
=== Spydar is now known as Guest7945
=== markthomas_ is now known as markthomas
=== teward_ is now known as teward
=== souther_ is now known as souther
fabio_ccel, hi20:45
fabio_ccI've seen that now the #ubuntu-it-touch and #ubuntu-it-phone founder is UbuntuIrcCouncil. Now what needs to be done?20:46
elfabio_cc: hi i've been waiting to talk to you but kept missing you. are people going to them at all?21:00
elwe don't know if they need forwarding or just shutting down21:00
fabio_ccel, no one uses those channels. We do not need those channels because they are useless21:07
fabio_ccel, just shutting down21:07
fabio_ccel, now I have to go, see you tomorrow, bye :)22:32
elok see you, we'll get around to the thing eventually22:32
fabio_ccel, ok22:32

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