
=== StatutoryApe is now known as LabMonkey
jac76euxneks: if it's not to late, and not knowing how many users are on your "mint" system, you might want to keep a copy of the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files to make sure your users get back the same "uid" and "gid" numbers.01:10
jac76The file header info on files store user numbers not the actual user names.  Names are interpreted from the numbers.01:20
SnowieHi all. Upgrade 16.04 to 17.04 and have the no mouse keyboard issue. Trying to fix that and I have a DNS issue. Trying to enable networking in recovery tells me cannot find resolved.conf and even manually creating it didn't seem to work. Can ping my router and google.dns but can't get this thing resolving names. Any advice?02:09
Snowie*resolv.conf damn android autocorrect02:09
SnowieSorry, also 16.10 to 17.04. can't blame autocorrect for that02:10
Bashing-omSnowie: Maybe: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2358660 .02:20
SnowieThanks, will take a look02:21
getyngeIs there a way to reconfigure input devices on 17.10 (wayland)?  I'm using x11 right now and I have a config that treats my touchscreen digitizer as a wacom pen, which I then change the writing behavior of to fix some issues I've been having with my pen.  The pen works fine in x11 but I want to be able to use wayland instead, namely for DPI scaling02:22
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SnowieMethods 1 and 2 no joy. Can't do 3 as need GUI and have no keyboard or mouse there. Recovery mode when choosing enable networking gives error grep: /etc/resolved.conf: no such file or directory02:29
SnowieAt that point I can ping gateway and but not resolve any names.02:30
Bashing-omSnowie: ' ls -al /etc/resolv.conf ' . where I expect a symlink to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf .02:35
SnowieNo synlink that I see. How to add please?02:37
SnowieLink is to /var/run/Network manager/resolv.conf02:38
SnowieExcuse the autocorrect02:38
SnowieI guess that's the issue? I don't have that file in /run on my system either though :(02:39
Bashing-omSnowie: Humm .. I do not have access to 17.04++ so can not verify that 16.04 (my install ) is the dame : " ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf " .. that is a different path than yours !02:40
SnowieYeah, 17.04 switched to systemd's resolver is what I'm reading. What a PITA! Not bashing systemd, just frustrated.02:41
Bashing-omSnowie: ' ls -al /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf ' shows what ?02:41
SnowieThink I'm due for a clean install anyway. This must be my 3rd dist-upgrade on this box.02:42
jac76I have installed 17.10 on an old netbook, booting....  I'll check02:42
SnowieIt doesn't exist, but I'll double check.02:42
Bashing-omjac76: :) ... thanks .02:42
SnowieCannot access: no such file or directory02:43
Bashing-omSnowie: ^^ we await jac76 results  .02:43
jac76in /etc I have a soft link named resolv.conf pointing to ../run/systemd/resolve.stub-resolv.conf02:44
jac76oops resolve/stub-resolv.conf02:45
SnowieHaha. Thanks for your help guys. Really just want to get back to playing F1 2017 lol. I upgraded as recommended. Should have known, I've been way too lucky with this system. First real problem I've had02:45
SnowieOk, let me check if that exists on my system first02:46
SnowieWait /etc/run... No run directory in etc here???02:47
jac76the ".." means go up a directory level02:48
jac76so "../run" means that "run" is at the same level as etc, not under etc02:48
SnowieOk. In /run/systemd there is no folder called resolve02:49
SnowieCircular loop lol, can't install if can't resolve and can't resolve if can't install it seems02:50
Bashing-omSnowie: " sysop@x1604:~$ ls -al /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf >> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 172 Nov  3 11:43 /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf02:51
SnowieOnly thing in that folder is is another folder called "interface"02:52
SnowieNo other file there at all.02:53
oerhekschanges do no good, without systemctl restart resolvconf02:53
Bashing-omSnowie: Suspicious, but I can not confirm .02:54
jac76The file " stub-resolv.conf" has the following comments02:54
jac76This file is managed by man:systemd-resolved(8). Do not edit02:54
jac76run "systemd-resolve --status" to see details about the actual nameservers."02:55
jac76then it has an entry of "nameserver"02:56
twistedlineanyone know how I can fix these giant gnome-shell notification icons https://i.imgur.com/3bXMjhN.png02:56
twistedlineits so annoying02:56
jac76snowie: do a "ps ax | grep systemd"03:01
jac76see if there is a "systemd-resolved" process running03:01
jac76that is apparently the new DNS resolver03:02
jac76Apparently a whole lot has changed in 17.10 regarding setting up networks see this link "https://websiteforstudents.com/configuring-static-ips-ubuntu-17-10-servers/"03:13
jac76according to this web site tutorial you creat/edit a file named "/etc/netplan/*.yaml"03:25
jac76once you insert the correctly formatted information into that file you then run a tool "sudo netplan apply" which sets up all the related network files.03:25
jac76so it's all text based and Snowie could do it at the command line.03:27
Bashing-omjac76: However, with a GUI does not network-manager still controll networking ?03:28
jac76In looking at my 17.10 system that configuration file appears to call NetworkManager as the "renderer".  But it looks like you can by pass NetWorkManager and completely configure a static IP address and DNS route from that one file03:31
jac76that one file being "/etc/netplan/*.yaml"03:31
Bashing-omjac76: :) . See how this plays .03:32
jac76The first paragraph in that web site I referenced talked about how completely network setup had change in 17.1003:33
jac76I wonder if anyone will notice?03:34
jac76to bad Snowie didn't stick around long enough for me to read these files, but then I am sort of a slow reader.03:36
Bashing-omjac76: Any consolation, noted here for the next time .03:41
jac76yep, do the following google search "how to setup DNS in ubuntu 17.10" and prepare to be surprised.03:42
Bashing-omhanna: Ho kay ,, I do ^ ,03:44
Bashing-omjac76: http://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-16-10-yakkety-yak-switches-to-a-universal-local-dns-resolver-service-504770.shtml // universal local DNS resolver service for all Ubuntu Linux flavors, including Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, and Ubuntu Touch.04:08
jac76I continued to read and found several instances of people upgrading from 16.04 to 17.10 and running into DNS problems.  People are finding several way to work around their problems, not all of the are things I would recommend at this point.04:11
jac76desperation and confusion breed unsound solutions.04:12
metaphysicianWhat is Ubuntu kernel SAUCE?04:14
jac76I did a google search and "SAUCE" appers to be a patch04:18
jac76apparently based on an older kernel "3.13.0-21.43"04:20
lu_tzeholy sh*t, disabling language support keyboard input did wonders for the performance.04:20
bcowanSAUCE are patches that havent made it into the mainline kernel04:21
bcowanthats all04:21
metaphysicianbcowan: Or rather, SAUCE are Ubuntu-specific modifications to kernel source? Not always intended to be upstreamed?04:22
bcowanSAUCE are intended to be upstream waiting to be included, not ubuntu specific04:23
bcowanmetaphysician, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/FAQ/UbuntuDelta04:24
wyseguyhey all04:24
=== cagrajesh_ is now known as cagrajesh
tanelii can no longer use thinkpad dock audio in 17.10---it shows up, and if i select it in sound settings, the test sounds are still routed to internal speakers08:30
tanelihow do i even start debugging this?08:31
morphlesrx 570, ubuntu 17.10 installed amdgpu pro tryting to get hdmi audio, now "get no graphics" in a strange way. Seems gdm things it started, mouse shows if I move, but nothing graphical is vissible, instead tty is visible, well not tty as no login prompt just boot log message (no errors)08:36
morphlesanyone familiar with such08:36
morphlesseems like gdm is in some transparent framebuffer above tty/boot log, but no pixels are being drawn for gdm, just mouse, and only while moving...08:37
morphleshow is the channel with 1k users so quet?!08:39
hrzhuI wonder what program provides the support for laptop keyboard shortcuts? I'm using Xubuntu 17.0408:43
hrzhuall of my laptop shortcuts works in Xfce4-session08:43
hrzhuthey don't work if I log into awesome wm. I want to know what program controls these shortcuts so that I can run it in awesome wm.08:45
luc4Hello! Anyone actually running ubuntu wayland on a laptop including nvidia? Can nvidia be completely disabled in favor of intel ro be able to run wayland?08:55
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arunkumar413unable to install opera browser09:35
arunkumar413can someone help09:36
arunkumar413getting this error message09:36
arunkumar413dpkg: regarding opera-stable_45.0.2552.898_i386.deb containing opera-stable:i386, pre-dependency problem:09:36
arunkumar413 opera-stable:i386 pre-depends on apt-transport-https09:36
arunkumar413dpkg: error processing archive opera-stable_45.0.2552.898_i386.deb (--install):09:36
arunkumar413 pre-dependency problem - not installing opera-stable:i38609:36
arunkumar413Errors were encountered while processing:09:36
arunkumar413 opera-stable_45.0.2552.898_i386.deb09:36
taneliarunkumar413, "sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https" then try again09:38
arunkumar413tried  but still getting the same error09:39
ledeniarunkumar413, install proper file opera-stable_48.0.2685.52_amd64.deb09:45
arunkumar413ledeni: seems like i'm installlingn the i386 version09:47
arunkumar413is there an amd64 version09:47
arunkumar413I don't see any on the opera website09:47
ledeniarunkumar413, tell us uname -r09:48
arunkumar413ledeni: what is uname?09:57
arunkumar413ledeni: 4.10.0-38-generic09:58
ledeniarunkumar413, you running ubuntu 17.10?09:59
arunkumar413ledeni: just upgraded not sure to which version it's upgraded09:59
ledeniarunkumar413, with kernel you have look like it is 17.1010:00
ledeniarunkumar413, you need  opera-stable_48.0.2685.52_amd64.deb10:00
arunkumar413ledeni: 17.0410:01
arunkumar413ledeni: where do i get it10:02
ledeniarunkumar413, from web page10:02
arunkumar413ledeni: there isn't any link10:02
ledeniarunkumar413,yes it is10:02
arunkumar413found it10:03
arunkumar413ledeni: now its installling10:05
arunkumar413first time it downloaded the i386 version10:05
ledeniarunkumar413,that is old file10:05
FManTropyxthis is impressive: Downloaded: 26 files, 1.0G in 12s (87.5 MB/s)10:11
* FManTropyx 109MB/s10:27
bazhangFManTropyx, support issues related to that?10:28
FManTropyxno, for once things are working for me :D downloading to my German VPS from fau.de ftp server10:29
bazhanglets keep the chatter to the offtopic channels please FManTropyx10:29
arijit_Any support guys here who could help me out??10:30
FManTropyxbragging about transfer speed is not on topic???10:30
bazhangFManTropyx, no10:30
FManTropyxokay then :)10:30
arijit_I am facing trouble with some updates and install isssues..10:30
arijit_ sudo apt install hexchat10:31
arijit_E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)10:31
arijit_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?10:31
arijit_Whenever I m trying to install or update through terminal I m facing this above error.10:31
bazhangarijit_, do you have more than one instance of apt running10:31
arijit_Nopes..Just my terminal..10:32
Duku98arijit do sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock and then sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock and finally sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock10:33
alkisgarijit_: it might be the unattended upgrades task10:33
alkisgsoftware-properties-gtk => put them to prompt you10:33
arijit_How to do it @alkisg..10:34
arijit_Sorry I m new to ubuntu..Thinking of switching to ubuntu forever..10:34
arijit_But I m facing a bit of obstacles..10:35
Duku98i installed ubuntu 4 days ago from win1010:35
arijit_@duku98 it worked thanks man.10:35
Duku98no problem arijit_10:36
arijit_haha. I have worked with ubuntu but only in dual boot or VM.. Thinking to switching on to it as permaneent..10:36
Duku98I had Win10 for 2 years and then i switched10:37
bazhangDuku98, did you mean wsl ubuntu on windows?10:37
Duku98what is wsl?10:37
bazhangDuku98, ubuntu on windows10:38
alkisgarijit_: run the command i said from a terminal10:38
bazhangDuku98, you said /from win10'10:38
Duku98Switched from Windows 10 to Ubuntu 17.1010:38
Sveta_yes, I got that10:39
arijit_Ok @alkisg10:41
arijit_Is everyone over here are from different countries ??10:42
Duku98I'm from Italy10:42
arijit_I'm from India.10:42
Duku98afk for a second10:43
arijit_Are u all developers or programmers ?? Or some normal guys are also out ere ??10:44
bazhangarijit_, thats a great topic for #ubuntu-offtopic , here is ubuntu support not chit chat10:44
Duku98@arijit im a normal guy10:45
arijit_Sorry bazhang..10:45
arijit_Thanks guys..Prob. Solved..10:45
BluesKajHiyas all11:10
_vinceguys what is the best script blocker extension for chromium?11:17
_vincethe equivalent on noscript11:17
CptLuxxokay.. what the heck.. i need to do some things on ubuntu in a long time and "systemctl restart network" is not found.. any one know why? i use centos normaly11:38
brainwashCptLuxx: you probably want to restart the networkmanager11:40
BluesKajCptLuxx, tell us your real issue11:40
CptLuxxno? i just want to restart the network on this machine oO11:41
brainwashcould be "networking" instead of "network"11:42
TJ-CptLuxx: "sudo systemctl restart network-manager.service"11:43
TJ-CptLuxx: if not that service, then check which you need. possibly "networking.service"11:43
CptLuxx*sighs* nope11:43
brainwashI've already mentioned both possibilities11:44
TJ-CptLuxx: which release of Ubuntu is it, which network config tool is the system using?11:45
CptLuxxbrand new 17.1011:45
CptLuxxinstalled 30min ago i think11:45
TJ-CptLuxx: is it server or desktop?11:45
BluesKajCptLuxx, sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager.service, then sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager.service11:45
CptLuxxrealy BluesKaj?11:46
TJ-CptLuxx: OK, it'll have used netplan to configure systemd-networkd.service11:46
TJ-CptLuxx: "sudo systemctl restart systemd-networkd.service" should do it11:46
CptLuxxm( thats it TJ-!11:46
TJ-CptLuxx: right... networking is in a state of flux. In 17.10 we dropped the old ifupdown in favour or systemd-networkd, but on desktops it's still using Network Manager for obvious usability reasons11:47
TJ-CptLuxx: configs are in /etc/systemd/network/11:48
CptLuxxwell.. why not like on centos?11:48
BluesKajCptLuxx, it used to work when I used NM, but I haven't used them since I stopped using NM11:48
TJ-CptLuxx: Ubuntu mostly follows Debian althougn in this we've diverged, mostly due to Canonical's focus on servers/VMs11:49
CptLuxxright but i remember that it was even systemctl restart networking on debian11:49
TJ-CptLuxx: it'd be "networking.service"  ... which called the sysvinit ifupdown /etc/inti.d/networking script which called ifup/ifdown using the config in /etc/network/interfaces11:50
CptLuxxfinding this out on ubuntu took me 15 minutes..11:50
TJ-CptLuxx: it's in the 17.10 release notes :)11:50
CptLuxxwell i did not install this.. :p11:50
TJ-CptLuxx: :p11:50
TJ-CptLuxx: I do think it'd be nice that when things change a surrogate is put in place to tell you the new way of doing things when you use older familiar commands11:51
TJ-Seems to me like all this race into Machine Learning ought first to be applied to the machines themselves!11:51
CptLuxxahhh why did this coworker install this11:52
CptLuxxnot even powershell is available as package for 17.0411:52
TheWildnot about Ubuntu specificaly, rather Linux in general, there's one question that still bugs me. I want to run closed-source programs, but since "this is *my* computer and *I* will decide how it works", I would like to hook specific operations like requesting current time (so that I can fake the current time), receiving/sending packets (so that I can intercept and modify them), etc.11:54
TheWildso, is Linux the OS that would let me do so or it is just a dream?11:54
tesla_you're losing the element of control when you run closed source programs11:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:56
TheWildI've asked on #linux, but they haven't answered yet (or just haven't answered).11:57
tesla_i think linux is more 'the kernel' rather than the operating system11:58
tesla_is that not true ??11:58
TheWildbut if the program uses shared linux libraries, wouldn't it be possible to hook some functions?11:58
tesla_you should install ubuntu in a VM and try it11:58
TJ-TheWild: you can use the kernel netfilters layer (via the iptables/ip6tables) tools to intercept network packets and redirect them to some process that wants to do something with them. You can use fakeroot/chroot type tools or containers/VMs to restrict them. There are standard library shims that allow you to intercept/modify library calls (LD_LIBRARY_PATH is one, basic, way to implement that)11:59
BluesKajCptLuxx, install nmcli then these commands should work, sudo nmcli networking off, and, sudo nmcli networking on12:01
TheWildokay, thank you TJ-12:02
CptLuxxk BluesKaj12:03
CptLuxxi.. think i can work for a while with that till there is an powershell release12:04
jeremiespreserving /home directory in a reinstallation of ubuntu can cause conflicts in configuration (because of new versions of software)?12:05
TJ-jeremies: it's possible. Always best to back-up at least the $HOME/.dotfiles and .dotdirectories12:06
jeremiesTJ-: but I mean if its safe to preserve home directory or it can cause security threats?12:09
TJ-jeremies: I can't imagine a security threat based on contents of $HOME config files. What I have seen in the past is a /home/ file-system shared amongst different distros/releases with different versions of the same application, and that application upgrades the schema on an internal database table. When older versions of that application are run they fail since they don't understand the newer schema12:12
rh10guys. i've canon LBP2900 and there are drivers for it (CAPT) http://support-sg.canon-asia.com/contents/SG/EN/0100459601.html12:18
jeremiesTJ-: ok. And when you use the update manager to install a new version of ubuntu, do you know if in some way the configuration files are processed to agree with the new version of the software?12:18
rh10i see printer in system, any params. but it's not print anything :)12:18
rh10jobs go to que, and nothing12:19
rh10i've rebooted system too12:19
rh10ubuntu 16.0412:19
rh10xfce desktop12:19
rh10what i did wrong?12:20
TJ-jeremies: yes. Every Debian package has upgrade scripts. there's .preinst, .postinst, .prerm, .postrm which the 'dpkg' tool runs as it is installing/upgrading packages. The package maintainers add code to those to cope with supported version upgrades12:24
jeremiesTJ-: So, suppose you have ubuntu 16.04 and you install 17.04 from a live cd if you preserve $HOME, then these upgrade scripts will be run?12:28
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TJ-jeremies: I'm not 100% sure for that. As far as I was aware from the installer it'll just write over everything in-place. upgrade scripts are run as a result of "apt-get dist-upgrade" or "do-release-upgrade"12:29
jeremiesTJ-: ok, thank you very much!! :)12:31
BluesKajjeremies, my experience with /home is to put it  and / on separate partitions. then during an upgrade just install to / and set the mountpoint for /home thus prederving all your DE configfiels and default app configs. I've never had problems using that method including upgrading LYS releases.12:34
beanbagulaI primarily use my laptop (osx) for development, but have recently started using a desktop box running ubuntu. I would like as much consistency between keyboards as possible - is there some tool that solves the ctrl/cmd problem?12:34
BluesKajLTS releases12:34
beanbagulaThat is, you might use cmd t to open a new tab on osx, but ctrl t on ubuntu. I feel like people must have run into this before.12:35
BluesKajjeremies, hope you were able to decode my spelling mistakes :-)12:36
jeremiesBluesKaj: yes, I do this way too, but in some cases I have problems with the wifi passwords sharing across users12:37
jeremiesBluesKaj: Do you know how to purge wifi configurations, to resolve the problem?12:38
BluesKajjeremies, ok, never encountered that , I'm a single home user12:38
EriC^^jeremies: click on the network manager > edit connections12:38
jeremiesEriC^^: And then erase all the connections?12:40
EriC^^jeremies: yeah12:41
littlepythoncould anyone tell me a book to learn under the hood what happens whenever we run any command12:42
littlepythonor about internals12:42
kostkonlittlepython, that's way too vague12:42
littlepythonkostkon: you would suggest any good linux books?12:42
jeremiesEriC^^: Ok, I'll try that later (I've to restart the computer for that)  but I think in the past I did this and the problem was not resolved.12:42
kostkonlittlepython, no, but the web is full of either free ebooks or recommendations for good dead tree ones12:43
littlepythonoh ok12:43
TJ-littlepython: try the Linux Documentation Project http://tldp.org/12:47
alkisg(02:28:19 μμ) jeremies: TJ-: So, suppose you have ubuntu 16.04 and you install 17.04 from a live cd if you preserve $HOME, then these upgrade scripts will be run? => upgrade scripts never touch home, as part of the debian policy. They can only change some settings in /etc, and not even settings provided by other packages.13:04
alkisg$HOME settings upgrade can happen only after user login13:05
TJ-alkisg: correct; and only as a result of executing the application (which could be autorun of course)13:09
chris__ When you say things couldn't suck more (compiz)  ubuntu switches to gnome. Omg this freaking mutter compositor completely cripples any 3d game !!13:21
rh10i 've tried https://askubuntu.com/questions/805015/how-to-install-lbp-printer-driver-in-ubuntu-16-04lts13:23
rh10but nope13:23
skinuxAnyone have a trusted app that takes a screenshot, uploads it to the web and provides a link to share?13:25
scattrbrainhey i could use some help guys13:27
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:27
scattrbrainsorry lol13:28
alkisgskinux: https://askubuntu.com/questions/177921/whats-a-screenshot-application-which-will-auto-upload-to-imgur13:29
scattrbrain!ask i'm dual booting windows 10 and ubuntu 16.04 LTS. my wifi on windows is fine, my wifi on ubuntu has been crap even after multiple fresh install attempts. i initally had the problem shown in this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dahjlku7idQ) where my router signal was "out of range". the solution in the vid allowed me to connect to the router but the speed is still ridiculously low compared to windows. pls help me senpai13:32
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/13:33
brainwas1scattrbrain: I would download and boot the 17.10 iso, and see if that works better13:34
brainwas1scattrbrain: you should check the systemlog (via journalctl in a terminal window) for wifi related messages13:36
brainwas1on top of that13:36
scattrbrainactually the reason i updated to 16.04.3 from 16.04.1 is coz of this issue13:36
scattrbrainmultiple fresh install attempts of 16.04.3 didn't resolve it. in light of this info do u think i should try 17.10?13:37
scattrbraini'll check the log13:38
brainwas1scattrbrain: that's what I suggested13:39
brainwas1download it and boot into the live session13:39
cool_dudehi i want to access website’s login page in terminal and fill it up possible ?13:39
brainwas1cool_dude: you want this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Text-based_web_browser13:40
cool_dudei also have to design website for it !13:41
scattrbrainbrainwas1, yeah i know. i phrased that like an idiot. i just meant that i'm skeptical that updating would solve the issue since i still had the issue after an update from 16.04.1 to 16.04.313:41
brainwas1scattrbrain: luckily, it's easy to do and does not require much time13:43
brainwas1you could even test with a different distribution, like fedora13:43
brainwas1see if it's a general issue13:43
scattrbrainoh true13:44
brainwas1another approach would be to search the web for information about your wifi chip and linux compatibility13:44
scattrbrainthis issue props up often actually13:45
scattrbraini've searched the forums but i'm hesitant to use the exact same solutions coz it involves some l33t ubuntu code tweaks13:45
Sbur3I'm looking for a way to access an MP4 file that I haven't been able to watch from any of the media players and converters I have on my Ubuntu 17.10 system But I had been able to watch it in the past13:45
scattrbrainanyways i'm tryna upload that log for ya13:46
brainwas1scattrbrain: feel free to ask here if you have doubts about those "tweaks"13:46
Sbur3Is there a converter that will recover any MP44 or other video file?13:47
brainwas1Sbur3: not sure. I suggest asking in #ffmpeg13:48
akikscattrbrain: newer  kernels  bring new hardware support.  for ubuntu  you can install "mainline  kernel"13:48
Sbur3brainwas1: Ok, thx.  I knew I was in the wrong channel, but don't know which is the right one too often ... Bye and thx13:49
scattrbraincool thanks guys. still tryna upload this log but shutter keeps freezing when i try to upload it to imgur13:49
scattrbrainhere it is13:51
scattrbrainwait that's low res af13:52
kostkonscattrbrain, better use a pastebin for text output13:53
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:53
scattrbraincool thx13:54
scattrbrainbrainwas1, here's the results of the journalctl13:55
brainwas1isn't that only the first page?13:56
brainwas1journalctl > output.txt13:56
scattrbrainthat's the full one i think13:59
scattrbrainhttps://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2364068 this is one solution i tried for a similar problem14:00
scattrbrainbut it didn't work for me14:00
scattrbrainworked for him tho14:00
nightwalkerkg Hi, i am running Ubuntu 17.10 on AMD A10-5800k. I found that most of the animations are very laggy (mostly minimize, maximize). I am running open source radeon drivers ( AMD Aruba ) with the latest Oibaf PPA.14:01
nightwalkerkgI can provide you with any kind of logs.14:01
nightwalkerkgDo you have any ideas how i can improve the performance ?14:02
brainwas1scattrbrain: your log mentions the wifi driver rtl8821ae, the ubuntuforums thread is about rtl8723be14:07
gareppahi, how do i ugrade directly from 15.4 to 17.10, without having to pass trough 17.04?14:08
gareppai mean 16.04 lts14:08
scattrbrainyeah i switched it brainwas114:08
scattrbraini tried it with rtl8821ae14:08
scattrbraindidn't work :(14:09
brainwas1you did try with "options rtl8821ae ant_sel=1"?14:09
brainwas1I guess you have to test with 17.10 then14:11
scattrbrainthanks brain14:12
kostkongareppa, you can't. Only way is to do a fresh install14:12
scattrbraini'll brb14:12
scattrbrainso i just have to download it on my flash drive and "test" it to see if the internet works better right? brainwas114:13
scattrbrainno need to install?14:13
scattrbraincool brb14:14
tacomasterI have my full home computer environment with windows server and windows 10. I am trying to move my entire home to ubuntu server and desktop installs. My concerns is having sso for all computers with out a windows ad server.14:22
TJ-tacomaster: it's possible to set up an ldap server with samba to do the same thing14:23
Mr_CyclopsTJ-, any links to setting up ldap for such an environment? I have a similar requirement btw14:24
TJ-tacomaster: this might get you started with what is required: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba-ldap.html14:24
tacomasterso basically ldap just handles the login part or will it do stuff like gpo as well?14:24
tacomasterTJ-: thanks14:24
Mr_CyclopsTJ-, can you suggest a live video recording software in Ubuntu? I need to put a 1080p USB webcam, and record live footage of the front side of my house14:26
Mr_CyclopsAlso I will be using my Raspberry Pi Model 3 running Ubuntu Mate14:27
erle-Why are all the binaries not executable ELF files any more?14:27
erle-Execute "file /bin/cp" to see what I mean.14:27
erle-All the commands are shared libraries now.14:27
TJ-Mr_Cyclops: CCTV? there's zoneminder14:27
TJ-!zonemindoer | Mr_Cyclops14:28
TJ-!info zonemindoer | Mr_Cyclops14:28
ubottuMr_Cyclops: Package zonemindoer does not exist in artful14:28
TJ-!info zoneminder | Mr_Cyclops14:28
Mr_Cyclopsyeah like CCTV .. zoneminder, is it part of Ubuntu repo or external repo14:28
ubottuMr_Cyclops: zoneminder (source: zoneminder): video camera security and surveillance solution. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.30.4+dfsg-2 (artful), package size 4364 kB, installed size 27200 kB14:28
Mr_Cyclopsaha got it14:28
TJ-got it, finally!14:28
Mr_Cyclopshe he tx14:28
rcombswho should I report this crash to? (happens when switching my receiver's input back to the machine after previously having switched it away; crashes gnome-shell; exits the session; only in the Ubuntu session, not in the GNOME one): https://gist.github.com/7a8a067741594a77cb756748588ab84014:28
arunkumar413I'm trying to install the python stats model but getting a permission denied error14:44
arunkumar413using the pip command14:44
alkisgerle-: $ file /bin/cp: /bin/cp: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=5a9675e90d7775415eb5e406b7d7602490ea8941, stripped14:46
erle-alkisg, regular Ubuntu 17.1014:47
erle-in 17.10 it's a shared library14:47
alkisgOK, you didn't specify that :)14:48
erle-aka “not executable ELF files”14:48
erle->/bin/cp: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0 ...blablabla14:49
alkisgerle-: https://askubuntu.com/questions/690631/executables-vs-shared-objects14:51
alkisg"A shared object executable, so to say, is a positional independent executable (PIE) using address space layout randomization (ASLR). "14:52
alkisgMight be the reason they switched the defaults, additional security... something to google about14:52
alkisgerle-: found it, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features#pie => since 16.1014:54
alkisgOuch. " PIE has a large (5-10%) performance penalty " ... "As of 17.10,... PIE is now enabled across all architectures "...14:56
nullrayit also says "PIE on 64-bit architectures do not have the same penalties,"14:58
alkisgYes, I'm using i386 :/14:58
tete_hi, i just installed on my new htpc (i3 8100) ubuntu mate 17.10. the first start went fine, now i changed the start scripts so that lightdm is not started and instead xinit with kodi, but the performance is horrible. when i move the mouse, it jumps over the screen, because its so laggy15:21
tete_can someone tell me what could went wrong or how to investigate into the problem?15:21
BluesKajtete_, check your kodi system settings video performance15:23
tomreynglxinfo -B | grep -i accelerated15:24
tomreyn^ should say 'yes'15:24
tete_hm, when i try to execute that in the console, i get Error: unable to open display. At the moment i am connected from my machine -> sshd to ubuntu. is there some way to run this without disabling kodis autostart, start lightdm?15:26
tomreynDISPLAY=:0 glxinfo -B | grep -i accelerated15:26
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
tete_root@htpc:/home/oli# DISPLAY=:0 glxinfo -B | grep -i accelerated15:27
tete_    Accelerated: no15:27
tomreynthere's your problem, video acceleration isn't working15:27
irgendwer4711hi, how to switch off mainboard beep in 17.10. 17.04 had a souncard beep only.15:27
tete_i thought so too, but how can i start that?15:27
tete_i think the driver in use is i915 which seems wrong to me15:28
tete_because its quiet old isnt it15:28
tomreyntete_: normally, it should happen automatically, controlled by the i915 intel video driver (which controls your CPU embedded GPU) and mesa15:28
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scattrbrainhey guys15:29
scattrbrainearlier i posted this question15:29
scattrbrain"i'm dual booting windows 10 and ubuntu 16.04 LTS. my wifi on windows is fine, my wifi on ubuntu has been crap even after multiple fresh install attempts. i initally had the problem shown in this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dahjlku7idQ) where my router signal was "out of range". the solution in the vid allowed me to connect to the router but the speed is still ridiculously low compared to windows. pls help me senpai"15:29
scattrbrainbrainwas1 was helping me out15:29
scattrbrainhe advised to try ubuntu 17.1015:29
tomreyntete_: check the /var/log/Xorg.*.log logs for (EE) records.15:29
scattrbraini did but it didn't solve the issue15:29
scattrbrainso here i am15:29
tete_there are some errors, yes. i will pastebin that15:30
tomreyntete_: i'll bbl15:30
J3089TEhi. is Vega frontier edition supported on Ubuntu 17.10?15:31
MonkeyDustis that a game?15:31
tete_here is the output https://pastebin.com/fYwkZF2J15:32
J3089TEthat is a graphics card.15:32
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J3089TEwhat is the best variant of Ubuntu with gnome as default desktop?15:33
sticky_Hi. I have configured bind9 (named) according to (few) tutourials. The name resolution from works, but only from localhost.  named.conf.options have listen-on port 53 for and my internal IP address. recursion is set to yes, allow-recursion is set to localnets and my internal network. allow-query is set to any. Somebody has idea where to seek for solution?15:39
sticky_(name resolution from localhost* works.)15:39
adrian_1908J3089TE: Regular Ubuntu 17.10 for Gnome.15:40
J3089TEadrian_1908, can I use ubuntu 17.10 with kernel version 4.10.x?15:40
adrian_1908J3089TE: Why, any issues with later kernels?15:41
J3089TEAMD only offer linux 4.10.x driver support.15:41
adrian_1908Ah I see.15:41
adrian_1908I'm not sure about that, sorry.15:41
tete_seems like thats my problem15:41
J3089TEadrian_1908, can gnome do dpi scaling?15:41
adrian_1908While different kernels can be installed as packages afaik, i'm not sure how hard it is to enforce this change persistently.15:42
adrian_1908J3089TE: No idea, I only use XFCE.15:42
oerheks17.10 comes with kernel 4.1315:43
J3089TE4.13 is not supported15:43
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oerheksJ3089TE, strange statement, why would a newer kernel not be supported?15:44
tpw_ruleshi, i somehow broke the package manager. http://paste.ubuntu.com/25887395/15:45
J3089TEbecause 4.10.x is the kernel used in the LTS version of Ubuntu15:45
scattrbrainsorry i keep omitting the /join command15:45
J3089TEcan some one check if Ubuntu 17.04 support fractionaly scaling or now?15:46
adrian_1908scattrbrain: hehe :D15:46
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erle-J3089TE, Display settings have 100 or 200 percent as options. Fonts are freely scalable.15:50
erle-that's a wayland feature anyway15:50
J3089TEmhh but wayland is not stable enough15:54
J3089TEthis is a deal breaker.15:54
kk4ewtJ3089TE,  so try mate15:59
deiksHi, is there a way to reinstall all default themes and icons etc., I accidentally deleted my default icon pack, now cant see some icons, even "show applications" icon on ubuntu 17.1016:01
brainwas1deiks: you could look at the history log in /var/log/apt/16:05
brainwas1see what exactly you've removed16:05
nathaneltitanewhat is the package name i can file a bug with using apport against wayland16:20
nathaneltitanemy session keeps on freezing after X amount of time, even when not sleeping16:20
* vegombrei what is the lightest version of ubuntu i have an old 1 gb ram single core 2 ghz thingie16:24
nathaneltitanevegombrei: you can install ubuntu core nd build on that16:25
nathaneltitaneare you familiar?16:25
vegombreinathaneltitane: nope im kinda noob16:26
nathaneltitanethen maybe find a lighter spinoff like xubuntu16:26
vegombreinathaneltitane: oh ok ill try zubuntu16:26
nathaneltitanethe desktop environment is less resource hungry16:26
vegombreinathaneltitane: is it gui or text ?16:27
nathaneltitaneor even lubuntu if xfce is still too heavy16:27
brainwas1nathaneltitane: against gnome-shell16:27
nathaneltitanebrainwas1: not xwayland itself?16:27
brainwas1nathaneltitane: xwayland is used to run X applications16:28
nathaneltitanethank you brainwas116:29
nathaneltitanehas anyone else reported experiencing something similar here?16:29
brainwas1I would check launchpad16:29
nathaneltitane16.10 was flawless for my thinkpad16:29
brainwas1you can select the classic Xorg session before login16:30
nathaneltitaneyeah, but the issue is that things are broken on xorg now on 17.1016:30
nathaneltitanei feel like there are too many regressions16:31
brainwas1so, both options are buggy for you?16:31
brainwas1wayland and xorg16:31
nathaneltitanetrackpad doesnt work and other input related things are failing16:31
nathaneltitaneunder 17.10 yes16:31
nathaneltitanei had 16.10 gnome edition and it was beautiful16:31
nathaneltitaneno issues whatsoever16:31
nathaneltitanehad been a while since a fresh install so i decided to give the new edition a go16:32
brainwas1that's odd then16:32
brainwas1did you try the normal gnome session under 17.1016:32
thaurwylthHey, I have a related light-footprint system question. Wait a moment...16:34
nathaneltitanebrainwas1: yes16:35
nathaneltitaneit doesn't freeze but has different weird issues that 16.10 didn't have16:35
nathaneltitanei find it regrettable that such thing happen16:36
scattrbrainbrainwas1, i tried booting ubuntu 17.1016:38
scattrbraindidn't work :(16:38
scattrbraini also posted the issue on the forums https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=237665316:38
thaurwylthI want to experiment with this one old machine I have. It has 0.5 GB memory and a Centaur slow ass processor. Some Ubuntu 13-or-so runs reeeeeally slow on it as you might imagine. Anyways I'll try current Lubuntu or Xubuntu on it next. But let's say even those are not enough. In that case this is no longer a Ubuntu question but a generic Linux question, hum? Sorry about that. In any case what would be an even ...16:38
thaurwylth... lighter-footprint faster to run minimal system? It has to be able to run SSHD and probably also Screen + Irssi, and perhaps prospectively, although not planned right now, perhaps some mail server stuff and the like.16:38
brainwas1scattrbrain: :/16:41
brainwas1scattrbrain: why didn't you create the thread in the "Networking & Wireless" sub-forum?16:42
scattrbrainthe introduction pm i got told me new issues by newcomers should be posted in the newcomers section16:44
brainwas1ok then16:44
scattrbrainIf you are looking for support on a technical issue, please post in the Absolute Beginner section (if you are new) or in the appropriate sub-forum in Ubuntu General Support or Ubuntu Specialised Support (if you are not new). There are also some specialised support sub-forums in Ubuntu Specialised Discussions.16:44
scattrbraini hope i did the right thing16:45
mirakis there a way to disable the uefi update for grub when the kernel updates ?16:45
scattrbrainyou told me i could try fedora if ubuntu doesn't work for me. is that one of your fav alternatives? brainwas116:46
brainwas1scattrbrain: it was just an example of another big distro16:47
thaurwylthAren't Ubuntu and Fedora like the ones with a big conglomerate behind them with long term involvement? So in that sense they are good comparable examples.16:48
brainwas1also one that isn't based on ubuntu or debian16:48
brainwas1testing with one or two other distributions is certainly something I would do16:49
brainwas1in case of hardware specific issues16:50
alkisgthaurwylth: I run ubuntu mate on pentium 4's with 512 MB RAM, it's ok except for browsing where it's slow16:51
alkisgWhat's the cpubenchmark.net score of your cpu?16:52
scattrbrainmy internet suuucks16:54
scattrbrainbrainwas1, i dunno if u responded to me but if u did pls copy and paste it coz i was disconnected16:55
thaurwylthAlkisg, thanks mate. Web browsing more or less does not matter. The SSH server and stuff like that are important.16:55
thaurwylthLet me check this benchmark data list.16:55
brainwas1scattrbrain: fedora was just an example of another big distro16:59
thaurwylthAlkisg, it's one of the worst ones listed, benchmark score 131.16:59
scattrbrainthx brainwas116:59
thaurwylthPentium fours seem to score way higher.17:01
mguyWere P4's 64 bit17:08
thaurwylthMguy, how much does that matter if the hardware has less than 3 GB of RAM? I guess it matters SOME amount, but is it crucial?17:16
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UukGoblinhiya, I've got an 17.10 installer running on a new PC17:18
UukGoblinthe network adapter doesn't seem to be supported? lspci is showing Intel Gigabit I211 adapter, `ip l` only shows loopbach17:18
SircleI have a laptop with no cd rom. How can I install kubutnu?17:19
oerheksSircle, use an USB device?17:20
thaurwylthNew systems should work with an USB install no problem, right? And I'm slow.17:20
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:20
Sircleoerheks:  but the .iso downloaded needs a cd to be burned? no? How to use a usb there?17:21
thaurwylthA backup plan is that you get or borrow a USB connecting external CD/DVD drive. I for instance have one. But this should be necessary only with reaaaaaly old motherboards.17:21
oerheksSircle, see ubottu's answer17:21
ilyaigpetrovHi. I install ubuntu server with encrypted partitions for the first time. I create swap partition and encrypt it too and ubuntu asks for a second passphrase -- is this correct, can I use the same passphrase for swap17:21
thaurwylthThat link will have a tutorial on getting the image on a USB stick.17:21
ilyaigpetrovI actually have no desire to enter passphrase too times during boot17:22
konradosHi. I have the /etc/hosts file - can I be... IDK how to express myself, but more verbose? Like adding comments etc? Like this pseudo - something:  https://fpaste.ca/apD ?17:24
Sircleoerheks: but this link assume that I have a cd / linux but I am on windows17:25
konradosor at least putting stuff in multiple lines, the one like like  project1.local ... project111.local quickly becomes unreadable17:25
alkisg(06:59:53 μμ) thaurwylth: Alkisg, it's one of the worst ones listed, benchmark score 131. ==> well, for sshd it should be fine, as long as you don't try to transfer files via sshfs17:25
oerheksSircle, no, that url does not assume that, just download the iso, use rufus and make the usb17:25
thaurwylthAlkisg, so SSHFS is something that makes a virtually local looking remote drive, do I get this right? I guess I don't need that, but who knows. Secure copy like stuff over SSH and possibly with piping surely needs to work, though.17:32
thaurwylthIn any case I already know that an old 12 or 13 version Ubuntu already allowed running the required SSH stuff on it. It's just that the graphic interface was painfully slow. So thinking about the installation is mostly about the new OS allowing to do stuff, not whether the processor is capable of it.17:35
thaurwylthExcept of course in the case that the OS has different limitations for different kinds of processors.17:36
mbffHello! I'm trying to setup port forwarding to my Ubuntu Server. I tested the port forwarding bit by having my laptop run a python http server temporarily and I could connect from my Phone on Data. Now however when I set the forwarding rule to the NAS it will not respond. What configs/network info can I check to try and troubleshoot this?17:36
mbffI have tried disabling UFW already17:36
alkisgthaurwylth: copying over ssh will be slow because of encryption, e.g. 2 MB/sec or so17:37
thaurwylthSome of the connections I'm going to be using probably already have a 2 MB/s ceiling set by the connection itself, so that is not really a slowdown.17:40
thaurwylthAnyways I was looking around a bit for information about MATE. For some reason it looks to me that it's mostly a different desktop environment project for Ubuntu but there is no mention that it would be specifically intended for use on low capability systems. Compare this to X and L. So is it actually going to be heavier to run than those?17:42
thaurwylthOr perhaps I just happened to find the sources with wrong information.17:43
CowNorrishey everyone, I've ran into a little issue after upgrading to 17.1017:46
CowNorrisI've been working with LiClipse for my python 3.5 projects17:47
CowNorrisand unfortunately after upgrading I seem to run into this issue17:47
CowNorris'' ImportError: No module named '_tkinter', please install the python3-tk package''17:47
CowNorriswhen attempting to use the matplotlib package17:47
CowNorrisi've tried installing python3-tk but that was to no avail17:48
CowNorrisduring installation though, one weird thing that I might've done was keeping some installed packages from 16.0417:48
CowNorrisany help is very much appreciated :)17:48
brainwas1!info python3-tk artful17:48
tgm4883!info python3-tk17:48
ubottupython3-tk (source: python3-stdlib-extensions): Tkinter - Writing Tk applications with Python 3.x. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.3-0ubuntu1 (artful), package size 28 kB, installed size 136 kB17:48
tgm4883CowNorris: have you tried an 'sudo apt update'17:49
CowNorrisno, not yet - i'm trying it now :)17:49
CowNorrisdoesn't seem to fix the problem just yet17:49
tgm4883you still can't install the packge?17:50
CowNorriswhen running pip3 install python3-tk, it tells me that nothing has been changed - apparently it is already installed17:50
tgm4883CowNorris: why.... have you tried 'sudo apt install python3-tk'17:51
CowNorrisah yeah, sorry, that was what i've tried17:51
CowNorris'0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade.' was what it returns17:52
thaurwylthUpdating Ubuntu on an older version can occasionally leave these kinds of odd and really hard to solve problems. That's why I do a fresh update every time, or this has been the case for some time.17:52
thaurwylthNot necessarily saying you shoul, just stating that this is the case.17:53
CowNorrisah, i see. that is unfortunate - I didn't know about it17:54
CowNorrisi'm still quite new to ubuntu17:54
CowNorrisi will remember to do that next time17:54
CowNorrisdo you think reinstalling python3 will be of any help?17:54
thaurwylthWell, it's worth a try!17:55
CowNorris:) I'll let you know if it does anything17:55
thaurwylthOr any other packages that might be having leftover 16 version dependencies.17:55
oerheksunlikely, 16.x packages left ..17:56
thaurwylthAnyways, about that fresh install, it's not exactly the road to paradise. It's also going to be a pain in the ass, because you'll have to restore your /home from a backup. So for me I think of this as a choice between two evils.17:56
brainwas1CowNorris: is the module name actually correct?17:56
oerheksunless you installed something manually, but your issue is something else > <tgm4883> CowNorris: why.... have you tried 'sudo apt install python3-tk'17:57
brainwas1_tkinter vs tkinter'17:57
CowNorrispython3-tk was what the error message suggested17:58
thaurwylthThis just popped to my mind: do these Python or other related packages create things that are stored in .files under /home/<username> ?17:59
delboy1978ukhttps://hastebin.com/iqehicikur.sh can anyone help me bin bad repositories? this is what's happening to me18:01
kostkondelboy1978uk, still on 12.04?18:04
alkisg(07:42:55 μμ) thaurwylth: Anyways I was looking around a bit for information about MATE.  => all ubuntu flavours are the same for what you want, which is console based, before the DE loads. There's no different optimization etc, they all use the same compiled programs18:05
thaurwylth2012 was a perfectly fine year, Cognac casks from that era can't even be sold under XO yet.18:05
alkisgthaurwylth: for your purposes, you can start with the ubuntu server cd; I just mentioned mate because I'm using it, not as a suggestion for you18:05
delboy1978ukkostkon yes, i want to get everything upgraded but i have a website running on it and want to do so with the least problems and downtime18:05
alkisgthaurwylth: i.e. that ubuntu can run with old processors18:05
thaurwylthOh, I see, I see! Sorry if I sounded a bit snappy there.18:06
delboy1978ukfirst thing i need to do is get rid of the unofficial repo, update all my packages, and then i think i'll be set to upgrade18:06
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:06
thaurwylthAnyways I guess the first thing I'll try is with a random choice between Lubuntu and Xubuntu, because I also intend to log in via the graphical interface and those are decidedly less costly on the system.18:07
delboy1978ukthanks kostkon18:07
thaurwylthBut is there something that is even more low-key? I've heard that this thing called Damn Small Linux exists, does it already have limitations on what it can do? I'm guessing it most certainly has.18:08
kostkondelboy1978uk, looks like they've removed support for 12.04 so that PPA is useless now anyway18:09
delboy1978ukhow easy is it to move from 12 to the latest?18:09
kostkondelboy1978uk, you can directly upgrade to 14.04 which is still supported18:10
delboy1978ukthaurwylth: damn small linux rocks!18:10
delboy1978ukkostkon: how do i do that?18:10
thaurwylthIt might very well do that. But does it support all kinds of stuff? What do people use it for?18:10
delboy1978ukexcellent all my packages are now up to date and that error has gone away, thanks kostkon18:14
delboy1978ukthaurwylth: you can install as much as you like and make it bigger, but its a super small 50MB linux. I once ran a PHP invoice system I built on an Apache server i installed on DSL, for an office intranet18:15
thaurwylthMmm hmmm.18:15
delboy1978ukand that in itself ran on a 48618:16
thaurwylthIs it built on some known distribution and what sort of packages does it use?18:16
kostkondelboy1978uk, I hope the 12.04 repos are still up so have a look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html18:17
delboy1978uki cant remember, it was over 10 years ago last i saw it, it had a weird window manager not gnome or kde18:17
thaurwylthI'll go take a shower ==>18:17
delboy1978ukdo-release-upgrade doesn't exist!18:19
delboy1978ukso apt dist-upgrade?18:19
delboy1978uk0 packages ? https://hastebin.com/obuqopituv.zsh18:22
=== Trystam is now known as Tristam
kostkondelboy1978uk, try to sudo apt-get install update-manager-core first18:24
delboy1978ukah ok cheers18:24
* delboy1978uk tries18:24
kostkondelboy1978uk, if the repos still work and you get to install the package, then try again with do-release-upgrade18:24
TJ-!eol | delboy1978uk you might need to alter source.list to use old-releases.ubuntu.com18:26
ubottudelboy1978uk you might need to alter source.list to use old-releases.ubuntu.com: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:26
thaurwylthBrrrrr, it's cold, I need to put a woollen shirt on. Showering brought to mind this: what will be the case for support for printable or wearable electronics in the future? Will we have Ubuntu towels and Ubuntu woollen shirts?18:32
BudgetSlugDoes Ubuntu 17.xx have the same issues with integrated graphics (Radeon R7) as it would with graphics cards?18:33
thaurwylthIs this internal card a part of APU?18:33
thaurwylthAt least the ones on AMD APU's are often based on designs of typical AMD Radeon designs, so the answer is 'probably, possibly.' It's best to cross-check a list of known issues to be sure.18:35
BudgetSlugthaurwylth: Yes, the R7 is.18:35
BudgetSlugSo, stay away from AMD GPUs still?18:38
BudgetSlugFor Ubuntu 17.xx that is..18:39
thaurwylthIf there are issues with any hardware, I am rather sure they are not much concerned with how the card is connected to the system. So if you know of a lethal issue that exists for a Radeon card, I guess that settles the case then.18:41
BudgetSlugthaurwylth: Gotcha, Thanks.18:41
mirakanyone knows how to multiboot with EFI ?18:42
erle-BudgetSlug, what? AMD is better on Linux than NVIDIA for a decade now.18:43
BudgetSlugerle-: For GPUs? I have a R9 390 and have never been able to get it to work. (14.04, 16.04, and 17.10)18:44
bcowanAMD support is definitely better on linux than nvidia18:45
brainwas1I heard that the nvidia driver is quite good18:47
brainwas1the open source alternative not so much though18:47
erle-brainwas1, some 90 percent of all kernel panics reported are due to NVIDIA18:47
nchambers erle-: it’s a feature (tm)!18:48
oerheks90% ??? .. lot of drunk talk tonight18:49
x22017I'm installing xubuntu on a thinkpad that came with windows 7 preinstalled. Is the "erase disk and install xubuntu" option in the ubuntu installer sufficient to wipe the windows OS completely? I don't want to see boot options for windows 7 in BIOS post-installation19:00
tomreynx22017: yes19:01
x22017ok, cool19:01
oerheksjups, you will get a fresh MBR19:01
x22017so windows 7 won't be listed in grub?19:02
x22017after I wipe the disk using the installer tool19:02
tomreynthis is essentially the same question again, and the answer is still: yes (windows will no longer be listed)19:03
x22017just checking, thanks19:04
x22017anyone know how to safely reboot from the windows installer?19:05
x22017ctrl+alt+delete does nothing and I'd rather not hard shutdown19:05
_matixhello.  i'm having errors with a program i'm installing with apt-get.  it's being linked with the wrong version of sqlite3 (i've determined this using ldd).  how can I make sure it gets linked to  the right version when it gets installed?19:25
MegabyteDoes anyone here know how to use ffmpeg?19:27
_matixMegabyte for what19:27
Megabyte_matix, I need to convert a wav file to mp4 and add an image to it19:28
geniiffmpeg is an enigmatic mystery shrouded in darkness19:28
Megabytegenii, YES.19:28
MegabyteYes, it is.19:28
MegabyteSo far I got this19:29
Megabyteffmpeg -loop 1 -i snes_super_mario_rpg_p_7qdpfi_scaled.jpg -i "01_1-01 Super Mario RPG - Happy Adventure, Delightful Adventure.wav" -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -c:a aac -b:a 192k -shortest out.mp419:29
kostkonMegabyte, convert it to aac for example and by image you mean an album cover?19:29
MegabyteBUT it doesn't add the image as I hoped it would :/19:29
Megabytekostkon, I want a static image to be displayed from start to end19:29
geniiMegabyte: I'd try just ffmpeg -i wavfile.wav -i imagefile.img outfile.whateverextension19:29
kostkonMegabyte, right19:30
Megabytegenii, let me see if that works19:32
Megabytegenii, it runs, but it doesn't add the image19:32
geniiMegabyte: Try reversing the order then of the wav file and image file19:33
Megabytegenii, let's see19:34
Megabytegenii, nope :/19:34
geniiI'm not sure if you can use -ss 12:34:56 -t 12:34:56 with -ss all zeroes for beginning and -t the length of the wav as options on the image, but maybe19:35
SircleI am installing kubutn 16.04.3 LTS by usb. Its stuck on the initial kubuntu logo. Caps lock and keyboard goes unresponsive as well. How can I debug ?19:38
Megabytegenii, Apparently I got a command that works19:43
MegabyteI just was looking at the wrong file :O19:43
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
mlrnhi there. just updated and got strange effects on window manager. i'm on 17.04. on my primary screen, window manager barely works (can't move windows, programs only react when in full screen). on secondary screen it works like it always did. any ideas?19:47
delboy1978ukkostkon. i am now on ubuntu 16. thanks!19:51
kostkondelboy1978uk, you upgraded twice?19:52
delboy1978ukwhy the hell not?19:52
=== nchambers is now known as god
=== god is now known as nchambers
delboy1978ukonly problem is i've broke my lamp stack. apache still looking for php 519:53
geniiuse a2dismod then on it19:54
geniior a2rmmod, I forget which it is19:54
kostkondelboy1978uk, no problems here, good job19:55
* delboy1978uk edits php-fpm.conf19:55
SircleI am installing kubutn 16.04.3 LTS by usb. Its stuck on the initial kubuntu logo. Caps lock and keyboard goes unresponsive as well. How can I debug ? I am on dell inspiron 755920:11
ioriaSircle, already tried nomodeset ?20:13
Sircleioria:  how to do that?20:13
ioriaSircle, press F620:13
Sircleat which point?20:14
ioriaSircle,  main menu20:14
Sircleioria: hm20:15
ioriaSircle,  disabling secure boot might help20:18
Bashing-omSircle: Also: in the system's firmware setup, you'll need to ensure that "Legacy USB support" is enabled - it means the firmware continues providing USBHID services to GRUB until the OS starts and takes over.20:21
=== Chinesium is now known as X230t
Iarfenis there a hosting for open-source projects?20:37
Iarfensomething as GitHub Pages but that allows dynamic content20:37
nchambersI doubt it20:37
nchambersProbably just easier to roll your own web server20:38
nchambersWell actually, what do you mean by dynamic content?20:38
nchambersBecause gh pages allows JavaScript20:39
Bashing-omIarfen: How about: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Git ? The new set up .20:39
Bashing-omIarfen: OOOpps that ^ is the old one . Let me see what about the "new" git .20:42
platzhelp - I'm in a cafe and it seems to only allow me to connect via ipv6; it works but i can only access google,facebook,wikipedia.. is there a way to access the rest of the internet on an ipv6 connection?20:46
nchambersYou could connect to a vpn maybe20:46
platzinteresting, so one really is cut off from all ipv4 sites20:47
TJ-platz: can you get to http://test-ipv6.com/20:48
platzTJ-: no20:48
nchambersIdk about that but I’m not exactly in a place to confirm that20:48
TJ-platz: that suggests the cafe is actually restricting the sites you can reach then20:48
platzwierd, ok thanks20:49
platzipv6 is confusing20:49
nchambersWhat error do you get when trying to get those sites?20:49
platztest-ipv6.com’s server IP address could not be found.20:50
nchambersOh that sounds like shitty dns filtering20:51
elisa871so my flash drive is read only20:52
nchambersWhat if you run dig @ test-ipv6.com +short?20:52
elisa871what should I do20:52
platz; (1 server found) ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached20:53
IarfenBashing-om: which is the new git?20:54
SoltisRunning `apt upgrade` just spiked the load on a server I'm running up to around 3420:57
SoltisWhat could possibly cause something like that?20:57
jackhumhello channel., i am using http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/06/quickly-change-folder-color-ubuntu  , this program to color my folder in my ubuntu 16.04 using unity20:57
SoltisLoad is ordinarily around 320:57
jackhumbut problem is for default theme icon is turning to a white file20:58
jackhumi mean its working for some of the themes , but for the humanity dark theme , folder icon changes to a white solid rectangle , somehow i think that some icon files are missing. can anyone help me to debug this issue20:59
taneliplatz, does this work: dig @2001:4860:4860::8888 -t aaaa debian.org +short ?21:00
jackhumor maybe if there is anyway i can see how nautilus is working when i am clicking the options21:00
platzso ipv6-test.com works, not test-ipv6.com.  ipv6-test.com says my ipv4 is not supported, ipv6 is supported (native)21:13
platzthis appears to describe my situation https://blog.widodh.nl/2015/11/using-the-internet-on-a-ipv6-only-network/21:16
Bashing-omIarfen: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/07/24/developing-ubuntu-using-git/ . As one other .21:20
thaurwylthDoes right shift on beginning of boot still bring up GRUB menu?21:21
TJ-thaurwylth: Escape key21:22
TJ-thaurwylth: shift would only work on BIOS/legacy boots, not UEFI, so the key go changed. The only issue is you have to tap it, rather than holding it down as you can with shift21:23
thaurwylthI was checking out this old one at ctrl+f ' Black/purple screen after you boot Ubuntu for the first time '  https://askubuntu.com/questions/162075/my-computer-boots-to-a-black-screen-what-options-do-i-have-to-fix-it21:23
thaurwylthOkey, is it hard to guess the correct moment to do it?21:24
TJ-thaurwylth: tap like mad as soon as the firmware's POST screens disappear :)21:25
thaurwylthThanks. Not a problem right now but I'm recalling myself these things for the future.21:26
thaurwylthI guess the last time I needed to fix it was when BIOS systems were still around.21:26
sphaleriteI want to set up an ubuntu chroot on another distro using debootstrap, but I can't find a place to bootstrap the trust for the archive keyring. Is it served via HTTPS somewhere?21:29
TJ-sphalerite: fetch the Ubuntu archive signing cert from a GPG key-server, HTTP fetch the ubuntu-keyring.deb from archive.ubuntu.com, and check the signature with gpg21:32
sphaleriteTJ-: where do I get the ID for the signing cert?21:33
sphaleriteFWIW I found https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/all/ubuntu-keyring/download which lists a SHA256 checksum via HTTPS which I guess will do fine for me21:33
MWMI just did an inplace upgrade from 17.04 to 17.10 (Budgie) and now the top panel is fat... and I cant figure out how to make it "not that way" anymore21:38
TJ-sphalerite: at http://keyserver.ubuntu.com search for "ubuntu archive automatic signing key" and get the 4096/C0B21F32 if you want to do it manually21:38
sphaleriteTJ-: cool thanks21:41
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
SircleHow to add trackpad support and genstures in kubuntu 16.04.3 lts for dell inspiron 755922:02
SircleHow to add trackpad support and genstures in kubuntu 16.04.3 lts for dell inspiron 7559?22:11
StumpDumbHello all, im having some difficulties with writing to an external cdrom, it looks like a problem with wodim. is someone familiar with this issue and know of a fix or work around? Thx22:22
Paprikachuhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/openjdk-9-jdk-headless -- why is this in the official package repository? it's an old early access build...22:22
HorribleProgramYou know what's fucken weird? If I restart from Windows to Ubuntu, the sound won't work. If I restart from Ubuntu to Windows, the sound works, but the time is always 4hrs ahead.22:22
HorribleProgramI guess they don't play well together22:23
HorribleProgramAlso, anyone use Unity with Ubuntu (Unity the game engine)?22:24
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StumpDumbim having some difficulties with writing to an external cdrom, it looks like a problem with wodim. is someone familiar with this issue and know of a fix or work around? Thx22:31
MrSassyPantsWhat happened to vmware-player in ubuntu 17.10 ?22:39
MarkB2In 16.04 there was a large bar on the left of the display.  I installed 17.10, that bar was still there... and I turn on the computer this evening and it's gone.22:40
MarkB2I can't remember what that bar is called.22:40
MarkB2<groan>  --crickets-- ?  What's up there now is an "Applications" header on the top bar.  Left-clicking that produces a drop-down with a Windows XP-style collection of icons to click on.22:46
MarkB2It's the DOCK!  I've lost the DOCK in 17.10 .  How do I get the dock back?22:56
MonkeyDustMarkB2  HUD, or simply the launch bar22:58
MarkB2Okay, I'll buy that.  It's missing.22:59
MarkB2My desktop now looks like a Raspberry Pi!  <yow>23:01
=== pauljw_ghostbsd is now known as pauljw
=== coffeeguy is now known as zendude
Sirclemy laptop hardware inspiron 7559 does not supports ubuntu well. What options do I have? Use vbox on top of windows? any other?23:11
Bashing-omSircle: https://xubuntu.org/download .23:15
Sirclemy laptop hardware inspiron 7559 does not supports ubuntu well. What options do I have? Use vbox on top of windows? any other?23:16
SircleBashing-om:  I have no problems in downloading23:16
debsanSircle, https://connorkuehl.github.io/dell-inspiron-7559-linux-guide/23:16
Sircledebsan:  should I just go with virtualization?23:17
tomreynSircle: what makes you think it's not supporting (ubuntu) linux well?23:18
Sircletomreyn:  does not shuts down, no trackpad gestures and smoothness like windows,23:19
Sircletomreyn:  resolution issues but can be dealt23:19
tomreynSircle: ok, trackpad gestures are a rather specific feature. maybe you should sell it and buy some hardware which is known to be well supported then.23:20
Sircletomreyn: with vbox, all of it will be gone23:20
Sircletomreyn:  I just bought today. can't sell.23:21
tomreynwell then i guess you can maybe return it?23:21
tomreynrunning your main OS virtualized is not exactly convenient23:22
Sirclelong story it is.. got to ride it now23:22
tomreyni guess i'd work on lowering my expectatrions then23:22
tomreynand work on improving support for the hardware if that's something you can do23:23
Sircletomreyn:  convenient or efficient?   It will be convinient though as I won't have to install the same on every of my computer (or at upgrades). One usb portable will do all for me (that having the vbox vm file)23:23
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
tomreynyou'll have toi do pci / usb passthrough for all externally attached devices you want to use on linux, you'll have not much fun working with >1 monitor, and you'll have more complexity.23:25
tomreynanyways, up to you.23:25
tomreynpersonally i would never consider trackpad gestures a mandatory feature23:26
Sircletomreyn:  hm23:26
SircleI wonder why it does not shuts down. I think I have to go through your link23:27
tomreynoh so you have not even made attempts to make things work?23:28
Sirclefor this:  https://connorkuehl.github.io/dell-inspiron-7559-linux-guide/ no23:28
tomreyni didnt post said link, but for me it was the first result on a web search, too23:28
tomreyn"ubuntu trackpad gestures" also has some23:28
CarlFKhow do I tell what res monitors I can hook up to a laptop?  I was expecting xrandr --prop --verbose to do it, but nope: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25890461/23:36
MarkB2There is an icon that looks like a file cabinet.  It shows up in Applications-->Preferences-->File Manager.  I'm trying find that icon... and have no idea what it's name is.  Please, a hint?23:41
asarchCan you do smartcl --test=long on a USB 3.0 stick?23:43
allizomMarkB2: are you referring to nautilus? Icons are in /usr/share/icons23:48
kirkobangrichard stallman hates ubuntu because of the amazon shiet. Should i change distro23:48
MarkB2allizom: That's where I've been looking... but the file cabinet icon is hiding somewhere...23:49
allizomjust search for "nautilus" there, with nautilus :P23:49
MarkB2&$#$% It's an SVG file, not PNG <grrr>23:51
MarkB2In my install of 17.10, the dock was on the left... and that was fine.  I turned off the 'puter, took a nap, woke, turned it back on.. and the dock is gone.23:52
bloopubuntu 16.04 + nvidia 340 or nvidia 304 are totally busted for nvidia gt geforce 240m machines23:56
bloopnvidia 304 doesn't register mouse clicks in the window manager23:56
bloopand nvidia 340 randomly crashes23:57
blooprandomly freezes and turns black and crashes23:57
bloopall nvidia drivers for gt geforce 240m ought to be removed if they do not work23:57

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