
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> Hmmm..... https://cgit.kde.org/liquidshell.git/10:51
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> https://github.com/KDE/liquidshell10:52
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> https://youtu.be/oSnqpUywA3E10:52
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @Sick_Rimmit tonight will be steamed live on youtube?10:59
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I hope so, need to speak with @ovidiuflorin and @ahoneybun to set it up, as I don't have enough bandwidth here11:55
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> Ok. was going to post on the forums in a bit, but maybe better not promise that just in case11:59
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @acheronuk @CliffordTheBigRedDoggie Objections to kopying the Xenial stuff to Backports?17:45
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @tsimonq2 not from me. not really got testing feedback, so I think now we push it and fix anything then if it should become apparent?18:17
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Yeah, because this is when we announced it would be released, so I think we should follow through18:17
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Let me prep an announcement real quick18:17
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @acheronuk http://paste.ubuntu.com/25889207/20:11
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> ack20:12
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Please use the same formatting as the last announcement, with the title of "Plasma 5.8.8 LTS and Krita now in Xenial Backports PPA"20:12
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @tsimonq2 please check https://kubuntu.org/news/plasma-5-8-8-lts-and-krita-3-3-2-1-now-in-xenial-backports-ppa/20:17
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> wfm20:17
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> :)20:17
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> :D20:17
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @acheronuk, Booooo! FTBFS on 1st try20:24
mparilloI successfully tested 5.8.8 from -landing on a VM. I will fire up real HW to test the regular kubuntu PPA.20:39
tsimonq2mparillo: Well it's already moved over ;)20:40
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> kittens are dying as we speak20:40
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> actually that sounds bad :/20:41
mparilloRight, but better to have a 'friendly' tester first.20:41
valorieCafe Live in BB!21:03
mparilloSuccessful test on real HW. I will G+ https://kubuntu.org/news/plasma-5-8-8-lts-and-krita-3-3-2-1-now-in-xenial-backports-ppa/21:27
mparilloIs the audio on BBB a bit choppy?21:36
valoriefrom Rick, sometimes yeah21:36
mparilloLTS Backports FB'd23:38
valoriemparillo: thank you!23:48
clivejomeeting over?23:58

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