
CubeyIs anyone familiar with this bug on eeepc netbooks with 17.10? This comes up on login. If you suspend and bring it back up, it self corrects. https://i.stack.imgur.com/WQ23G.jpg02:37
CubeyBut it’s  a little annoying to do that02:37
krytarikCubey: LP bug 1724639, try the "GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=text" workaround.02:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1724639 in linux (Ubuntu) "Bug in Kernel 4.13 : Intel Mobile Graphics 945 shows 80 % black screen" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172463902:40
Cubey_That worked. Thank you very much.02:49
=== lynn_ is now known as gryphon
=== ErichEickmeyer_ is now known as ErichEickmeyer
ubuntufaultyI am having problem downloading ubuntu iso from ubuntu website11:57
ubuntufaultyI can't join #ubuntu channel11:57
ubuntufaultyit mention; download was interrupted12:00
ubuntufaultyI tried resuming.12:00
ubuntufaultystill download interrupted12:00
Albertestoy intentando instalar lubuntu pero me da problemas12:40
Albertalguien sabe ayudar?12:40
Albertsomebody to help me installing lubuntu?12:41
cristian_cAlbert: ok, but for spanish language there is #ubuntu-es12:46
cristian_canyway, describe your problem here, so anyone could answer you12:47
=== WieWoWasWozu is now known as hggdh
=== hggdh is now known as WieWoWasWozu
ciemashello every body16:28
ciemasis there any 1 living?16:32
ciemashello again16:32
krytarikciemas: Do you have a support question?16:32
ciemasyes please16:32
ciemasif be so kinf16:32
krytarikThen just ask it.16:33
ciemasso sorry, last time i use irc over 20 years ago16:33
ciemasok .16:33
ciemashave lubuntu 16.04.3 LTS16:34
ciemasto connection: 1'st to internet via  wifi wlp16s0 interface16:35
ciemasand second via inet enp0s25 to local NAS server16:35
ciemasso when i plug the ether cable to socket wi-fi interface is going down16:37
ciemasi don't know why16:37
ciemascause on another laptopo i have16:37
ciemasi can handle both connection16:38
ciemasat the same time16:39
ciemasany sugestion?16:41
krytarikNot particularly myself, but stick around so others might help.16:43
JohnDoe_71Rusthen you plug  ether cable  system automaticaly set gateway to new connection16:45
JohnDoe_71Rusput on NAS to one net with wi-fi16:45
ciemasJon thx but it's not my point as wifi is really slow comparing to lan16:46
ciemashere is routing table from my second laptop wich doesn't put wifi down16:47
ciemasciemas@wrona:~$ route16:47
ciemasKernel IP routing table16:47
ciemasDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface16:47
ciemasdefault         netiaspot.home         UG    600    0        0 wlp4s016:47
ciemas192.168.1.0     *        U     600    0        0 wlp4s016:47
JohnDoe_71Rusthen google how to manage 2 connections16:47
ciemasJon I prefer duck... then google16:48
JohnDoe_71Rusit does not matter, though the bing16:48
ciemasreturnig to subject, I suspect something is trigering "hardware swicht" makeing wlp4s0 down while connecting cable to enp5s0 but can't find it16:52
ciemashere is dmesg16:55
ciemas[ 2053.801709] e1000e: enp0s25 NIC Link is Up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex, Flow Control: Rx/Tx16:55
ciemas[ 2053.801890] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): enp0s25: link becomes ready16:55
ciemas[ 2054.420520] iwl4965 0000:10:00.0: RF_KILL bit toggled to disable radio.16:55
ciemas[ 2054.420613] wlp16s0: deauthenticating from 00:12:2a:83:d1:f8 by local choice (Reason: 3=DEAUTH_LEAVING)16:55
ciemas[ 2054.423655] iwl4965 0000:10:00.0: Not sending command - RF KILL16:55
JohnDoe_71Rus file /etc/network/interfacer some like iface eth0 inet auto16:55
krytarik!paste | ciemas16:55
ubottuciemas: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:55
ciemaskry: sorry, did I done something wrong ?16:57
JohnDoe_71Rusyou need to solve the problem, the second connection changes the gateway to your own. It is necessary to leave the old16:57
ciemasi don't know how to find the case of: [ 2054.420520] iwl4965 0000:10:00.0: RF_KILL bit toggled to disable radio.16:58
ciemasJohn: ok I understan but don't know how to find what is trigering RF_KILL bit or how to disable sesitivity for trigering RF_KILL bit17:05
ciemasespecialy that the on second my laptop I have both connection opend17:07
ciemashello, i'm  looking for any lubuntu gooru who can help with wi-fi interface17:15
krytarikciemas: If you don't get enough help here, you can try in the main #ubuntu channel as well - but you'll have to register a nick to join there.17:17
ciemasKry: thx a lot can U help me how to register nick in #ubuntu?17:24
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.17:24
ciemasi used irc over 20 y ago17:24
ciemasok thx again17:24
=== lynn_ is now known as gryphon
=== jirido_ is now known as jirido
WubWubSo, I'm downloading Lubuntu to install onto my pc. Any help from there without a disc drive?20:07
WubWubwml? Can you help?20:12
tsimonq2WubWub: Try #ubuntu :)20:12
WubWub@tsimonq2 Why?20:13
ygorHello guys. Anyone can help? I am using a laptop with no hdd, and using lubuntu on a flashdisk. Trying to use gParted but keeps scanning all devices 4ever..any clues? No floppy issues on bios23:37

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