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Unit193 | eblip, eb0t: Hi. | 03:53 |
WieWoWasWozu | I thinkkwe can, pretty much, just kick them | 03:55 |
Unit193 | Just seeing if we can actually catch 'em. | 03:56 |
WieWoWasWozu | ebilp, eb0t, def_jam, all the same | 03:57 |
WieWoWasWozu | perhaps the best chance to catch them is via kick, unfrtunately | 03:59 |
dax | hrm, just noticed them active in another channel two minutes ago. | 04:31 |
dax | if they don't take the hint this time, i suggest a... stronger hint | 04:31 |
WieWoWasWozu | yep | 04:31 |
=== WieWoWasWozu is now known as hggdh | ||
eb0t | test | 15:35 |
eb0t | hey there is an issue that ubuntu needs to sort out...firstly you need to look at ikonia ban list | 15:36 |
eb0t | and then you need to realise he/she is banning everyone and anyone that answers back when ikonia butts into their helping other users | 15:36 |
eb0t | ikonia thinks tehy are all knowing and basically is just a basic linux user | 15:37 |
eb0t | tell ikonia to stay out of my busienss when i am helping other | 15:37 |
eb0t | it has nothing whatsoever to do with her | 15:38 |
eb0t | and i think you need to remove ..permanently her/his powers in the channel | 15:38 |
eb0t | and i want an appology | 15:38 |
eb0t | if you want look at the transcript of when she banned me | 15:38 |
eb0t | and you will see ...it was him/her just butting in and trying to act condescending about other users who are fixing something she couldnt | 15:39 |
eb0t | you need to understand ubuntu is a channel not for ikonia ..but for all ubuntu users | 15:39 |
eb0t | drill that point home to the complete despot | 15:40 |
eb0t | plus put her on ignore permanently for me | 15:40 |
eb0t | or is ikonia running this channel also ? | 15:41 |
eb0t | no wonder ubuntu is on the decline | 15:41 |
hggdh | eb0t: hello. Please keep the rant to a minimum so that we can figure out what happened/is happening | 15:42 |
hggdh | eb0t: I see you were banned from #ubuntu. I also see there is a history going back at least 3 years | 15:45 |
eb0t | yes ikonia has me marked | 15:45 |
hggdh | no, not only ikonia | 15:45 |
eb0t | it is bullying...but i refuse to be bullied | 15:45 |
hggdh | and, frankly, your responses did not help any | 15:46 |
hggdh | refusing to be bullied does not allow you to bully others | 15:46 |
eb0t | read the transcript | 15:46 |
hggdh | I did | 15:47 |
eb0t | you can see her trying to patronise my helping others | 15:47 |
eb0t | with a condescending attitute | 15:47 |
eb0t | like i have to explain myself to her | 15:47 |
hggdh | I can see ikonia trying to tell you why your responses did not help. I also see other ops having a similar problem with you | 15:47 |
eb0t | when the issue has got nothing whatsoever to do with her...apart from the fact she had tried and failed to fix the issue | 15:47 |
=== hggdh is now known as WieWoWasWozu | ||
WieWoWasWozu | eb0t: the question is not if the issue relates to ikonia or not. The question is why ask for random actions? | 15:50 |
WieWoWasWozu | a question put to the channel can be answered by anyone. There is no "owner" | 15:50 |
WieWoWasWozu | samewise, there is no "ikonia banlist". There are channel bans. Any ops can add a ban, or remove a ban | 15:52 |
eb0t | they may be random to ikonia | 15:52 |
WieWoWasWozu | eb0t: please stop fixating on ikonia. Instead, let's look at *why* you have been banned again and again, at least from 2014 onwards | 15:53 |
eb0t | in fact what has it to do with ikonia in the first place | 15:53 |
WieWoWasWozu | I do not know --you came here with a rather long list of issues with ikonia | 15:56 |
WieWoWasWozu | so | 15:56 |
WieWoWasWozu | let's try it again: why do you think you have been removed from the #ubuntu channel so many times? | 15:56 |
WieWoWasWozu | and please do not answer stating it is ikonia | 15:58 |
WieWoWasWozu | BRB -- phone call | 15:58 |
eb0t | who knows.? | 16:17 |
eb0t | either way ...ban me permanently or just tell the banners to grow up. | 16:17 |
eb0t | as long as i know ...then all will be well | 16:18 |
eb0t | this ban for this ban for that....is just kids games | 16:18 |
eb0t | i cant be doing with it...that is why i am here...either put a stop to it or ill be on my way | 16:18 |
eb0t | either way is fine by me...ill just change my family computers to mint..they need something easy and straight out the box | 16:19 |
eb0t | or they can stick to ubuntu | 16:20 |
eb0t | personally i dont mind | 16:20 |
WieWoWasWozu | eb0t: this is your right. But I see no reason to reconsider the ban so far | 17:17 |
eb0t | haha another guy who thinks he is running the world | 17:59 |
eb0t | you are a small person with a smaller mind | 17:59 |
eb0t | just like your friend ikonia | 17:59 |
eb0t | you can keep your little easy distro all for yourself | 17:59 |
eb0t | good riddance to you | 18:00 |
WieWoWasWozu | OK. | 18:00 |
el | oh right the guy who insists on calling ikonia "her" | 20:03 |
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