g18, 15 means nothing in this keyboard03:07
tapout_somehow my vertical mouse scrolling will sometimes trigger a chrome 'back' navigation.  How can I disable this, i don't see the option under mouse settings in 'settings'03:08
Fondor1dah85, Ah, so my LCD also works fine, it's just the G keys I'm after.03:09
Fondor1Prest0o, sorry I don't know much about persistent live installs... :-/03:10
Prest0ook thanks03:10
dah85Fondor1: yeah it's working perfectly03:11
malkaunsin 17.10 how do i hide (not autohide) the dock?03:33
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ReedK0i was told by apachefriends to ask here about read-write permissions and group management04:57
MenzadorIf you're talking about UNIX permissions used on Ubuntu , ReedK0 , you've come to the right place.04:59
=== thursdaylark is now known as thurstylark
ponyriderReedK0: http://fideloper.com/user-group-permissions-chmod-apache05:00
ReedK0can you just tell me if the default for docroot is 555?05:01
ponyriderReedK0: from apache :05:04
ponyriderfiles set to 640, directories to 75005:04
ponyriderReedK0: https://wiki.apache.org/httpd/FileSystemPermissions05:05
ReedK0ponyrider, they like yelled at me in apache because of me going to that first link05:05
ReedK0they said i shouldn't go there05:05
ponyriderReedK0: they would know best. i dont use apache05:06
ReedK0No i mean they said I shouldn't read about chmod unless it's on ubuntu's website05:06
ponyriderReedK0: you would likely have to add yourself to a group, then set the permissions.05:07
ponyriderReedK0: yes but what does permissions does apache want? idk05:07
ReedK0i think it's whatever the default of everyting under /var is05:08
ReedK0because they said "ask your distro"05:08
ReedK0And I assume everything under /var is all 55505:08
ReedK0you know, on account of the 3-headed strangulation permission dragon05:09
ReedK0https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions everything here except "how to see what the permissions are"05:10
batteronizer[11:11] <batteronizer> Hi05:44
batteronizer[11:11] <batteronizer> I'm running Kubuntu 15.10, and switched my apt repos according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/05:44
batteronizer[11:13] <batteronizer> But I keep getting errors like: https://pastebin.com/YNE0DWyt05:44
Menzadorbatteronizer: Why do you need stuff out of old-releases.u.c ? Why not just upgrade to a supported release, such as 16.04?05:44
batteronizer@Menzador: Should I straightaway upgrade to 16.04 without updating my current packages?05:45
Menzadorbatteronizer: You can, just run [ do-release-upgrade ]05:45
Menzadorand it will take care of all the packages you need, fully upgraded or not05:46
batteronizerI got an error05:46
batteronizerWill pastebin in a sec05:47
MenzadorTake your time.05:47
lotuspsychjebatteronizer: be carefull with upgrading from an eol release, alot of security issues happening since then..05:48
lotuspsychje!usn | batteronizer check here05:48
ubottubatteronizer check here: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.05:48
MenzadorGood call, actually05:49
batteronizerWhat would you guys recommend then? Apply the security updates first and then upgrade to 16.04?05:49
MenzadorIn fact I'd normally recommend upgrading via a Live environment (i.e. using the Live DVD/USB)05:49
lotuspsychjebatteronizer: i would reccomend a total fresh install, would you take a risk of your eol system already compromized?05:50
MenzadorI literally just said that :)05:50
Menzadoralthough not explicitly05:51
batteronizerOkay, fresh install seems like a good plan05:52
batteronizerIn case the 16.04 live doesn't work well on my hardware, and I need to get software for 15.10, any ideas on how to get apt running again?05:53
Menzador(I doubt it will, but that's what a Live image is for)05:53
lotuspsychje!info aptoncd | batteronizer05:54
ubottubatteronizer: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1.4 (artful), package size 213 kB, installed size 1561 kB05:54
batteronizerI can't install this package since my apt isn't working :'D05:54
MenzadorAPTonCD is still a thing?05:54
Cobraxbatteronizer: use dpkg instead05:55
CobraxIt’s a low level interface for managing packages on debian and debian based05:55
batteronizerCobrax: cool, hopefully it doesn't have 100s of dependencies to download05:56
Cobraxhe can try to fix apt with dpkg05:56
batteronizerCobrax: Well, apt still won't get fixed, but I'll be able to download packages manually and install them05:56
Cobraxpurge apt05:57
batteronizerCobrax: the problem is the package index for Wily, not apt per se05:58
batteronizerEOL repos don't seem to be working for it. I was just checking if anyone knew a workaround for Wily.05:58
lotuspsychjethere's a reason for eol versions are broke :p their not supported anymore05:59
batteronizerlotuspsychje: Yes, but their packages are supposed to still be their on the old-releases repo06:01
batteronizerThat shouldn't be broken :-/06:01
lotuspsychjebatteronizer: doesnt mean you wont encounter issues06:03
lotuspsychjebatteronizer: the lesson out of this, next time try to fix system before its really eol06:04
batteronizerlotuspsychje: haha yes06:06
en1gmai have a laptop that i connect to my phones mobile hot spot (over wireless) i want to share that connection with the lan port. anyone know a guide? so far i been finding lots of guides but not for that06:10
Triffid_Hunteren1gma: connection sharing involves a bunch of stuff all working together.. you need a static IP range on the lan port, a DHCP server, a masquerade rule in your iptables firewall, and to enable packet forwarding in the kernel. a DNS forwarder is a common addition to the sharing setup06:12
en1gmaoh crap. didnt think i would have to do all that.06:13
Triffid_Hunteren1gma: dnsmasq can handle DHCP+DNS for you, then sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE && sudo echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward06:13
en1gmaoh it can be done easily?06:13
Triffid_Hunteren1gma: there might be a magic checkbox in network manager but that sort of thing has never worked for me06:13
en1gmahmmm lemme check.06:13
en1gmathere should be a simpler way to do this. ubuntu is pretty mature these days06:16
Triffid_Hunteren1gma: at the very least you've got some googleable keywords ;)06:21
en1gmai might have found something06:21
en1gmawow that was way easy.06:30
masterasiaWhat does 2>&1 do?06:37
Triffid_Huntermasterasia: copies stderr to stdout06:38
masterasiaFrom googling - it looks like it directs the fd2(stderr) to fd106:38
masterasiais that what the 2 and 1 are referring to?06:39
masterasiahow come 1 needs an & before it but 2 doesnt06:39
Triffid_Huntermasterasia: because that's how bash devs decided to make the  redirection syntax06:40
masterasiamm okay06:40
masterasiathanks dude06:40
ReedK0UBUNTU IS BLINKING!  Is it an emergency?!07:29
ReedK0Unity is blinking!07:29
TormHello. I'm having some trouble booting up Ubuntu on my Laptop. Every time i boot it up i have to go into recovery and select  boot from there. if not ubuntu will not boot up. Anyone know why this happens, and what to do about it?07:29
ReedK0whoa whoa whoa!  Exposure plan.07:30
TormAnyone here might be able to help me?07:42
bazhangTorm, with what07:43
TormI'm having some trouble booting up Ubuntu on my Laptop. Every time i boot it up i have to go into recovery and select boot from there. if not ubuntu will not boot up. Anyone know why this happens, and what to do about it?07:43
bazhangany errors about video card drivers07:44
TormDon't think so. It just stops right before te loggin screen07:45
TormCould it be a video driver issue?07:46
bazhangTorm, when you are recovery mode, have you tried to install the drivers07:47
ducasseTorm: does that mean you select recovery from the grub menu, or you are thrown into it automatically?07:48
TormI select recovery from the boot menu, and from there just select boot07:49
ducasseand what happens if you don't select recovery, but just try to boot normally?07:49
TormRight now im using X.org X server07:50
Tormfor my gpu07:50
TormIf i try to boot normally it gets stuck right before the loggin screen07:51
Tormshould i install the nvidia nvidia driver?07:52
Torm*Nvidia video driver07:53
ClydeSlimsI set up a file .bash_aliases with contents: alias temp='watch -n 2 /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp'08:00
ClydeSlimstyping temp says bash: temp: command not found, not sure why08:01
geirhaYou must source it from .bashrc08:03
ducasse~/.bash_aliases should be sourced by the default .bashrc08:05
ClydeSlimsgeirha, not sure what you mean. What command do I issue?08:05
geirhaClydeSlims: bash doesn't read .bash_aliases by default, it reads .bashrc. As ducasse points out, the default .bashrc provided by ubuntu should source .bash_aliases already, but that apparently didn't happen in your case08:07
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ClydeSlimsgeirha, hm so just edit .bashrc?08:09
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ducasseClydeSlims: read through it, see if it sources ~/.bash_aliases - maybe it's commented out, or you're not using the default .bashrc for some reason08:10
geirhaClydeSlims: The default .bashrc contains the following code: if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then . ~/.bash_aliases; fi   # just on three lines in the actual file, I compressed it into one line for irc08:11
ducasseClydeSlims: you _did_ open a new shell after creating ~/.bash_aliases, btw?08:11
ClydeSlimsducasse, errrrr08:12
ClydeSlimsI did now. Still no.08:12
ducasseClydeSlims: ok, then just put in the snippet geirha was kind enough to provide :)08:14
ClydeSlimsducasse, if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then08:14
ClydeSlimsI found that in .bashrc08:14
geirhaClydeSlims: Hm. then it should've read the alias you added in .bash_aliases08:16
ClydeSlimsso I'm a bit confused.08:16
ClydeSlimsI suppose I could just make a small script and put it in bin..08:16
geirhaClydeSlims: for debugging, put ''set -x'' (without the quotes) on a new line just above that if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then line, and ''set +x'' after the closing "fi"08:16
geirhathen open a new terminal08:17
majaanyone know a graphical git client that has spell check on the commit?08:18
geirhaClydeSlims: oh and, double check that you didn't make a typo in the filename08:20
ducasseand that it's actually saved in $HOME08:20
ClydeSlimsgeirha, ok I did that but what now08:26
ClydeSlims-bash: temp: command not found08:26
ClydeSlimsstill says that08:26
geirhaHm. That's a login shell08:27
lotuspsychjemaja: can this help? https://www.gitbook.com/editor/linux08:27
geirhaClydeSlims: ls -l ~/.profile ~/.bash_profile  #  which of those files exist?08:28
lotuspsychjemaja: does git and git-gui not have spell check for you?08:29
ClydeSlimsls: cannot access /home/pi/.bash_profile08:29
ClydeSlimsno such file08:30
ClydeSlimsoh but .profile exists08:30
ClydeSlimsoh god did I ask this in #ubuntu08:30
ClydeSlimswell actually no this should still kind of apply here. I don't see why it would be any different for why I can't use aliases on my pi08:31
pvh_sahi there... I've got a ubuntu 15.04 laptop here that I want to upgrade to 16.04 - do-release-upgrade tries to upgrade to 16.04 which doesn't work - I need it to upgrade to 15.10 first. Is there a way to tell do-release-upgrade to upgrade to 15.10?08:36
lotuspsychjepvh_sa: i strongly suggest a clean install 16.0408:38
lotuspsychjepvh_sa: alot of security issues came out since 15.10 would you risk compromized system?08:39
ducassepvh_sa: set the 'prompt' in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades to 'normal'08:39
lotuspsychje!usn | pvh_sa08:39
ubottupvh_sa: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.08:39
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
ReedK0how do i slow  my processor, in ubuntu, to a lesser percentage?08:54
ReedK0for example, 80%?08:54
geirhaClydeSlims: Ok, look in ~/.profile. It should have a similar if-command to source ~/.bashrc09:03
lotuspsychjeReedK0: can this help? https://wiki.mikejung.biz/Ubuntu_Performance_Tuning09:04
geirhaClydeSlims: I assume you are ssh-ing in, in which case you get an interactive login shell instead of just an interactive shell. The interactive login shell reads .profile instead of .bashrc, so .bashrc should be sourced from .profile09:04
ClydeSlimsgeirha, so I should be calling temp from the actual machine locally?09:05
ClydeSlimsdoesn't work locally09:05
geirhaClydeSlims: Hm? I don't follow ...09:05
ClydeSlims~bash: temp: command not found09:06
ClydeSlimstried it on the local machine as well09:06
ClydeSlimsalias temp='watch -n 2 /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp'09:06
geirhahow the shell is started matters09:07
brainwashgeirha: isn't .bashrc read by bash in any case?09:07
geirhabrainwash: no, in login-mode it sources ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login or ~/.profile instead, whichever exists09:09
ClydeSlimsI don't know anymore lol09:09
ClydeSlimsthanks for trying to help, I've gotta get up early.09:09
geirhaClydeSlims: are you or are you not ssh-ing in to this system?09:09
geirhaah well09:10
brainwashgeirha: and ~/.profile sources ~/.bashrc on ubuntu systems, right?09:11
geirhayes, the default .profile sources .bashrc if the shell is bash09:12
EndlessMacrohelp please, i created a backup with GRSync of my Home folder and I want to restore it to a Linux Mint fresh install09:31
EndlessMacrowould it work?09:31
lotuspsychje!mint | EndlessMacro09:35
ubottuEndlessMacro: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)09:35
kozywhat happend if put `auto eth1` into interfaces file above line `auto eth0`?, but eth1 interfaces not exists, will eth0 be ready or  not ready due to eth1?09:49
cerionhi. how could I hide an interface that is unmanaged for networkamanger in its applet ? on 17.10. Is it stilla bug ?10:00
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theablestmanhello im trying to watch a video in firefox but it show blank10:26
theablestmani believe if a flash video10:26
ReedK0isn't it possible to just test to see what percentage my cpu is operating at to see if it's throttled all the time?10:34
AtuMis there a simple way to determine what edition of ubuntu is installed? Desktop vs. Server ?10:37
ReedK0Can't you just see if it has a desktop environment?10:37
Ruff_Wizard[m]Hello world10:38
AtuMit has xfce installed..10:38
AtuMand it's not xubuntu10:38
mutanteAtuM: does it say in "lsb_release -a" ?10:38
ReedK0desktop enviornment10:38
AtuMUbuntu 16.04.3 LTS10:38
Ruff_Wizard[m]Could someone confirm that "install Ubuntu alongside Windows Boot Manager" will keep windows and not delete anything?10:40
ReedK0aw man.  hexchat doesn't keep the text from previous sessions10:40
AtuMRuff_Wizard[m]: noone can guarantee that. make a backup10:40
ReedK0last week I had a thread going about customizing desktop environments10:41
Ruff_Wizard[m]AtuM: I did a backup of my main files. But it shouldn't delete anything if it does it properly?10:41
AtuMRuff_Wizard[m]: sure.. it shouldn't. In my case it didn't. Weird things do happen sometimes.. so there you go.10:42
AtuMRuff_Wizard[m]: do you have disk space available for installing ubuntu alongside windows, or must the partition manager shrink it first?10:43
Ruff_Wizard[m]Okay. I'll back up some more stuff now. I had so much trouble getting to this point.10:43
Ruff_Wizard[m]AtuM: I have about 60GB free, that's supposed to be enough?10:44
AtuMI left some space for linux when installing windows.. so I was pretty sure no bad things can happen. Thankfully efi rocks and it works like a charm..10:44
ReedK0is it possible to locate the source for anything that can be found in apt-get install?10:45
AtuMRuff_Wizard[m]: 60GB is plenty10:45
AtuMRuff_Wizard[m]: uefi, yes10:45
ReedK0i'm trying to find a way to build a custom screensaver from scratch or to find a screensaver's source code and edit it.10:46
Ruff_Wizard[m]It took me ages to work out why I couldn't get the installer to detect Windows and it finally turned out that I had to set boot from Legacy First to UEFI First.10:46
AtuMRuff_Wizard[m]: yupee :)10:47
Ruff_Wizard[m]I wonder if I can turn hibernation back on and do it10:47
Ruff_Wizard[m]I turned off hibernation because I read somewhere that it could help10:48
Ruff_Wizard[m]I suppose I can do that later, it doesn't really matter10:48
BluesKajHi folks10:49
AtuMyesterday I've replaced my "home server" mainboard.. went from an amd E2-2000 to xeon E3-1225 with ecc.. in comparison - it's now a rocket ;-) All i really had to change was the mac address.. I love linux10:49
adantehi folks, i just tried to do a dist-upgrade and got this: https://i.imgur.com/mc2VWni.png - what are the chances my system will reboot successfully?10:51
AtuMadante: you will probably have to load the previous kernel version.. that's pretty much it10:53
AtuMadante: after logging in, you shoud uninstall older unused kernel versions..  should have done it before upgrading10:53
adanteAtuM: i did10:54
theablestmanhow do i install quicktime on ubuntu11:14
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lotuspsychjeReedK0: can this help? http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~liberato/screensaver/11:39
ShNaYkHsWhich interesting commands (preferably about file system) do you think I can ask students to look at their man pages to learn how to use them (the commands and man) ?11:40
lotuspsychje!bash | ShNaYkHs11:41
ubottuShNaYkHs: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. In Unity or GNOME, search the dash for "terminal" and press ENTER. Other desktops: Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal (MATE), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:41
lotuspsychje!manual | ShNaYkHs walk tru here also11:41
ubottuShNaYkHs walk tru here also: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/11:41
ShNaYkHslotuspsychje I am simply asking for suggesting 5 interesting commands I can ask students to look at11:42
lotuspsychjeShNaYkHs: we usually dont take surveys here, only ubuntu support issues11:43
mutanteShNaYkHs: ddate, figlet, cowsay, toilet, nethack, soldat11:44
hateballShNaYkHs: ls, cat, grep, sed, rm11:44
ShNaYkHshateball ls cat and rm, they have seen that during a previous lab, I am looking for 3 more interesting ones. grep and sed are good11:45
hateballShNaYkHs: sort, uniq11:45
hateballShNaYkHs: df, du, the list goes on11:46
mutante"wall" is always fun for the students to talk to each other :p11:46
hateballProbably best to just print a linux cheat sheet and throw darts at to pick11:46
Tin_mani vote for df11:47
Tin_mani vote for df-h better11:47
geirhaawk is a nice and powerful tool and language to look into, though I'd recommend the gawk or nawk implementations, not the garbage one (mawk 1.3.3) ubuntu ships with by default11:55
geirhaoh, long gone11:56
tdm4Hi.. anyone know why /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check doesn't actually pick up on packages that need upgrading?12:04
tdm4is there a better tool I can use that will tell me if packages need upgrading?12:05
AtuMtdm4: look into the difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade.. it's not the same deal12:06
tdm4AtuM: apt-get upgrade shows the same thing12:07
tdm4but apt-check says there's 0 packages to upgrade when in fact there's 1... unless postfix doesn't count somehow? :D12:08
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joeliotdm4: works for me, just checked, had 6 non sec and 3 sec (libvirt) to update12:18
tdm4joelio & AtuM : I found it works correctly if I call it with python212:22
tdm4but python3 gives 0 packages12:23
tdm4looks like it's this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-notifier/+bug/159515412:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1595154 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "Wrong result/count in update-notifier depending of the python version" [Undecided,New]12:23
joeliowfm on artful, it's set to python3 already12:25
joeliohead -1  /usr/lib/update-notifier/apt-check12:25
joelionot sure what distro you're on mind12:25
tdm4it's python3 on trusty too12:26
tdm4and xenial12:26
tdm4I guess whoever switched it to python3 didn't test it12:30
joeliothat's doubtful tbh, personally never had issues with it :)12:31
Ruff_Wizard[m]I've now successfully installed Ubuntu and everything seems to be fine.12:34
Ruff_Wizard[m]Now that I have it installed, can I turn Quick Boot back on?12:34
tdm4I'll get to the bottom of it.. *cracks knuckles, dives into Python*12:36
DaekdroomIs there any way to improve gaming performance under GNOME Shell? I'm running it under Xorg and it's still far slower (on both desktop and games) than Unity.12:37
tdm4ahh.. it's the phased update check12:40
tdm4that's broken12:40
tdm4the "from UpdateManager.Core.UpdateList import UpdateList" is breaking the script for some reason.12:42
Spektre247salutations fellow ubuntu users12:45
jostHi! I have a virtual machine and have just resized its disk image. Now I'd like to increase partition size for the /var partition on it... How do I boot the machine into a mode where /var is not yet mounted, so I can resize the partition and the file system afterwards?12:46
tdm4I think it classified postfix as a phased update and told it to ignore it12:49
tdm4ok fair enough.. I guess someone should just explain what a phased update is to OP of Bug #1595154 and close it :D12:53
ubottubug 1595154 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) "Wrong result/count in update-notifier depending of the python version" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159515412:53
ecdheI have a system configuration script that runs as root.  I'd like it to set some desktop wallpapers, terminal transparencies, and other GUI preferences for different users on the system.  When a user is logged in, the user can run 'dconf write'  to set these values.  But when my script tries to `su -c 'dconf write <key> <value>' username, dconf fails.12:59
ecdhe"error: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY"12:59
ecdheHow can I set a particular user's dconf values without them being logged in?13:00
irishman2020what does rls-bb-incoming tag mean on bugs.ubuntu.com?13:06
auronandaceirishman2020: what bug is it attached to?13:07
TJ-irishman2020: do you mean https://bugs.launchpad.net/ ?13:17
Ruff_Wizard[m]I accidentally cancelled an app install from Software and now it seems to be installed but doesn't come up as installed in Software. Any ideas?13:20
irishman2020auronandace: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/172771013:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1727710 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Unable to access more than 20 languages in 1080p" [Low,Confirmed]13:20
irishman2020TJ-: yes13:21
irishman2020Ruff_Wizard[m]: go to terminal, type dpkg-query -l <packagename>13:22
irishman2020Should tell you details about if its installed13:22
auronandaceirishman2020: looking at the bug report they only recently added that tag. incomming suggests to me that a fix is in the works13:24
auronandaceirishman2020: it is just a guess on my part13:24
Ruff_Wizard[m]irishman2020: syntax error near unexpected token 'newline'13:25
ioriaRuff_Wizard[m], without the < >13:27
FreshDumbledorei just installed lxde, still have no button/gui element to chose another DE at the login screen.13:28
irishman2020Ruff: what command did you type?13:28
Ruff_Wizard[m]ioria: That said 'error: unknown option -I'13:28
TJ-irishman2020: rls=release, bb=bionic beaver (aka 18.04) incoming=change inbound13:28
ioriaRuff_Wizard[m],  it's not I is minu L13:29
irishman2020-l for "list"13:29
Ruff_Wizard[m]Looks the same on here :/13:30
FreshDumbledorehad to install 'lxde-common' too, now i can chose it. all good13:30
Ruff_Wizard[m]No packages found matching13:30
Ruff_Wizard[m]I just tried "snap install keepassxc" that someone suggested and it says it's already installed13:32
ecdheI'm logged into a machine over SSH.  I'd like to change one of my desktop settings with dconf.  But when I run dconf over ssh, I get "error: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY"13:34
ecdheaccording to `man dbus-launch', dconf is calling dbus-launch under the hood13:35
dersandI'm installing a .deb(keepassxc) through dpkg but it has unmet dependecies, so i $ apt-get -f install but all it does is that it removes the package13:35
brainwashdersand: which ubuntu release is that? also, the deb package was built for which release?13:38
AtuMdoes anyone here know of a way to "hide" a lvm2 volume group from host... so there are no errors reported running "pvs" (i'm filtering out a PV, but lvm2 still finds the volume)13:39
dersandbrainwash, https://pastebin.com/1c7t2a75,13:39
brainwashdersand: that output explains it pretty clearly13:40
dersandbrainwash, i'm not getting it. What's wrong?13:41
owrservmediahi, this might not be the best place to ask this, in which case I'd appreciate being directed to the right channel, but I'm wondering what my options are for mounting cloud drives as a local drive. is there a general solution or is it necessarily website by website?13:42
brainwashdersand: you are trying to install a deb package which was built for a newer debian release (compared to your ubuntu release)13:42
owrservmediai'm on ubuntu 16.0413:42
bluesmonkhi, I have a notebook with ubuntu that does not connect to either the wired and wifi connection of the building i'm in. I tried with windows and it connects, and tried with ubuntu in my home router and it works. Makes me wonder that there is something wrong with my configurations or firewall perhaps. Do you know how to solve this issue?13:42
irishman2020owrservmedia: most likely each has their own13:42
irishman2020i know AWS has their own for s313:43
owrservmediathat's sort of what i figured irishman2020--i just figured i'd ask people who'd be in a better position to know13:43
brainwashdersand: any reason why you don't install it from the official KeePassXC PPA?13:43
owrservmediastill strikes me as weird that my browser can interface with all of the various cloud storage sites, but a data transfer tool wouldn't be able to. but that's life!13:44
irishman2020thats because each site is coding the details for its own storage in a standard web code13:45
dersandbrainwash, i'm actually on debian 8.513:45
irishman2020dersand: then might be better asked in #debian13:45
PomidoraI'm upgrading libpng12-dev to libpng16-dev. Apt wants to remove some packages (which I need). Now I've read online that it simply removes metapackages... Not sure what the full effect of that statment is, but apparently it won't actually remove them. Is this true?13:50
PomidoraHere is this statement13:50
TJ-Pomidora: No. if you replace a -dev package you're changing the librari'es ABI, so you're breaking existing dependencies, so packages depending on the old version will be removed13:51
PomidoraTJ-: Thanks13:51
TJ-Pomidora: this is because the -dev package hard-depends on the libXXXX of the same version13:51
TJ-Pomidora: best thing to do is install the later library and apps in a chroot, or a container, so it doesn't affect the host13:52
PomidoraTJ-: Would you recommend building the said package from source and referencing it in the makefile of the package I'm trying to build which depends on it?13:52
PomidoraTJ-: ah13:52
TJ-Pomidora: this can also save you building in many cases. E.g. if you're on 16.04 and have libXXX12 but 17.10 already has libXXX16 you can just build/install a minimal chroot/container for 17.1013:53
bryanfrommacauIs there a convenient way to make a shell script run on startup13:54
bryanfrommacauor a convenient way to make the script run when logging in13:54
TJ-Pomidora: e.g. "lxc launch ubuntu:17.10 mylib", "lxc exec mylib apt-get install <some-package>"13:54
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TJ-Pomidora: use http://packages.ubuntu.com to check if the versions you require are in the latest release (currently 17.10 Artful Aardvark)13:56
CRPLHello. Does anybody have a clue on why I hear strange clicking noise from speakers ? Running 17.04 - 4.10.0-38, creative HD audio, spdif passthrou.13:57
Ruff_Wizard[m]Any tips for what to do with my KeePassXC install that's both installed and not installed after I accidentally cancelled the installation in software centre?13:57
TJ-Ruff_Wizard[m]: "sudo apt-get --reinstall install <packagename>"13:57
Ruff_Wizard[m]Thanks, I'll try it.13:58
Ruff_Wizard[m]E: Unable to locate package KeePassXC13:59
TJ-Ruff_Wizard[m]: sounds like you didn't install the package from an archive14:02
TJ-Ruff_Wizard[m]: apt only knows about packages from archives. Did you manually install a .deb package?14:02
Ruff_Wizard[m]I used the software centre14:02
Ruff_Wizard[m]I'm a noob14:02
TJ-Ruff_Wizard[m]: I suspect you have the wrong package name actually - they're all lower case.14:02
Ruff_Wizard[m]I'll try14:03
TJ-Ruff_Wizard[m]: do "apt list -a keepass*"14:03
Ruff_Wizard[m]Listing... Done14:03
TJ-Ruff_Wizard[m]: that should give you a list of all known packages beginning with that string, and their state. Identity the correct name then use the --reinstall command with that14:03
Ruff_Wizard[m]Oh, wait14:04
Ruff_Wizard[m]I forgot the *14:04
TJ-Ruff_Wizard[m]: on 16.04 I see the last one is keepassx/xenial 2.0.2-1 amd6414:04
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Ruff_Wizard[m]It doesn't list keepasdxc14:04
TJ-Ruff_Wizard[m]: so it'd be "sudo apt-get --reinstall install keepassx"14:04
Ruff_Wizard[m]I had xc, not x14:05
TJ-Ruff_Wizard[m]: If apt list can't see it, it's not in the archive. is there a difference ?14:05
Ruff_Wizard[m]Different forjs14:06
TJ-Ruff_Wizard[m]: I don't see it listed in the archive for 16.04. Did you add it via some PPA14:06
Ruff_Wizard[m]I added it via software centre14:07
Ruff_Wizard[m]You can search for it yourself14:07
Ruff_Wizard[m]I'm on 17.1014:07
TJ-Ruff_Wizard[m]: oh, it's a Snap package14:07
TJ-Ruff_Wizard[m]:  not a proper debian package. I don't touch snap14:08
Ruff_Wizard[m]Is that bad?14:08
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Ruff_Wizard[m]So is there a way to fix this?14:09
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FreshDumbledorei think the sikuli-ide package should be removed from the repositories, its so very outdated that its just misleading to have it there.14:30
swenssonIs anything new about the add user part? Trying $adduser myusername and then passwd myusername... but when I logon I only get $....:O14:31
Ruff_Wizard[m]TJ-: sudo apt-get autoclean helped me14:33
BluesKajswensson, add user to ?14:33
swenssonBluesKaj the system14:34
BluesKajto sudo ?14:34
swenssonYeah... It should replace the root so I can disable root access ssh14:34
BluesKajsudo adduser username sudo14:34
brainwashFreshDumbledore: you have to file a bug report then14:35
FreshDumbledorei dont care enough to actually get active myself, i just shout my idea into the void and feel better for having 'contributed'14:35
BluesKajoops as root not sudo14:35
swenssonYeah I got that part ;P14:36
swenssondidn't change anything tho, I still only get $ at logon... :O14:36
nrdbHi I have just upgraded to 17.10 and the dnsmasq setup doesn't seem to be correct.  it is binding to and resolv.conf has the nameserver set to ... how do I fix this inconsistancy ?14:37
TJ-swensson: you mean the shell's PS1 prompt?14:37
swenssonTJ- ^14:37
TJ-swensson: what does "getent passwd <username>" report for the shell?14:37
swenssonTJ- admin:x:1001:1001::/home/admin:14:38
nrdbignore that it seems to be working now (after a reboot) sorry14:39
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TJ-swensson: no shell set? wnat release is this, is it some container /debootstrap install?14:41
swenssonTJ- No it's a "regular" install from the latest .iso at "their" website14:43
swenssonatleast my root got root(at)servername..... but the new account only got $ at prompt after logon via ssh14:44
TJ-swensson: if there is no shell specified for the user I guess it'll default to whatever is in /etc/adduser.conf and/or /etc/login.defs14:48
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mutanteswensson: PS1="root@%h"   .. fixed :p14:49
swenssonmutante haha not really but yeah almost xD14:50
MotherMGAHello. Could someone please explain the difference between the following desktop sessions: Ubuntu vs Ubuntu on XOrg. Kind regards.14:50
TJ-swensson: which shell is the new user actually using? something is wrong if a default shell isn't being set in /etc/passwd14:50
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TJ-MotherMGA: Ubuntu = Gnome Wayland Compositor; Ubuntu on Xorg = Gnome on Xorg14:51
TJ-MotherMGA: 'Wayland' is a new GUI rendering infrastructure14:52
MotherMGATJ-: is there a reason to prefer one over the other? They appear to function identically.14:52
mutanteMotherMGA: wayland is the "new thing"14:52
MotherMGAso Xorg is just a fallback in case wayland doesn't happen to work with your configuration?14:53
mutantethat's what i expect, yea14:53
MotherMGAthank you kind sirs or madams.14:53
TJ-MotherMGA: Xorg is much more flexible (better for multi-monitor configs/resolutions for one), can be used for remote desktops, and many more. Wayland is a local-only renderer14:54
MotherMGAI have been rather put off by Gnome 3 so far. It removed a lot of features that I'd grown accustomed to with unity.14:55
Xardand "not working with your configuration" translates to "doesn't work with closed nvidia drivers"14:55
de-factohow can i get rid of ALL wayland related packages in ubuntu 17.10?14:56
MotherMGAI  am using nvidia drivers  with the wayland just fine it seems.14:56
de-factoneither Xorg nor Wayland are working, ubgrade completely broke my system14:56
mutanteMotherMGA: you can use MATE desktop then  that's why it exists https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MATE_(software)14:57
BluesKajmost likely the open source nouveau driver14:57
mutanteMotherMGA: it's a fork of Gnome214:57
nicomachusI have a bash script that I use in the morning to start up a number of programs. it also runs sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade. Any way to suppress some of the output from apt update and apt full-upgrade so that I still see which packages need/have updates, but don't have all the lines checking repos?14:58
Xardopen source nvidia drivers should work but the situation with closed source drivers is messy and complicated at the moment14:58
nicomachusI could just direct output to /dev/null but then I wouldn't get the few lines that I do need.14:58
naccnicomachus: it feels like you're confusing hte output of update and full-upgrade14:58
naccnicomachus: and ot sure why you do that by hannd when that's explicitly what unattended-upgrades is for?14:59
MotherMGAmutante: I've been finagling with i3-wm. Mate doesn't seem to have the features I like either: Global Application menu, menu autohide, menu search.14:59
nicomachusnacc: more for the experience of doing it.14:59
mutantenicomachus: how about ...  lazy..   apt-get update | grep -v ^Get:15:00
MotherMGAGnome 3 kinda has it with extensions but its busted and unreliable.15:00
de-factoNONE of the provided login menus work in 17.10 and gnome fails with "traps: gnome-shell[4726] trap int3 ip:7f7ff2c09961 sp:7fff45c10120 error:0 in libglib-2.0.so.0.5400.1[7f7ff2bb9000+111000]"15:00
naccnicomachus: ok15:00
swenssonfudge it, reinstalling my system :$ ;P15:00
naccnicomachus: why not just /dev/null the update output?15:00
nicomachusnacc: because I wouldn't see the notice of which packages are available for upgrade, would I?15:01
naccnicomachus: but if you're runing full-upgrade right away, that output will have it15:01
naccnicomachus: or is your script not what you described? :)15:01
TJ-nicomachus: apt-get -q or -qq maybe?15:01
mutanteor you could drop ALL the output and then read /var/log/apt/history.log15:01
TJ-nicomachus: "apt list --upgrable"15:01
nicomachusnacc: the script literally runs 'sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade', then opens firefox/thunderbird/ncmpcpp15:02
TJ-"apt list --upgradable" even!15:02
nicomachusTJ-: forgot about -q15:02
naccnicomachus: right, so /dev/null the update15:02
* nicomachus needs to man up15:02
naccor as TJ- said, -q15:02
de-factodoes that mean 17.10 is not production ready on this system? should i reinstall the latest LTS instead? 17.04 worked fine before though15:04
nicomachuseven -q show's all the "Hit:# url" lines. -qq is perfect though.15:04
nicomachusthanks nacc TJ-15:04
de-factois there a 17.10 without wayland available?15:06
TvL2386hey guys, I accidentally choose "never open" on a xdg-open dialog... I have no idea how to fix this15:07
de-factoi think its this bug here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/172495715:07
TvL2386I've checked ~/.config/mimeapps.list to see if my choice went in there, but I couldn't find it15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1719124 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1724957 gnome-shell crashed with signal 5 in g_settings_schema_get_value() from g_settings_schema_key_init() from g_settings_get_value(key="opaque-background") ["Settings schema 'org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock' does not contain a key named 'opaque-background'"]" [Medium,Confirmed]15:07
de-factoso its not only me then...15:07
nicomachusTvL2386: any idea what the filetype was?15:08
TvL2386nicomachus: unfortunately not. It's a clickable link in the browser (using chrome here). It runs "VMWare remote console" (/usr/bin/vmrc)15:10
TvL2386the link in the browser triggers a javascript function15:10
Ruff_Wizard[m]If Terminal doesn't say "Done" at the end of an installation, does that mean it's not finished?15:13
Ruff_Wizard[m]Sorry if it's a stupid question, I'm new15:13
BudgetSlugIs there a way to remote into a Ubuntu 17.10 (Gnome 3.26) without having a pre-configured agent on the system? The only computer I have access to at that site is windows 10.15:15
TvL2386BudgetSlug: ssh?15:15
TvL2386BudgetSlug: putty?15:15
BudgetSlugTvL2386: The port is closed.15:16
akikRuff_Wizard[m]: usually when commands run successfully, there's no output15:16
nicomachusBudgetSlug: then no.15:16
BudgetSlugnicomachus: Damn.15:16
TvL2386^-- what he says15:16
Ruff_Wizard[m]Okay, thank you15:16
Ruff_Wizard[m]Guess it went okay15:16
BudgetSlugThank y'all.15:16
nicomachusRuff_Wizard[m]: also, no stupid questions. :D I've been around this channel for a few years now and still ask "stupid" questions weekly15:16
Ruff_Wizard[m]And apps installed not from software centre won't appear there?15:17
akikRuff_Wizard[m]: it's possible to check the return value for a command with "echo $?" 0 is success15:17
Ruff_Wizard[m]nicomachus: OK, lol15:17
Ruff_Wizard[m]akik: success. Thanks15:17
de-factoit seems the ubuntu modifications are able to completely mess up gnome "apt remove --purge gnome-shell-extension-appindicator gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock gnome-shell-extensions" gives me a desktop again15:18
Ruff_Wizard[m]Since apps not from the software centre don't appear in the Installed list, does this mean that they won't get automatic updates?15:20
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: whedre did you get the app from?15:21
Ruff_Wizard[m]Followed instructions on how to download it15:21
Ruff_Wizard[m]p.s. I'm now talking from ubuntu :P15:22
bamfHow do i properly test battery health on Ubuntu? tried upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT* but the result is different most of the time.15:22
de-factoyeah its gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock conflicting with gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock, worst decision ever to fork that and mess it up15:22
Ruff_Wizard[m]nacc: is it supposed to show up?15:24
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: don't be cute. give links, explicit sources, etc.15:24
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: sorry, I read "Followed instructions ... " as sarcasm15:25
nacc(it's early for me)15:25
Ruff_Wizard[m]it wasn't15:25
Ruff_Wizard[m]i'll link you15:25
Ruff_Wizard[m]in a sec15:25
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: did you download a .deb and install it?15:25
Ruff_Wizard[m]no, 1 sec, I'll give you the links15:25
Ruff_Wizard[m]I used the command line15:25
Ruff_Wizard[m]1: http://data.agaric.com/how-install-riot-desktop-matrix-client-debian-based-systems (was linked from the official Riot.im site) and 2. https://www.howtogeek.com/93798/install-keepass-password-safe-on-your-ubuntu-or-debian-based-linux-system/ (followed the command-line step at the bottom)15:27
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: the first one is usig a repository, so it will get updates from whoever owns that repository (but ote you are also giving the owner of that repository root on your system,e ffecitvely)15:28
nacc!ppa | Ruff_Wizard[m]: for the secodn15:28
ubottuRuff_Wizard[m]: for the secodn: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge15:28
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: similar note for ppas15:28
Ruff_Wizard[m]so I'll get automatic updates if the owner sends me them?15:29
ecdheIs there an authoritative reference on ubuntu desktop design?  Like a timeline of what happens when you log into ubuntu-desktop, or open gnome-terminal?15:30
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: also keepass2 is in the archive, is it differnt than what's in the ppa?15:30
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: ah i see, it's like a backports ppa15:30
Ruff_Wizard[m]what archive?15:30
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: 'automatic' as in when you run updates15:30
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: the officiall ubuntu archive15:30
nacc!info keepass215:30
ubottukeepass2 (source: keepass2): Password manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.36+dfsg-1 (artful), package size 1356 kB, installed size 3315 kB15:30
Ruff_Wizard[m]it wasn't in the software centre15:31
Ruff_Wizard[m]software centre only had keepassxc and keepassx and another version of keepassx15:31
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: what version of ubunntu?15:31
Ruff_Wizard[m]latest, 17.1015:31
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: do you have universe enabled?15:31
Ruff_Wizard[m]just installed today15:32
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: if you're on 17.10, you dont' need the ppa at all15:32
Ruff_Wizard[m]what is universe?15:32
nacc!components | Ruff_Wizard[m]15:32
ubottuRuff_Wizard[m]: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.15:32
siva_machinasudo apt install keepass215:32
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: you may want to read the ubuntu manual15:32
Ruff_Wizard[m]what parts?15:32
TvL2386I've got "keepassx" installed here15:32
TvL2386if anybody cares :P15:32
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: it feels like you maybe are really new to Linux or Debian-based distibutions, I would recommend reading the whole thing :)15:33
siva_machinaThe command I pasted will get you keepass215:33
Ruff_Wizard[m]but I already downloaded it15:33
Ruff_Wizard[m]am I worse off with what I got vs whatever method I should have used to download it?15:34
Ruff_Wizard[m]nacc: I am new15:34
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: read the above faq, what you have is unot supported here, so if it breaks you have to hope the ppa owner is responsive/helpful15:34
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: also the article you linked to was from 2011 :)15:35
TvL2386yeah and if you're a bit paranoid like me, you don't easily install stuff from ppa's15:35
Ruff_Wizard[m]nacc: then should I uninstall it again and install it again by some other method?15:35
TvL2386because who knows who created the thing you're installing\15:35
Ruff_Wizard[m]*first again was a typo15:35
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: if you need to install packages, start with searching them in the default apt repositories: apt search $package_name15:36
Ruff_Wizard[m]i think i need to spend ages reading the manual15:37
Ruff_Wizard[m]hopefully none of it is out-of-date15:37
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: or follow a free edx linux course :)15:37
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: i'm not sure why they didn't show up in the software app, it should have15:37
Ruff_Wizard[m]maybe after a restart?15:38
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: nah...15:38
Ruff_Wizard[m]so you're basically saying I need to add some extra repositories to the software centre and then install it from there?15:39
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: what are you trying to install? Keepass?15:39
Ruff_Wizard[m]well you said the place I installed it from is unsafe15:40
Ruff_Wizard[m]so I thought maybe I should uninstall it and get it from wherever you recommend15:40
siva_machinaIf you used a ppa. make sure the ppa is removed as well15:40
TvL2386well... I said I don't trust ppa's easily. But if you want to install keepass you need to search for it in the default repositories. And they are already present on your system15:40
TvL2386to update your local repositories just run: sudo apt-get update15:41
TvL2386and then you can search for the package your interested in: apt search keepass15:41
Ruff_Wizard[m]it comes up in the command-line but not in the gui15:42
TvL2386the output from `apt search keepass` lists 2 candidates on my 17.04 desktop: keepass2 and keepassx15:42
Ruff_Wizard[m]i don't want keepassx15:42
TvL2386what do you want?15:42
Ruff_Wizard[m]because it doesn't support plugins and I need a certain plugin15:42
siva_machinakeepass2 is in the repos15:42
Ruff_Wizard[m]vanilla keepass15:42
TvL2386and that was listed15:43
siva_machinasudo apt install keepass215:43
TvL2386so: sudo apt install keepass215:43
Ruff_Wizard[m]but I need to uninstall the one I have first?15:43
TvL2386dpkg --list | grep keepass15:43
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html15:43
TvL2386now it prints which package you got installed15:43
naccfirst purge the ppa and its associated package15:43
TvL2386if it was `keepass2`, do "sudo apt-get purge keepass2"15:43
TvL2386ah yeah... remove the ppa as well15:44
nacc(ppa-purge will remove keepass2)15:44
Ruff_Wizard[m]so I type in the uninstall command for keepass, then install ppa-purge and get rid of the ppa?15:44
TvL2386ah cool... did not know that!15:45
Ruff_Wizard[m]and then uninstall ppa-purge?15:45
naccTvL2386: or it will reset it to the archive version, i can't recall15:45
siva_machinaif you want to15:45
naccTvL2386: *and/or15:45
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: do what nacc suggested: use `ppa-purge` (sudo apt install ppa-purge) to purge the ppa you added15:47
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: according to nacc this will remove the ppa and the installed package, or reverts the keepass2 package back to the supported version15:47
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: when the ppa is purged, just do `apt install keepass2` and that will tell you if it's already installed or will install it15:48
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: and then you're done. And remember 99 out of 100 times you don't need/want a ppa15:48
Ruff_Wizard[m]what I don't get is, if keepass2 is in the official repository, why doesn't it come up in the gui?15:48
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: I don't know that either, but I'm a cli guy and never use the gui for package management15:49
Ruff_Wizard[m]would you guys be able to advise me on something else? is there a way to increase the scaling of everything to make everything bigger?15:50
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: yes there is15:50
TvL2386found it15:51
Ruff_Wizard[m]i know I can use ctrl + to zoom but I'd like to do that for everything15:51
Ruff_Wizard[m]at once15:51
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: I think you need gnome-tweak-tool for that (`apt install gnome-tweak-tool`)15:51
Ruff_Wizard[m]why can't I do it out-of-box? ubuntu looks so small by default, at least the windows do15:52
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: then start gnome-tweak-tool and in the "Windows" tab you have a HiDPI Windo Scaling15:52
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: yeah for some reason windows 10 detects your resolution but also the size of the screen and adapts to it15:52
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: Ubuntu/Gnome or whatever..... does not and you have to do it yourself15:53
Ruff_Wizard[m]TvL2386: maybe hopefully ubuntu will do that too soon15:53
siva_machinaand Apperantly Gnome currenlty doesn't. To my knowledge.15:53
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: I don't really mind, as long as it's easily changed :)15:53
Ruff_Wizard[m]is the thing you said the same as Gnome Tweaks from the gui?15:53
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: in my applications menu it is called "Tweak Tool"15:54
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: but you can always open a terminal and type: gnome-tweak-tool15:54
TvL2386the program will start and show you the GUI15:54
Ruff_Wizard[m]i have purged the ppa and keepass2 is still there, I think that means that I don't need to install anything again15:56
TvL2386so it seems15:56
siva_machinaI think ppa-purge reverts the program to the  version in the archive15:57
siva_machinaif avilable15:57
Ruff_Wizard[m]i can't find, hidpi window scaling in the app I installed from the gui, I'll try using the command15:57
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: you can check with `apt-cache policy keepass2`15:57
* Ruff_Wizard[m] sent a long message: Ruff_Wizard[m]_2017-11-03_15:57:46.txt <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ryeiDOuABKDWIwwJaLhRYDyW>15:57
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: Ruff_Wizard[m] it's in the Windows tab15:58
TvL2386and Ruff_Wizard[m] that output looks good to me15:58
Ruff_Wizard[m]TvL2386: not for me15:59
Ruff_Wizard[m]I can tell you what I have15:59
Ruff_Wizard[m]or I can just uninstall and install from terminal to see if that's any different15:59
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: https://imgur.com/a/q0Gkz (gnome-tweak-tool)16:00
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: yeah no problem: `apt-get purge keepass2 -y && apt-get install keepass2`16:00
Ruff_Wizard[m]mine's different16:01
Ruff_Wizard[m]why reinstall keepass??16:01
TvL238603 16:59:27 < Ruff_Wizard[m]> or I can just uninstall and install from terminal to see if that's any different16:01
Ruff_Wizard[m]oh, you thought I was talking about keepass16:01
TvL2386yeah :)16:01
siva_machinasudo apt purge keepass2 -y && sudo apt install keepass216:01
iffraffhi, when I run a sudo command in the cli it asks me to give my password. subsequent times it does not unless there is inactivity for some time. is it possible to set the length of time?16:01
Ruff_Wizard[m]i meant about gnome tweaks16:02
Ruff_Wizard[m]my gnome tweaks doesn't look like yours16:02
TvL2386yeah I'm not comfortable enough with `apt` yet to output anything without checking ;)16:02
Ruff_Wizard[m]i didn't think I need to do anything to keepass?16:02
nacciffraff: yes16:02
TvL2386$ dpkg --list | grep gnome-tweak16:02
TvL2386ii  gnome-tweak-tool                                3.24.1-0ubuntu1                               all          tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME16:02
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: nah keepass is fine... Let's leave that as it is... that's fine now16:03
nacciffraff: see man sudoers16:03
nacciffraff: i believe it's the timestamp_timeout option16:03
Ruff_Wizard[m]TvL2386: do I type sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool now?16:04
TvL2386but Ruff_Wizard[m] : probably google for "Ubuntu HiDPI scaling" and see what pops up16:04
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: I thought you already had it installed and were looking at it16:04
iffraffnacc: thx16:04
Ruff_Wizard[m]TvL2386: yeah but the one I installed didn't have that option for hidpi16:04
Ruff_Wizard[m]so there must be different versions of it16:04
iffraffnacc: so yes that does seem to be the property, but ... where do I set that? i'm using zsh would it be in the .zshrc?16:05
nacciffraff: read the manpage :)16:06
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: well I am running ubuntu-17.04, not 17.10. That's a difference. I'm running gnome-classic (or gnome-shell?). Anyway... lots of differences. So you'd best google it16:06
iffraffk, sorry16:06
nacciffraff: it goes into the sudoers file (or realistically, a file in /etc/sudoers.d)16:06
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: first hit: Cui6quo0thaitei2uoghuKoha16:06
siva_machinathe version of gnome-tweak-tool coincides with the version of Gnome in your current version of Ubuntu16:06
naccsort of a tautology there, siva_machina :)16:07
Ruff_Wizard[m]TvL2386: is that the gnome fork of ubuntu before ubuntu started using gnome again?16:07
Ruff_Wizard[m]TvL2386: comments on that are not very heartening16:07
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: I think so16:07
TvL2386Ruff_Wizard[m]: hehehe... it works great for me16:07
Ruff_Wizard[m]i guess I can try that method16:07
TvL2386anyway: gotta run, get my kid from daycare16:08
TvL2386so good luck!16:08
Ruff_Wizard[m]there is this article also https://www.pcworld.com/article/2911509/how-to-make-linuxs-desktop-look-good-on-high-resolution-displays.html16:08
Ruff_Wizard[m]but i get an error when typing apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool16:08
Ruff_Wizard[m]TvL2386: thank you for the help16:08
siva_machinaWhat error?16:09
Ruff_Wizard[m]E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)16:10
Ruff_Wizard[m]E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?16:10
siva_machinaRuff_Wizard[m],  you need to add sudo16:10
Ruff_Wizard[m]my bad16:10
strive"are you root?"16:10
siva_machinakinda need to give it permission to install16:10
Ruff_Wizard[m]i think it's worked16:11
=== codelinx_ is now known as codelinx
Ruff_Wizard[m]except it still doesn't have the hidpi option16:12
Ruff_Wizard[m]well, on to the next method16:12
siva_machinaRuff_Wizard[m], http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/09/enable-fractional-scaling-gnome-linux16:13
siva_machinaNot sure how well they will help you16:14
Ruff_Wizard[m]yeah, that's what I'm gonna try16:14
Ruff_Wizard[m]but the comments say it isn't very good16:14
Ruff_Wizard[m]I find it weird that I can zoom in to programs individually but not apply it across the board16:14
siva_machinaNot sure how helpful I can be. I currently don't use Gnome. Nor do I have hdpi16:15
Ruff_Wizard[m]one more thing: i want to install a plugin for keepass but that requires me to copy+paste a file into keepass's folder, which the os doesn't allow me to do. is there an easy way to accomplish this?16:17
Platypwhy are the packages in the windows ubuntu subsystem extremely out of date? golang 1.6, maven 3.39, etc.16:17
Platypare these just not being maintained?16:17
plasticuprojectis this a good place to ask about amd/ati driver help for my 16.04 machine?16:17
Platypi.e. even after apt-get update/apt-get upgrade i got these old versions16:18
siva_machinaRuff_Wizard[m], You need root access16:18
naccPlatyp: offtopic for here16:19
Ruff_Wizard[m]can I root and then un-root after, easily? siva_machina16:19
plasticuprojectnacc: Thanks16:19
nacc!ubuwin | Platyp: thee might also be a wsl channel16:19
ubottuPlatyp: thee might also be a wsl channel: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide16:19
siva_machinaRuff_Wizard[m], yeah.... just close the window when you are done16:19
siva_machinasudo nautilus16:19
naccsiva_machina: never do that16:20
naccsiva_machina: gksudo, if anything16:20
siva_machinawhich is a gui for sudo to my knowledge16:20
naccsiva_machina: that is the only correct way to open gui apps with sudo16:21
naccsiva_machina: it is *very* easy to break a system/user's files otherwise16:21
siva_machinanacc, I guess I live....dangerously then16:21
naccit's easy anyways, there's almost no reason to run the GUI file manager as root16:21
Ruff_Wizard[m]so what should I do? type what siva_machina said into the terminal, then copy+paste, then what? or does everything have to be done in the terminal?16:22
naccPlatyp: also, you may just be complaining that xenial != latest?16:22
siva_machinaGreat now I have dangerzone from Archer in my head16:22
siva_machinaWhat folder is it saying to move it into?16:23
siva_machinaIs it in your home directory?16:23
siva_machinawhich should look something like /home/username/16:23
Platypare apt packages in ubuntu only updated when the operating system updates?16:23
MenzadorPlatyp: OS updates are contained in APT packages.16:24
Platypok, but what about non-os packages16:25
MenzadorSo it's actually the inverse: The system is updated along with the APT packages16:25
MenzadorYou mean non-APT packages, such as Snaps or Flatpaks? You update those using snap or flatpak16:25
Ruff_Wizard[m]siva_machina: usr/lib/keepass2/plugins16:25
Platypwell the problem i was having was that golang-go was very out of date16:26
Platypit was 1.6.X which was like a year old16:27
Platypgolang-go is an APT package16:27
siva_machinathen yes you need to be root gksudo nautilus16:28
Platypso does that mean golang-go only gets updated every 6 months?16:28
=== anewman is now known as anewman|away
Ruff_Wizard[m]so Terminal -> type: gksudo nautilus -> use gui to copy+paste?16:29
mcphailPlatyp: almost all the packages on Ubuntu will only be updated to newer versions with a newer Ubuntu release. There are a few exceptions, and security fixes may be backported to older versions16:30
siva_machinaBut try not to muck about to much while doing this16:30
auronandacePlatyp: generally software stays at the same release per ubuntu release and only bug fixes are accepted after that (there are some notable exceptions like firefox)16:30
Platypok thanks guys16:30
Platypstill getting used to this, it's very different from the arch release model16:31
siva_machinaArch: keep on rolling and hope nothign breaks16:31
mcphailPlatyp: the aim is for a stability throughout the lifetime of a release16:31
Ruff_Wizard[m]siva_machina: and then how do I un-root after?16:31
siva_machinaclose the window16:31
auronandacePlatyp: if you always want the latest software then a rolling release distro like arch is probably better suited for your needs16:32
Platypprobably, but it's not implemented as a windows subsystem yet =P16:32
Ruff_Wizard[m]siva_machina: the terminal window?16:33
auronandacePlatyp: if you really want to stick with ubuntu then you have the option of PPA's for more up to date software (just be ware that they are not officially supported)16:33
siva_machinaRuff_Wizard[m], both16:34
auronandacePlatyp: that means if you have problems with a PPA then you'll need to contact the maintainer for help16:34
Ruff_Wizard[m]siva_machina: it tells me that gksudo is not installed16:34
Ruff_Wizard[m]guess I'll install it16:34
siva_machinasudo apt install gksudo16:34
joelioalternatively just enable {release}-updates16:34
Platypauronandace, is there an index for ppas somewhere? i found one for golang but having trouble finding one for maven16:35
auronandacePlatyp: not sure of an index but you should be able to search through launchpadfor some16:35
auronandace!launchpad | Platyp16:36
ubottuPlatyp: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/16:36
Ruff_Wizard[m]siva_machina: i get some error about not being able to run an authorisation file16:36
siva_machinaafter trying to run gksudo nautilus?16:38
nacc!latest | Platyp: may help to read this.16:39
ubottuPlatyp: may help to read this.: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.16:39
nacc!ppa | Platyp: as well for searchig16:39
ubottuPlatyp: as well for searchig: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge16:39
auronandaceRuff_Wizard[m]: you really shouldn't be using a file manager as root16:39
siva_machinaauronandace, then what do you suggest him to do?16:41
auronandacesiva_machina: what is wrong with that?16:41
joeliosudo mv, easy16:41
siva_machinaRuff_Wizard[m], sudo cp /path/way/to/file / usr/lib/keepass2/plugins16:44
siva_machinacp if you want to copy it. mv if you want to move it16:45
Ruff_Wizard[m]siva_machina: path/way/to/file = location of my file that needs to be moved?16:45
Ruff_Wizard[m]ok, ty, i'll try16:45
siva_machinaI would assume that will be /home/username/Downloads/nameoffile16:45
siva_machinaoh.... you may need to add the filename at the end of the command as well16:48
Ruff_Wizard[m]it says "target is not a directory"16:49
Ruff_Wizard[m]shall I try with the filename?16:49
siva_machinaI just tested it. you don't16:50
Ruff_Wizard[m]do I need to put /computer/usr/lib/keepass2/Plugins as the directory siva_machina ?16:51
ducasseyou add the filename if you want to change it16:51
siva_machinasudo cp "home/username/Downloads/nameoffile" /usr/lib/keepass2/plugins16:52
swenssonWhat's wrong with this? Using it on my arch box but on ubuntu it messes stuff up... http://dpaste.com/2WRENA0   can't install something and can't really do anything usefull16:52
siva_machinaI think I by accidentaly put a space between / and usr before16:52
Ruff_Wizard[m]so I just separate the two directories with a space and not a / ?16:53
siva_machinajust make sure it looks like the second command I posted16:54
siva_machinawhat is in the quotes space then then next path16:55
siva_machinajust put mv or cp in front16:55
siva_machinaand sudo16:55
naccsiva_machina: Ruff_Wizard[m]: it might be better to teach Ruff_Wizard[m] what they are doinng16:55
naccrather than possibly typo-d commands16:55
Ruff_Wizard[m]it worked, thank you. now I need to work out whether the plugin will install16:55
siva_machinamv moves, cp copies16:55
Ruff_Wizard[m]nacc: that is true but I can only do that myself, I can't make you guys teach it to me over a support channel16:55
Ruff_Wizard[m]just telling me what to do takes long enough16:56
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: e.g., if using the terminal, you should know what cp and mv are, IMO.16:56
Ruff_Wizard[m]i think the plugin if for windows only, it says it requires a .net framework16:56
naccRuff_Wizard[m]: and how to call them, and what hte arguments meann16:56
naccotherwise, especially with sudo, you're just more likely to break your system on accident16:57
siva_machinaRuff_Wizard[m],  that is what mono is for16:58
Ruff_Wizard[m]I should already have that16:58
Ruff_Wizard[m]the error says it requires a newer .net framework16:58
Ruff_Wizard[m]idk if it can be updated or not16:59
siva_machinaThen it most likely will not work then.16:59
siva_machinaUnless somone else knows better16:59
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Dreamanflick flash browsers  google chrome firefox video17:10
naccDreaman: spamming the channel?17:15
Dreamanjust problem17:16
naccDreaman: that was not a sentence, let alone a problem.17:16
MenzadorDreaman: Would you by any chance mean "Flash videos in Chrome and Firefox flicker when I play them"?17:18
Dreamanuse intel 520 and nvidia 940 mx 4gb gddr5 and see some video17:18
Dreamanin you tube17:18
Dreamanhd uhd17:18
MenzadorSo it doesn't matter whether or not you're using your Intel HD 520 Graphics or your NVIDIA GeForce 940 MX?17:19
Dreamansome codecs ot paket to17:19
Dreaman520 processor17:19
DreamanGraphics:  Card-1: Intel HD Graphics 52017:20
Dreaman           Card-2: NVIDIA Device 179c17:20
Menzador(1) Flash is getting phased out, and (2) Adobe's Flash plugin is inside Canonical's "partner" repo17:21
Dreamanhahah flash17:22
Dreamanok no support17:23
BudgetSlugDoes anyone know of a software for school lab that will revert back to a specified state after reboot?17:26
naccBudgetSlug: revert what back?17:26
MenzadorWhat sort of specified state BudgetSlug ?17:26
BudgetSlugnacc: A clean state. Upon reboot the system boots to say a free install.17:27
naccBudgetSlug: use the live environment?17:28
BudgetSlugI'm thinking  build 15 computers all the same for a student lab. AFter the lab is done reboot to clear all the crap the students have messed with.17:28
MenzadorBudgetSlug: It sounds like a viable option might be to bundle software into a non-persistent Live image and boot from it every time you want to use that software. It may sound dumb...17:28
MenzadorOr you might just deploy a fresh system image from PXE17:29
MenzadorI know how to do this in Windows, but not in Linux :P17:29
BudgetSlugWhat is this called in windows?17:29
BudgetSlugI'm familiar with virtual desktops with a master image but I dont have that kind of hardware.17:30
MenzadorTemporary proflie17:30
MenzadorHow it's done on Windows 7, for reference - https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/81d25684-b707-41d0-b596-4e8b6dcd59d5/force-windows-7-temp-profile?forum=winserverDS17:31
MenzadorI'm sure there's a way if you have management software to smash data from a profile X days after log-off or restart17:32
BudgetSlugDeep Freeze is what I have found for windows but its hard to articulate.17:32
CRPLHello guys. Does budgie come with an alt-tab switcher now ?17:32
naccyou can probably use maas to redeploy a bunch of machines whenever you want, too17:32
BudgetSlugThanks for the help guys.17:33
kusfedorahi guys, how come xenial still offers me 17.04? is 17.10 not ready for upgrade users yet?17:34
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nacckusfedora: 16.04 -> 17.04 -> 17.1017:35
nacckusfedora: until 17.04 goes EOL, at least17:35
Jordan_Ukusfedora: You can't skip releases when upgrading (except LTS to LTS).17:35
Jordan_U!upgrade | kusfedora17:35
ubottukusfedora: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:35
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MenzadorJordan_U: No, it goes from 16.04 to 17.04, because 16.10 is EOL17:38
naccMenzador: you still can't skip supported releases, which I think was Jordan_U's poit17:40
auronandaceMenzador: you can't skip releases unless lts to lts, so it goes 16.04 to 16.10 to 17.04 to 17.10, yes 16.10 is eol17:40
geniiYou have to change the repos to old-releases, go to 16.10, dist-upgrade, change the repos back to archive and go to 17.04 -> 17.1017:41
naccgenii: hrm? you do't need to do that, you can go 16.04 -> 17.0417:41
naccthat is a supported upgrade path now17:41
naccand evetually 16.04 -> 17.10 will be as well17:42
geniiInteresting. It used to be you could only go LTS-LTS after the current LTS got to a for instance 18.04.117:42
naccgenii: yeah17:42
naccgenii: it was changed post 16.0417:43
* Menzador summons the people who built the release upgrade scripts17:43
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TJ-nacc: does that mean the .preinst/.postinst have to be aware of many previous versions?17:53
naccTJ-: i'm not entirely sure how it works, tbh17:54
TJ-nacc: hmmm. will have to find some documentation on that. It could be the cause of some very obscure release-upgrade issues17:55
naccTJ-: it's a good point, i know the upgrade path exists now (I was surprised by that), so it seems likely if you're assuming, e.g., the upgrade was fixed it he prior upgrade, and then you drop that postinst/preinst change17:56
naccTJ-: generally, though, we don't drop such things until the next LTS (which is like a bottleneck for all paths)17:56
nacc*after the next LTS17:56
naccTJ-: but i'm sure there are corner-cases, or buggy delta dropping17:56
TJ-nacc: right, but it implies if there are breaking ABI/API changes in <package> (e.g. internal DB schema changes) then the .preinst/.postinst will quickly accumulate an unmaintained/understandable matrix of upgrade tasks17:57
arooniis there something i need to do differently to get my symlink to behave as a regular directory?  for instance i have symlinked: ln -s ~/Documents/notes/ /Users/arooni/Documents/notes ;; yet when i do a ls on /Users/arooni/Documents/notes i just see that its a symlink but it doesnt list the files in ~/Documents/notes18:00
TJ-arooni: that sounds like you've got an alias set for 'ls' that is actually doing "ls -d"18:02
TJ-arooni: did you check the sym-link is valid and working? you can "cd $symlink" and so on?18:03
Jordan_Uarooni: You created /Users/arooni/Documents/? Are there any symlinks involved in that path (/Users/arooni/Documents/)? What is your end goal?18:08
arooniJordan_U: i did create those directories18:09
arooniJordan_U: get my vim bookmark plugin working across multiple machines; it stores bookmarks as asbolute paths unfortunately ; so i'm trying to symlink my local machine's directory to where they would be on my work machine18:10
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Jordan_Uarooni: What is the output of "readlink /Users/arooni/Documents/notes"?18:11
arooniJordan_U: /Users/arooni/Documents/notes18:13
Jordan_Uarooni: Then you have a recursive symlink, which is not good.18:17
aroonio;h noes18:17
Jordan_Uarooni: It looks like you really ran "ln -s /Users/arooni/Documents/notes /Users/arooni/Documents/notes".18:17
arooniyeah ; i thoughts thats what i'm supposed to do18:18
aroonido i need to create the directory /Users/arooni/Documents/notes firs t?18:18
Jordan_Uarooni: No.18:18
arooniwell the command i ran to do it was the ln -s ~/Documents/notes /Users/arooni/Documents/notes18:19
Jordan_Uarooni: Did you run that command from OSX or from Ubuntu?18:19
arooniJordan_U: from ubuntu18:19
aroonii manually created the /Users/arooni/Documents directories first on ubuntu18:20
Jordan_Uarooni: What is the output of "echo ~/Documents/notes"?18:20
arooniand made sure they were all arooni:arooni18:20
Jordan_Uarooni: I'm fairly certain that you're misrembering and actually ran ln from Ubuntu, because on Ubuntu "~/Documents/notes" *would* expand to "/Users/arooni/Documents/notes". Notice ln isn't storing "~/" in the path in the link, the shell expands "~/" to the path to your home directory before the argument gets passed to ln. (That's why echo, which knows nothing about paths at all, also prints18:23
Jordan_U/home/arooni/Documents/notes )18:23
Jordan_Uarooni: *Actually ran ln from OSX I mean.18:23
arooniwell youre saying i need to run it with absolute paths18:23
aroonifrom within ubuntu18:24
aroonii also am using fish18:24
arooniand some aliases; maybe that messes everything up18:24
Jordan_Uarooni: I'm not saying that you need to use absolute paths. I'm saying that you used a shell expansion which OSX expaned to an absolute path, and it wasn't the absolute path that you intended.18:25
alkisgJordan_U: "~" quoted remains "~", it needs to be unquoted to get expanded18:27
* alkisg hasn't read the rest though :D18:27
Jordan_Uarooni: Either you A: didn't run the ln command that you said you did, or B: you ran it on OSX rather than Ubuntu, or C: you ran it after having already done one of A or B, so that the wrong symlink already existed and your correct invocation of ln failed as the file already existed. I can't think of any other reasonable possibilities, including aliases or using fish. But no matter how you got here, the18:32
Jordan_Usolution is to run "rm -i /Users/arooni/Documents/notes" then run "ln -s ~/Documents/notes /Users/arooni/Documents/notes" from Ubuntu, or run "ln -s /home/arooni/Documents/notes /Users/arooni/Documents/notes" from either Ubuntu or OSX.18:32
arooniJordan_U: i think i got it working now after recreating18:33
aroonithanks for your help18:33
Jordan_Uarooni: You're welcome.18:34
BudgetSlugNo info from the bot?18:39
AmazingChicken_Hello looking for some advise on Live CD boot issue, Kernal Panic-not syncing: IO-APIC+Timer Doesn't Work!18:49
geniitry noapic18:49
alkisgAmazingChicken_: that might mean badly created stick, which tool did you use?18:49
AmazingChicken_Created DVD with Win1018:50
AmazingChicken_Check was good18:50
alkisgWhat is the message of kernel panic?18:50
alkisgThat IO-APIC+TImer message?18:50
AmazingChicken_Alkisg, yes it is18:51
AmazingChicken_There's a call trace but I'm ignorant of its meaning18:51
alkisgOK sorry try passing noapic like genii said18:51
alkisgIn the boot menu, press f6 to edit boot options18:52
AmazingChicken_OK this is on a dvd image; I'm not good with editing files and can I even do that on it?18:52
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:52
alkisgSee a how-to edit parameters there, but don't put nomodeset, put noapic18:52
TJ-AmazingChicken_: I suspect you've got an ACPI issue there, due to a newer kernel that is more strict in it's ACPI interpreter. The result is the Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller isn't bein correctly initialised18:53
AmazingChicken_OK I will try that!  Thank you.18:53
alkisgBetter documentation on boot options there: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions18:53
AmazingChicken_it IS a very old machine18:53
geniiJust follow the nomodeset instructions to insert the option at boot time, but use noapic18:53
TJ-AmazingChicken_: during boot from the LiveISO it waits for you to press a key to get to the menu. There, there are options to edit the command line (Advanced)18:54
AmazingChicken_But, I've had ubuntu on it for like, five years18:54
AmazingChicken_Whoa!  It just booted.18:54
AmazingChicken_See, I had to go find a new source of info....I did not do a thing.18:54
AmazingChicken_I now have the boot menu for the first time18:55
AmazingChicken_....and it just came around to the error again.  I'll try the options to edit the command line as noted above.18:56
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naccTJ-: (was afk), it won't be a matrix (aiui), it'll be a sequence of versioned migrations19:29
TJ-nacc: right, a waterfall.19:33
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ezzzhello all19:34
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ecdheI'd like to run `dconf write' from an SSH session as a user who is not logged in to the local ubuntu16 DE.  But I get an error: error: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY19:41
ecdheHow can I get `dconf write' to work over ssh?19:41
brainwashset $DISPLAY19:42
TJ-ecdhe: ssh -X ... ?19:42
_DerAlex_Hello everyone, i need a little support. My Fresh Ubuntu Server 17.10 with LVM, UEFI, GRUB and plymouth has a little problem. The plymouth bootscreen disapearse and give me a warning: "WARNING: Failed to connect to lvmetad. Falling back to internal scanning.". No Filesystems are encrypted. Has anyone a solution to fix this?19:44
ecdhebrainwash: the command completes when I "set DISPLAY'!  But it doesn't take effect.19:44
ecdhebrainwash: I take that back19:45
brainwashecdhe: problem solved then?19:46
ecdhebrainwash: I had issued them on the same line.  When I corrected my syntax, I still get the same failure from dconf.19:47
modpwhen you install ubuntu, it asks if you'd like to encrypt the installation with a passphrase. is there a way to make it use a TPM in conjunction with that?19:48
brainwashecdhe: in that case I would expect a different error19:48
ecdheerror: Error spawning command line 'dbus-launch --autolaunch=asdfasdfasdf --binary-syntax --close-stderr': Child process exited with code 119:50
ecdheasdf==long UID truncated19:50
ecdheactually, it's probably my dbus machine ID19:51
Gallomimiamodp: i suppose you could change the crypto container later to have a key which requires your tpm instead of the passphrase?19:52
Gallomimiait's LUKS by the way19:52
Gallomimiai'm not familiar with TPM's at all.19:53
Gallomimiai've read about LUKS a bit. used it19:53
TJ-modp: it's not been added into the cryptsetup package, but it is possible to integrate using tpm-tools (or tpm2-tools)19:57
modpalright...so it would just have to be done after the installation20:00
TJ-!info trousers | modp: you'd need this package too20:00
ubottumodp: you'd need this package too: trousers (source: trousers): open-source TCG Software Stack (daemon). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.14+fixed1-1 (artful), package size 122 kB, installed size 441 kB20:00
TJ-modp: right. You'd own the TPM store, add the key, mount it in shared-memory, use that as the keyfile for cryptsetup/LUKS.20:01
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Gallomimiai suggest you learn quite a lot about how LUKS containers work before entrusting this to any kind of work related information modp. it's quite easy to lose data, and its quite easy to drop the keys in some place where an attacker can get them20:18
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modpyeah...not sure if it'll mess with it or not20:21
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kusfedorai took a hard disk from a working computer and put it in a hp netbook from 2009 but it says acpi power button pwrb20:22
geniikusfedora: acpi=force20:25
TJ-modp: i've been using LUKS with key-files for around 10 years now; never lost access. The LUKS header has several slots so you can use multiple pass-phrases/key-files - enabling you to keep a master emergency unlock pass-phrase/key-file somewhere20:27
kusfedoragenii: I don't see where to do that after I press e20:29
geniiAppended to the end of the kernel line20:30
jiqirenwhere can i see the logs for this channel? sometime last week (or more?) i was asking a question about kernel packages and I don't remember all the answers20:30
_DerAlex_Hello everyone, i need a little support. My Fresh Ubuntu Server 17.10 with LVM, UEFI, GRUB and plymouth has a little problem. The plymouth bootscreen disapearse and give me a warning: "WARNING: Failed to connect to lvmetad. Falling back to internal scanning.". No Filesystems are encrypted. Has anyone a solution to fix this?20:30
jiqiren(found) irclogs.ubuntu.com20:31
kusfedoraso after hint-baremetal=ahcio,msdos1, ... add --acpi=force? or no --20:31
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geniikusfedora: Exactly, yes20:31
geniibut no dashes20:31
kusfedorabut i got the acpi powr button pwrb again20:32
ioriakusfedora, not recommended , but try   acpi=off20:34
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kusfedoranope, still stuck >_>20:37
ioriakusfedora, paste the kernel boot line (if you can)20:38
Jordan_Ukusfedora: You need to add kernel parameters to the end of the line that starts with "linux", not to the end of the line that starts with "search".20:39
kusfedoraI can look at the screen and type it20:39
ioriakusfedora, https://www.howtoforge.com/images/kernel_boot-parameter_edit/big/pic_3.jpg20:39
kusfedoraah thanks I did it wrong20:39
ioriawhere yoi see linux ...20:40
kusfedoraI see it now20:40
FurretUberHi, I have bought a new mouse. I noticed a problem with lshw: https://pastebin.com/QTWLezA320:40
FurretUberWhen in my language (Brazilian Portuguese) it shows different parameters than in English20:41
kusfedoraacpi bios bug error (bug): \_SB.PCI0._OSC: Excess arguments - ASL declared 5, ACPI requires 4 (20160930/nsarguments-189)20:41
FurretUberIt shows this dmesg message when i connect the mouse: [    2.597992] usbhid 1-1:1.1: couldn't find an input interrupt endpoint20:42
FurretUberBut it is working, apparently, fine20:42
kusfedoralinux /vmlinux-4.10.0-35-generic root=/dev/mapper/neon--vg-root ro  quiet splash $vt_handoff20:43
kusfedoraah looks like it is booting after I put acpi=off after handoff. what does it do?20:44
kusfedoralike turns off power management?20:44
ioriakusfedora, please, try acpi=force20:45
kusfedoraI did but it was stuck on the bug line20:45
ioriakusfedora, in the correct place, i mean20:45
kusfedorayeah, i did that once you pointed my error (:20:46
kusfedoraoh I am stuck at started forward password requests to plymouth directory watch now20:46
kusfedorabut I got farther than I did before. I don't care about the data on the hard disk but this netbook is old and I am trying to see if I can get it to boot anything at all20:47
ioriawe got that20:47
kusfedorawill try rebooting again with acpi=force20:48
kusfedoraok so this time I will try it on linux /vmlinux-4.10.0-35-generic root=/dev/mapper/neon--vg-root ro recovery nomodeset acpi=force20:50
kusfedoranope, got acpi power button [pwrf] again20:51
TJ-kusfedora: that's not an error; that's just an informational message from the kernel. There's something else (in the background) causing the freeze21:01
TJ-kusfedora: try adding "debug" to the kernel command line - you'll get much more information21:02
kusfedoradoes the order matter?21:04
TJ-kusfedora: no21:04
kusfedorai only get to pwrb with the main option and pwrf with the recovery option21:05
alkisgCan you upload a screenshot from e.g. a mobile phone?21:06
kusfedoratsc: Marking TSC unstable due to TSC halts in idle state deeper than C221:06
kusfedorayes give me a minute21:06
TJ-kusfedora: lots of things going on simultaneously as the kernel starts; the last message(s)  aren't always the clue. If there is one, it may be many lines before that21:07
kusfedorabut the screen scrolls so fast I can't show you everything :(21:07
alkisgsometimes videos help :)21:08
kusfedoramaybe a video?21:08
TJ-kusfedora: if it is stopping/pausing, snapshot it then21:08
TJ-kusfedora: if the refresh rate is fast on the camera, else in my experience it can just be a blur when you freeze-frame it21:08
kusfedorano, it is just a nexus 5 phone :)21:10
kusfedorahttps://youtu.be/6tXWRnWPwSA https://youtu.be/Govk6uIL_uE21:16
alexashave a tty running remote ssh sesion, if connection drops how can i cancel it in it to restart the process?21:18
TJ-alexas: press [Enter] to start a new line, then type ~.21:21
alexasTJ-: thanks, I will try but as far as I remember when it happens keybindings simply didn't work, although I have not tried ~, thanks.21:22
TJ-alexas: that is the SSH escape sequence to break in and take control. the . causes the connection to be dropped locally21:23
alexasthanks again, sounds that this is what is needed21:23
TJ-alexas: see "man 1 ssh" and "ESCAPE CHARACTERS"21:24
alexasTJ-: reading it right now!21:25
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caturdayhello all21:30
kusfedorahi, i got to recovery menu (filesystem status: read-only)21:30
caturdayi'm trying to install a .deb, not from the apt repo. the sequence `dpkg -i <package>.deb; apt-get install -f; dpkg -i <package>.deb` used to work correctly21:31
caturdaynow, dpkg complains that some of my dependencies are not going to be installed, though they exist in apt21:31
kusfedorabut I am always stuck at Started Dispatch Password Requests to Console Directory Watch21:31
caturdaythen all `apt-get install -f` offers is to remove the package i just tried to install with dpkf21:32
caturdaywhat gives?21:32
caturdayit turns out that ONE of the dependent packages was also one of mine, and was not yet installed21:33
caturdaythat's a really silly way of handling things...21:33
kusfedoraTJ I found https://askubuntu.com/questions/772494/stuck-on-ubuntu-installation-trial-started-dispatch-password-requests which says I should also add intel_idle.max_cstate=1 what do you think?21:33
John0`Hello? Can someone help me out?21:54
jac76John0,  I popped up my chat screen to see the question "Can someone help me out?" and I wonder what is it they need help with.  The question seems a bit broad.22:13
geniijac76: They left about 37 seconds afterwards22:15
jac76Oh,.... I was going to offer numbers for a lottery ticket.  I figured that would be a good answer for the question.22:16
jac76I do have a specific question,  Has any one used the anti-virus program Clam-AV? and has the program worked well for them?22:18
Richard_CavellYes, and yes22:19
Richard_CavellAlthough it basically never finds anything if you're on Linux22:19
jac76Well, it did find things that it reported as possible trojans but it pointed to .txt files and .doc files of novels and such...22:21
jac76And 12 files in Firefox's cache directory.22:21
kostkonjac76, 99.999999% false positives22:23
jac76yes, which seemed to devalue the program's "trust-ability" as it were.  So I felt a need to ask others if they trust it?22:24
jac76Maybe I should ask the question in a different way,  has anyone experienced Clam-AV finding a malicious program?22:26
jac76The reason I am pursuing this is that someone appears to have hacked my bank account using my password to apparently pay their bills.  My Ubuntu system is the only thing I ever use to access that bank account and I am desperately trying to figure out how they did it!!22:29
geniiPerhaps they directly used your computer22:31
jac76I was hoping that Clam-AV would find something but everything it found seems to have been a red haring.22:32
LeransI've a little question. What diferences I can to find with Ubuntu and OpenSuse into WSL?22:32
TJ-jac76: do you have evidence from your bank account statement that indicates what dates/times such payments were made? maybe you can correlate that to actions/logins/etc on your PC22:32
nacc!ubuwin | Lerans22:32
ubottuLerans: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide22:32
jac76I have information that it was done on the 20th of October.  They did not give me times, but I was home all day that particular day.22:34
geniijac76: Were you doing something tricky to access your bank site, like running IE under WINE?22:34
jac76And I live by myself.22:34
jac76I don't have WINE on my system22:34
jac76solid linux system22:35
jac76no stinking windows22:35
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jac76experience has led me to dislike windows, if you couldn't tell.22:35
geniijac76: It's also a possibility that your computer is fine but they brute-force or guessed your password by attacking the bank's computer22:36
geniiBut only their admins would know, after looking at logs22:36
kostkonjac76, have you contacted your bank? They might be able to tell you what happened.22:37
jac76The money that took was done in a strange manor as well,... a payment on a credit card, a payment on a T-mobile phone and a $100 to a charity and such, not what I would typically associate with normal fraudulent use.22:38
kostkonChileStuff, hi22:39
TJ-jac76: were the payments all using the Direct Debit system?22:39
ChileStuffGreetings denizens22:39
jac76yes, hmmmm... well,... through a bill payer program.22:39
TJ-jac76: because it's well know it's possible to set up DDs with only the account holder name and sort/account number.22:39
TJ-jac76: it could be as silly as someone else mistyping their own account number22:40
ChileStuffI just DLd 17.10 but have only palyed with it briefly. Can anyone offer a linux virgin any advice, (be gentle, it's my first time)22:40
TJ-jac76: most online DD authorisuations for regular bill payments don't require any confirmation from you to your bank directly - not like when you had to sign the DD authorisation on paper22:41
naccChileStuff: just ask your support questio, please22:41
TJ-jac76: you definitely need to harrass your bank over this, and mention the Banking Ombudsman as well (assuming you're in the UK)22:41
Bashing-om!manual | ChileStuff22:42
ubottuChileStuff: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:42
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jac76I told the bank person that I had on the phone that it sounded more like a computer error that an actual attempt at fraud, but he said that they would have had to have had my password.!!22:42
ChileStuffIf only it were that easy ... I don't knoe enough to know what to ask22:42
TJ-ChileStuff: explore :) don't be afraid to use the command-line in a terminal. And know that most (command line) tools have help available via "man <program-name>"22:42
ChileStuffSo no big diff between 16.4 and 17.1?22:43
naccChileStuff: uh? what?22:43
naccChileStuff: how was that the conclusion you reached22:43
naccChileStuff: also, 17.10, not 17.1.22:43
ChileStuffThe manual says it's for 16.422:43
naccChileStuff: and 16.04, not 16.422:44
naccChileStuff: for the basics of what Ubuntu is, there's no difference, yes; sorry, I misunderstood your question22:44
ChileStuffShorthand ... I type reaql slow22:44
ChileStuffAnd not real good :/22:44
naccChileStuff: they are actual version numbers, so it's important to use the actual values22:44
Bashing-omChileStuff: Garden and a hoe : Way back when grampaw gave you a hoe and told you to hoe out the strawberries . well you did not know how to use a hoe .. a few days of use .. and you knew . same with linux .. use it :)22:45
ChileStuffFYI, last time  used command line was DOS 4.0, and I wasn't any good then either22:45
jac76So, in any case, the bank person's insistence that they had gotten their hands on my password is what has me on a war path trying to find out how.22:46
ChileStuffWell, when I started using computers, hard drives were 4" thick, 40 Meg, and "MY GAWD! Who will *ever* use that much space?"22:46
naccChileStuff: and depending on your use case, you may not need the cli22:47
ChileStuffBut I'm old and slow, so GUI is my best friend22:47
jac76When I first started working on computers disk platters were 11 inches in diameter and 10 of them stacked on top of each other made a "disk pack" and it stored only 200 MB.22:48
naccChileStuff: jac76: while that's all very nice, please keep chitchat to a minimum. Support topics only, please.22:49
ChileStuffA fellow old fart! WooHoo!22:49
naccthere is #ubuntu-discuss and #ubuntu-offtopic of other discussio22:49
jac76Nacc, sorry, I saw a kindred old fart and couldn't help myself.22:52
naccjac76: it's ok :)22:52
ChileStuffjac76 go to -discuss22:54
=== WiWoWasWozu is now known as WieWoWasWozu
diverdudeHi, when i try to install via apt-get i get this error: E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock directory /var/cache/apt/archives/23:02
diverdudewhat am i doing wrong?23:02
TJ-diverdude: it's possible some other apt tool is running in the background23:02
diverdudeTJ-: i was in the middle of installing mysql before when i had to go and then ssh timed out...and now that error comes23:03
TJ-diverdude: probably that left some apt/ dpkg processes hanging ding configuration. check with ps -efly | egrep '(dpkg|apt)'23:05
diverdudeTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25882780/23:06
diverdudeTJ-: what does that mean23:09
TJ-diverdude: looks like you've got dpkg-preconfigure that died and left the chain of it's callers hanging. Do "sudo kill -KILL 6302 6301 "23:10
diverdudeTJ-:  i still get the same error23:11
diverdudeE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?23:11
TJ-diverdude: that *should* let things move on a bit; it  may however then get stuck on another step since it's not running in your current ssh session. If that does get stuck then we'll have to kill all the other services23:11
TJ-diverdude: OK, let's recheck the process list with "pastebinit <( ps -efly | egrep '(apt|dpkg)'  ) "23:12
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:14
TJ-diverdude: "sudo kill -KILL 7349 7343 7337 6296 6295"23:14
diverdudeTJ-: ahhh that helped23:14
TJ-diverdude: OK, don't run this last command then23:15
Demoscan I allow someone to run a command that will cancel automatic reboots for the duration of a job?23:15
diverdudeTJ-: yeah...i didnt23:15
diverdudeTJ-: installing my packages now23:15
TJ-diverdude: great :)23:15
diverdudeTJ-: thx man23:15
tomreynDemos: automatic reboots? did you enable that option for unattended-upgrades?23:31
LabMonkeyI started an EC2 t2.micro instance of the most recent AMI in us-east-1 matching "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-*".  The instance seems to come up just fine.  I provided a #cloud-config in UserData specifying a non-root user as a member of wheel with sudo access and provided an ssh-authorized-keys setting for it from my generated key pair.  Trying to SSH into the box gives me "server refused our key".23:31
LabMonkeyIf I try to login as root I get a message that I should login as "NONE" instead of "root", and logging in as "NONE" brings me right back to the "Server refused our key" error23:32
Demostomreyn: I didn't, but I want to23:41
Demosthis system is used for extremely long running jobs though (it's got more ram than disk)23:41
Demosso I'd like to give the users the option to not have their job killed23:41
euxnekshowdy! How hard is it to install ubuntu over linux mint while retaining all data in the /home directory?23:41
Demoseuxneks: what's your filesystem23:42
euxneksext4 I think23:42
Demosdo you have lvm or home on a different partition23:42
euxneksno it is on the same partition23:42
chodive /home as a seperate physical disc23:42
Demosthat should be no problem23:42
Demosthe partitioner in the ubuntu installer is not the best though23:43
Demosbut it will tell you if it's about to wipe the disk23:43
euxneksI have the option to copy home to an external drive (which I will do regardless) but I was wondering if it was simple to just install ubuntu without wiping the /home directory23:43
Demosit should be easy23:43
Demosand if it's not you can replace the home dir after the fact (assuming the same usernames)23:44
euxneksI will copy my home directory in any case23:44
tomreynDemos: i'm not aware of any existing mechanisms to delay reboots initiated by unattended-upgrades.23:45
tomreyn(but you could surely write this, shoul dnot be too hard. the hard part would be making it work reliably and debuggable.)23:47

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